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tv   [untitled]    June 11, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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they say that take this speaker for commenting, don't take that one, cover this event, don't cover this event, what do you think, if karandeev didn't know about it, could it have been the artistic amateur act of the former head of ukrinform, well, actually, maybe on him this is all going to stop, look, thanks for the question about censorship, because this really needs to be sorted out, because there is a lot. uh, there are such general judgments that go against the law, because if you don't know how to do it, do it according to the law. paragraph one: the constitution of ukraine clearly writes, the constitution says, yes, that censorship is prohibited in ukraine period. no civilian, military, military, gendarmerie, no, prohibited. what, censorship, what, i'm sorry, the constitution.
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allows, it allows restrictions on the distribution of certain information, and restrictions by law, this is very important, not by the cabinet of ministers, not by the chairman of the verkhovna rada, not by the matsuka, not by the president's office, not by an adviser to the president's office, by law, in ukraine there is a so-called 3+1 principle, which in our country, it is prohibited by law, three is something that directly relates to war, it is a criminal act in ukraine spread information about the combat work of the defense forces, about the location of the defense forces and about the movement of the defense forces, that is why they say, they saw the work of the air defense forces, well done, remember, tell your children and grandchildren, but do not film and do not spread, because this is the dissemination of combat work, a criminal offense and so on, plus one - it's posh. what yaroslav
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briefly spoke about is the spread of messages that agree with the aggressor state. what it is? it is a justification of aggression, it is a justification of the ideology of the russian world, it is a praise of the forces of the aggressor and so on. there is a different responsibility there, from criminal to administrative, to prohibition organizations, and so on. but that's all. everything else, sorry, is a matter of spreading information and a healthy atmosphere. "i'm glad that all of us here, regardless of party flags, agreed that a healthy criticism that offers alternatives is necessary, because all the examples you gave, mr. serhiy, and that prosecutor, forgive me, and that matsuka, and everything else , they have one very important thing in common, they are based on facts, it is not conjectures, these are not lies, these are facts that should be investigated by law enforcement agencies, that's why colleagues called the articles. the criminal code
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and so on, all this must work law enforcement system, and if it does not work, then this is the subject of justified criticism both in ukraine and abroad, because i'm sorry, when the espresso channel, as well as the direct and the fifth channels is non-digital broadcasting, it is illegal, because there is no law, no decree, and even a reference to any decrees on the unification of information powers there. further do not provide for disconnection of channels. moreover, colleagues, ukraine is joining the eu and nato. and on the one hand, the european council, discussing the issue of allocating 50 billion euros to ukraine, clearly indicated that the disconnection of three channels is a problem. the united states state department has also identified this as a problem. therefore, all this will have to be corrected. the only question is, at what price and what else. ukraine will pay in the postponement
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of aid, in the fall of its image and other things, other things, which, unfortunately, are now paid for with the blood of our defenders, it all depends, i'm sorry, on the responsibility of the authorities, so in i have a huge request to those who make decisions in ukraine, just understand one thing: ukraine is going to the eu and nato, and society will not let you deviate from this course, so all your censorship will become me... obvious, and your corruption will also become obvious, so you better just get used to the new rules. thank you, mr. rostislav, mr. oleksandr, you communicate quite actively with our western partners, how do they feel about what is happening in the media, in the press, in particular with the scandals regarding ukrinform and the disconnection of tv channels, or often our western partners say that... despite all the foundations of democracy and freedom
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of speech, they should be cornerstones in a democratic country, which is ukraine? well, these are the specific questions. did not discuss with western partners or with western colleagues, because we are mainly talking about other issues related to the provision of military-technical assistance, support to ukraine and so on, but we all understand that, for example, if we take nato, it is necessary to understand that nato, as written in solid scientific monographs, is also an organization that is united around certain values, including such values ​​as human rights and democracy. as the rule of law, this applies to the european union as well, i.e. the issue of freedom of speech, the issue of criticism - this is an integral component of both the legal system of the european union and the values ​​of nato. that is, if we
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really claim full participation, membership in these organizations, we need to have the necessary high level of human rights protection, if there are any... events or situations related to the violation of freedom of speech and so on, you have to defend this right, you have to fight, you have to contact law enforcement agencies, go to court and so on, i believe that this is not only a right, it is a civil duty of every person, including a journalist, to protect his law, it's normal, it's democracy, and obviously, it's the government's obligation to ensure law. and access to information and not to limit mass media, because well, with all due respect to the judicial system and to appeals to the courts, but we understand that, in principle, the problem is not that through the court to assert the right there espresso should be in t-2, and the right to justice,
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which should be and which will be, should be renewed in relation to the express and in relation to the fifth channel and in relation to direct. well, we will wait for a decision in principle from the authorities, i think that the authorities will still hear us. one more topic, gentlemen, is quite relevant, this is the conference on the restoration of ukraine, it began today in berlin, the day before mustafa naim loudly slammed the door, and he wrote a statement from the position of the head of the agency for the restoration of ukraine, he said that shmyhal, the prime the prime minister of ukraine is sabotaging, or shall we say. let's put it this way, he did everything to ensure that the agency did not fulfill its duties, did not implement projects, and two more of mustafa's deputies left and also resigned, but
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we can only see the reaction of shmyhal, who says that, in fact, mustafa did not leave to berlin, because there will be a report from him on june 12 and that's all... have we heard enough arguments in this situation, taking into account the fact that the conference on the restoration of ukraine is important, and the agency headed by mustafa is still leading mustafa, it is key in restoration of ukraine, and it looks like this to our western partners, that the minister from germany was traveling, she could not meet with kubrakov, because he was unexpectedly sent to resign, now mustafa nayemnyi. could leave the country, because the prime minister was against it. mr. rostislav, do you understand what is happening now in the government and in the central authorities and why it is happening, how it affects the atmosphere of our cooperation with western
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partners, especially on the day when an important conference is taking place in berlin, see well, of course, there is nothing good in this, because today we have seen very good, yes, good ones, this is on the first day, it is logical, statements, we have heard about promises of extending military aid, extending economic aid, but the president to the european commission, uzholo vanderlein said perhaps the key phrase today, that even the allocation of the aid that was discussed today, it operates according to the logic and formula of reform for money or money for reforms, and what is it? colleagues will not let you lie, last week the verkhovna rada agreed, having ratified the document, which provides for specific points, specific indicators that ukraine must achieve in the issue of freedom of speech, by the way, and in the issue of
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the rule of law, and in the issue of fighting corruption, and in the issue of the effectiveness of self- government, because for me , by the way, the fight against corruption is also a question of management efficiency, because corruption kills this efficiency. kills the belief in justice and kills the proper distribution of resources, so it can be said that this atmosphere, as you say, that has been created, it is obviously unhealthy. because partners are no longer just shouting or saying somewhere on the sidelines or in meetings, but now you have a video series going, and they are writing in documents, and there is a resolution of the european parliament, which is generally aimed at supporting ukraine, there the right things are written about the aggressor, who such is putin, where should he go and so on, but it is also about the fact that ukraine should use all opportunities and resources in order to... its position, and when it comes to the point that the head of the relevant agency
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is forced to talk about his resignation on the eve of the conference, well, it’s definitely not cool when they write to him by hand in disagreement, although the apparatus there prepared the opposite resolution, so obviously these things could be worked out in the working order, understand who and how conducts conversations with partners, go through the work component and then yes... make some personnel conclusions, if they are important, and after all, mustafa made his statement yesterday, yes, the day before, and kubrakov, yes, well, sorry, more than a week has passed since he was dismissed, but who instead deals with these decisions, with whom to talk to the authorities instead, it seems to me that this is a completely irresponsible approach, what they say to you, they are all to blame for us, and therefore somehow it will happen, well, forget it, because the fact that ukraine, thank god, and to things, the armed forces should be thanked the most. that ukraine has achieved the fact that it will now conduct negotiations with the european union on
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membership, it must be understood that in the future there will be no concessions, that in the future we will not be able to say that someone owes us and so on, we are forced to conduct the conversation professionally, and part of a professional conversation is to make it clear to our partners that all the authorities and the opposition speak with one voice, that there will be no... travel restrictions, including those of the authorities and opposition deputies, this problem concerns almost the entire parliament, that there will be no such surprises in the authorities , because, unfortunately, it just shows that, well, as the partners like to say, you still need to do your homework, you know, it's counterproductive when such a signal is sent, instead of the fact that all of ukraine is united in that we go to europe and defend our right to exist. mr. oleksandr, but... there are really such serious complaints against mustafa nayem and
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oleksandr kubrakov that this has already led to the resignation of one and to the near resignation of the other, because he wrote a statement of resignation, i mean mustafa nayem, so that our viewers somehow understood why this is happening, if mustafa nayem in this situation should not be responsible for the dispute there. fortifications and defensive structures on a thesis and a gesture, why did he make this statement on the eve of the restoration of the forum on the restoration of ukraine, so what, what, how do you see from the inside this whole story? well, the fact is that i personally do not have any complaints against specific individuals, but the fact that there are personnel changes, especially during the war, this is perhaps a normal phenomenon, and each, each... i think it should be considered separately and to look for a reason, specific reasons, but i believe that if you
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are an official and occupy a responsible position, then you have a choice: either you implement what you believe in, implement your program, defend your principles, or you simply capitulate and you are retiring, that is each person decides in his own way, this is the right of each official, it seems to me that if a person... really believes in what he is doing, then he must fight to the end and must, well, choose his right, implement his program. and we have yaroslav yurchyshyn on the phone, because we had some communication problems. mr. yaroslav, you obviously know this story with mustafa nayem in more detail and what are the representatives of non-governmental forces saying? and anti-corruption forces, what, what they say, who is right and who is wrong in this situation, and
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who put an end to this conflict that has started, and we are witnesses of this conflict, who, who should put an end to it, well, it is the full responsibility of the government, to take such steps on the eve of the conference, to provoke, well, actually a demonstration. "the unity of the ukrainian team, well, in my opinion, at least short-sighted, but at the same time, well, we can hear the positive there." to assess from the point of view of the anti-corruption or recovery organizations there, but that will be their focus, and we hear the government's own position that there is a critical need performance report to see the actual focus from this side, but the biggest problem
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is that we went as a country to... on recovery, without a profile minister, aa without actually a profile administrator of the recovery process, while the profile administrator of the process restoration until recently mustafa nayem, well, he publicly stated that he was being put into the wheel, well, again , such a strange situation is emerging that there we, as ukrainians, will never lose the chance to bend... from dispersal on a rake, is it really necessary there reporting and reinforcement by the team that is engaged in the restoration of the person from the point of view of professionalism, well, it looks like it is, because it is unlikely that anyone, including you, will agree that we are all right with this process. in principle, if we follow even the logic of what is happening in
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the country, we started talking about this recovery early enough, and we almost... if it were possible and for a trap at a time when we critically need it, and here is mr. mareshko very clearly noted that all our conversations with international partners actually begin and end with weapons, it is critical for us to survive, and in this moment, and actually a demonstration of unity, there may be some misunderstandings, there may be some personal or organizational problems, but if we understand that we are preparing a conference that is critically important for our international partners to understand, what and how, and in what way will the funds be invested in the restoration, how will we guarantee their effective use, how will we guarantee their control,
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and well, at this moment actually starting personnel changes, well, at least not far. apparently therefore, i think that it significantly affected the efficiency, it is very positive that we went with bare hands, the ukrainian facility plan, that is, the plan of our activities, which are really very connected, but there are gains, we receive help, there are no gains, well, we will have to wait, this is very good, here the ministry of economy of all experts can be congratulated. of course, there is no limit to perfection, it is possible to improve there, but this is something that was critically necessary to show, well, now our task is to promptly show who will implement this plan, that's the first thing a huge component related to regional development, infrastructure, and recovery in general, now in any case the ball is in the court of the majority in the court of the government
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team itself, and we really hope that it is not for... kubrakov and mustafa nayem, because well, this is a huge problem, when international partners do not know with whom they should coordinate their actions. thank you, mr. yaroslav, president zelensky during the conference on the recovery of ukraine in berlin, called for investment and assistance to kyiv in the recovery of the energy sector. let's listen to what the president said of ukraine. as a result of the strikes of russian missiles and drones, 9 gw of power have already been destroyed, despite the fact that the peak of energy consumption in ukraine last winter was 18 gw, so half of it is now gone. in the shorter term, we must also implement a quick and inexpensive restoration of all energy facilities that can
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be restored now. until winter. it. so important until the winter in the next three to four months, we know how to ensure it, we are asking you for equipment from your, by the way, stopped power plants and direct financial support, it will allow to react to the situation here and now. according to zelenskyi, ukraine , with the help of partners, plans to build up to 1 gas shunting plant this year. in the coming years, mr. oleksandr, does this mean that this is a question of recovery and recovery in ukraine, it will also be. central both in the verkhovna rada and in the government, because it seems that in front of investors, it is clear that the president of ukraine has stated that such help is necessary, but
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how will events develop, what will the government do and what will the president do ukraine obviously still needs an explanation within the state, well, of course, this is a matter of the country's survival. life of our economy and people, we remember how the last winter was, how difficult it was, and we are on the threshold of a new winter, which may be even more difficult, but the verkhovna rada, the legislators are trying to do everything possible, just like the legislators for to protect the country in this regard, to restore our energy potential, because it is literally about the survival of people. thank you, mr. alexander, sir rostyslav, do you think that in the current situation, the current team should
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still announce the creation of a government of national unity, because the situation is critical enough, we can see that flying is already happening, that we have problems with electricity supply, and obviously, this story will be long, and not one month, and not one year, when... we will renew our energy capabilities, is the creation of a broad political coalition a solution in this situation, you keep talking about the fact that we all have to everyone should unite unite, and then it turns out that actually you want to unite, you are not really expected there in this broad coalition, look, of course, european solidarity advocates the creation of both a broad coalition of victory and a government. of national unity and salvation, among other things, last year independent experts and journalists began to talk about it, offering politicians such a way out, based on the experience, well, not only
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of israel, because it is simply popular, because it is in front of our eyes, but it is actually a formula for democratic countries, so that again what the european parliament tells us, to unite and use all the opportunities and resources of ukraine so that all specialists. to throw all our forces at one thing for victory, because we are at war, we have to survive and win, and after all, we had the experience of february, march , 22nd year, when the advisers of the office went somewhere and did not interfere, and here again colleagues, i think , will confirm here that it was a time of consensus democracy, when we simply argued to our heart's content, discussed decisions in the format. there were different working groups, coordinating councils and so on, there was no unity in the hall, because everything was discussed, everything was brought together, and you know, the main part of these decisions
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works to this day, because they were actually taken in order for the country to live, and we strongly urge you to use this experience even now. the second story, you know, today is still seven years since the start of visa-free work, and visa liberalization, i remember that before it became possible... from 15 to 17, the government, the verkhovna rada, and the then president worked on plan and 144 points, very specific, from the introduction of biopassports to the creation of anti-corruption infrastructure, and this gave concrete result, now we have adopted, agreed yes to the plan for the introduction of the facility, so colleagues said the plan to help ukraine, but it requires this unification of everyone again. and all forces, and therefore here, sorry, the servant of the people should stop pretending that they have a monomajority, this has not been the case for a long time, there is such an ad hoc coalition of various
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forces working, depending on what issues are being considered, but during the conciliation council, the representative the servant of the people says, we will not consider it, we have a formal majority of votes, so no veto, we will not consider it and the questions fall away, but this must stop, the spirit must be restored november, i'm sorry march february 22nd year. well, it is desirable, of course, without the conditions that existed then, and the conclusion of this should be the formation of this unity government, which would combine the capabilities of all political forces, and this will definitely contribute to our victory. thank you, mr. rostislav, rostislav pavlenko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and oleksandr mereshko were guests of our program today. gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. i will remind our viewers that throughout our broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you about such things, whether it is acceptable to criticize. power during the war, let's look at the results of the television poll: 91% yes, 9% no, on the youtube channel, we also have...
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our own poll is coming to an end 90% yes and 10% - no, these are the results of our poll today, friends, do not forget to like this video if you watch us on youtube or on facebook, so that this conversation progresses in the trends of youtube and facebook, and come to the verdict tomorrow at 20:00 there will be new guests, there will be new topics, i say goodbye to you, the program was conducted by serhiy. rudenko, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. walk up the stairs, not with my knees, from pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream it lasts, you can even
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, there, i don’t know, he’ll probably get to sobachok soon , and i had to somehow explain, and what kind of attention is this to the kadyrov family, and that’s why kadyrov started the week by saying that wrote how this pocket unit of his , akhmat, captured a village in the sumy region, of course, he did not capture anything there, moreover, this very unit of akhmat is known for the fact that they... basically do tick-tocks somewhere far in the rear or they act as a fence for her squad in the event that there, well, it is necessary to force others mobilized there or prisoners there to fight, and they are always on the second line, but here and there they took a picture, well, and kadyrov himself wrote in a telegram that they are something there they captured the custom.


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