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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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between 24 and 29 years, does ukraine have a chance to become a member of the european union? i will say it clearly, and then i will explain how it will happen. i want to tell you that literally these days, the world is covered by a wave coming from moscow, moreover, for some reason, it is supported by a part of the analysts of the united states of america. about the tragedy of the consequences of the elections to the european parliament, for some reason, well, i will give you an example so that it is clear what we are talking about, actually a victory in germany, cdu, csu, is considered a disaster, well, if there is no scholz, but there is a supporter and will be the chancellor of germany, the representative of the cdu, the cseu, only germany and ukraine will benefit from this, may god bless me. chancellor
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scholz, but the traffic light that is currently working in germany, it is really, well, not regulated, it is in automatic mode, it makes clear interruptions, now with france, i understand that for president macron, his revival party is important, but if you sit down and know mathematics for the first grade and combine liberal forces there, then they scored in total. 43%, and marie le pen with the national front only 37, but why is this not noticed, and the reason here, in fact, these are the emotions of emmanuel macron himself and his narrow party interest, which concerns his ambitions regarding the role and place of the revival party as a liberal party both in france and in the european union, and this is the case when... you have to look at the interests
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of the state , and not for their own interests. to be honest, when i listened to his emotional speech after the end of the elections and the first results, i have not yet known such a president in the history of france who so emotionally evaluated his own miscalculations that he could not distinguish actually the shortcomings of the work of the revival party from the interests of france, because... that is why it seems to me that there is simply a certain internal problem that the french will solve, and from the current situation it is very far from the fact that the national front can win, i am not saying lipin in the elections, especially since i think that all the experts know that lipen actually eliminated identity and democracy from the unification in the european parliament, that is , right... forces, and the alternative for germany from
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germany, she simply stated ultimatum, as long as there is an alternative for germany, and there is no national front, that is firstly, secondly, pay attention to how marie lupine changed her position on helping france to ukraine, she supported the same macron to france helped ukraine with personnel, so we still have to see. where it is moving and how it is moving, when i read the conclusions of many analytical centers now, for some reason it is presented as just a tragedy, moreover, it is stated that germany and france, as the foundation of europe will fall into a trance, well, i would like to say to these analysts: take a pencil, please, and just count the votes, how they were distributed there, from here it is obvious that in order to, let's say, objectively... evaluate this situation , it is necessary
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that those who are now making a fuss, some of them because they do not understand what happened, and some of them are clearly playing along with the moscow führer or for a fee, do some work, so here it is always necessary to distinguish the truth from all kinds of lies , and sometimes subversive information work. i to date, i am sure that if a person is in an analytical article, forgive mr. serhiy. takes tusk's group with the civic platform and meloni with the brothers of italy for emotions and puts them in one with the other, then i understand that this person simply does not see and does not know the elementary things of the ideological positioning of european parties, so how can he draw a conclusion based on what will happen to france or what will happen to germany tomorrow, well , such things as i have already said about the cdu, csu, they are simply shocking, well, what is this... hedy for
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germany's cdu-csu, especially for ukraine, when the current position of the cdu-csu parliamentary faction is to immediately provide long-range missile complexes. and increase the supply of weapons and ammunition to ukraine. here's to you, if it were true, and i fully support your position that now it is necessary to monitor what lies will now begin to pour in a stream from the moscow fury. well, to the moscow führer and his entire clique, they are now talking not only about the elections to the european parliament and we can see how they are trying to form an opinion about the fact that... the next or the summit that should take place in four days, the global peace summit in switzerland will not give any results, they are already forming their concept of some so-called peace summit there, and beijing is also playing along with moscow in this situation, while therefore
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, the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland, ignazio cassis, said that the global peace summit is only the first step on the way to the peace process between ukraine and russia, when it is his turn, russia will have to take part in it, let's hear what the minister said of foreign affairs of switzerland. if you expect a guarantee before the conference even starts, you better stay home. a peace conference in which the two warring parties are not present is only the first step in the peace process. it would be wrong to pretend that we can achieve peace on saturday night. there will be no peace process without russia. i think it is an illusion and a process of things. to declare, so now the question is not whether russia will be included in the negotiations, but when it will be included. roman petrovich, they have them in switzerland, i understand there is also an illusion that they will put the ukrainian side and the russian
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side at the transition table, and there will be 90 participants from different countries and organizations, and only under such conditions will peace be agreed upon, is this not the wrong way in... the situation , because zelensky is trying to form or strengthen an anti-putin coalition, and this anti-putin coalition will definitely not sit at the same table with lavrov or with putin, is that right? mr. sergey, i think you remember our first conversations about the summit, how i was very pessimistic about its prospects, and i can tell you that this is my constructivism. the only thing now is that if we have already started this process, we must squeeze the maximum out of it, and in this case, we must also cling to the words of the swiss minister that this is the beginning, this is the first step, but in this movement,
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well, in principle, i do not see, in principle, i do not see a dialogue not only between ukraine and russia. this is quite understandable, natural, and from the point of view of all absolutely factors today it is impossible, i do not even see in this process of the dialogue between the führer of moscow and the leaders of the west, whichever of them you choose, please note that there are no longer these telephone chats, which used to be, well, two or three times a month, both with the chancellor of germany and with the president of france. i'm not talking about everyone else, but with whom the führer talks, he talks with his minions who carry out his tasks, such as orban, and it can be seen how he periodically breaks off the leash and rushes now at ukraine, then at the european union, then at
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someone else and so on, you can see those who are running at the voice of europe tells how bad the european union is. and so on, at the same time he is quickly struggling to become the next mep and so on, so in this case, based on the current situation, since this process has already been launched, it is necessary to get the maximum, what can be the maximum in this situation? yes, not 141 countries will be among those who voted for, remember, the resolution of the un general assembly in february... 2023, which in fact completely chose the so -called initiatives of zelensky or the initiatives of ukraine, except for one point, only ukraine's membership in nato, because as we understand very well, it is not the general assembly that decides on ukraine's membership in nato. it has already
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happened that there will be 90, and three questions out of 10 that are being discussed have been decided, so the first thing is to get the maximum. a text that would show the need to ensure a nuclear safety, b- food safety and d) compliance is necessary and necessary for everyone. of humanitarian law even in the course of war, this is the basis of the foundations, further, it is obvious that the content, spirit, and text of the conference should be the ultimate position of the civilized world against the moscow führer, his cliques and the military. the ultimate position, i insist on this, so that it becomes clear to everyone what to talk to a criminal, an international criminal, who steals children, who engages in and makes decisions that
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have signs of genocide in relation to the ukrainian people and of the entire population of ukraine and so on, it is unacceptable, there is only one way to solve problems with such people, well and so on, including speeches that should be on conference, they should be filled with appropriate content, including continue to work. over the continuation of the activity of this conference, whether to reclassify it into a permanent conference and so on, so that it can work, including decisions that are related, well, say, related to the holding of an international tribunal, because let's say so , the decision of the international criminal court to issue a warrant for putin's arrest, it is there, but about him... they are beginning to forget, no, we must not forget about him, we must remember and we must do
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everything so that this decision is implemented and so on, that is, there is a decision of the un general assembly, it is binding, it must be remembered and everything must be done to ensure that it is implemented, and not to make a decision and forget, because then there is no meaning in principle, which body makes this decision, it will not be carried out anyway, hence there must be order in this case. the decision made, it must be implemented, including by the general assembly, including the conference that will be held, and it must be followed, for this it is necessary to create not only papers and writing, but we need mechanisms that would ensure their implementation, this is approximately what i would, say, propose from the point of view of holding this conference, and since we have already gone for it, we must get the maximum benefit from it, that what are you saying this means to roman petrovich that russia will never be at this conference in switzerland, that is
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, there can be no two opinions here, and yet our western partners are somehow trying to lead us into thinking that sooner or later we will have to agree on something there. simultaneously we see how beijing, through the mouth of foreign minister onei, says that they have plans. a peace plan for ukraine and they are ready to hold an almost alternative meeting there, and probably beijing and the kremlin will push it to this, and that there should be some kind of alternative to this, because in principle, what is happening in switzerland in a few days is a loud slap in the face of russia in general , no matter what, no matter how this forum ends, or no matter how the summit ends, but this is a humiliation of both putin and... lavov and in general, well, people show that well, they do not want to see them there yet,
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it would be desirable that they were never seen there at all, how likely is it that moscow and beijing will be able to increase the circle of supporters around them from the south, from the global south, and the countries that are part of brics and groups that can be formed. how is this collective, such a collective anti-ukraine, who is trying to prove something to ukraine, to say that there is another plan for peace, and not only zelensky? first, it is necessary to always show that both moscow and beijing are big liars. when you asked the question, you said that they were going to hold some alternative peace summits, i'll tell you what... that's it. the plans included a brics meeting in moscow, which
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appears to be some kind of alternative peace plan. no, this is a meeting of brics, which has a specific work plan. now, regarding the peace plan and the meeting in beijing, there should be a meeting of the so-called shanghai cooperation organization of the sco, which, for some reason, is now presented as a meeting on some problems there. issues of peace, and one more thing, mr. sergiu, i understand that you and i will not convince these ministers who jump out like roosters and crow about the fact that... it is absolutely necessary that russia be at the meeting, especially since some of them, such as orban, fitzo, they simply fulfill moscow's tasks, but i sat with them at the table, negotiated, i spoke with him and them, i understand very well that no one can come to an agreement with moscow on anything, moreover
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, they will do everything to ensure that any -which meeting to use as... a tool to either screw you over or screw you over will put you in a situation where you will be attacked by force, and you will a priori lose this match and so on, from here, it is obvious that in the current situation there is only one correct way, it is for the democratic forces to collect such a force, form a joint command, support all this defensively industrial complex and to... achieve victory, because victory in a duel with the führer and his clique can only be capitulation, everything else will look like a temporary respite. remember how many times they fed us, sometimes putin was sick, then he had a runny nose there, then in he has diarrhea, then he has scrofula and so on. all this is aimed at only one thing,
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to fool the world. and yes, so far certain ministers. so far certain prime ministers do not understand, do not understand or do not want to understand whether they are fulfilling the will of moscow, that they will agree with moscow on nothing now, and therefore there is only one way forward. friends, i remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook. please don't forget subscribe to our pages. platforms, as well as participate in our survey. today we ask you about this, are we allowed to criticize the government during the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion, separate, please leave it under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and call. if you think it is acceptable to criticize the government during war,
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0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-380. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today we have the politician and diplomat roman bezsmertny as our guest, we are talking about what is currently happening in foreign policy, this directly affects domestic policy as well, well, domestic policy is the fight against the russian occupiers, another summit will be held in a month , this is the anniversary summit of the north atlantic alliance in your on the eve of this summit , a message appeared in the mass media in the west that the leaders of nato member countries they are telling zelensky not to raise the issue of ukraine's accession to nato at this summit. biden reflected on the fact that nato
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is not yet ready for ukraine, and he... said that he was always against the natoization of ukraine, and in the context of this, is it already clear that together with the european union, ukraine will be a member and the north atlantic alliance, can it be considered that the statements made a year ago in vilnius are a confirmation that sooner or later this will happen, if not at your anniversary summit. in tone, then on ukraine will receive an invitation to join the alliance at the next summit. mr. serhiy, i am convinced that ukraine will be a member of nato, and i am convinced that the decisions that will be made in washington will be much stronger and bigger than what is being discussed now, because what is described, the discussions that are currently
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being held, the statements of secretary general stoltenberg, they say: that nato, first of all, is preparing a separate path for ukraine's accession to nato, which will be individual, which is outside the framework of the procedures that were usually used by nato and used in relation to other partners, and i am asking you, please, let's all pay attention, a year or a half ago, ursula fonderlein never said the way that ukraine has done, today... ukraine is needed by the european union. i am convinced that it will definitely become necessary for nato very quickly. therefore, it is obvious that these processes will accelerate. they will accelerate because the west, the united states of america , will understand and realize more and more what
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the russian fuhrer regime, and what a heroic role ukraine plays in the current situation, when it gives the opportunity to intervene, gives a pause to the intervention, to prepare for confrontation, for war with russia, because it is already in the current situation. no one will be able to stop it, it is moving with straight sails to both continental and global war. another thing is that there is no general understanding that this movement must be interrupted as soon as possible, and the actual decision regarding the speed of nato's accession, that of ukraine to nato, is connected with the awareness of this danger for europe and the world from russia, which produces. this danger very quickly, at the current stage it is important that the nato summit in washington ends with a multiple, multiple
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increase in military aid to ukraine, to help with armored vehicles, ammunition, including the equipment that was promised, airplanes and other units of combat equipment. .. necessary for ukraine, including the formation of answers to the question related to personnel assistance , starting with trainers who could train ukrainian units, ending with special groups, including those that would be involved, say, in patrolling, patrolling the northern border, which today does not have the character of hostilities, and so on, in fact, today all of these are idle. parameters were developed a long, long time ago, and it so happened that in this situation from the internal conjunctural american positions, washington
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cannot say yes, although there is still time to realize it, there is still time before the summit itself, so it is necessary from this summit to have as much as possible, and this is as much as possible lies in the aid, the maximum aid to ukraine, which ukraine provides. needs in the war against the racist regime, you have already mentioned that putin and russia are inevitably rolling towards a continental war and are going to this continental war. by the way, the former head of the cia, david petraeus, is also talking about this, he says that he is warning the west that putin has no intention of stopping at ukraine, and his victory will mean a war against ukraine. nato, in an interview with zsan, he said: "the war in ukraine can spread to the entire region if putin succeeds in ukraine." he will not stop at ukraine.
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moldova will obviously be next. after that , it could be lithuania or one of the other baltic countries. what the former head of the cia is saying is somehow similar to the scenario that... putin also has in his cabinet, just a few days ago in normandy they celebrated the 80th anniversary of the landing of the allies in the fight against hitler's germany, and i don't know if it is possible to draw any analogies with what happened in the 44th and what can happen there in the 25th in the 26th year, i'm not talking about the 24th, but... how about you a historian can say for sure whether it is similar to what happened 80 years ago, and whether we can
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expect a second front to be opened against russia in this unjust war. mr. sergey, well, if you draw such parallels, then today we are still on the eve of the first world war, and if... you remember how long the world was swaying then, especially during the balkan wars, everyone believed that it would absolutely not happen to have no threat, to pose no threat to europe, in fact it was just the beginning of the first world war, which further caused the balkans to catch fire, and then the whole of europe, as well as the final point of the first world war, the paris conference itself... laid the foundation for the second world war, so if you look at the logic of today's decisions that accepted by many world leaders. the first thing i can say is that they did not teach history.
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such, secondly, if we talk about the actions committed by the same people, then they look more like people who continue to live in that pre-war period, and do not feel of this threat, which today looms large over the world, and the voices are like those of petraeus or other military personnel who understand the situation, who, by the way, are also wrong, because what the heck. war zones will begin not only and not so much because the führer will succeed in capturing ukraine, he will succeed in capturing zuzu, but not ukraine, and this will actually be the reason that this paranoid person will start to fly either to the baltic states or somewhere else. pay attention to these sporadic statements on the f-16, if the aircraft will be placed in the in europe, it means that their location will be
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an object. for an attack, well, and similar things, what does this mean, that there is no ability to objectively assess the situation, and if so, then it means that decisions are made on the basis of psychopathic impulsive actions, and similar exacerbations can be expected anywhere and at any time, including using operations under a foreign flag or starting wars or hostilities anywhere on the planet. planet earth, so the situation is very unpleasant, and the first thing that needs to be done is at least to listen to people like petraeus, who is able to understand what a combat confrontation is and what its prospects are, and whether it is possible to assess from the point of view of peacetime what is happening on the battlefield, when extremity and tension sometimes reach such a level that ob to objectively make...
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a decision, especially to expect objectivity from such figures as putin and his clique, is simply wrong, a priori inadmissible, here we must act on the basis of preventive, preemptive actions. moreover, i can say that these things that we often hear in including from president biden, including from president macron, chancellor scholz not about the need to act in... the answer is a big mistake. in the conditions of the current high-speed war, priority should be given to a preventive, preventive step. moreover, today there is nothing to go through with preventive measures in relation to the person and the state that has proven their criminal actions. about preventive measures, today ihor
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terikhov, the mayor of kharkiv. spoke on the sidelines of the berlin conference on the restoration of ukraine and said that strikes by the ukrainian army on missile launch positions on russian territory helped reduce the number of russian shelling of the city. let's listen to what terekhov said. as far as i know, there were hits, it was on the launcher that was shelling the city of kharkiv, it is very significant for us, and we see that this break in the shelling is... in my opinion , also connected with the fact that that there was an effective hit on the equipment that was shelling kharkiv. roman petrovich, our western partners have been debating for a long time about whether to give weapons, which ones will it hit the territory of russia or not? biden said that the americans allow the ukrainians to use their weapons for a distance of 200 miles, that is 320 km deep into
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the russian federation, how likely is the creation of this security zone on the border of ukraine and russia in this three-kilometer zone, how possible is the creation of this sanitary zone , which putin once dreamed of, but he wanted to do it on the territory of ukraine, can we... we create such a zone and will it protect ukraine for some time from the entry of russian troops into the territory of ukraine and artillery fire and s-300 s-400? well, it is definitely better to ask such questions to military specialists, they understand better. i just want to answer and comment, the answer to this question, just how


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