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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EEST

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presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and bloody war, all this is in serhii rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, look for it in ukrainian bookstores. there are discounts, unbreakable discounts on stzfin, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess and analyze the events them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. the verkhovna rada
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regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 on the legal expert program. an unusual look at news, good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this, at a marathon with mykola in september
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, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more top guests foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and on. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. picked up bc, picked up the boys. quad bike is a way from zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating wounded soldiers. we urge everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life on the square. for the 93rd brigade
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, a cold ditch in the direction of chasiv. we are coming back. thanks for watching espresso and thanks of course for donating. we remember that there are no big or small donations. all of them are important because they all come together, add up, and then we get the amount that we need to buy this or that equipment, weapons, equipment, all the things that our defenders ask us for, they usually indicate. even some specific models, because in different directions, in different ways areas of the front, depending on the terrain, on many circumstances, completely different modifications may be needed, for example, one or another drone, but in this case we are collecting for the military artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, 2.5 million need to be collected, and there is already a considerable amount , there are already 748.5 hryvnias. but this
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is not enough, you see, we all know how to count, so please join us, and for those donations we will show you very good shots, these are shots of another team, but we all understand that everyone should and does work with drones everyone, so our defenders worked with the khazans, they are such huge drones, they can drop anti-tank mines, on the heads of you know who, and during such work... the russians shot down the drone with their small arms, but our guys did not lose heart, they returned to the place, they took another giant bat of the same size, he flew to the place and worked in such a way that he actually saved and returned the drone that the russians shot down the previous day. that is, they returned theirs, took it, prepared it, repaired it, and he again will fly and drop all those mines. where it is needed and
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to whom it is needed, in a word you see, we know how to work, our defenders know how to work with drones, so they need a lot of those drones, in addition to housekeeping, you know, it’s like that first saturday morning, when we realize that... that finally we have scored goals and a victory over slovakia in the football championship, and everyone is already joking that the national team found out that there is no patriot in slovakia, so they won, and the romanians pass it to us, the netherlands pass it, and in general, this is actually the start of our of european integration from today, because yesterday it was special, they kept adding it and announced the european integration for ukraine, moldova, well... maybe also the northern balkans, these are the realities we woke up to this saturday. and we also already have information from maksym kozytskyi, the head of the lviv ova, that the fire, which arose as a result of today's night attack on an energy facility in the lviv region, that is the outskirts
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of stryam, was successfully extinguished, 67 firefighters, 12 units of special equipment worked, this indicative of scale, if anything. everything was managed not just to localize, extinguish and it is already completed on the spot, it seems that, in general , the line of shelling that night was precisely in the western border regions, so there is information from the state emergency service in the ivano-frankivsk region, the fire was also extinguished there caused by that shelling, the truth is that there is destruction and a gap there is so big, big for 20 m, but... but in fact, the destroyed part of the educational institution, it is a kindergarten, a kindergarten, and, that is, i am sitting and thinking, my god, to aim for a couple of thousand kilometers to hit the kindergarten, what must be in the minds of those who program this target into a missile, so that
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night they aimed in the west, in particular, within the limits of the pmk's responsibility for their responsibility, the pmk west shot down seven out of 10 cruise missiles. i.e. 10 rockets also flew here to the west under the polish border, mostly private houses there were destroyed by the debris of downed shaheds, the fire was also extinguished, and people were not injured, but buildings and houses were hit a little, well, at least in the vicinity of lutsk , we do now a short pause, we will establish a connection and continue to collect the opinions of our guests for you, and you will collect information for our defenders. on the right drones. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why does russia have the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. a high-profile investigation is a road to nowhere.
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how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. diary of a legend. look for press outlets or prepay online. fm: galicia. listen to yours. euro-2026. four only on mego. the main football event of the year will unfold before your eyes! prepare for epic matches, root for us and watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on mego. there are discounts representing unbreakable discounts on stzfin 20% in pharmacies psyllium,
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you and savings. get closer to victory, together with tsoa. sbu, join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the csoa team. pu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. summer. this is a time of rest and recovery. and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real
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fairy tale and some peace for children. a world destroyed by war. these children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, like no other, need ours. support, after all they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and the most important thing is that they are here. the help of qualified psychologists, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners
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of large businesses who will be ready join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day, it was... true and i really liked how we went to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna, and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's give together memories that will warm hearts and help you survive these difficult and scary moments.
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lawyer and public figure tetyana kozachenko joins our conversation and we will talk about the specifics of mobilization, about certain legal points and we will actually ask for professional comments. mrs. tatyana, we congratulate you. greetings to all. so, a very common question is when a serviceman has a third child. that a man who is conscripted, who has three children, cannot actually be mobilized, because... he will go as a volunteer, but when military personnel who are either on the front line or in training, a third child is born, what can such a person, such a conscript, claim, and what happens if he fights on the front line? there used to be a problem because, on the one hand, the presence of three children was a reason for postponement, and a person could ... go to serve, and if such a person, for example, was voluntarily
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mobilized or was already in the ranks of the military, there was a reason for dismissal from military service availability three children there is no such conflict now, and the presence of three children is a reason for both a postponement and a reason for dismissal, but the presence of these three children must already be, there must be a corresponding docket. certificates, documents are collected, submitted to the head of the unit, they go through the registration process and this is the basis for dismissal, uh, and regarding the mobilization itself, they say that if there are any violations, evasion, there will be fines, and people are afraid, they say that fines will be big so will be big if earlier we were talking about a fine, which there is in the order of uah 500, now it is in the order of 17-20. hryvnias, and this does not apply to evasion of mobilization,
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namely, not directly updating, in particular, first of all, the data, i think that the norm that was adopted, which applies in general without excluding men, including those who are demobilized, because, for example, every year a person must pass the vlc, for example, if there is a disability, in particular, in... parents, if a person takes care of them, this is how the presence of the relevant disability is checked every year, such data must be updated periodically, updating the data in the relevant system, which is set within 60 days, applies to all men, well, if you don’t have time, and if you don’t have time to update, then what is the fine, at the moment the fine is imposed for... the presence of an offense, if an offense there was no and the updating of the data
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has really important reasons, the person could not, for example, there were really problems, it will be his problem to go to court, contest the relevant protocols and prove what the reasons were and why they prevented the updating of the data in a timely manner, except moreover, after the expiration of this term, we have... this term ends when? i think somewhere on july 18, yes, two months, on july 18, in may , the legislation in this part entered into force, respectively on... july 17, the 60-day time limit expires, if the state really sees that it has given insufficient time, such time limits may be extended, if such deadlines remain until july 18, then the burden of proving the seriousness of the reasons for missing will be on the person who missed such
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deadlines. ms. tatyana, regarding religious ones beliefs, when a military... obligee asks to be exempted from mobilization due to religious beliefs, does the state legislator have any vision of what to do about it? the situation is very unpleasant, let me tell you what, despite the fact that the constitution has a direct, direct effect and it provides that a person according to his religious beliefs has the right to... to service, the constitution does not contain conditions, for example, a special or non-special period , the law on alternative service does not directly contain, does not contain conditions that under there are other reasons for the special period, it provides for military service in peacetime, it does not provide for specifics, and
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the courts do not apply it, and there is a very diverse judicial practice, when in one case... the courts apply the norms of direct action, in another case, the courts say that the law on alternative service does not provide for a special time and cannot be applied, this is an extremely shameful situation for the state, when the legal consequence for a person depends not on how the legislation works, but on which judge your case will end up with, but in any case eh... those court cases that are pending, they require even more than finding, for example, a person loyal to some concession, or even if it prevails on some religious platforms , namely the proof that not only in form, but also in essence, she is able to prove that she
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cannot perform military duty due to her religious beliefs, therefore the way of proof at the moment... in the country is difficult, but he exist. mrs. tatyana, we have less minutes, most often, what we can observe in the near future is that men of conscription age abroad, and the schemes that were for updating data, probably did not suit everyone with and opportunities, including what will be yes, after the 18th for them, if they do not update their data, are abroad, then how will the law work. regarding the procedure for issuing fines , we will see only in practice, but i can roughly predict that due to the fact that the data is not updated, it is, let's say, established, it will be, an established fact, there is no data, so there is an offense, it can to give grounds for issuing fines,
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sending them to the enforcement service and, as part of the fine, to seize the property that is on... for example, located in the country and issued to such a person, in addition, technically it cannot be, consular services cannot be performed , in other moments, bringing to some kind of additional responsibility, it is impossible to predict, we did not see today's moment, admin services and property, these are the two key words heard by our viewers who watch us abroad, tetyana kozachenko, public figure and lawyer, was with us, very... thank you for the clarification, and now we are in touch with yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the 92nd akhiles shock bpk battalion, a separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman ivan sirk, mr. yuriy, glory to ukraine , thank you for the opportunity and join. the hero of the word. first of all, we want to ask about the kharkiv direction, we observe that it is becoming less and less comfortable
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for the russians there, thanks, in particular, to you, we ask for... actually, we can clearly say that the situation is fully stabilized, forces the defense is conducting measures to knock out the enemy's occupied positions. it may be an illusory impression that if we say that the situation is stabilized, this is the position of the general staff, in particular, then it is not worth continuing to help the group of troops, the one that is carrying out the task here, but friends, if we start talking about... that, that the defense forces do not simply seize the tactical initiative after the stabilization of the situation, but conduct systematic, persistent, round-the-clock work to knock the enemy out of several positions, you have. that during the knockout of the enemy, expenses in ammunition, as well as in means of fire, increase in equal proportion, because we intensively have to influence
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the enemy, intensively we have to press him and repulse the constant counterattacks carried out by the enemy, therefore a sincere request to those who have the opportunity to help the defense forces to those who perform combat tasks in the kharkiv region, because due to joint work, a state resource... plus your help, we will receive the minimum necessary for round-the-clock work to destroy the occupier. we understand thus, regarding the enemy, i would also like to say that one way or another the enemy, despite the fact that it is already suffering significant losses in terms of strength and equipment, at the moment we have the opportunity to restore them, but in this all are frequent, i believe in success, i believe that we will manage to get him out of the kharkiv region as much as possible. ugh, we understand that 90.100% of drones are actually not from the state, but volunteers, various communities supply the front, we also regularly hold meetings specifically for various drones, drones, mavics,
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how many times more of these would be needed means to make you feel comfortable, this is a question that our viewers need to hear, because actually we are constantly trying to convey this, that drones are important, drones are needed and we need a lot of them, because everyone says, was the promise about a million? drones, are they already at the front? my opinion cannot be fully representative, i can say about the provision of the unit, which at the moment performs tasks in the war against the occupier, you need to look at it over time and i will explain why there is a lack of uavs all the time, if we say the beginning on the 23rd, the beginning of the 24th year, at the beginning of the 23rd , we received 20% of funds from the state, 80% from the ukrainian nation, at the beginning of the 24th, it is already 50 to 50, if you go by the nomenclature, for example, intelligence funds such as wing we will fully receive from the state, the multi-rotor type reconnaissance vehicles are
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mavics, here the state partially issues, the ukrainian nation partially issues, somewhere roughly 50 to 50, if we talk about fidrons, today we receive 40% of the total expenses at the expense of state funding, 60% for account of the support of the ukrainian nation, night... bombers fully help in this and are provided by the state, but the issue is that the means of unmanned systems need constant modernization, refinement and adjustment in accordance with combat use on the battlefield, in difficult conditions for electronic warfare, significant funds are also spent on this, for example, the akhilets battalion spends approximately 18 million hryvnias per month on this, this is without means of pala, and this is money that is deducted... for additional components, repairs and various other things that we can't talk about publicly loudly, but they are extremely important for the performance of combat missions, these are various
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microcircuits of the board that help to hide one or another ammunition, sir, yes, so let me finish the thought, the critical minimum at the expense of the state in proportion , which i said at the expense of the ukrainian nation, it is provided, but the crazy dynamics... of hostilities in all aspects, the intensity of hostilities does not give the opportunity at the expense of international military aid, the military-industrial complex ukraine, private manufacturers with whom state contracts are concluded, to fully cover the need and need of the defense forces, we do not have enough money, but with the support of the ukrainian nation, we have the necessary minimum, which helps to ensure the dynamics actively on the battlefield, as you can see everything from the sky , so from a height and not that... tell us, has something changed with that interesting situation in vovchansk, when part of the russians was surrounded, such a separate group in the south
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of vovchansk that, what happened to it, they are already in copzonzone, did they manage to get out of the encirclement? we focus on the official statements of the general staff on this matter. the only thing i can say is that the systematic work of the defense forces, in terms of knocking out the enemy, as well as... when the enemy shows a desire to capture him, continues constantly and has specific results, and our drones seem to be captured there, because it's like oksana's favorite videos , when it is the drone that is captured, the quadro kokupad understands that there is a military serviceman behind each drone, and the occupier clearly understands that our infantrymen, our attack aircraft, so it is after this that the occupier surrenders, then it is necessary to understand that... one may again get the false impression that the occupier has surrendered to the prisoners, that they do not want to fight, but in fact everything looks completely different, in the russian federation there is a sufficiently powerful propaganda machine. which
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prepares them to conduct hostilities, when they find themselves in the russian occupation forces, in addition, the system of coercion, which is implemented, in particular, by the kadyrovs, when they drive narrow frames, they are forced to perform combat tasks, therefore they surrender the ukrainian army takes prisoners only when they have no other options, which means that the defense forces must get as close as possible and deprive the enemy of the opportunity to resist, this is very... it is a difficult job, but it is really possible to take enough prisoners actively, it is probably just a sign of a bad tone to ask about the f-16 and, but guardia again brings up the topic, yes, deadlines, dates, so they say that already in the summer the f-16 will be defended, and it is about kharkiv, about kharkiv oblast , and we have a question as to how it can affect exactly the situation in the north, the situation in the kupyan region,
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to borova, if you can also comment on it, and are you already working on the cooperation of the f-16 aviation and this small uav drone aviation? i will tell you that communication between all branches of the military, which have the ability to influence the enemy's fire means, continues constantly and in a coordinated manner, depending on the performance of this or that task, this or that task that concerns the f-16 aircraft, one must understand the basic functionality, which they will perform if i do not reveal any secrets, now the enemy knows about it. the first task is to close the airspace in ukraine, that is, our cities and civilian states are much safer, so we got the opportunity to additionally shoot down missiles and other means of intimidation of the enemy, which terrorize the ukrainian population, civilian ukrainian cities. second, due to the range of ammunition that is attached to the ytk-16, which it can
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use. we get a similar to the guided bombs used by the russian federation, a sufficiently powerful ammunition that can hit enemy positions with high precision places where the personnel of armored vehicles are observed, and this is very, very important, that is, after receiving the planes, we begin to level up in the matter of the use of guided bombs, and the third is the opportunity to one way or another hunt enemy planes that drop the same guided bombs on our positions . make it so that they, together with the pilots, land straight to hell, which , in my opinion, will significantly reduce the intensity of the use of military aviation, and accordingly, the destruction of the front-line cities , villages and also the positions of the defense forces, so whether otherwise, even the small amount that is transferred to us in the first place, it will play its positive role on the front line for the benefit of the defense forces, i expect that in the future we will receive new aircraft, other
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modern ... modernization, mr. yuri, thank you, let it be as you say, we believe in it, we urge our viewers to support any collection, in general, for drones, this is especially important, we ourselves have just heard, yury fedorenko, commander of the akhiles attack bpc battalion, 92, a separate assault brigade named after koshovoy, from there she is ivan sirk, and since, and since mr. yuriy told us that the intensity of the fighting is increasing. the value of using these materials is also increasing, so keep an eye out, because most of these units have their own meetings, they have their own pages on the networks, in particular on facebook, and you can always go and donate, not forgetting, of course, about our collection, which we carry out together, well 9 o'clock is approaching, the national moment of silence is approaching, it's time to remember and honor the memory of all those ukrainians and foreigners,
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civilians and soldiers who died because of... russian invaders on our ukrainian land. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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