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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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news time on! on espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the russians attacked one of the energy facilities in the sumy oblast with drones. 14 settlements of the region remained without electricity. at present, energy companies are trying to restore energy supply, ukrenergo reported. and due to bad weather in the kyiv region, emergency power outages, as a result of thunderstorms and strong winds, de-energized more than 600 transformer substations. energy workers are already eliminating the consequences of bad weather. this was reported in tech.
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emergency shutdowns are also possible on kherson region. at night , critical infrastructure facilities were damaged in the region due to russian shelling. restoration work is ongoing there. today, all over ukraine, the lights will be turned off according to the schedule from 15:00 to 23:00 , ukrenergo said. roads turned into lakes. a heavy downpour covered kyiv. the rain turned out to be so strong that the streets were flooded. videos of the consequences of bad weather are posted on social networks. kyiv pastrans informs about the delay of trams and trolleybuses. weather forecasters warned of bad weather in the capital the day before. today at the ukrhydrometeorological center thunderstorms and heavy rains are forecast. the first level of danger has been declared in kyiv. corrected enemy shelling of kharkiv. the security service detained another russian agent. a 55-year-old local resident who worked as a security guard.
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transmitted to the occupiers data on the locations of personnel and military equipment, as well as collected information on the consequences of air attacks. the traitor went around the territory of kharkiv and asked acquaintances for information necessary for the enemy. the woman is in custody, she faces life imprisonment. in volyn, the state bureau of investigation completed an investigation into two law enforcement officers. criminals smuggled men abroad under the guise of people with disabilities. one of them negotiated with clients and took advance payment, the other border guard, hearing the agreed password, had to let ukholyant pass without the appropriate documents. the extras were detained while receiving the funds. in dnipro, unknown persons set fire to a military minibus. as reported by the police of the dnipropetrovsk region, the fire damaged the engine compartment and the interior of the car. empty ones were found at the scene of the crime gasoline bottles. according to preliminary information up to... palu may be involved in
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a group of people. investigators have opened criminal proceedings for intentional destruction or damage to property. the search for criminals continues. the armed forces of ukraine denied russian statements about the capture of two ukrainian forces. today, the ministry of defense of the russian federation announced that they captured artemivka in luhansk region and tymkivka in kharkiv region. according to the spokesman of the khortyts army group, nazar voloshyn, such settlements. there is none in ukraine. meat grill, which is controlled by our defenders the report named artemivka. the settlement had this name until 2016. as for the occupation of tymkivka in the kupinsky district, this village was liquidated back in 1987 . the netherlands gives permission to use f-16 for strikes on russia. this was stated by the minister of defense of the country kaisa olongren. he.
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to the european truth, according to her, this is kyiv's right to self-defense in a war of aggression. therefore, the ukrainian military must independently decide how to use these fighters. in the interview, olongren also said that the first f-16s from the netherlands will be handed over this summer, immediately after the delivery of the aircraft to denmark. ukraine should receive an invitation to nato, polish president andrzej duda said at the... meeting of the bucharest nine in riga, according to him , the allies should officially invite ukraine to nato now, although, as the polish leader clarified, our country is a full member the country will be able to become only after the end of the war. an afghan man with a knife attacked a ukrainian woman in the german city of frankfurt on the property, the 41-year-old woman was sitting on a park bench, to her a 19-year-old man came up and hit her in the head and neck with a folding knife, the ukrainian woman
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managed to escape, but she fell a few meters away, the attacker stabbed her again , people heard the woman's screams, then the young man ran away, writes bilt. the attacker was arrested by law enforcement officers, the prosecutor's office is investigating an attempted murder. and in the forest near the german city of debeln, during the search for nine-year-old ukrainian valeria, a body was found. it was not possible to identify the person at this time. previously, almost no searches were conducted in this area. and only after the statement of witnesses that they heard screams about help in the forest, the police conducted a large-scale search operation. i should note that the ukrainian girl went missing nine days ago on the way to school. so far , the law enforcement officers cannot confirm whether the found body belongs to the missing ukrainian. learning on time, a new educational project is being launched by the all-ukrainian democratic forum and the ukrainian catholic university. it teachers from
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uku will teach informatics teachers from three regions of ukraine. a corresponding agreement has already been signed. more details in the story of my colleagues. 48 teachers from 24 lviv schools. ivano-frankivsk and poltava oblasts will learn basic python programming, robotics, and education systems. informatics teachers will learn from the best it specialists. all this involves a new educational project, leave no one behind. it is implemented by the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and with the assistance of mykola knyazhytskyi. it is very important for us that ukrainians remain in ukraine, because the main goal of putin and our enemies is that ukraine... not just lose, but first depopulates in order to lose, because of the fact that encouraging ukrainian children to study, helping them is extremely important, and we initiated such a project, together with the government of taiwan, about not just helping ukrainian schools with computerization, but also training teachers, teaching
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children. they will train teachers at the ukrainian catholic university, they have already signed a cooperation agreement. we took a long time to sign this agreement. e conveyed the stage of thinking about the design of the project, of course, understanding where to get resources for this project, and now, together with our partners, we have already reached the stage when we can announce, sign an agreement, continue to work with teachers, with schools, teach and educate a new generation of our children who will be technologically savvy, who will be ethically savvy and who will be able to do great things. during the year , three training modules will be held for educators, after which informatics teachers will receive certificates. this program, it concerns the strengthening of teachers in the area of ​​stem, in the area of ​​computer science, in the area of
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​​information technology, and thanks to this program, teachers will be able to pass additional study and gain knowledge in robotics. schools. trained teachers will receive new equipment for computer classes free of charge. to participate in the project , you should fill out the registration form, which will open on june 17. now we have launched and we invite you to look at our website and our pages in social networks, we have launched a monitoring survey, which will be the additional wishes of teachers, what to get as part of this training course, and from june 17 the competitive selection will start and we invite teachers to apply. and schools to participate in this project. last year, lviv schools in cooperation with taiwan were already given modern eicer equipment. in particular, lviv lyceum grono received more than 90 computers, tablets and a powerful generator. and more than 60 laptops, headsets, multimedia complexes and other
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equipment were given to schools in the poltava region. this year , the project included an educational component - professional training of teachers. emma stadnyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. all our people are converted into donations for our defenders due to enemy shelling. tv channel espresso and the iryna koval charitable foundation is calling on you to join the collection for drones and components for art reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved mavic models and five regular ones. quadrocopters are those eyes in the sky that fill security and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly - they help save the lives of our military. so we have to collect with you. uah 2.5 million, we are not wasting time, we are joining our defenders to collect. to learn more interesting and for up-to-date information, follow the updates on our website, as well as on our social networks. we will see you tomorrow, don't switch, stay with espresso. today in the
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verdict program with serhiy rudenko, i will discuss helping everyone in whatever way possible at the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin. the strengthening of ukrainian air defense and the reconstruction of the energy infrastructure, whether the government quarrels will not interfere with work with western partners. inaugural summit without russia. world leaders at a peace conference in switzerland this week will consider a limited range of issues. at what stage and in what status can a country be involved in the peace process. the world must listen. experts warn
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western allies that putin plans to spread the war to all of europe. what is behind the attempts of the kremlin dictator to renounce further usurping intentions. glory to ukraine, this program is a verdict. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. in the first part in our program, we will have politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny as a guest. let's talk with him about the recovery summit in, or rather, the conference on the recovery of ukraine in germany, about the global peace summit in switzerland, which will begin next saturday and sunday. and let's talk about the prospects of ending the war in ukraine and the intentions of our
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western partners. the second part of our program will include people's deputies of ukraine oleksandr mereshko, yaroslav yurchyshyn and rostyslav pavlenko. let's talk about who and why is trying to censor media in ukraine, about democracy, about what and how to speak and... politicians and journalists during the large-scale invasion of the word, we have many topics for conversation. however, before starting our big conversation about the main thing, let's watch a video of how fighters of the 36th separate brigade of marines named after rear admiral mykhailo bilinsky showed how to detonate a russian bmp. the equipment was shot down by fighters using a drone near vovchansk. let's see. this is an enchanting video.
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the glory of arms. death to the forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, throughout everything on the air we are conducting a survey, today we are asking you about whether we are allowed to criticize the government during the war, maybe the question is too banal and the answer may be banal, but yes or no, put your marks on youtube and vote if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and make a proclamation. if you think that during the war it is permissible to criticize the government (0800-211-381), no
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0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. in roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to belarus in 2010-11, people's deputy of several previous convocations... former deputy head of yushchenko's presidential office, is our guest today. mr. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, mr. sergey. we will have a long conversation today, but i propose to start our conversation and our communication with the summit, or rather, not the summit, but the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which began today in germany. the day before, we became witnesses. head of the agency for the reconstruction of ukraine, mustafa nayem, the prime minister did not sign
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his permission to participate in this conference, that is, he simply could not leave ukraine, although this is the profile of mustafa nayem. at the same time, taking advantage of this, nayem accused prime minister shmyhal that the prime minister is a failure. the agency's work on reconstruction, on the construction of shelters over tes and hes, on the construction of roads in the front-line areas, well... enough of such a loud resignation, mustafa nayema ​​will obviously accept this resignation, but it is still once i will say, it took place on the eve of this big conference on the restoration of ukraine. how, mr. roman, does it look for our western partners, considering that first kubrakov left, who oversaw all these issues, and now
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mustafa nayem. mr. serhiy, it would be necessary to add to this. the fact that mustafa nayem turned to the well-known publication guardian, which all this story that you retold, including the reasons, not the reason for resignation, is also described, and this material, it caused an unpleasant reaction, i say the least, but what it can be said about this case in europe, and it is up to... including the united states of america, and actually in this material published by the guardian, several serious reasons are named that relate to the reasons for the resignation, they are related to the return of investors the funds that they invested and the obligation to return them,
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and, let's say, direct and indirect hints at... certain signs of corruption in this system, in the activity of this system, firstly, secondly, that what is being discussed in ukraine is called as the reason for resignation what the agency did not submit reports, well, it is already, let's say, the internal production kitchen in the system of executive authorities, but in general this situation is very unpleasant, because when there... you read the headline of the conference on restoration issues, and right there it is written that the head of the agency from issues of restoration, he resigned, well, one thing overlapped the other, and due to the fact that the conference is very loudly covered by information in europe, especially, and all these circles of information, they are
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much larger in europe than in ukraine. caused by the actual resignation, i emphasize this was caused not by the conference, but actually by the resignation of mustafa najemo. now a few words about the importance of this conference. well, this is the first conference in which those who conceived it, those who gave birth to this idea, those who developed this idea at the start, and actually, do not participate. probably everyone noticed that on the eve of the conference , a new delegation was formed by decree of the president, so we can say that there was a personnel change in this process, what will this lead to, well, we will have to watch over time, evaluate the situation, now in many people may have the impression that we
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are talking about some virtual thing, a conference on issues such as of ukraine, when we are in the conditions of a hot confrontation, a hot war, and an unprecedented war in modern times, in terms of its volume, in terms of the number of weapons used, in terms of tactics, strategy, well, i am not talking about the meanness of the enemy, which is the russian regime, but in at the same time, it should be understood that this conference... solves much more current and everyday issues than, ah, strategic things related to the end of the war and the restoration of ukraine. the fact is that even today a number of documents were signed that related to such a unique phenomenon in the conditions of war, such as insurance, investors, ah, who,
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including private ones, who will invest funds, ah, in... the country military so-called military insurance in case of damage and damage and destruction of those material resources that will be placed by investors and so on, i.e. a system is being created somewhere approximately that is currently used in israel, i.e. conditions are being created when the investor has no fear of him before that... and before the investment of funds and the possible destruction of its resources, what are the material resources that it will create on the territory of ukraine, i am not saying things that are... related to the restoration of the energy system, infrastructure, current, that is a colossal problem in the current conditions, and
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additional separate resources are allocated for this, including the next announcement of a 50-billion-dollar fund that will operate within the framework of the european community, and at the same time , i cannot help but pass by the question which. .. related to the strategic decision with the introduction of ukraine to the european union, and actually this conference is one of the mechanisms for working out the tools to make this road as easy as possible, well, current things are what was said, in particular, in the speech of german chancellor scholz about the next aid package, well about aid packages, including. it was said at the bilateral meetings of the president with the leaders of european states, they are connected with new air defense systems, with additional weapons, ammunition for
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ukraine. this, if at all so briefly, is about what happened today. well and president zelensky thanked germany's olaf scholz for the air defense systems provided, but noted that ukraine needs more means to better protect against russian missile terror. let's listen. what did zelensky say? thank you for patriots, iris, other tools that are literally salvation for ukraine. we managed to provide partial protection against russian airstrikes. we have and can do more. we need at least seven patriot systems, in addition, to cover our major urban agglomerations in the near future. petrovich, tell me it is clear that zelensky can say a lot and thank our western partners,
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this conference on the restoration of ukraine, but what about our western partners, what should be done to restore trust, to say that all these publications in the american press, in the british press, about corruption, about the usurpation of power by one of the axes. from zelenskyi's closest circle, that this is not true at all, or if it is true, there is a certain necessity in this, how our western partners can restore trust, full trust in ukrainian leadership and be more, take more favorable steps towards ukraine. mr. serhiy, this is very difficult, even today . here is what is happening and the aid that is going, it is going only because in the west in the united states of america, they understand,
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are aware of, see and appreciate the heroic resistance that the ukrainian people, the armed forces of ukraine are making, and that is why it is ahead of everything, but including that you need to understand that in conversations teta tet. and which are getting hotter and hotter, on them is discussed, including those things that you voiced, which are related to the materials published in the western press, in the ukrainian press, regarding cases of corruption, regarding moments that are related to unconstitutional or actions that have signs of unconstitutionality or illegality and so on, all this is quite active. is discussed in the west, in the western press, at the same time, ah, the european establishment, the establishment of civilized states, it
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distinguishes between the behavior of the establishment and the behavior of society, and actually, today, the stability of the ukrainian people, the stability of the armed forces, is especially appreciated by the european elite. people's devotion to the values ​​of the ukrainian state and european values, and here it is important to understand one more thing: today ukraine is in this situation after the elections to the european parliament, it is extremely necessary as an ally, an assistant, and, if you like, a resource for europe, because in this situation, when... now the discussions about the next five years will begin, and it is already obvious and clear that those will be the political forces leading which.
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will rely on the need to support ukraine, on the union with ukraine, and so on. by the way, i can tell you that in this regard there is a certain misunderstanding, or if you look at the press of the united states of america and a separate european one today, then the objective assessment of this very fragment of the next five-year plan in the fate of the european union and the role of ukraine here, and well... there is a certain contradiction in assessments and so on, at the same time it is clear that those political forces that defended the union with ukraine, the commonwealth with ukraine, aid to ukraine, they increased during these elections, and their assets are growing, including in national polls and so on, and it is very important to understand that...
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remember, two years ago it was possible to talk about the fact that the establishment, the european elite understand the need for help, but now a turning point is coming, when the european voter in general realizes the threat of russia and the role that the ukrainian community, the ukrainian armed forces, ukraine as a state is currently playing in this process, and this is the question that .. connected there with with all the negative things that can be traced, that remain in the european press, it seems to recede into the background, and i emphasize this once again, and ukraine is becoming more and more necessary and ukrainian society and the ukrainian armed forces in europe, this is important in the current situation not omit, and this is the first and
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second, monitor the information'. him in space, so that he is not again covered by a wave that will be launched from rashistan. well, trashistan to roman petrovich is now trying to spin the story and talk about what they say, look what happened in france, what in germany had elections to the european parliament, today they already wrote about the early elections to the national assembly in france, after these elections, macron. will also resign, because his party may not get the necessary votes, or, let's say, not be the leader of this race, and they are trying to spread conspiracy theories all day today, although it is clear that moscow is trying to pass off wishful thinking , and that , which is also happening in france, in germany, and in general with the elections to the european parliament, shows that after all
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eh... the forces that support ukraine, they will be in the majority in the european parliament, and they will continue to support ukraine. the head of the european commission, ursula funderleen, has already confirmed that ukraine has completed all the necessary steps to start negotiations on joining the eu by the end of this month. let's hear what ursula funderlay said. ukraine has completed all the steps that we have identified, and that is why we believe that the eu should start accession negotiations with ukraine by the end of this month. if you look at these elections, which formed the european parliament on the next 5 years, and the statements made by ursula fonderley, and not only her, does this mean that between 24 and 29 years ukraine has
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a chance to become a member of the european union? i will say it clearly, and then i will explain how it will happen. i want to tell you that literally these days, the world is covered by a wave coming from moscow, moreover, for some reason it is supported by some analysts of the united states of america about the tragedy, the elections to the european parliament, for some reason, well, i will give you an example to make it clear, what are we talking about, the actual victory in germany, the cdu, csu, is considered a disaster, well, if there is no scholz, but if there is a supporter and he will be the chancellor of germany, a representative of the cdu, the csu, then only germany and ukraine will benefit from this, may chancellor scholz grant me, but
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what a traffic light. .. now works in germany, he really.


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