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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

8:30 am
glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, dear friends, we are collecting for them, now we are going on a short break, we will return and wait for andriy otchynas, stay with us. in the spring , many people went, i too, because of acquaintances and a job was easily found, a new country, and the salary was good, the escort immediately collected the documents so that they would not be delayed. at the border, but i no longer saw the passport, they took us to our houses and forced us to work for maintenance, without money and documents, how to return, and what now, they took advantage of you, don't be afraid, call 527, free and confidential. anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, a new book by espresso tv presenter serhiy rudenko. insight, first-hand information, behind-the-scenes of russian politics and witnessed events. of which
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we are returning to the ether, dear friends, andrii our father, the commander of the crew of unmanned aerial vehicles kara nebesna of the fourth brigade of the operational frontiers of the national guard of ukraine, appears on your screens, as i promised. mr. andrii, good morning. good morning studio, good morning tv viewers, i really apologize in advance for the connection, it can fall and disappear, unfortunately, it can't do anything about it at the moment. you're doing a little better compared to our last power-up when you were powering up from the dugout. is yes, at the moment we are in a good place in the front-line village where we live, it is clear that the situation is much calmer here, and you can rest a little, we are glad for you, we are glad, we are glad, we are glad that there is an opportunity to reach even a little bit more - less, well, it's not quite the same peaceful life, but there are some echoes, at least it's not a dugout, at least it's her house, but i see some kind of portrait of shevchenko there. is it some
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image, yes, yes, yes, yes, by textbooks, this is a portrait, yes, this is a portrait of taras hryhorovych shevchenko, and actually he was here even before we settled here, that is... the local residents had a portrait of taras hryhorovych in their house, and the house is probably more than, well, about 100 years old, it's incredible, mr. andriy, how are you doing, how were you when we spoke with you , you said you weren't coming out of the dugout for a week, or that week, that was when you talked to us, that was the end of your stay in the dugout, did it go on, uh, it went on a little bit, here we are now . on a stretcher, soon, of course, we will be again to enter positions for a longer period of time, that is, in principle, these are normal intra-rotational actions, where you have the opportunity to conditionally and rest more or less, being in the front-line territory, and at the same time perform your tasks as best as possible, that is, in principle, this is how we fight, how
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was your long watch actually, how did it end, how did it go, what did we do, what did we do for such a long time there on the front line? e each time we try to destroy the maximum number of enemy personnel, or in the extreme case, as we call it, to reduce their moral and psychological state, to worsen it, because we try to do everything in order to shell enemy positions with ammunition as actively and as accurately as possible, so that they do not even want to get out of their dugouts, in principle, i think that. .. we, the soldiers of the front line brigade , do this quite well, it happened several times that we threw some kind of conditionally interesting object into the enemy's dugout, the enemy appeared there and he never came out of there and stayed there, uh, an interesting thing, an interesting book, and he
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stayed there to read it, just like that, and they left him to be a little more.' ugh, mr. andrii, but i also wanted to ask you, besides the fact that you are in the dugout thinking up how to send interesting things, and how muscovites should teach the dead, the living, and the unborn taras grigoryovych, what is this life in the dugout like? how do you describe it for our viewers who only see the war from their tv screens or from their gadget screens when they are there watching. some video that is made public brigades, military, or some tiktok when viewed? actually, everything is very situational, during the war, we probably visited all possible types of dugouts and trenches that you can be in, for example, we had positions
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where above us were only sticks of the size, i don’t know such and such a diameter, that’s klyonka laid on top because you just couldn't particularly... move in those positions, because they immediately tried to destroy you, that's why we lived in basements, where everything depended solely on the personnel who lived in the basement, like him was preparing a position for himself, that is , in fact, the personal desire of the personnel to improve the place where you live is very valuable, for example, we were in the same position with the rubizh brigade, we held the defense in the same direction, and actually there was such a good dugout that.. . it looked like a bad hostel in lviv, but actually, it's a good enough option for a dugout. how is it happening now, what is the operational situation in your direction, did you manage to stop the russians there? eh, operative
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the situation in the direction has a good consequence, actually for the frontline brigade, the enemy tried to advance on our positions, but as usual nothing works in them, here we destroyed... about a hundred servicemen of the russian federation and every day they simply this number increases, increases and increases, at the same time we try to minimize the losses of our brigade's fighters as much as possible, we actually capture the enemies and still try to make it so that they cannot carry out any logistical actions at all or carry out rotational operations, again actions, that is, for them, the most terrible period of time is actually when they are carried out. rotational actions due to the fact that as soon as we see the movement of the servicemen of the russian federation, we immediately try to fly there and destroy them, in general, the fighters of the rubizh brigade are motivated enough to try to destroy them with every movement of the enemy, to capture those whom you are currently capturing , what they are telling,
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what lies they have now, they used to talk about the fact that we did not want to go here at all and we did not know where we were going, this is at the very beginning, then there were some excuses about the fact that we were not... there, etc. , i don't know, they hope that they will be, i don't know, less damaged, i don't know how to say it correctly, so that it doesn't look somehow irrational on my part, that's a plus, this question should rather be asked of the guys who communicate directly with... prisoners, that's what we, as a unit of unmanned aircraft complexes, find
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those captives, we take the groups directly to what was captured directly by us, and accordingly we do everything to ensure that everyone is alive and healthy at the same time, here, but we already know that among the captives there is, unfortunately, the mobilization of the temporarily occupied territories, if i am not mistaken, one prisoner was killed. that is, this is a sign that the enemy is coming to our territories, simply destroying the territories to zero and stupidly mobilizing its ukrainians from the temporarily occupied territories in order to send them for meat, so it looks a little terrible, and i hope that the ukrainian defense forces and the rubizh brigade will take some actions in the future that will return our territories back. mr. andriy, mr. andriy, i know that... your unit is collecting money, uah 3 million, it has not yet
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been possible to collect this amount, it has not yet been possible to collect this amount, nevertheless, the collection is quite active, after all, the amount is incredibly large, here i want to thank every ukrainian who joins the collection, because every hryvnia is real, it is extremely important, and everyone who drops this hryvnia is in fact tangential to three main things, the first is to help us in principle in providing, which is an extremely important thing, the second is to help in destroying the enemy directly because we are directly destroying the enemy and take his life on our territory, and the third, which is very important, is the fact of ensuring the lives of our soldiers, due to the fact that if the enemy cannot reach his positions, he cannot open fire on our soldiers, accordingly, what more enemies will die after the road to our positions, the less the enemy will... shoot at our territories, despite the fact that, after all, the reserves of the enemy are extremely large. i think that this
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thank you will concern the viewers of the tv channel, which can just now be watched on the screen, on the title of the specified card number, which is actually being collected for the air reconnaissance of the national guard of ukraine rubizh, the guys are collecting drones for maviky and fpv, so join in any please, dear friends, throw hryvnias in there too, you know, they say now that they are falling. one income, this connected there, well, less and less donated due to the fact that the situation there is worse, a little economic and so on, but here we had, by the way, on radio fm golychyna, in zholobov andriy, svyatoslav litynskyi, a well-known lviv volunteer, and he said that there is another explanation why donations are falling a little now, because in fact now almost everyone in the family has someone who is at the front, and very often there is a choice, i will donate to some well-known fund, to the fact that i now i see it there on tv'. which i know, which i trust, but there are also needs that are just mine there nephew, my son, my brother, my son-in-law
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and so on, who now also needs something for his unit, the unit always needs something, always needs something, i don’t know, there’s a chainsaw, i don’t know, some batteries, and so on , what are your biggest needs right now, such household ones, and who is your biggest donor right now, actually, as you said, the biggest donors are in fact. friends, siblings and family who constantly donate, constantly help, here, but actually there are donors whom we do not even know, but which drop large enough amounts, for which i am extremely grateful, and in general i am grateful to every citizen who helps us, because taking into account, as you have already said everything, that in every, almost in every family there is a serviceman, people all the same , they try to help not only their relatives, but also complete strangers who are part of the general organism called the ukrainian nation, and this is very valuable, and we... the fighters of the rubizh brigade, thank you very much for every help, because this irrationally shows the power of ours
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people, the strength of our nation, it is really, it is really inspiring, even in this difficult time, that is, despite the fact that the war has been going on for 2.5 years, we still do not give up, and our strong rear, in many cases, simply saves us in difficult situations. mr. andriy, thank you for the conversation and for your work, we hope that thanks in the form of donations will already be pouring in from our viewers. also for what you are doing, andriy otchenash, commander of the crew of unmanned aerial vehicles kara nebesna of the fourth brigade of the operational assignment of the borders of the national guard of ukraine was with us, let's go for a short break, let's come back and talk about the situation at... the front with lieutenant general igor romanenko. stay with us. attention, a profitable offer. order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price. only 99 hryvnias. durable, reliable and so powerful. and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary
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recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for children, whose world was destroyed by war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you , died at the front, and they, like no one else, need ours. support, because they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning this summer to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes. children will experience bright
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emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, what they will get. the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. to me really enjoyed the trip to austria, loved the museums we went to every day, it was incredible. and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna, and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help
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to survive those difficult and scary moments. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, and now we will talk about affairs at the front, as well as about what russia does to ukraine during shelling. ihor romanenko, founder of the crimean sky of ukraine charity fund, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010, lieutenant general is already with us, mr. ihor, we welcome you, i congratulate you. mr. igor, after the shelling in kyiv. which took place the day before, dangerous parts of russian cluster munitions were found. what is this, is it something new, or is it already some old practice of the russians, but... it just reached the kyiv region and how dangerous is it, such debris cluster munitions? unfortunately, in relation to the kyiv region, well, in ukraine
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, they were used a little earlier on the airfield, but now to show, these are the component elements, this is a cassette, that is, a cassette containing striking elements in the form of such a bullet, what is the danger that it will work is unknown when, and that is... the destruction of even the missile itself, in this case the x101, does not mean that these elements are destroyed, that is, they fall to the ground, and then after some time they can be detonated, and this is their danger, so to the residents, which are in the glivakhiv region, in the region fesilkova, you have to be very careful about this, watch out, and i... what to see, do n't approach, but report to the relevant authorities, and it's not so
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long ago that the russians began to use them in this type of equipment, but you see here exactly the detonation and then they fly away to the side and, therefore, they occupy some area, they are intended for the impression of manpower and are lightly armored. equipment, well, airplanes, helicopters, and there location stations, belong to this kind of equipment and can be used, and we see the consequences, this them now, also in our country, commander sirsky gave some valid and interesting news, in particular, he says that in the direction of kharkiv, the enemy is trying to advance in order to create... the so-called security belt that putin talked about, what is the situation there now in the direction of kharkiv, was it possible to restrain the enemy, or is he still suffering such large , staggering losses as at the beginning
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of his breakthrough attempt, well, he succeeded in stopping it and is suffering losses, that is , a stabilization operation is taking place on the part of the defense forces of ukraine, as in the sub-direction, it means plasters. and deep, it is on the flanks, on two flanks from lypka, the enemy tried to storm with his units, failed, and moving to the defense, both on this sub-direction, this is the direction directly to kharkiv, and to the actions taking place northeast of kharkov, this is vavchanchansk, they did not achieve a result directly there either, moreover... our defenders conducted counterattacks, pushed out, pushed out the enemy from the center, and then they tried to go around, to the left, to the right from
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the flanks, they were stopped near the vovche river, well and and it is also reduced to defense, and somewhere at a distance of 2.5-3 km from vavchansk, they began to build engineering and fortification... structures, these are signs in these two directions, liptsi and vavchansk, regarding the fact that without additional reserves, without the possibility increase their offensive capabilities, they move to defense, well, from a military point of view, if we had the appropriate resources, reserves, then during the transition from offensive to defense, this is exactly the moment that must be used and applied carry out counter-attacking actions, but on the spot there it is clear that one more thing, and it is fundamentally important,
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that the further advance is currently stopped by the enemy, and that is, this stabilization operation is being carried out by the troops in this direction, the defense forces are successful, the president of argentina, javier millay, promised to hand over five to ukraine. such a superetdart, which argentina disarmed last year , they took part in such a few veterans who took part in the falklands war in 82, or is this just a gesture that argentina is on our side and even gives us something like this weapons, whether they really are may have some practical application, in your opinion, they took part in hostilities later, let’s say, but they are more... if it was used it was developed for actions against ships, there is a production of an anti -ship french anti-ship missile and precisely...
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with such a missile, a british ship and a british ship were damaged in this falkland war, and they cannot operate only five of them due to the fact that in the chair, which is used to evacuate the pilots, if necessary, they are used there pen cartridges and so on, this whole system, it's british, the british don't supply it to them... that's why they had to remove argentina from their combat stockpile and then look for ways, what to do next, and that's why, well, that's not the only reason they want something to somehow support us, has to be like this, but how much we need them and how effective they are, even taking into account the fact that recently they have been improved, modernized for
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the fourth generation aircraft. plus, but now our experts are evaluating this situation from the point of view of how necessary it is, if needed in what form, taking into account the fact that the british are helping, they will help us with these systems, they are equipping it, well , can there be any further development, because we are recruiting various types of aviation assets accordingly, and this in... definitely complicates logistics , but it is necessary to weigh the presence or growth of this potential, including five aircraft, for example, which will operate there on the sea route, whether it is advisable for us to do it or not, taking into account the overall assessment of this situation, which is happening now these are exactly the processes, we are waiting for f16, there are many
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strikes on russian zens. installations, in particular in crimea and in the russian border regions, is now happening, their s-300, s-400 are being burned, the war writes that this is precisely the preparation for the fact that the f-16 and the first will already appear in the sky, they are assessed differently capabilities, will it change the course of the war, but , for example, petro chernyk, the day before yesterday, seems to believe that western aviation will become a big game-changer this year, do you agree with this assessment? it will definitely add to our potential because this will improve the situation in the anti-aircraft defense system, destroying the plane is the long arm of the anti-aircraft defense system, in addition, it can use the same f16 and french mirages, by the way, the americans have, if others, they helped the americans with problems regarding
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further training our pilots, and... the president of france made a decision on the transfer and said that from june 7, it means that they began to feel whether the training of our pilots would begin, you see, some different, different approaches in this, but one way or another, it is presence the f16th, maybe the mirage, and maybe even the gripen, which is even more suitable for our airfield conditions, let's say, in terms of its qualities, it was developed. such approaches, and the electronic equipment on the plane, which he has more modern, and just in case a rocket, air, air for 200 km, we are waiting for these planes, as he says, we are waiting for these planes with impatience, mr. igor, we have to say goodbye already, because we have a national moment of silence ahead of us, thank you for the conversation, ihor romanenko, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine, deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2006-2010 and
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lieutenant general. well, now, dear friends, we are approaching 9 o'clock and a minute of silence, in honor of the memory of all those who died because of russia. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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