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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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fm. galicia listen to yours. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uro helps restore control over urination. feminonost uro - urination under control. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps. 20% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. congratulations. the other day it crashed, it was a very successful dew. an information operation that lasted
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more than 10 years, which they conducted against the regiment azov, telling that there are nazis there, and explaining that ukraine is a nazi country in general, and all that you have heard, denzification and so on and so on. that's why i think it's successful, because the demonization of the azov regiment, then still the national guard of ukraine, had a hand, well, a lot. even western journalists, i am not talking about russian journalists there, or those who come from russia, who have even escaped from russia now, they are all actually there, well, in the largest world media, they wrote a lot of things there, moreover, do you remember , was a story an attempt to convict a soldier of the azov regiment in italy, well, in short, all this was very successful and suddenly she experienced all this. collapse, this is a big blow
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to russian propaganda, a big blow, a big loss for russian propaganda, because in its essence, well, this myth, which they told something there, that ukrainians are too right-wing, too nationalist, or some such, you know, is falling radical, and yet something else, and suddenly the news, which, well, in principle , actually stunned the russian... propagandists, that the united states had lifted restrictions on the provision of weapons to the unit azov, and actually said that now it should be treated as an ordinary unit in the russian-ukrainian armed forces. well, the russian news, of course, has been talking about it for a couple of days, that's for sure. and here's another thing: the united states allowed the transfer of its weapons to the ukrainian battalion. azov, in our
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country it is recognized as terrorist and banned. the washington post newspaper writes: in 2015, america closed military aid to azov, admitting that there may be racists and radical nationalists in their ranks. and the un accused this formation of violating humanitarian law. in russia, many azov militants are serving long terms for particularly brutal murders and torture of civilians in donbas. the views and methods of these terrorists have changed since 2015, if at all. even more to the inhumane side, but washington’s attitude towards them has changed diametrically, well, in fact , the footage you saw is to some extent an explanation of why it changed, because the way the russians treated the azov captives, well, this is , well, you know, torture is inhumane absolutely misbehavior, they killed some people from azov there, convicted and actually imprisoned them on... completely falsified cases,
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and all of this ended up being the arguments used against the russians, and also appreciate the fact that this decision in 15- was adopted in the united states last year, speaks of the extent to which the russian agency penetrated both the united states congress and the united states media, the united nations, in the end, where all this was demonized, demonized, demonized, and now you see. it suffered collapse, that is, to say that the situation has become worse, there, and russian propaganda will win, well, this is just a demonstration that it will not win in any way in the world, it will lose, because the myths that existed for more than ten years have collapsed, well and russian propagandists are hysterical as a result. the brigade will now have official access to us military assistance.
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just like any other unit of the armed forces. let's just remind you that the ban on the supply of weapons to azov was led by the democrats in the us congress and has been in effect since the 15th. usa, now they don't see. they they are trying to cover it politically so that the whole world does not understand who russia really has to deal with, but we understand who we are dealing with. now there are no rules, the masks are broken. and, well, on this matter, of course, they are already coming up with ideas. the russians have such absolutely fake stories and some absolutely fake explanations, the most probably funny story is the one that russian propagandists prescribed to zhuravlev, a member of the state duma, he voiced it on the air, but when it was written, this fake
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only appeared and only his russians spread, and when he already said it on the russian air, until this moment this fake was denied, and he had to, you know, wriggle out. and what he said and how it was twisted, well, you know, such a comedy story and a comedy show are separate. as we know, the americans have removed restrictions on the supply of weapons from the azov regiment or brigade. it used to be there, but now it has been removed. why? so you all think, why? and i will tell you why. the emblem of azov lit up at the gay parade in america. and there everyone danced to that emblem.
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in fact, i think that all of them there are as if you wanted to say, that's right, olya, that's what i wanted to say, let's say, let's say, well , you see, they made a fake and a lie, and now they're telling that it's a joke, well, that's what someone joked , well, it’s clear, that is, now when the russians... are exposed somewhere and they say that they lied, they now say that they were joking, well, that’s it, well, you know, especially, probably, two things here from all this are comical, well, how can i say, not the comic ones, i would say the notable ones, but the first one, well, if at all
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so to remember, you know, in general, well, if we talk about nazi germany, yes, there, during the second world war. war, in principle, nazi germany sent gays, gypsies, jews to concentration camps, and all the enslaved peoples it captured there and those who resisted, this is who we have now who is fighting against lgbt people there and is also trying to get somewhere there to send gays to prison, and that's russia, well, i don't want to say anything, but you know, there's such a parallel. well, they are, and it is strange that this state ideology, it is somehow connected in this way, when recidivism is not much different from hitlerism, here, well, the second remarkable story is all these cries about how ukrainians
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are terrible terrorists, like all this, but you know, these are said by the same people who are now going to recognize at the state level the taliban is just like that... well, it's an ordinary organization there, an ordinary government, and they've been spending a month in the russian state media, literally a whole company to whitewash the taliban from afghanistan, and putin himself speaks on this matter and says, well, that's normal, well, what are they, well, not bandits not even terrorists at all, and it's not like they are there, you know, stoned women, shoot people right on the street. hanged and shot, no, it's all normal, nothing to worry about, that is, these people will tell us something about the nazis, about azov, about something else, that is, they don't get on the head, relations with the taliban, with afghanistan are always heard, in
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afghanistan there is problems, they are well known to everyone, the question of how to build relations with the current authorities is another matter, but it is necessary to build relations somehow. these are people who control the country, control the territory of the country, they are the power today in afghanistan, it is necessary to proceed from the realities, and build accordingly. well, i’m not saying that this is russian television, it’s just that it constantly non-stop conducts some kind of misanthropic and terrorist conversations, and direct calls for the destruction of people in various countries, in ukraine, constantly, and now in the west, and it’s enough to watch just here are solov'ov's statements so that all the questions that... can be addressed to anyone, anywhere in the world, including, apparently, by the taliban, so that they would simply stop,
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because you know, well, in fact, the russians and russian propaganda have already outwitted the taliban in their kind of, you know, extremism and hatred. deutsche welle is now showing how vovchansk is burning, they are horrified by this, we have this video, please show it. here they show the vovchansk-kharkiv region, the intensity of the fighting, the northern part of the city almost completely, here they show it all, you understand that this is what the cities of germany will look like, only in relation to them we will much more brutal, we will simply demolish everything, you understand that, or you need a russian soldier to come to your land again, but this time he has not left. and fresh conversations, of course, about how terrible ukrainians are on
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russian television, it’s just that they have such, you know, regular there, half an hour of hatred on various tv channels passes, and here, for example, there was another one last week on ntv, where simply for an hour they discussed how terrible ukrainians are, how bad they are , the whole nation is bad, and literally, well, they were washing things there... well, well , it really doesn’t come to mind when people are sitting again, and this is the only topic for them to talk about on the air, this is the desire to remind, as soon as possible, so that he has the last word, to say how they hate us, that is , this anger that lives in them, this is what i always felt, this is what i always felt, i think that it is ukrainian. i think that ukrainianism can be called a political subculture. why does this annoy us? because the people themselves belong
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to this political subculture. they in fact, ethnically, they did not define themselves at all. and in terms of ethnicity , it is simply impossible to define yourself as a ukrainian. there is no such set of ethnic, cultural, which could be used to say that this is a ukrainian. there is no such set, there are some negative things, i.e. russians don't go there, let's say. that is, some crazy people are sitting, you know, inventing some fictional ukrainians for an hour, while telling them that these ukrainians do not exist, but these ukrainians annoy them terribly, that what was interesting on this broadcast, especially, it was interesting, what has changed in general, you know, some... the general tone of these statements, that is, so that you understand, now they are more ukrainians, not a brotherly people, moreover, ukrainians, russians,
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they are already different peoples in the end, although ukrainians seem to be, as you heard, it doesn't exist, but nevertheless it turns out to be different peoples, so, well , that is, conversations on russian television about the fact that ukrainians and russians are one and the same thing, but now they have stopped and decreased a lot. .. now they say that no, these are ukrainians at all others, and they are not like that at all. i am one of those who are never under any pressure, so that we are not told from above that we are one people, i do not admit that we are one people, we are very different, i will repeat again in the entire slavic world, and i was naturally in all slavic countries, and i know well, there are no two peoples whose psychotypes differ as much as russians and ukrainians, we are much closer. to poles, much closer, not to mention other peoples, we are completely different from ukrainians, we have many
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other shortcomings, which for obvious reasons i will not speak now, however, stop maksym anatoliyovych, i want to clarify maksym anatoliyovych, you are talking about the current situation, you say that you have always felt it, but in soviet times, i did not find soviet times, you also felt it, felt it , that is , it turns out that ukrainians and russians were also in soviet times. were one nation, they were even much further than the poles from the russians, that's how it is, that is, i think it's downright sensational, even such thoughts on russian television, well, in the end, too. it turned out that not only in lviv is not inhabited by russians and by a completely different people, but even in odesa there are already people who, it turns out, have always hated russians even in soviet times and were not one people, my first trip was to a city that i call odesa in moscow, and i always they say odesa, and i will speak as odesa is used to.
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my mother and i arrived, i was 13 years old, we went to the bazaar to buy wheat, millet. answered the woman, it was all felt even then, little by little, little by little, i was coming to lviv, my father is a sports journalist, i was met there by a soviet sports correspondent in lviv, still the soviet union. yes , even in soviet times, the russian propagandist was disliked neither in odesa nor in lviv , and they directly said that there was nothing to love him for , and he is this, this trauma lives with him already there , i don't know how old he is, probably 50 years
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old and what you have to say is probably the most interesting in all this. in the fact that they cannot even explain why they hate ukrainians so much, because as it turns out, ukrainians have not done anything bad to them, but they still hate them and invent fairy tales about them, and this is very visible on the example of another propagandist on this program, who simply said it like that, that they didn't do anything bad to me, but i still hate them, i have a difficult situation, because i personally like ukrainians living in ukraine ... i emphasize, they did nothing wrong, but they are hysterical, the fact that they carry their offense like crazy, they will quietly thrust a knife at someone, they will poison wells, if there is such an opportunity, they generally hate everyone,
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they want live on their farm, and to them no one got in. well, it turns out that the ukrainians are guilty of the russians because they want to live without them and simply so that no one is a forest to them, and this causes such a kind of hatred, i am talking about hour-long conversations, some of the demonization of ukrainians, but these conversations themselves and this and that such conversations about the fact that they were never one on... kind of always this and some terrible, all this is in fact, you know, evidence of a change in russian propaganda as well, because it is no longer about the release, as you can see, of some ukrainian the territory in question simply about the seizure of ukrainian territories, about the destruction of everything ukrainian there, about
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the destruction of people, because it turns out that these people have never loved since soviet times... so they must all be destroyed, it's simple, well, if they didn't love, you understand, and how else, about the destruction of everyone, and in general about the destruction of everything here, well, that is, all these conversations about the fact that someone over there is liberating someone, they have ended, now russian state television essentially only promotes the fact that ukraine must be conquered and destroy everyone there this is the main idea that they are promoting, this is the main thing that they... deal with, and therefore it is not surprising that, against this background , the international organizations that talked about nationalism in ukraine and the american congress, which also there he adopted some wild resolutions against azov, and in general, well, somehow the world, i would say, the media community, which is also
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starting to come to its senses a little and somehow stops perceiving these russian conversations. about terrible ukrainians as something serious, well, he just understands what it is the usual propaganda in order to take over a neighboring country, well, actually, all this led to one such thing, very interesting, which also happened literally yesterday, when on june 12, the new sanctions of the united states of america turned out to be, well, simply stunning for russia, so that moscow was added to the sanctions list. stock exchange, the national clearing center and the national settlement depository of russia. as a result , they were deprived of the opportunity to trade in dollars and securities. by americans, it is actually very large a blow to russia, because practically they cannot now pay in dollars, well , legally, and, well, their banking capabilities
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are limited, you see, you know, this has already caused such a hysterical reaction among ordinary russians, because now they have to somehow, well, somewhere to look for a dollar, because it may come to the point that they will be banned altogether, as they freely did in the soviet union. to buy dollars , and the ruble began to fall very strongly, as a result of which they stopped trading on the russian stock exchange for the dollar and the euro, now only the yuan is traded there, and actually, i would say, it it also became such a stunning blow to russian propagandists, because for decades, decades, even more than a dozen years, they have been telling how to destroy the dollar, how to abandon the dollar. and then the dollar refused the russians, and suddenly it was like this, you know, no one expected it, that is, it is one thing to talk
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about how they will defeat america and defeat the dollar on russian state tv channels, and another thing when this dollar is suddenly taken away from them , and it does not even please solovyov, who is the most shouted about it. of course, it is interesting that yesterday, on the day of... russia, the americans introduced a package of sanctions. if we had not used the term sanctions from hell before, then surely we should use them now, every time we talk about it, we must understand that these are sanctions from hell, not because the sanctions are so severe, but because those who enter them are absolute devils, panic of idiots, that's all, let's buy a dollar, everything is gone, this is a nightmare, a nightmare. now doing a lot of trade with china, how are you going to serve it? if you don't have enough mind, and you will believe that we will
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do the same, but because of the cross-course with the chinese, then do not be fooled. first, because china is not purely a market country in terms of the yuan exchange rate. and then, who told you that something would not happen to yuan later. if you think your system is to move away from the dollar. and to come to yuan, it means that you have not understood anything, and why is he not happy, i don’t know, there is some kind of sadness, and there are no cries, how they will burn america to ashes, suddenly it turned out that it is sad, it is not clear how to continue to live and he does not know how even now china to sell its oil and gas, moreover, there are not only these, there are also restrictions for the russian military industry regarding access to certain software and it-ambassador. it's also, well, it turns out to be trouble-trouble, because somehow it's also unclear how to live with it. the second
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point is much more serious, it is a blow to it and a blow to cloud technologies. here it is not only and not so much a simple consumer with his phone. what is very important, it is important to protect it, because... it affects social interests, and it is a blow to what the topic of artificial intelligence is developing and gaining momentum, and this means the use and processing of large amounts of data, guys, that’s all, the jokes are over, we need to move to the most independent type of economy, we are pumping oil and we need to pump it, that is , let’s pump oil to... and we will buy everything we need, from insta-women to iron, which is necessary to create a system of a large cloud storage,
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but now we need everything of our own. here, now it is necessary to do everything, it is called, now to live as in the soviet union, well, in accordance with everything that then it was different, that is, when there were not even normal underpants. so what is it, yes , it has become closer now, this is what it is, it is called isolation, and you see, somehow it is no longer happy, moreover, this concept that existed in them, as he describes, is to sell oil and buy everything around the world, it may suddenly not work, because in what, if you can't sell in dollars, then how and what and for what to buy, actually, not for ruble, no one needs ruble. in the world, well, in short, this is such a drama in russia now, how they will experience it, we will watch, because for now that they had a whole day off, june 12
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, and for them... it became such a blow in the morning when the day off ended, and yet they didn't even have time to come to their senses, so what 's more, how will their reaction to all this develop we will show you the story further, so let's meet next week and see more, see you. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients feminost uro helps restore control over urination. femininost uroro, urination under control. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on eurofast softcaps. 20% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. walking up the stairs, not with my knees, because of
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