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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST

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we honor those whose lives were cut short by russian aggression with a moment of silence, so let's remember them. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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explosions rumbled in the occupied evpatoria, and sevastopol was also under missile attack in the crimea, whether it is the work of american missiles or the weakness of russian air defense. we will talk about this later in the morning, and we will discuss the results. meeting of deputies regarding the death of a military serviceman on zhytomyr region after he was in the tcc. greetings, i'm oleg galiv, and we're getting started. in the comments, share your impressions of what you have seen and heard, in particular, write from where you look at us and how to evaluate the events taking place in crimea, do you believe in the fastest possible deoccupation of the peninsula itself and its return to ukraine? in the occupied crimea, the remote space communication center was on fire, the monitoring channel krymsky vytir reports. according to the group, two
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fires occurred after explosions the previous evening in the uvitene military unit, this near yevpatoria. the information about this is confirmed by satellite images after the explosions from yevpatoria, many ambulances were traveling in this direction, writes crimean veter and shows a video of the fire, which is published in local chat rooms. alyona, close the windows tightly. and a few more explosions were heard the night before in the black sea and interwater areas on the west coast of the peninsula. an air alert was announced in the occupied crimea at 10 p.m. there are still no reports of any evening shelling of crimea by the occupation authorities. in ukraine about damage to any objects in crimea has also not been reported so far. meanwhile, the number of wounded as a result of the daytime shelling of sevastopol the day before has increased to 151 people. four people died, two of them children. this was announced by the occupation governor of sevastopol mihai. rozvazhaev explosions in
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the occupied city rang out on sunday at noon, the russian ministry of defense said that they say, from the side of the mother ukraine, mainland, i apologize, ukraine, fired five american atakam missiles. four of them were allegedly intercepted, the fifth was detonated in in the air and this, according to the department , led to numerous injuries on two beaches where people were resting at that time. but in russian pro-war publications there are statements that people could become victims of the work of russian air defense. in particular, according to the telegram version. the attack helicopter pilot flew to knock out the air defense installation, and not targets vacationers on the beaches. it is interesting that the occupying governor razvazhayev also initially wrote that the anti-aircraft defense shot down all five missiles, and the debris fell in the coastal zone. pro-war bloggers criticize the occupation authorities, for the lack of shelters on the beach, and also for the fact that there were no air- raid alarms. people did not have time to hide in the shelter. russian anti-aircraft defense forces blamed not only ukraine for this attack, but also the united states, because the missiles used by the americans aimed at crimea. and
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the russian naval agency writes that they turned to the pentagon for a comment, they say they replied that they saw the message, but have nothing to say about it, and the spokesman of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third morning dmytro plytanchuk , has already joined our broadcast , dmytro, i greet you, the studio greets you, the audience greets you, good morning, thank you for joining us, tell us what is happening in the crimea now, especially the attention focused on the events of the evening and what happened the day before in sevastopol. what are the latest updates actually on these events including on the beach if you know? in any case, the information is verified, the information and what is now in the public space can only indicate that the russians once again neglect the safety of civilians, the civilian population, and in general, you know, in this context, markov's saying is mentioned at one time, they have such a political scientist there. leaders, so to speak, in
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the russian federation, who talked about humanitarian missiles, missiles of good, i simply do not understand why their information space is now so stormy. reacts when he actually sees such a complete symmetry, well, not even complete, because sorry, we do not inflict fire damage on civilian objects, on places of accumulation of the civilian population, and yes, if such an incident took place regarding the damage to the civilian population, although it has been repeatedly repeated since the occupation of kherson that it is necessary to stay near the locations of military units. military facilities in crimea, on an unsinkable aircraft carrier, as you understand, there are a lot of such facilities, you should not be in such locations, and if the information is correct, among the dead are also people who actually came to ukrainian crimea from the so -called russian federation, in fact,
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the question here is more about them than about the circumstances under which they received these injuries. dmitry, we will now return to the people who went there were coming from what you said, we can conclude that the ukrainian side in the case of sevastopol did not target civilians, i.e. no civilian there was a target for the ukrainian side, the target remains military facilities, i can only from the position of the naval strength to comment on this, from our position i can note that the application did not take place, that regarding other aspects of this event, i currently do not have reliable information, therefore... i cannot comment on this professionally, i can only return to the experience of the previous months, under which time you could hear similar explosions in crimea, and probably this is the first case when they were able to show real casualties among
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the civilian population, but i can’t remember when they showed something like that, well, probably because interfering in this process in this way it was not worth it from the side. dmitry, one more question, you said that the information is verified by the ukrainian side, however, maybe you don’t, you won’t announce it to us publicly, but the ukrainian side knows what caused the events in sevastopol, that is , is it the debris of the missiles that were shot down there air defense or something it is not yet known whether it is the ukrainian side, again, i do not have the authority to comment specifically on behalf of the entire ukrainian side, from our side, from the side of the military and naval forces, again, i can note that this... is at the stage of verification , now about the people who came there, by the way , they started writing in the comments yesterday, when information appeared from tevastopol about whether it is possible from the ukrainian side to warn the residents of crimea first of all about air alarms, and the peninsula after all, ukrainian, well, for
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as an example, my colleague serhii mokrushin writes, i will quote that it is possible that ukraine can announce air alarms for our citizens in crimea, at least from the moment when the attack is already clearly seen by the russian forces there, but they do not notify the population, that is, there is such a thing at all an opportunity, by the way, the end of the quote was, is there not such an opportunity from the ukrainian side to also inform the residents of crimea, precisely the residents, perhaps not those who come conditionally from russian territory, but those who have always lived in crimea and they too enter the beach, well actually again, this is beyond the scope of the naval forces, because the application is not ours, and to say, for sure, whether it can warn or not in this situation, i cannot, but on the other hand, to warn ... er, the enemy about that there will be an application now, well, actually, it’s a little uh, how strange it looks to me, well, once again, no one
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is working on civilian objects, on the civilian population, this is a fact, and in principle, based on on this fact, you can draw further conclusions, and ukraine is somehow learning from experience, well, from the fact that it is possible that you know, when you were still the spokesman, the forces were half there. ukraine studies the experience, as it happens in other countries, for example, i do not know there, israel, when these warnings are issued, or ukraine does not study such experience, you do not know? no, we generally did not have such information at the local level. mr. dmitry, now let's go to what you know for sure, because it's from your facebook in your facebook 20 hours ago you write: minus five boats and no less fat prey, two hail of bm-21, who knows, he understands how much it is difficult to hunt them in the taurian direction, that is here, you probably know some details, tell me what it is about. yes, again, this is information from the official page of the village of borony pivdnya, i am still trying to somehow draw the attention of my readers to this direction, because i see that not everyone
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visits their pages, and so this information is taken right there, this is everyday work on in this direction, and this is the result of this work, such... for example, systems like gradd bm21, they are mobile, and of course, you need to be able to hunt such a system, because after it you... she very quickly leaves her positions, and so the destruction of such units is always such a mini-holiday as far as the sentinels are concerned, this is another such indicator, in principle , it happens there every day, i pay attention when there are three or more of them , for example, because it only shows firstly the skill of our drain operators, and secondly, how much the enemy is still active there, but again , i am not ready to comment on the professional situation in this direction right now. the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine showed how together with the sbu actually destroyed a mine warehouse in the krasnodar region of the russian federation.
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how bold is this target and what updates do you have as of today from at least what hasn't been publicly announced yet , maybe getting some new details. well, in fact, in principle, we can only modestly note that the naval forces have worked without much regard for how we managed to do it. and yes,... this case is important primarily because it shows such a high level of coherence of all the elements that directly participated in the implementation of this task, because it is necessary to understand that there are many components here, such objects must be scouted, such objects must be operationally understood their condition, for example, at this moment and besides, directly hit such ot... objects objects too, it's quite difficult, so yes, it's a result, it's a serious result, and you know, in this situation
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, i can say the following, you can intercept arrows as much as you want, but if you kill the archer directly, the effect is much better, this time we killed the archer , why the navy at all, you said that we will not talk about it at the moment, how it was done, why exactly this cooperation of the naval forces and the security services. actually, how did they work in this cooperative? again, the operation was carried out by the forces of the naval forces, precisely. yes, of course we get information about the goals, but the application was direct. our, our, our forces. as for the seas, after the events that happened the day before and last night took place in the crimea. how do you see the reaction of the russian side, has it intensified? it is impossible to somehow patrol, what is going on there in the black and azov seas, because there will be one
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more question regarding the azov sea, well, in fact, they don’t have to strengthen patrols anymore, it’s not that they don’t have additional planes, of course they do, but in this there is no sense anymore, because the airspace around crimea and in the water area is already saturated, oversaturated with those means, including drones, in principle, which are also there in large numbers, but mostly drones. work in the southern part of our country, and they patrol the water area for there are helicopters, periodically, although they shoot them down themselves, but this is just such a bonus, in principle, there are k-27s, mi-8s, mi-24s, planes, in fact, the entire family of servants, starting from the 24th, ending with , even the 57th came to visit us, and that happened, and other types of equipment, so to strengthen this component, i don’t know how much more equipment needs to be sent there, and whether it will already have
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some additional effect there, there the situation in principle remains, one might say stable, the stable absence of surface ships in the black sea. regarding azov sea, from there for the first time since the time of a large-scale war, in particular, according to your same data, calibers were fired, why so, why this sea is used and how many calibers flying from there i do not know... a greater threat, a lesser threat than calibers that before that, they flew from another sea, or are these incomparable things after all, and why the sea of ​​azov? according to the clarified information, as a result of the reconnaissance , it turned out that the black sea, that is , the information that was the day before, is still from the black sea? yes, this information is always enough it's difficult to clarify, of course, society needs it immediately, but still, even though it's published, it just ... continues to be clarified, because it's important for us to understand the real schedule, and as a result
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, we still conclude that this submarine, now it is in the black sea, it is empty, and in fact, it is difficult to say that it is patrolling, because there is no point in patrolling the water column, it is just there, well , it is more likely that it will be replaced as well, because in in principle, they are on the move now we observe at least three submarines in the black sea, and one of the submarines from... left yesterday and made the transition to the base of novorossiya, that is, there are two of them in the sea of ​​azov. dmitry, but after all , the russian federation has not been from the sea of ​​azov since the large-scale war of calibers. launched, again, we need to clarify this information, well , in principle, nothing prevents them from launching it from there, i will tell you more, in principle, they could use them even from the caspian, and this is also not a secret, considering their radius of action, but mostly they use the black sea itself for this, because in principle it is quite difficult to maneuver the vase, it is not deep. thank you,
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dmyter, thank you for joining in, telling what is known at least at the moment about the events taking place in crimea and in general what is happening in... dmytro pletenchuk, spokesman for the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, captain of the third rank, was in touch with us. well, the chat next to the broadcast, next to the broadcast, under the broadcast, who is being knocked out, on which device, this is an opportunity for us to communicate with you, write about what think what you think is necessary, share your thoughts, and be sure to subscribe to all radio liberty platforms to be in constant contact with us. the russian army increased the pressure on the turkish direction, capturing the village of shumy in the area of ​​this populated point... the forces of the russian federation are trying to advance westward in the direction of the northern village in the direction of turetsk. this was reported by the ukrainian analytical project deep state. they predict that the russian troops, having withdrawn additional reserves, intend to capture the city of toretsk. ukrainian the general staff reports in the reports about the ongoing clashes in the turkish direction. and the russian ministry of defense writes in a telegram that the army of the russian federation has improved
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its tactical position here. military analyst of information resistance kostyantyn mashovets declares. about the fact that several assault groups of the army of the russian federation advanced from the position in front of the former kpv mayorsk along the road and railway, that is , deep into the territory that the armed forces of ukraine controlled since 2014. according to mashovets, the forces of the russian federation advanced 2-3 km in this direction deep into the defense of the armed forces of ukraine. after these statements, the turkish city military-civilian administration called on residents to evacuate as soon as possible in connection with shelling by the forces of the russian federation. over the past day , 56 residents were evacuated from the turkish community, another 36 people left in their own cars, the city authorities say. the police and rescuers provide assistance to people who leave the settlements of the community and come under fire. here are the footage shown by the donetsk state emergency service situations. yes, you are moving here with
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us. there, when we were moving, my wife and i got into the car, a rocket hit the renault car, the guy helped us very well, he was driving, the car was left there, here we have everything, our legs are intact, our legs are intact, and it’s okay, scratches, okay, scratches , and right away, guys, we have a bedridden mother, there is some kind of evacuation, there is no electricity supply in the school in the points of the community. there is no power line, water and gas supply, according to the head of the community, the army of the russian federation is shooting at the population points with artillery, hails, uses guided aerial bombs. what is happening in the turkish direction, we talk with our guest next, wing of the season, a political scientist and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, this is the 40th separate, 41st separate brigade. congratulations. greetings, glad to see and hear from you. thank you
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both for joining. wing, tell us what is happening in the turkish direction in recent days, how do you... assess the increase in attacks by the russian army? well, in recent days , the turkish direction has only appeared as such a term, because in reality the positions have not changed since 14th year, but the enemy, i have already written about this and said more than once that i perceive kharkiv oblast as probably their secondary direction, that donetsk region remains the key target for the enemy, and that is why they are storming chasiv, which the 41st brigade has been defending since the end of march. they are storming chasivyar, around chasivyar there are constant battles in kolinivka, in ivankivskyi, chasivyar itself is being stormed , and they are trying to bypass it, and a few days ago they climbed from the side of horlivka in the turkish direction, also this road to kostyantynivka goes to say that they captured the noises that made the noise, well, the guys here openly
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mock these statements, as if there were no such noises. since the 14th year, the so-called gray zone, or as they say now in our country , there was an operational bridgehead, that is, the remains of some country settlement or private sector were completely destroyed, that is, it is such a gray zone, unfortunately, they entered it, in the northern direction, in the to the south, along toretsk, along the railway itself, now there are a lot of strikes, rockets are fired, cabs are coming, well, cabs are constantly arriving here, they fly over us and to... kostiantynka and to kramatorsk, slovyansk, druzhkivka, to pokrovsk, that is, the aviation , unfortunately, is working them out very powerfully, and er, they are trying to climb, but... they rested on our positions, they have very heavy losses, which is very it is characteristic of turkey that the assaults here are mainly by infantry, mainly
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by infantry with very powerful artillery training, and this is where i would like someone who talks about a meat assault to see how it is, the artillery worked on us, it crawled borozh infantry, it is met by our ranks, our rear in the affected area, and they arrive when those who remain begin to storm our positions. they can't take it by storm, and they start working on us again, extinguishing both ours and their own, but we are in the trenches, but here is a meaty noise, they are being repulsed here, very, very many, but they are climbing, they are concentrated here it seems to me, the locals say, on the other hand , they saved up manpower for a month or a half to advance like this, because they cannot take time, it is extremely necessary to go to kostiantynivka, because it is such a fork, it is one track goes to cover. others immediately to druzhkivka, kramatorsk, slovyansk, and for them, i think, donbass is a fundamental moment. so you said that the military on the front line differently assess the statements that come
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from experts, that come from analysts about what the russian army managed to capture and what it failed to capture, because civilians do not fully understand, in fact, in what state are the same as we were. tell me one more thing, a few days ago, a member of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, maryana bezugla wrote in her social networks that it was in the turkish direction that ukraine lost the positions it had held there since 2014. year, how to evaluate this phrase, the positions of 2014, how important were the positions there for the ukrainian side, and what can you say about it, well, there were several positions, we covered them, we, they came down, well, what are we talking about said that this cannot be called a loss, unfortunately, they advanced a little there and climbed on the so-called water pump, water pipe, a very big thing, but they all went there, we hit them with a rocket in half an hour with... destroyed everything and there is no one there, that is, they entered these positions and did not stay there, we are working like this, it was the same with the knee-jerk, you remember the one that was here on all
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channels , on social networks there was: "oh, the enemy has taken kalinov", yes, well, it really happens like that, they enter a position, we are knocked out of there, we leave the position, our mortars hit the enemy infantry, which entered there on attack aircraft , behind us, our drones, there they are destroying everything they can that they haven't destroyed... our assault units come in, clear everything, our infantry came in, kalinova is ours again, our infantry is holding, the stormtroopers left, that’s how it happens, that’s why these 100-150 m, in fact, well, there’s no point in submitting to some kind of operational summary, unfortunately , potoretska they advanced a little, well, it is no secret to anyone that the enemy still has an advantage in terms of ammunition, this is not a military secret, we are waiting for more, it is very difficult for us, why, because they have an advantage in the air. these are cabs, they peek out, guided missiles, that's it in fact, it is a very big problem, because if you don’t shoot down any air defense, it destroys everything, many people have seen the video, so we are waiting for 16
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to at least clear the sky, because the air defense with our missiles, we have already thinned them out a little, in other words, if f-16s appear in ukraine, and in particular on the part of the front where you are, it will at least help the ukrainian military to have defense from the sky there and to protect , it will help very, very much, well... there is no such miracle waffle that will fundamentally change everything image, of course, but, look, military doctrine of nato, military doctrine great britain, the united states, the offensive begins with dominance in the air, that is , aviation strikes, planes and missiles at air bases, at the enemy's anti-aircraft defense. the next step, the second: aviation strikes at the bases, at the positions of the enemy. and already the third point - the infantry is on the offensive, the mechanized units are on the offensive on the ground, as we did last year, on june 4, a year ago, we started our counteroffensive right here on bakhmut, too, without
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the first two stages, the enemy dominates in the air, we are moving on the ground , so that's it a very, very important element. kirill, please tell me, you, from the inside, if you can say so, have the opportunity to assess how high the threat is right there, i don’t know, the advance to the shelter of turkey and with the probable capture of it, which the russian army is probably setting... for itself goal, how high is this threat as of today from your point of view? we joke about this that our radios work on other frequencies, so the russians want to take torets, they want to take chasivyar, they want to take all of ukraine, but we don't we hear this and don't know, they didn't agree with us, that's why it won't happen, they have a goal to take the turk, it's true, and mashovets writes about it, and british intelligence writes that they want to take pokrovsk, we understand that they also want to take chososiv, pokrovsk. to go further to konstakh and to kramatorsk, but at the moment there is no question of that, we are holding the defense, 41 brigades are holding the defense, 24 have been returned here,
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unfortunately, i can say that we are not enough. people and weapons, this question is not for us, not for our fighters, not for our commanders, this the question is already to the rear, we need more weapons, more shells, more missiles, we need aviation, we need volunteers, motivated young guys, not those who come to the tcc for 50, kirill, well, either they come themselves, or they are brought there , this is also a moment that is often talked about here in civilian life, one more question, the offensive on torets, from your point of view, could this be an attempt to pull ukrainian troops away from others? areas of the front in order to weaken them, well conditionally from the same time gap, because military analysts there, experts who comment for the press on what is happening in the turkish direction, they often assume that it is possible in this way, and you yourself say against it that donetsk is a priority direction for the russian army there, maybe there is an attempt to somehow pull it away from others the positions of the ukrainian military so that i don't know how to hold the defense of turetsk there and relax somewhere, i don't know what the enemy's plans are, what he is up to, it seems to me that it is
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donetsk after all... and it was to kharkiv oblast that they tried to drag sumy oblast, blackmail in chernihiv oblast, in belarus, there are some exercises to draw the reserves there, they are going to attack right here, if they take donbas, zaporizhzhia will be next, they have such a goal, and therefore our task now seems to me, donbas is the most acute direction, and the general staff is about it says, and syrskyi says in the reports, and the fact that glavkom syrskyi is constantly here, this says that our general staffs also consider this a priority direction, pokrovsk, torets, pokrovsky direction torets. kramatorsk, this is chasivyar, that's what they call it, the kramatorsk direction, that's it very important, that is why it is important to stop them here, because otherwise it will be zaporizhzhia, otherwise, and further, further, or the dnipropetrovsk region, that is why we are working here, a large number of brigades of the armed forces of ukraine are working here, the national police are working, their combat brigades are working, local authorities are helping , the sbu helps , the local residents help, so that they don’t say that all zhduns here are not like that, there are zhduns, there are adjusters, the sbu consults with them, but
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more... the local population helps us, and the authorities and ordinary people help zsu, you see, you can go there, for example, on druzhkivka, on kostyantynivka, private sector, at home, and there are posters hanging for the zsu to wash, wash clothes, free of charge, because people see, because it is very close kostyantynivka, chasivyar 10 km, bakhmud is 10 km away, everything is nearby soledar, and people see that russia is transforming the cities it enters, so people... the locals really want us to stop them exactly where we stopped them now, and we were told that we will leave them in march, at the beginning of april times, then until may 9 , you see, it's already summer, and we keep this position, by the way, you asked an important point about kostyantynivka, in the bbc ukraine article it is said that turetsk today essentially defends the agglomeration of kostyantynivka. kramatorsk is a kind of bridgehead for a potential offensive. horlivka itself is occupied, that is , russia may also be rightly afraid of
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ukraine's successes in... in this direction in this area front, and therefore tries to exert pressure in order to somehow push back the advance of the armed forces there. yes, yes, in fact, chasivyar on the one hand, toretsk on the other, defend kostantinivka, and the enemy is really afraid of our actions, because toretsk, in the old way, before the renaming of dzerzhinsk, it was almost the border with horlivka. here it is, the outskirts of horlivka, nearby, and if there was no team in 2014, the guys here... who fought with me right here since the 14th year, if there was no team to stop and leave, then horlivka was also annexed then, there is only one the brigade then was a vertical battalion, or whatever the russians called them, that is, if we go from turetsk to horlivka, there it is, there is almost one fish for the spetsura, it’s a matter of hours, so the enemy is very afraid that we will go to horlivka and we will release it, that's why it is on its own, that is, toretsk, it was doomed to become such
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a place where they will unfold. very large battles, strategically it is so located, like chasivyar, they are also a dominant height. thank you very much, mr. kyrylo, for joining in and telling us what the situation really is, kyrylo sezonov, political scientist, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, 41st separate mechanized brigade, guest of our broadcast. alcohol in the blood of a resident of the village of baranivka, a resident of baranivka, zhytomyr region, serhiy kovalchuk, who died in the hospital after visiting the tsk. there was no such conclusion of the narcological examination, it was announced during the meeting of the temporary investigative commission of the verkhovna rada, which is considering this incident related to the tsc tsp in zhytomyr region. people's deputy and member of this investigative commission presented a fragment of the commission's communication with representatives of the tsc. well, how could it be, yes, that’s how the person was staying with you, moving away from alcohol intoxication, which he did not have according to the results of the examination, but that’s it separately.


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