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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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there are many millions of our citizens who went there because of the war with their children and live there, and the main thing is that this, well, it’s not easy, if they want the war to last until the last ukrainian, then probably that’s what they have to do, as they do, right now, but we 're trying to change this, i... i'll tell you , so it's a shadow fleet, i don't even know who it is anymore, so this legend was invented, that there is some shadow fleet, it's unknown where it's registered, it's unknown by the ferns , very old, ecologically dangerous, so there is no shadow raft, we know everyone by name and patronymic, saying every
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tanker, we know when, so they are built, we know that there are no ships there, and most of the ships are built after the 10th year, that is, it's very, it's, it's new ships , yes, up to 20 years of the tanker, this is very, very normal, that's why it's some kind of legend, mr. andriy, if, if we know all this, then i'm useless. i urge you, but it’s just a question, why suddenly there are no problems with these ships at sea, there are some pirates there, i don’t know, well, you understand, so there is a right to war at sea, yes, and of course there are a lot, when i write my posts on facebook, of course there are a lot of comments that they should be drowned there, the door... and they arrange that tanker in
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the black sea and so on. well, we, ukraine , positions itself as a legal state that adheres to international norms. there is the law of war at sea, it has existed since the beginning of the last century. the first hague convention seems to have been in 1909. then she was there, so these conventions were updated, but... the essence does not change, belligerent countries have no right to detain, sink, to confiscate ships belonging to non-belligerent countries, that is, and since there, well , look, as he said, in the baltic sea 30%, yes, in the black sea 12. this is for crude oil, these are
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european ships, then we say, listen, no it is necessary to tell the story, it is necessary to remove european tankers from these routes, which means that it is minus 30%, in numbers it is so, approximately 100 tankers from the baltic and approximately 20-30 every month from the black sea. take a third, that's a lot, let them look for tankers in other countries, there, of course, what will increase - the freight price of these tankers, of course, that will decrease, er, so it will increase, the costs will increase, so, in addition to what you said, they get less, they get less just because of the fact that the way has become. the widow, that is, before they
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were transported from the baltic, from leningrad, ustluga, and other ports to the ports of the european union, it is very close, cheap, and so on. now, of course, when they take oil from st. petersburg to bombay or shanghai by tanker, it is a month and more than a month, yes, it is more expensive, but... it is not critically more expensive, and besides, we do not know, since this whole topic with contracts, it is closed in this situation, we do not know what goodies russia promises to the same india, the same to china and other countries, they may, it means, have some other agreements that as if it does not concern the supply of weapons to someone. some benefits for others, some benefits
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for other areas of economic cooperation and so on, that is why we say that there are... ways out, and these specific ways, you see, cameron only slightly indicated that it should be done, we are now promoting a topic like this, if time permits, then we still have four or five minutes, mr. andrii, can you, uh, please, that is, what should be done, first, well, first, i already said that we need to take the tanks. the european union has american tankers, they transport mineral fertilizers, vegetable oil from the port of novorossiysk to there from the baltic ports, we tell them: listen, don’t be ashamed of these two or three tankers, take them away from these
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routes, besides, means what should be done, each tanker has its own unique name, this is... the amo registration number of the international maritime organization, which given to every ship in the world at birth, and uh no longer used after the vessel ceases to exist, uh, so uh, sanction all those thousands of tankers that carry what will that mean? the ship is passing through the english channel. or through the kotegac kagirak straits from the baltic to the north sea. in the first case - this is denmark, in the second case - britain and france. they all pay the european companies,
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the british companies the channel fee, they pay the pilotage and all those services, which are related to'. because cool, as soon as you put them on the sanctions lists, they lose the ability to make these payments, and by the way, in the bosphorus, i think that our turkish neighbors, they will think a lot, what to do with these tankers, which are listed vessels, not the owners, yes, but the vessels, these sanctions lists, thank you, that is. ugh, and finally , the environmental maritime service of any country can stop ships in its economic zone, i.e. in the baltic sea and in the straits, and check them to see if there is top,
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oil, and everything else flowing there, this must be done, thank you very much, andriy klymenko, the project manager at the institute of black sea strategic studies, talked about how you... export your crude oil, and now we have to take a break literally for a moment. we are coming back. journalist who joined the armed forces, political expert who became a special agent, taras berezovyts in a new project on espresso. the real front is a thorough analysis of the main events. reports, comments, leading specialists and experts. analytics from the major of the armed forces. how to deal with anxiety? and distinguish the truth from the enemy ipso. the real front program with taras berezovets every saturday at 21:30 on espresso. congratulations again to khairle kunyere. you
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are watching the joint project of the first crimean tatar tv channel atr and tv channel razom birabir. i, gulsum khalilova and my colleague work for you in the studio. thank you, and now we have bohdan dalin, this is an aviation expert on call, manager of the aviation sector, mr. bohdan, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, let's start a conversation with ukrainian drones that enter russian territory, every day the ministry of defense of the russian federation literally declares that it shoots down 120 ukrainian drones, then 100, then 70, 115, or really... we have already learned to attack russian territory with such a number of drones and are they really shooting them down, or are they just reporting to their viewers, their audience , that the drones go astray, in fact we achieve the goal, well, look, if we talk about the specified number,
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then more than a hundred drones that would have achieved their goal, we would actually see much brighter reactions from the russians and would not individual relevant refineries. dozens at the same time, that's why there are probably two important components here, the first is important to say that russians regularly like to inflate real numbers in order to report to their citizens. that is, they do not see how ukraine effectively destroys dozens or hundreds of their corresponding kamikaze drones of the shaket type, and in order not to look much worse, they simply increase this number, relatively speaking, dozens of drones, they increase it to a hundred, and the drones simply do not exist generals write down those who shot down they rejoice because they receive medals, the corresponding servicemen who are close to them receive bonuses, that is, everyone remains satisfied, but if we actually look at... we must understand that, after all , part of the drones can be
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destroyed in one way or another, and this is absolutely it's normal, we see that even these shaheds launch, as a rule, there is still a certain percentage, which is 10-15%, unfortunately it achieves its goals, so do ukrainian drones, i hope that this percentage is much higher , because what amount of official data is launched and how many of them hit directly on one or another object, unfortunately, there is no, therefore the composition. to evaluate the effectiveness of ukrainian drones, but the number of ulankas and destroyed drones, which are shown by the relevant russian military, does not point to the version that there are only hundreds of drones, after all, we are talking about the launch of dozens of long-range drones, but for their cover they can relatively speaking, cheap small drones can be used, which are also launched into the so-called buffer zone, i.e. up to 50 km, this is the front line or... the territory bordering the russian federation, where there is a sufficiently aggressive system of radio-electronic warfare and a lot of
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air defense, here i would like to note, another gulsum, i will take one question from you, i would like to note , that the russians mostly use the same models of drones, there are shaheds, well, there are their modifications, their gyrans, but ukraine is constantly experimenting, i remember the beaver, then the drone that they didn't have at first. its names, then they began to call it february, then some other modifications, that is, we are constantly doing some kind of experimental work, and it is connected, as i understand it, with the fact that we cannot use western models of such weapons to attack the russians, so we are forced to develop something of our own, and the russians simply buy ready iranian models, am i wrong or are we operating roughly the same? well , look, here the situation is quite different, because... the first important component, most drones, they all consist of western components, including
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navigation systems, control systems, engines, etc. if you look in principle at those products that are also ukrainian, including those that are purchased outside of ukraine, then it is still such a zoo of various drones, there are several reasons, because on the one hand, of course, there are resources on the access market and purchases, they are limited, that is , you have to buy not thousands, but tens, hundreds, and all this is stretched over months of their supply, that is, from different suppliers, different models in order to cover the required amount. the second important component, of course, is domestic production, but it is also based on western components. to date , it is quite difficult for the russians to get these components, first of all, if there are self-assembling so-called dual- purpose military equipment, and this, of course, narrows the possibility of russians to create new models of unmanned vehicles, because after all, the main main... where they can take these components, this is the chinese market, but it also has certain limitations, and this leads to
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the fact that the range, it narrows, on the one hand, on the other hand, still works as if the model, when, after all, the state, having uh and already internal production for assembling these drones, uh, komikazas of the shahket type, they simply take them en masse in order to reduce their cost, that is, in principle, ukraine could also move ... in the direction of creating large powerful factories for the production of thousands of drones, but such factories, unfortunately, will almost immediately become the target of the enemy, so another system works, the so-called, as it works at sea, the so-called mosquito fleet, the same works with production , i.e diversification, small producers, their large number, that is , it is basically impossible to destroy such production, and it is interesting that we have drones that fly even to bashkartastan and tatarstan, and this, if i am not mistaken, 1200... and 1300 km , but it is very interesting, what kind of drones are these and where is
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the real russian anti-aircraft defense? well, look, if we talk about this case, then unfortunately we are talking about single such lesions, that is , unfortunately, we are not talking about any serial drone, that is, most likely we are talking about a convertible so-called ultralight aircraft, here and in addition, such strikes at such a long distance of more than 100 km, there are only a few of them today, the key task is precisely this... to pass the air defense system of buffernu, here, in fact, 50-60 km after the border with the russian federation , the so-called internal the airspace of the russian federation, where you can a large. to fly almost unnoticed and with low mobility to be shot down, that’s because the existing complexes are precisely c300, c400, they are trained to destroy large targets at high speeds, usually at heights there three or more kilometers, if we look at the drones that hit russian objects, they fly at much lower altitudes, at the same time, the greatest danger for such
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drones is not so much the air defense system, because even specialized tanks russia has only about hundreds of units. and the more serious ones are electronic warfare systems, that is, rebs, which can also affect the navigation signal, and this leads to the fact that such drones can physically simply fall and crash, and we see that the number of called drones intercepted by rations, it is not measured by the number of downed, but mainly shows the wreckage of drones that were directly planted or destroyed by the use of rebs, and recently the center of strategy. annual communications, he calculated the losses of the russian occupiers in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea over the past 3-4 months, and there they write that russia has lost dozens of air defense systems, dozens of s-300, s-350, s-400 systems and more , which is very important, and
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russia lost 15 radar stations, it became known recently. that russia has already, unfortunately, repaired the kerch crossing, please tell me whether they will be able to restore all these losses that we have seen in the last 3-4 months, and how much they, well, need for this time, well, look, from the point of view namely air defense systems, the production cycle is long enough, that is , we can be talking about years, at the same time, the number of systems that the russian federation has remains quite large. that is, we are talking about hundreds of units of such complexes, together with the fact that cover individual objects on the territory of the crimean peninsula, they will need to remove these objects from other parts of the russian federation, thus reducing the protection of certain objects, primarily airfields, individual cities, and of course, directly thus creating more gaps for the possibility of drones,
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for example, to enter the territory of the russian federation from other directions, because today we see ... actually strikes that are inflicted on drones that fly from the territory of ukraine, but taking into account that this area and air coverage will decrease, in principle nothing prevents the creation of a conditional conversion of a ship into an aircraft carrier of such drones and striking other territories of the russian federation, but of course it is necessary to understand how these ships will then safely leave zones affected by russian aircraft or relevant sea vessels. here, in addition, if we speak specifically. about the destruction of anti-aircraft defense systems on the territory of crimea, this may be one of the stages of preparation for the next military operations on the territory of crimea, including the use of western aviation platforms such as f-16, because in principle, the dilution and destruction of air defense systems is much easier to do in crimea today than, for example, in other regions, because there and less forest cover, there
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are certain corresponding mountainous areas, that is , the number of locations where these systems... can be deployed, it is much smaller, but it is also quite difficult to move to other locations or to hide because the absence of a large amount of forest, that is, in fact, crimea turns into a kind of shooting range for the destruction of russian air defense systems, with sufficiently high efficiency. well, plus there are ukrainian partisans who, of course, report on the movement of russian military equipment, quite effectively, as far as i know, we know. directly about several partisan groups, the largest of them, too. i wanted to ask about magura sea platforms, i know that i understand that you are aviation experts, there is also an aviation topic here, they are installed on marine platforms now missiles that hit air targets, how effective is the use of a sea platform for launching such missiles, or is it just experiments for now? well, look,
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we see that, in principle, the number of such installations with pushamim, it has increased, here at the same time. the key threat posed by these installations is to helicopters, as well as to aircraft flying at low altitudes. mostly, if we talk about flights at a low altitude, then this is exactly fighter aircraft that can conduct reconnaissance or search for such marine drones for their further destruction, that is, it is actually one of the means of protecting these naval drones from attacks from the air, because these missiles, they have a so-called thermal homing head, but their... from the ground, it has certain limitations, first of all, it affects the maximum range at which such missiles can operate, that is, they are reduced from tens of kilometers there to two or three times, that is, to... a significantly shorter range, it also affects the maximum height at which these missiles can to fly, that is, if they foresee the destruction of the target at an altitude of 10-12 km at ranges there of the order of 50-70 km, then
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, unfortunately, the thick ground will limit the maximum height there to three, four, maybe 5 km, of course, the maximum range there will probably not exceed 10-12 km either, due to the fact that the air resistance on near the ground, it is much larger, the first component, the second component, that the rocket from... from the plane already has an additional speed of the order of 500-600 km and more per hour, and when launching from the ground it has, that is, an initial minimum speed there of tens of kilometers, and, of course, it loses the largest amount of energy for this raikon, i.e this approach can be effective, but only against a sufficiently narrow list of the whole, that is, these are helicopters, planes that can directly conduct reconnaissance and search for drones, mr. bohdan, i remember you as a civilian even before the full-scale invasion. an aviation expert and you, i think, could comment on the question of the restoration of civil aviation, whether it is realistic to restore it during hostilities,
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or should we wait until russia capitulates? well, look, there is also a question is quite complex, that is, we already see examples from around the world, including israel, when air traffic was restored and even its suspension there was no more than 6 hours, including in the conditions of... existing rocket attacks, which were somewhat commensurate with those waves of attacks , which the russian federation carries out against ukraine. at the same time, we see that ukraine has not yet made such a decision, and here is the decision, of course, on the opening of the airspace should be initiated by ukraine. here was the information about the beginning there are certain consultations with such world aviation regulators as the american administration and eas, the european aviation safety agency, along with some. we have not seen the results of these negotiations, here is what they were, whether they were positive or negative, but in principle we see that there are experiences and
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approaches in the world, that is, this and the so-called segmentation of airspace, when not all airspace is closed, is determined individual zones, the risks for these zones are calculated, and a decision is made about certain restrictions and flight conditions in separate areas, that is , there are options, there are also approaches, here the question remains technical and political, the technical readiness of the relevant state authorities to make a decision that they are ready, this is to open air traffic, the second is important, it is of course technical, i.e. today air traffic is controlled in principle by the military, i.e. there must also be their readiness and confirmation that they can ensure and coordinate the safe operation, if not of the entire airspace , then of separately defined airfields or separately defined zones, including the development of the relevant legal framework, how... who reacts, who makes decisions, how do aircraft operate in conditions of certain threats, how do aircraft operate on the ground, how do the relevant airports operate, are there do they have storage facilities, how and in what time do they have
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to move these or that passengers to temporary storage facilities there from possible missile or other strikes, well, here are the airports that can be launched first, let's make some kind of agreement with you, lviv, uzhhorod, kyiv, what it is will be the first well, look, first of all, we understand that from the point of view of... the means of destruction that reach the ports that are farthest from the respective launchers of the federation, they have a higher level of security, that is, the probability that the drone will reach lviv or uzhgorod there , it is substantially less than the probability of this drone reaching kyiv, in addition , the risks and efficiency of shooting down certain objects are superimposed on this map, i.e. we see a sufficiently high efficiency around kyiv and the number of destroyed targets, i.e. here in the first place indeed, probably such a zone... more protected cities include both kyiv and individual airfields in western ukraine, but in order to actually make an assessment, it is necessary to have a complete picture, i.e. all
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statistics on launches and destroyed targets and to understand available anti-total defense systems, what means of destruction they can destroy, i.e. can they destroy only qualits, missiles and drone communications, or can they also counter ballistic missiles of certain types or certain characteristics. thank you very much. mr. bohdan, what is wrong with you? found time and joined our broadcast, we will meet in other broadcasts of the atr tv channel and espressa tv channel. bohdan dolinsy was in direct contact with us, aviation expert, manager of the aviation sector. i want to urge viewers who watch us on youtube to be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel, if you watch on youtube, respectively on the atp, preferably on both youtube channels, and put a favorite. set the bell and comment on this broadcast, we come after the broadcasts in the comments and answer questions, if they are based on the essence of the questions that we touched on in our broadcasts, well, that's true.
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it is very important for us, it is very important both for the tv channel and for the atp tv channel, because the more people who simply like or simply write comments, the more others who have not seen our broadcasts, who have not heard our broadcasts, will already see them, too , well, unfortunately, this is how the youtube algorithm works, and they will also be able to simply hear news about crimea, about occupied crimea and about everything that is happening there, because it is very important, it is... such a bridge, one might say, between to the matryka ukraine and the occupied crimea, that is, to the occupied crimea, we say that ukraine does not forget about crimea, and ukraine really did, is doing everything today for its de-occupation, and to ukraine, the matryka part of ukraine, we tell that the people on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea is still waiting for the armed forces of ukraine. players, i would like to make just such a bridge between
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mainland ukraine and crimea, and see while in mainland ukraine, on the banks of the dnipro, the beaches are full of people, the crimean beaches are empty, we have a corresponding video, i i will ask our technical team to show this video, it is something incredible, the heat is enormous in crimea, but at the same time there are no vacationers there, and even i would say from the footage we see that the beaches are not sufficiently prepared. for recreation, but they are rather preparing for the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine than for recreation, and at the same time you can observe what is happening on the beaches in kyiv, you can not swim everywhere, there is martial law, but we also see people moving on and on they swim in kayaks and, in principle, rest on the beach on the shore, but really all this...
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will change when ukraine returns to crimea and returns crimea to ukraine, and then everything will change, as it was before 2014. and finally, i urge you, if you see a qr code on the screen, to transfer money, specifically for the liberation of crimea, to the oshb-48 unit, which bears the name of noman chilibin. this unit. created from crimeans, who are mostly crimean tatars and who seek to liberate their homeland. well, unfortunately, we are already ending this broadcast, stay with us, stay with the first crimean tatar atr tv channel and espresso tv channel and we will meet in a week. i am andrii yanitskyi and my colleague gulsum khalilova, were with you today. korushentya, yes.
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goodbye, congratulations, friends, the saturday political club andriy smoliy and vitaly pertnikov are on the air, once again we congratulate everyone, and today we will traditionally talk about all the events, everything that happened around ukraine and around our world, we will also talk about... shelling , which took place today and about the situation in kharkiv oblast, at the front, we will talk about putin's visits, the statements of the occupiers, the statements of our international partners, and everything that happened during this week. we already have the first guest on the phone, yes, as far as i understand, and oleksiy getsman, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, we ask mr. oleksiy, good evening, i congratulate you, but the enemy continues the energy war, were
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energy facilities in the south and west of the country were attacked this... night, what should be done to resist these attacks? the answer lies on the surface, it is of course additional means of air defense, missiles to them, it of course, the ability to attack those planes from which cruise missiles are launched, those launchers from which ground-based ground-based bases are launched, well, the same iskanders, for example, surface-based bases, calibers. and it is more difficult to destroy the cause or fight the consequences, well, we know that, if we destroy aircraft, at least at airfields, preferably strategic bombers, if we destroy the launchers from which iskanders attack us, then it will be easier for us to protect our energy, well, what concerns disembodied devices that russia uses, we have them...


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