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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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well, the fact that it has become much more difficult to introduce further anti-russian sanctions was also said today by the minister of foreign affairs of estonia, margus tsakhna, before the start of the meeting with colleagues, and he repeated the same thing, well, let me remind you that this 14th package was adopted today anti-russian sanctions, my colleague oleksandr morchavka will tell more about it later on the air, and i will continue. south korea. does not comply with restrictions, will not comply with restrictions on the supply of lethal weapons to ukraine, if russia transfers to north korea modern military technologies, the head of the national security office of the presidential administration of the republic of south korea, jang ho-jin, said on the air of the kbs channel. according to him , everything will depend on what russia will do. next is a short quote from mr. councilor. if they want. to restore and advance
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korean-russian relations, i would like to reiterate that the russian side should think carefully. at the same time, he did not specify exactly what weapons and under what circumstances seoul can supply kyiv, since, according to him, it will weaken the lever of influence on moscow. well , anyone who watched the column world about ukraine last week remembers how i talked about the fact that south korea has good tanks and that... even poland wants to manufacture these tanks, that is, it bought tanks in south korea, but wants to produce on its territory, i assumed at the time, and maybe these tanks will somehow appear in ukraine later, well, it is not known whether the tanks produced in poland will appear, but who knows, maybe south korea itself will give them to us, the more tanks the better. hungary does not change, on very sorry for his position, his attitude towards the russian language. war in ukraine and
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continues to oppose the european union's allocation of additional funds for military aid to us. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter szijártó, on his way to a meeting with colleagues from eu countries in luxembourg. on his facebook page , the head of the hungarian foreign policy department wrote that another battle between supporters of war and supporters of peace is currently underway. next is a quote from mr. minister sijarto. if there was even a tenth of this energy spent on peacebuilding, there would be far fewer dead and less destruction today. i really like, like peter szijjártó, that his boss viktor orbán constantly uses such comparisons and metaphors: the war party, supporters of peace, supporters of something else, well, he understands very well that there is nothing to be said for throwing around such words. .. won't help, it would be better to give
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weapons, and at least not block the allocation of weapons to ukraine, no, and that would be much more, better, well, now i am from the minister of foreign affairs of hungary let's move on to the prime minister of this country, who also spoke about peace in our country. peace in ukraine depends on, there should be a drum wire of the united states of america. he is the only person in the world who can do two. phone calls, one to moscow, and the other to kyiv and end this war. this statement was made by hungarian prime minister viktor orban in an interview with the german funke media group. moreover, such a unique person, the savior of the universe, i would call it that, the head of the hungarian government believes, well, there should be another drum beat here - donald trump. well, orban got carried away. he stated that europe needs politicians like trump and added, quote. i am 100% convinced of
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donald trump, no, 101%, the main reason, he would be a man of peace, he would not start any war. well, here viktor orban said a little bit too little, by 101%, well , i would say by 100%, said ostap bender, that only an insurance policy can give a hundred percent guarantee, but in any case , well, such a savior of the universe, a destroyer of the worlds, the almighty ruler of... this galaxy, well, that is, you need a little, maybe to stop already and understand that any bell, no, i understand that trump can find some arguments for putin, but this does not mean that he will stop the war in one day, well, i just might not agree with you, he will not find arguments , he will just find some words, for putin the arguments are not important at all, putin is there, it is possible to create problems for putin bigger than now, although i think that biden creates the maximum problems that he can create on... being the president and taking
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part in the election campaign, that's why they are there are statements, well, trump himself, it seems as if he read this interview in the funke media group. orban and decided to play along with him. trump quote: before i even walk into the oval office and we win the presidential election, i will put an end to this terrible conflict between russia and ukraine, that's the end of the trump quote. the ex-owner of the white house, who has every chance of settling in the main estate of the usa for another four years, said this during a meeting with supporters in the city of philadelphia, on the east coast of the usa. meanwhile, donald. as usual, he kept the intrigue and did not say exactly what mechanisms and levers he will use to fulfill this promise even before he takes the office of the president of the united states of america officially, of course, if he is elected the head of the country on november 5, that is, i
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will do it, but how i will do it, i won't tell you, and it's also interesting that today, well, it was at night in kyiv... sometime during this pre-election trip to philadelphia, where he met with his supporters, donald trump stopped by one of restaurants, they say it's a very famous restaurant, and he went in, when he went in there, he left a $500 tip, and on the back of the check he wrote, "down with the taxes on the tip," so he took the money and ruined the check? but the check is valid, that is , you can withdraw this $500, i understand, no, no, he, i do, and the check, you mean the check in this restaurant simply, and i think he wrote on the money, i think well, they took it, he gave $500 and this one, and on the check he wrote on the restaurant check he wrote that the taxes are gone, i will tell you that he will later redeem this check and
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will sell it as a lot and make money, i wanted to say, vasyl, you took my tongue, what he is doing, here is what trump does not do, what trump does not say, he can do it very easily afterwards . monetizing it all is real here, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, and okay, well, in a week or two, this check may appear for sale at the auction house, at the auction, and it will be sold for a huge amount, but okay, enough about trump , let's move on: the road to the european union is open for the people of georgia, but if the government of this country will continue to do what he is doing, we can close this road, he said today before the start of the meeting of foreign ministers of the eu member states in luxembourg, said the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. according to him, such steps have not yet been taken in brussels, but if the official tbilisi continues to adopt non
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-european laws, then in the future, says mr. borel, it may reduce the provision of financial support to georgia through the european peace fund, as well as limit contact. on high at the political level, while borel emphasized that the citizens of the country will not be harmed, i just want to say, yuriy, this is despite the fact that, for example, the fans of the georgian national team, which for the first time qualified for the european championship at the matches, sing this famous song of the kharkiv team in the ultra about putin and are demonstrating everything to the whole of europe now, well , who are they for and who are they against, it is very unfortunate that the representatives of the authorities choose a different vector, unfortunately, it is very unfortunate. well, we go further: the killer heat, at least 1,300 pilgrims have already died this year due to extremely high temperature and health complications caused by it during the hajj to mecca. this was announced by the minister of health of saudi arabia, khahd ben abdel-rahman
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al-jalaljal. according to him, most of the deaths occurred due to dehydration and physical exhaustion against the background of abnormal heat. temperature skills. in those days it reached +47°, besides, many of the victims came to mecca on their own, and not as part of organized tourist groups, and therefore they simply could not provide them with the necessary emergency assistance in time, - says mr. minister. i am let me remind you that this year's hajj lasted from june 14 to 19. well, really, extremely high temperatures are one of the reasons, the second reason is what i mentioned, they did not come as part of groups, for last year on... hajj only 250 died there with a penny of people, thank god, what is so little on the eve of the restless evening and night, in still russian dagestan, at least 19 people were killed there as a result of an attack by armed men. this was reported by the russian media
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of mass disinformation. among the dead were 15 law enforcement officers and four civilians. attacks happened in two cities at once. first, a group of armed men. attacked a synagogue and an orthodox church in derbent, later an attack was made on a church, a synagogue and a dps post in makhachkala, and later a car was fired upon in the center of the village of sergo kali. among the killed was the head of the police department of one of the settlements in the region. well, in conclusion, the week starts well, mountains, mountains, clearly. a large-scale, well, very large-scale fire in the suburbs of moscow. today in the city of fryazino, and after all, there is now a fire, there was a fire in a multi-story building platan research institute. at least four people died, the area of ​​the fire reached in... the video shows that
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thick black smoke is pouring from the building, later there was also an explosion inside and after that the internal structures collapsed, what exactly caused the fire is not yet known, but it is assumed by the russian rescuers that this is a violation of fire safety rules. i would also like to add that there is publicly available information that this institution manufactures electrical appliances, radios and parts for them. can even perform an order for the russian military-industrial complex, may be fulfilled, or may be fulfilled, well, who knows, well, that’s all i have in the world about ukraine section, that’s all only for today, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our future broadcast, so don't switch. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola vera. this is a sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions, in america they also say, let us have better roads, we will have even better
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ones, a special view of events in ukraine and beyond, which the world dreams of, mr. norman, all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. sanctions against russia, both personal and sectoral, and many other interesting things. whether ukraine is at risk of default , oleksandr morchuvka will talk not only about this, but money during the war. oleksandr, good evening, please. good evening, vasyl, i will also talk about the frozen assets, how much ukraine will receive soon. greetings viewers, everything will be in detail in a moment. i am oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the time war, and as i already announced last week, on monday the 14th package of sanctions. against russia was adopted by the council of the european union," the press service of the council of the eu reported. the restrictions
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are aimed at economic sectors important to the russian regime. well, in particular, energy, finance and trade have come under restrictions. today's package also includes sanctions against 116 individuals and legal entities, which are associated with the rfi's war against our country. in particular, the sanctions include measures against russian liquefied gas and... this, as in me, a very important factor. in the previous column, my colleague yuriy fizar quoted the international community, representatives of the international community, who interpreted this package of sanctions as so weak, unlike the previous ones, but nevertheless, the purchase of russian liquefied gas is also a minus in the kremlin's income. well, i completely agree with you, we perfectly understand that there are many other suppliers, in particular the united states of america of liquefied gas to europe, for example, so... well, russia is not the only one there, but it was important for them, really, well, what is important here is precisely the fact that the sanctions
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also apply to technologies and services that russia needs now to complete liquefied gas projects, for the supply of liquefied gas abroad, these are arctic lng-2 and murmansk lng, and this also closes the valve to the russian car, well, this is quite an important step. we are monitoring the minuses that will soon appear in the budget of the russian federation. also about the disadvantages of the russian federation, about the disadvantages in income: to transfer the profits from frozen russian assets to weapons for ukraine. this question the heads of foreign affairs of the european union states discussed today. as early as next week, ukraine may receive 2.5 billion euros from the proceeds of refia's frozen assets. he announced it today. representative of the european union on foreign policy issues, josep borel. for this, the eu has a mechanism that can
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bypass the blocking of this decision by hungary, but the procedure is still being discussed. let's listen to the direct speech. we have these revenues from frozen assets, we have to find a way to use them, avoiding any blocking. we have a process in place to make this work quickly. the first tranche of money will arrive next week in july, the second in a few months, this money cannot be stuck, it should be used, we have a legal procedure. we also talk about money further, we talk about ukraine's debt to foreigners, foreign creditors. let me remind you that on june 17, the london stock exchange reported on the unsuccessful attempt of our ministry of finance to negotiate with creditors to write off a certain part of the foreign debt. well, will there be
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a default in ukraine, will international support continue and will there be such a mechanism that will either write off or restructures or? will postpone the repayment of these loans to a later date, we will talk about it with an expert, we are joined by ilyany skhodovskyi, head of the analytical direction of the ans network, good evening, good evening, well, there is such a question, we really did not manage to agree, were there certain proposals, options, well, for example, they were presented by the ukrainian side, the international creditor, and what went wrong at this meeting, at these agreements, well, first of all, we need to change... in general, the position is not a question, something went wrong, these are negotiating positions, we we declare our negotiating position, our basic option, how, accordingly , the debt in ukraine should be written off, and what part of it should be written off, we also set the rates that we are ready to pay in the coming years, and the creditors, in turn
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, want, of course, the write-off is minimal , in particular, for example, we talked about the write-off of 25... unconditional and 35% conditional debt write-off, this is about 50%. in addition, a write-off of 40%, this was the basic option, the lenders are ready, ready to go only for 20%, this is exactly the case with the rate, our rates fluctuating 1.2%, creditors accordingly want to receive even 7%, there is 3.5% there during the first years and then 7%, of course such decisions are absolutely for us. unacceptable, this is only an expression of negotiating positions, and in this situation, i would say, the position of the creditors is weaker, because just this week hanna's debt was written off, so 30% of their debt was written off, this strengthens our negotiating position: in this there is no war in the country, there is a war in ukraine, therefore, accordingly
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, we can insist that the volume of those loans, which... have, accordingly, been written off in a much larger volume than usual in uganda, given our situation. therefore , for now i would not make a negative moment out of it, let's say, this is just a certain stage of the negotiations, and both sides have agreed, both the ministry of finance and the representatives of creditors, to continue these negotiations, and i hope that by august 1 we will be finished let's go we will work out some solution that will satisfy both us and directly the side of the creditors, despite the fact that these creditors with whom we conducted negotiated, this is only 20% of our loans, we will now collect the position of other creditors that are not systemic, and here i will announce the figure as of the end of april, according to the ministry of finance, the external
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state and guaranteed state debt amounted to more than 150. 1 billion dollars, it is so that we have an understanding of the real write-off, we are talking about write-off from this amount or a certain amount that must now be given to foreign creditors, look, the debt of ukraine, this is internal debt, there is external debt, internal debt is mainly in us before there national bank, in front of commerce. banks and, accordingly , to business itself, there is external debt, we have external debt to the governments of other countries, and there is external debt to international organizations, the international monetary fund, the world bank, and the rbrd, and so on, and there is debt to commercial holders of our debt , those who bought
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ukrainian eurobonds. today , ukrainian eurobonds are quoted somewhere around 23-25. from the nominal value, and therefore the amount that is being negotiated with this klug is 20 billion dollars, so we insist on writing off at least 40%, that is 8 billion dollars, so in this context, it is normal, well, once again, the position of the parties is not about 150 billion, it is a question only of that part of the debt held by our external creditors, a very important clarification, because the figure is heard in the mass media, it is big . but how much we have to give and how much we may be written off, it is important to know, and the position of the ministry of finance is really strong, stable, let's listen, we have a quote from serhii marchenko, the ministry of finance regarding our possible restructuring, regarding negotiations regarding public debt. let's listen to her. strong armies must be supported by strong
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economies in order to win wars. ukraine has shown extraordinary resilience in the face of a full-scale russian invasion, our economy has exceeded all expectations. but this is a delicate balance that depends on continued consistent and significant support from partners. modern debt restructuring is an important part of this support. serhiy marchenko, minister of finance of ukraine. well, if we talk further about cooperation with international with creditors, with investors, with people, with funds that continue to believe and invest in ukraine. well, this debt write-off procedure, restructuring, loan negotiations, to what extent it affects further capital investments in ukraine. the economy, well, look, is primarily affected by war and military risks, and this, that is, the situation that
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is happening now, it is precisely the reason why investors are not ready to come, the only ones who are ready to come are those to whom the state or international institutions are ready to insure military risks. this is the first moment and the second moment - these are usually state investments or investments of companies that work there, for example, in the military-industrial complex, that is, where they are ready to invest, these are negotiations, this must be understood, these are not investments, but financial ones , more precisely, it is not like that , it is a financial investment, that is, they bought and bought our debt obligations, and we are now conducting negotiations only exclusively within the framework of this, so i would not... draw such a parallel, we have an absolutely justified right and opportunities, just to claim the greater part.
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the connection with izhodovsky was broken, but in essence his position is clear, now the negotiations are ongoing, and indeed mr. ilya believes that this is a separate story if we talk about the continuation. and then the last question for you, you mentioned interestingly, risk insurance, they were often talked about at international conferences, in particular the last conversation was the insurance of military risks during the conference on the reconstruction of ukraine in germany, are there any movements in this regard and to what extent a fast mechanism can be launched in order to invest in the ukrainian economy faster? and this mechanism has already been launched, and this insurance of our... vessels is happening, the sea corridor, it started working, or the grain corridor, it started working not only because our armed forces drove
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russian warships away from, let's say, firing distance, but and also because international insurance companies just gave this insurance for ukrainian and non- ukrainian ships it transports. grain and other products, here the question is only the spheres in which they are ready to implement it insurance, in particular in agriculture, this is a priority and we are ready to insure it, as well as separately other types, let 's say, insurance, here i assess the work of the ministry of economy as satisfactory, raised this issue, reached appropriate agreements and accordingly in this context. it is already such an effective tool, here is already the question of those volumes that we wanted, let's say, to increase, perhaps in order to have more investments, but despite this,
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nevertheless, and with the availability of insurance for investors, there is also another , relevant risks, it must be understood that ukraine was not attractive for investment even before the war, there is a question not only of hitting certain projectiles, destroying, respectively, property, yes... there is a question of mobilization, the lack of economic reservation for workers who will go to work for these enterprises, there are also the conditions for connecting electricity there are necessary, the rest, the courts, the protection of private property and the rest, so military risks, insurance of military risks - this is of course great, and it bore fruit in terms of the sale of our products through the grain corridor, however we still need many reforms. to be held in order to make us investment-attractive for foreign investors. thank you for the professional analysis, ilyanes khodovskyi, the head of the analytical direction of the ans network, was in
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touch. hope from august 1 to august 1, probably we will also receive results regarding the write-off of a certain share of the external debt, and i will follow this closely, thank you for being with us, there is a great broadcast, there will be more, watch us, thank you very much, oleksandr, in morshavka, well, now i will offer a plot for your attention, at least 800 domestic... animals ended up on the street only in the kyiv region, such are the data of the kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine, in order to find owners for as many four-legged animals as possible in the capital, they organized the largest animal adoption event in ukraine, our film crew also visited it, we are watching the plot: this is victoria, she takes a kitten from the shelter, which she named airi. the girl admits that she has been looking at her tail for a long time, and
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she learned about... animal adoptions at the international exhibition center, somehow a conversation started about it, and i suggested to us, like, you can take it, i’m like that, well, you have to search , i searched, found it, i found her on instagram and corresponded with a person there from katya, and she told us that it was possible, well, she will be brought from the region to kyiv here today, and that’s why we came here to pick her up, because there is no other way, such a big event is taking place in the capital. for the first time, it was organized by the municipal enterprise kyiv city hospital of veterinary medicine, together with local shelters for animals. as we learned, more than half a thousand four-legged friends are looking for families here. according to the organizers, during a full-scale invasion, the problem of homeless animals became especially urgent, because the shelters are full. we invited the most shelters in kyiv and the kyiv region so that they could
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unload. and rearrange the animals. this measure is very important, because to date there are about 800 animals in shelters in kyiv and the region alone, these are the ones that have been counted. therefore, i believe that animals should live in families, not in shelters. oleksiy surovtsev, a volunteer who at the beginning of the full-scale invasion took out the abandoned domestic animals from the temporarily occupied territories of kyiv region and placed them in families. admittedly, at the beginning of the great war, people were actively ... picking tails, when it began, a full-scale invasion began, we took out 15-20 animals every day, 15-20 animals a day found families at that time, at that time, now the animals are finding routines about 15 per month, and this is still a cool indicator. the organizers hope that such an event will help draw the attention of kyiv residents to the fact that they should not buy stuffed animals, but take them from
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shelters so... if you don't have a little companion, hurry to get him into your good hands. yulia zubchenko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel. a wonderful initiative and wonderful people who really provide shelter and home comfort for four-legged friends, success, and it should be continued. well, i invite yevhen pastokhov to the conversation. this week is special for ukrainian sports, and many events have already happened over the weekend. evgeny, please, you have the floor. good evening, vasyl. greetings, dear viewers of the tv channel. espresso the european football championship is going on in germany and this week we will really see the national team of ukraine on the field again, and we will talk about that in a moment in our sports section. the national team of ukraine is already preparing for the match against the national team of belgium. this game will be the final one in the group stage of the 2024 european championship for our team.
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situation. in the quartet is very confused, and now it is not a very grateful thing to make any assumptions about the accounts, it is only clear that it is extremely undesirable for ukraine to lose, and it is better to win the upcoming confrontation. even in in case of a draw with the belgians, the schedules may be different. positive news came from our team's training camp, that is , the news of left defender vitaly mykolenko, who missed the previous two matches at the euros due to injury. he is already training in the general group, the player himself told about it today. everything is fine, i have already trained for two full days with the team, and uh, i am very happy that i am back on the football field with the team and i am preparing in regular mode for the match with belgium, he has openia and germany.


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