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tv   [untitled]    June 18, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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only f-16, f-35, any aircraft that our partners have and with their pilots, this does not mean that they enter the war, they protect our, our our sky from targets that have illegally crossed our border , from the violators, they and we even emphasized the fact, we emphasized the topic, that we will not have any complaints if some destroyed missile, an enemy missile falls into the ranks of the harrows of god, and something damages us some... object and there will cause some material damage, we will not have any claims, that is, you know, it's some kind of grim democracy, as they used to say in the soviet union, it's hard to understand, israel was attacked, israel is a small territory, kyiv region is bigger, they raised 100 planes, these were not israeli planes, they were american planes, they were french planes, they were british airplanes, and they were american, french, british pilots, and that's what they do. their agreements with
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israel, they destroyed, not even on the territory of israel, on the territory of other countries, the rockets that flew over, at israel, we ask to destroy over our territory illegally, illegally violating targets, illegally violating our airspace, what, why, what, why, why, what, russia will not like this, well, if you want to please russia, well, then, you know, well, then it is clear, what will we do at all, to be honest , and, to be honest, logic, we will not. to shoot down russian missiles even over ukraine is very strange, because actually a missile is not even an airplane and there is no pilot there , let's just say, what kind of days in the air, about any aerial battles, there is no question right away, so it is very strange that the west a long time used this thesis as an excuse for himself, well, it is impossible to justify it, it is the fear that it may lead to the fact that russia has something there... well, it may lead to
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the fact that russia will not like everything, well, once again, if you help our country conduct hostilities with russia, you help significantly with finances and equipment, but you are afraid that russia will not like it, well, give us flowers then, well, let’s be doves of peace, i don’t know, well, yes, yes, i don’t have any not that is not what is logical, but i would like to take a side a person who can find a reasonable explanation that such a situation, something, i can not find. words: why can't you shoot down missiles, especially those missiles, at least over, as they say over the west of ukraine, you don't have to say western ukraine, we don't have western, eastern ukraine and all of ukraine and the west, east, south, half of the north, which can , they are flying in your direction, how do you know, this missile will turn around, or fly to warsaw, why here, what is the problem here, the more so we, we ask, we give permission, you do not want, you are afraid of displeasing the russian federation , well, for now civilized world will be. to be afraid
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of displeasing the russian federation, then you can wait for very bad consequences, to very bad ones. i also wanted to talk to you about the current operational situation on the fronts. we see that somewhere the russians are advancing, somewhere we are holding them back, somewhere in recent days the defense forces are still trying to push back the russians, but in particular the situation in the pokrovsky direction remains tense and in fact in the avdiivsky direction or in the direction west of avdia. so we also have the following the words of mr. syrskyi, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, he said that the enemy is increasing or continues to increase the intensity of hostilities, is working on expanding their geography, why exactly, because he fears the appearance of a larger number of western weapons that are gradually beginning to arrive in ukraine, here is the actual quote : and the enemy perfectly understands that as
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a result of the gradual arrival of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from our partners, the arrival of the first f-16s that strengthen our air defense, time will play on our side benefit, and his chances of success will decrease. here, actually, i would also like to talk with you, mr. oleksiy, about how threatening you currently see the situation at the front, where. maybe there could be a breakthrough of the russians or vice versa, where we might be able to push them back and, well, you see, even mr. syrskyi said that the f-16s should be strengthened for air defense, which is what we just talked about with you, that this primarily a means of air defense, this is an airplane, where they, well, they increase the number of stomachs with equipment in they are not doing so well, they have a negative balance in terms of... school technology, but with people, here, well,
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for example, the numbers for the month of may, when we, well, i can say that we were happy, or proud, we stated that we destroyed 39 thousand. of the military, this is a large number, it is a serious loss, even for the russian army, but in them, the replenishment of their troops thanks to the mobilization of contract workers and even conscripts, which they also begin to use on the battlefield here and there, amounted to 41 thousand for this month, that is, we found 39, as a result plus 200 russians on the battlefield it became more, and so did the number, no matter how much we destroyed so far, the number. the number of russian military personnel on the battlefield does not decrease but increases, so we once again destroyed 39, as a result, plus 2 thousand of them and so on, where are they, they are trying, they plan to increase it even more, significantly increase it by the month of august with already trained
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fighters their army, where they will be able to break through, and wherever, wherever, where they can concentrate a large number of manpower and equipment, especially during the time that we ... received in the necessary quantity of weapons from our partners, to believe that they will be able to make some kind of breakthrough, well, i don’t think it’s worth it, after all, we will be able to hold the defense not clearly along the line, because in addition to the defense, the positional position in the combat statutes is prescribed to be both maneuverable and mobile defense, that is, you can defend yourself in different ways, this does not mean that there is a line there, not the first in the world, but a copy and i will not step back, right? it does not work like that, we conduct active defense, that is, if on the front line, as in many cities it does not exist, you can call it a front line or a very thick front line, that is, it is a city where there are constant changes of firing positions forward, backward, left, right, this is an active defense,
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we counterattack, we repel positions from which the enemy is superior to us, this is possible , this is, i repeat, this is tactical. active defense, but when we recaptured some positions, well, let's somehow submit news, i don't mean you, all of us, submit realistically, it recaptured a position, it's not, it's a counteroffensive action, that what is called words active defense, i.e. not just standing in a trench, but constantly counterattacking whenever there is an opportunity, this is not a counteroffensive, it is not something like the beginning of a counteroffensive, but now we will advance even further, where will we advance? for how much millet for 10 km, what's next? the unit has advanced 10 km, who will bring him food, who will bring him fuel, who will bring him shells, who will bring him ammunition, no one will hang out, no one will take any offensive actions, but there will be no enemy in this position, at least
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he will not feel so comfortable, once again there is mobile, let's do it there is maneuverable defense, maneuverable defense, maneuverable defense - it is prescribed. they are smart people, they have learned this for many years, when the enemy's forces are significantly superior, we understand that we will not hold the position, we make a decision, the commander decides to use a tactic called maneuver defense, that is, withdrawing, having fewer numbers, withdrawing , biting the enemy, not holding the front line, moving to the left, to the right, entering the rear and so on and so forth, this is maneuverable defense, there is mobile defense, this is also prescribed. when we allow the enemy to advance indiscriminately and then make counteroffensive actions, and there is finally a positional defense, when we are sitting in the trenches, the commander must use the tactics in the conduct of the battle, which are written in the battle statutes, which are most appropriate at that time and in that city and with the powerful means that he has, here once again, thank you, i’m not
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imagining things, we thank you very much, darkened, thank you for your analytics, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran. russian-ukrainian war. attention, a profitable offer: order a smart light bulb at a special promotional price, only uah 99. durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 99. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 200, but we offer you a light bulb that lights up, even when there is no light, for only uah 99. hurry up... become such a good offer bulb smart light works even without electricity for up to 6 hours without recharging, the secret is in the built-in capacious battery, it is so convenient, especially now, and the light bulb is a smart light that is not afraid of voltage fluctuations and will not break in a seizure, the standard base will fit
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zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important - every thursday at 20. 1:15 at project "great lviv speaks" on espresso tv channel.
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we are returning to the live broadcast: a new week, new thoughts, a new vision of what is happening in ukraine and the world. and now we have... an hour of our thoughts, our analytics, and communication with you, what communication, yes, we will answer those questions that you, you, at least, asked us on social networks, on youtube, on the channel, on the espresso tv channel , and, of course, we remind you of our survey, it sounds like, will the global peace summit lead to real peace, you can pick up your phones, call these numbers that are on your screens, if you believe that this is how
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the global peace summit will lead to real peace, then dial 0.800 211 381. if you think not, then dial 0800, 211 382, ​​all your calls are free, and i think we also need to talk about... the global peace summit, about the consequences, about what, in the end, it will bring to ukrainian politics, to world politics, whether there will be peace, whether there will not be peace, whether it is purely, i think we need a little bit descend from heaven to earth, is it purely, is it purely this, is it purely, conditionally speaking, a political event that is simply unifying and political, but khrystyna has her own thoughts. yes, i suggest scanning how
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ukrainians reacted to this final photo of a large number of countries that are represented at such a high level, the fact is that, as always happens, opinions are very divided, and each side has its own arguments, about what's up, let's remember this age-old video about how the finals were made at the globals. well then, a large number of people very tall, tall people, people who decide the fate of the world, this is absolutely no exaggeration, and here i would like to quote the writer oksana zabushka, she writes: i love transitions from the profane to the symbolic, don't say that, but it's still majestic when close
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100 countries against the background of harsh alps pronounce ukrainian to the heroes. glory, well, it really is, it really looks triumphant, but nevertheless, under this post, ms. oksana, ukrainians began to express their opinions, many of them reasonably, to be honest, which in some sense it is absolutely possible to agree with this, they note that they do not understand why in this photo next to the ukrainian president, the head of the president's office andriy yermak must be present, they say, it should not be like that, someone thinks that it doesn't matter who is there from ukraine in the photo, it is extremely important, and we need to, well, rise above the situation and look at how much reality has changed in general in a historical perspective, here it would be appropriate to quote olga reshtylova
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from the media initiative for human rights, it is absolutely important who stands there or would stand for it..." for this moment, generations of ukrainians paid and continue to pay with blood, this is recognition of the nation's several-hundred-year struggle, and i personally take my breath away from the fact that our generation fell to be participants in this suffered and long-awaited process, that's the story, andrii, can we still be surprised by the presence of andrii yaermak in similar episodes, should we be surprised, is it possible to admit reality, and tell ourselves honestly, yes, a person who was not chosen by anyone , a person with whom no one delegated decision-making or any diplomatic functions, still performs all this work, well , there is probably no reason to be surprised, because, because andriy yermak actually participated
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in a huge number of events, that is , we see that and in the united states of america it is present like this. on signing, in particular, well , the same security agreements, yes, therefore, well, i don't know why we should be surprised here, relatively speaking, but the other side of the coin, it consists in the fact that, well, we really ask ourselves the question is a person with what status, that is, what status, why such a representation, and why not the prime minister? ukraine, for example, yes , why, why, why, maybe there is not a speaker of the parliament, yes, that is, there are actually many questions, but this is the choice of the president, that is, we must understand that this is the choice of the president, that specifically andriy yarmak is present at such events, and here, as they say, you cannot
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argue with this choice, because such is his choice and such is his decision, but there are reactions, in particular, in the ukrainian segment. network does not indicate that a certain, certain part of ukrainians, and we are not talking about the majority or the minority now, but this is a specific and prominent part of it, does not understand and increasingly asks questions, why, actually, and i repeat once again, a person to whom the ukrainian people did not delegate any power is not just present at this level, but will actually introduce certain things on behalf of the state of ukraine. well, i understand why such questions are asked, because people, especially the conscious part of our society, and the society that listens, who reads the laws, who can open google, to come in, analyze the current legislation, analyze the current constitution, so they naturally ask themselves the question, how does this
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happen, why is it so, why, why does it happen that in fact... but, well, representation, it is disproportionate to the current legislation, which in there are us in the country, yes, that is, that is why people ask questions, maybe not because it is yermamak, let's say, any other surname can be substituted here, but people really don't understand, we also have other questions , people similarly do not understand why we have now there is a reduced status of the parliament, why our parliament... does not quite make those decisions, at least in some discussions, in the formation of the agenda that should be in the country, why very often the parliament does not make decisions in our country. issues that it was supposed to solve, that is, as of today , the ukrainian parliament in a parliamentary-presidential republic does not have the status that it should have according to
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the constitution and the initial legislation, this is also the same problem, similarly to the issue of principles of this vertical of power, for two years, almost no government officials came to the parliament, they did not report to the parliament, there were no hours of questions to the government. excuse me, the situation turns out to be such that very often the verkhovna rada summons some official to report, because the verkhovna rada of ukraine elected this official, this minister or this head of another department, but in response, the person simply does not come, i.e. this is the lowering of the parliament, and this is a crisis of state institutions, and is it permissible. this is in a situation where we will be talking in the near future about our steps to join the european union, so literally at the end of june it will be
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about how our closest western european partners see us, in what role, in what format, what we can give to the european union, and what it has to give us, because this, this must be... traffic on the road, as we understand, in two directions, yes in two directions , and in this situation we understand that after the elections to the european parliament, when the main trends, even after the exit polls, everything goes to that in france, in the end, emmanuel macron decides to dissolve the parliament, because it does not completely correspond to what the electorate demonstrated in the parliamentary elections, i.e., high officials, in particular the president, and in general the heads
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of state are so, so sensitive to the opinion of their citizens, that we are ready to make important decisions and again, as we often say in ukraine, to throw our country into this electoral drudgery, pre-election processes and so on, for us it is always crazy stressful, but we remind you that... it is precisely because of this that democracy is carried out, well, if we are talking now, then of course we cannot hold elections, that is, we understand that we cannot compare the situation in france and france and the situation in ukraine, unfortunately, now with all that , that many people, maybe there or a part of people would say yes, we need to hold elections, but there are many technical and legal nuances here that we cannot do it, as of now, although there is also some momentum here. discussion in society, but less with the fact that, as they say, we have what we have, but here for example, when you talk about the movement of two institutions, the state of ukraine, as a large
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institution to the european union and vice versa, this is a movement that goes towards each other, and here we must understand that ukraine, despite the fact that we are currently in a state of war the state we are in now... a little different from the conditions we were in until february 24 , 2022, ukraine should still take steps to harmonize its legislation so that ukrainian politicians, the ukrainian system in general, ukrainian elites met the requirements and spirit of the european union, the spirit of european integration, when we have media scandals, when in... we have, i'm sorry, whole tv channels are switched off from the digital network, when we have a scandal with a public broadcaster, which was recently, then
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it's not quite that movement, and by the way, this is what is included in the demands, if you look at those demands and the report that was presented in november of last year, it was clearly indicated about freedom of speech. and likewise, we saw the report of the state department of the united states of america, which also indicated this, that's why i want it, i don't want it, but we must understand that the issue of freedom of speech, the issue of freedom of expression of opinion, it should take place, but, i'm sorry, let's not compare or equate it now with the freedom of speech that concerns the russian world, that's where i have to ... even before the large-scale invasion, i received several times. such
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remarks of a very skeptical tone from people who consume a television product, i will say this, about what freedom of speech and what comprehensive coverage of opinions you you can talk over espresso, you don't have regionals, well, that is, they are part of the ukrainian parliament, they were elected by someone from ukrainians, and this is a large part of our people, so why don't you give... them a word, and here i would like to note that i have always answered, you know, the truth is not somewhere in the middle, the truth is where the truth is, and if, if you give the word simply according to the principle of covering absolutely all participants in the process, then it is not always about informational hygiene, not always about national consciousness, and no always, as we see, and i was right about this,
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about interest. and national security of our country . so, in particular, putin declares that he is ready for peace talks, medvedchuk, in particular, said the same in an interview with the russian. news agency that odesa and other cities should be occupied if ukraine does not agree to the same capitulation, which putin now offers. now we see this very quote on the screen: russia's security interests dictate the need for further hostilities to fight the neo-nazi regime in order to achieve complete demilitarization and de-nazification, while it is clear that the interests of
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the zelenskyi regime and... the interests of the ukrainian people are directly opposite , ukrainians want peace, and zelenskyy with the western puppet masters of war, even at the cost of exterminating the ukrainian people, and this people must be freed from this criminal nazi government. again i emphasize that this was said by putin's best man. medvedchuk, a man who was actually engaged in destroying our country for many years. and this statement, it correlates with another statement, putin's statement that he made on friday, and on friday, putin said, let's also see, he said that he is ready for peace talks, but for that, ukraine has to withdraw its troops from all the regions occupied by russia, which are, so to speak, included in the constitution, the so-called constitution, because why so-called, what...
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because after russia actually made the territory of another state to this constitution, i apologize, this is not a constitution, well, when, when a spoon with a brown substance falls into a pot of honey, this pot is spoiled, how can i explain it on my fingers, and i wanted to quote putin at the same time, these conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from donetsk and luhansk. kherson, zaporizhzhia regions, and i draw attention to this, precisely from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders, which existed at the time of entry into composition of ukraine. what does it mean for the time being, well, as soon as kyiv declares that it is ready for such a decision and begins the real withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as officially announces the rejection of
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plans to join nato on our part. immediately, literally at that minute, a reliable order to cease fire and start negotiations, two statements by putin and medvedchuk, which from an ideological point of view, and from a geopolitical point of view, and from the internal, internal political point of view of the occupying state, they are correlated and they are understandable were made from the same methodology, which was sent to the frame as part of the peace summit itself. within the framework of all other ukrainian successes, within the framework of the same successes there at j7 and so on and so on, so we must understand that this is what this racism is, this is what the russian peace is, well, if putin is like the head of the russian of the state, like the head, because to be honest , his elections there, which he held for himself, it was very funny, like the head of the russian state says that the country...
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should withdraw its


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