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tv   [untitled]    June 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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every hryvnia, we hope to end this day at the mark of 600 00 hryvnias, or maybe even more. well, in the meantime, we are approaching 10 o'clock in the morning, which means that we will be watching the news, and khrystyna porubiy is ready to tell you what happened there in ukraine and the world. christ, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you, there is unrest in russia, what is happening there, we will tell you in the issue in a moment, do not miss it. espresso broadcasts news, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the final declaration of the global peace summit will be approved today by switzerland, reports reuters. in the draft document, leaders of countries and organizations accuse russia of causing the scale.
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human suffering and destruction of the territory and call to respect the territorial integrity of ukraine. they also demand the return to kyiv of control over the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and access to seaports. it is also about the exchange of all prisoners of war and the return of ukrainian children home. according to information from foreign zmi, the final declaration. the participants of the summit have not yet agreed, because several disputes remain. instead, in the office of the president ukraine was assured that there is a clear position of all those present regarding the joint communiqué. i would like to remind you that the global peace summit organized by ukraine is taking place in bürgenstock, switzerland. more than 100 participants are taking part in it, and they have to approve the final declaration. the international community seeks to return peace to the european continent, a process. the high turnout of the participants
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of the peace summit, in particular the g7 countries, is evidenced by the high turnout of the participants of the peace summit , - emphasized the prime minister of great britain rishi sunok. according to him, in this way the civilized world gives a powerful signal putin, that will be with ukraine as long as necessary. today's summit demonstrates the determination of the international community to see the end of the war in ukraine and the return of peace to europe. continent. the war affected people in different ways, including with electricity bills. therefore , it is right that we see a lasting peace on terms acceptable to ukraine, based on the principles of territorial integrity and the un charter. russian dictator putin chooses cooperation with north korea over a peaceful end to the war. he stated this dutch prime minister mark rutte during a meeting in switzerland. he also named
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the crazy proposal of the head of the kremlin is to withdraw the armed forces of ukraine from the territory of four regions and refuse to join nato. according to ryuta, such statements by putin indicate that the aggressor is panicking. this whole process started a year ago with 14-15 national security advisers. and here we are today with half of the un and the leaders of many countries, and putin is preparing for a state visit to the north. that's all there is to say. artillery and aircraft, the russians shelled seven settlements in the kherson region, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. antonivka, kizomes, prydniprovske, bilozarka, beryslav, zmiivka and kherson came under enemy fire. three private houses, residential blocks and a gas pipeline were damaged. there were no casualties. and more.
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the russians fired 400 times with artillery and drones at seven settlements in zaporozhye, - said the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. as a result of shelling, four residential buildings were destroyed houses, there were no casualties. sumyshchyna was also under enemy fire. at night and in the morning, the russians shelled the border areas eight times, the regional military administration reports. almost three dozen explosions were recorded on the territory of four communities, there is no information about the victims. the occupiers shelled marganets and nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region with drones and heavy artillery at night, serhii lysak, the head of the regional military administration, said. 10 private houses, four farm buildings and a power line were damaged power transmission our people
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are converted into donations for our defenders due to enemy shelling. the spresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling for participation in the collection of drones and components for ... reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first batch that we plan to purchase is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and enable you to move forward with confidence. and most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers. we need to collect uah 2.5 million, don't waste time, join us collection for our defenders. a large-scale fire in russian siberia, a woodworking plant is burning there, the ministry of emergency situations of the enemy reported. the fire covered 2,500 km, warehouses with finished products were occupied. there was a
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prison riot in russia. in the rostov pretrial detention center , prisoners took the employees of the institution hostage. this was reported by the federal penitentiary service of russia. at the same time , local sources say that six prisoners allegedly broke the window bars in the cell and got into the next part. among prisoners are those who are allegedly accused of terrorism. the streets adjacent to the siza were closed. local security forces are negotiating with the rebels. after the war, ukraine needs to return its refugees. otherwise we will have to invite migrants from other countries. ella libanova, director of the institute of demography and social research named after mykhailo ptukha, stated this in a comment on espresso tv channel. the conversation took place in lviv during the ukraine-poland forum. there they discussed the strategy
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for the return of ukrainian migrants. ella libanova added that there is already a shortage of labor in ukraine, so after the end of the war this shortage could be... catastrophic. according to the un , there are more than 6.5 million ukrainians abroad. these are the refugees who left because of the invasion of russia. a third of them are people under 18 years old. there is already a shortage of labor in ukraine today. if there is a war, every month of the war increases this shortage of labor. if we cannot provide. ourselves, our work, and if we can't, then we will have to invite someone from other countries. most likely it will be people from less developed countries, it usually happens this way, but if there are
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interesting starting conditions for young people in ukraine , poles can come, and from the baltic countries, they can come from central europe, from western europe, that's absolutely. a pole with ukraine in his heart. a memorial evening in memory of yatsik kuron was held in lviv. the topic of the event: poles and ukrainians - a difficult dialogue. the event is timed to the twentieth anniversary of the death of one of the founders of the solidarity party and supporter of polish-ukrainian historical understanding. guests of the event in a video message congratulated the wife of the polish oppositionist, danuta kurony, who could not come to lviv this year. there were his conversations on television with the polish language, with poles, not with the people, not with society, but with every pole who was watching at the time, it was during the time of reforms, a catastrophic economic situation, someone had to talk to people, and this conversation was so close to him and it is clear to everyone that i
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think that his contribution to the fact that polish society endured was really huge, because he was able to love this society and everyone who ... with whom he spoke from the tv screen, because i forever remembered his confessional words, we made it impossible for ukraine to gain independence at least twice, in return, ukrainians have never done us such a wrong. see you at 11 o'clock, stay with us.
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congratulations, the real front program is on the air and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program. the elections to the european parliament were a triumph for right-wing forces. however, the situation is far from dramatic. russia continues its attacks almost everywhere. the front the permission to hit targets on russian territory gives results. poland is worried about the possible placement of russian nuclear weapons in the kaliningrad region. the elections to the european parliament, which lasted from june 6 to 9, ended with a kind of triumph for right-wing parties. for ukraine, these elections are very important, because it depends on them whether the european union will maintain the current level
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of unity in support of ukraine. read more about the elections to the european parliament in our story. the elections to the european parliament, which lasted from june 6 to 9, ended with the victory of the european people's party. according to previous forecasts, which made public as of june 12, the most seats in the legislature. the european people's party has 189 seats in the eu. the coalition of liberals, renewing europe, can count on a group of approximately 79 deputies. european conservatives and reformists can get 73 mandates, and right-wing nationalists of the union of identity and democracy - 58 seats. the greens european free alliance gets about 53 seats. the progressive alliance of socialists and democrats previously gains 135 seats, and the left gains 36 seats, independent members
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will comprise 45 deputies, another 52 seats will be occupied by newly elected deputies who are not allies of any of the political groups created in the parliament. the majority in the european parliament preserves the forces that gravitate towards the center, and this is a favorable scenario for ukraine. even if the current head of the european commission, ursula fonderlein, fails to remain in her position for some reason, she will be replaced by the poles. which supports the provision of aid to ukraine, but this will not reduce political tension in the european parliament, writes bbc ukraine. on the other hand, the success of eurosceptics from the group european conservatives and reformists, which includes the brothers of italy, italian prime minister giorgi meloni and polish law and justice jarosław kaczyński and the far-right from the group identity and democracy, means that the debate. regarding the future of the eu, the reduction of powers of european institutions in favor of national governments, the expediency
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of expanding the eu to new countries will be even hotter than before. the difference between these two groups is that the government of melony and peace in poland actively helped ukraine with weapons, but the representatives of identity and democracy, the national association le pen, the austrian freedom party and the italian league criticize the military aid to ukraine and call for changes from however , ukraine may feel the biggest consequences of the elections to the european parliament not in relations with italy, where prime minister maloney's position regarding support for ukraine remains firm, but in relations with france, austria and a little later with the czech republic. also, as it became known, from the european truth, in the elections to the european parliament in hungary from the opposition of the newly created tisza party, a native of transcarpathia won. of the city, gabriella derjenny, who was born in berehova in
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1977, where she lived for the first 10 years of her life, after which she moved to hungary, worked for a long time in the structures of the european commission until 2021. her public statements about ukraine could not be found, however, during the campaign, she closed old posts on her facebook page after pro-government propagandist... media began spreading manipulated messages based on her old posts. according to the previous ones according to the results of the elections to the european parliament, it is already obvious that the pro-ukrainian majority has won - radio liberty emphasizes. despite the growing popularity of right-wing european populists, a key conclusion from the elections to the european parliament. in that the three largest political groups retain their influence. the largest centrist group
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, the european people's party, won with 184 deputies. in fact, this is how everything happened in all the elections to the european parliament since 1999 . the epp is the only major party that increased in popularity. all others lost compared to the 2019 elections. according to the previous results. tatama's progressive alliance of socialists and democrats (sld) took second place with 139 deputies. the liberal-centrist restoration party took over. third place, having received 80 mandates. together, these three leading parties receive 403 seats in the european parliament, which will constitute a majority, although it must be admitted that this is 14 votes less than the previous convocation of the european parliament, 417 seats. european group conservatives and reformists (isr), which
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includes such parties as the italian brothers of giorgia maloni, the polish party pravo. and justice peace, the swedish democrats and the spanish party vox won 73 seats. the political group is even more right-wing identity and the democrats, marine le pen and the freedom party of austria (fpo) would also gain more if they did not get rid of the odious pro-kremlin party alternative for germany, af. after the leading member of this german party (k) did not justify the actions of the eu in. in the second world war war french president emmanuel macron was forced to dissolve the national assembly and announce early elections. when it became clear that his centrist revival party had been defeated. instead , marine le pen's right-wing party (national union) defeated president
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macron's centrist liberal coalition by a margin of 15%. and fpo is leading in austria. together, isr and id will have about 130 mandates, which roughly corresponds to their number received in 2019. there is always the possibility that two groups can unite to form a populist right -wing supergroup that would potentially become the second- largest in the chamber, giving it an advantage in the selection of key committee leaders as well as speaker nominations. however, as noted. viewers, it will be difficult for them to come to an agreement, because these parties have many differences in views and values, this is noticeable, in particular, in the example of the exclusion of the german afd. for example, the isr party, as a rule, is very aggressive towards the kremlin, especially led by the polish party law and justice, and the italian giorgia melanie gravitates more and more towards centrist
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parties. on the other hand, the iid group is openly pro-russian. and does not seek a compromise in the european parliament with other parties, and the isr still often votes together with the main groups, in particular on issues of eu foreign policy. almost 100 independent deputies in the new composition of the european parliament who do not belong to any party are unexpected. deputies must reach an agreement on the composition of political groups by july 16, when the new composition of euro'. parliament will gather for its inaugural legislative session session in french strasbourg. the russian occupiers continue their attacks in almost all directions along the front. this was announced by the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. more details about the situation at the front in our
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story. armed on june 12, the forces of ukraine once again attacked russian anti-aircraft missile systems deployed by the invaders on the temporarily occupied ukrainian peninsula of crimea, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reported on this. this time , a group missile attack was carried out on one enemy s-300 anti-aircraft missile division nearby belbek, as well as two s-400 anti-aircraft missile divisions near belbek and sevastopol. hits in the areas of the targets were confirmed, in particular, as a result of the damage, two radars of the s-300 and s-400 complexes were destroyed. regarding the third radar, the information is being clarified. in addition, further detonation of munitions was recorded in all three areas of deployment of advanced missile divisions of the russian federation. and while the armed forces demonstrate the results of their work,
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the occupiers have no choice but to invent about their successes. thus, on june 9 , the dictator of chechnya, ramzan kadyr. stated about alleged occupation of rezhevka by militants of his group akhmat chechnya. propaganda media also spread this information. however , in a comment to the public, the head of the bilopol community, yuriy zarko, denied this information and explained that there are no such buildings in rezhivka, which were distributed in photos and videos by the russian authorities. military expert oleksiy hetman says: kadyrivites are not fighting on zero ground. all they can do is create fakes and eliminate russians who flee the battlefield. when they showed the village filmed by the kadyrivtsy, there were several errors, first of all, some kind of administrative or industrial building was shown there quite a bit. big ones, which are not there, at least there are definitely not destroyed ones in this village, and secondly, there was a river flowing through the middle of the village, according to the video that showed kadyrivtsi,
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which is not there, that is, this video was filmed somewhere else place, well, it’s a bit like that, well , it didn’t work out, but the kadyrivets are the kind of troops that the russians use, the kadyrivets, directly, as barrier detachments, it’s hard to remember something, somewhere... to gather, they look very beautiful, especially kadyrov is wearing women's purses, prada, that is , everything is fine there, they look like that, but we don't remember how to conduct combat operations, but yes, they know how to shoot at russians who are running away with rifles, i think that in they don't really have much love for the russians, after the first and second chechen wars, or if somewhere we see on... where the kadyrovs are fighting, and not where they are actually located, in a proud detachment, it means what is this there are no kadyrovs at zero,
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they do not fight, they shoot russians who are fleeing the war, although the threat to sumy oblast still remains, because the russians are deploying additional forces in this direction, there is no need to panic, says the expert. it is not worth considering that these forces and means that are available in... sumy region can be used to seize or surround the city of sumy. there we can talk only about some local offensive actions or some provocative actions, such as kadyrivtsi with the tricolor flag. to believe that the russians simply attracted several tens of thousands of people there so that they could sit there and look at the wonderful thing. nature is not worth it, c the russians do not have enough people to carry out those, to carry out actions as they are used to doing it with a large amount of manpower, so
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scatter here and there 10, 30, 40 thousand here and there, they will not, these troops are really there for that , in order to take some actions, which is no less to stretch our defenses, which you just said, to withdraw troops from other positions, well, depending on where the hostilities take place, they are more than 100 km away from us, the front line, even sumyshchyna borders with russia for 564 km, so there are cities where there are really serious hostilities and concentrated russian troops, where there are places where combat operations are not so powerful, and there is a small concentration of russian troops, so from these directions we can transfer forces, this is a normal situation, move troops to the edge of the front, using the so-called rocket roads, it is even possible to ... that is, if the russians try to reinforce in the place where we withdrew part of the troops, we will attract other reserves, but this is a tactic
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of conducting hostilities. at the same time, oleksiy hetman warns that this summer will also be a difficult period. we have a perspective, but let's go still remember that now this summer will be the most difficult, so we are sure that we will be able to gain positions, that we will be able to... win, but it will come at a very high cost to all of us, not only that, it will give everyone at a great cost, not only to those who are currently fighting on the battlefield, but to those who are in civilian cities, in the rear, let's say this, it cannot be the case that someone here in the rear goes to a cafe, in a swimming pool and relaxes there, let's say yes, it is not very difficult for them, but it is very difficult for people at zero, it should be difficult for everyone, but only together we can achieve victory. analysts the american institute for the study of war calculated that the limited permission given by the united states to strike targets on
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russian territory reduced the area of ​​safe space for the aggressor by 16%. what is happening at the front with the use of western weapons, see in our next story. permits from the usa to attack the russian federation reduced the untouched territory of the aggressor. analysts of the institute for the study of war calculated that the limited permission to hit targets in russia with provided weapons reduced the area of ​​the aggressor's safe space by 16%. analysts point out that the states nevertheless limit ukraine in the use of western weapons, so about 84% of the land territory of the russian federation remains untouched. us policy restricting ukraine's use of us-provided weapons has effectively created a huge cover that russia uses to protect its military
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forces. command and services of control, logistics and rear support, which the russian military uses to conduct its military operations in ukraine. us policy still protects the vast majority operational rear and deep body of russia, and us policy prohibits ukraine from using attackcoms anywhere in russia. the institute for the study of war notes that the ukrainian army can strike russian military targets in the belgorod, kursk, and bryansk regions. however, it is not clear whether the defense forces of ukraine have permission for this. american high-ranking officials gave permission to ukraine to attack russian territory for counter-battery fire, but at the same time limited such attacks to the districts of kharkiv region. so, in fact, the armed forces of ukraine can strike at russian military facilities located near the border, however, they are prohibited from hitting russian military targets, further in tela or in other areas of the kurdish and bryansk regions, which are also...
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in the range of anti-aircraft missiles. statements by us officials also indicate that ukrainian forces may be limited in striking russian military targets that do not actively participate in ground attacks and strikes against ukraine. thus, the reduction of the area of ​​untouched space can be less than 16%. meanwhile, in the russian federation on territory of akhtubinsk airfield. in the ostrakhan oblast, the ukrainian military struck a russian su-57 multi-purpose fighter jet for the first time. this was reported to the ministry of defense of ukraine on june 9. on june 8, 2024 , a multipurpose
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fighter of the aggressor state, 57, was hit on the territory of the akhtubinsk airfield in the ostrakhan region of the russian federation, located 589 km from the line of combat. this is the most modern fighter of moscow, which is capable of using kh-59 and kh-69 missiles for strikes. there are a number of units of the above in service with the russian aerospace forces combat aircraft. later, on the air of the national telethon, the spokesman of the gurminoboron andriy yusov reported that not one, but two su-57s could have been damaged. there are data that continue to be clarified, accordingly there is information that there could be two su-57 aircraft affected. there is also information about irreparable losses, about wounded among the personnel of the occupiers. damage to the fighters was recognized in russia as well, this was confirmed by the russian propagandist ilya tumanov, who administers the thematic aviation channel fighter bomber. two su-57s were damaged. the second su-57
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received minor damage, which... will be closed on the spot, i already wrote about the first, whether it will be considered advisable to restore it or not, because the board of the prototype is really not suitable for combat operations, of the three uavs that attacked the airfield, all three flew in. russia may keep about 100 tactical nuclear warheads in the kaliningrad region. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs at the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in berlin. radoslav sikorsky of poland. he also reminded that sometimes russian missiles used to attack ukraine fly into the territory of neighboring poland, which is extremely dangerous. so, should we pay attention to russia's threat to use nuclear weapons? see in our story. in russia, on june 11, the second stage of training of
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non-strategic nuclear forces began during in which the armies of the russian federation and belarus have to prepare for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, this became known from the notification of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. according to the decision of the president of the russian federation, the second stage of training of non-strategic nuclear forces has begun. teaching aimed at supporting the readiness of personnel and equipment for the combat use of russia's non-strategic nuclear weapons. and belarus with the aim of unconditionally ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. minister of defense of belarus viktor hryenin also confirmed the joint exercises with the russian federation. he accused the countries of the west of introducing an uncompromising aggressive policy in the field of military activity and hatching plans to use military force against belarus. representatives of some countries make a statement about
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application permit.


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