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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. an unusual look at the news: good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen , sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads , it will be even better. we have a special view on the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can do it imagine? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. taking the wounded from the battlefield in time means saving his life. bc pick-up, boys' pick-up, atv - this is the way. from
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zero to our life. at this stage of the war, an atv is the best solution for evacuating the wounded from scratch. we encourage everyone to donate to the collection from zero to life for quad bikes for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade in the direction of chasiv yar. well, dear friends, we are back on the air now nazarriy kishak, commander of the combined unit of the 153rd brigade, will be with us, we will ask him about the situation there. where is he now, the viewer wrote that she doesn't understand these stories about monuments, when kharkiv is being erased, sometimes it's unpleasant to hear, you know, and that the war will end, and then it will be time to demolish the monuments , but there is time, for example, to plant flowers and those that are annual, for example, it also takes some effort and resources and money, so i think that it is one from the other independent, moreover, the war and kharkiv erase who, the occupiers. and their monuments
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remain, therefore it is somehow connected with the other, and both has and has meaning. nazarii kishak, the commander of the combined unit of the 153rd brigade, is already with us, mr. nazarriya, we welcome you, good morning, congratulations, nazarriya, if you can tell me where you are, tell me what your situation is, we are working in the kharkiv direction from more than a month, and... you see, the enemy is mercilessly trying to capture the adjacent cities in the direction of kharkiv, and the most important thing is that the enemy is hitting the peaceful population, in kharkov, everyone saw perfectly well that arrival at the crossroads in one of the centers, which brought death, injuries, and despair and tears of our ukrainians, that is why the war continues, the enemy has never lowered their appetites for our lands, he nevertheless regroups,
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strengthens his units and tries somewhere to try to storm, advance. well, can we say that this offensive operation of theirs near kharkiv has suffered a defeat or a fiasco, or is the situation still difficult? that's right, in the kharkiv direction the enemy in general is currently suffering great losses and... moreover, the armed forces have now clearly taken the enemy's logistics, all their vehicles, logistics entrances, are practically destroyed, and in general the state of the war is improving, people, our military has become much more professional than it was , i think that this is still a small reform in preparation, but the enemy does not stand, the enemy climbs. and will climb
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until we strike a specific blow, until we destroy this infantry, which is here in the direction of kharkiv, and the infantry in general must be destroyed, wherever they are was, because these are enemy infantry, these are enemy infantry, they are now more contract soldiers, you are dealing with them as far as they are, well , someone, someone told us recently that they are surrendering, for example, now quite a lot of russians have surrendered in the kharkiv direction, maybe your sub... section also took some prisoners, but they seem to be mostly mobilized, and the contract workers in it are fine, look, they seem to surrender, but all the same, this person who was mobilized there surrendered, she brought some grief to our ukrainians, because she is someone she killed, she shot, it doesn't matter whether she hit or not, she is a violator and she is specifically an enemy, an enemy, an enemy of our state and our nation, that's why we need such people... if we didn't
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have problems with the exchange of prisoners such people should simply be wiped off the face of the earth, because he will come to russia tomorrow and will also wreak havoc and kill in russia. killing, torturing, robbing and so on, well, i understand that russia is an enemy, russia is an aggressor country, but there are also normal people in russia who believe in they live by bib, yes, something happened with our communication, probably some problems with the internet, this is nazarriy kishak, the commander of the consolidated unit of the 153rd brigade, now they are in kharkiv oblast, and we are asking about what the situation is there and how there... the enemy is behaving, our directors will try to restore contact now, in the meantime, i want to remind you, dear friends, that you can support our military with your hryvnia, your donation to remind that you are with them, that you are not forget that there is a war in the country, please join our collection, 2.5
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million we need to collect, and we want to collect these 2.5 million in order to hand over drones for the hundredth brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. we are returning mr. nazarius to the ether, we have already reconnected, mr. nazarius, can you hear us? i already am, great, we see, you can continue your point, well, that is, any enemy that has come to our land must be destroyed and wiped off the face of the earth to its third generation, because it brings strife, it brings tears, it brings pain, pain to our ukrainians who live by... who know how to live, who know how to properly educate children and continue the flowering of the ukrainian nation and the flowering of europe, because wherever our ukrainian goes, they say that, again we have a little
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connection, it is obvious that the front, it is obvious that there is not such an incredibly good connection there, and we are so grateful for the fact that we have the opportunity to communicate with the military, actually from the front and every day we try to include the military, because their voice must be, must be heard in the information space, so let's show our viewers an announcement with two qr codes, like this just will be, maybe someone wants to show their gratitude in the form of donations, dear friends, on your screens monobank is on the right, if you face the screen, and private bank is on the left, respectively, under them... there are card numbers, if you do not know how to use qr - use codes to help yourself, scan, transfer money, write down card numbers, transfer money in the way that is convenient for you, with the amounts that you can afford, it can be 5, 10, 15 and so on, as many hryvnias as you like
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your income allows, our guys from the 100th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, and it is for them that we are collecting now on 13 mav, which will be extremely grateful to you, because with the help of these drones they will be able to see... where the enemy is, and then they will send art projectiles there and destroy the enemy, please join us for this morning 800 e we collected, i hope that a little more money will be added, well , yesterday a total of 65,000 was added to both our accounts, and we have already crossed the 1 million mark with you, it will be the first soon. the hundred will be gathered soon, if you hurry a little, we have nazarii kishak, the commander of the joint unit of the 153rd brigade, with us again. let's return to the conversation with him, mr. nazariu,
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and i'm on the line, i apologize, sometimes there's just such a connection that it's not worth apologizing to us, we understand, i think our viewers understand that you're not there somewhere in... we sat down to drink coffee and connected via wi-fi, mr. nazarriy, can you hear us, everyone, yes, something, hear, hear, hear, yes, i want to thank you, your channel and our society for that , that not everyone, but still... people help, but thanks to those who have endurance, you know, it's a little late, that young people go to bars, and grandma gives the last ones uah 100 from a petticoat, from a pension so that her grandson can fly a drone there, so that her grandson can
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change the wheels on a car, so that her grandson can build a car for a volunteer who works there to support the unit, i thank everyone who helps, so that... now less and less people are donating and helping the armed forces, but actually today this is the most important stage, sir, mr. nazarriyu, we are now showing the actual qr code, this is the qr code of your brigade collection , what are you collecting for? we are collecting now for the repair of pickups, in we have several machines, we collect pickup trucks for repair, we have a machine that is involved in both logistics and on-site support, and the machine, unfortunately, is just such an exhaustive material that always needs constant repair, and there are some. there are things and moments in these armed forces that we cannot close there because of probably greater delays
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than, i don't know how to pronounce it correctly, well, there is such a thing of the armed forces, when you need it, oh, today the communication , dear friends, in the meantime, let's show the qr code again, because our viewers, you know very well nazarri kishak, who appears on our air, with whom we speak. not the first month and not the first year that has been in hot spots and his unit needs them, here is this qr code, you can help, cars are very needed on the front lines, and their life on the front lines is short, so the military always needs money for that, or to repair or update them, and the fleet that they have there, and these cars in fact. they are very helpful on the front line, because they save lives. mr. nazarius, there is a connection with you again, back to talking with you. do we have it here?
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yes, congratulations, there is one more time, we do not have a connection here, but one, so i want to thank everyone who donates, it is becoming rarer and rarer, you know, and grandmothers really give the last 100 uah of their salaries, their petticoats for for the military to be there, to have some kind of support, so it is necessary to inform. it is necessary to develop the economy of ukraine, it is necessary to learn history anew, who is the opponent, who is the enemy, who is destroying us, our ukrainian people and our nation, who is occupying our lands, and to pass on this history to our children and grandchildren, for generations, so that we are united and invincible, so that we help each other, as a ukrainian, ukrainian women, maybe when, when a person, each in himself. becomes a little kinder, then everything will go better for us, when each other
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will start to support each other better, to love more , then love and peace will really come to us. you, we often talk with you, well, often, as much as you can call it, often talk on the air, and you always give such a sharp assessment of some process in a country that is at war, that is going through this the great war i remember when a lot of our viewers wrote that the support when they saw you on the air, the support of the zsu, the support for this guy, we thank him, then there was a period when our viewers were outraged by what you said on the air, because they did not i liked it, because you said that the whole country should fight, now we had an incident last week literally in dnipro with the participation of the people's elected representative mykola you. which the guards there decided to teach the military in such a rude
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way, and i saw the reviews of my acquaintances who are fighting, they were terribly outraged by this, how do you perceive it, this is the attitude of the people's deputy of ukraine? well, first of all i want to say that everyone should do their job, the military should fight, the people should pray, help, the people's deputies should... provide us with ammunition and money, so that we conduct positional battles, remote battles and so on, of course, this is unacceptable behavior, and if i see tyshchenko in the status of a non-people's deputy, then he will definitely eat pizza, well, briefly, but it is clear, yes, sometimes there are people, you know, well people... sometimes this patience already
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breaks out, and then there are consequences, consequences due to the fact that some simply do not see this problem, do not listen to the ukrainian, you know, i read yarmak and yarmak specifically wrote his opinion about this deputy. and i like that when senior politicians of the highest level really give an assessment as it is, because it starts to lie, it starts to invent something, to fantasize. well , people who are not benevolent, dishonest, unfair, get everything according to their merits, it's just a matter of time, you understand, that is, god, how much feedback does this give, that no matter who you are, in what status there, whether you are a deputy, whether you are some kind of power-holder, or
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you are a cool millionaire there, the goddess gives feedback, a boomerang, and it comes very quickly. suddenly and the person then begins to pray, but it is too late. open your eyes, those who are currently in power, open your eyes and loosen your banyaches a little and help each other, then we will become stronger, there the army will become stronger and there the enemy will fight even worse. well, it is necessary to unite, it is necessary to combine all forces, it is necessary to make every effort, you know i have a very good friend who is one of the officials of the general command of the armed forces, and here i am talking to her, i say that sometimes i am so upset by all this, i just want to pack my suitcase and go, she says where are you going, well you a military man, and then
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the second moment, she complains, i say, where are you going, you are exactly the bell, the one who connects, who solves problems, who solves conflicts, who unites people, you just have to unite, it is necessary to help, and not go there to look for some in the status of a people's deputy call centers and so on, if there are call centers and everyone knows about him, it means that he is crushed, that means that money is being paid for him and no one will do anything except for the higher authorities, mr. nazariyu, thank you, as always sharply. definitely nazarii kishak, the commander of the combined unit of the 153rd brigade, was with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, next will be serhii zurets, a military expert, we will talk about the situation at the front, stay with us. attention, total sale, kors garden trimmers under unpack tv with a discount from only 799 uah, only 799
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ether. vasyl: 2 hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become many as if as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. address of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on
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the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory, together with tssoa, sbu join one of the best special forces in the country. we are expanding and hiring. we invite civil experts. different directions. experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team of tssoa asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. friends, we are back on the air, it's time to talk with a military expert, and you still have time to bash our army. 10 00 hryvnias, this is what you and i collected today in
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the first hour somehow it was more active, please join our collection, we want to collect 2.5 million, we already have 1 million and we are even slowly approaching the first hundred, but without you this first hundred out of two million will not be there. if you're going to make a weak announcement like this, who hasn't done it yet, pick up your phones, scan qr codes, or write down your card numbers, serhiy zorets, military expert, director of defense express, is already with us, mr. serhiy, congratulations you, good morning, i congratulate you, i congratulate you of our viewers, mr. serhiy, what is the situation at the front now, if we take a brief look, well, in fact, the situation is extremely difficult now, because only... there with novooleksandrivka, with the enemy's attempt
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to move towards the pokrovsk highway, ee kostyantynivka, we know about the difficult situation around turetsky, near turetsky, where the enemy is carrying out offensive actions, in general now... the entire front line is extremely difficult, even here it is difficult to single out any particular direction, the enemy is really trying to use the advantage in manpower and equipment, and actually now is a really extremely difficult period, when will this difficult period end and what can it be connected with? well, in fact , the enemy started another phase of the offensive from october last year after the capture of avdiyivka, and since then actually... not every day, connected, well, with the enemy's attempt to use the advantage in manpower, and the length of the front line has increased, now it is
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940 km, the enemy opened a new section of the front, this precisely in the direction of kharkiv, and it seems that the enemy is trying to make the most of this window of opportunity, which was caused by the delay of american military aid, now the aid is coming in a certain way, but in general the enemy... implements the strategy of such a creeping offensive, where at the expense of primarily artillery of manpower, is trying to push through our defense, now indeed, according to the estimates of both military experts and the military-political leadership, the period is extremely difficult, although, if you consider to budanov's recent interview, the coming months will not be easy, but according to his estimates , armagen will not be, i don't know what the point is. the head of the gur slovgedon invests, but i understand that in any case our troops are on the defensive, if there are certain, let's say, territorial gains from the enemy, this should not affect the destruction of the defense line, well
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, in fact, in the end, mobilization and this help, it should equalize the situation, in your opinion, the mobilization is now taking place and indeed, there according to the estimates of the people's deputy mr. roman kostenko is doing positive things. in the preparation of reserves, but we know how exhausted the brigades that are currently holding the entire section of the front, how difficult it is to hold the enemy, but yesterday i had a conversation with an officer of the 47th brigade, which is just holding the enemy in the pokrov direction, he says , that the enemy's assaults do not stop, the enemy primarily uses manpower, and there are also newly mobilized, there are also former wagnerites, so in any case the dynamics... with the number of personnel that are replenished in of the enemy, it is quite like that, well , high and intense, but he says that we are holding this line of defense, and when i
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asked him... how are you doing with the replenishment, he said that, well, in principle, it would be better if the replenishment there was more, and the same thing he said about ammunition, we need more ammunition, if we talk to all areas of the front, with brigade commanders or with brigade officers, i think the situation will be similar enough that now our brigades will indeed hold the enemy, but we we understand that substantial reserves are needed, the enemy is right now is trying to force offensive actions along the entire front line as much as possible, in order, relatively speaking, to make it difficult for us to maneuver with reserves? the us assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs, james o'brien formulated, at least this is the highest official of the united states at the moment, who formulated some principles for the victory of the future ukraine, he said that for this it is necessary to stop the advance of the russians on the front, to make it impossible, to make it impossible to make this advance with and make
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it impossible to harm ukraine. economy, are these generally achievable goals, for example, this one year? well actually i saw this post it surprised me a bit because the person is only talking about some tactical measures that have nothing to do with strategy. the strategy of the united states at this point, in my view, should be a substantial increase in military aid, a substantial increase to move away from this strategy of controlled escalation, where these weapons are delivered piecemeal. piecemeal and make decisions based on the real capabilities of the transferred military weapons and the needs of the battlefield. now we are discussing the current situation in monkaschy stage, the united states gave us permission to use hymers on the territory of the russian federation, based not on geography there, but on military expediency, but this is actually 80 km deep into enemy territory, this
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use is only. heimers, and then when we see a distance of more than 100 km and further, there are about 20 russian airfields that are used for strikes on the territory of ukraine, located in a zone of more than 100 km, when we talk about the presence of s-400 systems, which cover our territory of ukraine with their strike capabilities, they do themselves are more than 100 km outside the borders there, and even then, in fact, even the possibility of using... attack aircraft at a range of 300 km will significantly help the ukrainian army to implement the strategy that the representative of the united states is talking about, so relatively speaking, it is very difficult for us in the conditions of limitation to carry out such measures, and now all the deterrence of the enemy is based on the power of our infantry, which holds the enemy primarily in close infantry battles with the use of a certain amount of our artillery and drones, although...
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there are more powerful levers of influence on the russian potential, which is directly related to the exhaustion of the enemy, the destruction of its offensive potential and the destruction of manpower and equipment, due to the repeated expansion of the zone deep into the russian territory. mr. serhiy, thank you very much for these conversations, for these and for these analytics, serhii zgorets, a military expert was with us, the director of defense express, we talked about the situation at the front and whether, as the americans say, we will be able to stabilize the situation so much that... the russians themselves will ask for some negotiations dear friends, i will remind you that you are watching the marathon on espresso and i will remind you that we work until 12 o'clock. our colleagues from radio svoboda will continue ether spresso. there will be a freedom morning program. after that, andrim and i will return to ether and continue. we still have many topics to discuss. well, now we are approaching 9 o'clock in the morning, at 9:00 in the morning. i will remind you that throughout the country, all ukrainians
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remember and honor a minute. the memory of our compatriots whose lives were cut short by russian aggression against ukraine, so let's let's bow our heads we honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia with a moment of silence.


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