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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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and for sumy, this means that the train has left, the rockets have flown. and now we honor all those who died because of the russian occupiers on our ukrainian land with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia. yep.
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is ukraine really preparing for the demobilization of the military already in the fall, because such statements are coming from people's deputies from the national security committee. this is the main topic that we will talk about today in our broadcast, me call. galiv, i welcome you, and we begin the freedom of the morning. in the comments in the chat under the broadcast, write what you think about demobilization, whether you believe that this process, at a time when large-scale russian aggression in ukraine continues, is possible at all, and in general, share your thoughts and impressions, for this and there is this chat, it is such a platform on which we can communicate with you, well, from the five settlements of the boriv community of the izyum district, which in kharkiv region they plan to forcibly remove 13 children, the head of kharkiv reports about this.
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oleg sinyi of the regional military administration. about 580 children remain in borov itself, but there is no talk of evacuating them at the moment, says sinigu. let me remind you that a few days ago, analysts of the deep state project stated that the russian army formed a shock fist to attack the village of borov in the kharkiv region. according to their data, almost 10,000 russian troops are concentrated on the raigorodka-novovodyane line for this purpose. the same statement was supported by the third assault brigade, which is fighting in this direction. but the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of troops khortytsia nazar voloshyn said on this occasion that there should be no panic and that the defense forces are ready for any development. the american institute for the study of war says that the russian military has continued its offensive on the kupyansk kremin line over the past day, but has not made a confirmed advance. the day before, russian pro-war bloggers wrote about the advance to the west from the square north of kreminnaya. and even earlier, the russian telegram channel published a video of the alleged destruction of the crossing. across the
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oskil river between borova on the left bank and polka dot on the right. reports of iskander missile strikes at the us institute for the study of war say this may indicate that russian forces may be attempting to block ukrainian land lines of communication to isolate ukrainian forces on the left bank of the oskil river as part of preparation for possible offensive operations in the boriv region. in the latest summary of the general staff, 16 attacks were reported in the kupyan direction. they say it's busy, the russian ministry of defense writes about being busy more advantageous lines there by the russian army. oleksandr tertyshnyi is already in touch with us, he is the head of the borivsk settlement military administration. congratulations. good day, good day. mr. oleksandr, thank you for joining us. this is how life looks now in burova, in your village in general, how panicky the mood of people is, perhaps in view of the information coming from the military that the russian army may start offensive actions in this direction. well, i would
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say this way about this, more panicky moods in those people who lived and they left, maybe they evacuated, or there are relatives calling here, but those people who live here, we are already used to these cases at their fists, this is not the first time such information has appeared, of course the situation is tense, but as our military says, it is under control, therefore, we are ready just in case for... evacuation, but now we live and work here, well, let's talk about how to prepare for this evacuation in case the situation gets complicated, but still in the direction of the village of borova in kharkiv oblast there is an increase in the number shelling by russian forces, the kharkiv regional military administration informs about this in particular, and you, as a person who lives in the place, how can you estimate how much the intensity of these shellings is actually greater in comparison, for example, there with a few months before, well, starting from end of march, eh... it's been almost 3 months, now
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the number of shelling has increased, by the way, tonight two cabs again flew into the center of the village, destroyed houses and commercial buildings. ours is literally at 3 o'clock in the morning, so in october it was at the beginning of november, and now aggravation again, we feel it, this is true , there are arrivals in many villages of the community, this may indicate that the russian military is somehow preparing to intensify the offensive in this direction after all, what do you think, because you said earlier , that there have already been such attempts, and there was talk about the fact that they could do it, there was a lot of talk before that, well, they are all over the place... they are advancing, let's put it this way, the hostilities here are going on not far from us and our populated areas , which are located in the east of our community and border with the luhansk region, hostilities are taking place there all the time, but there is such information, i know about this information, and indeed all the
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media are talking about it, but i am sure that the situation is not the 22nd year and our armed forces here... they will hold out and prevent the enemy from advancing in our direction, that is, in fact, so that certain forces cannot advance there and they are building fortifications there , but taking into account the situation in kharkiv oblast, both the law enforcement officers and the deputies of the verkhovna rada, who created a special commission, had questions to kharkiv regional military administration, regarding other directions. tell me, please, here is your community, there is the direction we are talking about now, there are somehow additional fortifications going there now, whether they were ready there after all, i don't know for the last two years. and you are calm because the fortifications are in good condition, the fortifications in our community are being built throughout the year, they are now the plans that were, they are now at the stage of completion, and the work continues, and the civilians involved in it, or at least
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the military build these structures, or is it civil in fact, both civil and military, that is , fortifications are built in order to make it impossible, yes, yes, yes, yes, but tell us in general about borova and... about the communities there as a whole, how big they are, how many people live , how does life continue there , that is, how does everything work, how much does the community and life in the community stop, when, for example , there is an air alarm, because there are people who are watching us, but they are further from the active front line, so, well, i will tell you this , our community counted slightly more before the war 15 thousand, now in the community there are about 6,700 residents according to our calculations. two of our elders are on the right bank of the oskil river, the situation is calmer there, and most of the community is on the left bank here, and we are close to the front, well, what can i tell you i have to say, life in the community goes on, there are certainly tense
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moments associated with arrivals, and our communal services , water supply, and electricity work like this. gas supply, we have all this with the exception of electricity, with the exception of a few settlements that border the front, there now there is not, but yes, people receive services, the post office, ukerposhta, the new post office, two banks are working, well, in principle , we have enough trading points, mr. oleksandr, regarding borivshchyna, it is working, yes, regarding electricity, that is, in the community there are villages in borivska that are closer to the front line and... there is no electricity there at all, several villages, three such villages, which are 4-6 km from the front, there are now no electricity there because of hostilities, how many people are there lives there, or they don't live there at all, well, it doesn't matter to us
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the largest village, where now there is no small-scale energy, there are about 30 people left there, and maybe two or three, some generators are brought to them, maybe the government has generators there , yes generators. and humanitarian aid is also delivered there, and can you name these villages? name these villages? well, the villages are may day, digs, spring, there are lots of people there, there are two men, there are literally villages that are completely nearby, and why these people have not left, maybe you know, but if there is no light there already , and the situation is difficult, and it is close to the front line, like these people they explain why they don't leave there, they don't want to, i just know... here we even have people working in the village council, whose mother is there, says: i'm sorry, even if you shoot me, i won't leave, but about exactly, exactly borova, from a few days ago literally these statements appeared in the next one that the russian army is building up this shock fist and can actually advance in the direction of borova with
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the possible goal of even capturing the village, this is what the military said when this statement was heard , the outflow of people from your community has begun additional, did you notice that maybe there, i don't know, they started from the left bank? huts people rivers and so on, did it not affect the people because they were already used to living in such a state? i would say that not so much this information, the greater intensity of shelling, unfortunately, yes... villages like zagryzeve, there bohuslavka, which are closer to the front, there is a certain outflow of people, it is small, so far, small, but there is such information, well, i associate it more with the fact that shelling has become more frequent, tell us more, please, what instructions, what recommendations, what instructions given by the lviv kharkiv regional military administration and in general, perhaps the central government, so that you understand how to act if the situation worsens, in particular regarding the evacuation of children, as we understand now about... forced evacuation of children from your community , but what should be the prerequisites in order to start
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talking about it, what instructions do you receive as the authorities on the ground? no, come on, we are in close contact with the regional and district military administrations regarding the evacuation of children, i would say, we are talking about forced, but from several settlements that belong to the so-called orange zone in our community, there are 33 children there and now... we are working to get them to leave these villages with their families, because there have been more frequent arrivals , this is mandatory evacuation, we no longer have children in the villages of the red zone, these are those villages that are located, well, a maximum of 10 km from the front line, and we are also adding five settlements where - there are frequent flights, well, somewhere you know, maybe up to 15 km to the front. that there are no children there was, this is our goal, for today there is no general evacuation for all citizens, so far
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we are not talking about it, but we have worked out mechanisms with the regional military administration, regarding routes, transport, and now, if even people are not necessarily evacuated, but they want, we have the coordinates, they are all joints. there are a hundred of us, and people turn to us, we help, people directly call the humanitarian center of the regional military administration, and they are taken away and evacuated. i thank you, mr. oleksandr, for joining in and telling me what the situation is. oleksandr, tetyshnyi, the head of the boriv village military administration, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the situation in the community, borova itself, where the situation may worsen, the military warns about this. well, to the end. a law on the demobilization of the military may appear in the summer, but this will happen under the condition that the current pace
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of mobilization is maintained. vadym ivchenko, people's deputy from batkivshchyna, told about it. he is a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security. according to him, the verkhovna rada is currently waiting for proposals from government deputies cannot initiate a draft law on their own, because this is the prerogative of the president and the general staff. it will take 3 months to train new military personnel who will be able to provide the entire front line - explains ivchenko. his head. a colleague on the committee, people's deputy roman kostenko, in a comment to ukrainian pravda, stated that the deadline for the draft law is october 20204. roman kostenko explained that the number of mobilized people exceeds expectations and the general staff is satisfied with such rates. i will remind you, the new law on mobilization of acquisition on may 18, however , it does not contain specific terms of demobilization, so the parliament obliged the government to develop and register a new draft law on demobilization. deputy of the people's servant of the council on issues. congratulations.
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national security, defense and intelligence and the public good morning, unfortunately, i'm sorry, the connection may be lost, because i'm stuck in the elevator due to a power outage, that is, for three hours, at least i'll be sitting here with this space, but while the connection is there, the deputies are after all the people, the deputies who are ordinary ukrainians elevators behind... this is another phone i am confirming to myself, mr. oleksandr, let’s say, according to your information, the ministry of defense or the general staff is really considering a draft law today and is preparing a bill on demobilization, is it still correct to call it not a bill on demobilization, but on additional grounds for dismissal from military service of individual servicemen. look, let me remind you that when the cabinet of ministers introduced... the parliament already enacted a law on mobilization, there were regulations on demobilization, but its commander-in-chief
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, the prime minister, turned to of the specialized committee, the committee of national security, defense and intelligence, in order to remove these norms so that they can be finalized later, er, the committee listened to these proposals, because i want to remind you that it is not the deputies who accept and participate in the planning of the war, the defense of ukraine, after all , the military, and this norm. was removed under , of course, social pressure from society regarding the fact that demobilization should be done after all, deputies agree with this, by the way, but we instructed the cabinet of ministers. of ukraine to enter the relevant the proposals in progress there, well, as my colleagues said, they will end somewhere at the end of the summer, regarding possible mechanisms, the release of demobilization of those servicemen who, uh, according to one or another criteria, will fall under this law. right now, uh, in my opinion, uh, it's too early to talk about that,
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why? because no proposals from the cabinet have yet been received. yes, those were coming. or other proposals from, even, as far as i remember, there were bills that were introduced by one or another political forces, but in my opinion, this primarily concerns everything stimulation of the electorate, possible planning of elections, preparation for elections is no more, that is, you still agree with those theses, because your colleague on the committee, maryana bezugla, in the comments on social networks, when they started writing about demobilization, wrote that all this is not true and there is no question of promobilization now, do you agree? with the fact that it is too early to discuss this topic, and yet there are no developments there, even previous ones, i agree with the fact that there are currently no draft laws in the committee on demobilization, i agree that this initiative should be introduced by the general staff of the ministry of defense of ukraine through the cabinet of ministers, as the body for submitting the draft law. mr. oleksandr, when this provision was still
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present in the draft law on mobilization, which was considered by the deputies and after syrsky's letter, it was excluded, it was about... a term of 36 months, the deputies both in your specialized committee and from other committees talked about the fact that maybe it should be 24 months, as you think, in order for demobilization in to ukraine, whether the additional norms for the release of servicemen from military service, it all seemed fair, as president zelensky often says about it in the issue of mobilization, for example, what should be the terms of demobilization and your committee, according to your feelings, because of problems with communication we are trying to establish a connection with mr. oleksandr by language and light. let me remind oleksandr fedienko, he is a representative of the specialized committee of the verkhovna rada on national security, defense and intelligence, who is currently in the elevator through power outage and said that he will probably stay there for the next few hours until the lights are turned on, so there is an objective explanation why he lost contact with him now, but we are trying to fix him as soon as possible, because the topic of demobilization is important, about they have already started talking about it and
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we are waiting for mr. oleksandr in order to learn more details from him, you write in the comments what you think about demobilization, to what extent it is... possible, impossible and from where you look at us, because people also mention cities here, from where they look at us, and that's good, we understand then the geography of radio liberty and the freedom of mornings project, well , demobilization is an important point, and mr. oleksandr, they say, is coming back to us, thank you, mr. oleksandr, for at least trying on the phone anyway, so what according to your feelings, the committee of the verkhovna rada is specialized, and if this law is submitted, the bills, if the cabinet of ministers or the general staff still submit them to the verkhovna rada, then vashko will be the first to consider them. as a profile, according to your feelings, what are the terms of demobilization in general, see look, as soon as the cabinet of ministers of ukraine submits and registers this draft law, it will definitely be considered by the specialized committee, once again i want to emphasize that the tactical operational level of conducting and
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planning the war is not done by deputies, no committees, let's not, as they say, about this populism. sometimes it is pointed out that this is done directly by the military and higher political military leadership. you communicate in one way or another with the highest military political leadership of the country. your colleagues the committee says that they are satisfied now in the general staff, for example, with the pace of mobilization in ukraine. from this information that you have, ukraine is really satisfied with how the mobilization is going, well, in terms of how many people manage to recruit to the army? look, recently at the committee, when we asked the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, they said that taking into account the fact that the new law came into effect, mobilization was improving. i did not see that they were satisfied, but they said that yes, the mobilization had improved. mobilization has improved. mr. oleksandr, if we are talking about the draft law on demobilization in general, if there will be one, i understand that this question is not for
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the deputies in the first place, but for the cabinet of ministers, in particular for the general staff. still, how much do you think ukrainian society will support this idea, you said at the beginning that it was important, in fact, when the law on mobilization was passed, how much ukrainian society, do you think, is ready to support this the idea of ​​demobilization and how ready are the military with whom you communicate directly, look, the military, by the way, are different, there are those military, and this is normal, who are tired, want to demobilize, we understand them, but at the same time, there are also those military. who say, no, we 're not going anywhere, we're going to be here to the last to defend our country, so look, i can't right now, society, well, of course, society is wavering in terms of those ... and those narratives that are in this or that social networks, by the way, the russian episo shakes up this story quite strongly, trying
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to maximally destabilize the situation of native servicemen, the servicemen themselves in terms of demobilization, because they understand that they are not winning at the front, that we can still resist, and in this way they are trying to shake society from the inside, maybe even instigate. what kind of unpopular actions on the part of military personnel on the front lines. mr. oleksandr, one more topic, we did not mention it in our conversation with you when we talked about what we were going to talk about, but it is very much on the surface, now yours are also talking about it colleagues are talking. bbc ukraine has released a very large material on this matter, regarding the mobilization of those ukrainian conscript men who have not yet reached the age of 25. and your colleagues, deputies, lawyers, say that there is a rule in the legislation that allows mobilization. actually men under 25 years of age, if, for example, they already have military experience, that is, they served there in the army, or they passed the military department and so on, can ukraine really mobilize those
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men under 25 years of age who have some military experience experience, well, conditionally, of a military army, that is, it is legal and it works and worked, so look, the law clearly states that it is prohibited, mobilization under the age of 25 is prohibited in the event that it is not... it is voluntary, yes, that is , if a person who is conscripted under the age of 25 comes voluntarily and wants to become a soldier, then of course this is allowed, there is a problem, this is resolution 56-560 of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, which for some reason expanded the current legislation, even yesterday i personally addressed the cabinet of ministers ukraine with a request after all to bring resolution 560 into compliance with the current legislation, that is... to bring it into compliance, is to do it in such a way as to enshrine at the legislative level that mobilization in ukraine under the age of 25 is prohibited, except for voluntary ones, that's for sure. thank you very much, mr.
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alexander, for joining us, we wish you to get out of the elevator as soon as possible, maybe the lights will turn on soon. oleksandr fedienko, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, people's deputy from the servant of the people, guest of our broadcast. and you keep writing about demobilization, it is actually an important topic. and so we talked with mr. oleksandr and talked about the fact that there are different servicemen and they evaluate the possibility of demobilization in ukraine differently, and we will also talk about this later in our broadcast, because if demobilizing those who have served two years, it is possible to ask for a front, the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko stated this the day before in an interview for radio liberty. he explains that an equal replacement is needed during the rotation of brigades and battalions in order not to lose combat capability of units. the minister is convinced that currently there are no conditions in ukraine for... demobilization, he says that after new soldiers with experience appear, only then can we talk about demobilization. commanders on the front line told him about this.
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the third assault brigade is now talking about the impossibility of demobilization. the deputy commander, major maksym zhorin , wrote in his telegram that demobilization is currently impossible based on any indicators of recruitment of new soldiers. first of all, we we have to talk about... solutions to problematic issues with a lack of personnel, and they exist, then about adequate rotation and the possibility of rest and recovery for the brigades leaving the most active areas of the front, because so far the rest looks like simply transferring to calmer areas . ivan buryak has already joined our broadcast, he is the chief sergeant of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade, kholodny yar. ivan, i congratulate you, my congratulations, glory to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, thank you very much for finding the opportunity to join to talk about the topic that really worries ukrainian society. their military, after all, from your point of view and from what you know and understand, during a large-scale war , such demobilization is at all possible, or
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will demobilization involve not just the release of military personnel from service, but also the transfer of everything there to peaceful okay, well, in my opinion, demobilization is of course already important and necessary, we just need to understand what demobilization is, everyone surely understands that demobilization is the arrival of new and all old people were demobilized. we, well, i am convinced that it is needed for this and that category of servicemen who, due to their health, cannot perform, let's say, their combat tasks normally, we have a very large number of people with limited fitness and those people who cannot simply demobilize for one reason or another, i would call it demobilization, it is the cleansing of the armed forces of ukraine from those people who, to one degree or another, cannot... perform and do not even want to perform those duties joints, and e such cleaning and selection of really real people, real warriors, quality warriors. who
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will fight, and of course the mobilization itself will be much easier and better when a person realizes that he will be able to demobilize there in one or another period, you understand, because many are frightened by the fact that now we are conducting recruitment, now we are recruiting people, and the very first question is that the person must realize that he is there, he is ready to go... live for two years, work for at least three and leave, but they are afraid the situation that if they had already entered the army and they would not be able to get out of there until the end of a full-scale war, and we see that the situation is such that this end will continue, well, for a long period of time. ivan, here are the words of the people's deputies, who refer to data from the general staff, from the military, with whom they communicate, they say that since the time
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when the law on mobilization came into force. it is may 18, for the last period , the ukrainian general staff is allegedly satisfied with the progress of the mobilization processes, you you conduct recruiting, talk to people, see what is happening, you can confirm or deny from your point of view whether it is true, well, not knowing that more people are willing to go to the army, but has the mobilization process in the country really improved, of course it has improved, in a word measures and responsibility, i understand this, because i know that all military training centers, they are at... we are recruiting, if, in fact, every day, every day one or two servicemen come there, they are motivated normal people, and that is what is important , what what has improved is that people have already begun to realize that the choice needs to be made today and now, i think that this correct decision was made in relation to there, well , these, so to speak, fines, because
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i am happy that something is happening.. . this is a gradation, yes, the fact that i am a serviceman, and i would like to be there, when i am already here from full scale, we are constantly fighting, we would still like to have an understanding that when i return home, i will be a little, well let's say so, at least in a social status different from that of a dude who is evasive, i would specifically call a spade a spade here , if he is a dodger, he should have a label there, somewhere in the action there conditionally, well, for example, yes, and we must understand that this dodger will not be able to go to work normally, that this evader will not be able to normally conduct any of his business affairs there, everything else, because he is really an evader, that is , in other words, that for people who evade military service there, there should be some, well, let's call it tougher conditions in the state after the demobilization, of course, i am a supporter of that, if a person helps the armed forces of ukraine.
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but it helps if he works there, i know such, well, a significant part of volunteers, people who constantly help, support, give every month, or there, i know, people give 10, 15% of their business, well, it’s normal, it big enough sums, and these, i would make a gradation, these people, i would leave, they are those people, well, i left them so that they work and help, support the army, well, you can do that there. also it is conditionally correct to do it transparently, but there are some people who will tip 5 hryvnias each and tell that they are there, that's all, they have already done everything they could, please tell me , that's why i would make a fool of myself here, but how do you evaluate the thesis that if demobilization does happen, if the law is passed by the verkhovna rada, it will be fair in terms of demobilization, we also believe in this, then there may be certain
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threats. for the front in the context of the fact that people who have the most military experience, that is , they are those who have actually been here for some time, they understand how the front works, they know how to defend themselves, will there be no problem with this, because you can, for example, observe that people who are arriving now, they also have high-quality training, look, the problem is that i do not know that law imperfectly, and i do not, it is not there yet, i just noticed that it is not there yet, it is only talking about it, but in my understanding , in my understanding that... those people who are here with heart and the soul is already in the war, they will not go, they will not run to demobilize, knowing that his unit will not be filled with quality people and provided, well, it is me if, if he runs there now to demobilize, then, well, that is, he is there, well, it is not those people, that is, i would say so, and you...


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