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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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of ukraine and other issues, but, for example, if we pay attention to the election campaign in great britain, the parliamentary elections are to be held there on july 4, then the situation there is completely different, because both the government-conservative party and the opposition labor party advocate a firm support of ukraine, so the situation is different and not necessarily problematic for ukraine. thank you very much, bohdan, we will be waiting for your reports tomorrow, when the summit of the group of seven will actually begin. my colleague bohdan tsyupin was from italy. already in thursday, the united states may announce the transfer of an additional patriot battery to ukraine. this is reported by the american media with reference to sources in the white house. us national security adviser jake salevan said there were no new announcements today, but reminded that strengthening ukrainian air defenses remains a priority for helping kyiv's partners. stronger air defense is needed not only for the protection of the civilian population and the city, but also for defense. powerhouses of ukraine,
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much was said about it at the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which took place in berlin. in an interview with myroslava gongadze, geoffrey payed, us assistant secretary of state for energy, told how the us is helping to restore the ukrainian energy system and what is needed to protect it? today there is a very clear message from president zelenskyi and the rest of the ukrainian government. putin must be defeated. he tries to turn winter into a weapon. the united states is going to lead the international effort to ensure that this happens. our actions are guided by the priorities of the ukrainian government and their plans. honest answer: we have to do everything, so we are trying to help with the reconstruction of the old thermal power plant, which was destroyed by putin's attacks since march 22. we are also trying to speed up production. new energy, more wind,
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more sun, more energy storage through batteries. we have also heard the government's desire to build a future energy system that is decentralized, therefore inherently more resilient to russian air attacks, and we support all the work that the cabinet is doing. you also need to take care on the protection of energy infrastructure. this is separate from all the questions i am responsible for. and he asks... which i lead in the g7, of course we help with more air defense because that's also the number one requirement. on the eve of the group of seven summit, the united states imposed new sanctions against three hundred people and companies to hit russia's ability to continue its war against ukraine. individuals and legal entities in russia, countries of asia, the middle east, europe, africa and caribbean basin. their products and services have so far... enabled russia to sustain the war and
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evade western sanctions. meanwhile , north korea continues to help russia. american intelligence recently confirmed that russia used north korean missiles during the shelling of kharkiv on january 2. in addition , bheniyaan, despite the embargo and sanctions, is actively developing its ballistic program and conducting tests. how did north korea manage to develop its technology, is russia involved in this and is it approaching north korea before the creation of nuclear weapons. iryna solomko understood the topic. on january 2 of this year, russia fired upon kharkiv with a north korean kn-23 missile, according to recently released us intelligence data. experts claim that this not only proved cooperation between a permanent member of the russian security council and the sanctioned north korea, but also for the first time allowed specialists to obtain large pieces of debris for analysis. bruce bennett is a senior security expert at the california-based rand research center. he speaks north korean. rockets are very similar
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russian iskanders. it is almost certain that the russians assisted north korea in the development of this missile. we don't know if this was sanctioned by the russian government or if it was done by rogue russian scientists, but the bottom line is that the russians are helping north korea design and develop new ballistic missiles. benet claims that this cooperation has been going on for more than a decade. russian scientists came to north korea legally or illegally to help with programs, including nuclear missiles. according to benet, the potential transfer of russian technologies of ballistic missiles could have taken place in 2014-2015, which made it possible to conduct the first tests in 2019. about the
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2019 tests of north korea's two missile systems, which they eventually handed over to russia, says the american intelligence report. to start production, you will need several years, we don't know how many rockets they produced. in 2022-23, kim launched a large number of missiles. in the 24th, he did not release almost any. we do not know how much he sent to russia. obviously, he keeps the rest for his own reserves meanwhile, keslinport, director of proliferation policy for the arms control association, is less categorical about the so- called russian trail. she notes. north korea has been developing its ballistic missile capabilities for decades. the design of north korea's ballistic missiles is indeed similar to russian and soviet systems. missile debris shows that the country still relies on imports of certain
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technologies in violation of a un security council resolution. however, there are also some notable differences between north korean and foreign systems that suggest that... has sophisticated components that pyongyang does not produce. in 2017-18, they were already under a number of un security council resolutions, meaning they obtained them illegally. north korea is good at creating fake companies to buy banned ones. what assistance can russia provide to north korea in exchange for the missile systems it uses in ukraine.
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there is a discussion among south korean officials that russia is going to help north korea with her co'. this was clearly an area of ​​interest for kimchenin during his meeting with russian president vladimir putin. another direction is the protection of north korea's interests in the un security council. in march, russia promised a new draft resolution on the extension of the mandate of the group of experts who monitored compliance with sanctions against north korea. due to russia's veto, the group of experts ceased its activities on april 30. the us is trying to work. with the general assembly to create a replacement for this group, but this will take time and may take a year or two to ensure funding and start its work. at the same time , bennett is convinced that us intelligence knows more about cooperation between north korea and russia than it is letting on. the us could release
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the information it receives about what north korea is doing, but the united states is careful with its intelligence because when you share information, you lose. its sources. as for the nuclear program, bennett doubts that russia would risk helping north korea acquire its own nuclear weapons. at the same time, according to davenport, in recent years north korea has invested significant efforts in the development of its own nuclear weapons, and these are serious challenges and risks to the security of both the region and the world. from new york, iryna solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. control over the circulation of firearms is one of the important issues of the presidential campaign in the usa. joe biden wants to ban assault weapons. his opponent , donald trump, says that biden threatens the constitutional rights of its owners. the day before, joe biden spoke at an event
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dedicated to keeping americans safe from gun violence. the speech fell on the day when the president's son was found guilty of lying during the purchase of weapons, says iryna shinkarenko. president joe biden told gun control activists in washington on tuesday that he needs their help to strengthen gun laws. we need you to overcome the unrelenting opposition of the gun lobby, gun manufacturers, and many politicians who oppose common sense gun legislation. biden called for a ban on assault weapons at the state level and criticized opponents republicans for trying to close the bureau of alcohol and tobacco control. you can't support law enforcement and say you're in favor of upholding the law while advocating for the bureau to be abolished. you can't do that, it's outrageous. according to pure research, nearly
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a third of americans say they own a gun. in may, donald trump told america's largest gun lobby that biden wanted to take these weapons away. if the ... biden regime gets another four years, they will come by your weapon, 100% sure. trump says that the rights to arms, enshrined in the second amendment to the us constitution, will be guaranteed in the event of his revoking. if they pass, our country will be destroyed in many ways, but the second amendment will be, it is in jeopardy, but with me, they will never get anywhere. trump told the national rifle association that gun owners will make him the winner in november. these are great patriots, wonderful people, and we plan to do something that no one can believe. we are going to win this election on levels... that no one has seen before. biden says trump's record on gun control
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as president is a reason he won't be re-elected. my predecessor recently said at a rifle association convention that he was proud to, quote, did nothing about guns when he was president, so by doing nothing, he made things much worse. joe biden spoke about the failure on tuesday, the same day his son gunter was found guilty on charges including illegal gun possession. joe biden did not make a statement statements son's case, but stated in a written statement that he would accept the outcome of the case and continue to respect the court process. hunter biden became the first child of a sitting us president to be convicted of a crime. he is due to appear in court in september on another tax evasion charge. iryna shynkerenko, scott stearns, voice of america. let's talk more about the verdict against the president's son and what to expect next with my colleague oleksiy kovalenko, who is monitoring this process. hello, oleksiy. congratulations. first of all. faces about the details of this case, in which they admitted guilty of the president's son and how serious is this crime? yes, a jury
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in delaware yesterday found hunter biden guilty on all three counts of purchasing a weapon while under the influence of drugs, possession of a weapon while under the influence of drugs, and possession of a firearms license under the same circumstances. . actually, the charges against hunter biden were filed last september, and as we heard from the previous story, this is the first the first time in history that the son of a sitting president was convicted in a case of this magnitude, and what the defense was trying to do, they were trying to prove that at the time that anter biden bought the gun in 2018, he was clean, that is, he was not using drugs substances, instead... at the indictment, prosecutors tried to prove that gunter biden had undergone treatment before that,
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that is, he must have known that he was a drug addict, and they also heard many, many pieces of evidence and evidence, according to which there were statements from gunter's ex-wife biden, was also heard as one of the evidence clearly from gunter biden's own book, in which he talks about how he did not undergo treatment, also prosecutors noted that gunter biden has a master's degree in law, which means that he should actually know what the book is about to the application he filled out and , according to prosecutors, to which he lied about not being under the influence of drugs. prosecutors emphasized that this process demonstrates the rule of law, regardless of who breaks the law, he will be held accountable to by the law on... listen to the point of view of the prosecutor's office. after all, this case was
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n't just about addiction, a disease that plagues families across the united states, including hunter biden's. this case involved an illegal choice the defendant made while in the throes of addiction. his choice to lie on the government form when he bought the gun is his choice to own that gun. it is these decisions and the combination of weapons and drugs. made his behavior dangerous, secondly, in this country no one is above the law, everyone should be held accountable for their actions, including this defendant, but hunter biden should be held no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of the same conduct. oleksiy, what punishment will hunter biden face when we hear the sentence, and actually, can it somehow be reflected in the presidential campaign? yes, a very important point, and we've heard it from the prosecutor's side, what they're saying on the... is that guntar biden should be held responsible no more than any other citizen. if you count
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the responsibility that he can bear under each of the articles of the charges, it can be up to 25 years in prison in total. but i have heard the opinions of various experts, who emphasize that, given the fact that this is the first criminal charge, and this will be the first criminal sentence, then most likely hunter biden will not see prison, but it will affect his subsequent cases, because how we remember, in september, another case will be considered in california, which is related to the violation of tax legislation and non-payment of taxes in the amount of 1,400 thousand dollars regarding specifically. but we can hear the specific verdict of the court in this case by october 9. oleksiy, literally 30 seconds remain. can we talk about the fact that this case may have some effect on the presidential campaign? according to the opinions of experts and according to sociological surveys, most likely this case will not seriously affect the course of the presidential elections or the chances of one or
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another candidate to win. oleksii, thank you very much, it was oleksii kovalenko, my colleague in contact with the studio. 10,000 first-aid kits with own money for ukrainians military, help to orphanages, unique canapés with dumplings for patients of the nezlamni center. in particular, the popular american host of cooking programs, amy rachel ray, helps ukrainians. the obnoxious mistress amy has already visited ukraine six times since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. what a large-scale project. this story begins in august 2020 in lake luthern, new york. the residence of the star of cooking tv shows rachael ray is engulfed in flames. rachel and her family were not injured in the fire, but a tragic episode changes a lot in her life.
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during the pandemic, my dog ​​died, our house burned down. i took andrii futei is the president of the ukrainian congressional committee of america, an organization that has represented the ukrainian community in the united states since 1940. with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the russians, he coordinates dozens of projects and actions to help the country of his parents. fotei is brought for the first time. in the summer of 2022, since then they have been coming back here together already for the sixth time, she was there for more than 20 years, she actually had her own show, she has now stopped that, but now she has five different ones, she started five different shows, the first is that she has a large audience, and the second is that she, well, she knows every second famous american or chef, she cooperates with them, that's why we
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attract their other colleagues to help us in all that, she. i myself paid for more than 10,000 first-aid kits, all those first-aid kits went to the front lines, went, went to our boys and girls. when we visit an orphanage, help children from front-line settlements, when i do something here, i feel that my life has meaning. rachel reid is millions followers in social networks, emmy awards, appearances in top series and cartoons, and even a culinary language cliché officially entered in the oxford dictionary in. it is difficult to overestimate her pro-ukrainian voice to the american audience. during her first visit to ukraine, rachel admits, she was deeply moved by the meeting with the stepanenkos, a family that suffered from the russian shelling of the station in kramatorsk in april 2022, when hundreds of people were waiting for evacuation. i was amazed when a little girl asked: "you like my earrings, but she doesn't
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limbs, she is sitting on the bed, and her mother has one leg, her grandmother was destroyed, blown up in front of her eyes. and her little brother is sitting on the bed next to her with her mother, all in the same room, and they are just thankful to be alive. during each of her visits, rachel conducts master classes, brings cooking equipment, and buys medical equipment. together with futey, they became ambassadors of the unbroken national center in lviv. and it was for his patients that rachel prepared several of her own variations on the theme of ukrainian cuisine. blowing out two such canapés, and did two canapés, one was with sausage, with sausage there was also cheese, and there was an egg, there were two more, but it was interesting, it was interesting, it was like that, one canapé, there was ham, cheese on top, and two dumplings on top, and guys, he says the dumplings on the bread, that there is such a thing, but it has that taste, then it all mixed together, and it was very good, well, two such salads
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were made from beets, the second was from cucumbers, so it was an opportunity to actually... communicate, ask , from where there is, they are, a little, so that they open up, they actually told us in unbreakable, there therapists alone said it was the first time they saw two of our wounded that the smile was really there from the time they came in so that's important we'll keep doing it they asked us to make sandwiches and salads so i did i reread a bunch of ukrainian recipes and created something of her own, when we are here, we always hold master classes. it is interesting and fun to spend time in communication, but the broader goal for the institution is to build a kitchen that will serve 4 thousand beds, three times a day. if you can't do it yourself. come to ukraine, or you don't have much money to help, you are able to keep ukraine in your memory, on your lips, in your heart, and this is what everyone in the world should do if
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they believe in democracy. it is washed away that for kyuri dankevich, for the voice of america from lviv. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian. see you tomorrow, all the best, take care. pope! there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on extensions exodoril 15% in pharmacies plantain
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to you and savings. there are discounts, which represent unbreakable discounts on troxivazinel 15% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. attack drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations simply with the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we
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are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day via phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict from... every weekday from 8pm to 10pm on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly adopts new laws. but how do these changes
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affect our lives? we have analyzed the new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. look what. tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory together with tssoa, sbu. join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the form and choose a direction where you can be the most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory.
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details on the official pages of the sbu. me estoy muy bien
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today in the verdict program with serhii rudenko. 50 billion at stake. at the summit in italy, the leaders of the g7 countries will try to agree on a loan mechanism for ukraine at the expense of profits from frozen russian assets. why are the eu skeptical about the american plan? orbán's concessions: hungary will not block nato's decision on ukraine, but will not participate in it either support what arguments of general secretary stoltenberg forced the hungarian leader to change his irreconcilable pro-russian position? it is not yet about peace. global summit in switzerland.
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is losing potential participants while china promotes the idea of ​​an alternative peace conference, are negotiations possible with the simultaneous participation of ukraine and russia? glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we are talking about ukraine. about the world, about the war and about our victory. in the first part our program will include diplomat and politician volodymyr ogrysko. in the second part of the program, which will start at 21:15, we will have political experts maksym rozumny and volodymyr fisenko. however, before starting our big conversation today, let's look at the consequences of another terrorist act by the russian occupiers and strikes on the crooked
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corner, at least nine dead. and more than 29 were injured, such are the tragic consequences of another attack by the russians, a rocket hit a residential building, two children were among the injured, this is how the rescue operation lasted in crooked corner.
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dead and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you this, do you support the idea of ​​economic reservation from mobilization? yes, no, if you're on youtube, it's quite simple, if you have your own opinion about this economic booking, that is... pay the company money for the booked employee for that he should not be mobilized, then you vote either yes or no, write your answer option under this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support the idea of ​​economy booking from mobilization 0800 211381 nor 0802138. 72, all
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calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote . our guest today is volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, head of the russian research center. sir vladimir, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you. congratulations, mr. serhiy, good health. let's start our conversation, mr. volodymyr, with the conference on the restoration of ukraine, which ended today in... and it was aimed at outlining the possibilities and the main needs of ukraine in the restoration of ukraine. what prime minister denys shmehal said at this conference, he says that ukraine needs up to 30 billion dollars of annual investments in the next 10 years, that is, 300 billion dollars. we need to rebuild access to foreign markets and improve our logistics.


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