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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EEST

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uh, there was a video of the defeat of the toor air defense system, it was such a large drone that flies at this distance, and it was state-owned, that is, bought with state funds, eh, often state drones need to be customized there, yes, finished, somehow brought to a common denominator with those currently used in the unit, but in general the dynamics are good and... if the state will continue to increase, if it will not relax, well, what did they say, we have already increased production, well, we can relax, if the increase in production continues, then, in principle, it will be fine a significant impact on the war and on how much better the thief will be destroyed, that is, you can say that you do not save fpv drones, if there really are... there are targets, then
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you can attack there with several drones, but achieve the result. well, let's say we don't save, we save, of course, because after all, it's a limited resource in any case, just a lot of enemy personnel are going to our positions, well, quite a lot, and in such waves, that's why we have to to save precisely for their assault and... exactly when there are some more accumulations of the enemy, but in in principle, there are fpv drones, well, the more of them, the better, the calmer, because you understand, when enemy attack aircraft come closer to the position, then accordingly the artillery cannot be knocked out, because you can hit your own, and fpv drones here are very effective, that is , they can hit the enemy directly without... directly not far there, 5 m, 6
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m there, or 10 m from the position, well, you understand that it can greatly depend on whether they hold this position or won't hold, well, if they don't hold the position, it's immediately much higher losses on our side, so that's extremely important, but what about remote mining, can drones be used for that, or have they been used for that. and are there technical means to place anti-personnel or anti-tank mines there to prevent the enemy from advancing? there is, absolutely definitely there is, and it is used, our engineering services, minesweepers cooperate with a company of shock unmanned systems, and they have a solution on how to mine remotely, because... what to use there anyway
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sappers in the gray zone, it is always very dangerous, and drones, well, let's put it this way, it's not a pity, a good sapper is, well, first of all , it's a person, it's always a pity for one's own person, that's because, sometimes, when there are big losses, small losses, i don't know, everyone, every dead person is our brother, for me it is a huge loss personally, so... i want to say there and for the command, for the command of the brigade, every serviceman is important, and the loss whatever - someone, this, the death of anyone, it's direct, well, it's always very emotional, well, it's clear that you're not you can let it go, but nevertheless, it hits you very emotionally. viktor, what is happening right now, well, to replenish your brigade with new specialists in the format of this mobilization, which... is now taking place across
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the country, is happening, and recruiting is happening, we are also trying to recruit more people, well, motivated ones, who want to get into our brigade, that's why we also opened a recruiting center, that's why you can, if you have a desire to get into, let's say, some good brigade, then you can join the 77th, for now, well at the moment, it is really a very combat-ready brigade, we have very coordinated actions of both the leadership and the soldiers, well, only because of this, because of this coordination and some such military trickery, because of this, we manage to restrain the enemy, because the enemy, well, actually outnumbers us in... mr. viktor, on behalf of all
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our viewers, i personally thank you and your comrades for what you are doing on the battle line, i will remind you that it was... viktor petrovych, a serviceman of the 77th separate aremobil brigade. this brigade restrains the enemy precisely in the direction of borova, where the enemy is trying to advance, we repel the enemy by various means, including drones, and i repeat, this brigade is raising funds in order to have a sufficient number of drones that destroy the enemy, you saw the ker code and the account number , on which you can count the funds. these were the main military results. vasyl zima will continue the big broadcast this day, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thank you very much to serhii zgrisyu, thank you to his guest. well, of course, everyone today, despite the fact that the war is difficult, difficult,
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losses, still people lived with at least some hope for some positive from germany. i will say again, i will not take yevhen pastukhov's bread away, he will tell in more detail about how... our players, but we perfectly understand that despite everything, despite all the positive emotions, they are negative, they are positive, as always in life, but it is good that people remembered that they are lions, that they are ukrainians, but we understand that the most important battle, risking their own health and their own lives , is being waged today by our soldiers, men, women, boys, girls, on the front line, on the front line, somewhere further from the front line, facing enemy aircraft, enemy missiles, enemy rockets. and we want to help them and at least close the collection they asked us for. so, we ask you, our dear viewers, our friends, to join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the solodarsk and zaporizhzhia directions, the repair and restoration regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone
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in the open air in any weather day and night. so for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers. we need a minibus that will deliver to the combat zone, mobile repair teams and equipment, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment, our goal is uah 630,000, i will say a little later how much we have already collected, but we have definitely already collected more than 500 thousand, so we have much less left, and now we will sum up the results of the parliamentary week and, in general, many political topics and peri-political, political-military, politically corrupt... which are worth discussing, because there was no shortage of them this week. dmytro razumkov, people's deputy of ukraine, is with us. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. good evening. first of all, i will ask you to summarize this parliamentary week in general, what was successful, what was not successful, whether they waited or did not wait for the prosecutor general, and then we will move on to issues
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of individual work of temporary investigative commissions and other topics. please. no, we did not wait for the prosecutor general, just as we did not hear from him at one time, the head of the sbu was summoned by the verkhovna rada, unfortunately, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, well, does not perform his functions very well, for the first time during the entire period of work of this convocation of the verkhovna rada, he simply flouted the constitution, because he violated all the norms of the regulations, trying to push through the a law that the authorities simply wanted, but fortunately the parliamentarians did not vote for it and... after all, it will go within the framework of the law, but stefanchuk once again showed that he is completely controlled by the office of the president and the head of any independent decisions verkhovna the council does not accept it, as i am not ashamed to say about it today, as a people's deputy of ukraine. if we talk about what
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was accepted and what was passed in this plenary week, it was a story about the military police, about the military police, a nice name, it would be nice to have a point, but in fact it is not, because it is the construction of a police state , in fact a police state, because today this draft law does not meet the challenges that exist, they create another mechanism, a repressive mechanism, which will be applied not only to military, but also to civilians, because under the wording that this structure will work for the military, and in parallel also for their family. it seriously erodes the capabilities of this structure and gives an opportunity to influence not only military personnel, but also everyone in this state, because in fact everyone has a relative, acquaintance, close friend who is fighting, that's one or two, if we are talking about
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a comprehensive approach, there should be military justice and military justice, and military military courts, and then it will work. but, as practice shows, the authorities should not checkers, don't go, but checkers, and today we, well, we can, unfortunately, talk about it frankly, once again about it frankly. i want to talk, please, please continue, i think today there was a circus again in the verkhovna rada when i asked the prime minister about when they will raise taxes for ukrainians and to what extent they plan to do it, they keep both the verkhovna rada, and you, and those who are watching us fooled today, because he lied again, said that the government is not even considering this issue, i i would like to remind everyone that literally... two days ago, a close friend of the president, a person who 100% fulfills all the tasks
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set by the president, gitmantsev, said that he is the one who really likes to poke the goose, so that they did not shout, said that the times are approaching when serious and difficult decisions regarding raising taxes will be made, and when i once spoke and asked them questions, maybe you will just stop stealing, stealing from the budget. steal at fortifications, steal at customs, to steal from the tax office, to stop giving nightmares to business and all other structures, well, they really, really didn't like such questions, here you know, just this week, which this week, what are we on, i'm just adding to your words, there's a loud story about the fiscal, i'm now i won’t look for his last name, but it can be found, so he is an employee of the state bureau of investigation, an apartment for 900 thousand dollars, despite the fact that a person... there is some kind of rented accommodation, that’s how i just lead to the fact that he is from different industries, the deputy prosecutor general , maybe general
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the prosecutor is completely off topic, i don’t know, maybe the investigation is really ongoing, he has nothing to say to the parliament now, i’m not saying that prosecutor general kostin, he is guilty of something, maybe not guilty, maybe he really didn’t know what to do to come to the council, he is waiting for materials on verbytsky, his deputy, but again, his girlfriend has property worth 52 million, it is unknown where it came from, and there are many of these stories, again, this also arises, it causes people many questions, but... there are no answers to these questions, but to say the least the taxes you are talking about are the taxes that are meant for the physical tax on the income of natural persons, or are they some taxes for small and medium-sized businesses, well, now a lot of fops have revealed what it is about, that is, who to prepare for, well, look , so far we have not seen this bill, i think we will soon, according to my information, they are preparing it now and will introduce it at the end of this. month or at the beginning of the next, first of all we are talking about raising the value added tax, by two
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or most likely 4%, this is according to their calculations will give them 160 billion hryvnias, because each percentage additional to vat, according to the calculations of these geniuses , is 40 billion hryvnias, but they forget to say that people's purchasing power will fall. and revenues will also fall, that's the first thing, secondly, they haven't read economic theory, and it shows because there's this thing called the scam curve, it's when you raise taxes to a certain point and you get more to the budget if you further if you raise these taxes, the revenues to the budget will, on the contrary, decrease, but for this you need to be able to read books, they it seems to me that some of them do not know how to read at all, and in parallel ... this is a story about raising the military tax from 1.5 to 5%, it is also
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calculated that this will give the budget about 120 billion, but according to their own statements, the budget deficit today, it's not even a budget deficit, sorry, it's a hole in the budget, because the deficit was laid at the beginning, at the end of last year, when they adopted this... uh, bad law, and today i sat, stood, spoke in the council and asked questions and to the minister of finance, and the head of the specialized committee, something they hid their eyes very much, and i would like to hear if i was right when i said that they would not be able to fulfill the budget that was adopted at the end of last year, well, unfortunately, i was right, and today the whole state has to reap all those bad things the decisions they made are a deficit, not a deficit, i repeat once again, the hole in the budget is about 700 billion uah, that is , even if you count the 160 million that we
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are talking about in additional revenues from vat and the military levy, that is another 120, well, plus somewhere else they will scratch something, strangle someone, that's it will be about 300 billion, where they want to take this difference, i don't know, and i think they don't know either, because it's much... it's easier to follow the principle of continuing to try to milk a cow that's not even no no no actually has already died, and today's ukrainian business, the big one... takes money abroad, and the small one will simply close, this is also against the background of the fact that today we have the same law on mobilization, which actually drives the entire business into the shadows, because especially small and medium, because it will be easier quit your job and work in the dark, before your accounts are blocked, before the manager has to
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take you to the shopping center, or they will know where you work and come to... your work as a guest, but when was all this accepted, when me and my colleagues out of smart politics , they talked about it publicly and convinced the council not to vote for it, it did not happen, and it also did not happen after the president did not sign this law. as for what was still being adopted within the walls of the verkhovna rada, it was the law on political parties, amendments to it, there really was history, the correct history, what... regarding the reporting of political parties, but at the same time, our smart policy team submitted amendments to remove the funding of the party, i don't know if it's about uah, i'll just clarify right away so that our people can immediately figure out heard and then understood that 800 million hryvnias will be received by parties from the state budget in 2024, that is
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, it is not 840, but 840, so that people simply have an understanding. what amount are we talking about, please, and i will continue to spoil people's mood, because i am the servant of the people first during the two years of the war, starting in the 22nd year, she received from your taxes, because there is no budget money there, there are your taxes, she received 1.2 billion hryvnias, 1.2 billion, and when they talk about the fact that we there, part of the funds were transferred to the armed forces, yes, maybe this is true. yes, but at the same time, i showed it from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, they print newspapers that are distributed in kyiv near the subway, one by one, one circulation, for example, 50,000 copies, 50,000, that is, these are funds spent on garbage and on paper in the literal sense of the word words, instead of giving them to our
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defenders, so when i made the offer, i chose the easier option. i said that let us transfer all these funds for our defense during the war to help our defenders, and it is good when you refer to the fact that such norms are in force in the european union, after the victory, after the end of the war, they will return to you , no, only 90 people's deputies, 90-95, voted for these amendments, and this is precisely an indicator that no party that receives such a resource has transferred these funds to needs of the army, and transfers them to maintain their party structures, and mostly just to print newspapers, and when they tell me that it is democratic, i always told my colleagues that it is not about democracy and it is not about parties and it's not
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about your politics, it's about the fact that if you don't pay... more for weapons and for our defenders, then tomorrow there will be neither your parties, nor our state, nor the elections, which they are so worried about, i'm going to have a blitz now, because i definitely have three or four questions, but i want you managed to give answers to all these questions, well, the first thing i saw now was already on tiktok, by the way, i rarely go there, today for some reason i decided to go and watch and i was just stunned there was a video from the meeting of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, there the people's department.. . passage, if i am not mistaken, it was conducted and representatives of the territorial recruitment center were invited, this is zhytomyr region, well, this was a story before, a conscript died there, they explain, one side explains that it is epilepsy, the other side explains that there a skull fracture, well, in any case, this is a precedent, and you know, i just, well , for example, talked and saw work with
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many workers, well, not with many, but with a certain number in different places. there are really good people, loyal people, people who have passed the front, people who listen, speak, understand, and understand what will happen to you or what will not happen to you at the front, how to communicate with you, there are completely different stories , and this thought occurs to me, here, you know, no matter what, plus or minus somewhere already mobilization is underway, they say that there are some paces, and then the story of a beating, a death, tsk, scandals appears again, these videos fly around tiktok and it starts again... zaka is death, you are life, let's do something, this is some kind of diversion, i just can’t understand why you can’t normalize this story here and just, well, somehow at least write down the rules and the people who do such things. this is what a specific person did, if there was even a story with a beating, well there are such stories, well, somehow normalize it, because it already is to be honest, it’s always just a little bit , well, it seems to have improved,
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this witch hunt and other stories are starting on you again, please explain this and what to expect from the work of this tsk in the verkhovna rada in terms of the work of territorial centers assembly, i honestly do not know about the work of this tsc, i am not a member of it, i am a member of the tsc for questions. cation of drones there, i will have more answers soon, there are problems, there are also positive things, but there are many problems, and about tsk, i think that we all see that this is happening, and you know, the main problem is that such things cannot, you know, pretend that they do not exist, when you see that this is the center of kyiv, that such shameful events are taking place, they are trying to convince you and me... that this pso was filmed somewhere in russia, well, you can't keep people dumb, you have to find the guilty, show them, punish them, and then others will think what they are doing, and
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people will see what justice is, and the way it is today it is done by the government, it will simply lead to what, in fact, to what has already resulted when people in uniform start to be afraid, and this is very, very bad, if we remember the year 22... people in uniform, on the street, caused only respect, and today it causes fear that this is a representative of the tcc, it is a shame . yes, despite the fact that there are indeed moments here when people have left, well, people are on the record, reporting to the ministry of defense that if we keep this pace, we can even talk about considering the law on demobilization somewhere before the end of the summer, that is, some there is a positive, and when such a positive appears, necessarily there is such a story that is spreading all over social networks, especially chinese tiktoks. and i just really don't want it to be, because in fact there are a lot of positive stories, a lot of normal, normal work and normal stories that happen every day, you just don't see them on tiktok, in fact there are too, although
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well here i completely agree with you that specific people are not generally, let's release everyone, as it was done, it did not give anything, only negativity, but specific people who they really broke the law somewhere, it is necessary to investigate and bring them to justice, everything is absolutely simple and then all the other good and honest people, the responsible ones , will be able to continue working. to carry out, to carry out these orders, regarding, i would also like to ask, regarding this right, which the verkhovna rada of ukraine granted to local communities, to purchase certain things for the defense forces, to actually finance the defense forces, and previously this money was allocated both in kyiv and in lviv, and in sumy, and in poltava, and wherever. what does it give and if it is possible then, it is worth burning that the military pdf will then be returned to the places, so that the communities... some of which are just surviving now, have something to finance the defense forces, understanding the needs of these or other units on the ground , no, they will not return
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personal income tax, because they themselves need personal income tax, the truth is that it is not clear where they divided it, because they took away the communities, and the hole in the budget appeared even more, i mean in the authorities, this bill and our colleague mikisha was one of the engines of this story, he is... a member of our smart policy team, he pushed it, and there's another bill, which is the budget code amendment, if it's not voted on, it's not really going to work, and i really hope that it's not going to be politically motivated to slow down the process, although, as practice shows, it is politics that are the priorities of the authorities, not common sense, the interests of the army, and yet , i would like to sum up briefly, but... in essence, this is the peace summit that took place there on the 15th-16th , well, actually, it was the end of last week, but in in any case, its consequences, discussions,
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certain statements, they were heard throughout this week, well, an important statement was from andrii yaermak, the head of the president's office, who assumed the presence of a representative of russia at the second peace summit, and here is an important story, is it really was something so arranged, did you manage to reach any such houses? that there is already reason to talk about the second summit, the deputy head of the president's office, mr. zhovkuva, said that it could be in the fall, it's just interesting to understand what the deputies say about it, your colleagues who are particularly involved in the topic, who are specialists or diplomats, or people who have worked in diplomacy, who understand and know something, what they say about the results of the summit and russia's expectations at the second summit, i don't know, to be honest with the deputies, not much someone with mono majority. i consulted there, that’s the first thing, and if we’re talking to you about yarmak’s position, well, i don’t communicate with the russians, it’s difficult for me to comment on it, it’s more clear to them who they will invite and who they won’t, er, so... the question is not
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off topic , there is a question, what will happen then with by the presidential decree that was signed earlier, if we are talking about the summit, it is good that it took place, it is additional informational support for ukraine, but if we are talking about concrete results, unfortunately, i do not see them yet, and i still i wanted to, but you talked about the fact that economic theory and such things, which, unfortunately, i completely agree with you here, although i have not communicated with these people, i am not an economist myself, but i, thank god, do not manage the economic processes in the country , about the fact that taxes can be raised and have from that profit up to a certain time, and then, as they say, the cow dies with the milk, but according to your understanding of the processes that take place, with the understanding that fuel can grow, there may be further blows to energy, which will also lead to improvement of certain things, people, more people may leave ukraine, there will be fewer working groups, well, that is, there are still a lot of unknowns, unknowns in
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this equation that can work, that is , taking into account all these risks and the current state of affairs, but to what stage these taxes are can make a profit, and when it will be necessary to come up with a plan b, plan b, i understand that this is a request to the partners, whether they give money or not, there will be no plan, the partners will not give such money for social payments and for the provision of the army, because all the loans that we receive, we, they do not go to the salaries of the military, they go to the armed forces in part. and there for other things, for the salaries of the military , no, likewise for pensions, for scholarships, for the salaries of doctors and teachers, no, but that’s why they simply don’t have a plan, and samarchenko spoke about this frankly, and about taxes, about that point non-return, i think we have already crossed it, you also mentioned the fuel, as well, it will not just hit those who drive there, but also not ... everyone who
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goes to the store, because it increases the delivery, it increases the cost of all the products that are available, and on the other hand, let's remember that not only did they raise the electricity tariffs, they can't provide this electricity because they didn't protect, i mean, our government representatives couldn't to protect critical infrastructure facilities, and now many are surviving at the expense generators, which are also powered by either diesel or. such a strategy, or rather its absence in the actions of the authorities , is observed today, this is how i communicate with people somewhere there or in a store in some large shopping center, this is how you start a conversation, i’m just curious, as a journalist, i ask people who work, how so they say, near the production, if there is a large shopping center, how much does a large generator that supplies electricity cost, it needs to be filled with a certain huge amount of diesel every 5 hours, well, if it
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a large center that can afford it alone. history, the other will simply increase the price, the third will close, the fourth will not work, plus or minus these taxes, that is , there are a lot of problems, i’m just here, well, literally one stroke , we have a minute left, but when can we expect the first reports already, or at least a public conversation about the temporary investigative commission on fortifications, and whether it happened and whether they give access to the necessary materials, or cooperate with you as a temporary investigative commission, which is provided for by law, which should cooperate everyone involved, who you need. people give materials, reports, give some kind of testimony so far yes, yes, so far yes, the only problem there is huge, a huge amount of information, the abdsk is secret, so you can't come out, tell the whole truth, there are positive things, there are those , who does his job better, but i think that over time there will be a lot of information that will still be able to become information for society and for many it
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will be... will be expensive in the butchery, because to steal during war, you have to to be punished according to the strictness of the law, well, that's it i was thinking of asking, i had a guest in the studio earlier, a people's deputy, but i'll ask you, it's very short, do people's deputies have a vacation this summer, well, even i'm not saying that they don't have to, no, it's not foreseen, well, i it is not precisely foreseen, but now the plenary week has ended, i have a business trip in ukraine, not abroad, not on vacation, well... so that the parliament is always functional, that all of a sudden, when everyone has gathered , the parliament functions constantly during martial law, thank you very much that joined, thank you for your comments, i wish you a good evening and take care, dmytro razumkov, the people's deputy of ukraine was in touch with us, we summed up the results of the parliamentary week, and now we will talk about the most important news, i will talk to you at this hour literally in a moment .


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