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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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ports, i do not know about such cases, but about cases related to construction, cases that are actually such and such, inflated prices, yes, they were fixed in procurement systems or such kickback systems were created, then of course there are such courts , and there are such cases, you also need to understand that the verdicts, which are now in a higher court, for example, the anti-corruption court, again, these are verdicts that concern specific high-ranking officials, who, again, you... for example, bribery, i.e. illegal gain, and these and fathers are actually overpriced schemes prices, schemes for those bribes, it is not so easy to investigate them, because it is obvious that no one directly says that you have to pay, as employers, the employers' federation say, for example, that we have, we have to put a full stop, in any case, good luck you in your work, i hope, of course, that corruption is not something that will be overcome quickly, i do not believe in pink people. not,
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but that the fight against it will make it impossible for it to grow, because at some stage this cancerous disease can kill the country, this is also true. martyna bohuslavets, head meza of the anti-corruption center was in touch with us, and you know, we are collecting money for the needs of the military, and we hear about sums of 20 million kickbacks, 100 million kickbacks, some people are incomprehensible, they buy and change expensive cars like gloves, they live in expensive housing estates, courts, dbr, there are any in general. channels and you think, people's deputies with bags of money, and you think if everything is right, whatever it is, in any case, we must continue, and we will continue with the news in a moment, good evening, we are from ukraine, right away saying, we wish you success in national team, it starts its game against the belgian national team, i say so, it is understood that of course many ukrainians will watch football, those who watch espresso, velikiy eter will continue to watch velikiy. at least i will not turn on football,
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may god help us, he will do his thing for us. so, nine people were injured in the tug-of-war in the kharkiv region as a result of an enemy strike, among the wounded were two children - reported the head of the military administration of the region, oleg synigubov, among the victims were laceration wounds and an acute reaction to stress. occupants hour therefore, they hit the residential sector of the city with a guided aerial bomb. well, not only kharkiv region is under attack, five men were injured in our region. after the russian attack on the humanitarian headquarters of the city military administration of kherson, according to the information of the head of the city, people were given medical assistance in the hospital, the premises of the headquarters and warehouses were damaged, next to it three cars, which were used to deliver aid to the needy, were fired upon from the temporarily occupied left bank of the kherson region. well, the russians can't stand the tension of this hot war either. since the beginning of june more the number of appeals from the military
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of the aggressor's army who wish to surrender as prisoners through the "i want to live" project. andriy yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, said this. according to him, this is connected with the next thoughtless assaults of the occupiers. yusov notes that some of the otsians really do not want to be war criminals, so they are trying to save their lives and turn to ukraine, recalling the state project, i want to live, which has been working since september 22. during the year of work , he received more than 22 thousand appeals from military of the russian federation. additional restrictions are being introduced in the border zone in transcarpathia, all to prevent crimes, reports the western regional office of the state border service of ukraine. they will operate in nine communities of the uzhgorod district, where it is forbidden to carry out any work outside the borders of the settlements, to drive a car.
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that are not registered in ukraine, as well as to drive on the roads from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., such is the curfew hour for cars, but this does not apply to roads, leading to checkpoints across the state border. it is not possible to stop on the side of the road, unless it is related to a malfunction of the car. the use of night vision devices, thermal imagers and a radio station is also under control. the restriction does not apply to officials and military personnel. abuse in procurement, the ex-head of the department of the ukrenergo company appropriated uah 10 million of budget money for the purchase of bulletproof vests. in the spring of the 22nd, he ordered protective vests for the employees of the energy company, according to the message of the security service of ukraine. for for this, he involved a commercial structure that does not even have permits and licenses for the production of military ammunition, let alone ammunition that actually saves people's lives. a batch of bulletproof vests was sold to him
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at twice the market value, the exhibitor faces up to 6 years in prison. bail of 200 million. hryvnias, the higher anti-corruption court chose a preventive measure against the owner of the altis group, who is suspected of legalizing more than 21 million euros received through bribery. oleksandr glimbovskyi's lawyer filed an appeal appeal against this decision. let me remind you that glimbovsky is suspected of the legalized part of the bribe received by the ex-head of the state fiscal service of ukraine roman nasirov. in kyiv , the police for... received a quartet of drug dealers and seized 4 million hryvnias worth of cocaine. the drug business was established by four people. a 56-year-old woman and a 54-year-old man ensured the supply of cocaine to the capital and gave it to their accomplices, two men. they, in turn , ensured the direct sale of drugs,
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there were such dealers. the extras were detained under the time of sale of the next batch of white powder. during the search, accomplices were seized. cocaine, a hand grenade, money obtained by crime and three cars. criminals face up to 12 years in prison. and the law on the use of the english language in ukraine was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi, the document was already published on the website of the parliament, and it was approved by 236 people's deputies in early june. the law establishes the status of english as one of the languages ​​of international communication in ukraine, and also recognizes determines the positions for which candidates are obliged to speak english, to speak a foreign language fluently, now ukrainian officials, military personnel, officers serving under contract, as well as middle and senior police officers, will have their knowledge tested on a free exam
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organized by the ministry of education and science of ukraine. here it is necessary to clearly state at what level you should communicate, because to communicate fluently in english is a matter of... already so conditional b1, b2, c1, c2, i had one good friend, mr. professor, who lived almost all his life from the age of 23 in the united states and in canada, he said when he was 75 years old: "i am not fluent in english, because english is too rich, a big language, with idioms, with a huge history, with many nuances, which, having lived in the usa for 50 years, i did not understand, so i have to say what the level should be, b2, b2, c1, c1 , that's all. unfortunately, a large number of officials, not that they do not know it perfectly, they know it at all, a little better, like mykola yanovych azarov. to establish cooperation between the enslaved peoples of russia and ukrainians abroad, the first world
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congress of the anti-imperial bloc of peoples was held in lithuania, among the delegates were leaders of national liberation movements, enslaved peoples of russia, tatarstan, ichkeria, bashkortostan, buryatia, karelia and others. as well as a representative of the world congress of ukrainians. as a result of the work of the congress, the kaunas resolution was signed, which defines the strategic objectives and principles of activity of the anti-imperial bloc of peoples. that's it the kaunas resolution is actually the ideological basis for the collapse of the russian federation. and this resolution was signed by peoples and nations living in the russian federation, because it is primarily their business. they don't want to live in... in a totalitarian state, they don't want their sons and daughters to die in ukraine, they don't want to pay reparations in ukraine with their own resources, this is not just another document, but this is actually the basis, in fact this is the basis for instructions on the collapse of the moscow
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prison of the peoples, the collapse of the moscow prison prison people will still happen, but unfortunately, ukrainians have paid, are paying and... will pay too high a price for this, well, we will return to our conversation in just a few minutes, stay with espresso, we are not going anywhere, stay with us. on june 22, ivano-frankivtsi woke up to explosions, at dawn russian occupiers attacked civilian infrastructure, damaged the university building in the city. oil and gas, a lyceum, a library, a church building, a kindergarten and high-rise buildings, next to a house that was renovated or not most of all, the authorities deployed a mobile center for the provision of administrative services. we have now begun to accept applications for compensation from residents, and in parallel
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we will act and carry out those works related to structural elements. well, the windows in the entrances, repairs, what concerns the structure itself. house, people have the opportunity to come right here in the yard of berehova 32 to write an application so as not to walk there through the checkpoints of the city of ivano-frankivsk and to issue this assistance here. employees of the center for the provision of administrative services help residents to apply documents for compensation of damaged property. natalia is one of those whose apartment was hit by debris from a russian rocket. mine is not very strong, because mine only has one window going out, it broke completely, flew out, and many people were badly hurt. we have already consulted everything, we need to write statements, give documents. there will be another commission to assess the damage, we hope that we will be compensated.
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after filing the application, the travel commission assesses the damage in each home. based on the results of these surveys, frankiv residents receive cash compensation from the city budget. also, in the administrative services center , people are consulted, the service includes restoration and renewal of damaged documents. that is, the list of documents is simple, it is a statement, documentary property. passport, identification code, ayban account for the assignment of assistance and also the same act, which we will then attach in the process of validating documents, home owners, co-owners or tenants can apply for such help, and accordingly we check these documents, to the mobile tsnap 170 families have already applied for the restoration of damaged property, members of the commission have inspected almost 300 apartments, the owners of the affected houses can receive more than 400 hryvnias for a door and 800 hryvnias for a door, the amount of compensation for one apartment cannot exceed 30 00 hryvnias. kateryna oliynyk,
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espresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we continue, and now yuriy fizar is ready to talk about events outside ukraine. yury, good evening, please. good evening to you, vasyl. good evening to everyone who joined us at this time. today is about this. in brussels , preparations are being made for the next summit of the european union, giorgia maloney, the prime minister of italy has proposed, although it is not better to say, demands to debureaucratize the european commission, and kimchi is once again giving nightmares to the neighbors. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. let's start with... this news: what was just talked about last week has become a reality today. representatives of 32
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nato member countries at the meeting of the north atlantic council in brussels approved the candidacy of the prime minister of the netherlands, acting prime minister of the netherlands mark rutte, to the position of secretary general of the alliance for the next 5 years. representatives of the press service informed journalists about this. formerly mark ruty, prime minister of the netherlands. who is leaving his post, announced that he plans to go on vacation for three months, and then he will start work as nato's general secretary, this will happen on october 1. let me remind you that marko ryuta is 57 years old, he headed the government of the netherlands since october 2010, setting such a unique record. by the age of 23, he was a leader of the right-liberal people's party for freedom and democracy, but in 2023 his party lost the elections and mark himself. announced that he was resigning, resigned as
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prime minister, but became the secretary general of nato, and by the way, one more news about the positions, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, as i said, will happen, well, although i will talk about it a little later, the european union summit will be held, and they will be discussing appointments to key positions, and here is ursula vonlein on... give remains the president of the european commission, antonio costa, the ex -prime minister of portugal, will become the president of the european council, kaya kalas will become the main european diplomat instead of josep borel, and the eu summit on october 27-28 will be devoted to appointments to leadership positions and discussion of the course of the strategic european union on the next 5 years and the supply of weapons to ukraine. this was written by the president of the european council, charles michel, in an open letter
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to the heads of states and governments of the european union invited to the summit. well, within the framework of determining the strategic course, there will be in particular, the necessary reforms should be discussed. mr. michel does not specify what exactly the protest of numerous leaks and reports is. it is known that we are talking about the preparation of a significant expansion of the powers of the european commission. and there will also be a conversation with volodymyr zelenskyi. the president of ukraine, and in particular, there will be a discussion of providing ukraine with support in the amount of 50 billion dollars, to which the eu countries, a loan, this is a loan, which eu countries intend. to be paid out of revenues from frozen russian assets, this will all happen tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. the main ones the news will be broadcast on the espresso tv channel, so don't miss it. the european commission needs to be de-bureaucratized, because there is a very strong bureaucracy,
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prime minister georgia maloney said during her speech today in the italian parliament. in a day. before the meeting with colleagues at the eu summit, the head of the italian government spoke quite critically about the recent years of the development of the european union. she stated that he failed to respond in a timely manner to new challenges in the context of the changing geopolitical situation and stressed that excessive bureaucracy becomes an obstacle, and this is bad. the prime minister of italy added that the eu cannot tell citizens what to drive, what to eat and how to stay. to build their houses. well, i just have to say now that georgia maloney blames the current president, ursula funderlein, for this office of excessive bureaucratization of the european commission. and georgia maloney was one of those who did not want ursula vonderlein to be elected, ursula vonderlein was elected
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for another 5 years, but still, as we can see, her somehow in... what exactly or how exactly i don't know at least, because ursula fonderline will be assigned. the administration of the president of the united states of america, joe biden , is developing the possibility of lifting the actual ban on the placement of american military repairmen in ukraine, the american tv channel cnn reported. the source of the channel said that the lifting of the ban has been developed in recent months due to active promotion. of the russian army at the front, and the lifting of this ban is possible this year, which will make it possible to speed up repairs and maintenance american weapons systems. currently , american equipment is being repaired in poland, and the discussion of sending a military contingent of nato countries began after the statement of french president emmanuel macron in february . on june 13, joe biden said that the united states does not
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intend to send its troops and will not do so. but as we can see, the repairmen, that is, the military, that is, the people will be military, but they will not take part in military operations, in military clashes, they will simply repair american equipment, so far it is only on at the stage of discussion, but it is possible that this stage will pass and these repairmen will appear with us. serbia does not supply weapons and ammunition to ukraine, as it eventually does to russia. however, these weapons can enter ukraine through third countries. prime minister of the country milos vucevych said this in an interview with agens france press. at the same time, he spoke against limiting the sale of ammunition to western countries, despite the risks of sending them to ukraine. next is a short quote from the prime minister. i do not want to prevent companies
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from selling our ammunition to spain, the czech republic, usa, because for us it is not forbidden and... it is immoral to produce weapons and ammunition, which, unfortunately, are used where there is a war. a very interesting remark, ammunition and weapons, which, unfortunately, are used where there is a war, why are ammunition and weapons made at all, if not for their use in those places where there is a war, well, that is very interesting and strange, i would say , even the prime minister's statement, but i would like him to make some more changes. what would they say, why do you make vaccines, they are already used where there is a pandemic coronavirus, what are you, well, think with your head , what are you doing, the same story, moreover, we simply use these shells to protect our territory and our citizens, but russia uses them to kill and capture foreign territories, so of course, otherwise we will not be able to resist this without shells, and i would very much like the prime minister to change his
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mind, and such their weapons and ammunition entered ukraine for that... not through third countries, directly to help us, win our independence and protect our territorial integrity. putin does not want peace, he is fascinated by war. german chancellor olaf scholz said this today during a speech in the bundestag. according to him, the seemingly peaceful proposal of the head of russia with the demand for ukraine to give him certain territories will not actually lead to peace. according to bundeskantse. anyone who believes that should watch less rush today. and at the same time, olaf scholz added a quote: putin continues to focus entirely on war and rearmament, no one... can ignore instead, ukraine wants a just peace without enslavement and fear of new aggression. well,
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now let's move a little closer to us, to belarus, to our northern neighbor, which , unfortunately, helps russia wage an aggressive war. representatives of the european union have agreed on new sanctions against belarus, the presiding leadership announced. of the european union of belgium on its page in the twitter microblogging network. according to the published information, the main emphasis is on closing the holes that russia is using it to bypass the economic restrictions already introduced against it, and now, according to eu diplomatic sources, belarus is the main such hole. belgium is actively promoting the introduction of new sanctions against belarus. penal measures adopted at the level of ambassadors can already be approved. june 27-28 at the eu summit in brussels. well, we have repeatedly heard reports about how,
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for example, norwegian herring or other fish get to russia, norway does not have a right to sea, well, through this, through to belarus, from belarusians to russia, and this is already belarusian swamps and, and this is already belarusian red fish, it turns out, well, let's go. further , it is very difficult to understand trump's personal opinion, he will still do as he sees fit. thus, the position of the 45th us president on the issue of support for ukraine was described by the british foreign minister david cameron during a conversation with a russian prankster. at the same time, the head of the british foreign office added that before the elections in the usa, allies should make every effort to help ukraine needs to succeed on the battlefield, and if putin backs down, says minister cameron, then trump will want to support the side that wins. so this is exactly what
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ukraine needs to guarantee in the next few months. but, the minister summarized, it is not very optimistic. quote: i don't think it's hard exactly, that it's easy to predict exactly what trump's position will be. i repeatedly. emphasized that you cannot take away this economic vein, this business vein from trump, he will always do and did in the position of president very often always what is beneficial to him under certain conditions, well, in any case, then it is necessary to create conditions that will be beneficial for him and that will be beneficial for us, but this is diplomacy, this is politics, no one says what stalin was an easy negotiator, or chamberlain was easy, oh, not chamberlain, but churchill was an easy negotiator, or roosevelt, well, that is... there were a lot of difficult characters in history, but they negotiated, they found points of contact, it’s so easy to come and say, friend trump, come on, come on, it doesn't happen like that, that's enough serious people, one moment, you know, here we have
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to wait for november 5 and see the results of the elections in our country, let's say he is there in florida or wherever he is there, well, now he is assigned to florida, so it is one trump, trump, who will sit in to the white house executive office, it will be a different trump, absolutely absolutely categorically a different trump, so really you are talking. here you need to approach this diplomatically and calculate the steps in advance, and what will happen if there is one, and what will happen if there is another, but definitely do not say in advance that this is bad, this is good, in we have already had such a thing in history, when the presidential election was not over, we already decided who won and started to fly, unfortunately, yes, well, trump and i will continue, the 45th, the president of the united states of america, donald trump, can announce his vice, or rather, a candidate for the post of vice president next week, the tv reported. channel nbc with reference to sources. according to information released by the tv channel, trump may introduce a potential vice president to the debate, which will take place this thursday, 27
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june well, earlier nbc news reported that the main contenders for this position in the event of trump's victory are the governor of the state of "north dakota douglasberg", the senator from the state of ohio james david vance, as well as the senator from the state of florida marco rubio. well, trump himself said before this that he intends to announce this candidacy at the party conference, which should take place on july 15, from july 15 to 18 in the city of milwaukee, this is the state of wisconsin, but as we can see, he may say it earlier, if he says it, you you will be the first to know about it. judge the federal district court of the united states of america on the island of saipan, this is micro, this is the mariana islands s... the northern mariana islands approved the agreement between wikileaks founder julian assange and the us department of justice, in which he partially pleaded guilty to violating the espionage act. thus.
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it approved a plea deal in which the wikileaks founder was found not guilty of just one count: the justice department dropped all other charges, the extradition request for mr. assange was withdrawn, the judge sentenced the journalist to the time he had already served in prison in great britain and announced the closure of the case. the defense also said that wikileaks' work will continue, and juliana. further quote: will continue to advocate for freedom of speech and government transparency. such an interesting prose freedom of speech and government transparency. that is, he somewhere through some of his channels, perhaps sometimes even not very honestly, received information that he later disclosed. but the main thing here is that the court's decision also contains an opinion that he did not make public
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exactly the information that could. harm the security of the united states of america, and he was released and he has already flown to australia, of which he is a citizen, in particular to the city of canberra, the capital of australia, and will continue his journalistic activities. and finally, the dprk launched another missile in the direction of japan, a ballistic missile. information about this was published by the south korean agency ryunhub with reference to the joint committee of the chiefs of staff of south korea. a military source said. that probably the launch was failed, the missile was launched at 5:30 local time, it was from the byeongyang area towards the sea of ​​japan, the joint chiefs of staff committee emphasized that south korea and the united states are conducting an analysis of this, and according to ryonghap sources, the ballistic missile flew about 250 m , but then exploded in the air and fell into the sea. well, this is bad news
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for the whole world, because if now these missiles in kimchen-in are exploding and falling, then who knows what will happen next, given the agreement on strategic cooperation with russia, which he concluded with putin, will give some technologies, and god forbid, these rockets will continue to fly and not explode. well, for today i have everything in the section world about ukraine, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. oh, i remember, you see, although they say that our memory weakens with age, but i am attentive and remember everything, we take the memo effect from dr. tice and feel the difference. the active substances of memo effect improve the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the normalization of mental activity. memo effect by dr tys improves memory and attention, helps
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