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tv   [untitled]    June 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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russia is threatening nato countries with world war iii, but at least in the vicinity of one of the nato countries, finland, it does not appear to be preparing for war. russian bases near the finnish border are almost empty, writes the finnish publication uyule. approximately 80% of the equipment and soldiers were transferred to... the war in ukraine. my name is vlasta lazur. this is svoboda live. finnish journalists received satellite images of all russian bases and garrisons near the russian-finnish border. most of the pictures were taken in may. the bases have been heavily emptied - writes the publication with reference to a high-ranking source in finnish military intelligence. they show that russia sent a significant part of its weapons to the war against ukraine. only instructors and contract recruits remained at the bases.
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sent to fight according to the interlocutors of the publication, russia is raking in equipment and military personnel from its bases not only near the borders of finland, but throughout its vast territory, except for the moscow region. then where can a new or repeated russian offensive begin in ukraine, in which direction? the day before, deep state analysts reported that the russian troops gathered the so-called shock fist in the luhansk region in the section from raihorodka to novovodyanyi, which is 20 km... from the village of borova in the kharkiv region. we are talking about 10,000 military personnel and 450 units of military equipment, 200 of which are artillery systems. this morning , roman kudryashov, the deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade, reported on radio svoboda that russian troops had little tactical success in the area of ​​the village of borova. listen. and here it's not a matter of distance, it's a question of the number of enemies who... are trying
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to break through the defense line and go directly to such a logistical node of borov, uh, now the main direction of concentration of efforts and the direction of the main strike is now primarily the lane of the third separate assault brigade, and the enemy has been accumulating, accumulating troops for more than a month, and sending these troops in the battle directly in this area, so uh, we will use all the... obvious forces and means in order to respond, to hold the defense. today, the enemy does not have any successes, we are not even talking about operational ones, these are purely tactical successes, but even for these tactical successes, the enemy, believe me, pays a very high price. the day before , volodymyr zelenskyi said that after ukraine began striking russian territory with western weapons, russia's offensive in the kharkiv region slowed down, according to zelenskyi, the situation was affected by the destruction of
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russian positions and launchers near the border. what is happening in kharkiv oblast and what can we expect from the russian offensive in the borova area? dmytro kozhubenko, officer of the planning section of the border brigade, major of the national guards of ukraine. congratulations. good day studio, good day, dear viewers. tell us what is happening at the front, in particular in the kharkiv direction, more precisely in izyumsk in the borova region, right now, and what, how the situation may develop. due to the fact that russia is forming a certain shock fist nearby, as deeppstate writes. well, the situation is developing in such a way that the russian federation is now normally grabbing by the neck, so they are withdrawing their reserves in order to achieve the tactical successes they had at the beginning of the month, in fact, already there the month is advancing, that's how they are called on kharkiv, that is. but the only question is what, well, what
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was the main purpose of this attack? and it is known that the enemy already a week ago was moving reserves from the kherson region to the kharkiv region, this indicates that he no longer has many units that they can use to participate in hostilities, from those that are not standing . directly on the contact line, and somewhere in the withdrawal areas, and that is why talking about any large-scale plans, well, i would not undertake, considering this aspect, but the information that the russian federation withdrew a large amount of reserves, namely in the area of ​​the settlement of borova, i do not have such information, it is not the area of ​​responsibility of the rubizh brigade, but i cannot trust others... more competent in this
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matter, and judging by all this , one can only conclude that the enemy's main goal is to reach the state borders. donetsk luhansk oblast to begin to implement their original plan of their entire unleashed war, already further in further to see how this whole situation will continue, taking into account the fact that they will probably carry out the first stage of their plan there, well, then i have a question, look, the day before volodymyr zelenskyy said... that after when ukraine started using western weapons and attacking russian territory, the offensive in kharkiv region slowed down. what, perhaps, would you add to this thesis, what role did this authorization for the use of western weapons play in principle, because it happened within of the defense of kharkiv oblast, if russia is now forming
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a certain fist there, a shock fist, gathering troops in the luhansk region, i understand that the permission will no longer be valid. well, i don't know, i don't work in the ministry of foreign affairs, but i know for sure that it was the permission to impress objects on the territory of the russian federation with western weapons that freed our hands for and it gave us the opportunity to destroy their logistical routes. logistics points, which stretches their delivery arm. logistics, i.e. ammunition, the same reserves, tightening of equipment and everything else, and considering the fact that the enemy is currently trying to reach the borders in the luhansk region, well, let's see, maybe the western
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partners will give us the go-ahead to use weapons in this direction as well, it's all a matter of politics, as already they will agree there, yes... we see, of course, there is no such decision yet, or at least no one has talked about it publicly, i have one last question for you, and it does not directly concern kharkiv oblast, we literally discussed on the air yesterday that the law on strengthening mobilization has been working for a month now, have you somehow felt the effect of this law for yourself at the front? no, rubish's brigade did not directly experience any significant changes, because unfortunately for the national guard of ukraine , staffing of our units is not a priority in the tsk, now the armed forces of ukraine are more massive than we are in terms of staff, and their units are more numerous. and it is logical that they are a priority for replenishment
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with mobilization resources, but we, the national guard and the border brigade as a whole, we still we do not stop, recruits are coming to... us, of course, there are not as many of them as we would like, but i would like men to come to their senses and make a willful decision to defend their country and come more en masse, join units where they want to serve, not where they will be told, unfortunately, this amorphous mass that remains, they are already there, i think they will sit out. and there they are me, well, i will say that it is not me, because the war is actually very cruel, people get out of line, people get tired, they i need a rest, and if any of the men think that it will be possible to sit out,
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do not sit out, i thank you very much for joining our broadcast, dmytro kozhubenko, officer of the planning section of the border brigade, major of the national guard of ukraine, we talked about the situation on kharkiv oblast, remembered. also mobilization and we are joined by serhiy krivonos, reserve major general of the security service of ukraine and first deputy commander of special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine 2016-19. congratulations. good evening, greetings to all the only correction was that he never had anything to do with the security service. special operations forces, yes, armed forces of ukraine, yes. sorry. mr. general, then the question for you is, what can be said about these messages from the deep state. yesterday they wrote about the fact that in luhansk region russia is forming a certain fist and is striking there, and obviously they are aiming at the boar, what is it, what kind of area is it, why exactly there, in general, how do you see the situation in this particular direction, as
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regards borova, the russians already tried to conduct an offensive on this last year direction, and it is important enough for them, if you look at the map, it is enough... a good junction and, you know, such a good starting point for the russian offensive they are planning, therefore... the situation is clear to our military leaders, it is predictable and they directly take all measures to thwart such intentions of the enemy, and to intensify actions in this direction, of course it was better to strike in anticipation of the accumulation of enemy units than when they will already go directly on the offensive, because on in another area, for example, we have enough eh... there was a serious puncture, unfortunately, we stepped on the same rake that we step on
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quite often, especially recently, this is exactly what the enemy, due to active and properly organized intelligence, discovered, discovered directly , when the rotation between the brigades took place, and one brigade did not have time to enter, as he immediately launched a powerful offensive in these areas and achieved certain such good results at the tactical level, we... that i would like to believe that conclusions will still be drawn, because this is not the first and no this is the second time such a problem appears. and who should draw what conclusions? leaders who plan the rotation of military units on the front line, how to do it, you don't even have to invent anything, everything was written down in the governing documents a long time ago, if you were to do it. in reality, as it was written , i think there were no such problems, and today we started the program by quoting
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a publication in the finnish media, they report with reference to intelligence that russia is massively ravaging all the bases there near the finnish border, equipment , people, and they it is assumed that all forces were transferred to ukraine, and tell me, please, are these two parallel processes that do not intersect, or will russia now be forming some... preparing for some kind of repeated offensive in one of the directions? they will form and they continue to form, let's say correctly, they continue to form military units, arm them with equipment, remove storage equipment, transfer it from other circles, and it is not a fact that it is immediate. will only be for the territory of ukraine, the accumulation of certain force means may
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also be in other areas of the russian border, not necessarily, not necessarily on the border with ukraine or how, i did not understand. putin has long had a dream, after all, to return the baltic states to the bosom of the former soviet union. and at one time they worked out options for seizing the baltic states several times during exercises, such an option should not be ruled out either, and as for the ukrainian direction, well, it has enough power of means at this point in time, they have enough power of means in reserve, and now look , why did he activate directly in two directions, he even activated in three directions, this is... torytsk, this is the expected barova, and after all, the pokrovsky direction, this is
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exactly what activation at the beginning of such successful offensive actions in these directions will allow, to cut our group in donetsk direction and at certain moments i will even have the opportunity to surround myself. the russians do not need a long offensive war, they do not have enough resources. you can say long for a long positional war, that's it. not for the offensive day of building up these efforts not so much, that's why their task is to create conditions for the environment, put pressure, you know, on the psyche of our leaders and force ukraine to sit down at the table of changes. and what role did the permission to use american weapons play? we mean american weapons, for the territory. is within the defense of kharkiv region? i think, i don't think, it's not bad enough, but
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it reduced the ability of the russians to destroy kharkov, but not one hundred percent, and i hope that the permission will be increased, and we will be able to force the enemy to remove the planes from the front line, at least to a depth of up to 300 km there, this will significantly reduce it. the enemy's ability to use guided bombs, cabs. i have one more question, it doesn't really concern the front, but nevertheless, today the verkhovna rada approved a draft law regarding the creation of the military police, well, as i understand it, it is proposed to create a certain military formation with law enforcement functions, which will have the purpose or task of ensuring law and order, military discipline, and just then the deputies from the opposition say that this will not achieve anything, that it is simply the creation of another of another repressive body, what is your assessment, what is your attitude to this
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initiative? this is not an initiative, this is a draft law that has already been adopted by the verkhovna rada, whether mr. zelensky will sign it, we will see, but i'm sorry, you can't be half pregnant for such a pun, why, because they will directly create such a function of the military police, it's a matter of creating system of military justice, and it is necessary to create not only military police, it is necessary to create and properly create a military prosecutor's office, create military prisons, to create a layer of military lawyers and military courts, then in sum it will work. this is an example of our foreign partners, including the united states, how well it works, because only the apparatus of violence, as you rightly said, will not give anything, because we create in such a way as to put people in a certain position and force them to do certain things, but we we are not creating a defense system, because our lawyers will continue to remain civilians, and we have had many problems, even
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following the example of the same chervinsky, following the example of the same malakhov, following the example of the same dudin, when lawyers... military civilians do not have access to state secrets and cannot fully use the materials of the investigation. this is humiliation, this is oppression and this is disrespect for the military. but it is quite convenient for the authorities to manipulate like this: i have all the powers, and you have nothing. therefore, it is a process for the sake of the process, but as it was announced, they fell loudly , just like the team of unmanned systems. there is a commander, he has powers. not provided, there is no command, there are no military units subordinate to him, there is no command was not created, and it did not become a manager of a certain level for the use of funds, there is a process, but there is no result, the same is the case with the military police, there is good pr, we will be told everything, how cool it will be, and the result is in whose favor, and what in in principle served as a reason for such a
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legislative initiative to appear in principle, you say there is a question whether the president will sign it? well, apparently the president is aiming to sign it, or at least he's politically supporting it, because after all, most of his political power voted for this bill today. well, by the way, the question is that this function will allow the military police to be used at certain times, including for the mobilization of people. and the national police, which has always, you know, stood aside. was sanctioned from participating in these processes, although it is clearly stated there that local self-government bodies are responsible for mobilization, the national police at the level of oblasts and districts is precisely subordinate to the heads of local self-government, and the problem is that the police generally took a step aside and will not take any part in this, this is the biggest problem, well, it seems to me that
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the ministry has repeatedly explained that everyone must perform their functions, that their function is... ensuring law and order and security there, and the function of the tsc, if we say about subpoenas, handing out subpoenas, i simply do not understand what the question of this military police is, well, you yourself have already answered from the very beginning, as a body of influence, that is, as a punitive body to achieve certain results, no more, no less, if was created in the same sequence as me said, the courts, the bar, military prison, then it would be... a system, and that's how we do it, we just raise our fist, and which will sway as the state leadership needs, no more, no less, and including me as i understand it, it is assumed that such a military police will consider any violations of the military by the military, i will honestly say that knowing the specifics of the military service of the first order, and now the military police, they will not
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arrest that number, theoretically it should be so, they will not arrest. such amount offenses that are allowed, as regards the daily, what we call turnover, yes, and they will send a huge number of freelance investigators from the military units, who will not perform their official duties in the military units, but will deal with the turnover of the military police, well we are going in circles, we have already gone through it several times, i thank you very much, serhii kryvonos, general, major general of the reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, we talked about the situation at the front and we talked about the initiative establishment of the military police in ukraine, the corresponding draft law was voted in the first reading. thank you. well, in ukraine, they again took up the task of restarting the bep, this bureau of economic security, i say again, because this story has been going on for a very long time, and it seems that it
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has neither end nor end, once, for example, the head of the servant of the people party, davyd tarahamia , publicly stated that the bureau of economic security works inefficiently, and therefore it should be liquidated, despite the fact that more than 100 million uah were spent on the launch of the bureau in the 21st year from budget, this is the money of ukrainian taxpayers, that is, your money. today, the verkhovna rada committee on finance approved the bill on the restart of the bep, but this project, as opposition deputies and some public organizations claim, was not agreed with international partners. why is this so important? well, because restarting the bep is one of the requirements of the international monetary fund, from which ukraine receives money, not for nothing, in exchange for reforms. but they have to be real reforms, not decorative, relatively speaking. in the final text of the draft law on peresava. as if the norms and amendments that ensure the independent composition of attestation and personnel commissions are not taken into account, the anti- corruption center reports. the cpc stated that the government and parliament
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are failing the beb reform at the behest of andrii yarmak, and claim that it is the president's office that is pushing the fake reform of the economic security bureau, which ignores the opinions of international partners. how true is this, what does it mean? according to the information of the cpc in the relevant... c the head of the president's office, andrii yermak, also participated in the negotiations, and it was he who gave the instruction to support the text, which was not agreed by the partners, which excludes independent experts from the processes of attestation and personnel selection. we will remind that the reform of the bep, including the cleaning of the body, is a requirement of the financing program from the international monetary fund, as well as under the ukraine facility program from the european union and direct budget support from the usa. yaroslav zheleznyak, people's deputy, faction joined our broadcast. and deputy chairman of the committee on finance, tax and customs policy. congratulations. good evening. i remember that at the beginning of the year, the ambassadors of the group of seven countries already wrote letters to prime minister shmygal, to
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the head of the office of president yarmak, and to the head of the parliament, the speaker of the parliament stefanchuk. in which they warned them against adopting the reform of the bureau of economic security, which does not meet the requirements of both european integration and the international monetary fund. let's say that as of... now the partners want what they see this reform of the bep and what it offers ukrainian government? i ask you, yaroslav, to compare expectations and reality. well, come on, i'll add very briefly, firstly, everything that was just mentioned in the plot is completely true, secondly, the price of correct reform for ukraine now is 3 billion in direct financial aid alone. and i will remind you that ukraine is losing tens of billions on legal markets. and prosper thanks to , well, not actually the work of the economic security bureau, so for us it is directly important in order to pay pensions and salaries, and secondly in order to have money for
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army, with which, unfortunately, there are huge problems now. now, what do we have for now? the story with beb has been going on for a very long time, i am not afraid to say here that i spent two years of my life to make it happen, and now we have a stage. its reading, it was difficult enough before that, the government tried together with the president’s office to pass a fake reform for the first time, thank god, the parliament then gave its answer and it was not accepted by the ukrainian parliament, then there was some kind of compromise revision, during which officially mouth, the government and the head of the coalition publicly stated that all the promises that er... given to the g7 will be kept during the second reading, and strangely enough, but indeed the government's report included amendments that meet these requirements, but
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as usual at the last moment on the instructions of the president's office, here again everything is correctly stated in the statement, it is said in the statement of the cpc, there are some facts that it is on the instructions of the president's office, where does such confidence come from, well, because yesterday there was a meeting with the ambassador... j7, who said clearly enough what the requirements are, we until the evening, they did not have any information about what the text would be. let me remind you, the deadline is literally two days away, and today we were officially told that this is the position of the president's office, and whoever officially told you about it, on the committee, representatives of the servants of the people, or who are the representatives of the servants of the people, including ms. sverdenko, and the first vice-prime minister, if i am not mistaken, of the cabinet of ministers, so once again, well here... the situation is quite clear, as if the president's office is categorically against the fact that experts from international partners,
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not international, er,... citizens, but simply experts who will be chosen together with business, together with international partners, who have to do two tasks: first, to see who are the people who are currently working on the web and those , who do not meet the requirements, or who cannot explain their property, and there, unfortunately, it is more, they should be fired, secondly, in their place recruit people who will again meet the requirements and will fight with all these financial crimes that exist, that is, international partners are asking conduct certification there. certification of employees, that’s right, certification and recruitment of new ones, this composition of these commissions is exactly what we are putting to the problem that now separates ukraine from 3 billion. and the position that was expressed on april 27 is the official colloquium, so it has been communicated to the government many times, and how not strangely, the government officially reacted to this, well , that is, it was already a promise, that this commission will consist of three representatives from the director of the newly elected baby. and from three
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experts who will be pledged by international partners, it's normal, it's about trust, well, i think that if our government were to think about filling the budget, it would be logical enough, if i were them, on the contrary, i would demand an even greater presence of independent experts here, but now there is the position of the president's office to throw international partners out of there and accept some incomprehensible version, i don't want to go into the essence, but very simply, which does not meet the requirements. mvfility and how you correctly again quoted the central committee of the future requirements under 7.8 billion, and what is the motivation for such a decision, maybe there is some appropriate motivation in the president's office, why, why fail the bep reform with your own hands, if it is one of the beacons of the international monetary fund? well, i probably only have my own interpretation here, it is difficult for me to understand the logic of all my colleagues for the five years that we
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have been working with them. i think, even more so now, but i think that the main motivation is to somehow at least partially leave the political influence on this body, because babe is, if he works correctly, he is the one who will prevent the illegal factories of tyutinov from producing this naughty tobacco and, accordingly, steal tens of billions, which are probably already being shared in some way , including with certain representatives of the government, this is the one who will ensure that at energaatam and other state enterprises... open corrupt procurements take place, this is the one who will control international technical assistance and, again, to investigate financial crimes, this is the body that, together with nabu, is entrusted with the actual complete elimination of all corrupt black money flows, which in one way or another are still present in the ukrainian political system, yaroslav, are you claiming that the president's office wants to control black flows? i maintain that
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the office of the president is now... controlled by the babe, and they don't see these black streams, as someone who has studied a little logic, i think the following logical series is sufficiently understood, moreover, i remember your wonderful interview with mr. marchenko, the minister of finance, who also directly stated that, for example, customs is not controlled by the ministry of finance, but by law enforcement officers, if we look at the criminal code, or the authority of the baby, then we very quickly find that the issue of smuggling, even commodity smuggling , is now already from... july 1, this is an issue that is directly subordinated to the bureau of economic security. what will happen, very briefly, what will happen if the ukrainian parliament, at the request of the ukrainian government, or as you say, at the request of the president's office, passes the draft law on bep in the form in which the ukrainian authorities see it, and not in which they see it international partners? well, then there will be a law that will work halfway, and we will not get it money, but here i will tell you the good news right away, that
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as of now, we have been informed that... because this text has not been agreed with international partners, there are currently some consultations going on, i don't know there at the level with the ambassadors or with the president's office, and we are still waiting for one meeting of the committee, at which, according to good tradition, stepping on all rakes, receiving all the negativity, once again undermining trust with partners, i hope that the government will come out with a more, well, let's say adequate position, in the end we will adopt a normal text, we will get money and fulfill three requirements. well, probably the most expensive demand of all there is now is to somehow reboot the economic security bureau. yaroslav, i have one more question, it concerns the prosecutor general's office. you called andrii kostin, the prosecutor general to the verkhovna rada, but he did not come. you wanted to ask him how his deputy, dmytro verbytskyi, is doing, from whom our colleagues found out that his common-law wife or girlfriend has acquired numerous fortunes there, the car is not moving.


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