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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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in hungary, unlike other european countries, but thank god, where we have a powerful hungarian intelligentsia, the aristocracy, the same budapest, orban lost there by a landslide, the anti-orban mayor won for the second time, well, coming back to what you say , that i don't like mr. orban for a reason, they say to him, you know, like comrade orban. comrade, he is a comrade, well, for me in general, you know, for me, mr. tibor, it is strange, the year 56, i remember constantly, and it was not such a sluggish self-defense as in czechoslovakia 68 year, it was a real struggle in the streets against the regular soviet army, and people shot, killed and, for a short time, fought, not just there by themselves... burned, but also
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fought, and after all this, moreover, orbán in the late 80s x, in the early 90s, there was such an anti-soviet so-and-so, and he was noticed precisely with his anti-soviet approaches, and now he has become soviet again, that this, this is just the same corruption that he is talking about, because for me, for me this genesis is not clear, i can't understand a person who would become like a dissident i'm against the soviet past, against yanish kadar, i'm such a re-europeanist, but 10 years have passed, there's no europeanness here or there 20, what's in your head, money just solved all the issues? well not only money, indeed, you are right again, very well informed, indeed, he was a liberal, he fought against the eu communist regime in the 80s... and
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when he came to power until 2009, he was really pro-european, anti-communists, i would say, even against russia, but then it happened in november 2009, he was invited to st. petersburg for the united russia congress, he met and had a certain interview with putin there, by the way, and about this... there are already historical facts , the materials showed him , that in fact he was still in the socialist regime at one time, wrote slanders about his friends, and in fact since 2009 he, again, most hungarian sociologists say, he is in fact a stooge of the kremlin, listen, this is a terrible story you told, well, i just yes... they say the same about trump and
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there are many european suspicions that putin simply has some documents, some about some intelligence data, some wiretapping, and they say, you will talk a lot, but look and and and and then the end of the political career comes, but you surprised me , thank you very much, thank you very much, i hope this is not the last time we talk to you, this is definitely all ... very interesting, because it is this, you know, i will tell you, even such a thing, i used to study it, the first country , which recognized independence, even before independence, until december 1, until august 24, it was hungary, there was an official visit, i don't remember where, who, but official visits prove that recognition, it is not necessary to sign some... simple knowledge, if
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the leader of one country comes to another country, it means , that he recognizes that this country is independent, it was hungary, and you see how we are talking about it now, it is a pity, so i thank tibur tompi, the head of the hungarian community of kyiv region, thank you very much, now we have such a story, we will have a five-minute story, then we will have a five-minute advertisement about the story i will tell you briefly. that this is a bill on the completion of power units, which we talked about with mr. plachkov at the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant, it is recommended to be adopted in the first reading, the verkhovna rada committee on energy and housing and communal services supported the government's initiative, it is about resuming the construction of the third and fourth power units of nuclear power plants, this will help the power system , for example, let's say from this winter, no one knows, but dmytro found out the actions. so you
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listen to him. russia continues energy terror of ukraine. electricity generation facilities were attacked again this week. according to ukrene. damaged equipment of facilities in four regions: vinnytsia, dnipropetrovsk, donetsk and kyiv. another attack by the russians increased the lack of electricity, so the blackouts became longer. against this background, the government is asking the parliament to approve a draft law on the completion of two power units on khmelnytskyi. nuclear power plant, the specialized committee gave the green light to the draft law, i did not vote for it, i will not vote for it in the parliament hall and i will explain to other colleagues why this is a wrong approach, and it seems that someone really needs it, i think that we are close to a consensus,
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close to bringing this bill to the floor, to vote in the first reading on the basis, yesterday i i saw that even those factions that had doubts, that asked very deep questions about the... obnik, about the terms, about the amount, about the financing, they left the hall satisfied after communicating with minister holoshchenko. construction of the third power unit of the khmelnytsky as began in september 1985, and the fourth in june 1986. both designed for a capacity of 100 mw, despite the construction readiness of the third unit at 75% and the fourth at 28, in 1990. the construction of new power units was stopped by a moratorium on the construction of new nuclear power plants, the condition of unfinished units is not fully known. i cannot understand the minister of energy galushchenko, here in berlin at the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine, he spoke at the section
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related to energy, and you can find a quote from him, and he said there that if they ask me whether it is worth building. which will be in operation in 5 years, or 1 g, which will be built quickly this year, or three in the next two years, then i say yes, 1 gw is better, because it is the survival of people, in a week he comes to the meeting of the verkhovna rada committee and starts telling , as necessary... on these old building structures, the strength of which was questionable back in 2012, i was at a meeting of this board, where it is clearly stated in the decision of the board that the strength of the structure has not been proven, it has not been proven, in the past 12 years , they definitely did not get stronger.
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according to energy minister herman galushchenko, if the bill is passed , the third block can be connected to the grid three years later. at the start of work, the fourth out of four, funds from the budget will not be allocated for the project, energoatom relies on its own funds and attracting loans. our key problem now is not baseload, our key problem today is peak load. ac units cannot be turned on and off quickly, you start them up and they work for weeks. the international atomic energy agency supports ukraine's plans for building blocks. khmelnytskyi as, this was announced by the general director of magat, raphael grossi. in addition, in april of this year , a project to build the fifth and sixth power units using american technology began at the same nuclear plant, and if the third and fourth units are completed,
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the capacity of the khmelnytskyi nuclear power plant will exceed that of the currently occupied zaporizhzhya. we will support it, this is again what i discussed with minister galushchenko and with the director of goto, mr. kotin. we are in touch on how agency can support these plans. we believe these are very timely plans. that is, keep moving forward, regardless of how the events in zaporizhzhia develop. as a result of the russian strikes, ukraine lost more than 9 gw of capacity. for example, this is how much latvia, lithuania and estonia consume together. the national bank of ukraine calculated recovery. shared generation, which we desperately need, needs billions of dollars. dmytro didora, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. oh i remember you see, although they say that our memory weakens over the years, but i am attentive and
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the world, a second trump presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think, politklub, every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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good health once again, 19:14 minutes and 14 seconds. vadym chernych, head of the sens security research center, minister of ukraine for
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temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons from 16 to 19 years of age. good health, minister, thank you for finding time for us. i have a first question for you, an important one, maybe we will focus on it, maybe not, i don't know. well, the americans are closing russian visa centers, diplomats will be forced to pay taxes. in short, it's obvious that it's directed like i am understand, against the russian agency, we just spoke with the hungarian representatives. and they said that orban was somehow one until 2009, then he flew to leningrad, they showed him something there, and he somehow turned into a completely different orban, from liberal to pro-soviet, pro-russian, pro-putin orban became. how strong was the posture,
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how strong were the positions of the russian agency, and now, in what state is this agency now, if you can... share your thoughts on this, please, because ahead in we were also suspected by trump and trump that he has some, some kind of compromising material on him, putin has and so on, how strong it was and what now with those people who spied on everything that is happening around russia, please, sir all spies or scouts, who are who, well, russia considers them spies, america is there and we consider them servants, and by the way... the word spy, so -called, is not offensive in the english language, so they can be conditionally divided into two categories: those who work under the cover of diplomatic missions, and those who the so-called illegals work according to the soviet slang, and according to the soviet dictionary, the so -called illegals, that is, those who are in
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the country for other reasons, but not for the reasons for staying there or for the reasons for staying there. the diplomatic service, so if you want to limit the influence of the agency, you can fight with illegals, it is much more difficult, because they are encrypted much more strongly, and also depriving the possibility of those who work under diplomatic cover to work in the country, already those , who works officially under under the cover of diplomatic, well , semi-officials, they also have networks that they actually... manage, get information, maybe, as we see, following the example of slovenia, even, until now, they use cash, which is kept in refrigerators in special vaults , these are russian spies who got through latin america to slovenia in order to spy on the territory of the eu, so the european union and the united states constantly limit
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the stay of russian diplomats, by the way, such a gesture was accepted by the states and europe shared in the expulsion of many diplomats after the poisoning in saltburg, which was carried out by the main directorate of the general staff, that is , the military intelligence of russia, that is why the restrictions are in order to destroy, as far as possible, the networks that are created by those who work undercover, but in parallel with the coordination countries and illegals are trying to be exposed, as i already mentioned in slovenia. needed agreement between countries to reveal the family of the russian ussr, foreign intelligence services, which, by the way, are very many now through the countries of latin america, it was a case, for example, of getting into brussels, where nato diplomats in the anniversary salon,
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which was actually created by russian... sycophants, bought bad things there, drank champagne, and also a case where documents of american countries were forged to enter the international criminal court in gas was there years ago, i think two or a half, latin american countries were also used, why were they used, it is very easy to get corrupt documents, birth certificates, some graves there trans. to get along supposedly there parents are buried there to get documents there, and so the russians began to use the latin american continent very heavily to prepare cover documents for their spies, who then get another citizenship or residence permit, or a green card in the united states, or other documents in the countries of europe so that, that is, we
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are talking about legal, conditionally legal spies, they are all diplomats, but... they also spy illegally when they stay and cross the borders or states of countries in the european union, or limit movement within the borders of the united states and impose taxes, that is, on all the funds they receive, that is, these funds can go to subversive activities, this is precisely an attempt to reduce the opportunities for russian intelligence agencies, and i will remind you that nato also obga... recently at the meeting , a ban in european countries, if a russian diplomat received permission to stay in... which is the main country, for example, in france, then he cannot just go to germany or italy, until now it is not the case, that's why they travel everywhere, they are angry all over europe, and they are invisible, and this is also a matter
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of cooperation of counter-intelligence agencies, it is difficult for them to interact, that's why several efforts are now being made by the countries of western europe, well , the democratic countries of western europe and the united states and canada. in order to counter russian subversive activities, even on the eve in the united states and in other countries. mr. vadim, look, here is another quite strange information, and i would like to understand it, thanks to you, first of all, the eu will ban russians from flying over its territory, well, okay, the airlines of the russian federation have not been flying since the 22nd year, but this is some kind of... this story, this is how i understand it, that simply, if i am russian, i have a russian passport, i come to with this passport, conditionally to tallinn, and i say, give me
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a ticket to helsinki or to paris or to london, then i cannot fly, simply because i am russian, and as far as i understand, this is also one of those enough cool mome od... from cool moments to simply prohibit the movement of any russians, including probably referring to scouts and spies, please, for today flights are prohibited, direct flights, that is, regular flights, but charters and private business jets are not prohibited, that is why precisely those persons who can afford to fly from russia on private charters or flights, including tourist charters, they are not prohibited. in europe, and that is why, if a russian person orders a private business flight, and in particular these are those russians, such as friedman, a great jazz player,
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there is also another category of persons, there, who are actually the leaders of russian politics and also operate with huge amounts of money, let me remind you that the jet, the business jet of mr. prigozhin, could formally be allowed to transport any persons in europe, if it were not for himself... beautiful, that is why there are restrictions, now the restrictions will just affect these types of flights, and they also limit the transportation of these individual influential players of the russian federation, who can order business jets, as well as charters, tourists there and all, because such a direct flow also facilitates the transportation of cash funds, other... er opportunities and also of course the infiltration of unwanted persons into the territory of the european union, that's why this
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issue also has about the same dimension as you said, but also partly can be related to where the sanctions are not can be imposed, for example, on an airplane, but flights consider it undesirable, so it cannot, for example, an airplane be booked by the russians in order to use it. and of course, this, well, let's say this, will not affect all russians without exception, because part of they do not leave there at all, but for such a category, which is precisely those who corrupt, those who bribe, those who create positions, for example, business ones, well , such as the wife, there, for example, the heads of the service of naryshkin's foreign intelligence, which flies calmly during the sanctions regime. to paris for shopping, that's why i think that it will be closed and such, but mr. chernich, look, i have one more question that
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is absolutely philosophical, psychological, no, no, not specific at all, well, i also remember my daughter, who recently studied in tartu, now in one russian professor was already arrested and sentenced in tartu, he did not teach my wife, my wife, my daughter. but she has friends whom he taught, he says: a very qualified, intelligent, knowledgeable person, after all, such a scientist is real, well, but recruited, as was proven by estonian counterintelligence, russian intelligence, but this plume is spoiling the reputation of all russians, here's my question, it's just me talking about it, relatively speaking, i study in berlin, i open a newspaper, it says that the professor at the university of otvar is a russian intelligence officer, i have a lecture by some russian, about whom i do not know if he is a spy, and even everyone says
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that he is not a spy. but i already suspect him, i begin to think about any russian, professor, worker, peasant, farmer, cleaner, and whether you are not a spy, and whether you are not spoiling the lives of europeans, and whether you are not helping the victory of russian troops over ukrainians and so on, it's just hard for me to imagine what will happen to the russians now, everyone will be under suspicion when totally... the americans are totally hinting, all diplomats are spies, we will forbid them, you say, that it is forbidden to cross borders, if you are accredited in france, stay in france, you have nothing to do in belgium, it is simply a disaster for the nationality, you are simply a russian and you are a spy automatically, i think, i think that such sentiments already exist,
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because while...politicians begin to act in europe, the mass media, they are influential, they are called the fourth power, the fourth power raises these issues, they disagree and the politicians act precisely as a result of public resonance, that is why it is so, moreover, i want to tell you that absolutely from soviet medical institutions, we can assume that it is because of... among the so-called opposition leaders in russia there is a significant number of people who are, let's say, agents or even employees of the russian special services, intelligence agencies, well, the fsb is also an intelligence agency , so it can be so, so of course it is positive for us, the philosophical question is that if there a person works as a plumber... then he
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can also be a spy, because plumbers are easy to penetrate, but this is not some kind of intellectual analyst, it's just a person who can perform the function of installing some bug there or steal documents, so it's not bad for us, but it doesn't mean that some nation becomes an exile nation there, it means that this category of migrants will be strengthened. weight, to be honest, well, it’s very cool for us, because among them the specific weight is really big, because of the nature of the russian state, it takes relatives hostage, it threatens children or parents there, and of course, together it can even force any which migrant which has a connection with russia, on a russian migrant, and on some harmful actions in
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relation to the country. stay, so it seems to me that the so-called alarmism is normal here, yes, there should be alarmism, but it certainly shouldn’t be in europe, one more question, maybe the last one, but quality, i’m a small specialist, i read various novels there, didn’t watch various films, well, some of my friends there were intelligence officers, still soviet, and i am amazed that they haven’t changed, they are the same, bad guys, listen, well, that’s all... that they did it became known sooner or later, well , spies are spies because they don't do anything publicly, they don't have it written on their foreheads: i'm a sniper, i went to spy, or i'm carrying explosives to some factory there, that doesn't happen, but we we see, lytvynenko, they poisoned after six months, everything became clear, these other people in britain, bombings in bulgaria, poisoning of bulgarians, a bulgarian businessman
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who... gave arms to ukraine, the same situation in the czech republic, now in estonia, they just have the same impression , that they really have something radiating on their foreheads that i am a spy, and this is no longer a spy, not shtirlitsy, you understand, people have some kind of illusion that there are some such intellectual shtirlitsy sitting there and you can find their figs, but now it’s just some kind of horror, where, where is the professionalism, i’m sorry, i’m not worried about russian intelligence, but where is the professionalism, ugh, very . quickly, i understand that we don’t have much time, all the cases you mentioned are gugsh, russian military intelligence, well, duboloms, it’s obvious, chipiga and others, and let’s take them to the foreign intelligence service, that’s just the last ones spies in slovenia that i mentioned are representatives the ssr, well, the foreign intelligence service of russia, also had a successful case of stealing information from all of them, practically the ministry of finance and other ministries of the united states.


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