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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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capacity already this year, i emphasize again: we need to talk not only about prospects, we need to solve problems today. also , in an interview with myroslava gangadze for voices of america, the head of ukrenergo volodymyr kudrytskyi said that in 3-4 months it is necessary to restore the energy sector, and he admitted that for this it is necessary to create a favorable investment environment in ukraine. the main task for us, for the state, is to restore generating capacity as much as possible. it will not be possible to restore them to 100% before winter. we have to understand it, but how much perhaps we need to restore the damaged district heating and hydroelectric plants. we need air defenses to protect what will be restored, but at the same time we... need
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to start deploying new generating capacity in ukraine as soon as possible because at some point we will not be able to restore the same power plants that are being bombed over and over again. together with the energy regulator, we are creating an economic environment that would reward these investments in new power plants that should earn more than european counterparts. therefore, ukraine should be at a premium. market for these investors because otherwise they would not invest in this risky place and these economic conditions are already in place. yesterday we spoke with more than 20 companies from ukraine and abroad, from germany, the usa and other countries, and they are ready to deploy up to 1 g of new generating capacity in ukraine, wind power plants, flexible gas power plants, battery storage systems, all these new technologies that we really... thank you
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very much oksana, it was oksana bodratenko, our economic columnist, we talked about whether western partners can help restore the ukrainian energy system. we will talk more about this, as well as expectations from the summit in groups, in the following programs. thank you, oksana. thank you, julia. the united states lifted the ban on the transfer of american weapons to the azov battalion. this information was confirmed by voice of america by a representative of the us state department. tim sometimes we continue to discuss the topic of lifting another ban on the use of the american one weapons for certain strikes on the territory of russia. our pentagon correspondent karla babb spoke with former head of us central command , retired general frank mckenzie , about how strikes against russia could change the rules of war and the impact the f-16 fighter jets will have on the battlefield. the fight against idil was largely ... successful because the united
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states and its partners were able to go into syria where the fight was taking place. experts say that the struggle in afghanistan has largely failed because the united states has failed operate across the border in pakistan. now we have a similar situation with russian troops shelling ukraine from russian territory. what do you think about it? yes, but with certain limitations. i don't necessarily think about geographical distance. i wouldn't say don't shoot beyond 10 miles. deep into russia, i have no idea what arrangements we have, but i would say that we need to be very careful not to attack russian nuclear facilities, russian nuclear command posts, etc. other than that, i would say that we should give ukraine some flexibility in terms of where they go strike inside russia, because, as you said earlier, you cannot give the russians a safe zone. conventional russian command posts, logistics and other formations are truly out of danger. i believe that this has significantly harmed. serious
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efforts were made to provide ukraine with f-16 capabilities. i know you can't talk specifically about the f-16 for ukraine, but can you talk about how important air superiority is in general in combat and do you think the f-16 can make a difference? what is needed here remember? when you see a picture of an f-16 on the ground... it's a beautiful plane, but when you see a picture of an american b-16 on the ground, it's not just a plane, it's a pilot who has gone through years of training to get behind the wheel of that plane and has many years of canvas experience. it is also an air combat management system from the united states. so this plane takes off. it is managed by an interconnected command and control network that ensures the aircraft is in the best possible position for combat. we see the battlefield, we feel the battlefield, and the f-16 is there part of this great mosaic. suppressing
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enemy air defenses doesn't allow you to shoot down a plane, so it's a lot more than just a plane, so when we talk about launching at 16 we really need to think about what we've done to help with all the... other necessary components for the success of this the plane in the united states, again, it's a complex, deep, interconnected network of assets that is unique to us and our nato partners. i think we will share something with the ukrainians, but it is more than just an airplane. so we really have to, i think we do, provide the training and the unique tools to use this aircraft effectively. if this is not done, this plane will be shot down quite quickly. how big of an impact will it have? can have a significant impact, especially if you allow strikes on russian territory. presumably that would allow it to hit russian aircraft dropping guided bombs and whatnot deep into ukraine, so i think it would have an effect. last friday , the dutch government announced that it would invest 400 million euros in
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production of cv90 combat vehicles for ukraine, an initiative in which denmark and sweden also participate. more brand new cv90s are provided in the latest military aid package from. stockholm. at the same time, several dozen bmps of older cv-90 models have been operating in combat in ukraine since the 23rd year. anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolskyi will tell how swedish bmps are used in donbas, what are their advantages. cv-90 infantry fighting vehicles entered service with the 21st separate mechanized brigade in the summer of 2023. the commander of this bmp with a call sign. before the invasion the russian worked in poland in construction, and returned to protect his daughter first of all. when i found out through the internet that the enemy had attacked us, i started shelling. i immediately called the child, the closest thing
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there is at the moment, she says: dad, they are shooting at us. bmp cv90 infantry vehicles that can both transport troops and attack enemy tanks. these bmps have been in service in sweden since... 993 in ukraine since the summer of 2023. the strong armor of swedish bmps allows you to work under conditions of artillery fire and drone attacks, says the chief of staff of the battalion with the call sign samurai. she is maneuverable on the battlefield. her next such perspective and advantage is her armor. that is, crews will not be allowed to crash when shelling is carried out. and sivishka may not suffer so much from fragmentary defeats. from artillery, from firecrackers, from lancets. the 21-year-old samurai, a graduate of the odesa military academy, has been fighting in donbas for over a year. in the conditions of a drone war , the cv90 allows transporting infantry more safely and comfortably, compared to soviet bmps, the officer says. that is
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six infantrymen can comfortably sit here, put some bc, water, food in the center and drive to the unloading point. and from there. work out your tasks, the thermal imager allows you to move freely with this machine even at night, the barracuda camouflage system protects the cv90 from the enemy's thermal imager. the swedish bmp is equipped with an automatic cannon, which effectively turns it into a light tank, so it can strike back at enemy tanks, or work in tandem with other tanks, such as the german leopards. the first combatant the task of the kip bmp commander in donbas. it was an attack mission, we had to go, fire hotly at our enemy, there was a box in front that knew the way, two older brothers were walking behind and we were going, we had four cars, we were going there, we had to drive in, some had , the elder brother was supposed
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to cover us from the right flank, the second from behind, and we were supposed to give them a little time and run back, the commander introduced us from the drone, he said a little forward, a little forward, a little forward, a little lower, a little further, he corrected us. and we eat were poured there and they fled from there, we were accompanied by the 120th and met everything they had in the same way, it flew to us within the radius of our square. during the creation of the cv-90 , the active suspension technology developed for formula 1 cars was used. this makes the car all-terrain, say the military. rubber inserts in the tracks significantly reduce the noise level during movement, which contributes to the possibility of catching the opponent. unexpectedly in the summer of 2023, ukraine and sweden agreed on the joint production of cv-90 infantry fighting vehicles. in general, released in the world more than 1200 such machines of various modifications. in addition to sweden, they are in service in finland, denmark, norway and the netherlands. about 50
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of them work in ukraine. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from donetsk region. the son of the us president , hunter biden, was found guilty on all three charges related to the purchase. revolver of 2018. jurors concluded that he violated laws designed to prevent drug addicts from possessing firearms. hunter biden was found guilty of perjury weapon, indicating in the questionnaire that he did not use drugs at the time of purchasing the weapon and illegally possessed the weapon for 11 days. currently, the son of the president faces up to 25 years in prison, and given the lack of criminal history of hunter biden, he is unlikely to be sentenced to a significant term. and it is not known whether he will be behind bars at all. joe biden has already responded to the verdict, saying that he is
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the president but also a father, and that he and jill love gunter and are proud of the man he is today. the president pointed out that many american families are going through history dependencies of their loved ones. he said that hunter biden is considering the option of filing an appeal, but the president emphasized that whatever the outcome of this case, he will accept it with respect for the justice process. and to others. court cases donald trump, the de facto candidate for the presidency of the united states, previously announced that he would appeal the decision of the court in new york, where the jury found him guilty on 304 charges. the case concerns the falsification of business reports and the payment of hush money to a porn actress on the eve of the 2016 presidential election. about iryna shinkarenko will tell about the prospects of the former president's appeal and whether they can cancel the verdict handed down to him before the election day. donald trump said at the end of may in the courtroom in new york that the judge was
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unfair to him, and now he has enough grounds to appeal the sentence. so we're going to challenge this fraud, we're going to challenge it on many different fronts. he wouldn't let us have witnesses, he wouldn't let us speak, he wouldn't let us do anything. the judge was a tyrant. trump was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal payments for illegal purposes. influence on the 2016 elections. trump says the trial was rigged by supporters of president joe biden. biden says trump's conviction proves that everyone is equal before the law. he will now have the opportunity, as he should, to challenge this decision just like everyone else. that's the way the american justice system works, and it's reckless, it's dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say it was rigged just because it wasn't like the verdict. trump's lawyers may begin their appeal by asking whether the law under which the case was brought
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was too vague, says law professor abby smith. is the law itself so broad or ambiguous that it could cast too wide a net, and the people caught in that net did not know exactly what they were dealing with, did not understand what the law prohibited and what it allowed, given its wording. smith says, then the lawyers. can find out whether the judge allowed the prosecution to present evidence, which he should not have allowed, or , conversely, prevented the defense from presenting evidence that he should have allowed. when we wanted to do something, he didn't allow it, he didn't let us do it, and when the authorities wanted something, they got everything, they got everything they wanted. trump may also file an appeal on the grounds of ineffectiveness of counsel. i believe that incapacity is possible. attorney's challenge to stormy daniels' testimony that the sexual relationship between her and trump
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was anything other than consensual may be a favorable basis for an appeal efficiency of the lawyer. whatever their strategies, trump and his lawyers are unlikely to appeal before the judge's sentencing decision, which is expected on july 11, said legal expert david shapiro. he is likely to await sentencing. that way he and his lawyers will have. a full picture of what he is at risk of, instead of doing it in stages, which among other things burns trump's financial resources and, in fact, does not materially benefit his cause. a decision on the appeal is unlikely to come before the day elections - says smith. this is not a quick process. even if the appeals court were to treat this case as special and urgent because of the presidential election, i still don't think it will happen until november. is not overturned by election day, trump would become the first person convicted of a felony
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to run for president from one of the two major us parties. iryna shynkarenko, scott stearns, voice of america. at the end of may, two years have passed since the end of the battle for mariupol. ukraine and the world still have fragmentary information about the real the scale of the tragedy. vladyslav pyatin ponomarenko was 16 years old at the time of the siege. he dreamed of becoming a journalist and film director, so he picked up the phone and went to film his wounded city. vladyslav filmed almost every day when... the siege ended, he managed to get out of the city together with his mother and younger brother, almost immediately he started working with videos and made the first version of a documentary about his mariupol, since then vlad shows it at various festivals and events , his story will be told by iryna solomko. hello everyone
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from mariupol, battles are going on, and we sit and eat. what 's it called, bagels, bagels, ukrainians are invincible, let's hold on, but it's not what we heard, it's still toys, when the full-scale invasion of nomorenk began, vladyslav pyatin was 16, he was a representative of the pro-ukrainian youth of the city, he knew and spoke ukrainian , played ukrainian. in the theater, was interested in politics and dreamed of journalism, he says, he felt the approach of a great war. i very well remember the evening of february 21, when i was returning from a rehearsal at the theater and met my father at the entrance, and just on the trolley i watched putin announce the independence of the so-called dpr, and then
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i realized that if it is not a matter of hours, it is a matter of days, and... i suggested to my father, let's buy some food, some stock, he said: no it can be like this. at first, we blogged, vladyslav started keeping a diary, where he recorded in detail all the events of their lives and shelling. he remained in the city captured by the russians. at the same time, vladyslav started filming a documentary film. he says it gave him the strength to survive. it was not easy to be afraid time, i had to find food, i had to find water, i had to follow my younger brother and i had to... i had to film it, so that later i could either show this story live, which thank god i'm doing now, or if god forbid, i will die, someone will find it and be able to tell the story of not only the city, but probably the story of my family and my home. vladistav's father helped lift the siege of mariupol, they saw how many people were killed by snipers and understood all the risks.
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it was just in my eyes: if you want to become a film director, journalist there, do it, and i a lot. in the film, there are dangerous shots when i was shooting from the balcony, and i understood that i am a target, i am a target for someone, someone somewhere is looking at me and sees me, it was also scary to shoot when the city was already occupied, there are shots where i am walking near the drama theater bombed out, i shoot a drama theater and speak ukrainian, well , again, it was scary, i must have felt it somehow, you know, it's like... you see the goal and just go to it, and that's how i expressed my hatred, hatred for katsapi. vladyslav with his family and neighbors for almost a month lived in a basement, constant shelling destroyed most of the houses around, had to fly to a neighbor's apartment, there was almost no food and water, it was water from pipes, it was water from batteries, it was rainwater, it was,
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listen, and snow, yes were going we melted the snow, what will we add, it was like that, some days we ate one flatbread, just a flour flatbread, that's all, and we had some food left over from pre-war life, today is the 23rd day, the 23rd day of the blockade of mariupol, in apartment +3, i don't know how many on the street, we are preparing dinner in the basement, we have potatoes uniforms, salko and melted cheese, and it will be very tasty, some neighbors after the buzz. they collected some products in the store and brought them home, and then we distributed them, but we ate very little, for sure, the first month after i left mariupol, i just collected everything i saw. there is a favorite moment in vladyslav's film, when he and his father finally come out of the basement and go to the well to get water, and it's just a destroyed city,
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he goes down, collects water, he even grew a mustache, like taras shevchenko's as a sign protest it was generally tiring, but scary, to be honest, for him, and this, this moment of the film, it shows visually, you know, with a certain metaphor, that life goes on, we have to continue to survive. vladyslav regrets that not all the moments he wanted to document were captured. unfortunately, i was not able to shoot the material when the chechens arrived, climbed into the car and began to steal it. food from the hangars and take it off and shout the sloppy dogs are eating. it was a huge risk to take the diary from mariupol to shoot a video. part of the video is a guy from... uploaded a part to the internet on a flash drive. there is a weak internet, there are a lot of people standing russian military, and i am sending literal evidence of how they are destroying the city. to reduce the risk
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of the flash drive being found, vladyslav hid it in his underwear and took part in the so -called demonstrative evacuation with his mother. we started looking for ways to leave the city without filtering, demonstration evacuations for children and women, everything, and other ways to spread filtering, but i understood with this footage. in russia, vlad and his mother and brother waited until he could leave mariupol father. when this happened, russian volunteers helped the family leave for estonia. the guy made the first version of the film when he was in russia. at the same time, i showed the tape to the visitors of the prestigious european exhibition documenta 15 for the first time. i wanted them to see this story, the story of survival, the story of tears, pain, so that they... would continue to support ukraine, so that they would understand why it is necessary to support ukraine, but i also understood that in addition to sadness and sympathy, i would like to see in their eyes to they were inspired, inspired by life, so that
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they understand that the life of one person can end tomorrow, appreciate it. now vlad lives in ireland, where he entered the directing faculty of the local university. in the future, i want to make a lot of films. and about the war, about the wars that, unfortunately, will happen, and about the history of people, why, to tell the history of people, to show what people feel and to motivate people. vlad still maintains contact with those who remained in his hometown, he says, many even from the occupation helps ukraine and is waiting for liberation, yevlad dreams of it, he says, after the liberation of the city, he would like to take part in the restoration of his native mariupol, but he will not be able to live... from new york eryna solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. and that 's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america, in ukrainian. see you tomorrow, all the best,
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on exodoril 15% solution in pharmacies plantain for you and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. attacks drones to moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand
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the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, switch on and switch on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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today in the program verdict with serhiy rudenko, to help everyone in whatever way possible, at
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the conference on... the restoration of ukraine in berlin, they are discussing the strengthening of ukrainian air defense and the reconstruction of the energy infrastructure, or won't government quarrels prevent work with western partners? inaugural summit without russia, world leaders at a peace conference in switzerland this week will consider a limited range of questions: at what stage and in what status to the peace process? an aggressor country may be involved. the world must listen. experts warn western allies that putin plans to spread the war to all of europe. what is behind the attempts of the kremlin dictator to renounce further usurping intentions. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. in the first part of our program, we will have the politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny as our guest, we will talk with him about the recovery summit in, or rather, the conference on the recovery of ukraine in germany, about the global peace summit in switzerland, which will begin. next saturday and sunday, and we will talk about the prospects of ending the war in ukraine and the intentions of our western partners. in the second part of our the program will be people's deputies of ukraine, oleksandr mereshko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and rostislav pavlenko. let's talk about who and why is trying to censor media in ukraine about democracy, about what? and as
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both politicians and journalists must say during a large-scale invasion, in short, we have a lot of topics to talk about. however, before starting our big conversation about the main thing, let's watch a video of how fighters of the 36th separate brigade of marines named after rear admiral mykhailo bilinskyi showed how a russian bmp detonates equipment, knocked out fighters for help... near vovchansk, let's watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout the broadcast we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether we are allowed to criticize the government during the war, maybe the question is too banal and the answer may be banal, but yes or no, put your marks on youtube and vote. if you are watching. us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think it is acceptable to criticize the government during the war (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382). all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2000, is our guest today.


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