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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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read this better peace formula, and now there will be a certain crystallization, in particular the positions of china, well, china or the saudis, well, the saudis, they are acting in an alliance there, even the same switzerland, because when you good people say that there must be two sides , but one side is like that, russia, that's how it understands peace, fair, that's how it understands international, international, international order. it understands territorial integrity in such a way that you are going to look for common points of contact with such a country, it does not at all recognize those treaties in which it itself signed, starting there, i don't know, from the moment of the creation of the united nations organization, because it, although russia, by the way, never went through the procedure for acquiring membership in the united nations organization correctly, it received it outside the procedural rules of this organization , despite all the international
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treaties that exist in the world, she violated them, she does not recognize them, well, how much can you do with a person who is already there under the jurisdiction of the international criminal court, how much can you say that we need to look for points of contact and to conduct negotiations of any kind in this way, how will this better peace formula be built, or is there some additional peace formula with the involvement of russia, based on what? and you, how do you perceive these statements in general, both zelensky and yarmak, by the way, they spoke during the global peace summit about the fact that a representative of the russian federation may be invited to the next global peace summit, yarmak confirmed this today in an interview with bloomberg, he talks about it, i can't imagine sitting at the same table, relatively speaking, churchill, roosevelt and
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hitler, and hitler comes and says to churchill and roosevelt and stalin, listen, you have some kind of peace plan there, this is the year 43, there is tehran, and hitler is invited, and let's talk about your peace plan, i have already burned half of europe here , but in principle, i am ready to sit down at the change table and listen to your proposals, how can it be, how can it all be explained now, how is it to myself. you can imagine, and if you had such a task to bring the russians to the negotiating table, what would you talk about as the head of president yushchenko's office? well, here, the military should speak here, and this is such a banal phrase: if russia fails to succeed in the fall, well, it is clearly slipping, it has been attacking, attacking there for 10 months, they have already broken all the guinness records, because as a rule, offensive actions there last
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3-4 months, they will soon have a year of offensive actions and the conquest of small towns there, which are simply erased from the pouring of the earth, but they are slipping, they are, as they said, trying to push through, but they cannot break the ukrainian defense, if they are there in the fall , we will grind them at such a rate, and if the number increases there weapons, and especially if we continue there... to cut, smash, and cut logistics in crimea from all sides, then sometime in the fall our position will be much stronger, because somewhere someday there will still be added aviation and i have a feeling that there will be significantly more long-range precision weapons and there will be less limited use of these weapons, but all the same, i am a great patriot of ukraine, but i do not think... and
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that we will succeed in the near future, there in a year, in two years, because when zelensky talks about the second round, he gives hope, he says that already there we will start, well , to build the contours of peace, peace, and on ukrainian terms, and this is a very encouraging situation, please note that our government is very rare, but before this forum we did not speak, we spoke very carefully , that this is the inauguration, that we are starting negotiations... say that we need to have a common position, and then with this common position, we will simply convey this position to russia through mediators, not through putin, through mediators, and there are those willing to be mediators , well, that's where this diplomatic one begins whistles and applause that we will not sit there, of course putin will not be there, but some of his representatives will be there, but what the hell is the difference, if everyone knows that no representative decides anything without putin's approval, well,
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it will be us to have some avatar of putin at the negotiations, but what will we be, what are we counting on, why suddenly russia in the fall, because we are talking about months from... zelenskyy especially emphasized that it is not about delaying, but we are talking about months, that is , the expectation is created that it will be in the fall. the swiss said even more precisely that they would like to see the continuation of this forum before the election of the president of the united states, which means that it is also autumn, late autumn. i simply do not understand what additional levers we will have, apart from the military, military power, military achievements, because some western analysts are already talking about... the possibility of actually neutralizing crimea, if not the situation when ukrainian troops enter crimea, the situation when russians already in crimea cannot see a single safe month, place, because high-precision missiles get everywhere, and they will actually
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lose crimea as a fortress, but without these prerequisites it is difficult to imagine, but it seems to me personally that it is much more realistic, and i do not want to do it here. to exaggerate the influence of china, i have no illusions that china is somehow our ally, no, but china is still a pragmatic country, and if the wind blows in the sails of ukraine, and if in the spring, i say, not even december, in the spring, when we can launch a much larger military offensive there in the spring, the position of the new administration will be clearer there america, if there is a new administration of america for the unity of the west. will also stand firmly with ukraine, then china's position will change, and then china can use its soft power to act as an effective negotiator, because we have many ineffective negotiators, that is, again in
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everything the continuity of military aid and the political unity of the west play a key role in this plot, and the military aid that... will allow the ukrainian armed forces to act much more effectively, there are simply no other factors that could put pressure on putin. so, do you think that by the spring of the 25th year it will become more or less clear what will happen next? yes, i think that yes, what, what, exactly the situation in the spring of 22nd, 25th year, with the result of everything there, the elections in the european parliament will already be held, elections in france, well, but there the president is all the same... will remain, everything will more or less settle down in europe, elections will be held in the united states and it will be clear how this weapons supply conveyor works, because already next year the european, european the defense industry will work much
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more powerfully, and the american defense is also gaining momentum, that is, there will be more weapons, and i hope, there will be much less restrictions on the use of weapons. thank you, mr. olezh, we have to conclude, it was olehryb. politician, former head of yushchenko's presidential office. friends, during the broadcast we are conducting a survey, asking you about whether you feel the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine is worsening. let's look at the interim results of the survey: 91% - yes, 9% - no. attention, a profitable offer. order the smart light bulb for a special purpose. at a promotional price of only uah 149, durable, reliable and so powerful, and the price is only uah 149. in stores, ordinary light bulbs cost more than uah 250, and we offer you a light bulb that lights up even when there is no light, for only uah 149. take advantage of this
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we started it must finish and we must win. all the most important things, every thursday at... in the project , velikiy lviv speaks on the air of the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club
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helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. congratulations, friends, the second part is live on the espresso tv channel programs verdict. in the next 45 minutes we will talk about the following. zelensky's peace and putin's war. the world is divided over the end of
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the war in ukraine. the results of the global peace summit and the kremlin's so-called peace initiatives. a million dollar prosecutor. after the incriminating publication in zmi nabu , criminal proceedings were initiated regarding the illegal enrichment of deputy prosecutor general verbytskyi. how will the case end? wartime censorship. the western press writes about the deterioration of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine during zelenskyi's presidency justified political interference in the work of zmi during the war? friends, i remind you that we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also from... the survey, today we ask you the following: do you feel the situation with freedom of speech in
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ukraine is deteriorating? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own separate opinion, please write it in the comments under this video, well and please do not forget to like this video, and for those who watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you feel that the situation of freedom of speech in ukraine is deteriorating (0800): 211 381 no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and i want to introduce our experts today, they are the best political experts of ukraine, viktor boberenko, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and thank you for being you with us today good health, i'm glad to you. and ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of politics. legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast. congratulations.
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so, gentlemen, since we are asking our tv viewers and viewers whether they feel the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine has worsened, i will also ask you what you think, how would you answer this question. let's start with mr. igor. well, we can actually see some deterioration. i would share the only thing here there are media that are more connected with... let's say, with the government, state media, but they feel this certain political pressure, political censorship, this story with temniks for ukrinform, it was still very revealing, on the other hand , when we talk about independence. the media situation here is still not bad in the sense that there is an opportunity to communicate, there is an opportunity to express one's position, there is an opportunity to conduct journalistic investigations, to publish their own results and to receive from society and not only from society, sometimes there is a certain feedback from the authorities on these investigations, but in general, the trend that
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we see, if we compare it there, for example with 2022 in... of course, it cannot but cause some concern, and this is clearly a reason for serious conversations and making certain decisions that should improve the situation in the information sphere of ukraine. thank you, mr. igor, but i just need to note that since the 22nd year, three tv channels have not appeared in t2 and no one can explain to espresso the fifth and direct why we were switched off from t-2, and until now we have no answer from the authorities. mr. victor. first of all, i agree with igor that the mass media close to the president's office feel the pressure of censorship, that is, editorial censorship, for example, they have a very categorical,
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for example, there is a list of experts who are not allowed to go there. and also in comparison with the 22nd year, for example, in sumy oblast, when we were surrounded and there were no other bridges there, including pro-government channels, they were happy to take, including about the situation in sumy oblast, connected and me, but only the situation improved, i was thrown out, well, i'm not here, not that i don't regret it, and thank god, maybe, but in the meantime it's indicative, as far as it goes, if independently. mass media, then there is also pressure on them, and how does it happen? this pressure, it’s just that they were left without ee platforms, yes communicative ones, yes, that is, they were excluded from t2, for example, eh, or somehow there, including they are chasing
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local cable networks, yes in cities, yes there, that's why , for example, in my house and that network, u which... we don’t have it there, for example, the espresso tv channel, but i ’m just now in one of the communities of the sumy region, and you won’t believe it, there is espresso, that is, on the cable network, but it is there, that is, i can now myself look at yourself, yes, but in the meantime, the pressure is also on the owners of these networks, yes, and again, and we also have to pay attention to the fact that... farms, for example, block opposition to the authorities there, well, conditionally bloggers and so on and so on, there and on youtube channels, this is also a method of pressure, or they try to make a lot of their platforms, including buying some local and local media, which, for example
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, of the four tv channels that worked in sumy before, there is a public one and there are three that... demonstrate a single marathon, well, sometimes there with inclusion on their news, but they are also pro-government, because they are controlled, if pro-government actors, that's why there is no pressure, it's direct pressure, that is, they take away the opportunity, well, platforms from which you can rise, so i would say , which compared to in the 22nd year, and especially since the 19th, this is a regression, this is a rollback and an attempt to control all information. well, politics in ukraine, everything should be according to the principle, either it is at a single marathon, or they should not hear about it, that's all, by the way, the same is noted by the new york times, one of the most influential and popular media in the united states of america, this media published an article based on the opinions
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of ukrainian journalists regarding the deterioration of the situation with freedom of speech in ukraine and you... which is increasing on journalists and political interference in the work of zmi, quote new york times. journalists and groups that monitor freedom of the press beat us to the punch because, according to them, during the time of president zelensky's rule in ukraine , restrictions and pressure on the media are increasing, which go far beyond the country's needs in wartime. gentlemen, how about this comment from the new york times, which will obviously be read by congressmen and senators. in the united states of america, how it will affect the perception of ukraine as a democratic state and whether zelensky will be asked questions about freedom of speech and freedom. press, although, well, that's me i am asking a probably rhetorical question, because the previous report of the state department for the 23rd year was, including, devoted to restrictions
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on freedom of speech and state interference in the media, how important it is for our western partners who want to see the projected government, the projected democracy and ukraine as a democratic state, mr. igor. well, this is actually a very simple situation. if our partners pay attention to this, then it is at least important for them, and they do it more than once, and i will remind you that we are talking not only about statements, for example, by the american senators and congressmen, about reports that are being prepared for the state department or articles in the american media, we have a fairly similar situation with european politicians and european media, who have repeatedly raised these issues, that is, the issue of freedom of speech even during the war for our... is one of the key ones, since it is far from the first time they talk about it, the key problem here is that despite all these remarks, which are given with certain
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arguments, they are not anonymous, that is, this or the statements of some specific there western politicians, and they rely on , let's say, the information they receive, for example, from ukrainian journalists, and if the mass media work there, they also actually communicate with their colleagues there, so... the problem is that that when this information is voiced, we do not see a sufficient reaction from the government itself, well, in this particular case, in the first place, probably the office of the president's office, because here it is interesting, western journalists, i don't know, if it was intuitive for them , so that they are more detailed got acquainted with our structure of power there, they primarily use the surname of the president of ukraine, as the guarantor of the constitution and, accordingly, the guarantor of freedom of speech. well , they understand that the office of the president, who works there, is currently dealing with issues including freedom of speech in ukraine. so there is no reaction to these comments. the report of the state department, it remained practically without
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comments. there were very cursory comments from individuals who position themselves as advisers to the deputy head or head of office or advisers to advisers. and they have comments were, well, excuse me for such a word, quite primitive, they were talking about some kind of russian there. and curses, and this is the way to nowhere, because dissatisfaction will grow, it will reach, let’s say, a new level, and when, god forbid , some critical situation will happen, for example, in the relationship between ukraine and our partners, on the issue , which will be far from even the issue of freedom of speech, we will immediately remember freedom of speech, how in principle it will be done, well, hypothetically trump, if he becomes president, he will have to do something cling, he will have to strengthen his... negotiating position and he will remember that there are violations, there are prisons, censorship, persecution of journalists, surveillance of journalists, let's not forget
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the story about the bigos, yes, how they were followed, and the entire department of the security service of ukraine was engaged in this, and in this context it is really a very, very, very big problem for us, it could be solved very easily, that is, pay attention to these remarks, and really carry out a certain transformation of the information space from... to speak from some practices that no longer give the efficiency that they gave there, for example, in the first six months of the large-scale invasion, return the channels, explain why they were carried out, i am already silent there about bringing to justice those people who actually did it, so that most likely this will not happen, but at least you can admit your mistake, and in this way the government would even gain a strong position in the sense that it would certainly not weaken its presence... in the information space ukraine, on the other hand, would have a better face in front of our partners, but i understand that it is not going to do this yet, and there is such a hope that
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, unfortunately, under the guise of war to some extent, a similar situation will continue in the future, and the goal here is obvious, the goal is very banal: to maintain this control, to maintain this monopolization to a certain extent for the period after the end of the war and the actual election period, because we are waiting for... elections at all levels at once, and it is clear that, well, you know, the temptation to control information space, she is huge, and therefore the authorities will prolong this story as much as possible, call all those who disagree there representatives of the aggressor country or those who do not really understand the situation that has actually developed in ukraine. mr. viktor, what do you think about the government's ignoring of these remarks, hints and already direct conclusions regarding the restriction of freedom. words, how long the presidential team can behave like this, it is clear that at the beginning of a big war, zelensky is demonstrating his ability. destroy
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here and there the canons that exist in diplomacy, c the international community, that is, he is trying to change diplomacy, to behave a little, let's say, belligerently, towards our partners, to demand more, to speak to them undiplomatically, if they speak to him like that, what will happen, i call this zelensky's method. hello, horses, why are we not in nato, why are we still not in nato, they think it works, the same as they change, well, even aligned, yes, everyone, now at the summit of switzerland were in suits, in cots, only zelenskyi and yaermak in in some woods, yes, but what needs to be said, we must note that the state of
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ukraine. fights for, well, for civilization in general, yes, for the values ​​that we call human values ​​in general, yes, including freedom of speech, without confessing it herself, that for zelensky, apparently, idols are, well, orban, or there lukashenko's father, well, we don't want to make zelensky, my uncle, or even more so putin, but in fact they are behaving like this and ... why, as my colleague did not prove, yes, let's name the heroes, these are the advisers advisers, yes there, or positive bloggers who say that if you say that the only marathon is bad, you also do pso, you are a scumbag, that is, if you say that the state of ukraine is being stolen, then you are playing for putin, maybe you will stop stealing simply and that's all, you will stop living on kickbacks, well, there are two
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versions, so... what's going on, yes there, that is, or, well, now i'm going around all the front-line communities there the front line, yes, there, well, in a certain project , we distribute kits for affected households, yes, such a volunteer project, and i see all these buildings, including, well, including a banal banal example, there i bring two guys to the nearest community and just ask. how much do they pay you, they say, they pay thousands in cash every day, whether we work, don't work, or are idle, that's all my going to work for a conditional 10 hours somewhere workers there with delivery from home to home there it's 100 hryvnias, and as cash, as cash , and how are you , if you are not officially working, how are you being smeared by the tsc there like, well, somehow not i know, they don't touch us, that is, it's not
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corruption, you want to say, and if i tell about it... once, and seryoga will say, this dog, he works for putin, well, he'll eat seryoga, also give two more rides, they will tell you the same thing, that is, they accuse others of their sins, that is, profiting during war is the norm, and talking about it is treason, such a thing cannot happen, and that is why we must say what we are talking about, what can't be... bad to say that they, well, actually do not profess democratic values, that the office the president acts, well, at best, like the orbán regime, at worst, like lukashenka’s parents, ihor is absolutely right, we immediately understand what this is for, to then manipulate a certain part of the electorate and hold power forever, yes, well, well, because he lost ... the authorities,
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at least, if not for zelensky, then for yermak, they may end up being reprimanded, but they stick to it, and violate, yes, violate the standards, and in this way they simply destroy our relations with civilization, that's about it to them will talk, and not only that, it will be used against them, but one should not complain, not be afraid, not talk about treason, but simply stop... it is not clear, but they do not know how to do it, because they do not know how, because they , be that as it may, they are, after all , ideologically, they are closer to dictatorial regimes than to civilization, such is the paradox of ukraine, yes, the paradox in ukraine is that this is, as it were, a new political generation, well, that is, relatively young and new, yes, yes, but
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it is more... but to authoritarianism and to dictatorship.


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