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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EEST

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in belgorod oblast. belgorod was destroyed there on the district. air defense system russianpan es. this is the second complex in two days. another one was burned near the border with ukraine. he covered the offensive of the group near lipsi. in both cases , the crews did not survive. and the explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied mariupol , smoke was visible above the city. there are two hits to the base of the occupiers and to the system air defense. of the mariupol airport,
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said petro andryushchenko, the city mayor's advisor. up to five units of the invaders' equipment are pre-damaged. it is also known about a hit near the training ground near the village of stary krym. consequences are clarified. meanwhile, the russians write about the downing of missiles near the city, as well as in the area of ​​the village of nikolske. the turning point. russia began to launch calibers under azo in ukraine. who of the sea tonight they attacked with four rockets from this direction. the enemy considers this water area safer than chorne sea. that is why it places its ships there, said the spokesman of the naval forces dmytro pletenchuk. at the moment , there is one russian submarine in the waters of the black sea . it can have up to four calibers on board. three missile carriers are in the sea of ​​azov. they can have up to 20 calibers on board. the russians wounded two residents
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of kherson region, the enemy shelled the village of duchany with artillery during the day. two men who were in the yard of their own house were injured, the regional military administration reported. at a 42-year-old local explosive and craniocerebral injuries, as well as facial injuries, were diagnosed. he was treated on the spot. he refused hospitalization. his 62-year-old... father was taken to the hospital with a shrapnel wound on his leg and a contusion. fatal road accident in transcarpathia. in the village of ruske, a drunk driver left the road and ran over a woman and two young children. a six-year-old girl died on the spot from her injuries. a 27-year-old woman and a one-year-old baby were hospitalized , the regional police reported. kirmanych auto, 37-year-old local resident. and
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he was repeatedly prosecuted for violating traffic rules. at the time of the collision, the man was intoxicated. he was detained. the driver faces up to 10 years behind bars. nine people were injured as a result of an accident of a bus with ukrainian tourists in romania. the bus overturned in the morning. he was on his way from kyiv to bulgaria. there were more than 50 people in the cabin, including children. consular assistance was provided to the injured citizens of ukraine. so far, everyone has continued their journey on another bus, the ministry reported of foreign affairs. romanian law enforcement officers are investigating the cause of the accident. a 17-year-old boy drowned in the ivano-frankivsk region. the boy disappeared two days ago while swimming in the cheremozh river in kolomyysk district. police officers, rescuers and the local population were looking for him. the territory was restricted with
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the help of a drone, in the morning divers discovered the teenager's body and handed it over to the police, reported the state emergency service. a 43-year-old man died in odesa from a grenade explosion, his body in a park in krymskyi boulevard was found by a local resident who reported and informed the law enforcement officers. during the inspection , the police recovered the fragments of a hand grenade, but not the body of zaga. found explosive injuries. forensic experts will determine the exact cause of death. law enforcement officers are establishing the circumstances of the incident. after more than a year of relentless work , the superhumans prosthetics, reconstructive surgery, rehabilitation and psychological support center was officially opened in lviv. more than two hundred people came to the center, who received prostheses there during the year, underwent rehabilitation or... were
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operated on, our colleagues also attended the meeting of the big family of supers. one year, over 25 applications and almost 600 heroes whose lives have been changed by the superhumans prosthetics and rehabilitation center. most of these people received not just new limbs, but the opportunity to live a full life again. the idea of ​​creating a prosthetics and rehabilitation center came from the two founders in march 2022, and already in april 2023, the center accepted its first patients. today it is a family of 600 people from all over ukraine. many of them are behind me, about 300 people today here. these are completely different people, civilians, military, and, unfortunately, children. and these are the people to whom we return lost opportunities. every
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month, the center receives 60-70 new patients, for whose treatment and rehabilitation more than 1.5 million euros are spent from sponsors, partners and benefactors. american. businessman, billionaire howard buffett, one of the main donors, came to lviv to support the supers, their families and the entire team of the center, his foundation finances more than 40% of the institution's expenses. ambassadors also came to the event center, minister of health viktor lyashko and the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska. we always talk about the symbolism of the name superhumans for us, that it is ours. a new social contract that ukrainians are not victims, but superheroes, and we have superpowers instead of limited capabilities, dear superhumans, i thank you all, uh, patients, doctors,
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recovering ukrainians and recovering ukrainians, thank you , you are really all super, and you make our country like this, i am glad to be with you, thank you. many patients of the center faced the need for reamputation, this one the need has grown into another body of reconstructive surgery, where superam not only perform additional operations on the limbs, but also perform facial reconstruction. the center opened two, the patient undergoes a 3d scan, then specialists model the future product. the final stage is printing. usually, the printer prints four stub receivers at once, and their production time is approximately 12 hours. colleagues from france help ukrainian surgeons in performing extremely complex operations. the center has become a real center of information exchange for dozens of prosthetists, rehabilitators and surgeons when we talked with our german colleagues from the same foot clinic. regarding complex cases of patients
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with multiple amputations, this is when several limbs, two or more, are missing. they say , you know, we have seven such patients a year, superhumans seven such patients a week, superhumans is an unusual hospital, it is a center that united its patients into one big family, the institution works under the slogan, he who saves one life saves the whole world. ema stadnyk, roman kovalyuk, espresso tv channel. spresso tv channel invites you to join the project from scratch to life. this is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade kholodny yar with a donation. they will choose victory every day, they will not leave the wounded and dead on the battlefield. so, atvs are indispensable
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helpers for evacuation. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the gathering. our the goal is uah 4 million. and that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch our content on youtube. we will see you at 3 p.m., then my colleagues, marta oliarnyk and roman chaika, continue the broadcast. i'm sorry
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we also have information for you, which we promised to check without fail in order to... say how true this information is, so certain up-and-coming telegram channels, which before that did not often fall into information gaps, started today in... this is the second time to spread such news, we will now show it to you about the fact that the european union representation in ukraine is warning that special lists, registers are working, and you can even go to a special chat bot to check if we, if yes, let's show this fake, actually, because it's a classic fake on the website of the european union, no lists, no chatbots. that after a series of protests directed against ukrainian refugees and assistance to them,
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they allegedly decided to deport and make lists for deportation, we checked it diagonally with oksana, and it’s very easy, it’s literally three clicks, we go to the website of the eu representation in ukraine, find the appropriate category, look: there are no projects there, actually in this category, only projects, moreover, it is all written in my english, it is on the screen, only we are not shown on tv screens, it is very easy to check everything, do not believe everything that is here, please, look, we are allegedly due to mass protests throughout europe, allegedly approved decisions and make registers for deportation, it is not true, who does it, i do not know, completely copied start page internet representative. of the european union in ukraine, but there is not even a hint of such a fake in any of the sections,
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neither in the english-language version, nor in the ukrainian-language version. so keep sober thinking, analyze, critical thinking is also needed by all of us, but this is where there are definitely no fakes, because we always check it, it’s not what concerns the fees, there is always a need, and drones, and cars, and atvs, a lot of everything. you can make a donation and you will be sure that these funds will end up in the account, from there they will be converted into drones, and then they will fly east from there already for specific purposes, for the artillery reconnaissance of the hundredth brigade, we are currently collecting 2.5 million, and almost 20 thousand for this morning already flew in, let's try to reach some good figure together: 764,325 hryvnias are in the account, if we collect up to 780,000 today, it would be... cool, we are counting on you, so we talked about the european union, in particular about disinformation, because we started with yesterday
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day in the official negotiations on accession, but regarding accession to nato, of course, here, wow, how many more different questions and answers will we look for from candidate of political sciences, stanislav zhelikhovsky, in connection with our studio, mr. stanislav, congratulations, good afternoon, so the march will take place in the fall of the actual inauguration of the new nato secretary general, since jen stoltenberg is finishing his term, mark rutte, here is a dutchman, whose candidacy was agreed upon by all nato members, the last ones were, as usual, slovakia, hungary and romania, but everything was given the go-ahead. mark rutte, instead of stoltenberg, what can ukraine expect in... the euro-atlantic integration fixed in the constitution, well, indeed, according to reports
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, the dutch politician mark rutte will succeed nato secretary general jens stoltenberg and actually he should replace him in the fall, it is worth noting that the new general the secretary of the alliance will most likely be chosen in the near future, perhaps in... on the sidelines of the washington nato summit, it will be announced and obviously it will already be possible to be called the official decision of all the member countries of the alliance that it is rutte who will hold the position of the next secretary general, it is worth noting that jens stoltenberg has already announced that it is very close to completion. negotiations with the member states and we see that indeed even the president of romania klaus
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iohannis has already refused to participate in the elections for the post of the head of nato, and i will remind you that he was also one of the most potential candidates for this position, but we see that there were agreements and yet it was chosen mark ryut, and apparently now he will begin his duties. is meant now, when the last months of jenes stoltenberg's term of office will come to an end, also, in order to get more familiar with the candidacy, it is worth noting that he... he is such a rather young and ambitious politician and who held the position of prime minister minister of the netherlands since 2010, but left it in july 2023, but continues to perform the function of the head of the government for the time being, as he formed a temporary technical government, or the so-called
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resignation cabinet, such a government has limitations, powers and... and functions until a new cabinet is appointed, but we see that this country will most likely be led by a completely different politician, mr. stanislav, i apologize for interrupting, but i want you with the transitional cabinet, minister, we we will figure it out later, we are more interested in mark ryuta as the secretary general of nato in the sense that jen stoltenberg has always been, let's say, a locomotive. in many things in the russian-ukrainian war, he called things by their names and very often anticipated all fears, stereotypes of various politicians who lead nato countries, it is enough to see what, for example, the chancellor of germany said there and how stoltenberg commented on it, so we are interested in whether rutty will be
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the same, clear in his support for ukraine, we remember all the good deeds of the netherlands and mark rudd , that... to us, but will he actually be able to continue the same course in his new position? and indeed, he is a strong supporter of the ukrainian state and quickly enlists the support of other member countries of the alliance, and we see that there were a lot of useful initiatives and in particular, the netherlands is one of those countries that supports, for example, in the sense of providing combat aircraft to ukraine, and this is really very important. a good signal for us, but still it is worth understanding that mark ryuty, he has somewhat restrained such positions on certain issues, and he cannot be called as, let's say, progressive in many things, like jen stoltenberg, so here there will be some kind of adjustment in how the alliance will function, but the fact that nato
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will continue to defend ukraine to provide her with... arms, all kinds of support and the like, this is definitely a fact, and i think that precisely mark rutte was the most compromising figure, given the fact that we could still see those politicians on this positions that - let's say so - would not be so in line with the interests of our state, moreover, it is worth understanding that rutte has a good relationship with donald trump, and we must understand that in the event that the administration of the united states of america changes... for such a politician had an approach to such an odious personality as trump, if indeed trump, trump is elected to the top position in the oval office, so i think that can also be perceived as a kind of positive, because it is important for us that the support of the united states
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is also maintained , so in principle there is more optimism, for example, for me, you are more optimistic, and i just... actually, i am thinking about this thesis here, because we see that in fact, according to trump's line, trump is right in everything, orban is following , and orban in the issues of the russian-ukrainian war, and sticks in the wheels regarding eurointegra, he did euro-atlantic integration for us, and every day repeats in one way or another the narratives and lies of russian propaganda. trump has now done the same one-on-one. i just remember it, just after. in the 22nd year , one russian can called aristovitch, he was then in an official position, said that putin attacked and the war started because ukraine is moving towards nato. now, one on one, trump repeats it and blames it on president biden. i understand why biden should be rejected, because this is an election campaign, but the repetition of the repetition of russian narratives in the style of some orbán from trump, then what does rutte
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risk and does he also share the same. i don't even know what to call it, but what are the formulas for explaining global problems? not unequivocally no, we could never hear from mark ryuta such statements, rhetoric, which would be identical to that which can be heard from high-ranking kremlin officials or propagandists, and this should be understood, he is a fully conscious politician who supports us, and it is unlikely that he will use it, even if donald trump comes, that... rhetoric, moreover, i would like to point out that, unlike viktor orbán , donald trump is unlikely to adhere to the vector that could be. namely, for example, withdrawing from the alliance or opposing partners and taking more inclination towards the russian federation, obviously
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not, because we have to understand that viktor orbán is completely under the control of the kremlin, in fact, at least in the economic or energy context, and this should be understood, the united the united states is a completely independent and self-sufficient country, and donald trump does not exist sense actually rebroadcast such and such narratives or implement policies similar to these narratives already after the election, rather he uses all these slogans in order to be able to win the elections again and actually lead the united states of america for the second time. orbán, on the other hand, has completely tied himself up, moreover, budapest under his rule has come under financial sanctions from brussels, and he is trying to ... believe between the west and russia, as well as china, and therefore he is actually not an independent figure on the international arena, unlike the same trump, who still has more maneuverability for his
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activities, so i would not, but the fact that both politicians like to use these different statements of a populist nature is definitely a fact, but i would did not compare, it means trump there. orbán, actually, please explain orbán's statement that nato is planning a military mission in ukraine, he blurted it out and didn't think about it, he blurted it out because he had to pretend that he was just saying it, but it needs to be heard, can something like that really happen? he continued, here and there there was such a phrase: he is planning a military mission, dear hungarians, i saved you, we refused it, and this is an agreement with rütte, well, we remember that there was communication between orbán and rütte and he himself. did not object to ryuto heading the north atlantic alliance after all, but actually it should be understood that orbán did not clarify what exactly is meant by a military
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mission, because the concept is very broad and hardly possible to specify exactly in which field he meant the mission, because there are missions that provide briefings, there are engineering missions, there are full-fledged military missions. of a nature that take part in hostilities, that is, he did not actually give details, instead, i would like to remind you that these days the secretary general, still acting secretary general of nato, jens stoltenberg stated that the alliance supports ukraine and will carry out the training of the ukrainian military , however, according to his words , nato always emphasizes that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore does not send troops to ukraine, that is, in fact. we cannot talk about a full-fledged military mission, this unequivocally, but the fact that the preparation will be carried out, and this, and this preparation can take place both on the territory, on the territory of the member countries of the alliance, and on the territory
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of ukraine, and it happened even before the full-fledged invasion, this happened, so i think that the , what orbán says is nothing more than these narratives, which are just as populist, which he always rebroadcasts, and even more so, we really see that they were agreed upon. but with the fact that in exchange for the fact that budapest will not slow down some aid initiatives, for example to ukraine, then in principle he may not send any of his troops or missions, or not to provide any other types of aid to ukraine, well, in fact, such a compromise was found, a compromise solution was found, by the way, using the gingerbread bat method, because here there could have been some preferences for hungary, and there were.' moments of pressure, for example, we remember that recently in riga, when there was a congress of the heads of defense departments, then a member of the alliance itself, then the state of
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the members of the alliance, then it was actually held there, a congress of the members of the bucharest nine of the alliance, to be more precise, and then an ultimatum was actually given to the hungarian side, that if it continues to implement such a policy, which is directed against aid to ukraine and against unity. alliance as such, they will actually exclude it from this format, i.e. here we see a lot of different methods for orbán, and i think that this is precisely what will make trump different, that he has a completely different situation, and he will not have such problems with allies, given that after all the united states, they are the main country that helps us and the biggest, the most powerful in this sense, and i think she will really remain our hope. partner, and i don't think that under trump we will have any serious relations, although adjustments may take place in view of the change of personalities, the change of the politician who is, well, that's in the offing. the election
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of trump, so i actually would not compare the organization again. mr. stanislav, thank you for participating in our broadcast stanislav zhelikhovsky, candidate of political sciences, about everything that is happening and transforming in nato during the transition, actually of the new management. thanks to him for the analysis, a little break and we will have a guest in the studio, so stay with espresso. again these occls. did you not have time to charge your phones? sitting in the dark is not an option either. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. solar batteries energia plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and , of course, a power bank. order simply now while special prices last. solar
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flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids plebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any pain. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts. in the new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reportage. comments of leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to make sense of disturbing news and distinguish truth from hostile propaganda. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and.


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