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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EEST

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the construction of a forest road can destroy a historical monument. the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. there are discounts, they represent unbreakable discounts on exodoril solution. 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. congratulations! russian propagandists are raging for the second day in such, you know, paroxysms of joy, because of how beautiful and beautiful putin went to north korea. well, as always
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, all this is hypocritical and, well, let’s say frankly, even despicable in places, well, you know, even a former official, even the deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia, reminded about this hypocrisy, who literally on the air somehow reminded about the fact that the attitude to north korea now and to north korea during the last... years, this is literally a story when some rooster pecked there, and that's when some kind of love woke up suddenly. our relationship with north korea is a classic example double standards in russian foreign policy. in 1992, boris mykolayovych, under the pressure of some comrades, decided to completely exclude it, didn't you and andriy volodymyrovych put pressure on it? no. to completely stop contacts with
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the dprk, which was done. and let's remember that close to 2022, close to the beginning of world war ii, when a fried rooster pecked us. we , together with the usa, great britain and france , have consistently voted for the resolution every year. together with china, together with china, on the resolution on sanctions against north korea. and putin in we did not fly to north korea, and putin did not fly, we complied with the sanctions, we threw out north korean workers, and so on and so forth. can north korea, perhaps at our request, become a bigger irritant for the west. can north korea engage in new nuclear activity, satellite activity, make our enemies twitch somehow.
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well, that's it, that is, actually, about the sanctions, this is very important, remember, remember that both china and the ussr were actually those countries that, well, together with everyone and a little in the first ranks, sanctions were introduced against north korea, but now let's see how it all changed, well, russian propagandists practiced their love for... north korea, its leader so much that they tried, well, to jump out of their pants, and directly, let's say, not everyone succeeded, some were embarrassed, like, for example, solovyov, he tried and it didn't work, he wanted to start ether in korean, but realized that i don't know the language, but it happens like this, i studied english and italian all my life, and it turned out, that it was necessary to learn korean and some of the variants or farsi or arabic, well nothing. it's scary, but it's okay, what are
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my years, i'll still learn, well, whether he will learn or not is unknown, but you see, it didn't work out, it didn't work out, i wanted to, i guess there was such, you know, an attitude, but it didn't work out, another person who also, one might say, she somehow fell out of this story, skabieva turned out, well, of course, she tried to talk on the air about how beautiful it is to live in north korea, how free it is there, how everything is there, literally everything is possible for everyone, and that’s already her attempt is not new, well, but that's how she tried to tell what was already there everything was fine, well, it came out straight, let’s say, funny in places, well, if you remember, there was already a story when skabiyeva went to...
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north korea, it was last year, i send you to october last year, you can watch this one, but then she talked about how... you can walk freely on the streets there, well, at that moment she couldn't walk freely on the streets because she was constantly being followed by a major, but you can see already from last year how it all was , first she came out, says: we walk freely, shoot, no one touches us, and here she handed over... hello, the security that was there, then a fellow major was constantly following her, and the laugh, well, the comedy of the situation was that she was just telling me that i was walking here and talking to people on the street, and for comrade major doesn't walk with me, and suddenly this
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fellow major somehow got out and started following her, and it turned out that he was just following her in a circle, where she tried to walk, walked, then er... just didn't allow us to communicate with local residents, moreover, these local residents ran away from her, turned away, and actually this major also said, that no, no, you don’t need to communicate with anyone, well, so and so, so and so, there was an attempt to show what a free life is in north korea, and that’s how it failed with skabeeva then, and let’s say, let’s say this, this time skabeeva is already in the north they didn't take korea, that's the story. well, that's why she was forced to tell something like that and it didn't work out, i don't know if we have it now, or we can, uh, well, that's it, well, and in the end, this is also all
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that happened, probably the funniest element of all this was that... "russian the propagandists even talked literally with such, you know, breathlessness about how the russian delegation in its entirety was kicked out of the hall, when they already came there they spread out their papers, because kimchanin should enter first, let's show it, how they did it all were told in the kim's residence. are already taking their seats, defense minister belousov, foreign minister lavrov, and first vice prime minister manturov manage to be the first to enter the hall and even spread out documents, and strict employees of the korean protocol ask them to leave and wait for the leader to appear.
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why did we come here then? is there a soviet union? well , you see, why did we come here then, why? that it is not a man's business to explain to some ministers why, and i will tell you this, of course , you have to be ready, but when skabeeva went there last fall, she already explained that this is the norm and you have to be happy about it and in general you have to live with it the soviet union, and actually told what the russians are waiting for with this north korea, how they will continue to live the way north korea lives, let's listen. military is operating in the dprk duty for women and for men. citizens over the age of 17 are eligible for conscription. the armed forces are being built under the slogans of chukha. self-reliance. and sangun - everything for
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the army. the main north korean newspaper is called na dong sin, which translates as work. subscription is mandatory. on saturday at every enterprise in a lesson on political information, the lesson takes place until lunch, it is customary to read the newspaper aloud and make notes of the most important theses. with the arrival of kim jong un, who is considered the most liberal of all previous kims, women in north korea were allowed to wear heels curtains appeared on the windows, mobile phones were in people's hands. on the lapel of each jacket, there is a badge with the founder of the dprk and the successor of the ideas of "chuchhi yo". son, we all, we all have these badges, near the heart, of course, near the heart, until recently , mobile communication was considered a luxury here, foreign sim cards do not work in north korea, so for the journalistic group on all of us they gave one
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north korean mobile phone with one north korean card, well i would say with one north korean button on the phone, or wherever it is calling. well, in fact, in addition to all this entourage, and what this whole life in north korea actually imagines, which is probably now being prepared for the russians. i wonder why putin actually came there, well , he came in order to conclude an agreement, and this agreement directly, let's say, is such a hint that russia wants to leave the regime of sanctions against north korea, that's what putin said in principle. a new intergovernmental agreement on all was signed, a new intergovernmental agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership was signed, agreeing that this is... a truly breakthrough document that reflects the desire of the two countries not to
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stop there, to raise our relations to a new qualitative level, and russia and korea conduct an independent and self-reliant foreign policy and do not accept the language of blackmail and dictation. we oppose the practice of applying politically motivated sanctions and restrictions. in this context, i would like to note that the one inspired by the usa and its allies is indefinite. the restrictive regime of the un security council regarding north korea should be revised. the contract was signed today provides assistance in case of aggression against one of the participants of this document. the russian federation does not rule out the development of military-technical cooperation with the democratic people's republic of korea, according to the document signed today. well, actually, why are they happy about it. russian propagandists, let's see, first of all, how they do it, in particular how
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such a traitor kilenkarov does it, who is now trying to be more of a russian propagandist than the russians themselves propagandists to be honest, i don't know the way out of this situation, i don't know how we will get out of it, but it seems to me that an announcement should be made in the newspaper based on the results of putin's visit to the dprk. as a result of the visit of the russian delegation , a suitcase with a red button was accidentally lost. anyone who finds that suitcase is asked to return it. i see no other way but to make western leaders aware of the threat of a nuclear strike. that is, what is it about in general, why is it so, this is exactly so. this is the next step of how putin, after failing you know, er... to frighten there somehow, i don't know, with all these shouts that we
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will conduct nuclear tests there, something else, after that putin began to try to create tension not with his own hands, but in such a way that i let me tell you something, at first they shouted that they would transfer nuclear weapons to belarus, then you know, they sent a boat to cuba, and the next step, they are now trying to tell everyone that they will transfer some nuclear technology to north korea, moreover , which they will now block the entire sanctions policy in relation to north korea, well, let's put it this way, this is a way to create such tension, and again, they talk about it, well , literally frankly, that's how it is, this is a way to play on nerves we create a precedent where we take and say:
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a country that was suffocated by sanctions, that you turned into a rogue, we say, and now they are not a rogue, legally we can't do it, but in practice we will do it, that's right, well, we say everything, we say, we do not admit such a regime of sanctions, where in fact we use our right of veto to spread this kind of open-ended sanctions of the un security council. "well, we did not give the westerners the opportunity to turn the korean sanctions into eternal ones. we are destroying the sanctions regime, it is quite true, we are breaking it, we have the right of veto, which not only means that you do not have the right, our right of veto, it will not be like that, and this is already interesting, i say that these steps, they are so gradual, but they, i am very inspired." i'm also inspired, you see, they're inspired, really inspired
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there is nothing to be, but it is necessary to understand very well, and why did they suddenly leave in the first place, but putin came, he concluded a contract, one of the reasons, well, this is what i am saying, because other methods of intimidation somehow did not work, and this is the way to raise the stakes, again, but there is such a nuance that most likely this has also become possible. with the support of china, and this is actually a very big question for everyone, because how china will react next, whether it will react at least, somehow it hangs in the air, but you can guess that probably... there would be no such and the wording in these treaties and all these conversations, if china, you know, somewhere behind the scenes, did not support this matter, moreover, the fact that china most likely supports it is further evidenced by the fact that russia has now given china the opportunity exit
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through the river that runs along the border of russia, north korea, and china. there is a river there that runs partly through the territory of china, partly through north korea, partly through russia, and in its own territory russia has given the opportunity for chinese ships to sail through so that they can leave into the sea of ​​japan. for china, this is a very important thing, because they did not have such an opportunity before, there was no opportunity to get there at all, moreover. there is a bridge that prevents it from being done, but judging by the fact that all the talks are going on now and they have signed something with korea, then this bridge will most likely be demolished, and north korea will also give china the opportunity to sail through, and that is exactly why china and well, he looks at it all through his fingers, moreover, he most likely supports it to see what will come of it, they say, well
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, we’re not the ones who arrange it all, we’re not the ones trying encourage north korea to go nuclear. weapons, we are not trying to get out of the sanctions, this is all done by russia, that is, this is, you know, also china's way of playing, scaring the world completely, well, not controlled as if by putin, which of course is not the case, and that's precisely because most likely , china supports this, this whole story is happening, and moreover, now the next question arises, how will the world react to this, how will the security council react. un, how will other countries react, because such, well, such behavior of a member of the un security council, actually asks the following question, can russia be in the un security council, what is it doing there at all after all this, it’s not just some, you know, some, well , there are pictures of their trips and other
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statements by themselves, no, these are direct threats, well... that is, as threats to arm terrorists, but if earlier they only said that we were giving weapons to the houthis, now they are saying, and we will give nuclear weapons to another bandits and terrorists in north korea, and so again , that's what they say. does that mean what the russian federation is already leaving the sanctions regime, how will the united organization react to this. if russia exits the sanctions regime, this means not only an increase in trade, but also the attraction of workers and employees from the dprk. we know that our country now has a catastrophic shortage of workers, including the hypothetical
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involvement of the north korean military. so, you know, i can tell you this, all those conversations that were before, there are shells from china over there, or how they constantly dream about what the chinese will send them their military, well because uh, well it actually sounds very strange when a country that is, uh, i don't know, five times the size of north korea, ee expects them to send troops from there, well it's kind of very strange, uh ... in fact, more than this, this is the story with the release of sanctions, this is more resonant, has more resonance in the world, because it really completely destroys the entire structure and actually the security system of the un, and it actually resembles even more the
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way nazi germany acted, which also essentially destroyed the world at that time... security structure, the same thing russia is doing now after this treaty, it must be very clearly understood, it is destroying the system of sanctions, anti-nuclear, it is destroying any system of deterrence of terrorism, nuclear proliferation, everything. and if after that what is supposed to happen does not happen, i.e. you don't just throw her out of the un security council, and you don't exclude her from some of these world organizations, well, it will be very strange. and it will be very wrong, because in this case we can say, the ball is now on field, well, probably the un, which should react to all this. well, actually, let's see. in general, how did it all happen there, because this whole apotheosis of, well, this transformation of russia into north korea in its essence, well
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, it is visible, and it is visible that the russians like it, just stupidly like it, their propagandists are delighted, they dream of returning to the soviet union, let's take a look. because congratulations in korean sounded today from all russian screens, not only the leader of the democratic people 's republic of korea arrived and met the board number himself 1, on which vladimir putin arrived. have we witnessed how the democratic people's republic of korea knows how to welcome guests? how they know how to arrange things there. official ceremonies, how they know how to hold parades there, this step is natural. the motorcade moves at high speed, accompanied by an escort of 23
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motorcyclists, each with a rank no lower than major. a very beautiful picture, koreans know how to organize such mass events. according to official information, 10 thousand people took part in the solemn ceremony of the meeting putin, i think what's more what is happening is reminiscent of a national holiday, on the square there is a banner with the inscription russian-korean friendship. putin is met even by children, girls in dresses. boys in white t-shirts, two giant portraits of the leaders on the stage, balloons flying into the sky, putin and kim are driving
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a convertible to the talks at the residence of kim susan. the car, despite the sanction , is made in germany. the open-top car is escorted by female drummers in pioneer ties. behind them, the dancers are waving cyclopean-sized sunflowers. putin and kim are traveling accompanied by an interpreter. given that it seems to be +35 or 36 outside, they know how to create a festive atmosphere.
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well, what can i say, to drive children and people to +35-36° in order to remind the old marmatician of the soviet union, well, yes, they know how to create a holiday, so what, and after that it remains only to be happy that they gave out a mobile phone... telephone, and there is also a taxi, metro and public transport. you can go outside, there are people outside, cars are driving, this is about endless western speculation that literally everything is prohibited in north korea, you what did you see we were given phones with access to the internet, here you can access social networks and telegram channels. yes, they will be taken from us, they are official. north korea is not such a closed country, there are even taxis, we traveled with you last year, we were in pyongyang, remember,
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together with sergey lavrov, when this trip of vladimir putin was probably being prepared, you filmed a large report, here is also taxis, and public transport, and the subway, yes, but now the report is no longer made, so as not to show how the majors walk again, just they tell that there is a taxi. there is a subway, there is public transport, such an achievement that simply, i don’t know, hide in the usual way, so-and-so, so-and-so is waiting for the russians on the one hand, and on the other hand, well, now everyone should think about whether russia should be in the un security council after she actually decided to help the nuclear terrorists with one more thing, what will be there to technically help them, the question, see you.
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veresny. sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovsky and invited experts soberly evaluate events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. candidates for the vrp according to the president's quota. how to save up for luxury property while eating rations from the state? i am a person who knows how to save. and what new facts of judge gorbasenko's dishonesty have been discovered by the state administrative court. the assets were analyzed and it was concluded that
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there is none. no questions congratulations, the court is on the air control. institutional rebooting and personnel renewal of the judiciary based on the norms of professional ethics and integrity is the basis of the judicial reform currently underway in ukraine. its successful implementation is the main requirement for our further path to the eu. however, how successful is the transformation and whether the moral and professional qualities correspond. today we will talk about high standards of justice, but first the news: the sixth administrative court of appeal refused to renew the former judge of the supreme court of ukraine bohdan lviv on the staff of the supreme court. the panel of judges confirmed the legality of lviv's dismissal on the basis of a letter from the sbu about the judge's citizenship.


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