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tv   [untitled]    June 13, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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greetings, this is svoboda live and my name is iryna sysak. ukraine's armed forces are likely conducting a targeted campaign to weaken russian air defenses. if successful, this could allow ukraine to more effectively use aircraft, particularly the f-16, in the long term. the institute for the study of war writes about this in its latest report. as an example, analysts cite recent successful strikes by ukraine. which may be part of such a campaign. in particular, last night ukrainian forces attacked russian air defense, namely one s-300 battery and two s-400 batteries near belbek and sevastopol in occupied crimea. such data was made public by the general staff. in the conditions of war, radio liberty cannot promptly confirm them. analysts of the institute for the study of war also refer to geolocation images published by osinter, which show damaged and destroyed russian s-300 and s-400. near occupied
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yevpatoria and dzhankoy. according to them, this confirms the report of the ukrainian defense forces about strikes on russian air defense on june 10. these are just two news stories from the past few days. by the way, the destruction of four s-300 systems in the belgorod region with the help of hymers, confirmed in the gur kraken special unit at the beginning of june. in addition, gur spokesman andriy yusev said that on june 7-8 , ukrainian drones damaged two russian su-57 fighter jets. at the airfield in the astrakhan region. the isu-57 and the s-300 and s-400 air defense systems are important air defense and aviation assets for the russian army that support russian offensive operations and prevent ukraine from flying near the front line, the institute for the study of war writes. ukrainian troops can try to actively weaken russian air defenses before ukraine gets a significant number of aircraft. to
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create conditions for the future use of manned aviation by ukraine closer to the frontline areas. ukrainian forces may seek to weaken russian air defenses ahead of expected deliveries of f-16 fighter jets to ukraine, which are reported to begin in small numbers in the summer and fall of 2024. the publication is now writing about the fact that belbek is becoming an exhausting trap for the best russian air defense forbes. the article says that ukraine, with the help of... these, is blowing up russian s-400s as quickly as they are being deployed in crimea. the publication recalls a powerful strike in may, when the armed forces of ukraine hit the belbek military base with 10 atakams missiles, destroying, in particular, a radar and two s-400 launchers. and only russia had time to deploy new systems, as they were again struck by the armed forces. we are talking about the strike the day before. after all, some russian observers worry that even more powerful attacks are ahead. they assume that after the air defense strikes, the air force at the base comes into play
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f-16, under the wings of which there is a wide range of ammunition. this is how forbes quotes one of the russian bloggers. well, about the f-16. the first fighter jets from the netherlands will arrive in ukraine in the summer of 2024, and they can be used to strike russia. this was stated by the minister of defense of the netherlands, kaisa olongren, in an interview with european pravda. further, the supply of f-16 is planned to be put on stream. andrii haruk and i will talk about this further. som of the department of humanities of the national academy of land forces named after hetman pyotr sahaidachny, he joins our ether good evening to you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. please tell me whether you see a planned strategy in the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine on the occupied crimea and the territory of russia. will it really help when ukraine gets the planes? there is a plan for the strategy. the knocking out of air defense has been going on for more than a month. with different intensities, so
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to speak, in such waves, and as a rule, such attacks on air defenses are preceded by er mass strikes on, well, let's say airfields or naval bases, like this was the case with sevastopol or kerch, where a brand-new russian corolla was hit, but i would not directly associate these ot... gifts with waiting for the arrival of the f-16 for two reasons, for two reasons: first, russian air defenses, they must be knocked out in any case, regardless of whether we get 16 in the near future or a little later, secondly, given that we will obviously have on the first ... pairs
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very a small number of such fighters, that is, roughly speaking, one squadron, i do i think, i assume so, that is, 12, 18 planes, maybe, er, i... i am not inclined to believe that these planes will be launched into an attack against, well , the territory occupied by russia, with entry into the airspace, with entry into the zone of impact of these anti-aircraft missiles systems, there will be other tasks for them, because, well, in my opinion, again, as for an outside observer, there will be no special sense in... the use of these aircraft in the airspace of, for example, the same temporarily occupied crimea , because here the task is solved, currently, as we see, by rockets skelp storm shadow, atakams and unmanned aerial vehicles. well, it is known that in
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the belgorod region, the armed forces of ukraine hit with hymers, and in the occupied crimea in may, they hit with atakams, do you have any idea what these latest strikes were, in particular, yesterday's also the western one. weapons, well, obviously , it was obviously missile weapons, obviously, well, there is such a possibility that these were also attacks, since they were sufficiently massive, er, sufficiently massive strikes by such and such missiles were already recorded, before that it is impossible exclude, well, the probability of, say, the use of the same ukrainian neptunes, although it seems to me to be less less likely, please tell me how much and how significant damage ukraine achieves with these... air defense strikes, can we estimate from those pictures , which we have, we can see, well, we can assess, we see disabled control points, radars, we see disabled launchers, we must understand that an anti-aircraft missile system or an anti-aircraft
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missile complex, it is called exactly that for a reason, a system or complex, it is not one machine, this is a whole set of actual failure elements. one of them or some of them, for example, launchers, cannot have a critical effect on combat effectiveness, so if there, say, the patriot in the standard configuration has seven or eight launchers, if two or three of them fail, then the patriot will continue to function, the same with this s-300 or s-400, but disabling the radar or the control point is already a more unpleasant thing, and in fact, we need exactly the same kind of damage... we need accordingly track, draw appropriate conclusions based on them, again, we must take into account the fact that these anti-aircraft missile systems are mobile, that is, although their stock in russia
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is not unlimited, but theoretically, and practically , they do it they can transfer, for example, to the crimea or the belgorod region to replace the destroyed ones. to the elements of these complexes, some elements there, well, let's say from the central military district, from syvir , or from the far east, or, well, somewhere from other areas, yes, of course, they risk this exposing er airspace in other yes areas, but clearly and obviously they may see that as a lesser evil compared to weakening air defenses in er in temporarily occupied territories, so as far as i'm concerned, there's no point in disrupting these elements of air defense, if operations using, well, for example, the same carrier-16, at best can
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begin in a month and a half or two. the russians will have time to make up for it by then, that is, if the air defense is knocked out. so, well, logi, it seems logical that strikes on the objects covered by this anti-aircraft defense should be expected in the coming days and hours. by the way, about the overturning of the system, analysts of the institute for the study of war write that the defeat of air defense in the belgorod region prompted the russian command to transfer air defense equipment from crimea to this territory. perhaps this indicates that ukraine is causing losses to russia, well , that is, perhaps the goal is to reduce the number of these... s-300 and s-400 systems, in your opinion, is it decreasing at all, so that the belgorod region is a separate, separate article in general, the s300 and s-400 air defense systems there perform not so much a defensive function as an offensive one, they constantly fire at kharkiv, fire at
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ukrainian territories, respectively, and the destruction of several launchers even there this particular direction, it makes sense because... it reduces the number of s-300 or s-400 missiles in a salvo that our air defense cannot intercept if they hit ground targets, and that's actually it. best fits into the concept that i always profess and love to quote, the best anti-air defense is our tanks on their airfields, in this case the best defense against the s-300 s-400 is a haimars volley on the position of the s-300 s-400 in the belgorod region . by the way, oleg singubov, the head of kharkiv ova, said that russia is using the s-300 less in the city, that is, we can directly relate it. accordingly, they can launch fewer missiles in a salvo, well, plus
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before that, maybe they are now showing a tendency towards what is still necessary to switch these systems to their direct task, remember, a few days ago there was such a rather loud story, as if for the first time a ukrainian plane struck the territory of russia, although in fact it is not the first time, because in fact, since the spring of 2022, our aviation has been there... periodically it strikes on the territory of russia, it means non -occupied territories, actually on the territory of russia itself, well, in this situation it was obviously meant that western weapons were used for the first time, that is, i think it was about guided aerial bombs, this is again my assumptions, and perhaps in this situation the russians consider it expedient to limit the use of these systems for shelling. kharkiv and , accordingly, redirect them to their intended use. tell me, please, and
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speaking in general, can we even count how many s-300, s400 installations ukraine destroyed, or how many remained in russia, for example? estimate the scale. theoretically, you can count. i did not set myself such a task, there is this database orixpencop, a well-known site, yes, where do they account for everything, and quite strictly with with photo confirmations, that is, just a message in the mass media is not enough, if they do not have a corresponding photo confirmation, with photo confirmations from air defense means, well , it will be difficult, because they are far in the rear, it is not always possible to get such photo confirmations there, that is, we we can roughly estimate this number and... but if we were to estimate this number of destroyed
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launchers on the scale that russia has, then it is still very few, i don't i will tell you from memory how many s-300, s-400 launchers russia has, or had on the eve of the great war, but ukraine, for example, had 250 kuzki installations. uh, that is, it is clear to me that russia obviously has a plus-minus somewhere in the region of a thousand or so of these actual decimal places, if you extrapolate like that, well, this is my assumption, because i do not have these cif digital data at hand right now, and accordingly i cannot estimate, that is, there is still a lot of work, there is still a lot of work, another matter is what about the launchers, i will emphasize once again, well, no... is decisive an element of these complexes, the defining element is the actual radars and
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control points, that is, on which you need to direct strikes, why, because, first of all, by definition, there are fewer of them than launchers, and secondly, disabling one such element immediately disables the whole a complex, or a division, in russian terminology, and thirdly , it is much more difficult to compensate for them, because it is more difficult. and more expensive equipment than launchers. mr. andriy, i want to talk with you about air defense for of ukraine. let me remind you, yesterday there was such information that the united states of america is allegedly ready to transfer another patriot system to ukraine, which is currently located in poland. at the same time, now, following the results of the ramstein-style meeting held in brussels, the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin , denied the transfer of an additional patriot, which is based in poland, and the deputy head of the polish ministry of defense wrote on social networks that his country... does not agree on the transfer of this system, they say, it is polish, how to understand it in general, how can you explain? no, well, if we
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are talking about the patriot system that was delivered to poland, well, it is not an american system, it is a polish system bought with appropriate funding, and i completely understand the poles, they are just starting to introduce these systems into service, it should be noted , that poland's air defense system is in full swing. in the missile warehouse, by 2022 it was at a much lower level than that of ukraine, they did not have the s-300 complexes, they did not have the bm1 complexes that we had, they used the s-125 and s-200 complexes are much older there, and they need the patriots, that is, it is not clear what we are talking about, whether we are talking about the anti-aircraft missile system of the us army, which is stationed on the territory of poland, or whether we are talking about anti-aircraft the patriot missile system bought by poland, well, in the end , they generally said that they do not yet plan
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to transfer new pet systems to ukraine, which is what we are talking about with you here. thank you, thank you, mr. andriy, for your thoughts, it was andriy haruk, professor of the department of humanities at the national academy of land forces named after hetman petrasaidachny, thank you , and before the group of seven summit that started in italy, details of ukraine's bilateral security agreements with the united states and japan, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said, the document with the united states, i quote, will be unprecedented, as it should be for the leaders of support of ukraine, it is said. in the post of the head of state. at the same time, as reported by the washington post, the agreement to be signed by presidents joe biden and volodymyr zelenskyi will be valid for 10 years and will oblige the united states of america to provide ukraine military aid but there is a nuance here: the us congress will not ratify this agreement, which means that any next american president, for example, donald trump, if
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he is re-elected and has the desire, will be able to withdraw from this agreement. this is the washington post. said unnamed us officials, we will talk about it later, but i will also add that during the current summit, the group of seven countries should support the allocation of $50 billion from frozen russian assets. the g7 leaders have already agreed on the structure of the loan, writes bloomberg, and the funds will begin to flow to the end year and can be used for defense, economy and restoration of ukraine, the article says. the agreement of the g7 countries to transfer 50 billion from russian assets in ukraine was confirmed by the minister. next, we talk about the results of the summit for ukraine with oleksandr mareshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people and head of the committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation. mr. oleksandr, good evening to you. good evening. first of all, i want to ask you about security agreements. currently, ukraine signs them with japan and the united states
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states of america. the president calls the agreement with america unprecedented. can you explain why, about what? will she go? well, first of all , we have to look at the text of this agreement, what we know, it was released by the american media, in particular cnn, that is, some general features. well, from what we know, it's saying that and it's very positive that this agreement, the security agreement, will be concluded for 10 years, so that already shows that regardless of who is going to be the president of the united states in as a result of the election, this agreement binds to the state as a whole, it must be carried out, and secondly, it says, as i understand it, this is a standard formula that in the event of a new attack by russia, the aggressor states on ukraine, consultations on this matter should take place within a day, it also refers to the provision of assistance and the development of the military-industrial
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military-industrial complex of ukraine, it is, as far as i understand, also about... various aspects of aid and humanitarian nature, and when it comes to the fight against corruption, the development of democratic institutions in the country, that is, it will be very, well, broad, one might say, a vast, sprawling agreement that will encompass a great many aspects. so you're saying that the state, that is , the united states, they have to fulfill this agreement, that's how it will be provided, but there are questions about the very future of this agreement, because... the post, as i already mentioned, says that the next president of the united states can withdraw from this agreement if he so wishes. why is this agreement not ratified by congress. and what do you think about this? well, the fact is that such an institution as executive agreements, it is called, that is, it can be translated as executive agreements, it is very widely used, and why they are concluded,
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for example, by the united states, because it is very convenient, it really does not need. ratification in the senate, according to the american constitution , it is quite difficult to ratify an international treaty, because, as stated in the text of the constitution, the president must obtain 2/3 of the senate with advice and consent, that is, with the consent of two-thirds of the senate, it is possible to ratify, and there are many such questions of a political nature, which can be resolved internationally field using such... institute as an executive agreement, but this does not change the essence, i.e. whatever obligations are of a political, moral or legal nature, they must still be fulfilled, it is important here. there is a result, that is, whoever is the american president, he must adhere to this agreement, and regarding the possibility of exit, from
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the point of view of international law, you can stop and denounce or withdraw from any international agreement, and elections, by the way, in the states will literally take place in six months, and if joe biden is re-elected as president, then obviously this agreement will not change, but what if the president... well, first of all, i would like to emphasize that even though this is not an international treaty, but rather an international agreement that has a moral and political force, it still needs to be fulfilled, as the ancients said, the sun saver pact, that is, it is concluded for 10 years, that is, even if we assume, theoretically, there will be a new one. president, he still has to abide by this agreement. ugh, ok, i heard you, tell me, be it please, speaking generally outside the framework of security agreements, what result does
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ukraine expect from the group of seven summit, which began today in italy? well, one of the key issues of this summit is the fight against russian aggression and assistance to ukraine. we count on the fact that the decision regarding the transfer to ukraine of... 50 billion euros, if i am not mistaken, which is like a loan against the background of frozen russian assets, will be reinforced, that is, it is said that this mechanism needs to be improved a little, but the principled decision to provide this is the case for ukraine loan, it has already been approved, that is, it is very important, the issue related to secondary sanctions is also important, by the way, our american partners will raise. the issue is related, for example, to china, which is helping russia restore its capabilities, military capabilities, that is, and that is why secondary sanctions are needed
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, that is, we count on the fact that we receive solid support both economically and politically, and military from the big seven. regarding the 50 billion dollars, if i am not mistaken, when ukraine can start receiving these funds, do you have this information? well , i don't have such information for sure, but judging by the fact, from the information that has appeared, it is said that by the end of the year, that is, i hope that at least by the end of the year these funds will begin to be transferred to us, the current the summit is not the last international event important for ukraine this week, a global peace summit will be held in switzerland this weekend, what are ukraine's hopes there? great expectations - without exaggeration... will be a historic event in world diplomacy, it is said that on today already 90 countries have agreed, by the way, this is thanks to the fact that the president personally
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communicated, he made 50, more than 50 communications, phone calls in order to convince his visavi, his colleagues, to take part in this summit, it will be a very representative summit peace, on which, we hope, such a kind of road map will be worked out in order to start the diplomatic process to stop russian aggression and restore international law and international security, based on the 10 points of president zelenskyi's formula. you say that 90 countries agreed, this is a confirmed figure, because the day before rfe/rl published information from its sources among diplomats and those involved. to the process of organizing the summit, that the number of participants has decreased to 78, can you confirm the number, which is exactly 90, or is the number still unstable? well, this number is unstable, because
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there is still a little time left, but it is still there, and we have to fight for the fact that, well, there are indeed cases when the country has agreed in principle earlier, but, for example, it has not yet been decided who exactly will represent this one country, i know for sure that india will be represented, i... consider this a very important victory, because it is about the most numerous country, which essentially represents the entire global south, this is a great victory for ukrainian diplomacy, and the main regions of asia will be represented , africa, latin america, african countries such as ghana, kenya, such countries will be represented in the middle east as qatar, for example, latin american countries, chile, argentina and so on, that is, it is already a victory. and the ministry of foreign affairs will probably be able to name its specific figure for some time time, uh, so you can neither confirm nor deny if the number
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of members has decreased, correct? i understand, well, i don’t have such information, i know that there are about 90 countries, but sometimes, you know, international organizations are also added, because the question of how to include international organizations in this number or not, because it is possible that such you know, different versions, for example, the un will be presented, we know this for sure, well, other international organizations too, this is very important, by the way, ukrainian media, in particular, european. pravda writes that the final communique of the peace summit was rewritten again, its content became more favorable and generally acceptable for ukraine to president zelenskyi, the term russian aggression appeared there, and the ukrainian peace formula became clearer and references to obligations were removed involve russia in the second summit, how do you assess these changes? well, the point is that i don't think there's any need to hurry with such assessments, because from my experience i
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can say that work on... other document, over its, as they say, wording, that is, the text, it also takes place at the event itself, at the conference or summit itself in this case, so this struggle and this work goes until the last minute practically, and therefore what will be the final document, we still we do not know, and we must already judge and look at the final result, what it will be when we see this document, and i repeat, the struggle for this document is for everyone, for every... word, for every person, and it takes place until the last minute, in fact , yes, what now? what is going on behind the scenes, what they are talking about, maybe you can tell, share what they are working on, what is the purpose of these in this communique, so that what is indicated, well , without even knowing what is happening behind the scenes, but i can say that that it is about implementing
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president zelenskyi's peace formula as much as possible, which consists of... 10 points, that is, the closer the final document is to this peace formula, the better, and this is exactly what we are talking about, the struggle is taking place. ugh. at the forum, at this summit, only three questions will be considered, or is it correct we understand about nuclear security, food security, as well as the return of children kidnapped by russia and prisoners of war, does it fit into that peace formula or is it only. individual items? well, in fact, as far as i understand, it is said that a consensus has been reached mainly on these three points, out of ten, yes, but that does not mean that there will not be, ah, ukraine will continue, fight and try to and other points were taken into account, that is, if, for example, it completely fails at this summit, then we understand that it is only beginning, and this process will continue.
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until all 10 points are fulfilled, because there are very fundamentally important points for ukraine, in particular with regard to territorial integrity, with regard to the withdrawal of russian troops, with regard to the last point of the formalization of the peace treaty, that is, this is a huge process that will continue, well, it can last quite a long time. mr. oleksandr, thank you, it was oleksandr mereshko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people and head of the committee on issues. foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, and what hopes ukrainians have for the upcoming peace summit in switzerland, journalists asked on the streets of kyiv: listen. to be honest , i'm a realist in life and therefore i don't have such high expectations. well, i would like to see some kind of broken path to peace, because this war has already worn us out enough, and we still
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have more. situation, but, well, unfortunately, not much optimism. i believe that the war will end precisely in a brutal military way. the summit is yes, it will weaken somewhat, or rather, it will not weaken, it will give us hope, it will us, the opportunity to move on and hope for the best ending of this war, but still... the question of ending the war will be decided on the battlefield. the ukrainian people are suffering quite a lot now, especially the people who are in the front-line zones, so this is one of the most important steps at the summit, it is to inform about us, to remind that we are still suffering, we still need help. i have very high hopes, at the peace summit the issue of...


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