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tv   [untitled]    June 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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greetings, this is svoboda live and my name is iryna sysak. the russian army advanced near kupiansk, in the kharkiv region. this is stated in the latest report of the institute for the study of war. geolocated footage shows the advance near the village of stepovan novoselivka. at the same time, as analysts note, the ukrainian defense forces recovered their losses. in the direction of liptsi, which is north of kharkiv. regarding the situation in donetsk region, the institute for the study of war notes that the russian military could capture the village of novooleksandrivka, which is half a night from avdiyivka. pokrovsky direction. this was also reported by some so-called russian soldiers. at the same time , russia mobilized its main efforts in the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi wrote about this on social networks today. according to him, the russian army has concentrated there, i quote: the largest number of its assault
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units from eight shock brigades. end of quote. fighting also continues in chasovoy yar, klishchiivka and kalynyvka districts. russia is trying to seize these settlements in order to advance in the direction of kramatorsk and slavic it goes in the post with a header. on the other hand , in the direction of kharkiv, attempts to advance deep into the territory were unsuccessful - writes syrskyi and adds. the russian army is bogged down in vovchansk. how the ukrainian military repels russian attacks on kharkiv. in some places, destroying equipment even on the territory of russia. the radio svoboda film crew visited the vovchan region. report from there. take a look. now the armed forces of ukraine are firing at a cluster of infantry of the russian army, which is trying to advance to the position of the armed forces of ukraine on the kharkiv direction and this is another work of minute calculation. you can actually see the intensity of the fight on the footage.
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they are now in the direction of vovchansk. that is
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, the border is already near here, and from where the russian army is trying to fire, they actually released a good dozen mines, they are currently moving there, and they say the line has stabilized more, took a 500 sight, a shot. one fire, one fire, a shot, worked on the infantry, but we simply do not know how many we hit the whole there, how many of them were there, maybe there was a company, maybe there was a platoon, well that, or some dergei was coming, already during this period of time we can already say, well. a year already in combat,
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even a little more, already during this period of time we have already learned to practice so that the minimum number of shells, the maximum loss of them, you believed that you will have to go to war, have you ever thought about it, i i didn't think about it, but i was just so confident, well, i didn't want to pick up a weapon, but... they got up, well, got up, so what, i had to pick up a weapon again, restore those slightly forgotten skills, but they recover quickly, as they say, i will never forget how i learned to ride a bicycle, before the war i was engaged in construction, such roofs, such roofs, plastered, and so on... there is no work for tiles,
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well, in short, fences, well what happened and did it, did you believe that you would get into the war? well, at first i thought no, then the bandage came and that was it. well, before that, in general, even before the 22nd year, no, i think it won’t happen, but from that, everything turned out to be a black disaster in one day, no, quickly, quickly, come on, guys, quickly, ears , dmytro kozhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, major of the national guard of ukraine, joins our broadcast. dmitry, good evening to you. good evening studio, good evening, dear viewers. we have just seen a report from the vovchansk region, so my first question will be what is happening in vevchansk now, because the head of the organization
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sirsky announced today that the russian army is stuck there. and what do you know, what is happening in the city now? at the moment, as glavkom said, the russian army is advancing. there is no forward, and unfortunately, our troops do not have it now it is very difficult to go into every street fight, because the russian federation is holding on very tightly to this settlement, because it is one of the largest settlements of the kharkiv region, which they captured, and before the approach of their reserves, they would try everything hold in order to be able to develop the offensive again in the future in... this direction and directly in this settlement, that is why they are holding on, but the defense forces of ukraine are doing everything possible to knock out the enemy, and little by little, but we are getting it, we also know that your brigade is currently in
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kharkiv region, what is the situation in your direction, because the commander-in-chief says again that the russian army may be trying to advance there, but without success, that you can say, how can you rate? in the district of the defense of the rubizh brigade , there are no direct opponents of the forward advances now, but our defenders have occupied advantageous lines, they are holding on to the occupied repulsed lines, because there were our forward advances recently, and we have information that the enemy is now pulling up reserves, it is also pulling in the paratroopers, and the kadyriv troops, how the detachments will stand, there is such information, so we expect that the enemy will build up forces in order to retake the lost positions, but on at the moment there is no loss of position in our brigade. by the way, in this context, have your capabilities changed after allowing the allies to strike on
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russian territory, are you able to counterattack, for example? precisely with the help of foreign partners who gave the go-ahead for... the use of their weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we now have the opportunity to knock out their logistical routes, the locations of their reserves, the locations of ammunition and other places, conditionally fire-lubricating materials, food products and everything else, this thus allows us to stretch their logistics routes and reduce the support of their forward units. i still wanted to ask. now you say that you are holding a line of defense, you have fixed positions, but are you conducting assault actions or are you counterattacking? at the moment, directly the rubizh brigade is now occupying defensive lines in order to build up opportunities for a further offensive. well, you mentioned
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that there are no active attacks and attempts to advance from the russian side today, this means that they are regrouping their forces, did i understand you correctly? i cannot say exactly what they are planning because we do not have such information. the only thing i can say is that the enemy in our direction is not conducting active assault actions, which can indicate anything, either they have nothing, or they are up to something. by the way, a few days ago it was already a month since the beginning of the repeated offensive of the russian military in the north of kharkiv region. can you estimate how the tactics of the russian army have changed during this month? that's their tactic. changed, just go and die, it was just suicide on their part, and they will now quite successfully dispose of their assault meat, that's all, the only tactic is just to die, okay, and how, well, that is, on the battlefield , how does it happen, directly, what do they apply in particular? in
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the direction of kharkiv, the enemy tried to use different tactics and tactics of small assault groups, and large assault groups, and tactics with the support of armored vehicles. well, of course , the enemy in this direction very densely uses army aviation, fabs and cabs - it's just something that they do n't seem to have. here and there, they use them very, very much in this direction, not even at populated areas, at landings, at usual positions, they throw fabs and cabs, well, considering this use of fabs and cabs by the russian army, is it enough you have weapons, what is the general situation with bo shells, in particular , there are shells in this direction, but we do not have enough air defense forces to fight for the army. of the enemy, okay, in general, speaking in general, how
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can you assess the plans of the russian army regarding the kharkiv region, can you somehow make a forecast of what might happen there, what the enemy is planning? i'm not an officer of the general staff, but the only thing i see and if i were to analyze it, it was most likely a stretching of our reserves, that's all, and speaking in general, what are the chances now? knock out the armed forces of the russian military from the north of kharkiv region, to the place where they entered a month ago. we have very good chances, but we still need a little reserves in infantry and weapons, and we have a chance to return to the borders. i understood you. thank you, it was dmytro kuzhubenko, an officer of the planning section of the rubizh brigade, a major of the national guard of ukraine. thank you. and then we talk about the situation on the fronts with oleksandr musienko,
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the head of the center for military legal research, he joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, good evening to you. good evening. just discussed the situation in the kharkiv direction with a serviceman. i propose to start our conversation precisely with the situation in kharkiv oblast. commander-in-chief sirskyi says that the russian army is trying to advance deep and create a so-called security belt. can you explain what it is? security belt, what is the general purpose of the russian army? well, i mean, this is what putin was talking about, about the sanitary zone, so-called, that is, the russian troops are striving now, i think that they have two intentions: the first is to advance deep, certainly, as much as they can in kharkiv region, and the second plan is to try to connect the two groups that are active now, but they operate autonomously, actually in kharkiv region. autonomously from each other, this grouping in the liptsi district and in the vovchansk district, i think that it does not rule out that the enemy
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will try to unite them, it is somewhere around 10-11 km between them, and it is a plus to advance deep as much as may, in fact, these are the intentions of the russian troops today, which are being blocked by the ukrainian troops, today it can be said that the shibykin hunting route... is under fire control by ukrainian forces, that is, the enemy is already lacking supplies somewhere, especially their land contingent, they are beginning to save a little on their supplies here and are looking for options to solve logistics for themselves, which is difficult, especially now for the grouping of russian troops near vevchanskyi. in addition, the ukrainian troops actually succeeded in hindering the enemy's plans. encirclement or semi-encirclement. vovchanska is such a classic practice,
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a tactic that the enemy uses when they cannot succeed due to frontal attacks, then they try to take such claws of semi-encirclement. well, in this case, when we are talking about vovchansk, it was not allowed to do it. therefore, today, in principle, i think that the activity of russian units will be concentrated on really preserving their... identity on those bridgeheads where they are, trying to connect these bridgeheads, as a result, to expand, to try to wedge deep into the ukrainian defense and create exactly the same the so-called security belt, which the commander-in-chief of the armed forces talks about, but to what extent they succeed, because sirskyi says that in the kharkiv region, all the actions of the russian army are unsuccessful at the moment, that's the way it is, that is, to this day, progress is not recorded, ukrainian ... the troops, when there is an opportunity, launch counterattacks that are quite powerful in order to disrupt the enemy's plans,
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problems with logistics are already fixed, efforts that, efforts to implement plans to expand the bridgeheads, that is, to attack in other places, for example, there through cossack lopin or lopen, or in the direction of zolochiv or bogodukhov from the territory of the belgorod region , is also blocked due to the fact that ukrainian troops are striking, including on the territory. which area on the enemy's facilities, the provision has somewhat improved, it has become better, including due to the arrival of a larger amount of ammunition from our partners. therefore, if we are talking about kharkiv oblast, today the situation is stable in these directions, but regarding, for example, the direct direction of kupyanskyi, the enemy is intensifying there, is trying to stretch our defense line, had little success in the previous days, but
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in principle it is still possible to block it, but this is also kharkiv region. mr. oleksandr, in the context of kharkiv oblast and kharkiv, please tell me . can you assess how the situation with shelling of the city was affected by the permission to strike on the territory of the russian federation, because the mayor of the city igor terekhov said that the situation has recently, well, partially improved, let's listen to him, you can say different things, but as for compared to may, we survived somewhere on sunday, the week has been more or less calm, but the shelling has become more frequent in the last two days. so yes, a little easier, but i can't say that at all. by the way, ihor terikhovtsi stated in berlin during the recovery conference, which we will talk about later, but if we talk about the strikes on kharkiv, how can you accurately assess the effectiveness, if you can say so, after the permission to strike on the territory of russia? well, you see, in this sense , the permission to strike on the territory of russia is only 50%
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of the solution to the problem, because we are solving the problem with... s-300 systems and with jet artillery that the enemy could bring closer to the border, there are hurricane systems and others, and with them to fire at kharkiv oblast and kharkiv, and in principle this is already noticeable, because the ukrainian defense forces already have the s-300-s-400 system was hit in the territory of the belgorod region, and this is good, and the strikes are carried out, which forces the enemy's artillery to move further from the border, and this also reduces the radius of the attacks, but... the issue of aviation has not yet been fully resolved , and russia has the ability to apply cabs, including those that threaten kharkiv, and i think that as soon as we get an additional system, patriot, and most importantly, that this is an aircraft to counter the plans of the enemy there, then in principle it can be said that the situation will still
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improve for kharkiv, it will not be 100% safe, because after all, the fighting... continues, but it will definitely be safer than it was before. you mentioned that the united states may transfer another battery to ukraine, whether it is the patriot system, the new york times wrote about this today, which seems to president joe biden made such a decision, where do you think this system can be placed at all, that is, it can be aimed at protecting kharkiv? i don't rule it out , that is, we have to understand that what the united states... will most likely transfer is a version of the pak-3 that is capable of countering ballistic missiles, so i don't rule out that given, let's say, the previous calls and the fact that what the president talked about, the ukrainian constantly emphasized at all international events, that we need additional systems, first of all, at least two to cover kharkov, could be
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placed there, and the german system is probably the pak-2, which is capable of... operating and shooting down aircraft within a radius of 160 km, this is a very good reinforcement, which would allow us to restore the activity of the wandering patriot, as it was popularly christened, in order for it to move along the contact line and intercept russian aircraft, well, in this way, forcing them to abandon plans to conduct strikes along the combat contact line, or to make those strikes less frequent, in fact, because. .. i hope that they are solutions, they will be thanks in particular to these patriots. by the way, the new york times writes that this decision of the united states can push and transfer the air defense systems of other countries, which countries can they be? what do you think? in fact, today there are a lot of countries that, let's say, exploit and use the patriots, with
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european countries, there are also negotiations with the same spain and others, well , let's say, the president. ukraine does not disclose, does not consider it necessary to speak, i think that it is not worth it then in order not to interfere with the negotiations, which countries it may be, but there are enough systems, and our goal is to get all seven batteries by the end of the year, to train our units so that they are ready to use them, because the training process is also ongoing, it takes time adaptation, then logistics and so on. the goal is two or three systems in the near future, this is a... tive need and in general the general need is, after all, by the end of the year the total number of seven batteries that are capable of countering ballistic missiles, including these patriots, well, those which... gives us italy and france. by the way, tonight russia launched a combined attack on ukraine, it is known that air defense forces shot down all 24 rockets,
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rockets and five rockets of different types, iskander seems to think that they did not shoot down only one rocket. what does this indicate about the greater effectiveness of ukrainian air defense forces? can you state that now ukraine has something to shoot down missiles? of course it should, we had something to beat, just in a different period for us. about the fact that there was a shortage of these rockets, do you remember when there were, for example, tetska? i know but all the same, there were missiles, they were not enough, but there were still missiles, we did not have a period when we were without missiles at all, there were simply difficulties, but now this situation is being corrected, and in principle , the trends are such that we reach the indicators , which are more or less average, are 70 to 80% beaten whole. during large-scale strikes, so, strictly speaking, between large-scale, i mean, because this shelling, which was, it was not the most large-scale, that is, there were only four
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missiles, kh101, kh555, and well, let's say, they raised four tu-95s, and the russians raised to launch four missiles, this indicates that they have problems now for today, well, they probably attacked litovyshche itself. now they will have airfields in their sights, as well as energy facilities, because they want to prevent the deployment of f-16s. well, in this case, the ukrainian ppu worked very well, almost a hundred percent result, if you take the total number of drones and all missiles, but unfortunately, they could not shoot down one iskander, well, unfortunately, this also happens, we are not 100%, but i will tell you that compared to the winter, our numbers, even compared to... march, they are gradually improving. mr. oleksandr, i want to return to the situation at the front. the army of the russian federation has concentrated assault units from eight strike brigades in
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the pokrovsky and kurakhiv directions. i have already mentioned this, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrsky reported about this. he recently wrote about the fact that he worked in the military units of the eastern front. what does it mean and what in the current conditions can threaten? how much is that? such a concentration of forces? see, this means that the enemy seeks to develop success where they have few, where they had this success. despite the great losses, ah, during the storming of avdiivka, the very fact of the capture of avdiivka and the subsequent advance, the fact that russia was able to pass byrds, or reeds, nearby settlements and now still has opportunities to advance, suggests that they will strive there to develop this success, and it can be, well, probably the main one. the direction of attack of russian troops, and accordingly, what our forces are doing now, they are trying, they are concentrating on two things: first, to inflict maximum losses, in order
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for us to inflict such losses that the enemy cannot compensate for, and which were very painful for him, we still need more means of fire impression, in order to increase the price of these assault actions for them, so that they are somewhat spellbound and forced to slow down themselves, this is what they are now concentrating on. and the second is to stop the pace of attacks so much that even with the tactical successes that the russian army now has there, when they rested on the second line of defense, because now we are conducting combat operations on the approaches to the second line of defense, and the russian troops are restrained, so that, for example, when we take positions on the right bank of the karliv reservoir and the heights that are there, the enemy will already be weakened , so that he, for the first time , could not continue offensive actions from this line of defense. without pauses, well, accordingly, a pause, which we will also take advantage of, this is where our forces are currently concentrating there, but i can tell you that the ukrainian defense on
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kharkiv oblast forced the enemy to withdraw some units from the pokrovsky direction, they transferred them there. mr. oleksandr, thank you, it was oleksandr musienko, head of the center for military legal research. thank you. thank you. the number of participants of the global peace summit to be held in switzerland. is decreasing, several eu diplomats who are familiar with the course of preparations for the event, but are not authorized to make official comments to the media, told rfe/rl on condition of anonymity. diplomats claim that the number of countries and of organizations that plan to take part in the peaceful summit this weekend has already decreased from 93 to 78. which countries changed their mind to go to switzerland a few days before the summit, rfe/rl's interlocutors did not name, but they do not rule out that the list of those who... may still be added, and i will remind you that at the beginning of june, the president's office reported that 107 countries and organizations agreed to participate in the summit. what is the actual number
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of radio svoboda participants? contacted the press service of the president's office for comment ukraine, however, has not yet received a response. in the meantime , the draft of the final communique of the swiss peace summit also appeared at radio liberty's disposal. the document may say that representatives of all parties should be involved in future peace talks. and this can happen only after agreements are reached on nuclear and food security, as well as on the return of abducted children and prisoners of war. these are the three questions that will be asked. brought to the summit. the text of the document is not final and can still be changed change before adoption. next, we talk about the peace summit and its prospects with viktor shlinchak, the founder and chairman of the board of the institute of world politics, who joins our broadcast. good evening to you. good evening. glory to ukraine. glory to you heroes. why do you think the number of participants in the peace summit is decreasing, and what has affected them. perhaps an america that will not be represented at the highest presidential
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level. vice president kamala harris will go to switzerland, do you think the absence of china is possible? i think we have it here dealing with a complex of reasons, because some of the reasons that you have already mentioned arose already in the process, when active invitations were sent out, other reasons were programmed, and some were, well, let's say, not programmed, well, i say conditionally. expected to participate in the summit of representatives of china, you know that the representatives of china, and even i gave comments that obviously they can limit themselves there to the minister of foreign affairs or plenipotentiaries xi jinping, who at one time went around with a message to china, that somehow they have his plan, a peace plan for ukraine and for russia, this
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one of the... moments, the second moment, is that when the peace summit was planned, of course, we had some other positional, positional, situation on the front, so a lot of countries just wanted to morally support ukraine at the moment when you remember that they did not provide weapons. accordingly, at that moment it was necessary to demonstrate at least in this way that they are ready to participate in the summit. the third point is what you have already mentioned, indeed the lowering of the status of some delegations to the level of ministers, when from the very beginning it was said that the summit would the participation of the head of state, and in fact, all this
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in... lex has led to the fact that the number of participants may actually decrease, and even the last list, the final list is still unknown. well, it should be announced, as far as i know, on friday evening, well , it should be announced in switzerland, but i calculated that, if you believe what eu diplomats are saying there on the condition of anonymity, then this is a minus of 15 countries. can we now guess which countries are the ones that refused? to go last, literally a few days before summit, do you have any guesses? well, we know that there were questions there, regarding african countries that are influenced by russia and that have very good diplomatic relations with russia, you should pay attention to where lavrov went recently, who met him and how he met him, the same applies countries in general. of the global
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south, which are oriented there, conditionally speaking, to the position of china, that is, these countries that could theoretically strengthen this representation, and it was not for nothing that the president went there to singapore in order to, well, you know, it would be so difficult to include heavyweight, heavyweights. er, when the president is forced to personally travel and hand out invitations, that is, i think that all those countries that were present at this shangrela summit, they also have not yet determined that they will participate, and accordingly, now there is an acute question over how or...


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