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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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everyone about your donations, about your support for the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, they need drones, these drones will help them see enemy positions in order to send artillery fire there. now you have all the necessary details on your screens, the monobank case, the qr code, if you are facing the screen, the privatbank on the left, and here is this qr code, which is on the left, you scan only if you have the privat-24 application, in this application you find the scanner function and then place the frame on the corresponding black and white square, and the card numbers are also indicated, in addition to all that, during our broadcast you can follow how the qr code will appear on the screen and the card number that will appear on the title, and now i suggest you look at those for whom we are actually collecting, i wish you health, we are the art-reconnaissance fighters of the 100th brigade, we ask you
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to participate in our collection of drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, glory to the nation , death to enemies, dear friends, 25 thousand have already been donated today by our viewers, i i hope there will be more, 26 thousand already, thank you to everyone, in fact, those who count their money today are falling, really falling. you know, this, this spirit of volunteerism, this this strength, nasnaga, to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, but not for the tv channel, not for our audience, which continues to find opportunities to join this war anyway, because you, are you at the front, or you are in the rear, you are still involved in this war, we have no other formula for victory, by the way, mykhailo besarap, a political scientist, said very well recently that he said that to us from that dichotomy, you know that either to die for
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ukraine or to hide from the war, this one is wrong, so to speak, our mobilization, there must be another mobilization, to live for the sake of ukraine in order to win, to fight for the sake of ukraine, well and there must be some kind of setting, and as long as we are alive, we hope and do something for it, this is some kind of active position, i wanted to know what else to say, which is why it is already clear that a little bit of some western help to us. and someone noticed something so strongly. and here we are we ask our military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-2015, ivan stupak, who joins us by phone. mr. ivan, did you notice the attack that took place at night, although i understand that the moskals agreed with the weather with... mom, because at least
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the capital of ukraine was scared a little, because there was thunder and lightning, and the sounds were very similar to explosions. yes, there really was such a story, the children came in at night, they said that it had already arrived by rocket, i said no, no, it will happen in a couple of hours, it was just thunder at first, and then it really the rock and roll had already begun, well, it was really loud, we know that more than half, even 2/3 were shot down, but at least... one iskander hit one of the objects, we won't say which one, we'll guess , it's unpleasant, it's not these russians who aim at secondary objects of russia, so , unfortunately, the war of attrition continues, mr. ivan, but eh, apart from what was thundering in our country, it was thundering in crimea as well, although the ministry of defense this does not confirm to russia, do you know anything about what flew there, where it arrived, come on, the russians say that...
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this morning the helicopters did not fly, as is usual for the russian military, although every morning they are in the air, they patrol the territory, today they were not there, the warships did not come out at all, no warships, boats were seen, what is the reason for this? we don't know, it's a mystery, maybe in a few hours, maybe tomorrow morning we will understand where, what flew, what was hit by our armed forces, but i think 100% there will be such news, here the only question now is the scale, the scale of the hit , ah, also, i will ask about the following bloomberg writes that the americans are going to introduce tough new sanctions to ban the supply of chips, semiconductors and processors to russia so that they can assemble missiles and other high-tech weapons, the agency notes that according to their estimates for the past year, russia... managed to import mostly
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american chips, but which are assembled in hong kong, in china for more than a billion dollars, this is now the biggest hole. in the sanctions list, which allows the russians to collect missiles, which they use right away, then shoot at us, we see that they are already from the 23rd year of production and the 24th year of production, they are fresh, so fresh, this is a problem, and how to solve it now, well, there is no single answer, they cannot say, look, what is the story, microcircuits are sold like macaroni, that's how macaroni flies like chips, control who buys them, okay, maybe the first buyer can set some conditions for him to stay, for example, for at least two years, the company was created so that it would not be registered in russian jurisdiction, that is understandable, but if in russian will use front companies, not front companies, but use
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companies already on the market so that they buy these components for russia on their own behalf, it will be difficult to control, that is, i think that it is possible to make life difficult for the russian military industry, but completely cut off... you supply , i think it is unlikely. in carnegie, the carnegie foundation is very famous in the world and influential ordered a survey in ukraine, a sociological company rated it , and there are very interesting things that you may not like, maybe our cheers to the patriots, but this is this, this is real sociology, uh, most of the respondents uh... believe that, no, they are not sure that ukraine is winning now, and they believe that the situation on the battlefield has reached a dead end, there are such , it seems that about 50%, 41%, a little less, believe that ukraine is still winning
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on the battlefield, but if you also look at the breakdown by age, for example, among young people from 18 to 20.. . only 31% believe that ukraine is winning now, that is, only a third, even less than a third, well , that's rational, well, okay, that's it may not sound patriotic, but at what point do they win, yes, now they gave us permission to strike on the territory, there are no questions, it is really nice, did it directly affect the situation at the front, yes partly kharkiv, but now, for example, the last week, he the plus-minus somehow exhales that there are no... any mass regular arrivals, but there is a presence of russians in the north of the kharkiv region, there is a drg in the sumy region, well, okay, there were, there were not, there were a couple of kadyrivs, they stayed there forever already, there are times yar actively advancing there, trying to press, there is the orihiv direction, that is, at what
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point does ukraine win, let's measure by mileage, that is, every week, every week ukraine loses square kilometers. the only moment there was last week they restored up to 5 km of ukrainian territory, well , they brought it back under control, that is, well, this is a rational position, i say it again, it is patriotic, but i don’t want us to live only with rusty glasses, hooray, we are winning , as it was in the 23rd year at the beginning, remember, we were all stewing in this compote, it was believed that now everything will be perfect until the end of the 23rd, well, how did it turn against us, should we somehow pay attention to it, or should it also... be reflected, i don't know, in some of our, our position, and just those people who are 18-25, these are people , which, if the war, for example, drags on, even if this threshold is not lowered in our country, and the conscription period will be 25 years, these are the people who are either on the verge
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of mobilization or will be mobilized in a year or two, although we we understand that if in a year the situation is the same as it was at the beginning of this year, then we may have to 18-year-olds should already be mobilized. this is also a question, and this is their opinion, this is their plebiscite, should we not also soften our then visions here, or should we, should we continue to insist on this uncompromising formula that our government officially promotes, well, you have keep in mind the border of 1991, this formula, yes, okay, the formula has become something for us. this is what we already have in the account, and i hope that at least for this morning we do not collect more than yesterday, for the whole day, yesterday only 34 00. one of the viewers
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wrote on your appeal that everyone has somehow join, she said that she is a pensioner and has a small pension, indeed , we have many pensioners who have a small pension, but people, you can just camouflage nets, once... it used to be like that, you know, there was, for example, this tithe, and , that is, everyone paid 10% of the tax, and someone paid 10%, relatively speaking, from a million, someone paid. 10% of 10, and it was there, i don’t know, one, one , one, some guilder, or something like that, or one of gold, 1 hryvnia out of 10 for a year, that is , it is always proportional, if you can transfer the hryvnia, it’s really cool well, that's great, 1 hryvnia, no matter what the pension is, 1 hryvnia won't change anything, but chernyk transferred it there yesterday , more than 2,000 people looked at us, where we called together with chernyk to donate, if everyone sent 200,000 hryvnias, well,
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we made a lot of progress , this would bring us very close to the first million, someone forwarded a dozen at a time, 2 million, 2 million have already closed half of the collection, but on the other hand, there is also work that is also very necessary, camouflage nets, they are needed all the time, there are women , who knit socks, who knows how to knit socks for the winter, there are volunteers who come. they go to the hospital and help there, i literally just read a post by my friend, who is a journalist and whose son is fighting, she wrote about her experience of what to do, how to prepare for a mother whose son is lying wounded and what you need to know, what you need to do get ready, these are also things that are needed, and those people also need help, for example in hospitals, let's go back to mr. roman stupak, i understand, i'm sorry. ivan stupak, roman stupak is actually a colleague of mine, a journalist from the public association
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worked, roman, and i send my congratulations, if he can hear me now, i apologize, mr. ivan, mr. ivan, so the question is not easy, i understand, but you know, we were two years ago, when the war was just starting, we all made fun of the fact that the majority of young russians already want negotiations to end the war, but they did not have such a high mobilization threshold, and they understood whether they were taking a risk, and we even said that there is some hope in the fact that the russian... young people do not really understand this whole war and does not want to fight with us, 60 wanted to fight the most plus, they supported those pensioners there with portraits of putin, who in fact will not fight, but now two years have passed, and according to this survey, the situation in our country is quite similar, that is, people 60+ are the most such supporters war, to liberate crimea and so on and the like, and young people who are not sure that they want to die for crimea. are we like a democratic state? do we have to listen to this impulse, or do we have to convince these people, or do we have
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to intimidate them, somehow bend them? see three categories of people who advocate the continuation of the war, once again we have to be surprised by this, the first category is people who are deeply reserved, just to the maximum, and they know for sure that they will never be called to this war, these are various civil servants, i don’t know what exactly, well , they won’t come for them, either they are prohibited by law, or there is... a resource that called, said, here in general, there, well, get out of here, it’s time, friend, these are people who are 60 plus, they know for sure that they will not go to this war not at all, and people who are abroad, they definitely are they know that they will never go to this war, so they can afford it, there was also a recent call for young people to return and register, in particular, the vlk and so on, when i hear these calls, well in principle, it is clear that people
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will respond to him without knowing why such appeals are then voiced, and i apologize, just a connection, what are the appeals themselves, well, recently there was an appeal again that all young people of pre-conscription age should return, even schoolchildren , who are currently studying for cross the border and register for military service, and the state wants to understand what you can count on? what kind of human resource are you, it sounds very cynical, but nevertheless, this is a human resource that the army relies on, they want to understand who is there in general, who is suitable, who is not suitable, of course, this is an attempt to influence patriotism , that the country is here, you are there, come back, well someone will come back, i know that there are people who come back, but it is a very small percentage, as a rule, everyone who is there, they do not aim, no have a desire to return until the war is over. yes, this is in the best case, in the worst case, they, well, for us, for the country, they plan for their children, well, okay, ukraine
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is there, i am here, i have money, i have a job, i work here, i am building my future life right here , that's all, but now, that is, you know, a year ago, two years ago, it seemed to me that there was something in this, some mistrust of one's own citizens, in the decision that it was forbidden for men of draft age to leave, and today two years later, i'm not so sure if it... was the right decision, me it's hard for me, on the other hand, we don't know how we would then have to, for example, build an information policy, how forthright we would then have to be, for example, in communicating with the media and with people. with the help of the media, to what extent it would be necessary to gain this trust inside the country, if everyone were not, conditionally speaking, hostages, behind a closed border, that is , this is such a question, there is still no answer to it, there really isn't, but i it seems that the decision was right, well, okay, they can hate me there now, but here i am
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i believe that in general it was correct, there are indeed inflections, perhaps the wrong side, too much... but, in general, the decision was correct, in general for the state. mr. roman, thank you, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine was with us in 2004-2015, and now serhiy. today with hiccups. serhii sumlen, german political scientist, director of the initiative center european sustainability joins us. we didn't finish double 2 yesterday, because just while we were talking with mr. sergey, the press conference started. devoted to the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, which is currently underway in berlin, mr. serhiy, let's continue our conversation, well , some new topics for discussion have already appeared, actually around this event. the first thing is that yesterday, actually, during the speech of volodymyr zelenskyi, representatives of the far-right alternative for
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germany party got up from the hall, they said that about... they ignored zelenskyi’s speech in the bundestag, because he is a war president, and ukraine needs someone else, and is he illegitimate? how the german press reacted to it, what the germans say about it politicians, that scholz might have commented on this in some way? well, indeed, the majority of deputies, deputies of alternative for germany is a right-wing radical party, left the hall, only four deputies remained, and zara wagnech's bloc is... a left-wing radical party, they all left the bundestag hall, and we are watching here , well, these are obvious combinations, which we have been observing for a long time, of radical left and radical right forces, which on the issue of russia, or rather their loyalty to russia and on the issue of their
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disdain for ukraine, i would even say hatred of ukraine, they are absolutely. are identical in their actions, and they completely repeat the russian narratives and about the alleged illegitimacy of zelensky, despite the fact that in germany, elections during martial law are prohibited by the german constitution by the basic law, which means that zelensky allegedly wants war, that is, they distort reality, they give new meanings to the words, such as in russia, war is aggressive, it is... aggressive war, a special military operation, er, so genocide is denazification, which means that this is exactly what they are doing too turning zelensky, who is the leader of the country defending itself from an illegal, genocidal, aggressive war, into an alleged war provocateur. in fact, that narrative
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is very transparent, it is shared by a certain number of people in germany, for different reasons. estimates are from 20 to 30%, which means that 70-75% are on the side of ukraine to a certain extent stronger or weaker, but again, if such a demonstrative, aggressive ignoring of ukraine cannot be imagined on the part of any party except these two, that's why i said here mr. serhiy, by the way, if... if we look at the map of such electoral germany, then we will see, we will see such an interesting thing, which we in ukraine, by the way, at least in the 14th year, very often saw during the elections , when some parties are very regionally marked, but if you look at where the alternative was chosen for germany, which is sometimes
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even called a neo-nazi party, what we actually see is this blue color. saturated, these are the actual precincts, those regions where she won, where she won the afd actually, yes, this is absolutely this map, the map of the former gdr, eastern communist germany, those borders are very clear, not only in fact in terms of sympathy for the alternative for germany, in many ways, that is, now on the german internet, so all these maps are running , and the germans love it. to compare, it means, how after, it means, after 30 years of unification, how does it mean that the countries are still different, and there are differences in everything, starting. from the amount of property people have, it means that there are some favorite dishes there, do they have these cars, whether these residential vans, in which people
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travel or not, how they treat russia , etc. with clearly nazi...views, and even the lawsuits have proven this, that is, one of the leaders of the alternative for germany wanted to ban calling himself a nazi, and the court proved that he can be called a nazi, these sympathies are directly related to the communist past, because there was no denazification in communist germany , there was no longer any de-nazification , germany was actually united and lasted almost as long as the soviet and russian occupation, but... but as far as this one goes , i understand that hundreds of billions of euros have been spent there, but in addition, probably trillions of marks , more than a trillion, more than a trillion euros
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were spent to overcome these differences and they are still not overcome, how traumatic this experience is, but you know, this experience is transmitted, it is transmitted through social structures , in east germany there was no denosification, i.e. it was only half as much in western germany, in eastern... it was completely absent, eastern germany ignored this topic, it was said that all the nazis fled to the west, they are all now, so america is in a crowd, well actually they drew from west germany , that means the azov collective regiment, that means, that's where all the nazis are there, even this berlin wall was called the anti-fascist protective rampart, but now we have communism and that's all, no one was even punished, well now now here. .. the state debt office even officially recognized that azov is still not nazis and not neo-nazis, but do you want to wait for the neo-nazis, look who you voted for, for example, let's give the parliament, mr. serhii, there are less than
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two minutes left, i wanted to remind you, finally i wanted to ask, are you the director of the initiative center european sustainability, what does your center do in germany? thank you very much for the question, well, at the call of our hearts, we are collecting money for the ukrainian army and we will give enough to the germans. strongly and we see it, but yes, let's say this, our main and general goal is education, education in the field security, in the field of international politics, for the last week they held a conference in the bundestag regarding the confiscation of russian property, these 300 billion euros, which were frozen in russian accounts in... at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, but not quite transferred to ukraine, and it is very gratifying to see the fact that now this topic, how they were dry for weapons, and the german political community went from
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we will not give you anything except helmets, to here you have missiles and let's run with them on russian territory, so with this confiscation of russian money, we see now suf, this last week, the members of the bundestag nevertheless issued a call to confiscate this property at the end of the restoration of ukraine, chancellor scholz even touched on these topics, and we hope that this money will be transferred to ukraine, precisely as compensation, partial compensation for this incredible damage that russia is causing , the money for ukraine will not be superfluous, thank you mr. serhiy, this money is very needed, serhiy sumleny, a german political scientist, director of the european sustainability initiative center was with us, dear friends, stay with us, because there is another hour of our participation in the marathon. allergy, neche lev, will overcome
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uah 799 with the option of free... expensive delivery, powerful strong saws, what you need, call, congratulations, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. explosions rang out in dnipropetrovsk oblast this morning. the russians attacked novomoskovsk. the impact caused a fire. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration , serhiy lysak. the information is being clarified, probably the enemy launched rockets from bilhorodskaya region in many regions of ukraine , an air alert was announced because of the threat.


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