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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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15 from the second part of our program, we will already answer them, including them, we already have a guest, this is oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political columnist of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, good evening, we are glad to see you, mr. oleksandr, well, let's start, probably from the strikes on crimea, so the armed forces of ukraine. are consistently demilitarizing crimea, we see that not only in recent days, but in recent weeks, strikes have been carried out on military targets, on air defense systems, on radar systems of occupation in occupied crimea, what does this indicate and whether we should expect, so to speak, the final demilitarization, at least of military units and systems. air defense in
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the occupied crimea? yes, of course, especially if we take into account, for example, anip-16, which was attacked the day before, which was hit the day before, there was a lot of different equipment, various, which even in soviet times helped to conduct space reconnaissance, well, reconnaissance space vehicles, but the most interesting one there was the so-called mobile system. management system and that allowed to synchronize the work of glonass, that is, it was a very important such an object, such a system, its name is pheasant, and if it was destroyed, then definitely in matters with glonass, with this satellite geo-positioning system , the russians may have problems precisely in the region, in the southern region , even i will say so in...
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the operational area may have problems, besides this other thing, it can be stated that air defense means, rs, mainly these are systems with a large radius of action, are being systematically destroyed on the temporarily occupied peninsula of crimea, and here it is interesting the fact that the emphasis is on them: s-400, s-300, and primarily their rls, radar systems. all this suggests that they are knocking out the component of the large radio judge from the territory of crimea, for what, in order to open the air space for another range of missiles, because as we can see, atakams, they intercept problematically, we can say, in general, the effectiveness of russian interception is very low ballistic missile air defense attacks, but we cannot hit russian military facilities with missile attacks with... endlessly
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for a long time, and therefore it will be necessary to switch to another nomenclature, the same storm shadow, the same skyg, and perhaps even in the future gm-158 jas air- based rockets used by the f-16, and besides everything else, no let's forget about the r-360 of our production of the neptune missile defense system, which can also destroy its land targets. mr. oleksandr, and this... the situation that developed on the beach of vuchkivtsi in sevastopol, we now see that the russian federation is actively using it in order to promote ala terrorism on the part of the ukrainian state, oh my god, oh my god, moderate, breathing, i apologize for switching to the language of the enemy, but less so, but tell me, please, from a purely military point of view, what happened in sevastopol, what does it have... meaning, maybe psychological
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impact at the enemy, and what in your opinion actually happened there, the work of the russian air defense is not very high-quality, or what? eh, mr. oleksandr, we can’t hear you, but what happened there, first of all, the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula since 2022 is... actually a war zone, a full-fledged war zone, and many russians, who came to the crimea in the 22nd year were able to see it, that's when this famous, famous meme like cotton appeared, and every day there is more and more of this pampering in crimea, so the question arises, what are you the temporarily occupied territory and the fact that you are illegally crossing the border with ukraine is a long way... it is already one legal
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matter, but there must be some understanding that something can fly to you and kill you here, but in this... . the case directly that happened the day before is very an interesting point: the russians have not published any proof that any ukrainian missile was used, on the contrary, at that time the only photo was published of exactly what fell on the heads of the russians who were on the beach, and by... the remains can be identified by anti-aircraft fire guided missile 9m30 anti-aircraft missile system of the short-range tor m2, a russian complex with a short range of 15 km, its radius is a russian missile, and
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when, where it was fired, why it was launched is unknown. the russians even claimed that ukrainian was used by atakons, okay, if it was. used by the attack, prove where the relevant elements of this missile, which, which fell, for example, figuratively speaking, on the beach, especially if we are talking about atakams and we are talking about how many people were there, then it would be a bloodbath, and not the number of dead and wounded as a result, because atakams is a fairly powerful weapon, atakams, atakams completely destroys a company that... russians are looking for awards somewhere in the luhansk region, there, when atakams arrive, there are no atakams from this company, and we we are talking about several dead and several dozen wounded. so, the 9m330, a russian anti-aircraft guided missile, fell.
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it is not known why it was used. by the way, a russian k-29 helicopter was also shot down in crimea the day before, and russia. openly declared that it was shot down by their air defense systems. that is, either the foreign system does not work, or the system in general is already beginning to malfunction in them, or there is such a nervous situation among the operators of these systems that they are already reacting in a panic to any kind of threat that seems to them, well, something approaches them and they are launched in emergency mode on these missiles, anything can happen, but about this missile it worked when it did not find it. the target is the system of another, and it, i apologize, the self-destruction system worked, and it fell on the heads of the russians, that's what happened, and mr. oleksandr, i would like to talk with you, including about,
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unfortunately, the attacks of the russians on our territory , this morning there was an attack on odesa, we all saw what happened. yes, a strike by iskanders, and earlier, a day before that, unfortunately, the russians tried to strike in vasylkovo, in the kyiv region, and before that, the energy objects, by the way, everything, as we talked with you in one of the previous programs, yes, and you also predicted this, and we see that the enemy has actively started to use calibers, as far as we understand, should we expect an increase in the use of calibers in the future , whether to expect attacks in the future, for example, on the same kyiv region, although before that such large-scale attacks were not observed for many weeks and months, and about energy facilities,
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massive attacks, i think it is clear to everyone that there will be, but also yours, maybe some prediction, definitely. energy objects, they as they were under attack from the russian occupiers, and will be in the risk zone, in terms of calibers? the fact is that, in general, i even wondered why they were not used for a long time, since the russians have accumulated more calibers than kha-101555 missiles, this component is much more, now they began to take their ships to the ... sea of ​​azov, there they feel calmer, safer, so i do not rule out that in the complex of these two moments, the presence of ammunition is such, a kind of placebo effect, as if they it is safe there, they can
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resume strikes with the use of karembekal, and with regard to kyiv region, i think here the question is that... that kyiv and the kyiv region, they are best protected by an echeloned air defense system, and spend ammunition on the zone , which you ... know that you will not be able to break through this slain air defense system, unless you use some super-large, hyper-trophied, over-abundant means of destruction there, well, it is irrational, it is illogical, except for one purpose only: terror, the terror that can have place, for example, on independence day, as an option, because we did not pay attention to the fact that... on june 22, when they staged another combined missile attack on
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the territory of ukraine, and also continued to terrorize ukraine with single launches or ballistics almost all day , or x-59 or modified aerial bombs, it is june 22, and for russians it is a fetish date, and as they call it, the beginning of a great national war. and therefore we once again put this plus in the questions that they are tied to fetish dates, and it can also be the closest sometimes to the very day of independence, which for the russians, in principle, as well as for the ska hirlyans, is the entire independence of ukraine. a large-scale alarm, by the way, has now been announced throughout the country, according to preliminary data, a possible flight took place. migu 31k, please stay in safe places, we are accordingly
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also in a safe place, we continue our live broadcast, and mr. oleksandr, a few more questions that are worth our attention, actually the russians are quite active now and effectively, unfortunately, we have to it is also recognized, destroyed kharkiv, the fact that they work with guided aerial bombs means... that they have certain capabilities to use them and obviously their planes have certain capabilities. there is information that in order to use cabs as far as kharkiv, and not in the kharkiv region closer to their borders, they actually raise their flying vessels to the maximum height, that is , the air force is currently working at the limit of possibilities. in russia, please tell me if it is possible, what are the general
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methods of countering the maximum possibilities and efforts of the russian federation aviation now? the three main recipes in this, the three main ingredients in this countermeasure recipe: the first is, of course, the means of air defense, a large radio vessel such as the patriot, but in the case of... the su-34, which uses, for example, such a bomb , like the fab 3000 that they've started using now, the same nasams, medium range with am-120 missiles might be enough to go after a fairly slow one, when it's carrying such a powerful bomb, a heavy bomb, it's quite slow , unmaneuverable, such a big elephant in airspace, here it can be hunted down, but in principle... in principle , a complex with a large radius of action, this is the first moment, but unfortunately, it is not yet near
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kharkov, and in principle, putting it near kharkov right now is risky for the complex itself, its can destroy very quickly, and the second, second ingredient in this recipe is the f16 aircraft, also with long- range missiles, the aim 120d, for example, ram, and here is a more effective method. than with the patriot interception in the airspace with this missile of the su-34 itself, while it is not yet flew to the location to drop the cabs. and the third ingredient is unusual in principle, but in principle yes, it is also effective. these are operational-tactical aatakam missile complexes, which would give us permission to strike deep into the territory of the russian federation for 300 km. that is, morozovsk, that is, baltimore, shaykovka, where 22 m3s are based here, strikes on
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the entire russian airfield, where their military aircraft are based, with these complexes to destroy the carriers themselves when they are on the ground. mr. oleksandr, and while we are with you in during a conversation about methods of countering russian aviation, news arrived that the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, announced a change in the commander of the united forces. yuriy sodol of the armed forces of ukraine. he was dismissed , andriy hnatov was appointed in his place. since this is news that is actually coming, in the course of our program, i will go into a little detail, actually on the question regarding yuriy sodol, this issue was raised most actively, literally yesterday, by azov's staff officer bohdan krotevich and stated that there is a statement in the sbi, the ukrainian truth managed to find out that it was about sodol, the reaction
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of people connected with the army and the military on the topic began. on the topic of the general analysis of mr. sodol's decisions regarding the large-scale invasion, i would also like to say a few words about andrii hnatov, so that i can now understand this appointment a little. brigadier general hnatov is the initiator of the commander of the ok troops. south, in 22 he headed the headquarters, became the founder of the commander of the forces of the southern operational command of the ground forces of the armed forces, again in 22 he replaced general marchenko, led the defense of mykolaiv in the spring. in the 23rd year , he managed the defense of bakhmut, which was part of the area of ​​responsibility of the khortytsia armed forces under the command of oleksandr syrsky, and he was one of the officers who formed units of the renewed marines from the units that left the occupied crimea. mr. oleksandr, please, maybe some comment on this matter from you. well, let's hope
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that the further changes that will take place will only be in... the defense of ukraine. ugh. ok, thank you. oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political columnist of the information resistance group was on the air. thank you for your thoughts and your analysis. we remind you that we have a poll going on whether you believe that ukraine will join the european union within 10 years. and you can answer. yes or no if yes then please dial from your phones 0800 2011 381 if not 0800 211 382 by the way all your calls are free also just a reminder there is a massive alert going on due to the departure of miga 31k so be please stay at
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safe places, we already have on... the next guest oleksandr khara, expert on foreign policy, foreign and security policy of the center for defense strategies, mr. oleksandr, good evening to you, i congratulate you, good evening, well , we probably can't not to start with the long-awaited start of negotiations regarding ukraine's accession to the european union, from tomorrow we will monitor this important dialogue. which can stretch for years, this is objective, and many assess our prospects in this way. mr. alexander, how much is this process that is launched literally these days important? it is certainly important, and it should be remembered that the europeans finally understood that ukraine is part of europe and should
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be part of it politically, economically and militarily, after a large-scale invasion. it is clear that considering what this war has brought us, how much economy we have lost, how many of our fellow citizens are not in their, shall we say, regions, not in their homes, it is clear that these challenges are extremely high, and it is clear that the destruction of the russian one aggression has brought, it is such that ukraine cannot do it alone, and that is exactly why specific negotiations regarding accession and... the help of our european partners are critically important for us to hold our own as a state, as an economy, as a society, and it seems to me that despite all these troubles, despite the loss of people first of all, but also of infrastructure, additional opportunities are opening up for us, because earlier this soviet heritage, these metallurgical enterprises, mines, were,
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you know, like a suitcase without a handle, which was difficult to carry, to reform , because it is of course for... a large number fell on our population, but now with this destruction, it is clear that we have no other way out than to build a new economy, and most likely, i hope, on new foundations, so that it is a high-tech economy, so that it was based on high technologies, not on the 19th century, and therefore it is clear that our approach to the eu, fulfillment of requirements, bringing it into line with ac, that is... the general body of legislation of the european union, it will definitely be positive for us. well, it's traditional this is, you know, an important point for those. who thinks critically and always criticizes the government for objective, let's say, miscalculations or activity or inaction, european and euro-atlantic integration have always been
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for the thinking part of society before for the pro-european part of society such a lever of influence on their own government, on their own president, so that actually these reforms were taking place, so it is clear that there is more positive in what is happening now. than negativity, negativity can be such things, we don't know, well, actually, in what state it will be the european union, when the europeans will have the political will to accept us, and when we are ready, because what is happening in the united states now, a possible reversal and reduction of the role of the united states in europe, plus the growth of populists in the european union, i have in the european parliament , as well as in countries, it can radically change the ... union into which we are integrated, that is , such, you know, opinions, they should possibly remain on the margins, but we should not let them out of sight, well, maybe even
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the last such point, we saw that despite war, even our best friends and neighbors have claims against us, because we are a competitor, and this, of course, requires our government and our society and business to consolidate in order to protect their own interests. because we are in fact agricultural, that is, it is clear that our integration is liked and disliked by a large number of countries and business environments there, so it is clear that we need to be sharp and protect our interests. mr. oleksandr, i would like to talk with you about the north atlantic alliance, in particular about summit to be held in july. this year, in particular, information appeared from the british correspondent of radio liberty, oles kovich, who reported that great britain
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is trying to convince the united states of america and the federal republic of germany that it is necessary to give ukraine an invitation to the north atlantic alliance, or at least somehow speed up our integration into nato, our entry into nato, actually. before the summit, about which we are talking about how realistic it is that velika britain will convince, or at least in some way influence the united states of america, the position of germany, regarding, well, in particular, the relations between nato, in particular, regarding the accession to nato within the framework of the summit in july this year, well , you know, our partners tell us that on unlike'. of the european union, where we became candidates for membership of the european union and began the process of integration, then in fact the political decision has been made, there are still some technical issues, then it somehow
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does not work in nato, because the invitation will mean that in fact, let's put it this way, it is irreversible and the process of ukraine's accession to nato is quite fast, and precisely because of this, it is feared that this will not provoke a greater escalation in relations. between nato and the russian federation, here, but you know, well, there have already been certain precedents that are interesting and positive for us, for example, we were canceled the action plan regarding membership in 2008, and now our partners say that it is not needed, and we actually work in an adapted annual national program, and i also think that nato could well go for a new innovation. such as to start this process negotiations with ukraine with an open date. of course, i will hope that our british partners and friends, who
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understand very well the importance of ukraine for the security of europe and the danger from the russian federation, will find those arguments and convince the biden team. it's clear that biden's team is currently in the process of re-election, and of course any issues that are divisive. and own electorate and can become a reason for criticism from opponents, they try to hide, well, plus we know that this team, it holds up quite well conservative actions from the point of view of not provoking russia to some kind of escalation that could drag nato and, as a result, the united states into a direct conflict, here, but it seems to me that this is the right position and actually the beginning of this process. ukraine's accession to nato will mean that putin does not have the right to veto the expansion of nato, that ukraine has no choice but to become a member of the alliance, and therefore his
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opportunity decreases. well, to actually stop or slow down this process, because really, although this war is not, more precisely, nato is not the reason for this war, but in russian minds it is an important factor, and i would say so, not that nato threatens the russian federation, ukraine's membership in nato, but that ukraine's membership in nato means that russia will never again be able control our state and use our resources. and in order to actually continue a hybrid and maybe, god forbid, in the future, an open war against nato member countries, so i will, i hope the british can convince, they are good negotiators, they are reliable allies of the united states, they have enough, let's say, channels to reach, i think, rational people, mr. alexander, well, i can't help but ask, we
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have to understand. finally, who will become the secretary general of nato in the near future, the prime minister of the netherlands mark ruta was voted for, we will thank jens stoltenberg for his rather consistent position regarding the russian-ukrainian war, and one of his last theses that nato countries should have counted at all, conducted some revision and understand and have deployed their nuclear. potentials and resources, because the russian federation is on the side, in fact, it deserves individual applause, it seems to me, because it is honest, it is honest and in accordance with the realities. mark ryuta, what are the expectations from the future secretary of nato, just for understanding? well, this is a good choice, unequivocally, because this country has shown that it supports ukraine both financially and materially,
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of course. that they remember very well who destroyed almost 300 passengers of mh-17, they understand how much the russian federation is a threat, especially if it reaches the small ones in ukraine, but i would say that the best option would certainly be kaya kalas, and it would be a very good move by nato to give such a big position, an important position. to the countries of the eastern flank, which know the russian federation much better, which show their political will, which is not comparable to the size of the gdp and other indicators. the same estonia, it is a giant from the point of view of what it provides to ukraine, and to what extent it is reduces its own defense potential, unlike more prosperous european countries, which are far from russia, but in any case rutte
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will be. the general secretary, who will smooth out certain such sharp corners. no wonder, one of the first news was that he spoke with orbán, they agreed on, let's say, what is called the modus operandi, that is, this option of cooperation between nato and hungary, when hungary will not block something there, but on the other hand, not will be involved in helping ukraine, and even more so, as orban says, about the conflict with by the russian federation. regarding the nuclear aspects, yes, indeed, this is a very important issue, primarily in the context of the united states elections, because if trump wants to reduce his presence in europe, he will not be able to leave nato, because the congressmen took care of it, they voted a bill that without them known will not be allowed to do, but this does not mean that the supreme commander of the united states, if it will be trump, cannot reduce the presence of the americans,
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even more so. completeness to protect its european allies, and actually in such a way situation, the europeans really need to think about a deterrence system, about a new strategy, because now it is actually based on the nuclear power of the united states, it is a strategic, let's say, nation, it is also tactical nuclear weapons, which are located in four european countries, plus turkey, these are atomic bombs, well, britain is also an important factor. because it is ready to use its nuclear triad in defense of its allies in europe, and here is france, their actual doctrine, it does not allow france to be part of this pan-european, pan-nato strategy, but i think that they will revise this approach, because it is clear that if there are no americans, then the british themselves will definitely not pull out a nuclear deterrent on themselves, because russia.


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