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tv   [untitled]    June 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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there were countries that wanted it to be softer, it's true, it really is. oleksandr, preparations for the second peace summit are starting, there is already some preliminary vision of the president’s office, as we understand, from zelensky’s words, what it will look like, however, there is no understanding yet when exactly it will take place, someone names the date before the holding, in particular the american elections, so that it would somehow not be reflected at this peace summit. please tell me, according to the understanding and calculations of the office of the president of ukraine and the organizers of this summit, for this second... will russia be invited to the peace summit? well, let's go with what we come up with for that date, yes, because really the date is not finalized, federal minister kasih did mention yesterday about the possibility of holding a summit before the november elections in the united states, we would be careful to determine any specific dates, but the president clearly said yesterday that the question is certainly not about years, the question is about months, then we can plus or minus understand this range for ourselves, but based on the general...
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expressed by the participants during the discussion, the second summit, which should have already opened the negotiation process, to some extent, definitely involves the transfer of the jointly developed plan by the russians to the representatives of the russian federation, in what form, whether in advance, whether they will sit down at the table at this second summit or in any other format, this there through intermediaries and in some other way, it will depend on the situation at that moment, you have to understand that the thesis, which... for example, probably upset me a little on social networks, although it is normal that people look at the summit, it is already there will take some huge step towards the concrete establishment of peace, it is impossible in the current conditions, because there is a diplomatic channel, there are military actions that most determine what happens, happens in principle in any and every arena of hostilities and political arena, there is a political component, there are many other components, so ... everything will depend on where
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these several parallels, direct lines, any others will converge before the summit. if, for example, the situation on the battlefield with the help of partners, and by the way, it was talked about yesterday a lot of leaders, they talked about how the summit is good, it's very important, because it paves the way for diplomacy, but what we should continue to focus on is weapons, it's aid to ukraine, financial, it's air defense. yesterday, for example, i participated in a panel on food security. are dedicated to the topic of food security, although it was closed, but the president of one of our neighboring countries noted that unfortunately, or fortunately, the only tool now to protect ukrainian food security and, accordingly, the country africa that consumes our products, it's just to air defense the ports, protect the south and so on, because otherwise it won't work. so everyone talked about the fact that this will determine at what point we enter the second summit. and that
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is why it is very difficult to predict here, if the partners show sufficient determination, we can find in a strong point, and ukraine definitely cannot, ukraine, the office of the president, what options and opportunities he is considering for himself to sit down at the negotiating table with russia, when, for example, there will be there is a successful promotion of the armed forces forces of ukraine at the front, taking into account the help that the partners will provide or under what other conditions, that is, let's clarify these conditions, because in fact , a lot also depends on the partners, but as we said from the beginning, the position of ukraine depends the most. ukraine constantly emphasizes this, under what conditions does the president's office see options to sit down and talk about something with russia, to correspond about something with russia, with flint, that is, under what conditions can this happen? when russia will be in a situation to perceive a just peace, because yesterday the president very clearly stated at the press conference that what is happening now has nothing to do with the window of opportunity for negotiations. he spoke about it as in the context of those ultimatums that putin announced on the eve of the summit, which, by the way, was not accidental. obviously, in order
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to put pressure on both allies and countries sympathetic to russia, and for any other reasons, when russia will not speak the language of ultimatums, and this can happen when real circumstances change, including on the battlefield, when russia will create fair conditions peace, and not demand to give it another piece of two ukrainian regions, three ukrainian regions, any other territories, then this window of opportunity can open, now it is definitely closed, that's all. to say that it must be said that officials in russia reacted to the peace summit in such a way that even if they were invited, they would not go there under such conditions, this is to understand how the peace summit was perceived in russia, i think that they were very offended that no one had invited them, the only thing left for them was to say that we would that's all, oleksandr, i still want to ask you about china, because when the preparations for the peace summit began, the president's office publicly expressed high hopes about inviting china, it is important for china to take part in this summit, the fact that china didn't...come,
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the representative of china didn't come, and china basically there, well, didn't publicly react with support for this summit, what does that show? about the fact that china has completely made up its mind somewhere in its perception of the russian-ukrainian war and... publicly and not only secretly, or after all is there something else behind it? well, we really expected the participation of china, at a certain level, and we really invited in any way, including through friendly countries, the president of switzerland personally invited china to participate, unfortunately, china was not there, and i don't think that should be interpreted as the one hundred percent exit of the people's republic of china from any processes related to the establishment of peace, but apparently the fact that china fixed a certain vision together with brazil... and the desire to take the lead over the peace process did not allow them at this point stage to join. perhaps our task now is that, in the process of preparing for the second summit, we could find those points of contact where china, as a very
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important player, would find a special role that corresponds to its level in world politics. and if it is found, i think maybe it's not worth talking about certain points now... the return, ah, although certainly after the announcement of the brazil-china conditional initiative, which is 90% in line with the peace formula, but well, it's a pity that we separate, and not join forces and we are trying to move in different fairways, now, i think we should concentrate on finding a common path, where china will also play a big role in achieving a just peace. and finally. what we started with, and in fact, you answered it yourself in the first question, but still, the skeptics of the peace summit, in particular among politicians, among observers, if you read it on social networks, they say that supposedly the main goal of the summit was to prepare for negotiations with russia. let's emphasize once again, or we will hear the position of the office there of the president, is this true or not, and did
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the president's office really set itself a goal in preparation for the peace summit, saw it as doing everything in order to have these negotiations with russia in the future? no it is not. no negotiation issues were discussed at the summit and no work was done before the summit , what the summit was for, to begin to develop a framework, the so-called foundation, the foundations of peace, on the basis of which this peace will be established in the future, and how it will be established , time will tell, of course, and about that ukrainian diplomacy in the person of the minister of foreign affairs has repeatedly said that sooner or later the question of negotiations will arise, but it does not arise now, because there are no opportunities for it now. the question now is to prepare a joint plan that will support most of the countries of the world and, relatively speaking, will stand behind ukraine next to ukraine, support ukraine in promoting this plan. thank you, oleksandr, for joining in, telling me some behind-the-scenes, shall we say, moments from this peace summit, and we are waiting to see how it will continue
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preparation, we are waiting for you on our airwaves for the future, as well as other representatives of the president's office, by the way, we are taking this opportunity to invite you, because we constantly, constantly invite and do not find time, probably the phenomenon. but it is important to communicate with the audience, so through you, including , we convey greetings and invitations to our broadcasts of the president's office. oleksandr bevs, adviser to the head of the office of the president of ukraine, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the results of the peace summit, about the final communique, and we are actually waiting for information about whether did two countries withdraw their signatures after they were placed under this communiqué, or is it just some technical error. well, the russian state media spread the news about the alleged preparation of a counteroffensive operation by the armed forces of ukraine. in the kharkiv direction, while they refer to the words of a russian military uav operator. according to him, the armed forces of ukraine are allegedly withdrawing equipment to the second and third lines of defense, which may indicate preparations for a counteroffensive. the ukrainian general staff stated that the russian federation is attacking in the kharkiv region in several directions, and
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the head of the council of reservists of the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces, ivan tymochko, said on espresso that the occupying army of russia is withdrawing reserves in the kharkiv direction in order to minimize the retreat of russian troops. here it is worth reminding that the counter-offensive operation was announced the day before by people's deputy oleksandr zavitnevich, who heads the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence and is a reserve officer. in an interview with the bbc , he said that it depends on a lot of people factors, including mobilization and availability of weapons. even earlier, volodymyr zelenskyy stated that having the necessary weapons, the armed forces of ukraine will be able not only to stabilize the front, but also to move forward. and yuriy povkh, the spokesman of utu kharkiv joins the... broadcast, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, thank you for finding the opportunity to join, please tell me , this is the information spread by the russian state media, that kyiv is withdrawing equipment to the second and third echelons of defense in the kharkiv direction, and that as if this could be preparation for
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counter-offensive actions on the part of ukraine, how do you react to it and what do you think of such a statement, well, how do we react to it, no way, because we do not comment on the statements of the invaders, we... do not comment on the statements of any operators there uavs from the russian side, the troops included in the kharkiv otu are now... carrying out operations in the entire area of ​​responsibility, battles are ongoing, six of them have taken place in the past day, several combat clashes are currently ongoing, the enemy is methodically killing the personnel of the 138th separate motorized rifle brigades of the sixth, sixth leningrad army of the military district in their futile attempts to attack our positions in... chansk, therefore, to talk about an offensive, a counteroffensive and so on,
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now it is premature, of course, our troops are holding back the enemy's attacks, and in these attacks the enemy, for example, over the past day lost 175 persons wounded and killed, he also lost eight cars, one unit of special equipment, 30... the enemy's shelter was destroyed, as well as one ammunition storage point. mr. yuri, but regarding the aggregate plant, there are many publications and observers who write about the situation there difficult for the russian military, who generally controls the approaches, in particular to this plant, and do you confirm the information that the russian military is actually cut off on the territory of the plant from the rest of the russian army, from the whole, and the situation is difficult for them. we do not comment on tactical actions in real time, indeed
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, combat operations are taking place there, the enemy is attacking, our troops are holding back his advance, so the situation there is constantly tense, and our troops are repelling the attacks of units, as i have already mentioned, of the 138th separate motorized rifle brigades and please tell me if there is... an understanding of how many russian soldiers can be on the territory of this plant in general, because analysts say that, in fact, from the first days when the russian army began its offensive in the kharkiv direction, they entered the territory of this plant, and russian military personnel are constantly trying to get there as well, do you have an idea of ​​how many russian soldiers there might be at this plant? certainly, understanding how much personal is there the composition of the russians, it is there, but this is information that is used by... headquarters, intelligence and our units, we do not voice it in the public sphere, those people who work around, in
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the war-related topic, they are not responsible for their personnel , for their actions, so they can say whatever they want, so far in kharkiv we do not comment on these events. can you just then explain from a military point of view, the value of the plant from a military point of view, how great and important it is, that is, for example, in order to, i don’t know, have fortifications there, where it was possible to hold their positions there, or is the height of this plant important for conducting military operations, why are plants so important for military affairs, and when the military enters there, it is considered a certain achievement? any point on the map of a settlement that has a more or less capital structure of its buildings is important, but i want to emphasize that... the enemy is actually wiping the settlement of vovchansk from the face of the earth, so the fighting
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is going on there now in the remains of the urban development, and every building, every fortification is there important, how much was destroyed in the past day, i have already informed you, so the only thing i want to clarify with you, please tell me about surrendering to prisoners, but in the kharkiv direction, from the information you have, there is a desire in the russian military to surrender? is it possible that they surrender, well, when , for example, they have no other way out there, because there the armed forces have already approached them nearby? the intensity of the battles is such that it is extremely difficult for the enemy to do this, since the work of artillery, drones, uavs and so on is constantly going on, therefore, we cannot talk about a mass surrender , but from day to day there are reports about... one to two to five servicemen of the russian federation who surrendered as prisoners, they are representatives of different
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units and talk about the fact that there is one unit , which appeared to be incorrect, but there are such facts. we still have literally 20 seconds, the russian forces continue to build engineering and fortification structures northeast of vovchansk, is this information no longer true as of now? the enemy is natural. constantly is trying to do it, but, uh, as i said, the enemy's special equipment is being destroyed, it's an excavator and other engineering equipment that he brings into the building. engineering barriers. mr. yuri, thank you for joining. yuriy povk, spokesman of kharkiv technical university , told us about the situation in kharkiv region on the air. this is the freedom of mornings project. thank you for your activity in the chat, thank you for joining this broadcast, traditionally we will see you tomorrow on radio svoboda, also on the espresso channel. my name is oleg gal and the entire editorial staff of freedom
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we are gathering for drones, we know that you also breathe unevenly towards drones, where what, who cares... hall, well, we are actually right now on the front line, in front of the front line, i apologize for the slow speech, actually my throat hurts today, eh- eh, the need for drones, it is in this war, in two years, it is only increasing, so of course mavics, and we, as volunteers, who uh make... fpv drones, they, they are needed everywhere in every unit, every brigade, and what do our military say about those drones that you are carrying, do they use them like that , as it is, there is already so much development going on there that , in addition to everything they receive, they themselves
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add something to it, taking into account the needs and the situation that is at the front at the moment. first of all, the task that we set for ourselves, this is actually one of the tasks , is that, the military, receiving drones from our workshop, they did not need to change, say, from the settings to the components of the drone, but to work immediately, the only thing that always remains open is the candy itself, which on... our joint drones will bring the enemy dugout to the enemy's equipment, that is, hitting the target, this is already a professional part. military, military sappers, and of course, this is exclusively their competence, who say how much the number
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of drones that are now on the front should be multiplied, how much more of them are actually needed, well all information in general is public, they are needed many times more than all of us together can provide the front lines. mr. yuriy, i will ask you a little bit, as a lawyer, about other things, but today is exactly the 17th, this was exactly the deadline, the date by which ukrainians who were conscripted into the military, who left the country and were not on military registration, had to to be registered, well, eh, this is such a decision of the cabinet of ministers 675, and if they did not register, what next? well, the question is, the inclusion of the following mechanisms, how they will be implemented, which one
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the territorial recruitment center will conduct monitoring, identify such persons and apply the procedure of seeking administrative action as a primary warning or. punishment for non -compliance with the requirements of registering for military time, uh, well, we'll see, i think that, uh, these notices about an administrative penalty of up to uah 500, this will actually be the period uh , where people will unfortunately be able to keep them, unfortunately for two reasons, because... after all, we have to remember that we have rights and responsibilities, and stand up for military registration, or to update the data, uh,
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no matter what the situation is, both internal and external, we have to do it in order to save the country, to save our chance to survive in this war, but if theoretically, that's all, a fine and the person himself further. does, what did she do, no, this does not relieve her of her obligation to enter a person in the unified database and enter him on the military register, although it is clear that for some people an administrative punishment will be a more acceptable result than getting on the military register, i i think such a category people also exist, but if we consider... simply, for example, a young person who left there in the 22nd year together with part of the family, and she just turned 25 years old, that is , the mobilization period for her began to work, and she also
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did not has never been registered, that is, it will be enough for her to enter some of her data through reserve plus, or should she act differently? er, i ee think that if a person you... set and update data through the reserve through the reserve plus, the territorial picking center, according to the place of registration, should see this data and, and accordingly, this should be enough, in any case, it is worth checking whether the personal data is in the safeguard system, as it is now in the key database. ukrainians who can be mobilized, or in some way, their knowledge and skills are applied for the purpose of defense
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of ukraine. if a person abroad, for example, didn't do it today, you say administrative responsibility, then how will it be imposed on an imaginary, let's say, ukrainian evader who is sitting somewhere in barcelona, ​​and what's next? well, it's actually related. with what we talked about in the same studio a month ago, for example, with the restriction of the provision of administrative services that the state guarantees for each of its citizens, and this restriction is not, well, lifelong, it is situational, er, probably in this way after uh-uh you concluded tcc and fixing, uh, non-fulfilment. requirements and non- registration, for this person, this administrative part will be applied first of all. and this
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will also apply to be displayed for the consular and diplomatic institutions of ukraine, and they this information, probably, uh, at the level stcc will see. this is the same scheme for students, because we understand that there is a huge number of students who, in fact, even before the age of 22, lived abroad, left for a long time, understood that studying is at least five years, in the same way... for them it all applies, well, the state does not establish selective duties there, that is , it is one duty that applies to everyone, those people who have the right to stay abroad, i am also talking about those who has a disability, and about men or women conscripts who have three or more children, have various reasons to stay
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abroad legally, this scheme also works for them. this applies to all conscripts, not so much a scheme as an obligation and sanctions for non-fulfilment, who actually checks, yes, who, who searches, who then determines on whom to impose these sanctions, who, in which way, i don't know if the word is correct here to force, or to make that person update his data, actually submit information. who should do it, who will do it, any detectives or others measures are exclusively the competence of law enforcement agencies, this must be remembered, especially now in connection with these events, which are taking place in confrontations between citizens of ukraine and citizens of ukraine who are employees of the tcc, secondly, all the other informative part in
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territorial picking centers. enough authority to operate the databases and enter the relevant information about, for example, the presence or absence of a person in the register, in the yobeg system, when she updated the data, what steps still need to be taken, i.e. we are talking about the delay or possible postponement of the service, this is exclusively the competence of the territorial centers. in the assembly, as well as its recording, in order to apply administrative sanctions against persons who have not fulfilled this duty. mr. yuri, we have one more minute, the law has been amended since may 18, accordingly they said that there are two months to update the data, if you don't have time to update for various reasons, what's next? further, one way
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or another , monitoring will probably be carried out and some people will receive administrative fines, because i do not know how qualitatively this monitoring will be carried out, but her first step for not updating the data is to receive a fine, the fine is quite significant now, that is, until july 18, in principle , to fine and any other... actions regarding those who are subject to the law on mobilization cannot, i understand correctly, we have can, but there is no reason, uh, we all together made a decision in the parliament and in the government that we give 60 days, we overdo the situation that exists and give 60 days for that , for everyone to update their details,
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therefore we have a past. last week, we met with a case where we already tried to apply such sanctions, but, well , there are no grounds, there are clearly defined deadlines, deadlines, yes, thank you, mr. yuriy, yuriy tanaseychuk, lawyer, right from the front line, where are they with their colleagues were taking away a batch of drones, now it's time for news, khrystyna parubiy is ready to share information about the most important thing about it. so christina, we give you the floor. greetings, colleagues, thank you about the new development of the ukrainian drone, i will tell you in the issue, as well as about the sabotage of partisans in russia, already for moment, don't miss it.
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news vterpresso, i. khrystyna parubi will tell you about the latest news on


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