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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EEST

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free once and you're done, it's enough to suffer with standard dimensional saws, strong saws are convenient to use even in hard -to-reach places, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 799 with the possibility of free delivery powerful strong saws what you need to call. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porobiy is working in the studio. around midnight, the russians from aviation struck the village of burgunka in the kherson region, as a result of shelling with guided aerial bombs, houses were destroyed local residents, in houses with new roofs,
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walls, broken windows. one of the streets turned into ruins. there are no casualties - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prykudin. over the past day, the occupiers dropped 13 air bombs and unguided missiles on the settlements of kherson region. a bomb weighing 250 kg was removed by sappers from a private yard in the city of kostiantynka in donetsk region. ammunition. worked and did not injure anyone. the rescuers moved the ammunition with the help of special equipment, and then transported it to blast site the bomb was destroyed there. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking and calling to participate in the collection of drones and components for artillery reconnaissance of the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. the first lot that we plan to buy is eight improved models of mavics and five ordinary ones.
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quadrocopters are eyes in the sky that keep an eye on safety and provide an opportunity to confidently move forward, most importantly, they help protect the lives of our military. we need to collect uah 2.5 million. do not waste time, join the collection for our defenders. all details see on the screen. there will be more light today. ukrenergo has canceled the shutdown schedules until the 15th. and then... troenergy will be shut down according to the schedules. it was possible to reduce the shutdown due to the operation of solar power plants. earlier, ukrenergo reported about turning off the lights throughout the day. the head of the seimas of lithuania victoria chmilita nielsen arrived in kyiv on an official visit. this was announced by the deputy speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, olena kondratyuk. she personally met the guest at the kyiv railway station. the lithuanian official noted. what a pleasure
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to return to kyiv to confirm ukraine's support on the way to the eu and nato. another oil depot was attacked at night in the krasnodar region of russia. about this with reference to sources, the publication astra reports. residents of the tyumrytsky district heard about the explosions at midnight, but no official information was received from the authorities or the ministry of defense of the russian federation. the publication says that the terminal for transshipment of bulk petroleum products was allegedly attacked by ukrainian neptune missiles. she spied on the military in dnipropetrovsk region and zaporizhzhia. the security service of ukraine detained another an informant of the russian special service. the saleswoman of kramnytsia in dnipropetrovsk region scouted the bases and routes of movement of units of the armed forces of ukraine. she tried to establish close contacts with the army.'
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the woman passed on the collected information to the occupiers through her acquaintance who lives in the temporarily occupied crimea. the perpetrator is now in custody, she faces up to 12 years in prison. in yavorov, lviv region , an employee of the tsk was attacked when he was accompanying a conscript to undergo a military medical examination, - reported in operational command west. on the street , he was attacked and hit in the head with a blunt object, the serviceman was hospitalized, he has a closed brain injury, the attacker has already been found and detained. now you can not carry a paper military id with you. today , a qr code appeared in the reserve plus application. therefore , the electronic military registration document received the same legal force as the paper one. the ministry of defense reported that they have already updated 1.5 mln data through the mobile application. citizens,
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including 210,000 conscripts women abroad , data are most actively updated in poland, germany, the czech republic, canada and the usa. the ministry of defense was reminded to update... the data is required by july 16. emergency evacuation in the american state of new mexico. due to powerful forest fires , 800 residents were evacuated from the town of ruidoso. people rush out of their homes. most did not have time to collect their things, because the fire spread instantly. people are being taken to evacuation centers. at the time of the announcement of the emergency situation, the area of ​​the fire was more than 5 km. school on time in lviv for teachers and school principals presented a charitable educational project to leave no one behind. it is implemented by the non-governmental organization all-ukrainian democratic forum in cooperation with the ukrainian catholic university with the support of taiwan and at
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the behest of people's deputy of ukraine mykola knyazhytskyi. which teachers will be able to participate in the program and what additional opportunities will ukrainian schools receive. see in the plot: not to leave anyone behind, this is the name of the charitable educational project that began on june 17 within the walls of the ukrainian catholic university in lviv. already in july, 48 teachers of computer science from three regions of ukraine will learn the basics of python programming, robotics, and education. in addition, computer science classrooms in 70 schools will be equipped with new computers and projectors. it will begin. training and training of computer science teachers of 24 ukrainian schools from the lviv ivano-frankivsk and poltava regions, who will undergo almost a year of training, and who will finish this training well, we hope that everyone, because it will be a competitive selection, everyone
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complete it well, these schools will receive computer classes and modern robotics kits so that ukrainian children have the opportunity to learn the latest technologies on a par with their european counterparts. 16 laptops, sets for robotics and a projector with a screen, such sets for the computer classes of their schools will be given to all participants of the program who successfully complete their studies from the best it specialists of the ukrainian catholic university. and we want to give our teachers not only the technique that involves this, that involves this project, not only the knowledge, but also faith, faith in oneself, faith in one's students. faith that we can win and change our country. if there is a desire of the students, the desire of the teachers, then we have a great future. to take part in the educational project, the school must be state or communally owned and have at least two computer science teachers who teach in
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10th-11th grades. applications will be accepted from june 17 to july 1. interviews with pre- selected participants will be held on july 3-10, and schools and teams will be announced on july 12 teachers who won the competition. in fact, our school is very interested in an updated and equipped computer science room. actually, there is a team here now, as it should be, these are two informatics teachers, i have two excellent young informatics teachers who know how to motivate them to study, but they lack this cool educational space that will motivate students to study informatics more, and in general it is about unification, integration of different subjects, because it is important for us to have... motivated teachers that we have, to undergo the training of these, the teachers will undergo this is teaching and to reach the students as much as possible and interest them in studying these subjects. last year, thanks to cooperation with taiwan, modern acer equipment was already handed over to ukrainian schools.
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in particular, lviv lyceum grono received more than 90 computers, tablets and a powerful generator, and more than 60 laptops, headsets, multimedia complexes and other equipment. given to the schools of poltava region. this year, the project included an educational component - professional training of teachers. the projects are implemented by the all-ukrainian democratic public organization forum with the support of taiwan and with the assistance of people's deputy mykola knyazhytskyi. artificial intelligence is coming to ukraine, like everywhere in the world, and it is developing so strongly that if our children lag behind the development of children in european countries, in the united states, in other countries of the world, then we will not be able to compete as a country. that's why we did this project together with the taiwanese that more than 100 schools will be provided with computers thanks to this project, but the issue is not just to give the equipment, the problem is to teach teachers to teach children qualitatively, so that these children know how to program, understand what artificial intelligence is, know how to use
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this technique in education for other subjects, that is why this is a huge complex project, we are starting its pilot part, starting with lviv region, ivano-frankivsk region and poltava oblast in order to later... extend it to the whole of ukraine. emma stadnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. we will summarize the morning at 12 o'clock, read more news on our website, also join our social media, put your preferences, then my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaika will continue the ether with analytics, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. donats are flying, flying, and this cannot but please, because it means that it is already approaching. this is the time when we can buy maviks and send them to our defenders. qr codes, card numbers, you see,
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and this is actually for the hundredth brigade for military art intelligence, they know what they need, they actually said what they need, and that's what we're collecting, let's listen to our defenders. i wish you health, we fighters art reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, we ask you to join our collection for drones and their components that will help. in the future , we must destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, meanwhile we will add ivan lozovoy to the conversation, he is an international lawyer, mr. ivan, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, heroes, glory. mr. ivan, you will help us and you will help the audience. on the eve of the swiss summit , a bilateral agreement was signed, in my opinion, already on the 16th. ukraine usa. we have already analyzed certain parameters with ours
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experts the only thing they stumbled on was whether to ratify or not to ratify. and you know, it was very interesting there, because from the president's office, mr. zhovkov started saying that the congress will ratify it, although it is not necessary to ratify it, because it is an exegete document, that is, an executive document that does not need ratification by the congress. in a word... uh confused, so will this ratification, is it necessary or not necessary, and is the clause valid that any other president of the united states has the right to unilaterally terminate this agreement, simply warning the other side, i.e. ukraine. well, there is some confusion written into the american constitution, which allocates the right to deal with foreign affairs to both the president of the united states and the congress of the united states, in this case we are talking about a specific document that does not rise to the level
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of an international agreement, this is more or less agreed by all serious observers because what ukraine and the usa signed is not an agreement that carries any obligations on the white house website, for example, this document is described as a vision, because there are many wishes. but there are actually no specific obligations, except consultations in the event that russia attacks ukraine again sometime in the future, this means that this document is within the powers of the us president to sign agreements of various levels that do not reach the level of an international agreement, which in english is trite, which is specifically provided for in the american constitution, that... the senate must approve such a document by two-thirds, in
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this case, of course, it does not apply to the document that was signed, the agreement that was signed between ukraine and the usa, and therefore, well, it is very unlikely that there will even be an attempt to somehow approve this document in the american congress. before the peace summit, we want to move on, 80 states signed the communique, we understand that some of the states could not sign, some, maybe not...some have their own internal rules such that the delegation that was at the summit is simply not authorized to sign similar documents , in short, there are probably fewer questions for those who did not sign, but there are three states, already three today, which first signed, and then said, we changed our minds, iraq, jordan, and today rwanda, why it happens, and then you can take it and change your mind, well, they can, because it is not a legal document, it is... such a public or even political document as the burgenstock communiqué, which was signed from the beginning of 82
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countries, it seems, together with the ato, and this a reflection of what is happening is a reflection of the fact that everyone came to this summit already with their own position, that is, the summit itself did not convince anyone, did not convince anyone, some expressed some criticism of the actions of our partners, such as, for example, president kenny in his speech made a very big said nonsense he actually equated the attack of russia, the illegality of the attack, the aggression of russia with the fact that ... western countries are trying to confiscate russian, russian property and russian finances that are in their hands, and this is definitely very wrong, so this forum is more of a discussion club , and the communique reflects this, some joined, some detached, it is not of great importance,
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the main thing is also where it will go next, because president zelensky, for example, president of switzerland. talked about the fact that we need to move this process forward quickly, not quite it is clear what kind of process it is and where it is going, uh, and in general with that summit in the assessments, look, we have already been quoted several times today, the coordinator of strategic communications of the us national security council , john kirby, he says on behalf of the white house that the summit myru was successful. and other evaluations are heard, but even in the powerlessness of this world , the swiss summit did not bring great results, that is such a big ee in the pendulum of evaluations, er, that's you, as an international lawyer, not emotional, not some other things, namely legally , it gives ukraine some options
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opposed to russia, if, as india and others said there, if russia was not represented at the summit, no way? no, this document, the birkenstock communiqué, does not give ukraine any legal options at all, because it is not a legal document. as for success, in general, with the international press that i monitor in europe, the usa, and australia, there is asia, enough, i somewhat unexpectedly for myself from... revealed that this summit turned out to be more or less successful, as a pr in in view of the fact that the main headlines of various media were about the fact that oh, 100 countries came, as many as 80 signed some kind of communiqué, and in this respect everything looked quite good, the problem is definitely that in fact nothing has actually
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been resolved, the main points, which are the three points included in this communiqué, are so indisputable... zagelia , it is about nuclear security, there must be nuclear security, there must be food security, and the children who were abducted from ukraine must return to ukraine, these are the three points of this communique more or less concrete, but it is difficult to argue with this when these summits, if they continue, as president zelenskyi plans, to much more serious issues, such as whether ukraine should surrender some territories in exchange for... then we will see, i think, a much worse situation, much worse consequences for ukraine in in terms of pr, because once again this forum, as an example with the president of kenya, but not only with him or the indian you quoted, it is also a forum for expressing those people who do not fully support ukraine, ugh, mr. ivan, in this case three points
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communiques, which in principle correspond to our idea. that, for example, let's gather half of the world and declare that the water should be wet, that the sun should be warm and shine, i.e., in fact, literal truths, after that switzerland says: and now we will convey all this to the chinese communists and to putin in the kremlin, will they report what? and worse than that, president switzerland amger also in his closing speech at this summit, so... even proud that we didn't talk about war, we didn't talk about weapons, we didn't talk about arms, she said, and this is bad, because for ukraine, without a doubt, we know very well who putin is and who the russians who are fighting with us are, and for ukraine all issues of potential peace will be resolved on the
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battlefield, and that is why war and weapons are of primary importance, and... this summit, where he goes and what he decided there, although once again, as pr, it was not bad, 100 countries gathered, 80, something was signed, it is not bad, but in general - it is a little surprising that this direction is so intense on the part of the president's office and of president zelensky, peace is impossible without the defeat of russia on the battlefield, well, this is more or less everyone who is conscious and knows a little about russia, understands this, and does not... talk about it and, on the contrary , encourage people like switzerland, which is somehow a naive butoform in a way expects that they will talk with china and russia and peace will come, well, this is not serious. about weapons, actually, mr. ivan, i want to ask, did putin go east of moscow today, to the dprk and vietnam, his route and in fact he is personally
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going, we understand that it can go to north korea to be such a polite visit within the framework of cooperation, but there will also be vietnam later, and we understand that there can be not only mutual promises about friendship, love, support and so on, but also... some and more material agreements about perhaps the transfer of weapons or something else that we should expect from these meetings, because the fact that putin himself is going is a signal that everything is serious. for the first time, it's 25 years. yes, this, in my opinion, is a sign of some desperation on putin's part, he just went to china for two days to negotiate serious things like building... a new new big huge gas pipeline that the chinese actually denied him, now he's going to north korea, which according to south korea, i don't know if
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it's true or not, but south korea claims that north korea has already supplied russia with 5 million artillery shells, it needs more, maybe some other weapons, the same ballistic missiles that it also uses against ukraine, what can it give it... vietnam is hard for me to imagine, i i perceive all this as together with other facts and manifestations activities, speeches of putin and what is done on the battlefield as a certain desperation. i think that russia will not help vietnam in particular, north korea itself has its own problems, as we know, this is the level to which the leader of russia has ventured, that he is forced to go to north korea, in which famines regularly occur, in which many die . people, that is, with whom he is forced not to be friends, to whom he is forced to beg for help. and mr. ivan, look, this axis,
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moscow, pyongyang, is absolutely clear, because, for the first time in 25 years, putin will visit kim jong-un north korea, the day before, an article about the eternal friendship between north korea and russia is printed, as if on behalf of putin, and... a document of the russian federation president's order on all-encompassing support for the strategic partnership between the russian federation and the democratic people's republic of korea is published on the eve of the visit, we now we are showing it, and as a result of the exchange, as they say, shells in exchange for food, could there be another gift from putin, such as the fact that russia will announce the exit from the un sanctions regime against the dprk, if he putin does it, what are the consequences? he can do it, it will not have
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any consequences, because putin's voice is not perceived in the international arena at all, he is not taken seriously, he does not have a voice in those bodies, let alone the magathe. even the united nations regarding the fact that he is actually the aggressor, and everyone knows it, it is not vietnam or north korea that matters here, only china is of any importance, and there is a real struggle over whether someone, it is china, will be taken seriously to support russia or not, that's all the rest is once again a sign of such last, perhaps agonizing steps on the part of the president. of the russian federation, the so-called president of the russian federation, in order to support his war, which is already swinging, goes against him and against the russian army. ugh, we still have
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a minute, mr. ivan, and in fact , the russians are already reporting information, the russian media are writing about the possibility of fighting on the side of russia in ukraine, obviously, korean military, korean soldiers will go, is such a scenario possible, because we understand that they have there the population is huge and... where to get it, but it is possible to assume that the russians are not so well trained, and the koreans still have strict discipline, everything is possible, including this, this is another sign of desperation, we know that russia recruited and fought for the russian army in ukraine, military people are fired from africa, now maybe they don’t want from north korea, well, i’m sorry, but where is that... russia, which, many western analysts even wrote, has a huge stockpile of 'yasa, it turns out, is the one the stock is not so big, and i think we will
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continue until the end of the year already. we will look at a much better situation on the battlefield for ukraine. thank you for the conversation, for participating on our airwaves. ivan blozovy, a lawyer of the internationals , was with us, they talked about the peace summit, about the documents and about the fact that, in fact, not everyone has to sign this communique and what was withdrawn, they had the right to do so. we are going to take a short break, we ask you to inform us, then we will come back and talk with vadym denysenko about the same case between. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matryk stopper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order topper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes
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survey, turn on and..." turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko from tuesday to friday from 8 to 10 p.m. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the latest changes in ukrainian legislation worry ukrainians, leaders will answer lawyers of the bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. we return and do not get tired of reminding about what we are collecting now, we are helping to collect together with the charity fund of iryna koval for mavics and components for the military, this is an art witness of the hundredth brigade, sometimes
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it appears somewhere. a video of how they work, but not for...


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