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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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other equipment of the defense sector. thank you oleksandr bondarenko, managing partner of the bureau of investment programs economist, was in touch with us from berlin. he is currently at an international recovery conference, it's time for news on espresso, so we pass the floor to our colleagues. annayeva melnyk is ready to share with us all the most important information as of this moment. anna eva, we congratulate you and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. the news team is working, about the main thing let's talk, in particular, about the shooting in the lviv region, in the middle of the street, what is the situation with electricity, and unfortunately, we have hit important objects in zaporizhzhia, about all this later, stay with espresso.
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they aimed at the object of critical infrastructure. today is the day the russians attacked zaporizhzhia, as the head of the regional military administration ivan fedorov informs, there is damage, no people were injured. and to the situation with electricity. as reported by the department of police, the situation allows for the start of blackout schedules two hours later. today consumers can expect lights-off from 5pm instead of 3pm as previously. they will operate until 11 p.m. i would like to point out that more than 600 transformer substations were de-energized in kyiv oblast due to bad weather. energy workers are already repairing the equipment. the situation is difficult in the kherson region as well. at night, the russians shelled and damaged critical infrastructure facilities in the region. restoration work is ongoing. and
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while people are trying to live according to schedules, someone is profiting from it. the law enforcement officers reported the suspicion to four criminals, who sold defunct generators. according to the information of the investigators, the men placed ads for sale, after receiving the funds, blocked the buyers and did not contact them. the organizer of the scheme was a 24-year-old resident of the kyiv region. currently, the police have identified 20 victims of the scam. officially from the general staff, on the night of june 12, the defense forces of ukraine struck the russian anti-aircraft missile division in the temporarily occupied crimea. hits were confirmed near belbek and sevastopol. as a result of the attack, two radars of the az300 complexes were destroyed s-400. they also recorded the detonation of ammunition, information about the damage to the third radar, they are clarifying: there will be more, they promised in the general headquarters. shooting is simple. during the day, on the street, in the settlement
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of sokilnyky in the lviv region, unknown persons shot dead the criminal authority jonik. according to preliminary information, the man lived, survived, he was hospitalized in serious condition. according to local media, the victims are local authorities of georgian nationality. he rents out real estate and is engaged in the wholesale trade of meat. the police already announced an interception plan for the region. and looking for shooters. another body was recovered from the tisza river in transcarpathia, the state border service reports. the drowning man was found on the border with hungary. the identity of the deceased is being established. this is already the 35th dead person found in a yew tree on the border with neighboring countries. not by river, but off-road. in bukovina , border guards detained seven men who tried to enter romania illegally. they drove to
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the border in two cars, accompanied by a local resident who was supposed to indicate a safe route. by the fugitives had to pay from 5 to 10 thousand dollars for the trip. the law enforcement officers drew up administrative protocols against the violators. she cooperated with the enemy, a resident of the kherson region will appear before the court. according to the case file , a 40-year-old woman was engaged in with anti-ukrainian propaganda and publicly supported the russians in interviews with propaganda media , spoke in support of the invaders and supported the holding of a pseudo-referendum. the traitor is suspected of collaborative activities. the consequences of the battles with the occupiers are terrible, fires continue to burn in kharkiv oblast forests the fire covered more than 280 hectares, the state service said. of these situations on
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the territory of the izyum forestry litter is burning. the elimination of the fire in pishchanskyi and starosaltiv forestry is also ongoing. emergency personnel are working at the scene of the incident. and large-scale forest fires are raging in mountainous areas in the north of india - reuters reports. local residents are trying to put out the fire on their own, as firefighters do not have access to these areas. the territory of the state of jammu and kashmir, and also the northern state of uttarakhand. extraordinary. during this period, the number of fires increases in india, because the temperature rises from mid-march to the beginning of the rainy season in june. norway is allocating 240 million euros to strengthen ukrainian air defense, of which 125 million
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will be used for the purchase of interceptor missiles for the patriot system, the ministry of foreign affairs of the country announced. the norwegian agency reminded that, together with germany... denmark and the netherlands, they plan to transfer to ukraine about a hundred such interceptor missiles for patriot. the german company rainmetal will produce links infantry fighting vehicles in ukraine. the first bmp will be ready already this year, it was agreed at the conference on the restoration of ukraine in berlin, reports the minister of strategic industries. kamishin, for security reasons , the location of the company is not disclosed. learning on time, a new educational project is being launched by the all-ukrainian democratic forum and the ukrainian catholic university. it teachers from
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ucu will train computer science teachers from three oblasts of ukraine have already signed the relevant agreement. details in the material of my colleagues. 48 teachers from 24 schools. lviv, ivano-frankivsk, and poltava regions will learn basic python programming, robotics, and education systems. informatics teachers will learn from the best it specialists. all this involves a new educational project, leave no one behind. it is implemented by the public organization all-ukrainian democratic forum with the support of taiwan and with the assistance of mykola knyazhytskyi. it is very important for us that ukrainians stay in ukraine, because the main goal of putin and our enemies is that... ukraine did not just lose, it first depopulated in order to lose, because of that, encouraging ukrainian children to study, helping them is extremely important, and we initiated such a project, together with by the government of taiwan, about not just helping ukrainian schools with computerization, but also teaching teachers, teaching
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children. teachers will be trained at the ukrainian catholic university, they have already signed a cooperation agreement. we took a long time to sign this. time was transmitted by the stage thinking about the design of the project, of course, understanding where to get resources for this project, and now, together with our partners, we have already reached the stage when we can announce, sign an agreement, continue to work with teachers, with schools, teach and educate a new generation of our children, who will be technologically savvy, who will be ethically savvy, and who will be able to do great things. during the year , three training modules will be held for educators, after which informatics teachers will receive certificates. this program, it concerns, strengthening of teachers in the area of ​​stem, the area of ​​computer sciences, and the area of
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​​information technologies. and thanks to this program, teachers will be able to undergo additional training and gain knowledge in the operation of technology. schools whose teachers have been trained will receive new equipment for computer classes free of charge. to participate in the project , you should fill out the registration form, which will open on june 17. we have now launched and invite you to look at our website and our social media pages, we have launched a monitoring survey that will additional wishes of teachers, what to get in the framework of this training course, and from june 17 competitive selection will start and teachers are invited to apply. and schools to participate in this project. last year, lviv schools in cooperation with taiwan were already given modern acer equipment. in particular, lviv lyceum grono received more than 90 computers, tablets and a powerful generator. and more than 60 laptops, headsets, multimedia complexes and other
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equipment were given to schools in the poltava region. this year , the project has an educational component - professional teacher training. emma stadnyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. and the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support with your donation. 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar. they choose victory every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so for evacuation, atvs are irreplaceable helpers. and they also allow you to move off-road as quickly as possible, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the soldiers of the cold spring not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our goal is uah 4 million. that's all i have, i tell you, see you at 4 p.m.
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there is an important message from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. he worked for several days in a row in the military units, which conduct the defense in the most heated manner. in the directions of the eastern front (i am quoting now from the chief of the armed forces of ukraine). the opponent continues conducting active offensive actions of varying intensity practically along the entire front, concentrating the main efforts on the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. here the enemy has concentrated the largest number of its assault units from the composition of eight shock brigades (i quote: verbatim: fierce battles in these directions have been going on for several months, and during this time, our... bravely hold back the enemy's movement, battles continue in the areas of time ravine, klishchiivka, kalynyvki,
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yes, the enemy is trying to seize these settlements to expand the geography his advance in the direction of kramatorsk and sloviansk, and the enemy unsuccessfully storms bilogorivka. well, it is also important not to ignore geopolitical events, they are important for us to understand what the current situation is with the support of our partners, and actually about this... we will now talk in more detail with oleksandr bondarenko, oh, andriy vasilovskyi, forgive the diplomat, the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine, adviser to the director of the national institute of strategic studies, is already in touch with us, mr. andrii, we welcome you, thank you, what's up, good day, glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador, well, first of all, we would like to ask you about the prospects of the swiss global summit, we understand that we have placed an extremely high emphasis on it, on the other hand, we also understand that the key... important things will still be decided by consensus, in particular, we are talking about ukraine,
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the united states, germany, france and great britain, but there is another point, our adversary, which is supported, in particular there openly or secretly in the diplomatic and not only in a diplomatic way, the people's republic of china, the chinese and the russians will not be present, therefore, if we are talking about the three points that will be discussed publicly, yes... and those points that will be discussed privately, in particular, well, the key story is russian aggression against ukraine, what are the prospects of the swiss global summit, any conference-type event, such as this one, where a joint communiqué or a final declaration is produced, requires a simple thing, unanimity. since we invited 160 and we will obviously have somewhere under 90 participants, then
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we should not hope for unanimity, especially since many of the invited are countries of asia, latin america, africa, who know little about the war in russia against ukraine, and who are worried by it in the sense that it is better for them to. it did not happen, they are not interested in the reasons, they are not interested in the course, they are interested in one simple point, so that this war does not happen, that everything calms down, so then cheap oil from russia, high-quality grain, oil and sugar from ukraine will go to them , and the ships will be able to freely sail, and many of these countries sell their flags for inter'. the people's fleet, so it is clear that the final document by these
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countries, either out of their own interests, or on the advice of their older brothers, why not listen to china, but it will be blurred, you know, the speed of the convoy is determined by the speed of the movement, and the slowest car, here so here one, two or three countries will say... you know, it's too harsh a phrase, it needs to be softened, everything needs to be smooth, soft and acceptable for everyone. then we will agree. to sign, otherwise not, sir ambassador, look, and what in this sense, in this sense i wanted to say, we have some breakthrough communique, some document that, you know, will shake the world and which will frighten moscow terribly, and make beijing think twice about whether it is doing the right thing, on such
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a document should not be counted on, we have another interest, mr. ambassador, the imperative force of ... which communique, it is confirmed by the seriousness of the intention, the intentions of those states that sign this communique or not, yes, and we understand that part of states they really seriously support us, some of them can do it, well, pardon the words, that's the key story, so that our allies can offer such a tough road map that it cannot be ignored by beijing itself, yes, but beijing proposes to convene a different format somewhere there , in which the russian aggressors would also be present, but what to do with that? the main thing for beijing is not to convene its format, the main thing for them, for russia, actually, not for beijing, is to destroy the strong position of this format so that it is acceptable to everyone and, so to speak, liked by everyone, and therefore
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no, i did not define the aggressor harshly, no... i did not define the punishment for him, no, joint measures against him and so on, and part of this goal will be achieved, but i wanted to say that the main thing is not this, the main thing is this , for which this summit will be held, it is an introduction to the real situation, those who came to see, or because someone bought him tickets, here are these, this is... half of the participants, those who know little and have little influence, but who will become participants and through their participation, they will hear not only from of ukraine, but from all her sympathizers, and there will be at least 60 of them there, they will hear what is really happening and why the situation that is developing and the war threatens them as well, those
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who are far away, those who are small, those who have little interest in ... tach of this war, but if it will be swallowed by the international community, if it will be in one form or another actually approved and put on the brakes, then it can happen to them as well. thus, from 60 or 50 strong partners of ukraine, we will make 80 or 90 strong partners of ukraine. that's how important this dream is. mr. andriy, let's talk about china. will call on china to stop supporting russia in the war against ukraine, after the summit in italy, bloomberg writes about this, and according to the publication of ukraine's partner, china is accused of supplying russia with technologies and parts for the military-industrial complex. there was also information from the same bloomberg that from next month the european union will introduce additional tariffs on electric cars from china, which will lead to
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an escalation of the global trade war and an increase in the cost of selling cars in europe for companies from china. to tesla and so on. what do you think, will the west be ready to take some radical steps to stop cooperation between russia and china? these are two different things, let's not confuse them, and china's participation in the support of the russian federation, large companies, banks and so on, it is practically now being monitored and in general there is little of it. but they are looking for all kinds of loopholes, through small banks, through third countries, chinese business trades for its own benefit with what russia needs federation. this is what simka will mainly focus on, and it will pursue it, and it will strengthen its methods of tracking and punishing, and in china
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they know about it, and accordingly the scars will be gradually covered up. it is difficult to cover all of them, because there are a million companies, but they will be engaged in this, and it is very valuable and important for ukraine. regarding the second question, uh, tariffs on chinese electric cars, uh, the european union has been dealing with this, this topic for the last one and a half years, serious institutions have been working for the last six months, studying which, which in exactly the same way... and china subsidizes its own electric companies and car manufacturers so that they sell these goods at dumping prices all over the world, primarily in europe, because europe is the most... active in attracting electric transport, and china imposes tariffs on european electric cars in the amount of 20%, and the current
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european tariffs on chinese goods are similar to 15% today, so it will lose here as well, so the european union will introduce additional tariffs, these tariffs will obviously have. more than 20% in order to to win back at least part of its space, and this is a completely different economic issue, it is not related to the war in ukraine, but it is related to the fact that europe must fight for its own technological and energy space, otherwise it will become a trading platform for countries third world mr. ambassador, an important signal has come from the minister of defense of the kingdom of the netherlands. so, as she said, the first f-16s will be delivered to ukraine already this summer, and since then the supply
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of these combat aircraft will be put on stream. we understand that this is extraordinary, it will have a great effect not only from a psychological point of view, but also specifically from a military point of view, and we understand that this means that the measure has adopted or is seriously considering a new, fundamentally new one. a war scenario that will ignore the kremlin's so-called fake red lines as much as possible, yes, this became especially evident after the enemy once again began bombing civilian objects, in particular the millionaire city of kharkiv. i did not understand the enemy's logic, but in any case, the approach is no longer gradual is included in what is called serious support of ukraine as a state. which is seriously preparing to liberate the lands captured by the enemy, so what do you think the event scenario might be and how seriously will they be
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ready to support us in the future? cassie olengren's message is important, but it's also partly disappointing because what does this summer mean? this summer is also august 31, ugh, it doesn't suit me, i heard, for example, that one of the countries announced that... they will come to us already in june, june also has, also has 31 days, it seems, on sorry, or how much, here, but, i would like it to be today or yesterday already in june, and as the bbc reported today, that is why the russian aviation strategically bombed vasylkiv from its military airfield, and... the russians are preparing, trying to create conditions for these planes to be received in ukraine could, uh, we in turn
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do whatever it takes, how it's actually going to play out when they land and start operating, we don't know, and it's a good thing we don't know, because if we knew, one of us would speak up russian, but we will not agree, now about whether it is will seriously change the field. battle, psychologically yes, extremely, and bombing kharkiv will be more difficult. the number of russian planes bombing kharkiv and other large cities close to the contact line is huge, and no matter how many f-16s we get in the coming months, we will not drive them all away, but we will scare them, and in any case, there will be no more such arrogance will, already fly up... to the shelter in kharkiv to drop off lest they will, and this is one, one of the aspects of this war, important, but one of them is the same as
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naval, such as cybernetic, such as a land one, and the fact that president biden said that one more patriot will be given right now is good, and the fact that scholz told the germans that the patriot and... on er other equipment, including missiles for this patriot, everything will be fine, it means that the event is fully invested in the war of ukraine against russia, and if you add the element that these weapons can be used outside the borders of ukraine on the territory of the russian federation, then this is a big big step. it's a pity that it didn't happen a year ago, and it's a pity that during this time we lost many people, but that's how it is in the world, we have to pay for our future with our own blood. mr. andrii, to be very brief, a conference on the reconstruction
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of ukraine is currently in berlin. does not continue, there are certain focuses on how we should survive this year, in particular, how the situation with the restoration of our energy system will take place, and we see a certain activation of both germany and the united states, there are certain positive signals about the provision of additional patriot systems to ukraine , in particular, that is , both the united states and germany said this that was said, do you now feel the moment that our partners are beginning to perceive the threats that are now facing us in an absolutely adequate and sober manner. at least this year? yes, they have understood where we are and what is at stake, and they are fully engaged. the only problem is that they don't have very many of them, they can give one patriot or two patriots, they can't give 10. so we still have a big complicated war ahead of us, and so we have to assemble as perfectly as possible internally, in our government, in our
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society, in order not to... these difficulties and to accept the help that is given to us with gratitude, of good quality and to use it effectively, and the berlin recovery conference is a wonderful, wonderful platform for such work, and in particular the words of chancellor scholz when he said: "we will give you everything to save you now." restoration will come when you... win, but for now we will give you everything to support and save you. thank you, andriy vasylovskyi, diplomat extraordinary and ambassador plenipotentiary of ukraine, adviser to the director of the national institute of strategic studies, was on our air, we thank him for the conversation and i would like to remind you that we publish important theses and statements on our air on our youtube channel, so please subscribe to it if you want to be aware of the most important events and receive reliable
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and verified information. there you can also view our special projects and programs and in the shorts section watch short videos on hot topics, comment, put your preferences and share the content you like, so this content will get into the recommendations and it will be seen by as many people as possible. now we are going for a short break, after it we will continue, we will have the opportunity to communicate with the kyiv region. today kyiv region was shelled by the russians, what is actually happening there now? we will find out about everything literally in a few minutes. there are discounts, such as discounts on urulesan of 15% in pharmacies plantain fam and oshchab. warning. total sale. kors garden trimmers under unpack tv with a discount of only uah 799. only 799 for a reliable tool, high
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