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tv   [untitled]    June 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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let's go to a short break or news, we have news, news yes, news, yes, although we have already informed you quite a lot, but our colleagues will have a lot of additional, important information. anna yevemelnyk is ready to share all the important information with us, so we pass the floor to a colleague. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, there will definitely be news, i will tell you about the main thing, i will start with the situation in the kherson region, stay with us. the russians killed a woman with artillery fire in her own home, they attacked the village of havrylivka on kherson region. in total, almost 40 shells were fired, and a 63-year-old man was injured. informs the head of the region oleksandr
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prokudin. and from the drone, the occupiers aimed at a residential building in poniativka. a 52-year-old man was injured. he is in the hospital. and the number of injured as a result of the enemy attack on odesa increased to four. a 48-year-old man turned to doctors. he was wounded in the hand, oleg kiper, the head of the regional military administration, announced. according to him , emergency workers have already extinguished the fire in the warehouse. the fire engulfed the square in 300 m2. this morning, the russians fired two iskanderka cruise missiles over odesa. one of them was shot down by our air defense system, the other hit the civilian infrastructure of the city. three people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on nikopol. a 62-year-old man received shrapnel wounds. he was hospitalized, two women, will be treated on an outpatient basis, he informed. head of the dnipropetrovsk
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regional military administration serhiy lysak, the russians also damaged residential buildings. four people died, another 34 were injured as a result of the attack on pokrovsk on daughters among the injured are two children, they are in serious condition, the head of the region vadym filashkin informed. the russians hit the city with two iskander m. missiles . 17 residential buildings were damaged. the occupiers also shot down the plane. a bomb was dropped on kurakhove and a village was fired upon, one person died, two more were wounded, and infrastructure was damaged . espressa tv channel calls for participation in the project from zero to life, which is a collection of atvs for the rapid evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. support the soldiers of the 93rd separate unit with a donation of the kholodny yar mechanized brigade, they win every day, do not leave the wounded on the battlefield and... so, for evacuation, atvs
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are indispensable helpers, and they also allow you to move as quickly as possible off-road, which helps efficient work. your support significantly increases the chances of the citizens of holodoyariv not only to successfully perform combat missions, but also to return from them alive. so join the collection, our goal is uah 4 million. the international forum of the expert network of the crimean platform continues in the capital, is there and our correspondent dmytro didora, he knows the details, which he is ready to share. dmitry, my congratulations, tell me and the audience what topics the experts are discussing? i congratulate anna eva, i also congratulate our viewers, this is already the third international forum of the expert network of the crimean platform, today is its first day, and it began with a welcome speech. representative of the permanent representative
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of the presidency, the president of the autonomous republic of crimea tamila tashova, she noted that now it is very important to involve experts in the preparation of the next summits of the crimean platform, which will already be held this year, it will be a governmental and parliamentary summit, she thanked everyone who gathered today, and it is a lot, it is a lot of representatives, these are representatives of the network of the crimean platform, as well as independent experts, representatives of... state bodies of ukraine , international bodies, government organizations and representatives of the diplomatic corps of the countries participating in the international crimean platform. today they also visited and spoke, the first panel, it was dedicated to what, what crimes the occupiers are committing, about her we will definitely hear, now i propose to hear about the crimean platform, the crimean summit, which will take place later. this
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year, at the government level, we are already working with the ministry of foreign affairs, with the president's office on such a general grant-concept of this summit, of course, that we will... include both what concerns reintegration and what concerns, for example , successes in the black and azov seas, thanks primarily to our armed forces of ukraine, we will include issues related to the responsibility of human rights, now this project is being approved by the president's office, so we spoke with... with the prosecutor of the autonomous republic of crimea, he noted that after the deoccupation they are ready to create a network of law enforcement officers, and this will be the first step for the judiciary, law enforcement agencies to resume their activities on the currently temporarily occupied
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peninsula, and they continue to investigate crimes, they record them, how many and which ones, let's hear further. in general, we investigate about 3x5 crimes, if we are talking about war crimes, crimes against basic national security, the categories that we deal with the most, if we are talking about a full-scale invasion, well, the categories of crime committed by the occupiers have not been particularly affected, these are the same violations of the right of fair trial, this is the same illegal conscription to... that is, the pattern of crimes does not change. the focus was also today on sanctions policy. currently, experts are talking about positive and negative experiences regarding
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the application of sanctions against russia for its activities in the temporarily occupied territory peninsula and today they will talk about the inclusion of the indigenous people of crimea. to peacebuilding, as the chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people refact chobarov noted, that he will campaign in order to start this process of integration of crimea into ukraine. they talked about it today, tomorrow there will be even more interesting topics, i will talk about them the day after tomorrow. thank you for your work and information, dmytro didora, correspondent of espresso from the capital about the international forum of the crimean platform. they caused damage of 11 million hryvnias. the police reported the suspicion to the vice-rector of one of the higher education institution in kharkiv. according to the investigation materials, the university employee entered into a conspiracy with the managers of the construction organization of the enterprise that carried out repairs on the territory
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of the educational institution at the direction of the vice-rector. the partners found nine people and employed them at the university for 12 years. they did not fulfill their duties, but here... they received wages. the director of the enterprise withdrew money from bank cards. maidan cases brovar city and district court postponed to august 7 the preliminary hearing in the case against ex-president yanukovych and his associates. they are accused of organizing the dispersal and shooting of protesters during the revolution of dignity in february 2014. among them were yanukovych's subordinates, petro fetchuk, serhiy kusyuk. ex-minister of internal affairs vitaly zakharchenko, ex-head of the sbu, oleksandr yakymenko and other traitors of ukraine. in total, there are 10 defendants and 955 victims in the case. the meeting was postponed due to the non-appearance of some lawyers. you see, 10
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defendants, nine defense attorneys and over 1,500 criminal case files. the date was set in advance. therefore , in my opinion, such actions, at least, require an additional check regarding the reasons for the respectability of non-appearance by the subpoena, the other defenders did not inform at all why they did not appear, this is the position of the lawyers to delay, they definitely use procedural opportunities and so on, because they are not interested in the publicity, they insisted that there should be no internet broadcast, that it should not be educated at all, not you... in the suburbs of moscow , the scientific institute platan is still burning. the burning area is already 400 square meters. two people died, they fell from the eighth floor of the building. the local media write that the enterprise specializes in the defense industry. electronic
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parts and radio components are made there. according to preliminary data, russian rescuers rescued one person. according to updated information, the fire also covered the floors where people were hiding in the building. something exploded, gas cylinders were previously detonated, a russian emergency helicopter is heading to the scene of the fire, i have everything here, see you soon. already at 6 p.m. the news editor is working on the summary release, and you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv, because my colleagues work for you around the clock, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, support our youtube channel, see you soon! thank you to colleagues from the newsroom . now let's talk about an extremely important program that was
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launched the other day with the participation of the government of taiwan, the ukrainian catholic university, and more. but even before we move on to this topic, interfax reports on tuesday, the text of the security agreement should be approved on tuesday agreement between ukraine and the european union, the signing of the document will take place on june 26 or 27 in brussels. this was stated by sources of interfax. the diplomat said that the intergovernmental conference between ukraine and the eu will be held earlier, because the formal approval of this agreement should be tomorrow. within the framework of the eu general affairs council, the signing will be organized on wednesday or thursday in brussels. approval of the text of the agreement takes several months. this is extremely important. well, we are adding ulyana pak, a member of the lviv city council, to our broadcast. liviv project coordinator. no one behind, ms. ulyana, we welcome you, congratulations, good day,
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well, what, the charitable educational project implemented by the all-ukrainian democratic forum in cooperation with the ukrainian catholic university with the support of taiwan, we understand, is very important from the point of view of the digitalization of our educational process and in general access to digital technologies, such as ordinary computers, it would seem that in the 21st century this question should not arise, but on the other hand we understand. also, which is not for everything that is needed for ours quality educational process, our state can currently provide, so we ask you to share this initiative, what it is actually aimed at and what should be its ultimate goal? thank you for the question. our project consists in innovative education and computerization of our schools. of course, many schools in the lviv, ivano-frankivsk, and poltava regions ... which are covered by our project lack computers and computer classrooms, and
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those that do have them may already be outdated and in need of updating, technology is being updated every year, and we need better technology and more of its use not only in computer science classes, but also for learning many other subjects, that is, we will not only provide technology to the computer school. in addition , we will also train teachers in uku, the programming language python, robotics and stemma, which are actually now in great demand in our educational institutions, and first of all, it is our students and children who want to develop together with technology. so, in this way, we will train teachers from 24h schools in three regions. and also to give their schools equipment after they graduate, it's not only computers, it's
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also robotics kits, because now many schools open a subject like robotics, it's not compulsory, but for the kids it very interesting, and many directors are already starting such training, entrepreneurship and innovation will also be part of the training, we will already hold in communities for children and... entrepreneurship camps, where they will learn business models, design thinking, they will also learn the art of negotiation and many other interesting things, we will offer them already in their schools. and how active and interested children behave, we understand that this is a complex project, yes, that is, on the one hand, it is a technique, on the other hand, we need to capture children's moods and children's things. needs, because adults sometimes really want to drop something from above to children, but it all depends on how the children
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specifically perceive this or that educational program, so please share, be kind ulyana, your observations of how our children react to these innovative technologies introduced into the educational process. thank you very much for the question, in fact, our program was created precisely taking into account the interests and requests of children, because they are very interested. to do work, and in fact, in times of war, these technologies help us a lot to defend ourselves from the enemy, and this is actually very relevant for development. ukraine, as well. speaking of stan, this is such a comprehensive approach to learning, where you can learn as much as possible by doing, due to the fact that they practice different and physical, er, different skills, and chemistry, and math, and creativity, and it's all together in one subject, by using the same
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robots, very well, children learn, they are easy interest, and such items are used. this is popularity, and as for the python programming language, there are already circles in many schools, and even in computer science classes, children are already asking to learn programming languages, which are very popular now, entrepreneurship, especially at the moment, because we are talking about what we the country it is necessary to restore and teach those skills to the future generation, and innovations and artificial intelligence are especially interesting to children now, and it is important to use them correctly. and we have specialists from the ukrainian catorytskyi university who know very well both the risks and the possibilities of artificial intelligence. ms. ulyana, we understand that the computer science teachers of each school have the opportunity to get into this training, and what exactly will be the criteria for selecting these teachers, how can they get into this program, what for them
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this is needed. therefore, one of the directions of our project is teacher training. computer science at uku. this is our joint program together with the ukrainian catholic university, and the selection will be carried out by the university itself. of course, the main criterion for us is motivation and the desire to learn. if teachers want to introduce new directions for their students, if they are ready to invest additional time and effort in the development of their students, then for us this is of course the highest... priority, also this is previous experience, also application innovative approaches in education, teamwork and the ability to share experience and skills are also important, because we would still like to develop such interschool clusters, even if some schools do not make it to the list of winners and to those who will study at oka, it
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is important to us, for those who will learn to transfer their experience and their knowledge to their neighboring schools, for example, it is also very important that they can share knowledge and know how to do it and want to. also support from the administration, because of course the teacher will need it three times a year come to study in lviv, or come to study, and it is necessary for the administration to support and help such teachers as much as possible, therefore there are actually many criteria, and we will as much as possible ... look for those teachers who will be able to pass on to students and others their colleagues this knowledge and develop this network of innovative education as much as possible, how many teachers in general are planned to be covered by this program, we are currently looking for teams from schools, it will be two teachers from 24 schools and from
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lviv, ivano-frankivsk and poltava regions, we have such a large territory. this project is now the first pilot, and we hope that after its completion we will continue it, but already with a wider geography on the territory of ukraine. so, it will be 48 teachers from 24 schools. why do we take a team of two teachers, because of course it is important for us that this knowledge remains in the school, despite the various situations that may occur, and uh, so we hope that only positive changes will occur. there may be, so maybe some teacher will go on leave to take care of a child and will not be able to continue education, or will go to study somewhere further, so in order to leave the knowledge at school, we take a team of two teachers, and the prospects, for example, to expand this program throughout the country, we understand what it would cost, well, i don’t know, there a little more
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time, but was there, for example, any positive feedback from the ministry of education and science of ukraine and not? we only understand that teacher education is also extremely important, and are there any, i don't know, requests and expectations from the ministry of education? in fact, we really do interesting, it is very important to us that this project has such a good interest from teachers, and we really hope that the ministry of education will also show interest, and we can somehow implement these good results of our project further for more schools. as of now , there is no direct cooperation with the ministry, but we very much hope for it in the future, and what the taiwanese say, so do the representatives. partner structures, how do they perceive our ukrainian reality under the conditions of russian aggression? of course, our taiwanese partners support ukraine as much as possible, and they
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understand that it is technology and innovation that can help us in the war, so they also support ukrainians as much as possible, and this grant that we received from taiwan is very important for us, because it signals our support our of the people of ukraine and for us to defeat this enemy and for us to continue rebuilding our country and developing our youth. thank you, ulyana pak, deputy of the lviv city council, coordinator of the lev no one behind project, was on the air espresso, regarding digitalization, there is still good news for those who are currently updating their credentials, the automatic registration of deferrals through reserve plus will appear by the end of summer, the deputy minister announced such news. minister of defense for digital development, digital transformations and digitalization, kateryna chornogorenko in an interview with the nv publication, she said, and i will quote her: we believe that in some cases a postponement should be granted automatically without
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going to the tcc, without collecting papers, for example, to people with a disability or parents of three children, because the state already has these data in one form or another, for example, family ties, ties between father, mother and children are in the state register of civil status acts, and we already have interaction with this register, i think that during the summer we will already be able to. to avoid this interaction, meanwhile in cherkasy they arrested racketeers who extorted 5 million hryvnias from the family of a fallen soldier, and even then moral freaks demanded that one of them be recognized as the illegitimate son of a fallen defender in order to go abroad. well, the security service of ukraine together with the national police, they neutralized this criminal group, which terrorized in the literal sense of the word and tried to keep cherkasy residents in fear among the victims, relatives of the dead, and ukrainian soldiers. well, it was delayed, so we will follow the development of this extremely high-profile case. yes, well, today antin and i
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are already saying goodbye to you until tomorrow, so take care and stay with espresso, our colleagues will continue to work for you, so be with us. again these outages. did you not have time to charge your phones? sit in darkness is also not an option. unpack tv has a solution for even the toughest blackouts. solar batteries - energy plus. energy plus is an innovative development. many uses in one. a portable solar station, a reliable flashlight, a source of full-fledged light and, of course, a power bank. order now while the specials last. prices: energy plus solar batteries are ready for use immediately upon receipt. three options for any request and many ways of application.
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rada. regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory together with the central security service, the sbu, join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civilian specialists of various fields. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fills out
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the questionnaire and the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. greetings espresso viewers. i, artem lagutenko, am in the studio with you. and today we will talk about a very interesting topic: technology in war. we will discuss this topic with yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the battalion of unmanned aerial systems achilles of the separate assault brigade of the 92nd named after ivan sirk. mr. yuri, i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. yuriy fedorenko, one
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of the first on this. realized the importance of drones, his drones are one of the most effective units of unmanned aerial systems in this war, if our viewers haven't seen it, i highly recommend watching the monthly statistics of this battalion, it's really impressive, as far as i know yuriy fedorenko, now his battalion works in the kharkiv direction. mr. yuri, you? a few days ago they said that in this direction, in particular, in the area of ​​the city of vovchansk , a tactical initiative was intercepted, please tell me what is the current situation in this direction? in general, in the kharkiv region, it can be said that the defense forces have stabilized the situation, very active work is being done to knock the enemy out of the positions he has taken, i
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would say more, we are working so hard at the vieting. snipers stuck for most of the time, so it can be said that not only was the situation stabilized, but the defense forces, in particular the 92nd storm brigade, managed to knock out the enemy in a row of positions he occupied, to regain two landings, when performing such actions, the enemy goes into a counter-battle, does not leave the position just like that, therefore, the enemy is knocked out from each position, after the occupation there are defense forces, the enemy actively conducts counterattacks... shock actions , shock assaults in order to restore lost positions, military reserves are being built, so when we say that the situation is stabilized, there may be a false impression that everything is supposedly okay, the defense forces can not be helped at that time, somehow it will be there, but in fact, when we say simple words, the situation is stabilized, we take the tactical initiative, it means that from the planning of receiving combat tasks to the implementation on
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the battlefield...hundreds of representatives of the defense forces are persistently carrying out combat tasks in full afterburner mode in order to be able to simply say: the situation is stabilized, we are taking the tactical initiative, in order for it to be maintained in this way, we must continue the systematic work, press the occupier, beat him and push him back, for this we need equipment, if we are in defense, for example, these are the same expenses, if we carry out shock assault operations, that is , knock out the enemy from occupied positions, the expenses of both uavs and the artillery of shells increase by an approximate three times, so help is very, very necessary, friends, the dynamics of combat operations are crazy and the state to the full extent, despite all the contracts for crazy financing, the funds to the full extent, unfortunately , cannot cover this need and will not be able to in 25, not because the state is bad, because the dynamics would...


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