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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel. from the press , we start the information day with news, khrystyna porbiy works in the studio. three people were injured due to an enemy attack in the kharkiv region, the russians dropped an aerial bomb on the village of pisky radkivskyi, izyum district, the regional prosecutor's office reported. among the injured are a 13-year-old boy, an older man and a pregnant woman. they are in the hospital, more than 10 residential buildings and an ambulance were damaged. at night, the russians dropped
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a guided aerial bomb on one of the buildings of the children's recreation complex in kharkiv - announced the mayor of the city igor terekhov. the facility is located in the kyiv district of the city, there is no information about the victims. and russia was again attacked by drones. local media reports that uavs allegedly damaged the tractor plant in lipetsk and the novolypetsk metallurgical plant. locals heard powerful explosions on the territory of the industrial zone, after which. smoke appeared. a siren was working in the city itself, and the governor imposed an air danger regime on the territory of the region. later he reported that the local air defense destroyed four drones. residents also heard the explosions voronitsa region. the authorities there reported that they allegedly destroyed two drones. today, blackout schedules will be in effect from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. in the evening hours. the duration of shutdowns may
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be longer, - said the head of the ukrenergo company, volodymyr kudrytskyi. energy experts predict that during the next month the situation in the ukrainian energy system will be much more difficult. the reason is the repair of another power unit at the nuclear plant, as well as the increase in energy consumption due to heat. iraq and jordan withdrew their signatures under declaration of the summit. peace, the swiss government has published a list of countries that support the joint communiqué. now there are 78 countries, not 80, as previously reported. among the signatories are also the eurocouncil, the council of europe, the european parliament and the european commission. the final document was not supported by india, brazil, saudi arabia, thailand and other states, but they can still sign it after the end of the summit. nato is negotiating
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to put nuclear weapons on alert . all because of the ever-increasing threat from russia and china. it was reported secretary general of the alliance, jens stoldenberg. he said that the countries held consultations on removing missiles from storage and putting them on standby. according to stoltenberg, the bloc must show the world its nuclear arsenal in order to send. a direct message to the enemies, he also emphasized that china, in particular , will invest heavily in nuclear weapons until 2030, and will accumulate about a thousand warheads there. canada provides 15 million dollars for the return of ukrainian children who were illegally taken to russia. this was announced by the prime minister of the country, justin trudeau. for him in other words, this funding will also be able to help those who are lived war
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crimes. jatsyk kurenia was dedicated to polish-ukrainian understanding. days of commemoration of one of the most outstanding poles of the 20th century, jacyk kurony, are being held in lviv. the outstanding polish figure was born and raised in the city of lewa. according to him, solidarity and compassion for ukrainians is the duty of all poles. traditionally, a discussion took place at the ukrainian catholic university. between ukrainian and polish politicians and historians. during the speech, the doctor of history yaroslav hrytsak emphasized that reconciliation and fraternity between the two peoples was important for yatsyk kuren. jatsyk kuren koiskala was born in lviv, and the fact that today we are not fighting for lviv with the poles, and this reality was very strong. the fact that today we are not fighting for lviv with the poles is a merit of such. what poles should have is
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to feel the grievances of ukrainians and make friends with them. in memory of roman ratushny , the protasy yar festival began in kyiv, it traditionally combines several directions: artistic, historical, and democracy and human rights. what is happening on the lawns of the protasov ravine, further on in the plot, is an opportunity to show that it is worth fighting for one's rights, for the rights of the community , because the fact that there are still protests in... that's about such an authentic look, it is a merit of roman , and the community that fought for its rights. the second festival of protasy yar begins again with a downpour, but the rain did not prevent the idea of ​​unity around ukrainian culture. this year, for the first time , the focus theme appeared at the festival - the return of one's own.
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land return, history return stolen, the return of stolen culture, in a word, well, in all aspects. the community of prytasovoy yar is a very... successful case not only for communities, local communities in kyiv, in ukraine in general, and today we will be visiting communities from kherson region, new york, mykolaiv region, i.e. people who in conditions or de-occupation, or the threat of occupation, actually return and hold their own. this year , the organizers offer everyone an ear. how to join the lectures, discussions, poetry readings and concerts. among the speakers of the festival are well-known media, military and cultural figures actors all these parts from last year have been preserved, the only thing is that thanks to the focal topic , the program has become more complete and aimed
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precisely at the topics and requests that are present in ukrainian society today. we will also talk about ukrainians shot in the 20s, 30s, pro-ukrainian 60s, we will show this one. the line between historical stages and our present day. the festival takes place on the lawn of protasovoy yar and in memory of activist and soldier roman ratushny, who died in june 2022 in kharkiv region. he actively fought against next building of this place. however, even after the death of roman, the struggle for the yar protasy continues. there is still no regulation about this reserve, there is still no development. but the documentation for this reserve, and this is the sphere of activity, the sphere of the kmda, yes, the kmda, the environmental commission, the kyiv city council, i just promise you that no one will give it to them, will not leave it, and there will definitely be an analogue of the center of the park, as i wanted
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roma. the protasiv yar festival will last until september, activities will take place here every month to prove that ukrainian culture during the war, it is important to return. ours, our most important goal. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are calling to join the collection for drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones. quadcopters are the eyes in the sky that monitor safety and give you the ability to walk confidently. equipment, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our soldiers, we need to collect uah 2.5 million, almost 174, hryvnias are already on the accounts. do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. you can see all the details on the screen.
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you can find more information on our youtube channel, there are live broadcasts of ethereum, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorst section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. also , read more news on our website, in our social networks, join in, put your favorites, that's the end of the issue, then welcome my colleagues on the air, to oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. these brand-new mitsubishi l-200 pickups
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were received by the command of the united forces corps, the airborne assault corps and the 38th marine infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. in total , benefactors donated 10 such cars. in the amount of uah 14 million. the military themselves admit that they are very happy that these are new cars. they are sure that during combat missions, the machines will not break down, as sometimes happens. procurement organized by ferekspo mining company. ferexp company never she did not stand aside, both the problems of the state and the problems of the city. i am very grateful to the management of the company for not staying away and always responding to questions about help. thank you for providing us with such equipment, because it is very important to perform certain tasks. the defenders say that these machines will be used to... perform work of various complexity, from the transportation of personnel and cargo to the evacuation of the wounded, and also emphasize that
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today they need even more support, after all, most of the equipment is needed for yesterday, and the intensity of volunteering is starting to decrease little by little. support is important, as it was before, and now, and of course, the further it goes, the more support is needed, because the needs are not decreasing, mostly they are only increasing. it is because of this in hirnich. forrekpo companies decided to help the divisions. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the company provided 12 oblasts of ukraine and the state defense forces with various aid for a total amount of more than uah 970 million. in particular, this aid included more than 130 cars. the forkspo company has been providing humanitarian aid to ukraine and ukrainians in general since the very beginning of the full-scale invasion. through the company's humanitarian fund for the past two years. provided aid, humanitarian aid to millions of ukrainians in 12
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regions of ukraine. the military emphasizes that this support is a significant contribution to strengthening ukraine's defense capabilities and asks to join the meeting to bring our victory closer. good morning, tonight the enemy shelled kharkiv, someone is playing football, someone is returning from switzerland, someone is fighting on the eastern-northern front. such was the night from sunday to monday. we are helping our defenders collect for mavics, for mavics and for components for artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, 2.5 million need to be accumulated, at the moment 627 uah are already in the account, we ask you to join in, be active, because this is exactly
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what now it is very, very necessary at the front, and not only help from the west, not only what the state allocates for defense, but also our share must be in all this, i wish hello, we are soldiers of the 100th brigade of artillery intelligence, we ask you to join our collection of drones and their kit. which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. so, we are gathering everyone together as a community to help the boys, and for you, we will collect information from all corners of our homeland. and let's start with the south. serhiy brachuk, spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, is already in touch with our studio. mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine. to the heroes glory, glory to the armed forces. greetings colleagues. good morning, was that night a little calmer in the south, because at least in the whole
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country, despite the fact that there was an announcement about the possible movement of carcasses, it was still a little calmer than before. indeed, we have 4:5, although as a military man, i am always, you know, a little alarmed by such a certain operational pause, let's hope that, let's say, some feelings are deceiving me, but in any case we understand. once the war continues, the enemy prepares, including for launching appropriate missile strikes, his goal the destruction of ukraine has not changed, and we can see it from those ultimatums that are announced by the bunker führer himself, or through his henchmen, who are traitors to ukraine, and also have some relatives or godfathers of his there, so we understand very well that the war continues, to say that on the front of this lull... we can say, for example, the enemy is actively attacking in the southern directions, including, if we
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take the zaporizhia direction, specifically in orihivska, in bremivska, there along staromaisk, unfortunately, there are certain tactical advances at the enemy, i.e. fierce battles, they continue, but the silence in the air, of course, it cannot help but please, there is an opportunity for us to regroup and perform some tasks not under missile fire, mr. serhiy, but did they somehow reflect on the fact that putin is the godfather in odessa? medvedchuk, a traitor to the ukrainian people, said that either capitulation or we take odesa. i will tell you that such reflections mostly came from kyiv, and i had to comment on it yesterday. ah... but in odesa, no one asked me such questions , and in general, in the south, i don't know how much this question attracted a lot of attention there did it attract attention at all? i think that odessans and residents of the south of our ukrainian country have not reacted to such things for a long time, we all perfectly understand what this is for, in fact, in short , medvedchuk again framed putin, because
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he actually said: what are you listening to that old grandpa mogu... he doesn't talk about peace, he talks about ultimatums, so i 'll repeat it to you, i don't know if it's an age-old thing for medvedchuk, or maybe he really has already changed his surname to mertvychuk, and this is a sign, mr. serhiy, but despite that, everything is even some videos from odesa regularly appear, namely, scandals based on language, the most recent one was yesterday evening, when a blogger recorded in ukrainian literally at a trolley bus stop. video, records audio, and some lady approaches him, actually starting to accuse him of speaking ukrainian, here are these shots, and he is very surprised that this person is from odesa, that this blogger speaks ukrainian, that he is from odesa , shouts that she is tired of this ukrainian language and so on, and there were
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several similarities, there were similar stories, it's just that's actually extreme, are these exceptions to the rules, or what? are there already such incidents and such people who still do not understand what the russian language is? you know, if i were a doctor by profession, i might have commented more professionally on this situation, and this aggravation, including perhaps from the odessa heat, is of course an exception to the rules, i will tell you more, it is clear that i have the language of communication native, ukrainian, and actually i don't see them reacting, let's say, on the contrary, switching... people to the ukrainian language, and i always say, look, it turns out that odessans know the ukrainian language and can calmly communicate in it, so i think that this is still an exception to the rules, we have a lot of ukrainian today and in the south, in particular in odessa as well, so i think that the situation is somehow for me , to be honest,
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it's kind of strange, it's not surprising when such, well, language issues happen there at certain events... they say, although it's also surprising, i honestly don't often, or rather, it happens very little at any such events events and i do not see that it is any problem that someone speaks in russian there, even if it is a person does not speak ukrainian well, at least tries to do so, especially if it is not even an official event, but the ukrainian language dominates in this regard, and in communication, of course, people... russian is used very often, but this, let's say , well, this is an understandable situation, after all , the reunification of our ukrainian south has been going on for many decades, centuries, so we have a lot of work to do here, including that, and we are engaged in it. i wanted to ask you about the war, such a theoretical war of drones so far,
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because this is, as far as i understand, development, and maybe even serial production, the russians are accelerating now. about his new drone perun, whole legends about 200 kg of explosives and even denature can throw over the line. in the meantime, we showed ukrainian development, i am talking about the stalker, about the new one in fact, this was exactly what you had at the black security forum, as far as i understand in odessa, so tell me a little bit, is this a prototype or serial production? well actually, i know that this drone, it can be used and performed the functionality is diverse, starting as a kamikaze drone and, accordingly, solving some logistical issues, including solving, the price is quite normal, pleasant, let's say, there 60,000 us dollars
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are invested by the developers in this product, you know, in general, i always think that. .. during the war, certain tricks are shown for reasons of course, which are informational, including, well, first of all, the enemy must see that we are not standing still, but i think that all the most important trump cards are now in other places, and this is absolutely true, but it's a piece of art nice, i hope it will work for our victory, especially in the black sea there should be as many of them as possible. uh, actually there are still a lot of tasks for them. the black sea flotilla of the russian federation, unfortunately, is still alive, so there will be enough work. and these 30 knots, which are declared as a cruising speed, are they a lot? quite a lot, well, it’s quite decent, it ’s not bad, i think that the russians will now rummage and search, but where can we actually
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find out, let’s say, the real characteristics of this product, i think that they are looking at those photos, they spin it so that there is a small possibility that the agents worked there, including on this forum, i think that this can be allowed, and that they have such, let's say allies, as far as they will work. well, time will tell, and by the way, i want to say right away, this is about traitors and thieves, i have information about some of them from our sources in the special services, how much are they actually paid for certain information, when i saw that they allocated 200, well, tentatively there are 349 hryvnias for fuel, for the purchase of an old phone, so that no one can see what phone he is using. to be honest, me i was surprised, but they do not receive this money either, because it is delayed by the service of god, i want to warn you that, look, the russians will deceive you, as
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usual, and then the service will take it away, you will sit for many years, so if you look at the photos, leave it to yourself, this is for the greedy, and don't risk your life, in fact you have already touched on the fact that the russians will now look around, search, or have they already reacted, maybe? in the sea, we remember, the day before they also lined the kerch bridge there with barges, hoping that it could protect them, or whether the reaction is already like this practical? well, i don’t know how practical it is, they are constantly engaged in appropriate security measures there, you see, they even drove their surface missile carriers to azov, in order to hide them, they can tell different things about the fact that this is a certain functionality or a change in functionality , do you remember how another guy who... when he was the head of the so -called ministry of defense of the so-called russian federation, talked about the creation of the azov sea defense zone there,
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from where they would carry out the relevant tasks, they are still dispersing it now, they it seems that they conduct exercises in azov, but the missile carriers are actually hidden there, because the port of novorossiysk is not safe for these missile carriers today, but if the enemy thinks that he has removed the missile carriers from novorossiysk, then novorossiysk. became safe, this is also, let's say, not true, because the defense forces are carefully watching where the enemy is and what tasks they are performing, well, as for these barges, we perfectly understand that this is not new, let's say, in defense such objects, and perhaps those trump cards that i spoke of, as for sea drones surface, and possibly underwater, they will show themselves in time. and will manifest themselves, including in the sea of ​​azov, the story will be very interesting, if explosions on russian ships start there, it
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would be very cool, super, and it would mean that we have advanced very far in the practical implementation of the creation of such drones, it would be fine. thank you, mr. serhiy, for being with the espresso audience at that early hour, serhiy brach, to support the collection, yes, thank you. serhiy barchuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south about the situation on sea ​​and in the south of ukraine. as in the north, we will find out after a short pause. stay with the espresso, during that time you can brew and pour the coffee. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. the diary of the deceased paramedic iryna cheka tsyboh, a story of courage and a firm position. energy security expert andrian prokip with advice on how to survive power system attacks. the story of ugandan dictator
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people. and those who care about espresso in the evening. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives. we analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation. how do laws change our lives? what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the program.
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legal examination on espresso tv channel. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to join natom in gathering from scratch
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to life. on a quad bike for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv. and we are moving to the kharkiv region, as promised by artem revchuk, deputy of the kharkiv city council. mr. artem, glory to ukraine. glory. about yesterday's dinner we want we want to inquire about yesterday evening's attack. we know that one of the buildings of the children's institution has been destroyed. rest, we hope, no casualties, so close to midnight, there almost there a few minutes before midnight, the enemy struck, most likely it was a kab, the destroyed building of one of the children's recreation facilities, maybe it was some kind of pioneer camp there, i think , that it is most likely located not far from the ring road, because, thank
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god, it does not fly through kharkiv, and the cab only reaches the ring road further, so thank god for god there is no information about the wounded, about the dead, but for some reason it is not known for what reasons the enemy will still survive in educational institutions, medical institutions there, and well, such children's recreation facilities. and you think that it was a targeted bombing, that's how they tried to do it with rockets before. is it by chance that she ends up in an educational institution again? i don't think it's any, in my opinion it's a targeted strike, maybe they are some informers there, somewhere they thought something there, or maybe the children were resting there, thank god that no one was there, their task is to completely terrorize the population of kharkiv, so i think that
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the attack was planned after all. which is aimed at scaring the townspeople as much as possible, scaring, well , everyone who is resting, even if he has some leisure there, in order to cause maximum damage to health and moral damage there, mr. artem, how much work is there now for sappers, for explosives specialists in kharkiv on... we understand that it arrives regularly, and these explosive objects, parts, fragments remain around the city, there are still information about that aerial bomb that did not explode, did not explode, what about it? well , actually, as you can see, there are shots of this aerial bomb, there it was already taken out from underground, but as for kharkiv oblast in general, it seems to me that khaikov oblast today, well, it is considered...


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