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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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you, so when you are at home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation that has united around you, good evening, we are from ukraine, thank you for staying with us, this is a great adventure that lasts for... time to talk about money, oleksandr morchivka is next to me, oleksandr, good evening, please welcome vasylya, welcome the audience, in the next few minutes you will learn about the launch of the largest water pipeline, where the water went, as well as eu roaming, and we will talk about public procurement and how they fill the state budget, that's all in details in a moment, i'm oleksandr morshchevko, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war.
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i will start with the international aid that supports ukraine, now in a difficult time. the united states of america will allocate one and a half billion dollars, this is money for the repair and restoration of the energy infrastructure of ukraine. also, part of the funds will be used for humanitarian aid for refugees and to support the civil security sector, said the chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, tax and customs policy , danylo hetmantsev. according to him, the package assistance was announced by us vice president kamalaga. who headed her country's delegation at the summit held in switzerland. well, she finally left, the local residents of the dnipropetrovsk region were waiting for vodu in marhanka and pokrov. centralized water supply was launched. serhiy lysak, the head of dnipropetrovsk oblast, announced this. due to the undermining of the kakhovskaya hpp by the russians, the local residents received water thanks to temporary... as of
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today, two lines of the main line from the dnipro river, with a capacity of 150,000 cubic meters and a length of about 120 km, were put into operation. soon water will also be received in the city of nikopol. according to the head of the region, this is the largest project that will allow to finally solve the problem with water supply in this hot region of dnipropetrovsk region, especially in summer. communication without restrictions, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky signed the law on a single roaming zone with the eu, within four months ukrainians will be able to use communication in eu countries without additional payments, such a step will allow gradual integration into the single digital market of the european union. the government has increased the amount of grants for business development for kharkiv. up to half a million
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hryvnias, which is twice as much as before. we are talking about the "own business" program. in the cabin, they added that this is how they stimulate the development of the economy of the region, which is currently suffering from systematic and regular shelling by the russians. received non-refundable funds can be spent on real estate rental, equipment, furniture, software, marketing and advertising. let me remind you that more than 175 entrepreneurs have already joined the program since its inception. and these are new jobs and it is clear that taxes to the budget. but the leroa merlen chain of hypermarkets for household goods and repairs has announced rebranding in russia. the french company will continue to operate under the name of lemana prom. the first stores will update their logos in moscow by the end of the year, and the entire process is said to be completed by 2025, the company said in a statement. leroy merlin works. in the russian federation since 2004, currently has
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as many as 112 stores, after the start of putin's full-scale invasion of ukraine , it did not stop working, like many foreign companies in the forbes rating, the largest of foreign brands in ukraine for the year 2022, leroy merlin took the first place, the turnover amounted to almost 530 billion rubles. we see , vasyl, that after all, well-known brands still ... try to hold on to the russian market and somehow try to veil their work by changing names, but the essence of the business remains the same, and how will they call liruy marlen self-made or how interesting in russia? leman pron, they decode this name by the syllables there, but it seems to me that it’s hard not to screw it up, how not to return it, anyway, the business is french, in particular this company, these owners continue to work for the aggressor, well, bloody money, it is good, by the way, it does not bring happiness, it is so simple for the mind. fill the state budget
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of the aggressor country and these funds go to the war in ukraine, but let's return to the motherland, we will talk about filling our state budget, serhiy budhor will join us. chairman of the board of the transparent sale joint-stock company, good evening, good evening, mr. serhiy, well , i would like to talk with you about such a popular way of making money, it is the rental of state property, as far as possible talk about certain revenues to the state budget and demand for real estate rental among, well, entrepreneurs, in particular? so yes, rental auctions have been held in the transparent sales system for four years. of state and communal property, and for all this time 200 million uah of annual rental payments were received for budgets for budgets of different levels, and it should be noted that it was during martial
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law that this figure amounted to 80 million uah per year of rental payments, while if to compare military time and... and pre-war time, the main indicators are few changed, well, for example, the average increase in the price at the auction, as it was one and a half times before the full-scale invasion, and now remains at this level, while, for example, the average demand or the number of participants who come to the auction is increasing. i.e., if before, it used to be 1.3 participants, now it is a little more. mr. serhiy, who are the participants, in particular, who is interested in renting state real estate, in particular , we have just seen the lots offered on
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the prozoro sales site, these are entrepreneurs, this maybe public organizations, who is on the list of these participants? you are right, this is an enterprise. and there can be public organizations, small businesses, large businesses, private entrepreneurs, that is, anyone who has an interest in a certain object that belongs either to a local community, or to the state, or, for example, to a state property fund, and if this person, or this entrepreneur, or this company sees an interest in renting this space. or object, then they can register as a participant in the auction, submit all the necessary documents, pay the guarantee contribution and make your bid during the auction. specifically, what is offered are some
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separate premises, or maybe some apartments, non-residential premises in high-rise buildings, tell us about these lots, what kind of list of objects this is, it is a very wide spectrum. objects really from small premises or parts of premises that, for example, can be used for a barbershop or a coffee shop, or even for an atm, for example, yes, and more spacious or large objects, for example, logistic objects facilities, warehouses, they also lease equipment, for example, but mostly yes, it's real estate. mr. serhiy, i wonder which cities are currently leading, well, the top three in the ranking, the most popular for renting real estate. yes, we carefully monitor the activity of the organizers regarding rental auctions, and we
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see that during all this time, in principle, we have kept such five leaders, if we are talking about cities in particular. and this, well, in principle , is not surprising, since these leaders are kyiv, kharkiv, dnipro, odesa and lviv, and it leads both in terms of the number of auctions and volumes of sales, it is kyiv, and these cities have different ratings, if, for example, we compare the number. auctions and the amount of income, but in principle these five leaders are preserved, but what are the most expensive state-owned objects that are currently rented and how much do they bring to the state budget, for example, in the monthly equivalent, yes, yes, exactly, for example , among
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the most successful or indeed expensive examples, i would note that a warehouse was leased. moorings in odesa, annual lease payment for it is uah 2 million, for example, if we talk about objects that... which belong to local budgets, then we can mention the lease of a fruit and vegetable base in kyiv, and the rent for it is uah 1.7 million per year, for example, and the very end, traditionally, to remind ukrainians who have the opportunity, the desire, for example, to join a state program , it is their own business to take grants for business development, what needs to be done in order to lease state property and there, for example, to develop an enterprise . outline some specific tips, everything is actually very simple, you need to see,
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find the object you are interested in, this can be done on, for example, through the prozoro sales portal, or through the portal of any of the authorized sites that are connected to the transparent sales system, you need to investigate prepare a list of documents required for participation. him, pay a security deposit, and be online to bid on the day and time of the auction. thank you for your advice, serhii bud, chairman of the board of the transparent sale joint-stock company, joined the column about money during the war. vasyl, i have been dreaming of my own business for 20 years, and now there really is such a niche, such a window of opportunity for many ukrainians to take , for example, a grant for business development, if such a successful business really exists. the plan that will be approved, there are several options for renting real estate that can really
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be used for business development, i don't know, i took a risk on this, well, you really need to do it, just don't be afraid, understand that you definitely won't be killed for it yut, and well, get to work, if you are going to work, then for sure you can, well, here or in some other field, but really do things, well, study, that is, in any case, you need to invest time, invest a little money, it is possible to borrow somewhere, but study the market, study the needs, see some marketing things. if you don't know how, ask, pay, let them write you a normal business plan, by the way, it's just important that but if it's yours, if you really want it, then there are these grant programs, which i talk about from time to time in the column about money during the war, the usate, particularly the development agency of the united states, with non-refundable funds helps entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs to develop and start their own business, so who is interested in this, keep an eye on the section about money, i will say goodbye for today, the big broadcast is going on, there will be more... watch us now
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with us on connection, i will tell you what was shown today, what was the reaction of the audience, good evening, please, good evening, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers and the viewer, who really looks and sounds differently behind the two hares on the big screen , but i i want to tell you about another program and in particular about... the trailer for oleg sentsov's new film in a second, the trailer for the film real has already appeared, oleg tentsov filmed it just in the trenches and at the mykola chuko open festival they also talked about him, because there was such a whole program, a whole section, where we were told about the tapes that will be released literally in a month or two and ah... before that, some more distant prospects, because now we are seeing footage from this trailer, in fact, this is approximately what
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the film itself looks like , as far as i can understand, the point here is that i was told that oleg sentsov doesn't wear a gopro camera that often, here he put it on and the movie came out immediately, and then later in the fight, at first they more or less calmly discuss how the situation with the enemy has developed there, and at the end of this trailer they shout all day long: and actually go to battle , let's look at the break, they simply shot the bull out of fear, it turns out at once, they did not count the trench, that is, they entered 150 m, occupied it in principle immediately, so they stayed there , they shot the bull, there remained and live positions are obtained from them now brain there is nothing for them to shoot at, as if they will show this tape altogether. soon at the festival in karlovy vary at the end of june, and i'm sure that the audience will appreciate it, because
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it's not that often, let's face it, you can see a documentary film at festivals, which was shot directly by a fighter on the battlefield, and to be honest, there's sure to be such an active fight scene will be enough, but we are definitely waiting for this movie in the ukrainian box office, and what about the mykolaychuk open and its program, they were showing tapes that already... we have been to various film festivals, received awards, for example, oksana karpovich's film "peaceful people", which we talked about a lot, and i think it will become really popular when it comes out... on the big screen, when it is released, maybe it is will happen at the end of august, and now we can watch footage from it, the fact is that oksana krapovych combined the filming of the de-occupied territories with the interception of phone conversations of the russian military, with their relatives, of course terrible things are said there, i think that you heard all these intercepted conversations more than
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once and said that in berlin where they showed a candle, she made a huge impression on the public, because... well, foreigners treat russians much more loyally than we do, here many people opened their eyes to this brutality, absolute dehumanization, as well as the steppe of marina broda were shown on mykolech koken, marina broda received awards in trieste for such a significant festival, as well as an award for directing at the olokarno festival, also one of the most prestigious festivals, from marina, we have been waiting for this tape for a very long time, for years, and as you can see, they have been preparing for a long time. did not disappoint, it is about a man who comes to a very, very small village to his mother, who is already an elderly woman, who does not remember him, and he takes care of her, in fact, there is such a story told there, you know, how a man remembers all the years his house, the past, as well as memories of the holodomor, we will also definitely remind you when this candle is released in
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ukrainian cinemas, it is simply a must- see work, and i am very glad that... . we have such authors, such female directors, directors who can shoot films of such a high level, which cause a real resonance in the world of world venues. that's all for me, vasyl, i will continue to watch particular ukrainian cinema at the mykolai chuk open in chernivtsi. thank you very much lina. it's a pity that i'm not in chernivtsi at the mykolaychuk open, but it's not a pity either, because i'm next to natalka didenko. i am very glad to see her, good evening, ms. natalya, please, tell me about the weather, congratulations vasyl, congratulations, our dear viewers, now we will talk about the synoptic situation not only in chernivtsi, from where our wonderful lina chischenina spoke, all kinds of interesting things, well, a word about the weather and not only about the weather, literally in a second, we will now start
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our meeting with information about clouds, it seemed that here so special, we have seen those clouds and have been observing them all our lives, but still, we will talk with the synoptic, from the meteorological point of view, and a little for your attention, well, such dry, as we say, statistics, dry characteristics, clouds, this is a cluster of miniature drop of water of ice crystals or their mixtures, formed as a result of condensation or evaporation at an altitude of up to several kilometers, there are 10 main types of clouds and... of them are the most weighty, they can be divided into three more groups, depending on the height: these are low clouds, medium and the highest, lowest clouds are cumulus clouds, they form a dense gray covering that hides the sun when we are sad. cubic clouds are very beautiful, white, they resemble such rams or various figures that we watched in
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childhood looking at these white clouds, usually they are also called weather clouds, good weather, but... when they accumulate, they become thunderstorms and then turn into cumulus rain clouds, and these are already the most powerful and dangerous clouds, they bring such meteorological and dangerous phenomena as thunderstorms, showers, hail , squalls and can cause substantial damage, unfortunately, cirrus clouds are most often found, because they resemble bird feathers, they are formed from ice crystals, do not carry precipitation, but they are such prognostic harbingers of change. weather, there are still such clouds, they belong to the cumulonimbus of rain, these are anvil clouds, and tomorrow we will talk about them in more detail, because on june 17 such a cloud was observed, for example, in zaporizhzhia and confused many residents, well , we talked about clouds, tomorrow we will talk about the cloud, the anvil, and now we move on to behavior of the earth's magnetic field and now for your attention, as always, a prognostic diagram,
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from which it is clear that at the beginning of the day there will be a certain activation, so if you already... already somehow feel uncomfortable, or have a headache, or sleepiness, feel free to write it all off the future increased magnetic activity of the earth. well, actually , we move on to tomorrow's weather and we traditionally start our review, or rather our forecast from the western regions of ukraine. tomorrow in the western part of ukraine , the air temperature promises to be quite high, 27, 30, 27, 31° above zero on a day without precipitation. lots of sun, i.e. such a classic, classic summer. it will also be hot in the north of ukraine tomorrow, i immediately warn from 27 to 31°. well, sumshchi. and chernihiv region there is a possibility of such local rains with thunderstorms, and in zhytomyr region and kyiv region will be dry and, i repeat, hot. in the east of ukraine, the highest
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air temperature is the sun, dry air, increased fire danger, 29:31, in places up to 33°, especially in luhansk region. tomorrow, the central part of ukraine will also have hot summer weather, as promised, 29-32, 29-31°, a lot. and sometimes white cumulus clouds of good weather, which we just talked about, in the south of ukraine tomorrow the heat will be 30-34° above zero, without precipitation, the air temperature is high and the air is dry, so a high fire risk is also possible here danger, very, very carefully and carefully, and in kyiv, in the capital, tomorrow the weather is expected to be dry, sunny and hot 29, 30°, maybe with more... in intense solar heating up to +31, in the coming days, heat will continue, especially in the south and east, 30-34° will last, and on june 20, in the west
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and north of ukraine, there will be a short-term, but decrease in air temperature, but of course , keep a close eye on our updated weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, natalka. breakfast for information about the weather, well, i'll tell you at the end what's going on today the european football championship, the georgian national team is playing there, which for the first time entered the european football forum after the first half with turkey 1:1, well, in a word , no other team has suffered such a disgrace, which the ukrainian national team suffered, well, scotland germany 5:1 of course it doesn't count, we understand the strength of germany, in any case, i think that criticism has been enough for our players, we can support and wish them success. let it be, but in any case the most important thing we have to support is the armed forces ukraine, that's why we don't forget, donate, support, support our soldiers, who every day risk
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life and health, give life and health, for the sake of this battle continuing, so that we reach the victory that we all dream of, and we don't just dream, but we have to invest what we can now invest in this victory, we don't forget and thank the armed forces of ukraine, and we remember those who laid down their lives for us and with you. thanks for being with us, it was a program. great ether, i will say goodbye to you until tomorrow at 18:10, i wish you safe evening to our fighters of strength and god's protection and that they support each other, we will meet tomorrow, good evening, we from ukraine, salaam alaikum, welcome you to the joint broadcast of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv channel. we welcome you, traditionally we encourage you to subscribe to
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the espresso and atp youtube channels, set the bells, post your comments, questions about this broadcast, and if during the broadcast you will see a qr code on your screens, take out your smartphones, open the link and send a donation to the unit noman's name. jegan, who is directly fighting for the liberation of crimea, now you can directly see this qr code, go and send money, help our defenders liberate the peninsula. well, as usual, during this hour, this 40 minutes, and, apparently, if i'm not mistaken, we will talk about crimea, about the consequences of the strikes of the armed forces of ukraine on russian hostile objects on the territory. temporarily occupied crimea, well, the first block of our program, it is precisely dedicated to the military object and aspect, and we already have a guest whom we
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volodymyr zablotskyi, defense express naval expert, is ready for such a project, mr. volodymyr, congratulations, congratulations, salam alaikum, alaikumsyalam, hello, thank you for the invitation, let's traditionally sum up the past. week , what in your opinion was the most important thing that happened in crimea, which explosions were worth watching, which ones were the most important? well, first of all, we should pay attention to the systematic destruction of anti-aircraft weapons, large-scale, complex and consistent, that is, literally, that the missile batteries were destroyed in one moment. 300 h2 and one s-400 in three key points of crimea, which covered the approaches to the peninsula to the objects from different
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directions and... in fact, he was left without cover from the air, this, along with the destruction of the previous radar stations and new stations this time, is evidence, direct evidence that that the peninsula is being cleared of air defense assets and the opening of paths, so to speak, for future airstrikes by the ukrainian aviation to finally destroy... the military potential of the occupiers on the temporarily occupied peninsula, well, at the same time, we know, sir vladimir, that the russians are dropping systems, elements, at least the s500 system, our intelligence has reported this, whether or not these damage that we are doing, they are useless against the background of the fact that new air defense systems are constantly being dropped on the peninsula,
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they will be dropping , while it will be... thrown over, because the peninsula is so sacred for them, well, for putin, in particular, it is the goal for which he started this war and which, after deoccupation, will allow this war to be stopped, completed, so to speak, and why do they transfer, well, there was nothing else, because the use of cluster munitions, rockets in attacks is... ballistic missiles, let me remind you, does not allow you to restore what was attacked and damaged there, if earlier we said that the s400 was attacked near tarkhankut last year, yes, but in fact it was elements of the s-400 were attacked, the complex itself, well, it was more or less combat-ready, they changed the radar, they replaced something else there, and the complex was again waiting for an attack... the strike,
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this time it is a little different, it is a larger-scale damage , because cluster ammunition allows you to hit all elements, which were within reach, and it is possible to restore something there, but it is very, very difficult, that's why they are bringing new ones there, and by the way, there was a message from the main intelligence agency that was from crimea, if i'm not mistaken. from crimea they are taking s-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to belgorod region, it is very strange when they take s500 here and s300 there, but if you analyze why, well, they use s-300, it is more of an old complex for firing at they shoot at ground targets, in particular at kharkiv, well
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, somehow you know me, mr. volodymyr. i have the question is whether it is true that the russian s-300 and s-400 air defense systems simply do not have the potential and the ability to intercept american attackcoms, and that is why when the pentagon did not allow ukraine to attack the kremlin specifically, this was the main reason, because it definitely hits , surely neither the s-300 nor the s-400 will simply be able to intercept and shoot it down, is that really the case, and if we're talking about the... 500, do they have that capability and intercept atakams? you are right, the technical component also takes place, s 500 is the latest development of the enemy, but s400 they positioned with the name triumph as the best development, well, the last one was up to five hundred, and it is exported, and now, well, maybe
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so. and the report that families of air defense servicemen received a russian order, received an order to evacuate families from crimea, which they can testify to, why families need to be taken out, they are afraid of the activity of our partisans or some other story, there may be two warehouses here. two answers: the first is to remove, well, let's say , military families from the affected area, because the cluster, er, cluster combat unit intended for the destruction of a large area, and there is a military, a military town where these families of these anti-aircraft fighters live, and they are in the risk zone, they see it, they analyze it and want to...


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