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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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will take the blame from these schwarzeneggers or whatever they call them, so nothing will happen, the investigation will last for two or three years, until the damn investigation goes on, but they can really put him in a circle, this investigation will go on until then, when zelensky will no longer be the president, thank you very much, mr. viktor, despite the fact that the connection is not ideal, but still you found the time, the opportunity to communicate with our viewers, viktor bobarenko, political scientist, buran expert. about politics, this is the opinion of mr. victor, i will add that i still hope for an objective investigation and a legal decision of the court in this case, which gained publicity regarding deprivation of liberty with the use of handcuffs, by the way, special equipment that should be used only by the police, and not some ordinary people in balaclavas, but also the beating of a military officer, i think that this story must be brought to an end, that is why i believe, believe and hope for an objective investigation without... careful and fair,
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legal decision of the court in the case, even with respect to people's deputy mykola tyshchenko, so literally in a moment of news, good evening , we from ukraine, so we continue with the second hour of the great tereu ahead and actually again about tyshchenko, i want to say by the way that andrii yermak is also the head of the president's office, and there are kum-kum connections, but he said that i am with him i don't communicate, just like my godfather. for such a story, the servant of the people said that we have no contact with tyshchenko, well, at least there are such statements, i sent to what i can refer to the statements, what is anyone thinking, i can't read minds, i have there is no milaphone, like alisa serezneva, so i am like that, yes let's get down to the merits of the case, tyshchenko's case in the pecherskyi district court of the city of kyiv , a preventive measure is chosen for the suspicion announced by the state bureau of investigation, the people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people mykola tyshchenko, the defense side requests:
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a closed session, and today , law enforcement officers are in him, at his home , meaning tyshchenko's house, searches were conducted, a large amount of cash in foreign currency was found, during the investigation, the people's deputy broke his phone. let me remind you, on june 20 in dnipro, probably for by order of people's deputy atishchenko, a group of people in balaklava attacked a military man, they beat him and held him for some time using special means, meaning handcuffs. the prosecutor general's office approved the petition for election for mykola tyshchenko. a precautionary measure in the form of 24-hour house arrest, also after the fact of the incident , one more person was notified of suspicion, others involved are currently being identified, investigative actions are ongoing, mykola tyshchenko commented on his actions in the city of dnipro. today there is dnipro the most important center of all butafers in ukraine, over 60,000 people live there today.
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people who work in bot farms, who work in call centers, that such a shameful practice as call centers that deceive ukrainians, deceive the military, deceive their families, take these call centers, money from families, so-called money posthumous, there are a lot of criminal cases in this regard, and i wrote about it repeatedly, for more than one and a half years, i myself... a fair investigation and a legal decision of the court in this case, and there is still a meeting going on, our correspondent went, we will see that there, as soon as we get the information, something has happened, there is a decision, we will definitely announce it, of course, it is being monitored, because it is important, in fact, it is important that there is lawfulness, when there is no lawfulness in the country, then it's wrong, she should. to be in relation to any person,
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even officials, even civil servants, because in our country everyone is equal, and everyone is equal before the law, as in a democratic state. abused civilians, the prosecutor's office reported the suspicion to the russian colonel-general, who directly participated in the occupation kherson region. under his leadership, soldiers of the russian guard dispersed peaceful protests in kherson, and illegally imprisoned, tortured and killed ukrainians in the occupied territories. under the command of the suspect, together with other soldiers of the zsrf, they conducted aggressive military operations in the kherson region, ensured the occupation regime of populated areas, as a result of which more than 200 people, including children, were killed and wounded. the commander of the deployment forces coordinated the installation of roadblocks, organized the filtering of civilians, etc during which inspections, seizure of vehicles, personal searches, illegal detentions of citizens were carried out. indeed,
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unfortunately, such criminals, involved, killed ukrainians and gave orders. sooner or later, of course, or the war will punish, well , the armed forces of ukraine are at war, but... because there will be court decisions, unfortunately, it is not all fast, and again, it is not given easily, but also with a lot of blood, but all the same there will be a trial and there will be a punishment, as taras shevchenko wrote, from now on he is wanted, the international criminal court has issued a warrant for the arrest of the head of the russian general staff, general valery yerasimov and ex-minister of defense serhii shaigu, i do not know, by the way, whether he is a general or not a general, he simply never served in the army, so i do not know what his rank is, accordingly, the statement was published on on the court's website, warrants have been issued. prosecutor's office, themida believes that the suspects are responsible for the rocket attacks of the occupiers on ukrainian energy from october 10 , 2022 until at least march 23. shuigu and gerasimov are also suspected of committing crimes against humanity severe suffering, significant physical injuries
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and damage to mental health, or in principle and destruction of people's mental health, which also unfortunately happened. let me remind you that on march 23, the judge of the un international criminal court was extradited. today's decision on the arrest of the head of the kremlin, vladimir putin, and the child's commissioner, maria lvova bilova, is a clear indication that justice for russian crimes against ukrainians is inevitable . i will just say in one word, you know, there is such a thing a famous photo of the defendants in nuremberg, who sat at the tribunal. the nazi leaders laugh and say why they laughed, because they were convinced that their lawyers, well , would be whitewashed, and they would not be executed, they laughed, they thought that everything was changing, but they were executed, the same with shigu, gerasim, putin , they now think that they will not be punished, now. a minimum of gadgets, a maximum
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of nature and new knowledge in verkhovyna solemnly opened the first shift of the unique children's camp forest school for children of internally displaced persons affected by the war. as well as low-income and large families, how the children spend their time there, let's see further. walks among the mountains, a unique approach to learning and soulful conversations under the open sky. all this in the children's summer camp forest school. within the framework of a charitable project in the heart of the ukrainian carpathians in verkhovyna , children from all over ukraine were gathered for the second time. at an altitude of more than 900 m above sea level , children spend warm summer days in the company of friends and teachers. first, i would not share this space for leisure, life or something is separate there, it's just a space that is completely filled from beginning to end with creativity, freedom, and most importantly - safety.
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here, a safe place in the literal sense of the word, we don't hear sirens here, but it's also safe in the fact that children here can freely, er... express, show their emotions, everything is created for this, well, that is, we don't even limit them walls, that's right, there are mountains here, space here, and children can feel this freedom the way they really feel it. during 10 days in verkhovyna, children get to know each other local culture, because the location is managed by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the founders of traditional hutsul farms. in addition to studying english and polish languages. boys and girls are improving their native ukrainian, out of 30 children, only two spoke fluently with solovyna, after only 5 days in the camp, as the educators say, they not only began to speak, but also sang traditional hutsul songs. the first thing we set
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as our goal is to motivate children in the correct ukrainian language, so that children can communicate freely in the ukrainian language, this child will come, she will get better, she will come such a spiritual ... gachyna, and she will come and bring such a bright positive of the ukrainian language , nation, culture, vyshyvanka. houses, swim in a mountain river, ride on a self-made swing, bake bread, sculpt from clay and play authentic musical instruments, a must-have tradition is an open -air dinner with carpathian dishes by the fire children tell their stories and impressions they got during the day. the only thing that is a bit difficult is giving up gadgets. i like it very much, the camp is simply gorgeous, there is a place to sleep, all the conditions are there, the educators are very kind , they feed very deliciously, we have natalie in the kitchen,
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she feeds simply gorgeously, everyone eats, everyone is simply gorgeous, i really want to thank the educators, they are simply gorgeous people, they gave us a lot, well, love like a friend. mom dad. most of the children saw the scenery of the carpathians for the first time, and all this is thanks to folk deputy mykola knyazhytskyi, in cooperation with partners from taiwan. for a long time , we have been engaged in helping people who are called temporarily displaced persons or refugees, well, we believe that they are ukrainians, and people who have moved from the occupied territories or from the frontline territories to other safer places should obviously feel support from all ukrainians, and they feel it, and we are working on it, we have created a network of shelters where we help the temporarily displaced, and for their children, for the children of those temporarily accommodated, we made such summer camps, there will be five races in the carpathians. in beautiful nature, where children from rural ukraine gather. i want to thank the government of taiwan,
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which helps us organize these camps, and of course, those people who do it here, directly in the carpathians. new acquaintances and a lot of communication help to bring back a real carefree childhood to the little one. the children admit this, they did not have enough. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we provided humanitarian aid to the people, then we created psychological help, legal consultations for adults, as well as various activities for children, and it was in this process that the idea of ​​creating a camp for children, a forest school, where children will stay for 10 days in such a camp closer to nature, where they will learn more about the environment, arose , will understand more why it is important to appreciate the land, why it is important to appreciate where we are now, in which country we live. because your beauty, that
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clean water, wonderful children, wonderful wonderful atmosphere, we wish you a good rest, gather strength and stamina, and with strength and stamina already in the studio, yuliy fizaryu is ready to talk about events outside ukraine, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us at this time, today about the following: emmanuel macron again does not mind talking to putin about putin's ultimatum, and turkey offers its mediation services. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine and i will start in a moment. i usually wrap up with information about donald trump, but today's information is that i'm with i'm starting her. 45th president of the united states of america. in case of victory in the elections, which will be held on november 5 this year, he can demand from ukraine to start peace negotiations
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with russia, he can threaten to stop the supply of american weapons to us. this is stated in the plan for resolving the situation in ukraine, which was prepared for trump by two of his key advisers, the chiefs of staff at the national security council during his presidency. lt. gen. keith kelloch and fred fleitz. the text of this document has been seen a reuters journalist. at the same time washington. during trump's presidency will also threaten moscow with increased support for kyiv in case of any refusal to negotiate. and at the same time, according to the plan, peace negotiations will be held on the basis of the existing front line. according to information obtained by the reuters agency, donald trump has already seen this plan and reacted positively to it. in the end, it seems to me that such an interesting moment has emerged here, you remember, donald trump himself has repeatedly spoken about this. and even talked about what he would give to one from the second, he will take away, they say, he will take away
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weapons from ukraine, the russians, from russia, he will allow the russians to trade with the west, and it just seems to me personally, i don’t know, i may be wrong, but that this is just this you throwing in this plan is simply being done for that, by the way, this is not the plan of donald trump himself, the plan of very intelligent people, his advisers, who are gathering there, will prepare something, and now he was offered, well, but in any case... i repeat again, trump himself repeatedly he said that, now his advisors are talking about it, well, we'll see what happens further. the european union has officially launched negotiations with ukraine on joining the european community. the minister of foreign affairs of belgium, adjalabi, was the first to announce this today before the start of the intergovernmental ukrainian-eu conferences, after the solemn launch of the negotiations, preparations will begin. to the first consultations in substance, and according to a european source who
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is familiar with the situation, such a process usually lasts about a year, but in the case of ukraine, as well as moldova, it can be much faster, while the source refused to predict a possible time for the start of such consultations. and the formal start of negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the euro'. union, this is a turning point not only for kyiv, but also for brussels. the president of the european commission, ursula funderlein, said this during her address today. according to her, it is not easy. news, and she even warned that there is no short way to membership, since, according to the president of the european commission, negotiations such as these are designed to prepare candidates for responsibility for this membership, and then let's listen to ursula fondelein in direct speech. negotiations on accession
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to the eu are designed to prepare the candidates for implementation. such a membership, and that is why there are no shortcuts here, we start them in a spirit of openness, involvement and commitment . we have a difficult path ahead of us, but it is also filled with great opportunities for moldova and ukraine, as well as for our entire union. together we can create a bigger, more dynamic and more promising europe, so i wish you a very successful start to the negotiations. well, we thank mrs. funderlein for that, the countries of the european union, by the way, approved her candidacy for the position of president of the european commission, the german agency dpa reported, citing its sources, estonian prime minister kaya kalas was approved for the position of chief european diplomat, she will replace josep borel, and the former
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prime minister of portugal, antonio costa , will replace charles michel as... head of the european council. hungary does not agree with the beginning of the negotiation process with ukraine, but will not block it. yes, as always cunningly in orban's way, said the prime minister of hungary. this is how he commented on the beginning of these negotiations. in an interview with the german media group funke, he called these negotiations politically motivated and added that at the moment it is not about saying yes or no in ukraine. and then a short quote from the leader. hungarian government. first, we will have to examine what the consequences would be if we were to take a country now at war, whose borders in practice are indistinct. well, i will add also that since july 1, hungary is taking over the presidency of the council of the european union. i believe in the power of dialogue and
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would continue the dialogue with vladimir putin. this is the president of france. according to him , it is always necessary to talk even with putin. and at the same time - added the host of the european palace. he has been talking with putin for a very long time. well, but does not exclude the possibility of such a conversation on various topics in the future. emmanuel macron added that he would discuss with the kremlin host, in particular, the topic of nuclear power plants. but here what exactly he would like to talk about. but the french president did not clarify this, but i will remind you that macron last spoke with putin on the phone on september 11, 2022. if one party or parties, i.e. ukraine, or the event that supports it, does not accept his proposals, then
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he is not going to enter into any negotiations and agreements to end his war in ukraine. putin said this in an address to the participants of the annual event. primakov's readings, only he himself was neither in the hall nor even on the tv screen, he read the text of the appeal putin's assistant yuriy ushakov, well, no matter what, nothing has changed in the position of the main criminal of the world, he again demands that ukraine withdraw all its troops from the temporarily occupied territories, including the cities of kherson and zaporizhzhia. in addition, putin demands that the ukrainian leadership abandon the idea of ​​joining nato. well, i'm interested purely hypothetically, vasyl, look, just imagine, at some point the leadership of ukraine says to putin, okay, fine, we are ready for some negotiations with you there, but we have to hold a referendum in those territories that we currently control, which you do not control, because the referendum will be held in those territories, everyone wanted to go to russia, let's hold a referendum in kherson or zaporizhzhia and see if people want to
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go to russia, that's interesting , i'm just curious , hypothetically, what putin would say now, that oh no, no, we won't pro... hold a referendum there, because you control it, and this referendum will be under the muzzles of ukrainian machine guns, it's just interesting, you know, purely hypothetically, what would he say to such a thing proposal, well, of course, there will be no such proposal, we will go to victory and further, i think he is too old to say something new, what he always says, well , in fact, almost exactly what you did not say , putin can finally come to turkey, he was going there for a long time, but something was standing in his way, the head of the turkish foreign... political department, hakan fidan, announced. on the air of the haber turk tv channel, the minister said that the discussion of the visit of the head of russia may resume in the near future. well, that's it. dad hakan fidan. we are waiting for mr. putin to visit us. our president used to invite him, there was talk of his arrival, but first there were elections in russia, then in
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our country. perhaps the leaders will discuss this issue again in the coming days. today, by the way, i mean erdogan and putin , they spoke on the phone, but they did not discuss this issue. well, hakan fidan also reported that turkey, the leadership of turkey, would not mind offering their mediators. services for, as he said, the fastest peaceful settlement of the conflict in ukraine, we don't need such peaceful mediation services, it's a war, he should remember that. another significant news of this day, the odious founder of wikileaks, julian assange, was released from custody, eventually even from prison in great britain, however, so far only on bail, this was reported by the agency itself, which specializes... in the release of secret information , which was obtained in some not entirely legal way, according to the published information, mr. assange agreed to cooperate with the ministry of finance
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of the united states of america, however, this agreement has not yet been finalized, there will be a court hearing tomorrow, and there they will have to give him some kind of verdict, in addition, he pleaded guilty to conspiracy to obtain and disclose information about national defense, on one count of murder. vision from 18, at the court session on june 26, at the request of the prosecutor's office , he will be sentenced to 62 months in prison, as expected, but according to the agreement, he will be credited with 5 years spent in a london prison. well , let's go back to what happened in russia the day before, at least five or six, i'm sorry, that's how many people died, and it's already official. the day before, they became victims of a large-scale fire in the suburbs of moscow, burning down the building of the scientific research institute platan, which develops and manufactures radio equipment, in particular for the russian
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army of occupation. several others received injuries of varying degrees of severity, the ignition occurred the day before at noon, burned on an area of ​​500 m2, the fire quickly spread through the building, blocking people on the upper floors. later , even the explosions that occurred were caught on video inside the superstructure. local emnsniki reported that they extinguished the fire, but before that , the ceiling collapsed between some floors inside. and finally, despite the information from the russian ministry of war that they shoot down all ukrainian drones that fly into the territory of the terrorist country, which in the end should not even exist on the world map, local residents of several pri'. donnyh russian regions prove that everything is exactly the opposite. ukrainian drones not only fly to targets, but also hit them them tonight, the iron birds of ukraine
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targeted a field warehouse with ammunition, which is located in the vilkhuvatsky district of the voronytsk region. i calculated that it is about 50 km from there to the border with ukraine. it is known that the hit occurred at a military unit, on the territory of which about 3 thousand were stored. artillery shells, the detonation is still ongoing, a state of emergency was introduced in the region, entry to and exit from the district was blocked, well , there was simply no need to go to us, that's all i can say now, well, for today i have everything in world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more, and as i always say, there will be more in our future broadcast, so don't switch. thank you very much, yuriy fizdra, actually yuriy ended with an almost military topic about the explosion of warehouses on the territory
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of russia, and we will talk about non-military topics, but already in ukraine , dmytro lazutkin, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, is in touch with us, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you, my congratulations, i'm glad to see and hear, i haven't seen it yet, but i will now, the ministry of defense did not support the draft law on 150 days to update the data of conscripts in the reserve plus system, please explain why you are against it, as far as i know, it will become 1,100,00 conscripts have updated their data, this is quite a serious number of people, please, well actually now updated more, 2,300,00 updated their data, and among them 1,800 thousand almost reserve plus application. well, we just don't see now, we don't see the reasons why the term should be extended, let me remind you that from
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may 18, these military obligations have 60 days. reservists and conscripts for to clarify or update your data, you can have a reserve in snap, stck and in the electronic cabinet of the application, in which it can be done in 10 minutes. yes, that means there is time until july 18th, and those who haven't updated their details by then should do so as of now, at least until july 16th, because the 60 days expires on july 16th. ugh, thank you very much for the information, mr. dmytro, i wish you a good evening, dmytro lazutkin was with us, the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, we discussed this issue, it is very important, in fact there is still time until july 16, and indeed, those who want to update their data can do so, well, those who are not registered can register, there are also such opportunities, although of course there are certain issues with queues and so on, well, but anyway, we'll be back to ours in literally a few there in less than a minute, stay tuned, it's going to be interesting. laughter,
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of memoefect improve work. nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. the memo effect from dr. tys improves memory and attention, helps to think. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about... ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on verdict with serhii rudenko, from tuesday to friday from 20 to 22. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but how do these changes affect our lives? we have analyzed the new decrees to inform you about the latest changes in
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ukrainian legislation. how do legislative norms change our lives, what should we prepare for? leading lawyers of the aktum bar association will answer these and other questions that concern ukrainians. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. thank you for waiting, this is a big ether, we are back and now it's time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with me, oleksandr, please have the floor. thank you vasyl, congratulations to the audience, in the next few minutes you will learn about the most interesting things in the world of money, what is the white business club and whether entrepreneurs will go to the wall to work according to the real tax code, i will not only talk about this in a moment.


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