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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EEST

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announced both kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, but most vividly at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy announced and illustrated with the maternity hospital in mariupol, this children's drama theater in mariupol, that it does not matter to him, children, pregnant women, sick people, older people, there is no one meaning, and today he continues it, but today is such a, well, also a terrible story, because it is tragic, in the final in the kharkiv region, a couple blew up on... and my husband died at the scene, there is a photo, well, if they find him, you can show there just a burned-out car, a completely sleeping car, and we can see that now, and the wife, she died on the way to the hospital, this is just a question about demining, and again , people are driving now, i won’t, i won’t, but we can see now there and on map this point, but i lead to the conclusion that this risk of hitting a mine is similar, whether it is against a tank or against infantry. i am not an expert on mines,
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unfortunately, it is necessary to learn, because the war in the country still requires knowing the variety, well, but obviously this is a rather powerful mine that burned a whole car, issues related to demining and people's safety, dangers, people understand that when they go to this or that, to this or that territory, they can hit a mine, or is it completely like that, you know, how lucky and how unlucky , they don't know if there is anything there or not, please, yes, of course the issue of demining is very important for the kharkiv region, because... there are still settlements, whole large territories that have not been demined and it is not known when they will be demined, entire settlements. yes, of course, people are there, those who are there is at risk that they may fall into such moments, they are of course warned by the services, and the administration on the spot, and the emergency workers, and deminers who are engaged in humanitarian demining, and the emergency workers themselves, who are engaged in demining, they warn that certain areas are mined, there are certain signs, we have seen a lot of them... we saw certain tapes that
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mark this area, but the people who return there, when they come back, they may not listen to this story, they may not know it, or they may not pay attention to it , and therefore the risk, of course yes, of course we cannot insure everyone against the fact that it is necessary to simply close the entire territory so that it is impossible to get there, there is no such possibility, and it is not very right, but of course such cases happen and, unfortunately, they will happen, because of , which is very heavily mined with... kharkiv region, so the demining processes are ongoing, but the risks are that people can be blown up, it is their responsibility, because i know that the prevention processes, they are working and in fact they are by notification there are, and physically they are marks, plates, tapes. we know where there is active combat, i would even say heavy combat by the armed forces.
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of ukraine, defense forces against the enemy in kharkiv region. we know the directions where the enemy is now gathering his shock fists, where he wants to cut off luhansk region from kharkiv region. there are many points where either battles are going on, or the enemy will accumulate one or another force, and is now even throwing troops into kharkiv oblast from the far east, from near finland, from where they are not currently throwing troops into kharkiv oblast, because for them it is fundamental and important, and that's mine questions, those people who are in the settlements immediately behind the front line, whether and... there is a forced evacuation, whether and and whether there is work for volunteers, how can these people be reached and evacuated, or, again, are people waiting until the last , well, someone is waiting for the fact that it will be possible to push the enemy away, to prevent it, there are, always are and have been throughout this war people who are simply waiting for the enemy, well, there are such people, there are all kinds of people, but the question is to get to these people and to save, whether there are such requests and how great these needs are, of course. and
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we were engaged in evacuation in the vavchansk direction, also in the lipitsky direction, and there are threats of certain beginnings of certain offensive actions, and we assess these risks, and we also carry out evacuation there, firstly, the evacuation of children is carried out, and it is forced and forced voluntary, and there are services that deal with this, volunteers deal with the evacuation of animals or people who want to evacuate in those areas where it is possible. possible risks, as well as the frontline territory, which is currently undergoing hostilities, they too evacuees, of course people remain there, or who are waiting for something, or for some reason they returned there just after the evacuation, think that it is possible to restore some kind of life there, because the enemy has moved back a little, but the shelling there is the same, i do not see the logic in this , but people are people and we can't keep them here, that's why evacuation of course exists, of course it works. there is
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a very good coordination of volunteers in this matter, of the city and regional administration in the placement and coordination of applications for evacuation missions. therefore process this one continues, it is big, then small, then wheelbarrow evacuations, then larger-scale, currently more punctual, so thank you very much, mr. yevgeny, thank you for joining, first of all, thank you for your work, of course, but also for comments for our broadcast evgeny bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv, really kharkiv is becoming more familiar to everyone today, for whom he was native, who may be there, i was in kharkiv, well, but who was not... everything is with this city today one lives with these problems because we understand that kharkiv is just on the border with the enemy and is experiencing such blows, i hope that the united nations organization will hear, by the way, you heard me, that's how i addressed today, i say, if everyone throws 100 hryvnias, for example, there are 100 man, we will be able to collect 10 00
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hryvnias, so you and i have already collected, we had 504 00 when i announced our collection, and now we have 520.128 hryvnias, that is, we... have already collected 16 000 hryvnias, i am very thank you for listening to me, to my appeal to you, because again, i am not asking for myself here, for myself it's always harder to ask, but it's harder for the military, not because it's somehow morally difficult, no, it's just that you understand how they need it now, how they need it now, and that's why we 're collecting funds now, i believe we're there this week , let's set a goal this week to collect this 630 00, we have 110 000 left, i think we can ... we can do it, and then we have to buy this minibus, maybe then we have to make it, send it, so we continue qr -code, you see on your screen, we will not calm down, we will collect and do it that our soldiers should have a minibus in order to be able to deliver repair
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groups, this is the solidarsky, zaporizhzhia direction, i will remind you once again, in order to be able to quickly bring mobile repair groups to the front line, they played tricks there, repaired those bmps. apcs, tanks and immediately kill or immediately take cover to attack the enemy, working armored vehicles on the battlefield is a plus, non-working armored vehicles on the battlefield is a minus, very often, it is a minus of the life of our soldiers, you have to understand it, it is not easy , well, you know, we have almost everyone in ukraine today, someone is at the front, someone is alive, someone, unfortunately, died, someone is wounded, someone is fighting now, and you understand that, so i won’t even explain, someone abroad, maybe watching us, can also transfer, can also transfer money . because yes, we have just one second, dmytro snigerov is with us, we don't have much time, we will have time to talk about the main thing, military expert, co-chairman of the public and public initiative on the right, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, congratulations, i
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will ask very briefly, the strikes on crimea, state for now, what does this mean for the russian army, first of all for the gradual transition of crimea home and prospects here. how do you see the development of this situation, can it really lead to the enemy withdrawing from our peninsula? what is currently happening, according to the nato classification, is called the cascade nature of the planning of the de-occupation operation, it is said that this is a set of measures, primarily aimed at inflating the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems. the enemy, and then deal fire damage with the main one to the locations of the occupiers, namely, crimean bridges, chongar bridges, and, accordingly, land isthmuses. crimea is logistically very vulnerable, even compared to the kherson region, where this tactic was successfully used for the first time.
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we all remember the experience of the de-occupation of kherson and , accordingly, a large part of kherson region. of the defense, fire damage was inflicted on the main locations of the occupiers, namely the antoniv bridge and the kakhovskaya hert dam. we remember what this led to: the occupiers took, as they say, unpopular steps, namely, the withdrawal of a group of russian troops from kherson to the other bank of the dnieper, therefore... that is why we can say that the further tactics of striking the logistics facilities of the occupiers are, accordingly, the next steps of the defense forces of ukraine. well, if we talk now about the fact
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that we can achieve certain goals with these missile strikes, the fact that the enemy continues to call people to vacation in the crimea, this is cynical, right? but putin once said a long time ago that our military will stand behind the backs of the people, he did not hide it, he in his interview, he once said that we would be behind the backs, then he was obviously talking about behind the backs of the ukrainians, now behind the backs of the russians, in principle. there is no difference as far as the fact that many civilians and, let's say, sevastopol itself, know it very well, because he spent his childhood in sevastopol in the summer back in soviet times, he had such an opportunity, well, there are beaches near every bay, there are military units some, plus a bellback nearby, how can it complicate the work and, again, will it now give the enemy a reason to say that here they are hitting civilians, and who it might affect, because we understand perfectly well that we have high-precision weapons that definitely don't hit the beaches if you... pointed it at a military airfield, please let's talk about
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what the events that took place on the beaches of sevastopol are the planned nature of the informational and psychological operations of the russian occupiers, it is said that the target audience, respectively, is our rear partners, primarily the united states, the purpose of which is to block the transfer of aket attacks to the ukrainian side and, accordingly, to perpetuate the political information'. pressure on the leadership of the united states to block the adoption of a decision on granting permission to the defense forces of ukraine to strike military facilities on the territory of the russian federation itself. this was the main idea behind the provocation that took place the day before on the territory of the crimean beaches. i will emphasize once again. as a matter of fact, the numerous facts of injury and death of the civilian population
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are solely the result of the work of russian air defense, and not the strikes of the ukrainian defense forces. tactical and technical characteristics of russian s-400 anti-aircraft missile systems - the ability to shoot down air-ballistic targets at a distance of up to 60 km from over the beach, the provocation of the russian side was known, they perfectly understood the consequences, and this is a clear evidence that putin deeply cares not only for ukrainians, but also primarily for the citizens of his own country, he will not stop before the facts of the death of citizens of the russian federation for the sake of its creation. plaster, which, in his opinion, should discredit the defense forces of ukraine at the moment of using high-point
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weapons. i'm very short, it's the end, i'm from i will ask you to answer in one word, i will simply illustrate: there is such a good movie kingdom of heaven, there the hero of orlando bloom, baron debelin asks salahaddin, who was the master of the eastern army that came then under the saracens, who came under jerusalem, he drinks. what is jerusalem to you? and salahadin says: nothing, and then turns back and says: and the whole world. so i have a question: in your opinion, what is crimea for putin? nothing and the whole world? but can he be forced to leave there? well, actually, as usual, but not diplomatically way, we must clearly understand that where the occupation of crimea is possible, only by military means. especially since the ukrainians under the leadership of the regiment... 100 years ago already have a positive experience of conducting successful
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offensive operations, we can also mention the successful raid of the makhnov detachments on the territory of crimea, so we have our own history for the occupation of these territories. thank you very much, mr. dmytro, for the comments, apt and professional, dmytro snigilov, military expert, co-leader of the public initiative on the right to the right. i will agree here that probably for putin's crimea is nothing. and the whole world, but he is ready to sacrifice everyone except himself for this world, because saladin came to jerusalem with an army at his beck and call, and did not sit in a bunker, so it was possible to believe that jerusalem was the whole world for him, but i did not for putin i believe that for him it's a whole world of someone else's blood, unfortunately, unfortunately, well, but they elected him and he started this war in which they will lose, and literally in a moment the news, i congratulate you, it's svobolay on the radio.. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene.
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live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. freedom of life, frankly and unbiased . you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. we have both tragedies and losses in different regions of our country. let's talk. in his own home in russia. killed a woman, they attacked the village of havrylivka in the kherson region with artillery, in total they fired almost 40 shells, a 63-year-old man was also injured, the head of the region informs oleksandr prokudin. and from the drone, the occupiers aimed at a residential building in poniativka. a 52-year-old man was injured. he is in the hospital. and the number
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of injured as a result of an enemy attack on odesa medical personnel increased to four. a 48-year-old man turned in, he received an injury to his hand - reported the head of the regional military administration oleg kipar. according to him, emergency workers have already extinguished the fire in the warehouse, the fire covered an area of ​​3,000 m2. this morning, the russians fired two iskander-k cruise missiles over odesa. one of they were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense, another hit the civilian infrastructure of the city. and three people were injured as a result of the enemy attack on nikopol. a 62-year-old man received shrapnel wounds and was hospitalized. two women will be treated on an outpatient basis. serhiy lesak, head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, informed about this. the russians also damaged residential buildings. well, in fact, for 2.5
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years dnipropetrovsk region, in particular nikopol region, has been under enemy attacks. the number of victims, witnesses of the shelling of pokrovsk has increased to five, another 41 people were wounded, among the injured were four children, informed the head of the donetsk regional military administration, vadym filashkin, the russians hit the city with two iskander m missiles, 17 residential buildings were damaged. the occupiers also dropped an aerial bomb on kurakhove and shelled druzhkivka. one person died, two others were injured, infrastructure was damaged . but sincere condolences to the loved ones and relatives of the terrible victims and recovery of course to those who suffered as a result of this terrorist vile enemy attack. the truck drove into a minibus in kryvyi rih. 21 people were hospitalized. the police of dnipropetrovsk region informed about this, due to lack of traffic at the intersection , the traffic lights were not working, the truck driver
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did not miss the shuttle taxi when leaving the secondary road. as a result of the collision, the bus overturned. the driver and passengers were injured, the law enforcement officers are finding out all the details, by the way, this is quite a frequent phenomenon now, the turning off of traffic lights, this is not only in dnipropetrovsk oblast, i see the same story in kyiv, well, drivers and pedestrians are somehow trying to face each other miss, look, well, you have to be careful here, because there are no regulators now, and we can’t see them at least, that’s why we have to look, give someone priority and wait a little, because... this is life and these are circumstances, which we cannot influence now. they caused damage of 11 million hryvnias. the police informed about the suspicion that the vice-rector of one of the higher education institutions in kharkiv, according to the investigation materials, the employee of the university entered into a conspiracy with the leaders of the construction organization. the enterprise carried out repairs on the territory of the educational institution institution on the instructions of the vice-rector, accomplices found nine people and employed
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them at the university for 12 years. they, of course, did not fulfill their duties, but the director of the enterprise withdrew wages and money from bank cards. the maidan cases, let's not forget about them either, they are still being considered in the courts, the brovary city district court postponed to august 7 the preliminary hearing in the case against ex-president viktor yanukovych and his associates, or i would say so, him, as a criminal, and as theirs you can also name them accused of organizing the dispersal and shooting. testers during the revolution of dignity in february 2014, among them yanukovych's then subordinates petro fetchuk, serhiy kusyuk, ex-minister of internal affairs vitaly zakharchenko, ex-head of the sbu, oleksandr yakymenko and other traitors to ukraine. in total, in the case of 10 accused and 955 victims , the session was postponed due to the non-appearance of some lawyers. you understand, 10
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defendants, nine defenses'. materials of the criminal proceedings, the date was determined in advance, therefore, in my opinion, such actions at a minimum, additional verification is needed regarding the reasons for the validity of non-appearance upon summons, the other defenders did not report at all why they did not appear, this is the position of the lawyers to delay, they definitely use procedural opportunities and so on, because they are not interested in publicity. they insisted that there should be no internet broadcast, that it should not be educated, not covered at all, and most importantly, that this case should be brought to some conclusion. of a real decision, and not there, because one case was already closed due to the statute of limitations, so i want let
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those who betrayed ukraine and led to the murder of peaceful citizens be punished in absentia. marriage in a smartphone, couples in ukraine registered their marriage in the diya application. the first were military officer and people's deputy roman lozynskyi, social and behavioral communications specialist svitlana kiselyova. i informed the minister about it. transformation mykhailo fedorov, according to him, 25 couples have already registered for the beta test of the service. i can only say happiness to the young people, of course, and let those who registered succeed too, let nothing everything works, and ukrainians get married, have children, because we have to live and live on. choose your own path in the army took effect on may 18. the new law on mobilization, since then many ukrainians voluntarily joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in order to avoid forced mobilization, about the advantages of recruiting, the process
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of training new recruits and the stories of those who have already made a choice in favor of serving their country, serving with weapons in their hands, let's talk further. marines. the elite of the armed forces of ukraine. these guys deliver tasks in the air, on land and at sea. with their participation, it was possible to hold the line of confrontation and defense in the mariupol and shirokyny area. marine units performed combat tasks for the protection and defense of zmiiny island in the waters of the black sea. the marine corps has the most modern weapons and military equipment, and is satisfactory. 100% personal protective equipment, i.e. bulletproof vest, goggles, tactical glasses, protection for legs, arms, elbows, knees, all this,
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plus intensive training that allows you to increase the probability of survival during combat, and the marine corps, we position ourselves as one big family. to join the ranks of the marines is an ambitious and not very easy task, a warrior of the three elements is a person under 45 years of age with proper physical and psychological training, nowadays, like all units of the defense forces, the marines encourage boys and girls to join the defense of the country, as much as possible clearer and more comfortable conditions. everything that exists in civilian life can be applied in a military specialty. staffing and recruiting centers are places where they will help you choose a vacancy. will explain what needs to be done and will be accompanied until arrival at the unit. recruiting is a safe way to choose your place in the army and join the defense
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of the country on clear terms. after we have found a position for a person, ah, by profession, by knowledge, by desire, after that we issue a letter of recommendation, this person with a letter of recommendation comes to tsc tsp and issues it. a personal case, after that, if we are talking about a contract, well, that is, the main thing is what we do, what we do, after that the person collects the necessary documents, passes the vlk. in the command is told that recruiting is taking place actively, but not as much as expected. vacancies for uav operators, engineers, and mechanics are overwhelming favorites. if it was before, for example, more strength is needed. what are the grenade launchers and so on, now these are more intellectual positions and technical positions, that is, it is not necessary for people to control the half-bucket,
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we need people who will configure these drones. the advantage of recruiting is the opportunity to choose a position. the marines emphasize that all civilian professions are possible can be effectively used in the army as well. it is not necessary that a cook will become a shooter, a cook will be... us a cook, an aitishnik will be an aitishnik, and the same communicator, if he has worked at ukrtelecom all his life, then we will find an application in communication, i come from odesa , i was born in odesa, the sea, this is the marines, i think i need to come here. nikita is a master of law, his brother is also a marine , so he did not hesitate for a long time to choose a unit, but he is still thinking about the position. soon we had a... new law on mobilization, so i realized that something was needed to think, to decide something, but my older brother, he serves in the marines, i want to save
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our country from the enemy, and this is volodymyr, he is 43 years old, he already knows that he will work as a bpel operator, in general, all the time i spend time with a computer, and technologies are very close to me, and there, in general, for drones , video is needed and so on, and i have been working with this for 15 years, and therefore i realized that it is mine, my husband has little previous military experience, so he took several courses. in particular, i am in favor of the victory drones project specialty, yes, an office worker, and i had no military training, and i started with courses, first with one, then switched to others, then to a third, and now i already feel that i am ready. recruitment centers for the ranks of the marines operate in almost all regions of ukraine, as do other recruiting centers, so that everyone can choose their own path in the army. kateryna
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halko. well, we continue, and i will call yuriy fizer to the conversation, today many important events took place outside ukraine, and yuriy will tell about them, good evening, whatever please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, the world column about ukraine breaks into this information week, today in particular i will talk about whether there is a chance in ukraine to get the southern. ukrainian weapons, viktor orban knows who can bring peace to ukraine, and the european union can close its doors to georgia. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. let me start with the following: russia is trying to change the world map, so we must make every effort to continue helping ukraine.
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to confront the aggressor who encroached on ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity, german chancellor olaf scholz said in an interview with the german tv channel ard about this . peace has returned to the ukrainian land, but at the same time such peace should not mean the capitulation of ukraine, he says, although even olaf scholz admitted that he was in a state of silence. there are many citizens who do not agree with berlin's support for ukraine and the sanctions against it russia, but at the same time added that there is simply no alternative. that is, the only thing is the continuation of support for ukraine. and olaf scholz was motivated by the fact that people in germany, the citizens of this country do not agree with the sanctions, do not agree with the pressure on russia, it is that his party, the social democratic party
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of germany in... has lost real support from the population of germany and nevertheless, he says that he just heard that there is no alternative, and he will continue to help us, for which we thank him, but vasyl and i constantly we say that if he had joined this help from the very beginning, it would have been simply gorgeous. the 14th package of eu sanctions against russia turned out to be much weaker. than the previous ones, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania gabrielius lansbergis said today before the start of the meeting with his eu colleagues in luxembourg, according to him, it is becoming increasingly difficult to discuss the introduction of new economic restrictions against russia within the european union. in addition, the head of the lithuanian foreign policy department reported that the european union has not yet agreed to further sanctions against belarus. and the fact
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that it has become much more difficult to introduce further anti-russian sanctions, today before the start of the meeting with colleagues, the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, margus tsakhna, also said, and he repeated the same thing, well, i would like to remind you that this 14th was adopted today package of anti-russian sanctions, my colleague oleksandr morchavka will tell more about it later on the air, and i will continue. south korea does not adhere to restrictions, will adhere to supply restrictions lethal weapons to ukraine if russia transfers modern military technology to north korea. this was stated by the head of the national security department of the presidential administration of the republic of south korea, jang ho-jin, on the air of the kbs channel. according to him, everything will depend on what russia will do. next is a short quote from mr. councilor. if they want.


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