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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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i thought we would fly at night, but it's the same story, but no one thought that in winter, solar energy is, to put it mildly, not effective, at night, not at all, and you need to warm up at night, especially when it comes to hospitals, a lot other critical objects, so the question from my point of view is very simple: how to build in ukraine not the old greatness - not to rebuild the old soviet monsters that gave us electricity, which are easy to bombard with rockets, because they... not so much anymore a lot of 85 e-e strategic e-e transformer substations, in total 85, and it was they who were fortified from the shaheds, but not from rockets, and all of them, to put it mildly, became victims, so now you can build modern western and asian gas turbine stations in every city, they are in a large assortment, i recently read an article about khmelnytsk, well, i'm not ready to say how much it is... not advertising, but
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it claims that even before the war, the leadership of the city of khmelnytsk invested money in these stations and today it does not depend on the old soviet monsters oblenergo and teplokomoenergo, so maybe this is the way, maybe the president should now not be talking about giving us money, but should have said: give money to city leaders, and they themselves will be under the control of the community, that's close, that's not going to kyiv to rallies, which are prohibited, that's here... here you have in dnipro, in rivne, in zhytomyr, in kherson, they will build you decentralized small stations that will give you energy. it is expensive? no, it's not that expensive, it's about a million for one megawatt. as many as you need, a lot, but it's a loan. help ukrainian cities with this make it but for god's sake, don't give it to the government, as the president is proposing, because that's all the government has done. from the protection of energy facilities, to
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the production of drones, to the ukrainian military industry, and so on, and so on, everything was inefficient and corrupt, and the problems of corruption close the possibility of receiving serious investments from the west for these needs, if the borrower is the government, they already know its price everyone, the entire western press is now full of articles about top-level ukrainian corruption, well, this week's washington post actually. wrote about that zelenskyi was disappointed by blinkin's attention to corruption in ukraine during the last meeting, according to the publication , relations between the authorities of ukraine and the united states of america are increasingly strained in the fight against corruption, which poses a constant threat to aid to kyiv, and at the same time , ukrainian officials complain that americans and europeans often use the stereotype of ukraine's corruption as an excuse for delaying aid, and that this accusation is not only a cliché, but also hypocritical. in the capitals, which have their own problems
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with corruption, you, as a person who understands very well how the state machine works and how this corruption lives in this country in general, what can you say about the corruption of president zelensky's time? well, for objectivity, overcoming corruption is a function not so much of law enforcement agencies as of coordinated work, i always prevent corruption so that it does not exist, look, imagine a dam, a big dam, here you and i need water that must flow on the rotor, well, to give electricity, but there are holes in this dam, corruption, from which a huge the amount of scarce water is pouring out, up to the point that the power plant stops working, what should be done, first of all, law enforcement agencies testify about these holes, they say: look,
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they are stealing here, and we detained him, they are stealing here, and we took him to court, here they are stealing, and we have already put him in prison, and the government should think about what to do to make it impossible to steal like this, because in my history there were four heads of the regional gas company in one region who stole from the same place, or there was a famous state enterprise horse of ukraine, there were 16, it seems, but 10 thousand hectares of land, where each new director... after the previous arrestee, did the same thing, planted wheat illegally and put it in his pocket, so what should be done about it, the cab says what should be done , and the parliament adopts a law, and this hole is closed, we closed such holes according to the analysis of western experts during poroshenko's time, there are 4 billion annual losses, annually, it was a good job, but of course it was not finished, to this day the dam looks like this with separate derks no, there is... a huge pump visible to all,
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which absolutely brazenly pumps state water beyond this dam into someone's private pools. just in front of everyone, and this pump works even more powerfully than in yanukovych's time. i, this is me, the person who sat at the behest of yanukovych, now i catch myself thinking that his corruption was not as terrible as it is today, because then from a small district police department or there, the city health department and even schools, all they collected the tax and sent it upstairs, leaving the designated one for themselves percentage, it's... a state mafia, but there was still some order in it, because the state economy was spinning, one way or another, yes, yanukovych, the losses from yanukovych's rule amounted to one annual budget, that is, in four years, he is from ukraine stole one year's budget, but what is happening today
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is simply destroying the economy. ask any businessman, when were the worst times for the system to function? the fact that war today is certainly terrible. reason, but there is no purchasing power, but at the same time, the state is pressuring business like never before, brutal controlling structures, completely uncontrolled, grab everything they have, not in order to hand over to the mountain, but simply to rob, and why do they do this, because there is complete irresponsibility, the most terrible thing in a situation with corruption, when the bottom of the bureaucratic apparatus feels complete impunity, if... billions are stolen on the mountain, then i have the right to steal a million, and i will get nothing for it, because we act in the same way. under yanukovych, they transferred everything to the mountain and were controlled. now they keep almost everything to themselves. in free time from corruption for the upper echelons.
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and this infection covered the whole country. moreover, at the same time, the cabinet of ministers issues simply crazy decisions in order to finish the business. well, you think about it, such as... now it turns out that they are going to punish businessmen for exceeding the noise during the operation of generators, that is, the state cannot provide energy, it could not protect it by stealing, well, actually throwing half a billion bucks into the wind, but you, a businessman pay for the noise in your small cafe, this is the businessman on whose shoulders this one is in principle the state is holding on, this means there will be inspectors who will go and take money, or for example, you are a businessman, you have to fulfill our presidential function of mobilization, now they... they are obliged to study the subpoenas, how does it end, they release these people, you know, but against this background, i wanted to ask you at the very end of our program about how people's deputies are trying to take over the powers of other law enforcement agencies, including bodies, this is the story with mykola otyshchenko in dnipro,
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when there was a conflict with the former a soldier of the kraken unit, and he came there to smash some call center with some guys and. and there is no reaction, today i looked, i was interested, the sbi, the police, the prosecutor general’s office, well, somehow they should have reacted to this, what was it in general, i knew that serhiy, that you can’t help but ask this, in fact, it’s not shallow and not funny event, i will always remember november 23, 2020. when there were very hot events in the defense of bakhmut, just as the first wave of wagners rolled in, and i saw our machine gunners, we they were flying on drones next to each other, but machine gunners were standing waist-deep in water, and the trenches were passing through the city dump, there was swimming in this water, well , i’m guessing that he’s all black from
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powder gases, his teeth are white, his eyes are red from red bull, well, four i need a day to rotate with... and i ask him, my friend, how are you, he says: bitch, tishchenko, i’m going to beat him with my hands, and i just went crazy, i say, lord, in this situation, you need this tishchenko , he says yes, because i took out 2/2 here yesterday and was collecting their guts in this mud, he's fucking in thailand, you know, and he long ago became a symbol of the bullishness of this government, of that wretch... what servants were made of, he is a pure bull who simply defiantly spits on everyone and does what he wants, well, he was not made into servants of the people, he he was in the obolon district, yes, hey, he ran some restaurants,
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didn't pay back loans to banks, somewhere there was a little bit of a small six in the kyiv and savlohovsky gangs, that's all, and then he became a deputy. and also the best man? well, that's all, he was carried away, this is one symbol, well, we'll say the best man ermak, so precisely that it guaranteed him any invisibility, he gives bulletproof vests. at the checkpoint, which is 20 years old, which cannot withstand even a pistol bullet, he gets away with it, he goes to thailand under the travel ban, and there on the beaches, he gets away with it, he is engaged in pure, well, violations of the law in transcarpathia, he gets away with it, he gets away with everything, because he is like that, and he gets high from it, here is one character for you, and the second character is maryana bezugla, i recently realized that she is a drone, here she is bombing the army, she is bombing not by...
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she bombards the entire leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, claiming that all of them, and i will continue to name the words and criminals, and butchers, and alcoholics, and anything else, she simply discredits the armed forces of ukraine, and now today i thought, they are among themselves, by the way, they are at war , don’t you think that these are two sides of the same coin, kolya tishchenko attacked a military serviceman with aunts who guard his fat body on the streets of dnipro in the middle of a cutlet, and there are no call centers there it is said, it is about the fact that a young guy, a veteran, a volunteer with a baby carriage is walking, makes a remark about why people walk around in supposedly military uniforms with guns naked without tardy signs, and at the same time they knock him down in the presence of the police, who are standing and afraid. to touch this jerk, i'm just holding back a little now to avoid saying the words that
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are appropriate to use here, how it ends, only a complete idiot, even a bigger idiot than the champion among idiots in the patty circle, can contact a veteran crackin who walks with a child, that's my word now as an ex-minister of internal affairs and ex-prosecutor general, or the ministry of internal affairs. in his own way investigation, this is the third section of the criminal code, freedom, honor and violation of the freedom, honor and dignity of a citizen, and the sbi, in its dignity, in the case of misappropriation of power, because they took on themselves absolutely not their powers, will open a criminal case and arrest them all, and the prosecutor general's office will sign the cancellation, or the cutlet will become a black swan for the authorities, and it will be a huge us, the crown will be a black swan, we have for... thank you yuri vitalich for the conversation, your pregnancy is accompanied by
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heartburn, do you often suffer from heartburn? i doctor, and for conditions accompanied by heartburn, i recommend drinking izota. izota was created by a pharmaceutical company, izota is specially adapted to reduce the symptoms of diarrhea and normalize digestion. isota interacts with the acid in the stomach, which leads to a reduction in the symptoms of pachia. izota is recommended. for daily consumption, try it, look for it in pharmacies, izotaa your water, if you are worried about pooch. vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. me and my colleagues let's talk about the most important thing. two hours to learn about... about the military frontline serhiy zurets and how the world lives? yuriy
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fizer is already with me and it's time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy , good evening, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war. oleksandr morchavka is next to me, and sports news. i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. chegchenina's cultural news, our artogladkarka is ready to tell, dear evening. the presenters, who seemed to many to be already next to me, ready to talk about the weather. for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i greet you, good day, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america. they also say, let's be better we will have even better roads, a special view of events in ukraine
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, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola september, saturday 17 :10, sunday 18:15 at espresso.
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hello friends, this is the verdict program, the second part of our program, the traditional program on friday, our journalism club, and today we will talk about the following. putin raises the stakes. the kremlin's conditions for ending the war may change depending on the situation land what should be russia's strategic defeat? beating of a military man in the dnipro. people's deputy tyshchenko got into a new scandal. does the deputy's mandate give the right to replace
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law enforcement agencies? blacklist. of journalists, a combatant of the third assault brigade publicly quarreled with a war correspondent and incited her supporters, is it permissible to criticize the military during the war? we will talk about all this in the next 45 minutes. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook. for those who are currently watching us live there. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. and today we ask you about this, is it necessary to invite russia to the second peace summit? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, please write your comments if they go beyond a single answer. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia should be invited to the second peace summit (0800-211 381, no), 0800
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211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers. free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is kateryna nekrecha, a journalist of radio liberty. kateryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast, and maryna danylyuk yarmalayeva, the author and presenter of the youtube channels of show business and centronet, political observer, media consultant, mrs. maryna, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. and congratulations ivan! so, dear maryna and kateryna, since we are asking our guests about whether or not our tv viewers are sorry, what they think, whether russia should be invited to the second peace summit, let's conduct a blitz survey, let's try to find out your position, maryna, let's start with you, can say
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about the peace summit, such things that are actually pr about this peace summit. there was much more than exhaust, the fact that ukraine was talked about for an extra week is certainly good, but i would like more results from review, that for six months in a row we were constantly pumped that there would be a peace summit and that there would be some peaceful solutions, unfortunately, this did not happen, but many people had such an illusory impression that this peace summit was bound to bring peace to ukraine , and should russia go to the second... peace summit, the main thing here is from what position we will go to these peace summits, because, for example, our foreign colleagues, journalists and numerous experts, who, by the way, advise their ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs, they say, what will you go with, because everyone understands that peace agreements are decided first of all on
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the battlefield, and then they are legally formalized in some way at the table of diplomatic negotiations, so i would like... fewer stories like kolya tyshchenko, his assistant and some incomprehensible people beating up the military, and for us to deal more precisely with victories in battle. well, we will talk about all these cases during our broadcast. katerina, in your opinion, is russia necessary for the second peace summit, since both zelensky, yarmak, and today kuleba stated that a special format can be, since along the grain corridor, or... is russia needed at all at the second peace summit, i really agree with this thesis that the peace summit should bring peace in the expectations of ukrainians, yes, but in reality there were several points. important, including nuclear security, etc., and the exchange of ukrainian prisoners and children, their return, children deported by russia, taken away, stolen, and if
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we are talking about specific points and specific agreements where the russian side really, if it wants more to take part in this, will she be able to do something or not will show that it is ready for some kind of adequate dialogue, well, at least in certain nuances there, in certain spheres, then surely yes, if it is a platform for expressing its propaganda messages there, well, obviously, as many ukrainian experts point out, that no, that is, the question here is really what the topics will be, and again, it is already announced that there should be another peace summit before the end of this year, and here it is important that , again, people are not expecting some simple solutions in very short terms, but so that people clearly understand about the occasion what will this meeting be and what are the concrete results of ukraine and partners. want to achieve and were expecting exactly these results, concrete decisions, let it be step by step, but of course, unfortunately, the issue of ending the war can only be globally resolved by a summit, when
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ukraine's partners gather, well, we can already see that it is impossible, and in principle, this was not the goal, as we understand it, and it is obvious that it is impossible to solve the main issue, the issue of peace and the return of ukrainian territory, at the second peace summit, even with the participation of russia, because putin clearly articulated your position... give me four oblasts plus the autonomous republic of crimea and withdraw the ukrainian troops from there, and then we will talk, well, in addition to what the kremlin dictator, who is already in hanoi, vietnam, said, he said that we are ready to negotiate, but on the basis of istanbul and minsk, istanbul is definitely a capitulation plan for ukraine, and there is nothing to talk about here, well, plus to these... four areas that putin demands, and putin says that for russia a strategic defeat would mean the end of its statehood, and therefore there's nothing to be afraid of, you have to go to the end, and
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well, these statements happened. marina, how do you assess what putin is saying now, having engaged china, iran and now north korea, he is serious enough, he decided to play for a rate increase. is there a ceiling in these rates, where you are, above which he simply will not be able to go, and this is the preservation of putin's life, so he will constantly raise these rates, well, it is worth saying that for him this statement that he is very urgent zaporizhzhia and kherson are needed, just so that we withdrew, withdrew their troops, this statement was useful for him, because in this way he wanted to intercept the information initiative, so that , first of all, the leaders of western countries... would comment on exactly these proposals of putin, and in fact , the peace summit just started with that the leaders of these countries, high representatives began
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to comment on these statements, but fortunately, a number of these statements were just as favorable for ukraine. i can note, for example, that there was a statement by lloyd austin, who very clearly said that the russian federation was not in a state to demand to give them the city of zaporizhzhia of millions, well, you know, when for... the same putin goes to beg for weapons and for the military-industrial capacities of north korea to be used, because they are not coping, the second army of the world is not coping, this is a sign , that everything is really not so good in the russian federation. thank you, marina, kateryna, judging by what putin says, how he speaks, and how he tries to play out another peace summit there, but already with... the participation of china, or rather, the chinese peace formula, which will apparently be on some alternative peace summit will be announced, and our ambassador in singapore has already
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stated that ukraine can also join this summit and take part in this summit, doesn't this mean that with the strengthening of putin's attempt to strengthen his position, ukraine begins to .. already, let's put it this way, bargaining about how, how, what these peace talks can be, what we will talk about, and the absence of seven questions out of ten at the first peace summit, obviously indicate that ukraine is trying in some way find some kind of compromise, where actually there can be no compromise, there can be no compromise for ukraine, which clearly declares officially. that it is a sovereign state, and that the end of the war is a return to the borders of 1991, this is an important point, but here, well, what can we talk about if
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the party. the aggressor, she by no means shows even with the smallest steps that she wants some kind of reconciliation, completion, dividing line, etc., that is, it seems to me that the positive and plus point is that there are no illusions that in principle, there is vladimir putin, he clearly expressed his position, his intentions, well , just so that no one has any doubts, because you and i can talk, i can talk with friends, with colleagues and just somewhere with people, no i know... not about the negotiations, and you know this is a popular phrase, they will give up and go to negotiations, but the question is that no matter who in kyiv wants to offer anything, the russian side and the kremlin specifically state that they need even more , than they control now, and there is no at all and a hint that they are ready to retreat, to stop, while putin clearly says that ukraine should withdraw its troops, russia is not going to withdraw its troops from anywhere, this must be clearly understood, in such a situation,
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when the aggressor... continues to wage war, does not stop at all, is not ready to make any compromises, the ukrainian side is looking for opportunities together with partners, well, first of all , it proves that ukraine is ready to adequately talk, talk and conduct dialogue, in contrast, putin shows the complete opposite, he has an alternative reality and the alternative summit, there are some alternative agreements, alternative partners, that is, absolute mirroring, the only problem is that it is an alternative... it has existed for 10 years, and there are ukrainian citizens under occupation, they are also in it, for example , live like there in donetsk-luhansk and crimea, and that is, this alternative reality of putin, unfortunately, it is also a reality with which we have to put up with, on the one hand, on the other hand, if putin reacts like this on the eve of the summit, such statements are doing, somehow trying to disrupt this one summit, then it really means that russia is uncomfortable, probably that ukraine
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is leading. such a global summit attracts as many partners as possible, and not only the western ones, who usually already support ukraine, but also those countries that hesitate somewhere or show their neutrality, nevertheless , with their participation, they still show some kind of support, as there, dmytro koleba, for example, noted what he sees as the success of this summit there, so it is important to understand that there is a point that there is now a war, there is an aggressor, who is not going to surrender there, is not going to return the territories, for what issue, well, putin has already said... obviously for him, the issue of crimea and those ukrainian territories that have already been captured is closed, they have already written in their constitution that zaporizhzhia and kherson - it's theirs, and that's all, and they're not even going to argue about it, so if official kyiv, it can conduct what it conducts, and within the framework of this peace summit, we will see the results of the return of ukrainian prisoners, the return of ukrainian children, etc., then it will already be a victory, it is surely in these steps, it is surely better
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than doing nothing, but about the effect. is peace with russia even possible, well, such a banal question, but what does peace with russia mean, is it russia's capitulation, or is it in the understanding of the ukrainian side, that is, what can this peace be like? i would like the ukrainian side to think more about how to keep our allies, how to improve our positions. and i will honestly tell you that the more important thing for me was not the swiss peace summit, but the event that it was preceded by, in particular, the g7 meeting, these are the countries that help ukraine the most with weapons, money and sanctions, and you know, somehow it is not very probably adequate at the moment when italy is the chairman of the g7, and george maloney, by the way, at the beginning of that , when italy began to fulfill its duties, it said that
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our... the purpose of our presidency in this big seven is that we help ukraine win the war. it seems to me that sometimes we do not fully use this tool because, for example, at this g7 summit there was a number of very important positions were voiced, for example, for the first time, apparently, the damage caused to us by the war with the russian federation there was recorded. if i'm not mistaken, they calculated 486 billion dollars, then there was a story about providing us with a 50 billion loan, which is also an important thing, plus they also said there about nuclear security, about the need to further deepen sanctions, and, unfortunately, we are not quite we use this tool clearly and understandably, i would like our diplomats and our bank to pay more attention to it.


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