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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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they cannot ask in front of everyone why you gave me such a score, for example, galina mykhailovna. students from western ukraine ask everyone and explain to them, students from our territories will approach quietly in the corridor, it's not about language now, we're not talking about language now, we're talking about some - i'm talking about mentality, attitudes, that is, keep quiet here, don't don't say anything. it will be, somehow it will resolve itself, and it rolls and rolls, you know, yesterday i was standing by the kiosk, the girl said on the phone, well with such slobodzhan speech, such a slob with mom, mom, mom, just approaches the kiosk and starts addressing the seller in russian, i stand like that and think, well, your native language is ukrainian, why do you still use russian on the street, even though at home you speak ukrainian, you know, it goes, you know, it’s still rolled up
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, it goes, it goes, although many people have already thrown off these shackles, eh, that’s possible, you know, as if they’ve freed themselves, that it’s enough to be invisible, i had the experience of a few days ago, when i was walking around kharkiv for 40 minutes i only heard the ukrainian language, i was so surprised, i thought, well, i'm really in kharkiv, really i'm in kharkiv, what happened, what happened, well , young people are just chirping around in ukrainian, older people still see ukrainian, but that 's me. .. probably lucky, i think, because it’s not always like that, but little by little, kharkiv is waking up, it’s a long process, i’ll say it right away, a long process, because people know how stressful it is now, and people, people add another stress , cannot always think so fast, but gradually it changes, and i will say, kharkiv is a city where there are now a lot of people oriented towards victory, these are people with such a strong passion. those who are somehow
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afraid, those who cannot stand this situation of living in such a frontier city, they have long since left, so this moment there will be changes slowly, well, they are like that, you know, like summer flows, melts down the river, and the river still, you know, you see, soon, very soon the icebreaker will leave, so far there are only small cracks, the city is a frontier, it is not so easy, but well, but also honorable in some ways and and... and heroically in fact, to be a kharkivite today, mrs. galina, thank you very much for this conversation, and to all kharkiv residents, mrs. galina, mrs. galina personally, we wish you a peaceful day today and a successful day. well, we are now going on a short break, gentlemen, and then we will visit dnipropetrovsk region. in the latest edition of the magazine
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ukraine. exclusive interview with diplomat oleksandr khara. why russia has the right to veto ukraine's entry into nato. resonant investigation is a road to nowhere. how can the construction of a forest road destroy a historical monument? unique vitaly portnikov about the impact of the war on ukrainians and the values ​​that will unite the nation. the diary of the legendary nationalist mykola kokhanivskyi. the country is always at the forefront . search at press outlets or pre-pay online. anatomy of hate. putin and ukraine. the new book of espresso tv presenter serhiy rudenko. insight information from the first mouth. behind the scenes of russian politics and events, which the author himself witnessed. unsuccessful attempts to change presidents, poisoning of political leaders of the ukrainian state, murder and bloody war. all this is in the book serhiy rudenko, anatomy of hate. putin and ukraine. search in bookstores of ukraine.
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ukraine-belgium only on meego. our team will give the red devils real hell to get a historic victory. cheer on june 26 at 19:00 and watch all euro 2024 matches exclusively on veko. fm. galicia listen my, mom, i threw up and i’m sick, the heat always only makes me sick, intoxication can cause dehydration, and it’s important to restore the water-electrolyte balance, when ordinary water is not enough, i recommend reo to adults and children, let’s save ourselves with water reo, reo saves, reo - water for special medical purposes. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two
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hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to find out... about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters , which for many have become like-minded, as well as honored guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the verkhovna rada regularly passes new laws, but like these changes affect our lives? issued new resolutions to inform you about the latest changes in ukrainian legislation, how legislative norms change our lives, what to prepare for, these and other questions that concern ukrainians will be answered by the leading lawyers of the aktum bar association. watch every tuesday at 7:55 in the
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legal expertise program on the espresso tv channel. get closer to victory. join one of the best special forces of the country together with the central security service of ukraine, the security service of ukraine. we are expanding and hiring. we invite various civilian specialists directions experienced commanders will ensure your high-quality training and education. fill out the questionnaire and choose the direction where you can be most effective. we are waiting for you in the team. tsoo asbu. together we will write the history of victory. details on the official pages of the sbu. well , gentlemen, we return to our telethon. as i promised, now we will visit the
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dnipro. there is always a lot of news in dnipro, it is a big hub, today both volunteer and military, since it is not far from the front, but at a sufficient distance to... to be, in principle, well, not quite a front-line city, as in the case of kharkiv, let's say so, and i also have scandals there, you know, from time to time with the same mykola tyschenko, this scandal happened, i will remind you that in dnipro, when he attacked a military veteran with his bodyguard , because he didn't like that one, well, he didn't like that and that's all, well, what can he do because... it's just, in fact, we are quieter, and he himself looked at himself in the mirror, but he likes himself very much, i don't know, how he can like it, and maybe not like it, because i, if a person to himself liked it, and maybe she didn’t resort to injections, botex, yes, i don’t know which ones there are, now there are all kinds of different ones, i don’t know everything about their types, i only know about gili
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murumuronic acid, maybe it’s that and it's really interesting, but tyshchenko could run a blog, for example, about a beauty blog, for example, how i became beautiful, he decided that he wants to be a deputy. he went, well, actually, he decided for himself, and a large number of people voted for him, somewhere there are several tens of thousands, several 10 thousand ukrainians, and now you look at tyshchenko, you look at the fact that he, listen to what he says, how it sounds to you , it seems like 23 with a piece, yes, a few dozen, that's how it is for you to listen to tyshchenko and what he says, you like it, you really , when you voted, you really thought about that , that you choose the people's elected representative? who will defend your rights in the parliament, you thought about this then , maybe the next time it occurs to you to make some choice for a joke, then it is better to sit at home that day and not go anywhere to vote, well, or think better,
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think, figure it out, read about this one a person, find out about him, who he is, what he is, because he hosted some shows there, well, a person can host a show, but there they write a script for him, and then there are also ... editing directors who glue, cut out some unfortunate words , and what he said yesterday on the live air, well, there is no gluing, but what did he say so interestingly yesterday, and he said a lot of interesting things, yesterday, you just know, it’s just oh oh, oh, oh look, we can, and we can try, by the way, we can now give mykola tyshchenko, tyshchenko said that he came to embody. ideas of president zelenskyi, this is actually his vocation as a politician and deputy, and he was asked to formulate this idea himself, and this is what we heard, the request, i say, we will fight together, we are with him, he is asking me, i
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am taking him and we we go, he writes a statement, we come to the shevchenkivska rfd, gnp, write a statement, he has a statement. already to the number, number, i am writing a statement, they are writing to me, but i had phones, i don’t have them anymore, there are three phones, i really want to... there are, there are no, they write a statement, gnp, and all sorts of different things, it’s funny, of course, but it's sad, but you know somewhere, there was also such a watermelon who had a hard, hard time, i and azarov look together like that, and like that, listen, but a person, well, he says, but i still have nothing, oratory, there is kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, is already with us, let's ask how it is in dnipro? mrs. kateryna, good morning, first of all, how was this morning, how did the night pass and what is
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dnipro watching over tyshchenko, because it all started with dnipro. ah, well, congratulations, well, tonight in our country, according to tradition, which is bad for dnipropetrovsk region , nikopol region, miriv region and manganetsk community. fortunately, there are no victims today, but, as usual, we already have two or two private houses with other infrastructure is damaged and a little bit civilian, but this night is more or less calm, because apart from that, in principle , nothing happened in the region due to military events. ugh. what do they say about the story with tyshchenko, what is its development, it seems that some policeman was fired, someone else was detained in connection with this case. yes, they were detained, well, in general, if we talk about this story. there who remembers, who doesn't remember it shook society very much, both in
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the dnipro and in general, but the people of dnipro speak very strongly about it, and all the military joined in supporting the military itself, to which there was, well, all the beatings and so on, a person just walked with a cart in his native city and made a remark to the people with weapons that they behaved abnormally there, and it is not surprising, because how can abnormal people behave normally, well, it was probably there and it was all visible from the side, for which they simply attacked a person , well, not knowing what, of course it's a military man, but what's the difference, that is, yes, and after that, of course, there are all the court events, detentions, it's... no, well, let's put it this way, the fact that those attackers who were these people,
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tishchenko, were detained, yes , these two, i don't even know how to say it correctly, well, men, let's say it so as not to call anyone names and so on, these two, these two people detained them, of course it 's good, but what, what exactly is there for them will be sentenced, i don't know, i can't say, but we can already see, tyshchenko was sentenced to house arrest, well, house arrest - to submit passports, well, no one knows how many passports he has there, of course, for sure, but well, this is a bit of a strange punishment, house arrest for, well , wartime for such actions and, let's say, moderation of even such actions, well, let's see what will happen next, but society in dnipro is very strongly against, well... such moments in general, and the reaction in society is exactly as it should be, that is, there cannot be any
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ambiguity here, there cannot be any other interpretation of these events, since they must be perceived, that's how they are perceived, it's unacceptable, it's terrible, and well, ladies, you know what i'm thinking about, but when you look at these footage, how many cases were there, for sure, when those thugs and he himself did the same thing somewhere in... the carpathians, somewhere in other cities, with people , who were not veterans in the kraken, like this mr. pavlov, with people who could not come out to journalists after that, to some deputies, to some combrigs and so on, people who simply had to endure it, bullying, what about all this , but president zelenskyi suddenly fired today, for example, the head of ov vinnytskyi, that. without explanations, what happened is unknown, but a lot of videos have appeared on russian media, i will not comment on it now and i am not
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100% sure of its authenticity, but it is good that there is some reaction, let's say so, but the question is simply that good, which is not good for tyshchenko, probably that he attacked the wrong one, what is called with his guys in camouflage. with weapons, but, but the question that everyone really has, here it is, it remains open, how many cases were there when people had to endure, that's all. the story is simply about that m yes, well, in general, tishchenko, under this struggle of his with famous offices and so on, he covers up his even worse deeds and achievements, let’s say that in principle we see on the streets of dnipro, and it’s
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a pity that they suffer from this ordinary people, it could also be my we. man, it might not be a military man, actually, but what now, now you can attack people in our city or something, well, like, in general, to what extent, well, let's say this, the first is the scandalous situation with tyshchenko in dnipro, which got into the public eye, yes, well of such a format, but many times i was there from, well , locals... let's say, when his raids were there in dnipro, i heard that in general, his people were even on the streets of dnipro, when they were doing this thing, well, they were doing it, like ok , there are these revelations, well, it’s as if they called it good there, but the way they behaved even with the locals, what they did on the streets when they walked there with cars and so
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on, well, that is, this behavior is constantly monitored like this in people, therefore... well, this is not normal, and such people should be punished, because everyone should feel safe, at least in our country, and not suffer from internal enemies, such, well, this is some kind of behavior of some feudal lord who came somewhere in the middle ages, he with some kind of mail, with security , here for all the rest of the serfs, and then the rest are serfs, stinkers and scumbags, give up, here... bow down, fall down, so fall at your feet, such a gentleman has come, it’s only the 21st century, and only the 21st century, and it’s us and we and we aspire to europe, and we and we consider ourselves europe, we consider ourselves europe, maybe tyshchenko just messed something up a little bit and is a little out of place, our viewers don't believe, someone here writes that nothing will happen to him, we
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'll see, we'll follow this story, of course, we'll do everything depending on yourself at different levels, ms. kateryna. thank you for the conversation, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was in touch with us, now friends, we are going for a short break, we will come back and visit you in sumy oblast, stay. attention, total sale, garden trimmers kors unpack tv with a discount of only 799 uah, only 799 for a reliable tool, high power, ease of use, very profitable. minimum effort, maximum result. hurry to order while the video is being broadcast. trimmers, light and very powerful. mow with gas near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even branches. simple and easy. leave big heavy mowers in the past. choose kors trimmers, classic or with lawn mower function. call now to order at a special discount
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of voltage drops and will not break when dropped. the standard base is suitable for almost any chandelier or floor lamp. trapto turned off the light, it is necessary to light candles again or look for a flashlight in which the batteries ran out, let there be light in your home, always a light bulb, a smart light for only uah 149, works even without electricity, the offer is limited, call, summer is a time of rest and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little... for the children of the world destroyed by the war. these children are dead. heroes, father or mother, who, defending our country with you, died at the front, and they, as no one, others need our support, because
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they are the future of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children to recover faster after a loss, children feel better emotionally, i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips this summer for the children who died. hero, children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, find new friends, and most importantly, they will receive help from qualified psychologists, and maybe now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or large business owners who will be willing to pitch in and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who have lost. poor people, because their parents went to protect our country. i really liked the trip to austria, i liked the museums we went to every day. it was amazing and i really
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enjoyed how we went out to restaurants. i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this trip had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you very much for this an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's give together. people who will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments. friends, we are back on the air, we will continue our roll call and now we will have alyona yatsina, the military leader of cordon media, from sumy, we are adding her to our ether, ms. alyona, we welcome you. good morning this morning how is it in sumy oblast, how was the night? well, from the previous information, nothing happened to make us say that something, something is wrong, that is, shelling
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there were, but there are no consequences, at least as far as we know, we will be at 7:30 in the morning, this is the border of the media that you represent, which is now the focus of your attention primarily on sumy region, well, the focus of our attention is sumy region. first of all, we follow what is happening on the border, in the border communities, we follow what, uh, what if the russians did in our country as a result of the shelling, because, unfortunately, we do not officially know much about them they speak willingly, i would say, they hardly speak, eh, and we follow life, of course people, peaceful civilian residents, throughout sumy oblast, that is, how people live, and those who stay there... in the five-kilometer zone, those who live on the very border, how people develop, do, build businesses, restore their houses and so on, and so
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on, that is, what is the life of the region, you say that they are not very willing to talk about the consequences, what exactly is not being talked about in your opinion, and whatever should be said, you know, in general, they do not pay attention to settlements on the border, and in particular, that is, if a house in the village was destroyed, for example, as a result of a mortar shelling or something else, the authorities do not count it at all and do not consider it as a consequence, that is , they do not report about it, that is, it is the person who must probably die, so that our authorities write about it, that as a result of the shelling , such things happened to us, even they don't always write about the wounded, but we have our own sources everywhere in the communities, we do all this, we follow it, we constantly show it, because... we believe that the consequences of russian aggression, the consequences of the war, what is happening to peaceful population, that's all, almost all of that is there
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crimes, and all this must be shown exactly what russia is actually doing, in particular in the sumy region, the border region of the sumy region, what it looks like now, whether there are any whole houses, of course. but there are a lot of broken houses in individual villages, which are either right on the samisin border or very close, from my personal, let’s say, from what i see, the most broken villages are in the velikoposerivska community, in particular this village of popivka, yes the village oleksandrivka itself, abologivka, and in the bilopol community, there is, for example, the village of volfyna, which is located on the very border. with the russian federation until the 14th year, it seems or until the 15th, there was a border crossing point with russia, where one part is in russia, and the second is in ukraine, but
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it seems, or is it another word? this is not the same village, in russia there is the village of volfine, and we have the village of volfeny, and they are opposite each other across the border, so this was probably the first village from which all the people completely left, at the end of 22, back in december 22 because it was impossible to live there, and that village is on the street, so the border divides the house in half, that is, one half of the house, you know, there are such for two owners, one half of a house in russia. and the other one in ukraine, what is the word, ryzhivka, and that is where the kadyriv people said that they conquered this village there? er, it was an informational and psychological operation, it was one of the regular drgs that went there, took off tiktok and left, but i would like to note that not all of them reached the place of deployment, because then the next one, after
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several news, they have the same , what about the fact that they... died, our guys caught up with them a little already on the russian side, they didn't succeed update your tik-tok, a little yes, but this is a good metaphor for this village, this ryzhivka, which was really divided by a border, and it is obvious that people somewhere before the war, even before the 14th year, well, well, well, well, they almost didn't feel this border when they lived there, it's true, well, they communicated somehow, i don't even know, the people who lived in this bd. across which border passes, the people who lived in this house, in particular, we know one of the grandmothers, she left ryzhivka in march of this year, because the russians destroyed this house in including, they communicated in many villages that were opposite each other, somewhere nearby, there are a lot of relatives there, well, you know how people in villages, for example, sometimes date or marry there, that is, someone from a neighboring village, that is, such connections there were connections from the 14th year.
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they have not become weaker, essentially weaker, but now almost none of the people we see, they do not communicate with each other, despite the fact that, for example, the parents remained in ukraine, and there the daughter married someone in russia federations and so on and so on, do not communicate, or because of different views on the world situation in general, because of the impossibility of controlling their emotions, or some other reason, they... are afraid that it may be perceived as, well, god forbid, someone will say something superfluous, you know, and they are very afraid and for themselves in ukraine, so that, god forbid, they think that they are doing something with the russians there, they communicate, and that they do not frame their relatives in russia, because there are totalitarian machines like that, god, it is really scary, and how does anyone know it , how
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it is, how it ends, and whether they can both... these families after it ends war. who knows, we'll see. mrs. alyona, thank you, thank you for what you do and what you say, we talked today about sumy oblast and about what the local authorities are not always willing to talk about about the consequences of shelling of border settlements. alyona yatsina voenkorka, edition of kordon media and sum joined us, dear friends. we are approaching 8 o'clock in the morning, oles vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, let me remind you, we are working for you today until 12 o'clock, well, at 8 o'clock in the morning we will have news, a fresh selection is ready and ready our iryna koval will tell you about it, but to begin with, iro, i congratulate you and ask about that, yesterday andriy asked, i say, we will ask our ira, but we did not have the opportunity to talk about it yesterday, we are talking today, what are the average donations, what is the sum of two 10, 30,
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i congratulate olesya, i congratulate all those who have just joined us, well, look, there are different donations, there are from 5 uah, even from 30, most often it is 50, 200 uah, but i want to thank everyone, because we you and i know that any donation is important, if even all those who help us now he is looking, they will be able to donate 50 hryvnias each, we will already collect quite powerfully. amount and i want to thank serhiy, who just 5 minutes ago donated 200 hryvnias. oh, that 's it, that's it, that's great, well, what's up, iro, the news, then we'll come back and continue our dream, literally in a moment i'll tell you about all the most important things at this time, so wait.


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