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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EEST

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forces of defense, someone gives all his strength and even his life to it, and each one of us should give as much energy , time and opportunity as we have, and this is the basis for the unity of all citizens, citizens ukraine, on this basis we will come to an understanding and we will not allow divisions among ourselves, because we all need victory, one over all, and we clearly know what victory is, thank you very much, it will be better than the previous ones, thank you very much for taking the time, thank you , who joined, valery pekar, a public figure was. in touch with us, well, really here phrase: we will win, i believe, faith without works is dead, wrote the apostle james. everyone should contribute to the victory. just like that, nothing happens - said the same les podrevyanskyi: "nothing comes from nowhere and never disappears." literally in a moment of news. good evening, we are from ukraine. and unfortunately, the tragedy in kryvyi rih. the number of victims there increased to eight, at least 21 people were injured among. they have two children, four more civilians
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are considered missing, the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko, said. on the same day, the russians launched a terrorist missile attack on a residential building in the city. in the video from the emergency services, significant destruction and damage to buildings and cars is visible. at the moment, the rescue work is ongoing, information can and will be clarified during our teru, that's for sure. i think that the verdict will be clarified during the program, because it is important, it is true. tragedy, we will monitor what is happening there, and of course, our sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims and to the city, in general, which today suffered this vile blow on the day the russians hit a critical infrastructure facility in zaporizhzhia, as the head of the regional military administration ivan fedorov informs, there is damage, fortunately, no people were injured. and a bit of a car breaker. in kharkiv region,
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unfortunately, one person died, two more were injured, including a child, the regional police reported. in the village of pisochyn, a passenger bus drove off the road to prave uzbicchia. the 36-year-old driver died, a 60-year-old female passenger with bruises was brought to the hospital, and doctors also examined a seven-year-old boy. reasons traffic accident is being investigated by law enforcement officers. judges from the comantium. bohdan lviv will not wear it. the board of judges of the sixth appeals administrative court of the city of kyiv confirmed the legality of the dismissal of a judge with russian citizenship. bohdan lviv , ex-head of the cassation economic court, will not be reinstated in the staff of the supreme court and will not be paid his salary for the period of forced absenteeism. let me remind you that in october 22, the security service of ukraine, referring to data from the registers of the russian federation, confirmed that bohdan lviv had a russian citizenship well, for now, i will say that i am
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a little surprised, i did not expect such a decision, since, if the question of citizenship is a little outside the scope of today's process, then in my opinion it is impossible to recognize such a dismissal as legitimate, it was not assumed, although we listened only to the decisive part of the decision and something. dates with full text. it will be possible to steal bot farms for promotional purposes only after familiarization with zhytomyr region and dnipropetrovsk region, the security service of ukraine reported. a resident of korosten helped the russians to hack phones of ukrainian defenders. the attacker registered virtual numbers with ukrainian operators, and the occupiers sent a virus to the phones of our defenders that collected confidential data. a 30-year-old resident of dnipro was also detained. he created...
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created social media pages for russians to spread kremlin propaganda. he sold drugs and psychotropic substances. police officers kidnapped a resident of the capital. the 41-year-old man planned to sell narcotic substances through bookmarking. everyone has already forgotten about those bookmarks, but you see, they still exist. investigators searched for and seized caches of goods, the seller was declared a suspect, he faces up to 12 years in prison. during an emergency search of the hitman's residence, the police found more than 1.5 kg of illegal substances, including amphetamine, mephedrone, alpha pvp, cannabis, and ecstasy and psilocybin mushrooms. in addition, law enforcement officers found a grenade in the suspect's apartment, which was removed by explosives service specialists. and someone supplied it to him, that's all. that's what she
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called the fuel theft in poltava region employees of ukrzaliznytsia were detained, they spilled tons of fuel worth more than uah 5,000 near kremenchuk, the ex-head of a branch of ukrzaliznytsia will be tried for ... million-dollar frauds, the perpetrator organized the purchase of gas bypassing tenders for sale, the participants of the scheme supplied an additional markup on fuel, thus earned more than uah 206 million. and officially from the general staff, on the night of june 12, the defense forces of ukraine struck the russian anti-aircraft missile division in the temporarily occupied ukrainian crimea. occupied by the enemy, the russians, of course, confirmed the hit near belbek and sevastopol, as a result of the attack, two radars of the s-300 and s-400 complexes were destroyed, they also recorded the detonation of ammunition, information about the damage to the third radar, further clarifications will be made, the general staff of the armed
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forces of ukraine promised, and for some reason i believe them, because actually it was, is, and will be, well, that’s how they congratulated russia on the holiday with... russia day, well, they have russia day, these are such congratulations for the aggressor, let them celebrate their holidays at home and not rush to the neighbors, that is, to us. russian forces have completely withdrawn from nagorno-karabakh, as reported by the ministry of defense of azerbaijan, the muscovites have completely withdrawn their so-called peacekeeping contingent, which has been there for a long time, since 2020, based on the agreement between russia, armenia and azerbaijan, well, that's all. 200 soldiers of the army. the russians were supposed to stay there for 5 years, well, they won't stay there anymore. well, that's actually all the news i managed to tell you about, and in a few minutes we'll be back in the studio, it's going to be interesting, stay tuned. one more step to
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barrier-free. in frankivsk , work on the first large barrier-free route is being completed, now people with disabilities and ukrainians with limited mobility will be able to get from the military hospital to the city hall without obstacles, and as the military themselves note, this will greatly simplify their lives. the guys can get from the regional hospital to the center without any problems, on the way they tried to get into public transport, drive in, quite a few drivers opened up and helped drive in. it was very pleasant, even for a person who does not every day come across a wheelchair and in it does not move, can move on the sidewalk and unhindered. previously , the footpaths on this street were in a bad
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condition, during the restoration of the route , seamless cobblestones were laid and the transitions were lowered, so people with disabilities now do not have to make great efforts to simply walk. there is a lot of work ahead, you can see that pharmacies are not accessible, shops, but the city really took on this year five full-fledged, large routes where people with disabilities will be able to pass, lowering, asphalting, all those things that really should have been done a long time ago, but it is very important for us that these works are actively ongoing now, that transport is available, that we take care of it and do it, the ivano-frankivsk city hall promises that by the end of the year the main barrier-free... route, which chosen by veterans, will be made accessible to people with disabilities. well, and we return to the conversation. i
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announced today that one country has decided to withdraw from the csto, which is exactly what we are talking about, and yuriy fizar will not only talk about this. the world about ukraine. yury, good evening, please word. good evening to you, vasyl, good evening. to everyone who joined our airwaves, today about this, news, not very pleasant about the peace summit, which is planned in just a few days, on june 15-16 in burgenstock, switzerland, new american sanctions have already been implemented, and when you are the son of the president, but it does not mean anything at all for the court, well, but it is in the united states of america, about this and the other in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: the european court of human rights in strasbourg has started hearings on the merits of the lawsuit of the netherlands and ukraine against erefia in the case of the downing of the malaysian airlines flight mh-17, which happened in the east of ukraine in 2014.
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the delegations of the netherlands and ukraine, as well as representatives of third countries, in particular the member states of the echr, great britain, belgium, and austria, are present. and others, but there is no russian delegation to the meeting in strasbourg, and this is despite the fact that it is the respondent country. the court was informed that russia did not provide information about who will represent it. in court let me remind you that the court in strasbourg is on january 25, 2023 recognized the joint lawsuit of the netherlands and ukraine against russia as partially acceptable. this meant that the court would proceed to consider the merits of this claim. today he is starting to do it. well, he started to do it, but as we can see, in his style, the russians put sticks in the wheels. they simply did not appear, if the defendant does not appear, but of course, the hearing is over. are worn, well, although it is possible that they will be without russia, we will see. there are
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literally a few days left before the peace summit in switzerland, but already several countries, unfortunately, those that previously agreed to take part in it, have now refused to send their representatives to bürgenstock. now, instead of 93 countries, as previously planned, only 78 will be represented there. this was reported by journalists of the ukrainian bureau of radio liberty with a link. according to their own sources, while, according to the published information, the number of countries refusing may increase, which countries have changed their mind to participate in the peace summit, the sources did not say. let me remind you that only three items from the ukrainian peace plan are planned to be discussed at this meeting. it's a shame, of course. very, very sorry. at the same time, i constantly emphasize that it is worth almost nothing. to expect a peace summit from this, although the very fact that friends of ukraine will gather and continue to talk
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about supporting ukraine is still a plus for us. we must annually allocate 40 billion euros of aid to ukraine. such a statement was made by nato secretary general jens stoltenberg in an interview with the german publication dpaiche presa agentur. according to him, this is a lot of money, but it is extremely necessary for ukraine. with. sec of the north atlantic of the alliance added that it will be easier to cope with such a burden, which may fall on the shoulders of nato member countries, if this burden is shared among all of them. the distribution of the burden and the contribution of individual countries, according to mr. stoltenberg, can be calculated on the basis of gdp, well, according to this, the usa will pay the most, will allocate about 50 million - 50%, and the rest will be divided between the european allies and canada. well, the most interesting thing is that mr. stoltenberg summed it up like this, it is quite
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likely, however, they have not yet reacted the leaders of nato member countries to his proposal, and i am sure that there will be representatives of at least two countries who will be very strongly against it, and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg also supported the decision of the german authorities to allow the use of their weapons in ukraine. to protect ukraine from russia, shelling targets on the territory of russia and the federation. but washington introduced a new package of sanctions against countries that somehow try to help russia. this was reported by department of finance of the united states of america. according to the published information, sanctions have been introduced against many individuals. and legal companies and organizations, but they will apply also and, most importantly,
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against those companies that help russia buy semiconductor chips made with the use of american technologies and equipment, and then use these chips in missiles that fire at ukraine. in particular, eight companies from hong kong that supply chips to russia will be blacklisted. in addition, restrictions will affect those organizations. which , according to washington, provide goods to the russian, sorry, aviation sector, and the united states has also expanded the sanctions imposed on corporate software used in the russian federation , and in practice this will lead to the fact that it will no longer be updated. the only point here is that russian craftsmen will be able, of course, hackers, will be able to make this equipment continue. work until a certain period of time, but we'll see, but it's very important, and by the way, this information about the introduction of such
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sanctions was also confirmed by the coordinator of strategic communications of the white house security council, john kirby. today, hungary received guarantees from nato that it will not be involved in the nato mission to support ukraine, unless the citizens of the country want it, and that any actions outside the territory of the alliance are for... according to him , the alliance took note that hungary wants to fully use its freedom of action, which is granted to it according to the rules in force in the alliance, and not to participate in any nato missions territories of the alliance. at the same time, orbán confirmed that his government, as before, is convinced of the need to seek
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a solution, as he called it again, to the conflict exclusively by peaceful means, and it will not happen, which is the most important thing for us. to block nato's decision to support ukraine, but at the same time added that he would not join this support, military, in particular, in hungary. moving on, in the end, russia will have to pay for all the damage it caused during the introduction of an aggressive and unmotivated war in ukraine. about it on his page in microblogging network x, which is the former twitter, wrote the prime minister. of estonia, kaya kalas. according to her, this will be done using russian assets frozen in the west. ms. kalas recalled that her country's parliament passed a law in may that allows this to be done legally, so she hopes it can become an example for other countries to follow as well. at the same time, she emphasized that all western countries should set themselves the goal of victory
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for ukraine and help it overcome the aggressor and restore its own. the economy norway will highlight another tranche of military and financial aid to ukraine. this was reported in the ministry of defense of the kingdom. in particular , the official oslo will allocate 125 million euros to us as part of a joint initiative with germany, denmark and the netherlands for the purchase of patriot air defense systems, as well as missiles for them. and in addition, the norwegian government allocates another 115 million dollars. to strengthen our air defense, well, but this tranche is completely an initiative of norway. and there , from what i have read more, it is about the transfer of additional systems to ukraine anti-aircraft defense systems, which, by the way , are manufactured in norway. we'll get out, there's no other way, and don't worry back, we
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're definitely not coming back. yes, about the withdrawal of armenia from the so-called csto. the organization of the collective security agreement , prime minister of the country nikol pashinyan said today during a speech in the parliament, according to him , those who created this structure, that is, the csto, are to blame for this, since it was the members of this alliance who, according to mr. pashinyan, planned the war in armenia and azerbaijan. when, who exactly did he mean, mr. pashinyan i didn't specify, but i'll just remind you that the countries that are members of this organization are armenia, belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, russia, tajikistan and...uzbekistan, while the armenian prime minister added that the terms of withdrawal have not yet determined, well, but no matter who said what, but it seems to me that this was such a direct message towards russia and an indirect accusation of russia that it was russia, and putin, in particular, did not help armenia during this war, no took sides as one of
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the members of the csto, well, it seems to have hit on everything nikol pashinyanyan came to the table and... decided to leave the organization, which does not work, well, it exists, but it does not work. and finally, hunter biden, the son of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, was found guilty in a case related to violations during the storage of weapons. such a decision was made the day before by a panel of jurors, while he was found guilty on all three counts, according to the decision, he lied that he did not use drugs when he processed the purchase of a revolver. the son of the us president faces up to 25 years in prison and a fine of $750,000. the date of the announcement of the verdict in the case has not yet been set. and at the same time, joe biden said last week that he would not pardon his son. well, it was the united states of america that pardoned them. this is simply an answer to
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the question: biden, why are we not in nato, because when we have children, top officials are close to us. what are the frank facts of corruption, no, these are untouchables, and there are no untouchables there, there is the law above all, duralex, sedlex, so actually there is something to strive for, because it is a free world and we want this free the world well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine column, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more, and there will be more in our further broadcast, so don't switch. thank you very much yuriy. fizru, i have, unfortunately, once again, sad information, the number of people killed as a result of the enemy terrorist attack on kryvyi rih has increased, increased to... nine, before that we talked about eight people killed, 29 people were injured, among them five children. today, the enemy made a missile, terrorist, vile attack on
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kryvyi rih, and on residential buildings, well in fact, we have these results, rescuers will continue to work, we will monitor how these works continue and will inform about other results, other information and the results of these searches, when this information appears, you must have heard it. well , now about cultural news, almost half a million hryvnias for movies and tv series of the state cinema is holding a boycott contest by a large part of the film community, almost 700 people in the industry call pitching illegal, meanwhile their colleagues who do not agree with this opinion came to compete for funding, relatively speaking, for money, there is always someone to compete for money, lina chechenina, will remind the reason for the boycott and tell how the competition is going, so let's listen and watch. unfortunately, many of my, and i think, your favorite directors, they
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did not come to this competition, actually, because they are boycotting it, calling it illegal, opaque and dishonest, and they refuse it, from funding, from money, but they have interesting projects, i am sure they will be able to implement them or for their money, or somewhere they will... look for it abroad, so let me remind you what exactly is the reason for this boycott, all because of the council for state support of cinema - it is the body that supports cinema, and it actually determines who gets money and who does n't money, and the term of office of the members , the first two days were devoted mainly to documentaries, not to feature films, to be more precise, and since almost all directors and directors who are engaged in real documentaries, they are precisely in opposition, they are boycotting. didn't come, that's why mostly people who are engaged in television publicity came, it is very easy to confuse, many confuse, but still these are very different things, documentary cinema is the one
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that participates in film festivals, it is a much more serious and creative genre, so we have projects, competing projects about, for example, the wives of political prisoners in crimea, how they live, how they survive, in general, what kind of life they have, it's interesting. to look at this project, given that it is certain that you cannot show the faces of these women, how will the directors even get out of this situation, also about the partisans in the occupied territory , a film was presented about the football ultras, how they currently serve and how one of them says that this movement will probably disappear altogether in ukraine, because the ultras now serve side by side and then they will not want to after the end of the war to quarrel, it is also noticeable that there are a lot of them, of course... all the projects are devoted to the war, there are about ptsd, about the rehabilitation of people with trauma, about the transformation of these people, very often such a topic
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is about how people adapt in society, often the thought of what is the opposite of society must adapt to the military who come to the veterans, in particular, it is also noticeable that the inter tv channel came to ask for money, the inter tv channel, which until recently had a not very pro-ukrainian position, here they are... have changed completely, colleagues want to shoot a film about six fighters, promoting the idea that we are all not born for war, but we have to go there, as well as a ridiculous project from my point of view, a history of language, cultural terror, the authors also discovered soviet terror, the terror of the soviet union against artists in particular, and here they are at the competition inspired, they gave the impression that they discovered for themselves that, for example, lesya kurbas... was killed by the soviet authorities, and they are also going to tell us this in this film. from my point of view, an interesting project will be korni hrytsiuk's project about how the budapest memorandum was signed, how it
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happened and what consequences it had, they found people who directly participated in this process. let's look at an excerpt. da danylovych himself then told what he had eaten. in dimitraan and he signed this memorandum and said this phrase from scratch about the fact that the young man, do not doubt, is deceived, well , and there is also another rather noticeable trend, both in this contest and in general in the last two years, many contestants say that our film ... must see the world, we want it to be seen at some international venues, but very often, in most cases, these are absolutely hopeless conversations, because it is already
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clear that... the film will be quite weak, that it will not be interesting foreigners, and maybe it will interest our internal ukrainian audience, because it hurts us, but for foreigners it is necessary to produce completely different content, and there are several projects that, from my point of view, can really cope with this task, for example, the film by volodymyr mula, and football in the trenches, volodymyr, you are not right a long time ago, together with his colleagues, he received the emy, which is one of the most prestigious television awards in the world, and here he received it. for his series, also about football players, pro-ukrainian, and here he is preparing a story about two brothers, one went to the armed forces, the defense forces, and the other is preparing to perform in the national team of ukraine from football at the olympics. it seems to me that this project, too, judging by the description, should be successful, and it has already been agreed on some international venues where it will be shown. so, i continue to monitor these, in the opinion of many, illegal pitches in derzhkino, and
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