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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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energy , our colleague iryna koval is ready to share more news with us, who is ready to take the floor right now, iro, we congratulate you and we want to find out from you what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in just a moment i will tell you about the situation in different regions of our country, as a result of shelling by the russians and a lot of other information, so please wait. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i greet all viewers, and now to the most important events. let's start with situation in donetsk region, where four people died and four more were injured as a result.
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shelling, the head of the region vadym filashkin announced about it. during the day, the occupiers shelled the village of rozkishne of the iliniv community with cluster munitions. three civilians were fatally wounded there. three more were injured, including a 15-year-old teenager. also , one person died and one was injured in kostyantynivka. in the morning, the russians dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city. the attack completely destroyed the house and caused several other damages. and the russians killed husband in kherson. terrorists attacked the car of a 43-year-old civilian in the village of tekstilne, which is on the outskirts of the regional center, the head of the city's military administration, roman mrochko, said. the driver died on the spot. and in kyiv, they detained a woman who damaged the graves of fallen soldiers at askoldova grave. this was reported to the capital police. a 60-year-old criminal committed a robbery. above the graves
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of dmytro kotsyubail with the call sign davinci, andrii pylshchikov with the call sign juz, as well as pavel petrichenko. she damaged their portraits, beat them lamps and commemorative plaques, tore out flowers and defaced the national flag. detention is punishable by up to 5 years in prison. in poland, a bus with ukrainians got into a road accident. 14 passengers were injured. the accident happened in the lublin voivodeship - reports. the local police. a polish bus traveling from kyiv to warsaw flew into a ditch and overturned on its side. two children are among the injured. a total of 58 people were in the cabin, 14 were taken to the hospital. there is no prior threat to their life and health. it is planned that five people will be discharged before end of day according to preliminary information from the police, the driver lost control.
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due to which the bus collided with the barrier. the consulate general of ukraine in lublin is investigating the circumstances of the accident and is providing consular assistance to the affected citizens of ukraine. the verkhovna rada adopted the law on restarting the bureau of economic security. 239 people's deputies voted for the document in the second reading. the text of the document was agreed with international partners. now a new head of the bureau is being appointed. only through independent selection, there will be re-certification and personnel selection. foreign experts and ukrainian business will take part in this process. adoption of the law was one of the requirements of the international monetary fund, as well as a recommendation of the g7 countries. in the law, for some reason not all colleagues read this, but the law says two months for the formation of the commission. clear deadlines are set. and
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for restarting the commission for the appointment of the director and for the re-certification of all personnel, 18 months is a press deadline, that is, not after 18, but within 18, this is exactly the period when you can do normal quality re-certification of thousands of people. i believe that if you take and put on the table the draft law on science, the draft law on saf, prozk, on taking everyone. and to check if i'm right, you will see how in all subsequent reforms, and the closest one is the reset of the customs, the very wording that we gnawed out, well, with teeth in the literal sense of the word, will be used. kherson oblast will receive from japan 30 km of polyethylene pipes for reconstruction.
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water supply kherson, zelenivka, sadove and priozerne have already received the first batch. help received under the emergency recovery program implemented within the framework of the agreement between the governments of ukraine and. of japan on technical cooperation. replacement of cold water supply pipelines will allow residents to be supplied with higher quality drinking water and will reduce its losses in main networks. the first ukrainian shakespeare festival has started in ivano-frankivsk. it expands the european network of shakespeare festivals. during the week, prykarpattia hosts a variety of meetings and lectures on theater topics, as well as its own performances are shown by ukrainian and foreign theaters. our carpathian correspondents will tell you in more detail. the idea of ​​holding a shakespeare festival in ivano-frankivsk is not new. difficulties with this arose due to the pandemic of covid-19, later the great war. therefore,
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it was only now possible to realize the idea, says the organizer, people's artist and theater director rostyslav dorzhepilskyi. the frankiv drama theater says so. a permanent participant of shakespeare festivals in europe, which are a regular phenomenon there, because shakespeare is an integral cultural heritage for the old world, so the collective of the ukrainian theater understands well that such a festival is an attribute of ukraine's belonging to the european cultural community, - says mytets. in times of war, we have to tell the world about the war that ukraine is waging today with this one from moscow. and to present ukrainian culture and the ukrainian nation to the world, i am very glad that we have such a society now. several locations in the center of ivano-frankivsk, the meeting place and events of the shakespeare festival.
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guests from other countries also take part in the events. the international part is represented by theaters from moldova and italy. war is always dehumanization. war is... not just the extraordinary circumstances that we all find ourselves in, but it is the catastrophe that changes, deforms us from the inside. shakespeare is the one who is actually capable of covering the themes and feelings that we are experiencing today. employees of the local drama theater named after mykola kulish also came from kherson to the festival, they say... the frankiv theater has repeatedly performed in kherson and this time invited the people of kherson to frankivska frankivsk found its niche because you had porto franco, you had other things. and so rostislav found this shakespearean theme, and it is universal, and it is very powerful, it is cool. we will support.
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we also have several plays, we have, by the way , 12th night and there is an immersive play, which was staged in a forest for the first time in ukraine, because we have one stage in oleshkiv forest, where we played on several. locations where the audience moves with the actors in the forest at night, and we watch a midsummer night's dream. the time will come, for sure we will bring to ivano-frankivsk. writer yuriy andruhovych spoke about his own relationship with shakspeare's legacy at a public lecture. it was impossible to push through the hall. people stood in line to get an autograph from the translator of king lear into ukrainian. shakespeare is a global figure. you know how he had his own theater called the globe. it is no coincidence that he... saw the planet ee already then, and many people of his time, they saw their existence from the limit to the limit, he already saw the planet, and i think that it is very important for us in our city with such potentials, and also
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to have this feeling that we are a part of this great global world of culture. shakespeare's drama is presented at the festival. ukrainian theaters, in particular the kyiv academic theater on pechersk , will present the play hamlet, and the young theater will present the comedy midsummer night's dream. the people of frankiv will be entertained by performances of hamlet and romeo and juliet , staged by rostyslav derzhepilsky, with original music by roman grigoriev and ilya razumeik. from prykarpattia ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk for the tv channel. and i have to remind you that the tv channel espresso from... invites you to join the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they win every day, they do not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield,
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so atvs are indispensable helpers for evacuation. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of kholodnoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. such were the news for this time. our team works so that you can see it at 4 p.m. updated news release, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also subscribe to us on social networks and watch our unique content on youtube, antin borkovskii, marta oliyarnyk, continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. thanks to the news editors, what will we do now. to analyze the extremely important history of the tour of the russian dictator putin in the countries of asia, in particular, he
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met with the korean dictator kimchen and now he is coming to to vietnam, ihor lytvyn will now be in touch with us, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china in 1999-2001, co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council. yes, glory to ukraine, mr. ambassador. glory to heroes. well, what do you think the north koreans can give to putin, right? we understand that putin did not come there for nothing, not in order to demonstrate that the whole of russia is in quotation marks, of course, there diplomatic greatness can depend on an individual rather marginal state, yes, well, which, in principle, can to open an additional voltage line when we 're talking about the same south korea, you know. that putin would like to count on this, but in any case , he most likely needs what, artillery ammunition and
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additional equipment that could be given to him in north korea, but it is also possible that it is also about replenishing the forces of the russian interventionists with north-north koreans, so it is not a simple story, we will not take it lightly, and we would ask you, mr. ambassador, to clarify, yes, how real are the... stronger cooperation between russia and north korea? there are several considerations here, so let's figure it out. that putin needs, ah, supplies from north korea, weapons, artillery shells, missiles, and even small arms, that's clear, and that will continue. all the more so because there are all 10-11 thousand echelons that have already been delivered
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from north korea to russia, they have probably already been used on the battlefield, that's one thing. second, what you just mentioned, the possibility of north korean military participation in some there in combat operations at the front, perhaps. too, but it is doubtful that this will be the effective means that putler may want to use. next, putin, ah, got, by signing this, that is, a document on a comprehensive partnership, ah, strategic, got a document that is very similar in some places to... a nato-style defense pact,
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that is, the pact contains a clause similar to the article fifth of the napa statute, which provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement, and in accordance with the text of the pact, which was published today in to the north korean press, the fourth article says that if one of the... countries falls into a state of war as a result of armed aggression, the other will immediately provide military and other assistance with all the means at its disposal, this means that this is the axis of evil that we are talking about we can say, although it has not yet developed, i mean tehran, henyang, moscow, it is becoming more of a reality, or, or, it is very important. moscow wants everyone in the world to think that this will be a reality, and so i do not,
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no, no, i emphasize that having this defense pact, it can be considered as a foundation for formalizing the defense relations of those countries, which we consider to be dictatorial regimes, which they actually are. which are under sanctions and which, in principle, threaten the entire normal world, not only look, mr. ambassador, i would like to clarify right away, i understand that the question is too specific and maybe s... does not formulate it diplomatically enough, but in any case in about 26 million people live in north korea, so we understand that kimchenin and his the relatives in the previous generations never counted the victims and never particularly cared, so to speak, in what way they end their lives in
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the so-called socialist paradise, whether from hunger or during this or that war, so the question of the process... they they can, when we talk about russia, we understand that they have a lack of manpower, that is , if they took people out of their prisons, there, well, their prisons were quite densely populated, well, accordingly, they can go to one or the other, yes so to speak, to deal with the population of north korea, they will for example, they get their passports here or there with a temporary registration of the russian federation, and then, you know, according to the collective farm method, they can register all of them in order of appearance. so to speak, enroll in russian citizens and so on, but simply , will north korea go for it, because they can inflate their cheeks, you know, to the size of those balloons that they launch on south korea, but we also understand that there is certain instruments of influence and on them, so we understand that south korea has now demonstrated its readiness to increase
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ammunition and the rest of the equipment for ukraine, because north korea is under severe pressure. with what sanctions, but will putin and kimchenin manage to escape and find one or another workaround? it depends on the fact that , first of all, putin promised kimchinin, kimchinin what is needed from russia, the russian federation, well, first of all , food resources, secondly, accordingly, also, by the way, and weapons, because the korean armed forces use them. soviet tanks, which are in stock in the russian federation, although everything is mixed here, if russia uses north korean weapons, the situation may be completely different there, that's one thing. second, kimchanin needs to have missile and nuclear technologies, and will putin go for it, or has he
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agreed on such possibilities, then? and steps on his part with xi jinping, because without xi jinping these issues cannot be resolved, that is absolutely certain, and does putin need to have this unpredictable, what we call kim chin-in, as a nuclear club that will threaten the whole world from region, on the korean peninsula, and can be completely uncontrolled, here it is there is a big... doubt that putin will go for it, because giving someone nuclear and missile technologies means taking all these processes out of one's control, it is not beneficial for moscow, that is absolutely certain, it is necessary to control and give dosed, whether it will work then kimchi on the eye of the possible things that you
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just talked about now, which is to be under the guise of, let's say, the workforce. tourists in certain so-called formations to go to the territory of the russian federation and then be used in hostilities, but who will command them? it's the same, the northern one, it's the same korean, which no one knows in the former soviet union, and russian , which no one knows in north korea, how it will interact, i just can't imagine. let's talk about china, sky news writes that it is concerned about the strengthening of relations between russia and north korea, that beijing is watching the events that took place in penyah, in penyang, and accordingly does not want russia to increase its efforts in its traditional zone of influence, at least that's what sky news writes, but isn't beijing trying
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to confuse the maps, because china, the north korea, russia, iran, they look like very consolidated allies now, and isn't this way the paki is trying to deceive others that he seems to be interested in controlling north korea completely, and on the contrary, he does not benefit from this alliance. i started my inclusion in your broadcast with this, with the fact that putin may want to achieve such an impression that it enhances his image. how crazy, so there are three, moscow, tehran, pyongyang, and god forbid, china will still join, china is not so stupid that open join to what is considered by the rest of the world to be the axis of evil, especially if there is already a defense pact to which it is possible, perhaps, it will be possible to join someone
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else, such as syria or the taliban, or someone else who is regarded by the rest of the world as regimes are clearly undemocratic, then the world will be afraid of what could happen in the event of this... so unification is beneficial to someone, first of all moscow, because everyone else will be intimidated in his opinion, and then the situation will somehow develop like this to with they agreed, of course, in your opinion, beijing can support, well conditionally, it will not be publicly, but secretly, it can support, beijing can do whatever it wants secretly, this is a normal practice when... .. you declare one thing, do another, and generally think about the third in order to realize your interests, so here you can talk about anything, including that,
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yes, beijing can support, but be officially a little aloof, without losing the opportunity further cooperation with the event. yes, mr. ambassador, well, they still wanted to would like your reflections on putin's visit. to vietnam, we understand that vietnam is not, in any case , anything like north korea, there is a market economy, there is an attachment to markets, in particular the united states and so on, but there is still , i think, historical memory, i'm not talking about genetic memory, but historical memory remained in them, well, at one time, the soviet union and moscow actively supported communication channels, you know, with the post-khoshemin world, and so on. .. according to what you think putin can do get from vietnam and will vietnam agree to it? i think, in this way, putin
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is trying to make vietnam, ah, if not his ally, then at least a country that declares the corresponding neutral status, which is advantageous primarily in moscow, already it is already approved. assessed the position of vietnam, being on a visit to that country, bearing in mind that vietnam has distanced itself from everything that is happening, that is, on the front of this bloody war started by russia against ukraine, and this is an attempt to make it so , so that vietnam felt that in front of him people who... create an alternative to the event, whether vietnam will go for it or not, who knows, i believe that vietnam will still take
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an absolutely clear personal position and no eyes, so it is possible trying to involve some axis of evil there will not work, well , let's hope that it won't work, but on the other hand, we also understand that vietnam has its own vision on... which is happening not only in asia, so we remember about the sino-vietnamese war, by the way, which vietnam de facto won, yes, well, accordingly, and if putin will begin to actively negotiate this or that package of proposals, what could putin offer to khana? well, i'm not a very big specialist in the issues of russian-vietnamese cooperation, cooperation, but considering this issue traditionally, we can say that on... first of all, it's food, of course, that it's supplies of grain, ah, sugar, and many other agricultural products that are a need for
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vietnam. secondly, it is also possible weapons, but now the situation is such that he, if he turns to north korea, then he does not think that he is able to work actively in in this direction, well... and further here it is important to have vietnam as an ally in solving regional issues first of all, that is, it means playing on the contradictions between vietnam and china, taking into account this historical experience, taking into account also the historical experience of the actual victory of vietnam over the united states, when there was a cessation, the united states' war against vietnam was stopped. this can also be played, because both that country and another country, they still live in communist realities, despite the fact that now
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vietnam is setting an example for many countries. asia in what promotes, therefore, the narrative way of conducting the economy is capitalist. mr. igor, very briefly, if possible, but against the background of this security agreement signed by north korea and the russian federation, south korea will now consider the issue of providing ukraine with lethal weapons. we know that until now seoul has not provided ukraine with lethal weapons, but this issue should be reviewed and they say that they will not... talk about the specific nomenclature of what will be provided to kyiv, specific measures will be revealed later and it will be interesting to see how russia reacts, we would like your comment, literally a moment of time, uh, any help to ukraine, from a country that is interested in ensuring that the security situation in their region does not change to worse, it is a great value for us, and we
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appreciate... the fact that we are helped by countries such as south korea, the philippines, which agreed to come to the security for the global peace summit, the same singapore and many other asian countries, which participated in the peace summit, and which have expressed their understanding that our struggle is just and that we are the victims of aggression, it is morally very supportive, especially when we are given... lethal weapons that we can clearly use on the battlefield. thank you. ihor lithuania, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china from 1999 to 2001, co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council was on our air. we are now going to take a short break, after which we will continue the espresso information day, stay with us. attention, a profitable offer. order a light bulb wisely
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