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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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from 2022 until now, a strategic decision has been made, and now we are talking about the implementation of its content. probably, in the last days of june, i.e. in a few days, a decision will be made on the practical start of negotiations, i.e. the eu, a negotiating mandate will be formed and a so-called intergovernmental conference will be convened. this ensures that negotiations will begin. from the very beginning, poland sincerely supported the accession of... countries to the eu and will always support it, because you are the most important partner for us on the eastern side of the border. because of this, we advocated that to begin negotiations sooner, and we advocate that those negotiations move forward quickly. so that there are no downtimes, so that there are no inhibitions, so that they move forward. first of all, secondly, of course, there are areas in which the eu, on the one hand,
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will have to adapt. ukraine is a powerful country with a large agricultural area and the strength of its agro-industrial complex. undoubtedly, there will have to be an adaptation of the eu's common agricultural policy on the one hand, and on the other hand, the ukrainian agricultural industry. it will be efforts for one and the other side. in negotiations, it is always the case that, in order for both parties to achieve something, someone... must back down from something. such negotiations, and we had the most difficult negotiations, actually regarding the agrarian sphere and regarding access to the labor market, you will not have difficult negotiations if it is about access to the eu labor market, since ukrainians are already on the labor market of the eu countries. among others in poland. until recently , before the announcement of mobilization, there were more than 900 thousand citizens in poland. we have
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understanding this, so you already have access to the eu labor market, for example poland, and freedom of movement, so in your case there will not be such a big problem as we had with the austrians or the germans, that only a few years after joining the eu, our plumbers , carpenters. instead, the eu will probably also have to adapt its structural policy mechanisms to ukraine, because ukraine is a large country, very damaged, which needs investments. and i must say that i was happy to watch the course of the last conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, because there two processes overlapped. one to the other, that is
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, the process of ukraine's accession to the european union and the process of rebuilding ukraine. these two processes cannot move independently of each other, they must be intertwined, must go together. the accession of ukraine to the eu should be connected with the opening of some eu funds for ukraine, as well as a large fund for the reconstruction of ukraine, which should be coordinated in great detail by your administration, i.e. here you need to invest, there you need to invest, here you need to rebuild, there must be rebuilt, and all this must be spelled out as a very accurate map, so that there are no wrong or unnecessary investments, well, thank you very much for that extremely interesting conversation , i want to remind our tv viewers that bohdan klig, ex-minister of defense of the republic of poland and the current chairman of the senate commission on eu affairs, was currently working on espress. thinking about
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on espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former state duma deputy, and a well-known video blogger, will be working on the espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mark, i congratulate you. glad to welcome everyone, anton. well, the civilized part of humanity held a summit,
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a peace summit in switzerland, part of it is uncivilized, went to report to its, yes, north korean-chinese curators, yes, the meeting took place with kim jong-un, well, from... accordingly bread of friendship balalaika samovar, but they signed the so -called security agreement, as far as we we understand, in order to put a lot of strain on the americans, japanese and south korea. mark, in your opinion, what putin took to north korea. well, first of all, note that ukraine has been signing agreements on security guarantees for a long time, this is some form monkeying around, because russia is now also signing an agreement on providing mutual security guarantees, them. analogue, because there is a clause about military assistance, about the conditions under which an attack on one of the parties to the agreement will require military assistance from the other, and so on, that is, in some sense, it reminds us that you have allies, and so do we allies, you have america over there, you signed such an agreement on june 13, ukraine signed such
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an agreement, and here we are signing with north korea, apparently they also appreciate it , putting the diversity of this agreement, this is the first. secondly, look, this visit is both symbolic and practical. i underestimated the degree of its meaning, because as hitler went to see mussolini, and he could not go, to call him to himself, but he still did it, and in this sense military allies, they become closer through such visits. see how there is an ideological, even unexpected side to this visit, in which putin reciprocates the north korean model of the system to russia. someone will say: well, it is impossible, where is the north... koreans, where is the east, and where is russia. but judge themselves. totalitarian system, they are already the same. in the sense of its totalitarian essence , with certain caveats, of course, because russia still came out of a free state, north korea has never lived in such a state.
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the kim dynasty has ruled totalitarian communist north korea for 80 years. but we are already seeing trends. putin is assembling his dynastic system. we have already talked about this more than once, from may to... his next term, the so-called term, of course, no one elected him, he is building a dynastic totalitarian system, he is already involving relatives, just the other day he appointed his niece. he made his cousin's daughter, a certain tsevilova, the wife of minister tsivilov, the former governor of kusbasa, who is originally from st. petersburg, deputy minister of defense, and before that, dmitry patrushev was made vice prime minister, and before that, at the same time, his son yury kovalchuk was made head of the accounting chamber, his daughter spoke at the st. petersburg international forum and so on. we can see that it resembles, resembles the kim regime of north korea, which does not change. the place of one dying ancestor his son comes, and i think that putin already has this model in his head, and
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he has to show this closeness directly. you can't do it over the phone, you can't do it on an armored train in vladivostok, but with his visit he shows what the political system in russia will be like. in parallel with this , they are currently discussing whether, returning to the military component, north korean servicemen may appear in ukraine from this agreement. it cannot be ruled out, although i do not think that an agreement is a necessary condition to prevent to bring north koreans, they brought nepalese, they brought africans, many others, so the north koreans could appear, i guess, i understand that at the state level there are also material and other components that are agreed upon, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, this is still such an adventurous prank, you understand, you need to be between the russians and the ukrainians at least... to understand the language, the mentality, i very much doubt that young people, and most likely they will be
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north korean servicemen , are young enough that they will be able to understand how to behave in this war between the slavs, that is, i think that the decline there will be catastrophic, because we realize that the north korean army, with all its audacious power, which is depicted by the north korean propaganda itself, but it is generally very unmodern the backward army in hats and shanties. but on the other hand, you see, mark, how generously putin began to distribute what was once called the doctrine of the soviet general secretaries, including andropov, that is, he let the people's republic of china into the sea of ​​japan, so we understand that during years, this issue was very acute, and navigation on the tumannaya river or in the grumiya, it was limited, now putin brought it to dzobek and laid it at the feet of xi jinping, this is... putin's trade offer. the chinese don't give up on me, and the chinese are also happy to try.
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china's position regarding the moscow regime and putin is like this, yes. it proceeds from its own interests, not from the interests of moscow. allied obligations or something. it's all nonsense. during the 20th century, we remember how relations between beijing and moscow changed. even primau, from love under stalin to in fact, the wars on domansky are already littoral. and so on, it was inherited. under gorbachev , incredible efforts were made in connection with the restructuring, which was also not particularly approved by beijing, but still warming took place. china followed its own path, moscow followed its own. and today , china is aware of moscow's vassal dependence. there are simply no options in moscow. it is limited. the global door to the global economy and the global world, now only through china. it cannot open through. west. china does not want putin to lose this one war, because if he loses, it's chaos inside
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russia itself. pro-western forces may come to power and say, why do we need china, what is the strategy of the east? is this okay with us? but he does not want a big victory for moscow, because if moscow seizes ukraine, it is also not profitable for beijing. moscow will feel its independence and say: "and we don't need any masters in the east who will tell us how to behave." therefore, it is important for china to maintain this fragile balance and , most importantly, to be guided by its interests. what does china want? he wants to integrate taiwan. definitely wants to return painlessly, without war, just as he did with hong kong, macau and so on. he wants to bring taiwan back under his control. it is obvious. there are significant forces that oppose this. we do not take taiwan itself, but also the usa. they are covered by the non-aligned agreement with taiwan. japan is generally not interested and neither are other countries. why do they need it, it strengthens china and so on. on the other hand, china is interested, let's say, in continuing the rivalry with
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the west, primarily with washington, but not in why not bring this rivalry to an armed conflict, because china does not need it at all. china does not need this at all, because china has a huge trade turnover with europe and america, and is interested in continuing this cooperation in one form or another. do you understand? economically, china is extremely interested. in normal, stable relations with the west, maintaining its claims to world leadership, to global leadership, because china constantly calls itself the main superpower along with the united states, your... constantly omits china, no, you are a regional power, that's what obama did, and now biden is doing, not to mention trump. trump is fiercely anti-chinese. many events are also connected with the fact that elections are expected in november. if trump comes to power, well, then china will not be very happy. and they understand it. they already remembered those four years from 2016 to 20.
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when trump's decisions on the trade agreement, on the withdrawal of production from the territory of china, are very strong. influenced the situation, all the more so, let me remind you that due to the consequences of covid, and trump caught part of the epidemic itself, while that in 2021, the new president biden was inaugurated in january, he wants to demand some kind of compensation from china and everything else. this is just an excuse. it's not about money, which can be won in the courts in america and demanded from china. this is a reason to put pressure on china and obtain favorable solutions from it, primarily economic. china is aware of this and is definitely preparing. until the moment that if suddenly trump comes to power, then how to behave in this situation? we understand, yes, maybe war is not profitable for china, but on the other hand, if war was not profitable for it, maybe he would have articulated his position more clearly, in particular he would have sent an observer there to the swiss peace summit, but no, china started playing a different game and started
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hinting at the creation of one or another negotiating platform, potentially with the participation of china and russia. that is, china here very clearly supports the aggressor state, and accordingly, in your opinion, if we proceed from the realities of what was said and what was not said at the swiss summit, what are the prospects of holding an additional peace conference, as if everything could to go, if it were not for the idiotic, barbaric, putin ultimatum that accompanied the meetings and negotiations in switzerland. putin issued an ultimatum, no one pulled him for it, for one place, but he went for it. and i will say this, that if putin had not been pulled out by this ultimatum on the eve of the peace summit, then the summit itself would have been somewhat underestimated, there immediately appeared the urgency to delay russia, to hold a second summit, and somehow the swiss organizers were in a senseless hurry that it should be held before elections in november
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in the usa. i think it's ridiculous, you make decisions, and president trump comes and they have to be changed. radically or not radically, but still it will change the situation, it is better to wait for the american elections, it will be clear who will become the president, and then somehow act in response to this new situation. obviously, these will be different doctrinal positions between biden and trump. china did not participate because it did not see its direct benefit, even as an observer, in sending li hui, who is a representative on this topic, did not see its direct benefit, therefore the usa. in the representation of kamila garis , the importance of the summit took part from below. biden did not arrive at the swiss summit. plus, there are three points in total that did not solve the problem of war as such, and were agreed by the majority of the participants on the eve of this summit. yes, it means the return of children, the exchange of hostages, prisoners of war. yes, it's a grain deal and nuclear security, right?
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that is, in connection with the possibility of strikes on nuclear power plants, in particular zaporizhzhya as, and the grain agreement, which is so or not. otherwise, even without it continues to exist in the black sea basin. cargoes are messed around, maybe not in the right volume, problems are created, but nevertheless, that is, without seeing significant possible solutions, china withdrew from this summit, so as not to increase its weight with its presence, but china took its initiative, that in general it is necessary to hold another conference, they say, we are ready to hold it with the participation of russia. i, for example, do not believe in the participation of russia in the following swiss. to whom the summit, if some of its preconditions are not accepted, and what are these preconditions: to abandon international law, it is elevated to the rank of the main, decisive instrument for the settlement of the war in ukraine. so, how can moscow agree to this? everything that putin announced has nothing to do with international law. he offers to negotiate on completely different grounds, that's why such a reaction. well, what is
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it? how can we withdraw the troops? ukrainians leave the territory under the pretext that these are... included in the russian federation, well, the logic is clear, tomorrow you include anything, you know, alaska, the state washington, you include someone and say, in general , this is our territory, but it is written in our constitution, move away from the administrative border, well, this is madness, you cannot agree to such a thing, it is even dangerous to discuss it, because in this way the possibility of discussion is legitimized at all such insane demands, you see, if putin is invited now, he will say: i will tell you the plan... the armed forces of ukraine cannot retreat from the administrative borders of zaporizhzhia, kherson, donetsk, and luhansk. oblasts, well, they won't retreat, that's all the territory of ukraine, it is not the territory of ukraine, it is russian territory, we wrote it in our constitution, you understand how crazy it is from the point of view of international law,
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absolutely crazy, there is nothing to talk about, well, there is nothing to talk about, but for some reason putin has already announced exactly such a plan, it is more radical than the points that he published before, my opinion, my assessment, that he did it for the americans first, not even for the swiss summit, he showed the americans that this is his position: push it. we know that confidential exchanges and confidential consultations were between washington and moscow. they have, at least, greatly intensified throughout this half-year. this can be understood from sullivan's visit to kyiv, when he said: there is no need to shell the refinery. this is also probably some of the agreements, demands from moscow. this long delay with the decision of the united states to allow kyiv to use western weapons, in particular american ones. hymers. we know that the hymers... are shelling the neighboring territory, the belgorod region. delaying this decision was also caused by the fact that they tried to come to an agreement with moscow so that it would not attack kharkiv, not take actions that would lead to
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mass casualties in the kharkiv region. we understand this, it was written about, indirectly reported, it was not so strongly denied by anonymous sources in the white house, it did not happen. and putin summed up these consultations. he said: "no, four regions should go to me." no. sanctions should also be lifted and a complete ban on ukraine joining nato. these are insane conditions. he wants to get territories and limit them sovereignty of ukraine, which will ultimately lead to war. if ukraine is not protected by nato, then there will be a new war. it is important to understand this connection. that is, he does not say anything about agreements, about security guarantees, because they are already after the war, he will not let this war end in the literal sense, so that these agreements about security guarantees for ukraine. did not begin to act, it is also obvious, because putin's plan is the capture of all of ukraine, but with all that, the swiss summit could not seriously discuss this proposal, there is no content,
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the essence of its implementation, and on the other hand there are voices that russia should be invited to the summit, it should participate, it seems to me that this is the cart before the horse, as they say, it is necessary to agree first, after all, on what grounds are the parties ready to seek a compromise , if you abandon the inter'. people's law as such a tool, and it is possible, then there are no questions, well, then let's look for a compromise through diplomatic, military, political, other means, but even then the answer must be adequate, then, excuse me, we remove all restrictions, countries want, they supply any weapons, we are no longer afraid of a military confrontation, we remove from ukraine the responsibility to remain a nuclear-free state, why should it adhere to the budapest memorandum? moscow denies the budapest... memorandum came out of its obligations to ensure the territorial integrity and respect for the sovereignty of ukraine. so why should the country continue to adhere to this nuclear-free
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status? why? where is the logic? if all these restrictions are removed and everyone agrees by the right of force, which moscow offers, and calls it geopolitical realities or something else, then let it be a two-way action. then it is not necessary to hold large swiss summits, but to gather the parties that will gather in the locale. in the format of five or six countries on one side and the other, let china organize it, and then we can talk from the position of strength, that's all, and we will increase the supply of weapons. what does putin want, he wants that there are no international legal requirements for him. and with regard to ukraine, they were preserved and on the non-nuclear status, and the cessation of arms supplies, and god knows what else, status, conditions, to find ways for ukraine to remain in the international legal regime. complying with the norms of international law, themselves, they are not going to comply with it, with the requirements of security issues, everything as dictated to all the countries of the world who are members of the un, and with
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regard to their requirements, they do not take this into account, they generally ignore it, but it is impossible, and therefore the swiss summit , which if based on the priorities of international law, has for itself to decide whether it remains in the space of the international legal field, or whether it goes to the space of force or some diplomatic methods. regulation with concessions, peace in exchange for land, well, something like that, because the situation with ukraine is not the same as in the middle east with israel, or somewhere else, it is a completely different situation. ukraine was a recognized member of the international community, these borders, all its rights, its sovereignty were recognized by russia itself many times over the course of decades. ukraine is a newly created state on the ruins of a vanished state, but not just any a state that once seceded from someone. ukraine was not separated from anyone. it was created in exactly the same way as russia, even russians celebrate their creation, there is a declaration of sovereignty, accordingly, the collapse of the soviet union, when in december it rested in
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peace since 1900. 91, why should ukraine in this sense look for some historical reasons, explanations, to convince moscow to agree with them in order to reconsider the borders, reconsider the sovereignty of the country. it is also a newly created country, like russia, and ukraine, two new countries, they already have a history, so it can be buried there already. moscow insists on exactly this: here we are, as the soviet union, ukraine is our country. why is it yours, why did you decide? they consider themselves... the legal successor of the soviet union and declare their status that way, but this is not a question of state borders, sovereignty and everything else. the debts of the ussr, they can imitate, but no more than that, and the right of succession in the case of the complete collapse of the ussr on its territory, there is no such right, there is no him, it is impossible, because such a country as russia simply did not exist, it did not exist. therefore, from this point of view, both the swiss forum and
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other similar ones. i would like to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, the activist mark for this extremely meaningful conversation, the russian opposition on emigration, a former member of the state duma, and a well-known video blogger, was currently working on espresso. thank you, all the best, goodbye. well, the time of our program has run out, leave it. with the espresso tv channel, my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this days take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato, a high-profile
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investigation. the road to nowhere, how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? the unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . look for press outlets or prepay online. anatomy of hate. putin and ukraine. the new book of espresso tv presenter serhii rudenko. insight - first-hand information. behind the scenes russian politics and events witnessed by the author himself, unsuccessful attempts to change presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and bloody war, all this is in serhiy rudenko's book anatomy of hate, putin and ukraine, look for it in ukrainian bookstores. euro-2024 only on megodog, the main football event of the year will unfold before your eyes. get ready for epic matches, cheer on
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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in belgorod oblast, there at the district belgorod, the russian air defense system was destroyed. this is already the second complex in two days. another one was burned near the border with ukraine. he covered the offensive of the group near liptsi. in both cases, the crews did not survive. and the explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol, smoke was visible above the city. there are two hits in the base of the occupiers and in the air defense system of v


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