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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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to move from the place, and therefore it will have to be changed, our government wants it, it doesn't want it, our president likes irmak immensely, and yermak likes the tatars immensely, it is clear that we want to have support, a completely logical and justified demand from the european union and the west certain changes and reforms in governance, and therefore the west will not give more than the minimum required. money for a country that does not, does not, does not know how and does not want to govern properly, i am not talking about the fact that it will not give money at all, because it is clear that now the west calculated and came to the logical conclusion that supporting ukraine now is better, cheaper and more effective from the point of view of the interests of the same europe than giving russia the opportunity to go to the border with the european union, and here we have common interests with the european union, but in that time... if
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you look very pragmatically at what is happening in ukraine, it becomes clear that with such leadership, with such management, with such governance, with such, with the lack of distribution of branches of government and the dependence of virtually all branches of government on several people on the street bankova, we will not get far, so the question here is that we cannot, and it is clear, zelensky said about this that we cannot... win this war without the west, and the west perfectly understands that aid can be ineffective, if fundamental changes do not take place in ukraine, then these changes cannot be avoided. if we talk about the set of changes that should be, yes, well, let's now detail what we would specifically expect, for example, in the united states, the european union, yes, because, well, for the majority of our fellow citizens with you, it all remains by a trick, and certain things are evaluated purely through the prism of emotionality. that is, he said that, the reaction
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was, well, but people, well, sociology shows that people are not completely satisfied with the processes that are going on inside the country. and we understand that the war is a key story, but there is also the economy, there is also energy, and it's gone, gone. well, people began to understand that power cannot be concentrated in the hands of the president, only that the number of ukrainians who think so has fallen many times, there are more and more ukrainians. believe that it should be in the parliament much more powers, they believe that the government should be effective, that is, ukrainians are beginning to understand that the problem lies in the structure of power that exists, when in fact all powers are concentrated in the office of the president, and the office of the president is just like this police conductor on the street, shows with a stick, who is to blame for this or that failure, be it...
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the parliament, be it the government, be it the west, well, anyone, but not the government itself, ukrainians are beginning to understand this, on the other hand, yes, if, what to do with that if we don't now we can hold elections, and what should be the future fate of this ukrainian structure of power, this also worries ukrainians, because here one of the analysts wrote that putin may be there for another 10 or more years in... and while he is in power, this war benefits him, because this war allows him to write off everything, blame everything on the world, which is against russia, on economic difficulties, on failures in domestic politics, war always gathers people around its leader, and therefore it is beneficial to putin, and he will be interested in the war continuing, and we want to end it, we want to end it victoriously, so we cannot afford to simply drag this process out. ad
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infinitum, and under the present circumstances we don't have, we can't latch on to anything that would give us confidence that we can end this war there next year, the expectation is that we can be ready for another offensive, counteroffensive, we we are waiting for aviation, for what will come after mobilization, after all, the ukrainian army will get enough manpower for training and rotation, we all expect all this, but... but the size of our neighbor from chechavile is not too disproportionate, and from the point of view of the economic reserves there, they have these, as they said, they have these bombs, which they recycle the wings and throw them, there are enough for two or three wars, they have them there, they have been there since the second world war, even before that time they kept these bombs, they just recycle the wings, maybe half of them are defective, but they are all the same ... ukrainians, that is why the russian state,
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it is ready for a long-distance raid, and we are here, we can only oppose something modern, effective, we can only do it. in a very close alliance with the west, both with america and with the european union. but what is happening in our country recently does not help us to be better understood and supported there. well, what are the models, i don't know, so what to do in the current situation? we understand that we have a legitimate government, that is, a president who was elected by the ukrainian people without falsification, we are talking about zelenskyi. the russians want to undermine its legitimacy, of course, is completely legitimate in our country. the parliament is functional with a majority, well, the number of deputies has decreased, but we have a cabinet that was appointed by the legitimate parliament, but in fact we have a mix of three branches of government, we understand that with our supreme constitutional courts
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, not everything is as stable as we would like , and accordingly something needs to be improved, we all like that ukrainians, everyone likes simple solutions, mr. oleg, let's propose simple solutions now. well, in fact, we do not have an office of simple solutions worked, but the problem with us is precisely the structure of power that we have, when there are several people from the office of the president whom we did not elect, whom no state security bureau or anti-corruption bureau would dare approach, these people are actually building schemes, and ukrainian journalists are already whining about this, they are whining about the fact that... that the officials on the ground, here i am now hearing about the situation in kharkiv with the purchase of wood for defense structures, have chosen a kind of pilot project, but this situation is repeated everywhere, due to the fact that the law enforcement agencies depend on the same office of the president, because
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tatarov stands over them, and every security officer knows who tatarov is, it is practically impossible to win from this circle, and if we want changes, then we need to remove them. tatarovo, and the president was told about this a million times, it is necessary to make sure that the office does not influence, i think the president will understand it, he, the president will understand it, he will not be able to maneuver there much, because the european embassies, diplomats, they see it perfectly , they know, a ukrainian writes about it the press, the european press writes about it, journalists cry about it, de-icing takes place, well, it becomes clear that it is impossible to keep silent about it, it is impossible to explain why changes are not taking place. and this pressure is building, so i think that the easiest conclusion for or the easiest way out of this situation is to remove this unlimited influence of the office of the president on the executive branch and on the security forces and make the courts more, i'm not saying completely
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independent, at least more independent in order to so that for them a call from bankova street does not interrupt all ukrainian legislation, because if there are no signs that... that there are changes here, and this will be talked about and talked about, probably also by western companies that are trying to enter the ukrainian market, because no matter what we take, or the production of drones whether joint productions in the defense sector or investors, which we really need in order to restore the energy system, it all rests on the guarantee of property rights, and what guarantees can there be, if we do not have independent courts, there is nowhere for the investor to turn in case. conflict situation, therefore, sooner or later, zelensky will have to understand and hear this, and i am sure that even the all-powerful fair will not be able to block all communication channels, because the president communicates, including with the heads of western states, with representatives
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of the diplomatic corps, so there is simply no other way out here , if this is not changed, then we can call simple solutions, super simple solutions, we can... look for some people, but the situation will not change, because fundamentally this slow-acting mine is embedded in it, which guarantees impunity corrupt officials, if these officials are loyal and are guided by what they are told on the mountain, and when we have a judicial system that looks into the mouth of the same tatar woman and waits for instructions on how to act in this or that case, simply with such schedules, the situation is topical and from it... there cannot be any simple solution, the simplest solution is to do what we have been advised for years, to make the government much more independent from the bank street, to strengthen the parliament, giving the parliament the opportunity to influence the ministers,
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to listen ministerial reports, but at the same time to try to explain to potential candidates for ministerial positions that they will be able to implement what they set out to do, and... and not, they will simply wait with fear for a call from the phone on their desk, where there used to be the coat of arms of the soviet union, now there are the coats of arms of the ukrainian , well, maybe some simple things will happen. men's meetings between the president of ukraine and the president of the united states, well, biden will say: we have such an idea to somehow resuscitate, refresh the government, and so on, but zelensky will say: very well, there is such an idea, and here we are let's say that we should build a government of national unity, well, invite representatives of the homeland of european solidarity, or what should a government of technocrats do in such a situation, i don't know how to pull out from some secret drawer our, i don't know, you... a graduate of the advanced training courses named after dlord soros, yes, who will ride around on a scooter, remember,
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we had such a revolutionary prime minister, well, at least as a first step, maybe even some members of the current government, i just don't know them all, could be much more effective if they really, if their fate really did not depend on the calls on these turntables, if they understood that they have to make decisions, maybe... unpopular, but they will feel able to implement these decisions and bear no only responsibility, but having support is necessary for this, well, right now there is no dialogue with the parliament at all, all these ties are broken, and even if at the same time with the parliament, i have no illusions about the quality of this parliament, but everything is right there it is possible to find a part of deputies who would also understand that they are responsible for something, there now... journalists should be allowed to work in the parliament, there may be some partial resuscitation of this legislative body, which is
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very important, that is, it should be tried even under these conditions the account is only of what people can feel, and it should be done by zelenskyi, there is no one else to do it, because again , the meeting of zelenskyi with his own faction, where he does not let anyone open his mouth, but only reads morals, it just comes out of there angry deputies and all this takes away motivation, well, just in general. here are all the units of the government machine, they are all simply stopped, they do not work, they need to be started, because we cannot now elect a new president, elect a new verkhovna rada, form a new government, which means that in these conditions we must try as much as possible to resuscitate some mutual closer interaction between these authorities, because then everything will be better than it is now, because now in fact everything has stopped, no one makes any decisions and... there are a couple of advisers forming an opinion the president about the real state of affairs, and
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the president has emotional breakdowns and explains to the leaders of the western world how they should do their work, and at the same time the president forgets that, among other things, it is his obligation to improve the work of the government machine in ukraine, not to lead, not to put three, four or five advisers at the head of the government machine, but to make it real, at least formally. on how the government and parliament interact in european countries, and i am sure that this will be discussed during the beginning of the negotiations on the acquisition of membership, god willing, for these negotiations to begin, because we have millions of questions there, but we can only move in this direction now. thank you very much, mr. oleg, for this meaningful and extremely interesting conversation , i would like to remind our viewers that oleg khrybachuk, former vice-prime minister for european integration, former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, was currently working on spresso. the founder of the movement honestly, thank you once again and glory to ukraine, thank you, glory to the heroes, and
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we will win everything, well, the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day, watch espresso, take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air, watch this week's judicial control program. ukraine continues its path to the european union and does not stop at... in particular, judicial reform. the competition for the selection of members of the supreme
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council of justice is ongoing. the ethics council elects candidates according to the president's quota. we will introduce you to the brightest candidates. but first to the news. former judge of the starobil district court of luhansk region igor kudryavtsev was sentenced to 15 years in prison for treason. according to the investigation materials, in march 22, at the beginning. full-scale invasion of russia, the judge entered into a conspiracy with representatives of the terrorist lpr. he campaigned for judges and employees of the raisud to swear allegiance to the russian federation and write applications for employment. guaranteeing them positions in illegally created judicial bodies. ivano-frankivsk city court found igor kudryavtsev guilty of treason and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. since the judge is currently hiding from the investigation, the verdict was announced in absentia. he will serve the sentence imposed by the court from the moment of actual detention.
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there are 28 applicants for the single vacant position of a member of the higher qualification commission of judges. among the candidates for judges of the supreme anti-corruption court. court, a judge of the court of appeal, judges of local judges and retired judges. the vacant position in the ccc appeared after the resignation of a member of the ccc under the judicial quota on march 27 of his own accord, judge kyivskyi roman ignatov of the court of appeal. he held the position of the chairman of the central committee of the central committee of the russian federation. the competition is ongoing, the selection of members of the vkks is carried out by a competition commission consisting of three ukrainian judges and three foreign experts in the field of law. control vote during the voting procedure. foreign experts have. updated in 2022 as part of the judicial reform , the supreme council of justice still does not work in full force. out of 21 members, the vrp currently has 17. it has a quorum and the selection of its members is ongoing. a collegial body of state power and judicial governance, which is responsible for
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honesty and transparency of the entire judicial corps, independence and professionalism of judges and prosecutors consists of people, ten are elected by the congress of judges of ukraine, two are appointed by the president, two are elected by the verkhovna rada, two more are elected by the congress of lawyers, two are delegated by the all-ukrainian conference of prosecutors and two more are elected a congress of scientists and representatives of law schools. the chairman of the supreme court is an ex-officio member of the supreme court. currently , there is no representative of the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi in the vrp. the selection is ongoing. to participate in 18 candidates submitted documents to the competition. eight of them had interviews with the ethics council. others either arbitrarily withdrew from the competition or did not pass the preliminary stage. not all candidates have a crystal reputation. today we will tell you who is trying to get to one of the most influential and key bodies of judicial power. this is olena zaichko, a judge of the kharkiv district administrative court. this is not the first time she has tried to become a member of the supreme council
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of justice. among her career achievements, making questionable decisions, making decisions during training, which directly contradicts. the law, as well as non-transparent property declaration. in 2020, olena zaichko decided to develop 13 hectares of forest despite the seizure of this plot. according to another court decision. construction cooperative slice, which is part of the zone of influence of kharkiv deputy ihor arykh, received the permission to build. it is interesting that immediately after this decision, the minors, at that time the children of judge zaichko, received an apartment from the kharkiv city hall with an area of ​​more than 100 m2. also, the judge likes expensive. cars in 2021 she bought a lexus for almost 2 million hryvnias. our colleagues from investigation-info received recordings of telephone conversations allegedly of judge olena zaichko. the investigative information found out and released a whole material about how she goes to the fortune teller there, does other strange things, but the most interesting thing is that she destroyed the disc with the audio recording of the court session. in a conversation dated
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august 13, 2020, a woman with a voice similar to zaichko discusses with... the possibility of spoiling the disk with the case materials, as well as ways to change the cherished judge's decision to the opposite, none related to this there is no recording, i don’t know how to comment on this, please excuse me, zaichko obviously implemented the plan to change the decision, she signed the decision to dismiss the lawsuit in the private room, she announced the opposite to the courtroom, the members of the ethics council were interested in this story: what was recorded in the conversation matches, and the person with whom the conversation is conducted is also the same, you sit in our room, you prepare a document, sign it and say that and then when you announce, you say that the lawsuit is not satisfied, how these events happened four years ago, what motivated what what
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motivated why exactly this happened, of course i don't remember. and so the whole interview. olena zaichko denied having anything to do with the audio recording made public by journalists. she assured that she does not know the people mentioned in it and does not remember any circumstances. complete amnesia. with this baggage, olena zaichko is applying for the competition to the supreme council of justice for the second time. it is interesting that at the same time she is a member of the all-ukrainian association of administrative judges, which called on the president to promise a law on the reform of the administrative court, because it allegedly threatens the sovereign. to ukraine, as it contains instruments of influence of foreign states. thus, zaichko is desperately trying to become a part of the reform, which he considers to be a violation of judicial independence. not very logical. despite numerous facts of dishonesty, the ethical council approved olena zaichko as a candidate for the position of a member of the vrp, but she was not elected by the verkhovna rada. in march of this year, the supreme council
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of justice opened a disciplinary case against zaichko. in case of a positive decision on it , the judge faces dismissal. soon we will find out whether olena zaichko will succeed in the end slip and sit in the dream chair. and this is another candidate for the supreme council of justice , lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko. he 10. has his own apartment, but it is registered in a dormitory, the developer who did not enter the property in the register is to blame for everything. yes, i lived in it, because physically the apartment was ready, but legally, legally, i could not do it until october 23, because i did not have confirmation, it was entered in the real estate register until october 23 . in general, lawyer vladyslav ivashchenko believes. that there is no difference where a candidate for a key judicial authority is registered, whether honestly in his own large apartment, where he actually lives, or in a dormitory? declaring a place of residence in ukraine is not
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related to any property rights. the place of declaration is intended either for postal correspondence or, for example, for the exercise of certain rights, in particular more political ones. declaration does not affect anything, vrp candidate vladyslav ivashchenko loves cars, he has a toyota raf4 talent cruiser 150. he bought the first one allegedly after selling three old ones, and by purchasing a new rav-4 from the salon in the midst of a full-scale war, he literally saved millions of deposits. i came to the car dealership and bought them. i had a current deposit in my bank account, in the amount of hryvnias, due to the fact that the bombings began in the city of kyiv, i could not
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withdraw this money from the bank account, and my wife and i decided to buy a car with part of this money, new. 3 years ago, the wife of vladyslav ivashchenko was very lucky, she managed to purchase almost 2 hectares of land near kyiv for only 3.5 thousand dollars. why the cost? and this is almost 10 times, since this plot of land, it is located outside the settlement, it is actually intended for the introduction of agriculture, the more there were shortcomings on this plot of land, it was swampy. even for this activity she was not quite suitable. vladyslav yevashchenko insists on his political neutrality. tell me, please, do you consider yourself a politically neutral
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person? absolutely. were you co-founders of any public organizations with people's deputies, or were you were not no, never. but in the end he remembered how he was a co-founder of the non-governmental organization institute of political crisis. together with the former people's deputy, he does not consider it important at all. a former political figure approached me, he asked, let's say, for his status, i put my signature so that a person simply, let's say, had a type of public organization, without registration for a certain social status, also a candidate for the vrp was to indicate in his declarations membership in the national bar association and what he was brought to administrative responsibility due to violation of traffic rules, moreover, he believes that
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he should not have done this. let's see if, with such forgetfulness and lack of understanding of the rules for filling out documents, vladyslav ivashchenko will be able to sit down in the prestigious seat of a member of the supreme council of justice. as of today, i have everything, you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shostrok. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know, write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. we'll meet right after week. we are looking for 14th year. of sashka kremzer from the kherson region. the boy lived in the village of sburiivka, this is the skadovsky district of the region, which was occupied by the russians from the first days of the full-scale war. it was then
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that information spread about the child's disappearance, and in fact, for more than two years, nothing has been known about the boy's fate. maybe sasha was taken to russia, or maybe he still remains somewhere in the territories not controlled by ukraine? i really hope that with your help the child will be found. if anyone has seen or knows where oleksandr kremzer might be now, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. it is also possible to transfer information using the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. even the smallest detail is important. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war and also on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, the woman is
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almost there. the year knows nothing about its fate daughters i turned everywhere i could, i'm already screaming as much as i can, that's how they tied my hands, they said: i'm in such a situation at the moment. karina's parents have been divorced for a long time and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she went to her father and stayed with him. this territory was occupied almost from the first days of the war, but from time to time, the woman says, it changed hands. his daughter in social networks, but in april of last year the connection with karina mysteriously broke off. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and where she is now, no one knows. i have already written everywhere, even here on this territory to search for a child, because i don't know where to shout, how to find a child, i can't, i am an adequate mother, for me a child is my life. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, recently.
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we contacted her again, the woman suggests that her daughter could have been taken to russia, but where exactly is unknown, so it is important to know even the smallest details. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or someone knows something about my child, who went missing and stopped going out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna konevets, date of birth 908. if anyone has seen karina kanivets or knows at least something about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot child search service in telegram. she will see, hear me,
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for her to respond. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems. anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any city, at any
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time. just go to the site. and let us know, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the organizer of the freedom summit, the national association of the defense industry of ukraine, once again introduces western allies to the potential of our country's weapons at the highest level. this time, an appeal for joint implementation projects aimed at american partners. they arrived at the defense conference in washington. hundreds of industry representatives. the event will be opened by the former special representative of the us state department for ukraine, kurt walker. he is convinced that the joint implementation of innovations will help ukraine win the war. this defense industry conference brought a lot of people with a lot of practical experience and knowledge here to virginia. they are also defense companies that are interested in helping ukraine attract more of ours laptop


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