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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EEST

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we received permission, and it is enough to, for example, close the entire line of combat, at least only on the border with the belgorod region, with all systems, well, let's call it that, conditionally, with tools used for inflicting damage, using means of damage, in our country , unfortunately, there is not, we do not have enough artillery, high-precision, long-range, barrel, for example, to cover all the needs for... with the belgorod region, there are only some separate locations, mostly, which are directly connected with, for example, zones in the area of ​​liptsi, in zones in the direction of vovchansk, where offensive actions are taking place on the part of the russian occupiers, so we first of all remember this wave, and only then deal with the secondary, even more so the tertiary. well, when i asked, i
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didn’t know, you know, i meant that, well , on the night of june 12, the russian troops massively attacked ukraine again with rockets, missiles, mostly all of it flew to the kyiv-kyiv region, and there were 30 means of air attack in total , there are six rockets, 24 shageda, it seems that all but iskander shot down from them. and that's what it looks like this is, well, after such a little break and some , well, not enough, let's say, such a massive one, well , that is, it was already clear to them that they would not achieve anything with such small blows, and from this the impression arises that we can probably , to expect some repetition of a more massive one, and that it was like a bit of a skirmish, and of course from this point of view... the question arises, how can we,
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can we somehow prevent this, perhaps by striking at the airfields? well, here is the moment when the russians strike with with the use of hast-1555 missiles, they use strategic aviation, most of these airfields are located behind... we are affected by western weapons, and according to some airfields, conditionally, well, this is the same enels as an option, although it is not currently the main airfield for basing strategic aviation , but we can get there with drones, that is, if we are talking about retaliatory strikes on the airfields of the russian federation, then even shaykovka, to strike at shaykovka, where the tu-22... 3, e, which are x22
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32 carriers, or , as it was recently with the brain, the mozdok airfield, where 22m3 is also located here, we can only get there with drones, and if we need to cover a large area, then the best option is to strike with an atakams type missile, unfortunately, we have not received the use of atakams yet eh... agreement from washington regarding the use of their functionality to the full depth, which is almost 300 km deep into the territory of the russian federation, although it is within this radius that shaikovka, baltimore, and marozavsk, where the su-34 is located, are located, so it is quite wide the spectrum of such objects, the very favorite target for attacks with a cluster warhead, so to warn somehow ... to work, let's say, on
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preemption, and maybe using only drones, or as an option already our missile weapons, but again, on this, some details they are relatively absent, ugh, well , let’s move on to the battle line, let’s start with the kharkiv region, well, i’m not talking about the sumy region, because what happened there near rezhevka is rather... such a pr move of kadyrivsky taken separately that's why his tiktok troops, therefore then there is nothing to talk about, in fact, but what is the result of the russians' attempt to attack the kharkiv region, what did they get there as a result? well, you know, in 2022 there was...
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a comment by one of the combat officers, many of you know him, in response to what happened near kyiv when the russians reached kyiv, and what they got there, that's the same thing they 're getting now. and in the kharkiv region, in the leptsi district and in the vevchansky district. they, i very often, by the way, in general, i very often i compare this very operation of theirs in kharkiv in 24th year with the operation in 22nd year after the offensive on kyiv, i draw a parallel to understand that, in fact, what did they get? groups of troops are very similar in number, quantitatively, that is, a group of soldiers. almost 4,000 personnel and in the 22nd year from the territory of belarus, a group of troops of the russian occupying forces, which were advancing on kyiv, there were also almost 40 thousand of them, a group of forty, and large-scale artillery support from the territory
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of the russian federation at the time when we could not work effectively with counter-battery fighting, just as there was large-scale artillery support from the territory of belarus at that time. air support, well, we know vovchansk, it was almost wiped off the face of the earth by corrected air bombs and not only him, the support for that offensive was also large-scale, but what was the result? in the 22nd year, a group of 40,000 was able to pass through the chernihiv region, part of the kyiv region and in fact already reach the outskirts of kyiv and try to start city battles, a month later they were already fleeing, now what we've got? result: they traveled less than 10 km, stopped at two small settlements, vovchansk they managed to get hold of the northern outskirts and impose urban battles, advanced by inertia to the center of the
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settlement itself, and now they are in vevchansk, what is happening, they are losing those the positions captured during that period of inertia and... and now the defense forces of ukraine have actually pushed the russians out of the center of vovchansk, from part of the northern outskirts, and they remain mainly in the north, northwest part of the city, these are their positions there now, and sticky, and they didn’t even reach the lipetsk, and moreover, now the russians were pushed back to the line around the village of hlyboke, and... and there we have skirmishes, systematic counterattacks, and the russians are also losing positions, that is, the month of this offensive, the loss of a large amount of resources and nothing, neither tactical,
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nor even operational-tactical, and even more so any, let's imagine , there was no strategic significance in these events for the russian command, all that was... this is at the beginning of the first week, even two weeks large-scale the information campaign that the russians, the russian side, presented this performance in the border strip, about which many people said many times in advance, that it would be precisely in the border strip of hostilities, but no more than that, there is an attack on kharkiv or something like that, otherwise, the nevertheless, they managed to gain informational victory, namely informational victory. but not on the battlefield, well, if you're talking about informational, you know, i think that in the end they got something that they didn't expect it to come up at all, which is the result of their attempt to break through there, well, on the border of the kharkiv region, caused
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a change, well, in the mood of our allies, who simply realized that it was probably time to strike directly at... the territory of russia, that is, to say that the result of this information operation for them turned out to be, well , a complete failure, because something happened that they had been afraid of for a very long time and tried to contain in various ways, and this decision was made, yes, but still frankly to pay attention to the fact that it is worth paying attention to the fact that they ... stopped in fact, the battle line did not move in kharkiv oblast in these two directions already, when this decision was just at the stage of being adopted, that is, they talked about it, but this final decision was not taken,
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but they were already standing, they did not have enough resources and what they did, they engaged in dragging units from the sixth general to kharkiv oblast through belgorod oblast. military army and the first combined army, the first tank army, and this is the kupin direction of the troop group west, and from the troop group south they started to pull... they began to pull the 155th separate marine infantry brigade from the landing force stationed near ivanovsky, kleschiivka and andriivka, as well as from the krukhivka direction, that is , even then they did not have enough resources to somehow continue these offensive actions with the same intensity in the vovchensky direction and in the area of ​​leptsi, and as we can see, they still haven’t decided, or haven’t decided, or have even given up on the idea of ​​opening a front in the sumy region, although
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the threat was quite real, for example, to velika piserivka, not to ryzhivka, which is there between the two rivers, er, and in fact to continue offensive actions from there, well, there is no sense at all, namely velika pyserivka, well, it was a serious problem, that there might... open another front, not as powerful as in the area of ​​vovchansk or livtsi, but it was quite possible, but it has not been for a month, that is, they lost time, they lost the initiative, and at the time, it is true, when putin constantly stated that their goal was to create a sanitary zone along the border with ukraine, so he did everything to in the future, this sanitary zone appeared precisely on the side of the russian federation, well, but look, on the other side... now we have a situation where the russian occupation troops have advanced
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near staromorsky, well, practically capturing it, yes, practically capturing ivanovsk, well so it is in the area of ​​chasovoy yaro, and we advanced very strongly near novo novopokrovsky, this is the postavdiyiv front in the area, well in the direction of pokrovsk, that is, on all these sections of the front we have a russian advance. and here the question arises, this is the result of being distracted some of our forces, which were still forced to be diverted to the kharkiv front, or the reason is something else, and well, to put it that way, well, literally, and why, well, why can’t we stop the advance in the pokrov direction at all, there goes the russian advance is underway, and the defense forces of ukraine are unable to stop it, well, objectively. yes, there are two points about these directions: firstly,
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no one mentioned these directions at all for almost a month, most of them were forgotten about in the informational context, all the attention was paid to kharkiv oblast and the hypothetical one front in the sumy region, although, again, the potential that the russian occupation troops had in belgorod, kursk and bryansk, it is not enough to create some kind of crisis. the situation in kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast or chernihiv oblast, from the word at all, that is, again, the level of border raiding operations, which will have appropriate informational support and this will be hypertrophied, creating an appearance of some kind of epicness of the battle, in fact , their main blow was and remains, this the pokrovsky direction and the kramatorsk direction, for them the main time, for them, the main advance... on the avdiiv bridgehead or along route 0511 or through the viaduct exit to 0504, or
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after the formation of a buffer zone directly south of ocheretyn, and this is not even a buffer zone, in general a security zone along the left bank of the river wolf and reservoirs and in this way they... will be protected by natural barriers, and then they will be able to use the resource more freely for, i think, more important direction for them at 0.5 04, that is, the route that leads from pokrovsk to kostyantynivka, they will try to cut it precisely in this location, because they are the closest to it there, as well as in the perspective of the opening of the turkish direction, well, that is, it was also constantly talked about and about this... they knew very well, well, if they talked about it at the level of such sofa experts, like me, the general staff
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knew about it all the more, but they could not stop it, and there is a nuance here, why it happened, and because it was reeded, well, in fact it was not handed in, it will be incorrect to the military, who they kept defense there, but the circumstances turned out like this, and someone must be responsible for this, that it was very quickly from... left, i don't like these words surrendered, angry and everything else, but the reed really had to hold the defense for several months, its capture did not even last... and it was precisely because of the fact that the ocherin was lost that the front began to fall, especially in the south, and it will continue to fall, until the russians go out, at least to the left bank of the vovchiya and to the canal, that is, they do not form a kind of
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security buffer precisely along these natural barriers with shorting on the line. well, oleksandr, let's go into more detail after the break, but after all, we will also consider the pokrovsky direction, and if possible, if we have time, the chasovoyarsk direction, we will be joined by another guest who operates there in the area, well, after the break, just let's continue the conversation in this very hot direction and to pokrovsk, to toretsk, because this is really now, well... the most problematic, i would say, the most problematic part of the front, so we will return after the break, stay with us, vasyl's big broadcast winters, my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things, two hours to learn about the war, about the military, front,
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component, serhiy zurets, and what he lives the world, yuriy fizar, is already in front of me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside ukraine. two hours to keep abreast of economic news, time to talk about money during the war two hours in the company of favorite presenters, cultural news, alina chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell the story, good evening, presenters who have become like-minded to many are already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, we are in touch, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day. actions of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. we continue the chronicles of the war, we continue the conversation with oleksandr kovalenko, a military expert on information resistance. and we started talking about what is happening in the pokrovsky
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direction, because now it is the most problematic direction, where, well, it does not work. to stop the advance of the enemy, well, actually, mr. oleksandr has already begun, well, to explain what is happening there, for now, for today, if you look at the overview of the general staff, which is there, they indicate four directions where battles, attempted offensives are taking place, and indicate that the number of enemy attacks is now has already reached 20 today. that is, there are quite tangible battles with the use of both equipment and aviation, and now you , alexander, have already started to say what the purpose of these actions of the enemy is, i would just ask you to describe this whole situation in more detail, you know, in this direction, where are the russians trying to advance, what
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is their goal, and actually, well, what does it threaten us with... if, for example, they manage to advance in the directions where they are trying to do it, well, yes, in principle, one at a time, this of course, at first glance it can to seem that their main goal is this, the primary goal is pokrovsk on the 05:11 track, in principle, this is really the pokrovsk kramatorsk track, that's exactly what it says in this case. about pokrovsk, but kramatorsk kramatorsk direction, it is still a higher priority goes through the times of the ravine, and pokrovsk along the route 05:11, they started this movement, but now it is very important for them to create a security buffer zone south of the front, the southern flank is completely to close,
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their main tasks now are to take in the shortest possible time under the role of villages sokil and novopokrovske in the future, this is about already advancing to novoselivka and yevgenivka and actually closing along the entire left bank of the vovchiya river and the karliv reservoir to the netaylova-karlivka line, this is the general plan of the first order, and for this they use, by the way, the most combat-ready subdivisions which they still have from the offensive campaign of 2023 on avvidka, these are units from the composition of... the example of the second combined arms army, which is the viskentre group, it operated in the direction of the estuary in the estuary direction, these are brigades 15, 21,
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30th, that is, they have been since october 23, and after avdiivka was captured, they did not take them anywhere, they left them there, and they are the main shock element in this area, the most combat-ready brigades, despite even to the fact that they have lost a rather serious potential, and... let's imagine that they manage to create this security buffer, by the way, the problem for the defense forces of ukraine is related to the fact that they are actually being squeezed along the banks of the vovchii river and on the karlov reservoir, that is, in that volume and and the problem that the possibility of maneuver decreases, the more the russians capture the territory in this area, at this location, the less maneuver we have and the ability to somehow operate. to counter the russians more effectively, and let's imagine the most negative scenario, they capture this exact location on
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the left bank of the vovchea and the karliv reservoir, and then, again, the first thought arises, they will go to pokrovsk, but no, the further movement to pokrovsk will take place, but much slower, he will simply keep the defense forces of ukraine in good shape. that is, so that they do not redistribute their resources in other directions. i think that it is becoming more important for the russian occupiers to continue advancing along the uzdvizhanka, especially now there is such a huge pressure on the uzdvizhanka from the russian air force, and through the uzdvizhanka to cut the route between pokrovsky and kostyantynivka on 05.04, and when this happens, the next phase can begin , and the offensive on the turk, the turkish direction, is about to begin, and if this is combined with the desire of the russians
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to capture by the end of the summer and the pressure that they're doing now for a while, so we can see their overall plan, they're going to try to completely close the turkish bridgehead issue as soon as possible, with the time gap and... as of 2024, they're going to be, well, i understand that their basic plan , the main task is access to the kostyantynivka, druzhkivka line, and in fact with access to the slavyano-kramatorsk agglomeration. well, yes, such a dangerous situation, let's say it bluntly, another guest joined us, a serviceman of the armed forces, yevhen ievlev, congratulations, yevhen, i wish you health. glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory. evgeny, i understand that you are closer to the horlivskyi direction, but you also visit pokrovskyi, which we are currently discussing, and chasovayarskyi. can
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you describe to us, well, actually, you know, this is the question, does it feel that there are some new weapons at the front now, that more ammunition has appeared. because it seems as if this situation was supposed to change, when it was so bad and bad at all, or something is already felt, because we discussed here before that it is hard enough the situation, it is still not possible to stop the advance of the russians and we are trying to understand how, what, why this is happening, or whether you can speak, yes, i heard you for a second, there is a bad connection. look, i'll tell you, i want you to evaluate what i'm going to tell you through the prism of the fact that a soldier of the trench line is talking to you, because there are some global strategic plans
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that even the regional headquarters sees there, i won't tell you, and i will tell you that the skill of the open line is palpable, palpable, when there is a bk for art or there is no bk for artillery, of course, when the artillery is worked out normally, it stops the work, the advance of the enemy, and it allows us to carry out certain maneuvers there from the departure of which... from our landing positions there, although it does not sound globally on the scale of the entire line there front, but the repulsed landings are also a very serious achievement for us there, so to say frankly that what has appeared there is critically archi-new that helps us knock out the enemy there and so on, the fact that we work in fpi, you know from the point of view of fpv we are more or less stable situations when we have there is someone to fly and we more or less have, let 's say, sources that help us with fp drones, with explosives and so on, what can really be said by the fact, what is visible, so that it starts to be active... that the orta is working and i emphasize how this manifests itself, i pointed out to you, the enemy does not advance as freely as, say, i will say frankly, i myself saw
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the settlements not so long ago. a little, you see, the connection is interrupted, the connection is interrupted a little, i hope it will be restored now, well, until it is restored, i will ask me then oleksandr, oleksandr, look, your colleague, kostiantyn mashovets, regarding the pokrovsky direction, said the following that at the moment we already have a full-scale tactical crisis in the pokrovsky operations... direction, and if the enemy additionally introduces two or three two or three motorized rifle brigade, then in that case i don't even see any special difficulties for him to convert these tactical successes of his into operational ones, it's enough that it's veiledly said, but eh well, can you decipher what your colleague meant and actually, how to counteract this? yes, this is actually
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what i was also saying, the russians in this particular location have much bigger plans than it seems at first glance, and they don't even concern pokrovsk so much, well there could be different options here, because i wouldn't be surprised if they and will make maximum efforts to advance in the pokrovsky direction, but the way they are forming the flanks, the way they are forming... now their security zones, suggests that they will still move north, not so much east, to north, and it is a big one in any case a danger for entire bridgeheads, such a bridgehead as turetsky, such in the future as the kramatorsk-slavic agglomeration, that is, this entire movement, it can really create a serious crisis in the donetsk region, and how can it be stopped? and to stop, well
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, first of all, we do not have enough countermeasures, their advantages are aviation, in fact , every settlement that was lost, it is lost because it is completely destroyed with the use of modified air bombs, and this allows them to hide any which, no matter how powerful okryon, no matter how powerful the defense lines are, they are opened, when they are not so powerful, then... they are opened even faster, this is the first point, the second point, yes, it is true, we now have a little better situation with artillery ammunition , and they began to be provided to us, according to all the promised aid projects, aid packages, but still they are not enough, and if we are talking about such a location as chasiv yar, then it is generally
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a height. it is a commanding height, but even there there is no dominant role of our artillery, not even there is not enough provision there, which could, at least in this location, which is a dominant height, make it, well, let's say so, our advantage, although all the conditions for this are natural, landscape, well, i see that yevgeny yevleev is coming to us came back, you already spoke... about the fact that you can feel a little about art, but here is the same question, actually, what do we need now in such a case to feel that we can, well at least to stop the problem that mr. oleksandr started talking about, any more strategic losses? yes, you know, i support mr. oleksandr's thesis with both hands as briefly as
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possible that the key thing today... is the protection of the sky, if we wait for our f-16s, which will start to change the situation a little in the sky and hit enemy planes that today we are bombarded with fabs and cabs, this will change the situation quite significantly, i would not say that tomorrow we are there, it will be up to us to quickly knock them out of the territory and go to the border of the 91s, so as not to fantasize, but it will definitely give be able to keep them in the lanes we are in because even though we have a shortage of bc, despite the fact that we have a shortage of personnel. frankly, the means available today will be enough to at least restrain the enemy and prevent him from advancing, if the advantage of the enemy in the air space is removed. thank you to our guests, we 're out of time, so stay with espresso, we've got a lot more to come, and we 'll see you in a week. oleksandra
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talks about... her father, who went to defend ukraine,


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