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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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that is, they already see it, and they warn that if they reach the edge of the abyss, they have no, will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons to radically change the situation, so they want to say, do not bring russia to the edge of the abyss , and give us ukraine, well, relatively speaking, it seems to me that it looks like this so far. oleksiy, and then why did the russians decide not to use this story, when ukrainian drones caused a... on the russian missile attack warning systems, because de facto and deyure there according to the russian doctrine, they refer to the nuclear component there and in fact they require some kind of adequate response, this did not happen, how can you explain such an unexpected passivity of the russian federation? well, there is really such a strange thing here, which is absolutely very difficult to explain, i think those forces, well those those...
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the planners of this operation, they calculated everything well and know much more than than i can find anywhere in open sources. it seems to me that there are two factors: well, from a formal point of view, there may be such a situation that in fact these sprn stations, they are used more in this new anti-satellite story, when china and russia are trying to push through such a limitation of satellite systems, and in principle. these stations must be understood, early warning stations, they, they see space in reality, because the combat units of intercontinental missiles, they fly in space, they rise higher than the flight of cosmonauts and even some reconnaissance satellites, that is, they see space, at the same time they see everything that is happening there, i do not rule out that in fact they are needed here such a joint russian-chinese space observation system. yes, it is possible that this is
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one version, the other version is that they do not work at all, i think that, well, or they work poorly, this cannot be ruled out, the third version, well, it is the most thorough, after all, if you look at the whole story nuclear forces, then this is a question of the vulnerability of nuclear forces to ordinary, ordinary action, ordinary ordinary influence, when, for example, terrorists did something... with a positional area, and there is a situation, or sabotage groups, this situation, as far as i understand it, is not regulated by the protocol of relations between nuclear states, if searches are made in various documents there, when nuclear weapons can be used, this is the situation when a saboteur entered and damaged the command center there with a sniper rifle, it's not...
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a reason to start a nuclear war, that is, it 's such a vulnerability, because at the end of the day, well , keep your armed forces, what 's called safeties, well, that kind of security, physical security, it has to be ensured, so i think here just such a gray area, which is very well, the planners of this operation in ukraine got it right, this gray zone does not allow russia to clearly say that we will do something in the same way as the actions of a relatively ordinary drone on the airfield in the saratov region engels, where not only strategic bombers were here and there there is a dozen kilometers there and a large warehouse of nuclear weapons, nuclear ammunition, so here is something like that, i think we found it, you can say we hacked it, we hacked this russian strategic system and found a vulnerability there that can be hacked...
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expand further. oleksiy, just one minute, the question is what could be, let's say, the situation or on the battlefield or some changes that could cause russia to use tactical nuclear weapons there, what are the reasons, what are the signs? well, i said about it, i think, on the battlefield, the only possibility and the only one, well, that in the years of the cold war, the 80s, nato and the soviet union said that either... to break through the frantic defense or, well, to eliminate such a breakthrough in the bewildered defense, now , after all, the situation has come to this level, so i do not believe that there will be the use of nuclear weapons right here on the front, but what i said, they are considering the option and trying to prove that it is real, if they come to the limit of their internal sustainability. to the limit of internal stability,
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when such a soviet collapse begins, and at such a limit they say that they can use weapons, of course, russian-ukrainian. against us, our actions may bring russia to this limit, but they will do it not to stop ukrainian troops, but because ukrainian the troops bring them to this limit, so it's still difficult to say what to do about it, but it's easy to understand, i think it's time, you understand this aspect. oleksiy, thank you very much for such professional and accurate comments, let me remind you that it was oleksiy yizhak, an expert of the national institute of strategic studies, that the enemy's training is ongoing, but we now clearly understand it. the context is, on the one hand, intimidation, and the other is just that kind of intimidation in the conditions of the enemy's opportunities, which are gradually being exhausted. these were the main military results of this era, then the broadcast will be continued by vasyl zima, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much
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to serhii zahorets, thank you to his guest, we continue the great ter, there are many interesting things ahead, i did not say. today in the announcement of a tragedy in kryvyi rih, the enemy hit the city, more on that later, now i will call you to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the soledar and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the so-called gray zone in the open air in any weather day and night, so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment. in particular, we are talking about bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, we need a minibus that will deliver to the zone. combat operations, mobile repair groups and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630. and i want to say that we have already managed to collect uah 442. let's move on and still we will close this collection. and now sad news from
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kryvyi rih. number of victims in kryvyi rih increased to eight, at least 20 people were injured, among them two children, four more civilians are considered missing - reported the minister of internal affairs of ukraine ihor klymenko. on the day the russians launched a terrorist missile attack on the city , a video from the emergency services shows significant destruction and damage to buildings and cars. currently, her rescue operations are ongoing, at the scene, information may be clarified, we are trying to get in touch with the people who are authorized. say more, if we manage to do it, we will definitely do it until 7:00 p.m. before the news release, we will tell you more, but now we are moving on to another topic, iryna fedoriv, ​​we are a journalist, the head of the public initiative golka, mrs. iryna, we welcome you, congratulations, i am glad to see and
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hear, you know, we have a topic of conversation will be a little different today, but it is still connected with the judiciary, the legal system and actually what... or, as they say, the manual regulation of certain legal institutions, this kind of information is a reason for conversation, it is very important, because it is indicative, but here at least there is good news that the judge speaks russian passport, well , a russian passport was discovered in his possession, bohdan lviv, lost his appeal regarding his reinstatement, so the former judge, not that there is anywhere, but of the supreme court, bohdan lviv, whose russian passport was discovered by the sbu, lost his appeal that.. reinstatement, the case was heard by the sixth court of appeal, and the decision on this case could not be reached, it is interesting that there is a lawyer in ukraine who for some reason calls it the supreme court of ukraine, but also those who do not know , whether they have
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russian passports or not, but in some of their own statements and actions, well, they work, as they say, not entirely in the interests of ukraine, and these people get public access to certain events and will also teach someone... tell me more about this event, well, look, actually, last week everyone they talked about how buzhansky could, he is a low-key people's deputy who came from the servants of the people, and it is clear that he supports the moscow priests, how he could get to the west, the military institute of the taras shevchenko kyiv national university and tell someone something about critical thinking, and this is not a matter for the authorities, it turns out that there are some really strange people in our education system. you and i looked at the footage of what is happening in dnipropetrovsk oblast before the inclusion, it turns out that there are people in our society who consider it normal to involve vata in educational processes, and that is what we have to talk about today, we have such a non -ukrainian lawyer, rostyslav kravets, ah, this is a person
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who has a telegram channel, quite strong coverage, and his telegram channel is based on the research of our public initiative. golka entered the kremlin network, that is , absolutely fluff narratives are spread there, and you can imagine my surprise when i open the announcement of one of the educational events and realize that he will... teach military law to military personnel, their families and lawyers, that is, this is a continuation of the same story with buzhansky, when such a person is admitted to educational processes, it turns out that in our country even educators do not understand what to do, and lawyers do not understand who is who, and moreover , some media also take the comments of this rostyslav kravets, well, he is frank vatny, well, in some media it’s, well... you can’t specify, but if we’re talking about a large reach, the telegram channel, you said, yes, or the youtube channel, well, actually,
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there are many people now, well, it’s also very often on tiktok there are people who, by one or another of their actions, well, i would say so, do not provide legal solutions to one or another problems that even exist, if we talk about this measure, that is, teaching, it is who allows it or who... this - blesses such and such work, here are these trainings, and again, and people wonder who will come to these training, military, lawyers, their families, they will at least be informed that certain people can voice certain information in such interesting interests, i won't say my interests, and maybe it's not their interests, but does anyone report this, how is it happening the selection, well, it should be a certain permission, so you conduct, you teach. you, you should get an addendum to this, well, actually, you're going to a large audience. well, look, if we talk
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about the educational process, today we are preparing a letter to the company that conducts it training in leadership law, in order for them to explain why they selected the tailor, or after the media outcry, they plan to change the speakers, because you can't keep quiet about it, if you remember, after the scandal with buzhanskyi, ah, the military institute was simply issued in... a notice, but it happened, here to remove this speaker from the panel, and i understand that a lot of work today is in the bodies, well, in particular, in the security service of ukraine, which actually has, does not have, it cares, and really, there is nothing to say here, security service of ukraine today, the enemy is hitting in various directions in the rear, at the front, and beyond. the front, that is , here, but sometimes, perhaps, they do not pay attention
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to such things, which allegedly do not directly contradict anything, do not call for the overthrow of the state system, do not call for opposition there, say, to some employees of law enforcement agencies, structures, do not call there somehow to harm the armed forces of ukraine, but all this can somehow be done in a very veiled way, how could we pay attention to at least checks on certain people who go to... a large audience, for example, working as a tv presenter, i work for a fairly large audience, i think about every word that i say, and if a person sometimes says something, and it seems to be not quite right, but there is no attention to it, then perhaps, let's draw the attention of those people who could verify the statements, well, look, for my part, i provided information to the special services about the results of monitoring the telegram network and what we discovered, and here i want to say that there is a gap in the law... we do not regulate in any way, but the fact that kravets is unambiguous
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as a batnik, it can be seen that a person writes the supreme court not of ukraine, then he will write the verkhovna rada not of ukraine, then he will write the office of the president of ukraine. well, how can this be, he spreads misinformation about the mobilization processes, i'm simple, and then he will say that oh, but our president is no longer the president, 5 years have passed, well, we, for example, all understand it. we understand that there will be no elections during the period of martial law, so our president remains our president, despite everything, and we can also say that the war and not the president at all, and you seem to be not an enemy of ukraine, you just say, well, legally, look at it, please, well, he really is, he can deepen these narratives, he does the same in terms of mobilization, well look, he used to dispute the de-russification of the ukrainian spelling, he appeared on the tapes of the wolf, about the supreme court, not of ukraine, he constantly sticks to it. therefore, i propose to call him exclusively a lawyer not from ukraine, because a lawyer from ukraine will not be
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labeled by the supreme court as a supreme court not from ukraine. if to see what narratives he gives about mobilization, that there are a lot of evasions and so on, that is, he undermines a completely normal information field, and he is allowed to speak about military law, he says that they could illegally obtain permission to leave for men for border, that is, he hits the pain points absolutely consciously, and you talked about whether we can talk about what media are calling him, so he was at breakfast. 1+1 and then nataliya mesiichuk took him to her youtube channel and there she gave him more than 185 thousand views on the topic of mobilization audiences, i.e. they reveal to him a huge audience and then he stuffs cotton wool into these heads, and we, as journalists and representatives of the public sector, will have to work with this society in war conditions. thank
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you, i will just add from myself that we already had a huge audience at one time for... such a political adventurer as oleksiy aristovych, then there was another psychologist, i don't know if he is there or not, where , what about him, spartacus, saturday, there is still somewhere, that is, people are promoted, they earn their own views, money, and popularity, and then throw into the fertile soil what you want to throw, and somewhere in the midst of that seed there is some one poisonous seed, and it can also bear fruit, thank you very much for paying attention, and thank you for your work, iryna fedorov. fedoriv, ​​a journalist, the head of the public initiative gola, well, really, if you allow me to teach, work with military personnel, with their families, with lawyers, well, look at who you hire, what views the person has. but we call on people who do not change their views, just the opposite reinforce certain points and try to point out prospects, threats, risks and
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opportunities to other people. valery pekar, a public figure , is in touch with us. mr. valery, i congratulate you. good afternoon, sir. but we always read your posts and they get a lot of views and people comment, because you are definitely a person who produces these meanings, and this is important at a time when many people have lost these meanings, or someone did not have them at all. and talking today about the ways of the development of the war, political, social, i am not talking about the situation at the moment on the front, maybe to a lesser extent, let the military experts speak, but here if we talk about risks and opportunities, based on the state where we are now... what we have, what we don't have, what we can have, what are the scenarios with people, you have to talk like adults, you do it on facebook, let's do it on espresso. thank you very much for this opportunity, mr. vasyl, i'm definitely not a military expert, but there are things we know about war, and for that you don't need to be a military expert. the first thing we know for sure about the war is that russia chose the strategy of a war of attrition, not
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only because russia believes that it has more resources than ukraine, but ... because russia knows that ukraine depends on the support of its allies, and the allies are democratic countries, so sooner or later they can change the government to one that is less committed to supporting ukraine. the second thing we know about the war is that despite all the russian efforts, russia has not been able to advance much on the front, at least, er, for almost a year and a half, the russian gains are very limited. despite heavy ukrainian losses and and the third thing we know for sure is that today the western allies continue to fear a ukrainian defeat and fear a ukrainian victory, because they associate a ukrainian victory with the collapse of russia, oh-oh-oh, terrible thing, the uncontrolled spread of edible weapons, the refugee crisis, the humanitarian
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catastrophe, the strengthening of china, radical islamism, all the fears that you can think of, but these three things actually flow. what could be the scenarios of the continuation and end of the war for us, the worst case scenario is the continuation of the war of non-recognition until our allies sooner or later tire of supporting us, the best case scenario for us is the scenario where we manage to convince our allies that our victory is their victory, our defeat, this is their cut, and the collapse of russia is not a bad thing, it is , first of all, inevitable, and secondly, if it is controlled, it brings only gains and advantages to our allies, and the intermediate scenario, the scenario of freezing the war , this is not a good scenario because we know that the empire always returns, so that there are no illusions, the empire returns after any truce, and this means that this truce will last 3-5 years, well
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seven at the most, russia will return, and the question then is who will take advantage. time to prepare, or russia, which will continue to prepare all this time for the next invasion, or ukraine, which will either prepare or waste time, depending on who wins, what the agenda is, which candidates win in the upcoming elections after there will be martial law, but actually our scenarios are very brief, and it follows from them what we need to do, mr. vasyl, you know, our partners at least have... the parliament, the prime minister, the parliament appoints, if it's, say, germany, or italy, somewhere the president, a key figure, like say in france or in... the united states of america, but in any case, they have working economies , which provide an opportunity to help ukraine, plus now somewhere it is starting to revive or gain momentum
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industry, military industry, there is human capital, plus there are many ukrainians today in europe, in germany, in poland, who will also work and will definitely be ready to work, let's say in industry, than to be in a perpetual state in ukraine now, well, i say so , as it is, and here is the question regarding ukraine, or? ukraine will endure this period of exhaustion, we are talking now about increased taxes, about increased tariffs, about the fact that many people are mobilizing, somewhere the economy is losing, somewhere, well, the psychological state of society, plus such and such things, or people, at least, who work for a large audience, who would communicate clearly with people, so that people are not pulled in different directions, there are also not many right now, so the question is this safety margin in ukraine, i understand that we can until the end... don't know your safety margin, somewhere in us some 15th breath will open at some stage, maybe we don't even know about it, but here's how you assess the state of ukrainian society right now, both economically, psychologically,
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morally, please, i mr. vasyl, i rate him as difficult, but with prospects to improvement, but here i want to say an unpleasant thing to all our viewers, we often have to hear such emotional statements, but ukraine will still win, but... i believe in ukraine, but ukraine is eternal and insignificant, it is very emotional and beautiful, but unfortunately, this is not true, unfortunately, ukraine is very strong, very powerful, but there is a certain limit of mistakes and bad decisions, after which ukraine does not exist, because if ukraine exists eternally indefinite, then it means that you can do any mistakes can be made any nonsense, anyway, ukraine will win, no, it's not... yes, uh, there is a certain limit, uh, and beyond which ukraine ceases to exist, and this imposes on us, on all ukrainians, ukraine very big commitments, er, we have to
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be very practical, pragmatic in our decisions, they have to lead us to victory. actually, 100 years ago, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers already had ukraine, then we lost it, which ended everything for the ukrainian people, as we know, with the great suffering of the 20th century with famine, with a shot-down revival, with... the death of a huge number of ukrainians during the second world war and so on, that is , we must understand that it is possible to be defeated, we must do everything possible in order to win, what state we are in, well, obviously not the best, and significant to a certain extent, this is an emotionally and psychologically negatively charged state, people believe that it will get worse, people believe that the good will not shine for us or it will shine very slowly, there is a sociological survey, people say that everything is going... not that way, eh , that the future does not promise anything good, and at the same time, if you start to understand, the sociological research shows that
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there is still optimism and stability in ukrainian society, so it is simply necessary to communicate more accurately and correctly with the ukrainian people, explaining why such a decision was made, why another decision was made, er, how, for example, a lot of people were waiting for the law on the mobilization of ee... thinking that when the law is published, they will understand how their future will be built, and the law was published, and everyone saw that there are no answers, there is no communication , that we instead, we see, on the one hand, the failure of mobilization, because there is a very large shortage of personnel in almost all areas of the front, on the other hand, in the rear, the same failure of this mobilization company, because only unrest without endless we hear violations of human rights, some... . illegal actions, some absolutely terrible stories appear one way or another, they cannot be attributed only to russian special operations, no, it is
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our own ukrainian stupidity, so it turns out that no one deals with this, no one communicates, as in fact everything will be reflected and here, by the way, and we must mention one thing that is being talked about a lot now, economic mobilization, i heard very different points of view, that it will lead to... a social explosion, that this is all an informational and psychological operation of the russians, that this is all means to buy a vacation from the army with money and so on and so on, in fact it is not like that, because what is economic reservation, it is not the rich who buy themselves a vacation, it is the companies who issue the most valuable employees in order not to close, because at each a company , big or small, has some amount key people after mobilization.
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abroad, who clearly say that men from ukraine are coming, clearly state the amount for which they managed to leave, well, illegally, for which they paid four, 7, 10 thousand dollars, this is when they say that the rich are being bought off, the rich can leave , well, let's be frank, we have holes in the border, and it's no secret, well, that is, these are the same people who left there, they somehow left illegally, they probably flew over, that is, someone missed them, someone on this made money and is still making money. ago i just add that economy booking is not the rich who bought themselves off, the rich can go and live for themselves and not think about economy booking at all, they can easily live outside of ukraine, they are really rich, just for us now, probably $800 is a huge wealth, i i understand for well, but well, let's tell the truth, and you say what in fact is, that these are not rich, they are just people who are needed by businesses that pay taxes, that go to the army, and for these businesses to work, that's it do you have a reservation please
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eh... mr. vasyl, i completely agree with you, because in fact economic reservation already exists, only this economic reservation is in quotes, it is a big tuna criminal market, a market for mobilization evasion services, and it already exists, and to fight it sermons, let's all criminals suddenly one day repent and sin no more, it just means believing in some pink unicorns that don't exist, so we have two alternatives, or it's transparent, chees... legal economic reservation, revenues from which enterprise are paid to the state budget of ukraine and this money is used for the needs of the front, or it is an opaque, criminal, shadowy economic reservation in quotation marks, the income from which goes into the pockets of criminals, and they then use it to, i don’t know what they do there, buy real estate for themselves abroad or something, but actually we have two alternatives: either it is legal and
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transparent. or it is illegal, opaque and criminal, we choose between these, you know, just like there are people who believe in pink elephants, live in a pink ocean, blue fish swim there, they have their own world, but we have, let’s say, a huge market for the provision of sexual services in ukraine, it is illegal, someone makes money from it, we understand it perfectly well, i am not saying that there should be legalization, no yes, i'm just saying that these are facts, and there are the same facts, when something passes through customs and ends up in someone's pocket, there are many similar facts in various... spheres of activity, there are officials, but there is no budget, and in this situation, well, it's easier for someone to get rich, well, i want to, because when will there be a chance to get rich for some people, now is a golden time to get rich, it's really a golden time, they won't have that opportunity again after the war, so why should this money be paid to the military at the front, so i think the only question here is that it's really correctly communicated and proved to the society that this is not an injustice, and there are no guarantees, who can be banned,
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who cannot be banned under... the enterprise will decide this, and i would like you to give the very end of our conversation a positive point about how people to adapt, how to think, so that now at this time, nevertheless, continue to live effectively and work for victory. mr. vasiliy, if i say that this is a marathon, it will be a banality that has been repeated a million times. i want to mention here viktor frankl, a psychologist who survived the nazi concentration camps. and he repeated: the first to die were those who believed that everything would end very quickly, the second to die were those who lost faith that it would ever end at all, and the ones who survived and won were those who simply did what every day had to be done every day, it means that we just have to do our work every day and not forget, while doing our work, to devote part of our time, our money, our efforts to the support of the defense forces, someone gives it...
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all his strength and even his life, and each and every one of us should give as much strength, time and opportunities as we can, as much as we have, and this is the basis for the unity of all citizens of ukraine, on this basis we will understand each other and not let's allow disagreements among ourselves, because we all need victory for each other everyone, and we clearly know what a victory is, a victory is better than the previous one, thank you very much for finding the time, thank you for joining, valery pekar, a public figure was in touch with us, and indeed this phrase... we will win, i believe, faith without works is dead, wrote the apostle jacob, everyone must contribute to the victory, nothing happens just like that, as the same les podrevyansky said, nothing comes from nowhere and does not disappear anywhere, literally in a moment of news , good evening, we are from ukraine, and unfortunately, the tragedy in kryvyi rih, the number of victims there has increased to eight, at least 21 people were injured, among them two children, four more civilians...
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are missing - the minister of internal affairs reported.


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