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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EEST

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go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news. khrystyna parobiy works in the studio. today is the second day of the global peace summit in switzerland, more than 100 of its participants have to approve the final declaration. the draft document includes leaders of countries and organizations. accuse
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russia of causing large-scale human suffering and destruction and call for respect for the territorial integrity of ukraine. he writes about it reuters publication. the document also calls for kyiv to return control over the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and access to seaports. according to foreign media. the participants of the peace summit have not yet agreed on the final declaration, allegedly there are several controversial points. instead... the office of the president of ukraine assured that there is already a clear position of all those present regarding the joint communiqué. austria has allocated 10 million euros to help ukrainians, the ministry of foreign affairs of the country reports. the money will be transferred to international organizations engaged in volunteering in ukraine. the funds will be allocated from the emergency fund of the ministry of foreign affairs of austria. about 6 million euros
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will go to the austrian initiative neighbor in trouble, which provides people with temporary shelter, food and drinking water, 2 million euros each will go to the red cross and the office of the united nations high commissioner for refugees. volodymyr zelensky met with the president of kenya william ruto. the meeting took place within the framework of the global peace summit, which started yesterday in switzerland. the presidents discussed issues of food security for both countries, as well as projects in in the field of export of agricultural products. in addition, they considered the possible participation of kenya in the creation of hubs for ukrainian grain in african ports. biden and trump agreed on the rules of the debate. the conditions were published by the cnn channel. in particular, the 90-minute debate that will begin. june 27
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will include two commercial breaks. both candidates will perform on the same podium, and their places on the stage will be determined by lot. the microphones during the broadcast will be turned off and will work alternately for each candidate during the speech. opponents will not have a chance use the prepared notes, however, they will have a pen, a notebook and a bottle of water at their disposal. ukrainian farmers will not be drafted into the army. the government allowed reservation of workers in the agricultural sector, taras vysotskyi, acting minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine, said. according to him, this is necessary for safe harvesting. in particular, tractor drivers, agronomists, veterinarians and engineers of elevator equipment fall under the armor from mobilization. the rules will be valid for one year,
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after which they will be revised. weekend with by light power outage schedules will not apply today. as reported by the ukrenergo company, the day before , ukrainians reduced their consumption, so this made it possible to lift the restrictions. pole from country in the heart, a memorial evening in memory of yatsyk kuren was held in lviv. the topic of the event: poles and ukrainians, a difficult dialogue. the event is timed to the twentieth anniversary of the death of one of the founders of the solidarity party and supporter of polish-ukrainian historical understanding. the evening began with the screening of the film "my testament". he recorded it himself politician in 1999 for polish television, when he found out about... a serious illness, the guests
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of the event were greeted in a video message by the wife of the polish oppositionist danuta kurony, who could not come to lviv this year. when. conversations on television with polish, with poles, not with the people, not with society, but with every pole who watched it at the time of reforms, a catastrophic economic situation, someone had to talk to people, and his conversation was so close and understandable to everyone that i think his contribution to that polish society endured, was really huge, because he was able to love this society and everyone with whom he spoke from the tv screen, only remembered his confessional words. we made it impossible for ukraine to gain independence at least twice. instead, ukrainians have never done us such wrong. and also today , as part of the yatsyk kuron days
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, a charity concert by the telniuk sisters vocal duo will take place in lviv. people's artists of ukraine will perform in the park auditorium of the sheptytsky center. beginning at 16:30 ukraine after the war, you need to return your refugees, otherwise you will have to invite migrants from other countries. ella libanova, director of the institute of demography and social research named after mykhailo ptukha, stated this in a comment on the espresso tv channel. the conversation took place in lviv during the ukraine poland forum. there, in particular, they discussed the strategy of returning ukrainian migrants. ela libanova added that there is already a shortage of labor in ukraine. after the end of the war, this deficit could be catastrophic. according to the un, more than 6.5 are abroad million ukrainians. these are the refugees who left because of the invasion of russia. a third of them are
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people under 18 years old. there is already a shortage of labor in ukraine today. if the war a month of war increases this shortage of labor force, if we cannot provide ourselves with our own labor force, and we cannot, then we will have to invite someone from other countries. most likely, these will be people from less developed countries, it usually happens this way, but if there are interesting starting conditions for young people in ukraine , poles can come, and from the baltic countries, they can come from central europe, from western europe, it is absolutely possible. also, during the ukraine-poland forum , they talked about the sending of pro-russian narratives by foreign online media. but the poles
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do not believe the propaganda, deputy minister of internal affairs and migration policy maciej duszyk said in an exclusive comment to the tv channel. he added that my attacks on russia are nowhere to be found. which also affected the course of the election process in their country. at the same time, according to him, poland will continue to transfer weapons to ukraine and support it on its way to the eu and nato. russian narratives are prominently present in polish media, especially in online publications. they are often repeated, but i am glad that the majority of poles simply do not believe this propaganda, understand that someone just wants to deceive them and influence their deterioration. a special department that deals with the issues of ensuring that russian narratives do not penetrate too deeply into the polish media. the
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espresso tv channel and the irena koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and equipment for the art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first party. we plan to purchase, these are eight improved mavic models and five ordinary quadrocopters are the eyes in the sky that burn safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, don't waste time, join the collection for our defenders. i wish you good health, we are soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence. we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components, which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. look for espresso on youtube and be sure to subscribe, because it's live there
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ether broadcasts. all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also short videos on hot topics in the shvorst section. subscribe, comment for us. your thoughts matter. you can also find more information on our website and on our social networks. join, set your favorites. and that's the end of the episode, welcome my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andrii saichuk on the air, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. greetings, whole channel. press, my name is andriy saichuk, gentlemen, well, let's get started today is our day, let's start it,
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let's start it, as always, together in order to follow the events in ukraine, in the world, you know that the peace summit in geneva will actually end in the past, unfortunately, it did not bring us the long-awaited, all about peace, every ukrainian dreams, prays, begs for this peace to come as soon as possible. but we understand that this path lies through war, through sacrifice, through blood, under, tears, through everything that circumstances force us to do, first of all our aggressor, enemy, moscow, russia and putin, the dictator of this non-donation, well, you and i in one way or another, you know, preserve the working and, i would say, fighting mood and spirit, because we have no other way than to win, and what is ukrainian victory is also ancient a long time ago, all... normal, healthy and reasonable people in the country determined this for themselves, this is the preservation of the ukrainian state,
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and what is even more important, the preservation of the ukrainian people and the preservation of the ukrainian nation, and just now oksana pogomiy is also with us, who is included in we are from kherson, ms. oksano, greetings, good morning, good morning, you are in kherson, i didn’t mix anything up, yes, yes, eh. please tell me what is the situation there now, what is happening, well, we are shelled every day, nothing has changed here, and we also watched, or rather, we are sitting in kherson under fire, we are doing everything we can to help the armed forces, we are watching what is happening on the big land, as i call the rest of the country, starting from mykolaiv, to the summit did not have any hopes, because we rely
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on rely only on the armed forces and ourselves, this is how it turns out, of course, in principle - and what and what could be said at this summit so that, for example, you know, you could rely on him, well, hardly, russia did not come, putin made various statements, for example, give us kherson without battle, and then there will be... thinking about what to do next, i don't know how in kherson they generally treat putin's statements, you know, i'm being honest, what putin says, he can say anything, that he's everything, anything, but we are worried that our government will not agree in the middle, as it is they have been dreaming of doing this since the 19th year, people are worried about it, the only thing is that... realizing that there are only ratings in the head, and the ratings
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are completely irrelevant if they go to the agreements on the kherson region, donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia , and only this somehow instills a little optimism that the green government will not go to such an agreement , as proposed by putin, so that everyone simply leaves kherson and says, okay, let the russians come here. well, we are worried about it, we are worried about it, that they can agree on the dnipro, we are worried honestly, but we are staying here, we will not show kherson and we all take weapons handling courses, do people in kherson assume, at least theoretically , the possibility that somehow this war will turn into a frozen conflict, and well... for example, the left the coast will remain under the power of russia for some, i don't know, years, but
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this option cannot be rejected, and in fact we even, well, we all discussed this option with friends and family there, if god forbid, there will be a frozen conflict, and then, then the option for us is to leave, because we understand that in at any moment they can strike and... let's say that we pro-ukrainians, very pro-ukrainians, can stay in the city, then it simply won't be possible, the way we stayed during the occupation. er, when there was an occupation, they helped our partisans there, they did something themselves, yes, then they helped people, now everyone already knows our addresses, let’s put it this way, well, that is, we now also see on the example of kherson, which, what goal was with putin from the very beginning, what he wanted to do with kharkiv and what he wanted to do with kyiv, because we understand, and not so long ago they
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they even said about this that they would like to simply go to the left bank of kyiv and... simply turn it into that life there , make it not as difficult as they are doing with kherson and for the people of kherson, what is our way out here , what should be our plan here, ms. oksano, but i still don't see it, apart from publicly announcing it, i don't see another way out yet, earlier we could have come to some kind of resistance there, to go to the maidan, now we it's just that we can't do this in kherson... even under shelling, because of the fact that, well, then we understand that we will simply be jailed for violating martial law laws, but we need to talk a lot about us, we need to talk about this, about the fact that the left bank is under occupation, the zaporizhia region is under occupation, we need to talk a lot about the fact that what
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's going on there, even if it's, well, we don't know for sure... it's the size of what's going on on the left bank, but we can imagine these sizes, because even if there's 300 00 left there, as they count , then these are people, well, it's a lot of people actually, they are scattered around steppe, but they suffer from repressions, they suffer from the fact that they do not finish their meals, from the fact that... they do not have medical care, from the fact that the russians, instilling their russian peace into our children and all that other stuff, we need to talk about it just saying, and it is necessary, oh, i don't know how, how our diplomacy should work, i don't see that it works in the direction of shouting at every step, at every corner, what is happening in ukraine, on the contrary, in
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everything is fine with us, everything is wonderful, nothing can be said. well, i don't know, probably us all ukrainian diplomats are watching now, they probably have something to object to, they say that we shout as hard as we can, on the other hand, that diplomacy, it should probably be broader, this is a question for all the millions of ukrainians who are now behind border, who abroad, for example, continue to speak russian, well, what, in principle, well, it's real, well , somewhere in ireland, for example, the largest number of ukrainians among immigrants, well, after poland, in terms of quantity. in principle, it is normal to live there, and for example, well country, because the requirements there were quite mild and the aid was high, that is, you can not work in i don't know, and the ukrainians speak russian there and what about the irish over time, it's been two years, they've been there for the third year, they say ok, they say that they are against
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russia, that ukraine is not russia, that these are all ukrainian lands, but what do they say to each other in russian? well, you know , very, very simple questions, that is, people, even such a minimum, i'm sorry, i have something to compare it with, for example, i took her off in mykolaiv, i i was in odesa recently, and i return to kherson, and when i return to kherson, i hear much more ukrainian here, even those who did not speak ukrainian before, they try at least to surzhykam, because we are a kind of inoculation from ros'. received very badly and more than one, and when you tell people further in mykolaiv, they say, well, you've already been released and that's all, i'm saying, people, you just don't understand how important the ukrainian language is, and our ukrainian promotion of everything ukrainian , as much as possible, paint everything in blue and yellow, this is abroad, by the way , i always turn to all my friends, and those who are
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so zealous, they also go to rallies in vienna. and, by the way, our people of kherson, people of kherson, kherson is, kherson is the new banderiv region, someone once told me on our airwaves, actually a representative of kherson, and it seems that this is really true, that is, now the whole center is like this resistance moved to the south of ukraine and in this century, it probably has, well, not that it should be like that, it happened like that, and the kherson people, they it seems to me that they are proud and dignified. the strength of the struggle for ukrainian independence, mrs. oksano, thank you very much for the conversation, have a calm, sunny day, as peaceful as possible, we can celebrate some kind of holiday today, we just don't know about it yet. but they are resting today, god forbid, eh, well, thank you very much, oksana pogumiy was with us, we are now oksano pogumiy, a member of the kherson city council, now we will go on
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a short break, then we will visit zaporizhzhia, many people went in the spring, i also, i found a job easily through acquaintances, a new country and a good salary. the escort immediately collected the documents so that we would not be delayed at the border, but i no longer saw the passport, we were driven around the houses and forced to work for maintenance, and without money and documents, how to return, and what now, you have been taken advantage of, do not be afraid, call 527 free and confidential. anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, new book by espresso tv presenter serhiy rudenko. insight - first-hand information. behind the scenes of russian politics and events witnessed was the author himself, failed attempts to change presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and bloody
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norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 8:55 a.m. in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a detached view of football. football format every monday. 22:00 on espresso tv channel. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up
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bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, the atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction. the time of well gentlemen, well, we return to our telethon, 844 days of a large-scale invasion, you know, we already call it a large-scale, somehow we shorten it, we get used to living with this reality, the third year of the great war, we remember that the war in general since the 14th year , many of our soldiers fought as volunteers in the 14th, but many were absolutely peaceful people in a peaceful life. but today was forced by this war take their weapons, and the ukrainians are fighting, the ukrainians are fighting, they are fighting well, the russians certainly did not expect such a thing when
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it started in... well, they probably would have thought three times before starting, but you know, muscovites are like that, if they already get involved, they will raise the stakes and pretend that everything is going according to plan, super duper according to plan, that's all the russians, who doesn't know, read the long telegram john, stop, not john, not george cannon, this an american diplomat who, in 1946, formulated this very, very briefly laid out a position on how we should properly understand, understand... understand a muscovite, so to speak, and even since then it must be said that not much has changed, the only thing is that russians have become, russians, it seems to me, have fallen in class, i.e. he said that the kremlin, in principle, is not prone to big adventures, they are people with whom they are, who have their own, their own logic in their heads, now everything has changed a little, not that putin is an abnormal psycho and a maniac, but
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also. .. but the fact that the russians have moved even further, let's say, from universal principles, logic and morality, then it definitely happened, and today, well, we have a little bit with such, with such a new, new type, a new type of person, you can say, we are the case, if they are still people further in our understanding, to whom we are used to, serhiy lyshenko, volunteer, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, mr. serhiy, we sincerely welcome you to our airwaves, good morning, or good... this morning, how was the night, what is happening in zaporizhia now? zaporizhzhia is a good morning, in principle, in the region also outside the boundaries of the demarcation line, on the demarcation line, in principle, the situation is stable, unfortunately, in today's realities , the enemy continues to fire on populated areas, and those located directly on it and behind it, and again more than 300 shellings per day were recorded, well, he tried again. vaty
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the work of the smallest machka, which, in principle, is in the olihiv direction. there is a bit of noise, in fact, i don’t know how there is such a fight going on from the din, or is it somehow that the front is being marked in the city right now in the city itself directly, let’s say , acts, we don’t hear about active hostilities for the city, especially when our artillery is working, you can hear it, but in the very place the noises of the city are deafening, as if they were not there. there were sounds, if there is no active shelling of rockets, then in principle the city lives an ordinary normal life. even in lviv, in fact, every day, both day and night, when you drive in the center, from time to time everything stops, because a whole cavalcade of ambulances with military license plates flies by, we understand that someone must have been thrown over, by airplanes, i don’t know, by helicopters, seriously injured in the hospital and
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so on, and that's all... urgently, probably for zaporizhzhia is such a familiar picture, how can it be such a military hub, several tens of kilometers from the front? to be honest, the majority is already used to it, because there are many military personnel in the city, there are many ambulances in the city, and hospitals and hospitals are accordingly busy, but people are already used to this, for us it is a reality, and the majority also understands that... this function was in mariupol, today it is zaporozhye, that is, if before that it was the majority of the people who worked in mariupol, they saw it now, especially those who came from mariupol, from metallurgical entrepreneurs, now working in zaporizhzhia, they say that, well, for us, in principle, the situation is usual, we have already observed it many times, what is happening now in the occupied territories? well, in
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the occupation now, the enemy is trying to create the illusion of normal life, first of all, that the sanatorium-resort period is functioning, that everything is working, everything will be fine, they are actively involved there, and residents of the russian federation are encouraged to come, rested, and some even go to berdansk to kyrylivka, there is no such information, but to they even go to berdenska, because in principle. it is more or less like this, let's say, the territory, a lot of people go from donetsk region, from the occupied part of donetsk region, especially vacationers, well, compared to what was before the occupation, it is, of course, heaven and earth, especially considering that the infrastructure is partially destroyed , but they are trying to create the illusion that the city is returning to normal life and that is...


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