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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is working in the studio. head on a 47-year-old man received stab wounds in the nighttime russian attack by drones on the lviv region in malykhov. doctors provided him with help on the spot - reported the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. 20 windows of a multi-story residential building were damaged, as well as the office premises in ponivychyna. air defense forces destroyed all five shahedds that attacked the area. first, four drones entered the airspace. already under
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the time of the second alarm is still one. a 50-year-old woman was injured in the kharkiv region, the russians launched an airstrike on the village of slatine. aviation ammunition hit the private yard where the victim was. the woman has an explosive injury. she is in the hospital, the regional prosecutor's office reported. at least 10 residential buildings and an administrative building were damaged. the russians killed. one resident of donetsk region, three others were injured. the enemy shelled kurakhivka with artillery. a 70-year-old man died, another local was injured. private houses were damaged, the prosecutor's office said region the occupiers also attacked the village of zarichne. a 58-year-old man was injured. he was in the house during the shelling. the russian invaders once again shelled yar as well. there, a 69-year-old resident received shrapnel wounds. since the beginning of the year
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, 51 people have died in sumy oblast, the head of the region volodymyr artyukh reported. evacuation of the population is currently underway in the region. residents of 28 border settlements left their homes. let me remind you that last year in july they announced the evacuation of the population from the five-kilometer zone from the border, which is 100 towns and villages. in addition, in forced evacuation has been implemented in velyka pyserivka and seredinobuda. families with children. during this time, almost 200 people left, including more than 200 children. and the espresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they choose victory every day, and not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield, so for
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evacuation atvs are indispensable assistants, and they also allow move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so our goal is uah 4 million. join the collection, do not be indifferent, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. schedules of hourly blackouts will be in effect in ukraine today throughout the day. industrial and household consumers will be switched off. according to okerenergo, electricity consumption increased due to the heat. feeding critical infrastructure will not be restricted. power engineers have created new electricity supply schemes. of energy in kyiv
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tripled the number of multi-apartment buildings that are connected to critical infrastructure lines and do not turn off during schedules. now there are only 4% of such high-rise buildings, dtk reported. as late as the fall of 2022 , almost 1,500 homes were on the same lines as critical facilities. and now only 510 houses in the capital always have light. kazakh journalist aidos sadikov, who was assassinated the day before in kyiv, is in custody he is in critical condition in the intensive care unit, he has a head injury. this was reported by his wife natalia. the woman is convinced that the president of kazakhstan tokayev, who is known for his pro-russian position, was involved in the assassination attempt. aido sadikov, known for his criticism of the kazakh authorities on his own youtube channel. the day before , the prosecutor general's office announced that... something happened in
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the shevchenkiv district of the capital, an intruder shot a journalist and ran away. a pre-trial investigation is ongoing. a possible solution is that local councils will now be able to officially finance the armed forces forces of ukraine. the relevant law was supported in the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the document was supported by 303 people's deputies. from now on, communities can purchase drones, first-aid kits, pickup trucks, and spare parts for cars from the budget and transfer them to units. also, local councils will be able to finance the creation of fortifications. the adopted law expands the list of powers of local self-government bodies. and amends article 26 on the competence of village, settlement and city councils. it is the communities that decide in what amounts and when exactly to transfer the funds, it is theirs a right, not an obligation, and this is a right that many communities have already used, we have seen how
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cities and even small towns or villages were transferred from the budgets of communities, the same pickup trucks, the same drones, now it will all be on a much larger scale, because finally it's right. it is returned to communities to dispose of their funds and for military units, it is extremely important, there are safeguards in the draft law, it is not possible to purchase weapons, ammunition, the creation of private armies or feudal principalities is excluded, we are talking only about non-lethal forms and what is most scarce at the front today. the supreme council of justice unanimously upheld the decision of the third disciplinary chamber regarding the dismissal of judge larisa bogomolo. who is suspected of treason. according to law enforcement officers, in march 2022 , she cooperated with the fsb of russia and passed on information about the transfer of three azov soldiers from mariupol to the mangush district in donetsk region. in addition, she urged other
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court employees to support the russian military and cooperate with them. later, she moved to poltava, where she became the head of the poltava district court. may 5. 2023 larisa bogomolova was taken into custody. she faces 15 years in prison or life imprisonment. the direct losses of the nuclear power plant due to the russian occupation of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant exceeded uah 210 billion. acting chairman of the company's board petro kotin said this. according to kotin , every month through a simple zaporizhzhya ec. this is taking into account the losses due to the forced relocation of the station's employees to the territory under the control of the government of ukraine. earlier, the minister of energy herman galushchenko said that zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant will be fully restarted after his return
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ukraine, it will take years. ukrainian fencer olena kryvytska at the european championship in switzerland. after the match, basel refused to shake the hand of the russian, who represents georgia. a russian woman named guchmazova reacted to the act of a ukrainian woman with obscene language. olena kryvytska won the match with a score of 15:9. as you know, last year at the world championship, the ukrainian fencer olga harlan also refused to shake hands with the russian. after that, the international fencing federation announced. about changing the rules. you can find more information on our youtube channel, and there live from the ether broadcast, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot topics in the shorst section, subscribe,
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comment, your opinions are important to us. read more news on our website and on our social networks. join in, put your favorites, this is the end of the issue, then welcome to the air my colleagues, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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estoy muy bien good morning, hard night, another hard night has passed in ukraine, actually since the evening the day before from the south of ukraine from the temporarily occupied territories, in particular. shaheds flew, flew to the center, flew mostly through
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mykolaiv oblast, odesa, vinnytsia oblast and flew all the way to lviv oblast. the first reports are from about the results of the air defense, it is precisely in the lviv region that all five shaheds who flew there were defeated by our defenders . artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, this is... not the brigade that shot down the shaheds over the lviv region or other areas, but we remember that it is all one big organism, so as a sign of gratitude, if you heard that something was flying today, but you were not affected, please donate, if you slept peacefully, then even more so, because 2 5 million hryvnias need to be collected, and at this moment 670 hryvnias are already there, let's listen to the mood with which the military speaks about it, i wish you health, we, these art reconnaissance units of the hundredth brigade, ask you to join our collection for drones and their
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components , which will help us in the future to destroy the enemy and protect our homeland, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we also have information that there are now three russian missile-carrying ships in the black and azov seas, 1,130 occupiers were eliminated in the previous day, and now officially from the third assault ship. the message that in kharkiv oblast, the front line bordering luhansk oblast, is one of the most intense, because we remember that the russians have become active again precisely in luhansk oblast, about kharkiv oblast, we will further ask our first guest today, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of kharkiv oblast of the regional council, with we are in touch, glory to ukraine, mr. oleksandr, glory to the heroes, good morning, did you manage to rest a little that night in the kharkiv region, did it become a little... quieter, and what about the shelling? you know, we managed to make it through,
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because the alarm was announced at 9:10 p.m. yesterday evening, and it was canceled only at 6:25, so we practically slept in alarm, but there were no sirens, and some people slept, because the whole the night was alarming, but we could hear when they were hitting... kabami in the direction of lipetsk, there along veselmo, along liptsi, and this front line now we are at such a sensitive distance to the city, and we feel both the work of the mlrs and the work of the cabs, when they explode, it is directly audible in the city, and we also have it from the reports of our military, an additional band of tension is the area borova, where... the russians are trying to increase the pressure to capture
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the end of the luhansk region, there is a strip there that has not been captured, and they, according to our military, are planning to make a breakthrough and reach certain strategic points for them, so in us stabilized situation with there are constant hostilities with the military in the lipetsk area, there are constant hostilities in the vovchanchan... area, there is information that there is still an encirclement at the aggregate plant in the city of vovchansk, we constantly see the work of our aviation and hear how our aviation works, and we can see it visually, how it flies in, takes off, this is the eastern part of the city constantly feels these flights, and also in... we have significantly reduced explosions in the city, now
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since the beginning of this month in we weren't there neither s-300s nor s-400s arrived, because after all , our military destroyed some of these installations, some of them were simply taken away, because they understand that they cannot be kept safely in the belgorod region, therefore for the citizens and for ... it has become much easier to live in kharkiv, but there are still cabs with which they drive around our city, and these so-called umps. d-30s, which, this is also an element of kaba, a guided air missile, which is constantly at its core, it is chaotic, they fly around the city, but it has become much, much easier. of in the belgorod region, there was a report that people there are already so frightened, probably that even on agricultural
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machinery tractors are installed with the eyes of barbecues from drones, explained in particular by the fact that... because in case of what, if something happens to such machinery, then there is no compensation, if it was not at least protected by this brazier, and that people terribly complain that somewhere their houses are on fire, but they are silent about the fact that mostly soldiers, military men have already settled in these houses, and of course, that this already then it becomes a target, because there is fire coming from there, how do they react on the other side of the border to the fact that... it is getting quieter in kharkiv, they are louder, you know, it is difficult for us to assess their emotions, because the entire border area is constantly exploding, artillery is working, mortars are working,
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reconnaissance and sabotage groups are constantly coming out of their territory, very intensively, constantly working... our specialists are on fpidrons, so it is obvious that those barbecues that they are trying to protect their equipment, they will not really help anything there , because, for example, on in the vovchanchan direction, where they captured a small strip of territory, they constantly try to build defensive structures, dig trenches, then this equipment is instantly destroyed by our defense forces, and thus... they all understand that it is simply impossible to do in the border areas today with that the intensity of the fividrons and the work of our military, and it is impossible to do anything on the equipment, and they simply cover their equipment with braziers, which go to the border areas not to do any agricultural
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work, but go to do defense work structures, and in this way they disguise under... civilian equipment, under civilian equipment they simply disguise military personnel who are engaged in building defense structures, it is very, you know, for us, well, it is very difficult to comment on what they have, what they have on on thoughts, but they must feel, and they feel now, that in the game they have been playing with us for more than two years, when constantly from their territory. the city of kharkiv, peaceful people are constantly dying, you can play together, and now our military, and quietly work with aviation on their territory and on the territory that they they are trying to capture, and the drones are working calmly all over the border, absolutely, and
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we are working calmly on the territory of the belgorod region, therefore... we understand their emotion, they must understand that for everything they do with ukrainians, they will be responsible, each of them, we are absolutely not interested in what they think there, let them get used to the fact that they will also receive all the torments that they brought and misery, grief and trouble to ukrainians. mr. oleksandr, their intentions to attack the thief, in particular, is evidenced by the fact that it is huge the number of... people in their personnel is already 10,000 russians, there is a huge number of artillery systems, they are withdrawing equipment, do you know how this affects the front line and the middle of the night, where vovchansk, where do they draw this personnel, does it become easier in the middle of the night, or vice versa is this all from the south of donetsk region? it
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is difficult for me to comment on the situation in our north, but there is information from the military that they... are shifting their troops in order to strengthen their failed offensive, which they organized, and to date they have not made any progress there, only the destruction of a very large number of personnel is taking place, well, for example, according to experts' estimates , about 400 are blocked at the aggregate plant. . people, part of them surrendered for the weekend, and they have no security there, they are trying to do something with drones, dropping some kind of weapons. bull there is food and so on, but 400 people are definitely blocked, and the defense force will do everything, for them to remain there or to
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surrender, thus their losses are very high, and they admit it at all levels, that the losses are very high, so in fact the goal they were pursuing was to, on the contrary , dilute our defense forces from the south , from the south. on the contrary, they received a weakening of half of the southern directions, and now they have to shift their forces in order to somehow, well , how to call it correctly, to somehow endure, to show their face, since you have already, since they have already entered the territory of kharkiv region exactly in that format, they have to keep some, some part of it anyway to show that it was... it was all for nothing for them, but in fact a completely failed, completely failed offensive and with very , very heavy losses for them, our
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defense forces are holding strong, the situation there is completely controlled and stabilized, have you already figured out, mr. oleksandr, how to apply this permission for local councils to finance the defense forces, or do you already have a concept of what you will do in the near future? well, i personally, as a deputy and our faction, we were against withdrawing the personal income tax of the military, because a scheme was set up where local councils very powerfully financed military units, their people, who were mobilized from their own, from this or that otg, and it was simply a collapse, a collapse of the system, and itself ... governance and the collapse of the financing system, well, now they have come to their senses and decided that we will still allow it to be done, of course, there is progress, of course, this is
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good news, because we can help directly, we can help without practically any restrictions, eat , which has been going on for more than two years war, and such a decision should be, it was made a long time ago, well, actually right away, because... this symbiosis between the otg, between finance, between the otg and the military is very powerful in our country, and it was not necessary to break it, but on the contrary, it was necessary to strengthen, increase the opportunities and the amount of funding that was provided directly, because the adjustment between, between the budgetary sphere of the otg and the military was simply fantastic, and we were very, very sad when we voted... this law on the cancellation personal income tax of the military was simple everyone is depressed because all the financial and financial schemes have broken down, now there are fewer
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budgets, but the very fact that you can finance, you can help the military, is very positive, i think that all otg will take advantage of it. mr. oleksandr, thank you for the initiative, thank you for participating in our broadcast, oleksandr skoryk was with us, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, we see that already now... and local councils can, if with permission, finance the defense forces, although we understand what happened many other initiatives that all equally helped our defenders. we are not limited, so every time, as you see, donate the qr code, because no one ever forbids us to do this, and we already have a summary from the air force for this night, out of 21 shaheed that flew over ukraine, 19 were shot down, a really great result. we are going to take a short break, then we will talk about other regions, about dnipropetrovsk region, in particular, we remember there, the same nikopol, marganets and communities are constantly being shelled, wait. we will
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analytics, more important topics, more. more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, verdict with serhiy rudenko , from tuesday to friday from 20:00 to 22:00. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc ride, boys ride, quad bike - this is the way from zero to our life at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we invite everyone to join nato in gathering from scratch to life on atvs for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. we are coming back and now we are contacting kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk
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regional council. mrs. kateryna, glory to ukraine. thank you for joining, glory to the heroes, congratulations, we see that the previous days were intense with shelling, and artillery, and drones, and this is all in nikopol, for the most part, as it was this night, and whether this is the story of artillery and drones, all the details are still unknown as of tonight, so i can’t say everything, but from the beginning of the day, or rather, well, this day, from the beginning of this... a drone was shot down in kryvorizhzhia, everything about the wreckage well, they didn't get there, as happens in private houses, so kudos to the air defense. if we talk about nikopol region, then the shelling really continues, they have intensified in the last three weeks, probably, but we can also talk about the fact that we are also starting to fight back a little from nikopol region
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district well, if we talk about the nikopol district, there is one positive change regarding the water supply system, because some communities of the nikopol district already have clean dnieper water since yesterday . you, yes with water, yes, this is a water pipe, yes, which has three branches and two branches. has already been completed, and yesterday it was officially launched, nikopol itself has not yet reached this water supply, but the myriv community and another community of the nikopol district already have clean water, because before that there were such reserves of water and it was not very good, well, in a word , it is very important, especially when the summer, the heat, and in fact that clean water is very, very necessary.


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