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tv   [untitled]    June 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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you see, they are inspired, in fact there is nothing to be inspired about, but you have to understand very well, and why did they suddenly leave, but putin came, he concluded an agreement, one of the reasons, well, i’m saying this, because there are other ways to intimidate somehow did not work, and this is a way to raise the stakes in this way, again, but there is such a nuance that, most likely, this also became possible with the support of china, and this is in fact. a very big question for everyone, because how china will react next, or whether it will react at all, it's up in the air, but you can guess that there probably wouldn't be such wording in these agreements and all these conversations if china, you know, somewhere behind the scenes did not support this matter, moreover, that china most likely supports it, there is also evidence of such an element that... now russia has given
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china the opportunity to exit through a river that runs along the border of russia, north korea, china, there is a river there that runs partly through the territory of china, partly through north korea, partly through russia, and in itself on the territory was given the opportunity by russia to let china's ships pass so that they could enter the sea of ​​japan. for china, this is a very important thing, because they didn't have this opportunity before, they didn't have the opportunity to get there at all, moreover, there is a bridge there that prevents them from doing it, but judging by the fact that all the talks are going on now, and so if they signed something with korea, then most likely this bridge will be demolished, and north korea will also give china the opportunity to sail through, and that is exactly why china is watching this more and more through its fingers. it most likely supports that
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let's see what will come of this, they say, well , we are not arranging all this, we are not trying to encourage north korea to nuclear weapons, we are not trying to get out of sanctions, this is all done by russia, that is, this is, you know, also the way of china to play by scaring the world completely, well, not not controlled, as if by putin, which of course is not the case, and that's precisely because, most likely, china is... supports, this whole story is happening, and moreover, now the following question arises: and how will the world react to this, how will the un security council react and what will they do other countries to react, because such, well, such behavior, of a member of the un security council actually raises the following question: can russia be in the un security council, what is it doing there after all this, it is not just some, you know, some ... well, there are pictures of their
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trips and other statements by themselves, no, these are direct threats, well, that is, threats to arm terrorists, but if before they only said that we were giving weapons to the houthis, now they say, and we we will give nuclear weapons to one more bandits and terrorists, that of the north korea, and again, that's what they say, does this mean... does this mean that the russian federation is already leaving the sanctions regime, how will the united nations react to this, the main demands are the fears of the united states actually in this plane. if russia exits the sanctions regime, this means not only an increase in trade, but also the attraction of workers and employees from the dprk. we know that in our country now... therefore, you know, i can
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tell you this, all those conversations that took place earlier, there are shells from china over there, or whatever there they constantly dream that the chinese will send them their military, well, it actually sounds very strange, when a country that, well, i don't know, five times the size of north korea, expects to be sent from there troops, well, it's somehow very strange, in fact, more than this, this is the story with the release of sanctions, this is more resonant, has more resonance in the world, because it really completely destroys the entire structure and, well, actually the security system of the un and... even more actually
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resembles how nazi germany acted, which also essentially destroyed the world security structure at that time, is doing the same now. russia after this treaty, it must be very clearly understood, it destroys the system of anti-nuclear sanctions, it destroys any system of deterrence of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, everything. and if after that, what should happen , that is, she is not simply thrown out of the un security council, and is not excluded from some such world organizations, well, it will be very strange, and it will be very wrong, because yes... in this case we can say that the ball is now in the court, well, probably the un, which should react to all this, well, actually, let's see how it all happened there, because this whole apatheosis of the
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well, this transformation of russia into north korea in its essence, well, it is visible, and it can be seen that the russians like it, just stupidly like it, their propagandists in the... because congratulations in korean sounded today from all russian screens, not only the head of the korean of the people's democratic republic arrived and met board number 1 himself, on to which vladimir putin arrived. we witnessed how the democratic people's republic of korea knows how to welcome guests. how they know how to arrange official ceremonies there, how they know how to hold parades there. this step is natural. the cortege moves at high speed, accompanied by
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an escort of 23 motorcyclists. everyone has a rank no lower than major. a very beautiful picture. koreans know how to organize mass such events. according to official information... 10,000 people took part in the solemn ceremony of the meeting with putin, i think it was more. flowers, flags, multi-colored ribbons and balloons of different sizes, enthusiastic koreans welcome putin. what is happening resembles a public holiday. a banner with the inscription russian-korean friendship on the square.
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considering that it seems to be +35 or 36 outside, they know how to create a festive atmosphere. i just remembered, probably, my youth, and the faces are different, and the mood is different, and 30 km to the left and right there are people. well, what can i say, to drive
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children and people to +35-36° in order to... remind the old marmatician of the soviet union, well, yes, they know how to create a holiday, and so what, and after that, it remains only to reddit that a mobile phone has been issued, and there is also a taxi, metro and public transport. you can go outside, there are people on the street, cars are driving, this is about endless western speculation that literally everything is prohibited in north korea, what have you seen? we were given phones with access to the internet, here you can access social networks and telegram channels. yes, they will be taken from us. this is a business, temporary, phone that you can use. north korea is not such a closed country. there are even taxis. we with you went to pyongyang last year.
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do you remember, together with sergey lavrov, when this trip of vladimir putin was probably being prepared, you shot a big report. there are taxis and public ones here. transport and metro, yes, but now the report is no longer made, so as not to show how majors walk again, they just tell that there is a taxi, there is a metro, there is public transport, that kind of thing. achievement, what is simple, i don't know, hide used. such, such awaits the russians on the one hand, and on the other hand, well, everyone should think about whether to be russia in the un security council after it actually decided to help nuclear terrorists, another one, by being there to technically facilitate them. question. see you
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feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will survive bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive the help of qualified psychologists. and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to each day. it was incredible, and i really enjoyed our dining experience. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz.
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this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrb according to the president's quota. how to save up for luxury property while eating rations from the state? who knows how to save money, and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty did the state administration of internal affairs discover? the fortunes were analyzed and a conclusion was made that there are no questions. congratulations, judicial control is on the air. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform
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currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for us. further path to the eu, about how successful the transformation is and whether the moral and professional qualities correspond today we will talk about high standards of justice, but first the news: the sixth administrative court of appeal refused to renew the former judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv on the staff of the supreme court. the panel of judges confirmed the legality of lviv's dismissal based on the letter. sbu on whether the judge has russian citizenship. we will remind you that bohdan lviv is probably a citizen of russia. according to the journalists of the scheme project, he received the passport of the russian federation back in 1999, when he was already working as a judge in ukraine. and in 2012 at the age of 45 year he renewed this document. the judge's family also owns real estate in moscow.
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the security service of ukraine confirmed lviv's russian citizenship. already at the last court session, the representative of the sbu reported that the law enforcement officers established through the registers. that lviv's russian citizenship exists, but now it is impossible to either prove or disprove information about the existence of citizenship. bohdan lviv still continues to assure that he does not have a passport of the aggressor country. the higher qualification commission of judges continues cleansing the judicial system of unscrupulous servants of themis. recently , pavlo gorbasenko, the judge and head of the economic court of the kyiv region, once again had an interview regarding suitability for the position. this issue is taking place after it was adjourned the previous time to find out additional information, the commission postponed the final decision on gorbasenko for a year and expected additional explanations and documents from him, so at this meeting the question of whether he will remain in the judge's chair should have been finally decided . during this time public the integrity council discovered new facts of gorbasenko's dishonesty and drew up a new
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conclusion so that the members of the commission could study it, said veronika kraiden, a member of the grd. filed a motion to adjourn the meeting, actually there was supposed to be a review and completion of the review of his suitability for the position, but the public integrity council requested to postpone the meeting because we voted on a new decision yesterday. the new conclusion of the state prosecutor's office states that the father of judge volodymyr gorbasenko in the midst of a full-scale war unleashed by russia against ukraine, conducts business in the temporarily occupied crimea. he lives in the territory captured by the russians and is a co-founder. of two limited liability companies, sevele nastok and yukhinvest, respectively , pays taxes to the aggressor country, moreover, the judge's father turned out to be a member of the peacekeeping base. as it turned out in february -march of 2022, volodymyr gorbasenko's mobile number was recorded in roaming on the territory of the kyiv region temporarily occupied at that time, which may indicate his participation in russian aggression. after capture
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by the russians of crimea, gorbasenko's wife issued a power of attorney to his father-in-law at his disposal. their property on the peninsula, while volodymyr gorbasenko granted similar rights to his son, a judge. everything points to the fact that the head of the commercial court of the kyiv region maintains close ties with the father, who may turn out to be a collaborator. we also see that there is information that he most likely maintains ties with his father, which can clearly be a criterion for him being recognized as unscrupulous. the public integrity council drew attention to the likely second one as well the fictitious divorce of judge gorbasenko from his wife. deputy of the kyiv city council hanna svyredenko. they allegedly broke up for the first time at the end of 2014. however, they remained in such a wonderful relationship that they went to europe together 5 days after the divorce. in february 2017, the former couple had their first child, joint trips abroad became more frequent. in 2022, the couple remarried, gave birth to a second child within a year and
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divorced again, filing two identical lawsuits for divorce, presumably for manipulation. distribution system, one lawsuit was returned, another was accepted and considered with abnormal speed in a matter of days, with violations of all procedural terms. the divorce took place just before the opening of the register of declarations, so there is every reason to believe that the purpose of the spouses was to hide part of the income and property. groposenko submitted, firstly, a clarifying declaration for 2022, and secondly, we still have to check some of his declarations, and we see that his friend. sverdenko is mentioned again as a wife and he has another daughter, and we would also like to pay a little more attention to this fact. a lot of questions and benefits of the judge arise. most of the property that gorbasenko has got... it allegedly happened to him from his mother, she gave him two apartments in the capital of 116 and 136 m2 in the elite area on naberezhnaya in obolon, and built a house of more than 800
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m2 in the village of lebedivka near kyiv. at the same time , the woman did not run a business, but was a housewife. the wife, or rather the ex- wife, also acquired a considerable amount of real estate during her stay with gorbasenko from 2012 to 14 years. house on 122 m2, two apartments of... 164 and 155 m2, two parking spaces and two plots of land, and all this with a total income for that period of uah 1 million. in addition to property in kyiv , real estate in the temporarily occupied crimea is also added, where hanna sverdenko has four non-residential premises in gaspri, near yalta, as well as several plots of land in sudak and a house of more than 300 m2. gorbasenko refuses to explain these facts. the information that is allegedly compiled in... the new conclusion has already been investigated, has already been justified and refuted, i categorically against, adjournment, and i will ask
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the honorable members of the commission to continue the consideration. after a closed discussion, the higher commission decided to postpone the hearing on gorbasenko. based on the results of the discussion, a protocol decision is announced to postpone consideration of the issue. we asked pavlo gorbasenko. about the probable intention to hide a real marital relationship, connections with the terrorist state and simpletons that raise doubts. mr. pavlo, please tell me what your father did while roaming in the occupied kyiv region, your divorce from your wife looks doubtful, considering that you have a child, i don't want to answer you on the go, if you want to do a good interview, then come to visit, send questions, and even about the fortunes analyzed by the public council of dobromka. the wealth has been analyzed and a conclusion has been drawn that there are no issues of wealth, so let's not invent a report out of something that doesn't exist. we hope that after a thorough
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investigation of all the newly discovered facts that may indicate the dishonesty of the judge pavlo gorbasenko, the commission will make a fair decision regarding him. the ethics council completed interviews with candidates for the position of member of the supreme council of justice under the quota of president volodymyr zelenskyi. currently, the vrp has 17 members out of 21. the president has to appoint two , and for more than a year and a half, the seats are empty, and the applicants are doubtful. this is kyiv district administrative court judge nataliya panchenko, and she has a wonderful friendly family and good social security. so he lives in his mother's apartments, which his sister bought, and travels in his daughter's car, and feeds on rations from the state. i am a person who knows how to save. and i had no need to spend. since 2022, panchenko and her husband have been living in an apartment designed for the judge's mother. she bought 64 m2 almost in the center of kyiv back in december 2012
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. the whole family allegedly threw themselves into real estate. the financing of this apartment took place, once again i am talking about the fact that at the expense of the savings of my mother, father, ah, my mother's brother. i also spoke about the fact that... the financing of this purchase of this apartment was also participated by my sister, during the interview, as a candidate for the higher qualification commission for a judge, you said that the money for the purchase was provided by your sister, her income from 98 to 12 was a total of uah 680,28,332. maybe i answered incorrectly then. two years before purchasing this apartment, the judge's sister bought another one for her mother in the capital, with an area of ​​34 square meters, and
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the woman never lived in any of them, instead nataliya panchenko and her husband used the real estate. why did you live in this apartment? your sister bought the apartment where you lived, why so? motives for purchasing this i would not like to make the apartment for my sister public at all, but in... with certain life circumstances, she purchased it, at the same time she remained living where she lived, there was no need for me, my family, to purchase the apartment due to the fact that we understood that in the near future we will receive an apartment from the state. nataliya panchenko always had a lot of hopes for the state. with the help of social security, for example, it was possible to buy even a new audi q7. issued for the daughter, but the judge herself used the car. it was in our country such as the maintenance of officers and their families at the expense of the state was introduced and... i want
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to tell you about the fact that i can get confused in my hands right now, along with this, somewhere up to the third grade, these are my daughters, because i just remember i wonder how we lived like this, and we were provided for, we did not spend money on housing, because the state compensated for it, we did not spend money on food, because the state also provided us with this, and that was the concept of rations, well in russian, pay, well pay, well... that is, when the officer was given products food for him and his family members. the entire judge's family obviously knows how to save money. her husband was able to purchase a motorcycle with a market value of over $700 for 15 times less. it is a completely ordinary motorcycle. what i see, as far as i can tell from an outside observer, there is nothing like that at all.
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please explain. such a huge difference between the real price of the motorcycle and this is the agreement of the parties, why the price was exactly that, i do not know, because i was not a participant in these matters, why he sold it at that price, i i don't know, maybe panchenko doesn't see the problem, because she herself gives away her own cars for nothing, she sold her toyota rav-4 for uah 100, she says the car will be badly damaged. in an accident in general , the ethical council had many questions about the integrity of the judge of the kyiv district administrative court natalia panchenko. soon we will find out whether the servant of themis managed to convince the experts of her suitability for the position of a member of the supreme council of justice. and for today i have everything, it was judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you know the facts of corruption in the judiciary
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system, or you want to... report an unscrupulous judge who makes wrongful decisions, write to me on facebook or to the email address you see on the screen. it's all good, we'll meet in exactly one week. your place is waiting for you, the lights are left on, for dinner, what you love, a warm bed is made, there will be walks, swings and swimming, you are waiting for your streets. at
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school, in your church, because in your house they dream about you, you are always in front of their eyes, they cry for you, they pray for you, we do not they gave up because they knew you were already somewhere nearby. half the battle is knowing how hard it is to win, and we will do everything we can to embrace you as soon as possible, so when you are home, when we are together, we are more than a family, we are a nation
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united around you. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine. news time on espressu tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and just now i will tell you about the most important events at this time. even more powerful attacks by russian terrorists on civilians. the invaders used the fap-3000 guided aerial bomb for the first time. the projectile was dropped today at the hospital in the village of liptsi in the kharkiv region.


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