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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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the highest position of the head of the sbu in crimea, who was responsible for the south of the fsb agent kulinich, and when all this will be in court, and they will begin to look for whose orders such scoundrels carried out, carried out the military command, then they will go out on themselves, on the person who and sbi investigators were appointed, so it will be a completely dead case, and there will simply be an exchange, they will close the cases against the azov command, which are two. opened by sodal on azov, and they will also put sodal in a long box , and there will be no legal action there, this case is not will fall under zelenskyi. yuriy, today is june 26, 2024, well, let's meet in a year on this topic, and we will draw conclusions. thank you very much. yuriy butusov, editor-in-chief of the censornet online publication. we talked about yuriy sodol, and the situation around him. thank you. meanwhile, a petition on
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the website of the verkhovna rada about depriving mykola tyshchenko of his parliamentary powers has gained the necessary 25,000 votes. in fact, 25,000 is enough to consider this petition. now we will show it. i will only address yours attention to the fact that as of this morning there were already 26,000 such votes, and this is definitely more than enough. the author calls to deprive tyshchenko of his deputy mandate in connection with his behavior, raiding, racketeering, and so on. i will only say that all these accusations against tyshchenko are not legally proven, but, nevertheless, i hasten to disappoint you from a legal point of view , this petition also means nothing. citizens, of course, can sign it, express their indignation in this way. however, it does not oblige mykola tyshchenko to submit a mandate. he, of course, can do it voluntarily, well, but it seems that he is not going to. the day before, late in the evening, mykola tyshchenko was ordered to be placed under preventive detention for the next 60 days.
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he must be under 24-hour house arrest, wear an electronic bracelet and surrender his foreign passports. let me remind you that tyshchenko is suspected of torturing and illegally imprisoning a former serviceman in dnipro. after all, the deputy does not admit his guilt. well, after the judge's decision, tyshchenko still lit up the day before the five-star kyiv hayat hotel. this, by the way, is just opposite the pechersk court, where he was given a preventive measure, but later he was put on a bracelet and sent under house arrest. further investigation, they... may last a long time. tyshchenko, if it didn't sound strange now, was not an ordinary deputy. in addition to the fact that he is andriy yermak's acumen, he once headed the office of the servant of the people party in kyiv, and later the regional organization of the president's party in transcarpathia. in march, a team of journalists, an investigator from ukrainian pravda found out that in recent years, deputy tyshchenko has built up considerable influence and wealth in zakarpattia oblast. apartments, beauty salons, even a funeral home, a five-star park hotel. his people in
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high positions, will tyshchenko on a bracelet be able to manage the schemes in transcarpathia, the head of the anti-corruption center mezh martyna bohuslavets wonders in her column for ukrainian pravda, where, among other things , she talks about how tyshchenko oversees the construction of a school in the mukachevo district, where by the calculations of anti-corruption experts the cost overrun of building materials reached uah 21 million. uah 21 million on just one. school in a small village, but when you are the godfather of one of the country's key figures and a long-term leader of reputational scandals, then everything else already seems like a drop in the ocean, but the cup of patience should already be overflowing, what about the deputy mandate? from minute to minute we are waiting for a journalist from transcarpathia, vitaly glagol, who follows all matters , events and processes, phenomena that take place in transcarpathia region, and of course for a long time... he has been following
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by work and activity, more precisely mykola tyshchenko in zakarpattia oblast. vitaly glagola joins the broadcast. hello, vitaly. glad to see you. hello ulasta, welcome to the studio. so. vitaly, tell me, please, with what attitude they are following tyshchenko's case in transcarpathia. i don't know, maybe in uzhhorod, you know, the stage was taken out in the center of the city and everyone watched it live. i will tell you that zakarpattia is unlikely. there will be so much tish in the victory of the national team in today's match than comforted, vitaliy, we can't hear you very well, i don't know, maybe it is better to redial by phone and talk via audio communication, because the lights are turned off in ukraine and maybe in zakarpattia too, just like yuri butusov's lights were turned off in kyiv, we will now try to talk in audio format and... we will still find out which
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mykola tyshchenko may even have political, business, and personal interests in transcarpathia, but the main question is whether he retains this influence there and... for now, because he ceased to be the head of the servant of the people party organization in transcarpathia back in 20, in the summer of the 22nd year, well, in fact, he was in charge for a year the party cell in zakarpattia region from the servant of the people, before that the cell in kyiv was headed by the servant of the people, well, while a full-scale war was going on, and before that, on the basis, this can be said on the basis of numerous and journalistic investigations, just by observing mykola tyshchenko. we see that he still had a certain influence in the region. vitaly glagola rejoins our broadcast. congratulations, yes according to the video. congratulations. i can already see you very well. so tell us how transcarpathia reacts to the selection of a preventive measure for tyshchenko? that's what i'm saying
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in fact, it is unlikely that the victory of the ukrainian national team today in the match of zakarpattia will be enjoyed more. for transcarpathia, actually very much. too sleazy and comical to cross paths in such a small, such a small region, such a small regional center as uzhgorod, that is, uzhgorod has a population of 150 thousand and believe me, i saw mykola tyshchenko very well in uzhgorod... immediately after the start of the full-scale invasion, when he published a photo as if he were sitting in kyiv under fire, and just as comically, like when he handed over bulletproof vests to the military against the background of st. andrew's church and said that
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i am now in zakarpattia, that is, this is a typical mykola tyshchenko, unfortunately, not only transcarpathia suffers from him, but also the whole of ukraine and... and he was simply in transcarpathia for a very short time, well, he actually headed the servant of the people party organization in transcarpathia for a year from march 21, if i'm not mistaken, to july or june 22, so i clearly remember mykola tyshchenko in the first days of the war in the uzhhorod city council, when he frantically tried to convince everyone that uzhhorodsky the airport needs to be blown up, there are still moments with the fact that he was here for a short time, but we are still sorting it all out, not only, not only those phrases that say, when we are the head of customs, he forced the head of customs at the border to say, tell the hungarians our friends , but even after he left the public political sphere of life in
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zakarpattia, he left such an unpleasant mark, knowing from the funeral agency that he dragged him into his own... uzhgorod called syaivo, through which they tried to convince there, what is better is paid by all, if a relative died, then only this funeral agency should deal with taking the body from the hospital and the funeral home, that is , it tried to monopolize such a business, just as it ended with the fact that in the frame of the video mykola tyshchenko seems to be fighting with the forest. yes, he, he lobbied for the appointment of his man, mykhailo bank, the former head of the strategic investigations department of the national police in the frankiv region, where
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several cases were filed against him for extorting land in bukovel, as the head of the regional unit, the ecology department, and after lobbying tyshchenka was appointed. nobody from the environmental inspection in the transcarpathian region, and actually, you look at where mykola tyshchenko disappeared with the struggle for the transcarpathian forests, after he created problems for all the people who work in this area, then they came to him, i know some people who claim that they paid him 50 or 100 thousand dollars there so that he would not touch them when he climbed over or at night through forestry fences on private property and so on, and ... and her work on the report the work of this tsc in the verkhovna rada,
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it seems that 74 or 72 deputies only supported it, accepted it, and it was disbanded, but in the video from dnipro, where he rushes to... the representative of the tsk of the verkhovna rada, the national resource of which no longer exists, and there were two two tsks, two temporary investigative commissions, one in the woods and the second one in call centers, because it was mykola who represented the tsk, well, he did not represent any, he, he represented, he, he represented the national resource from the tsk, yes, it is clear, exactly, exactly the one who deals with the police, it is clearly heard in video, well, it seems that there are several of them i have said many times, and perhaps mentioned different tsks, vitaly, i have a question, look, we talked with you that mykola headed the servant of the people party organization in transcarpathia for a year, more than a year, in the 22nd year. he was fired in the summer, he ceased to head the party organization, he was generally thrown out of the faction of the party, or do i understand correctly
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that after that tyshchenko continued to increase his influence, wealth and interests in the transcarpathian region, well, mykola tyshchenko, i would say, he almost got rid of political influence on zakarpattia, i.e. mykola tyshchenko is the person who, as soon as he became the head of... the regional organization servants of the people in zakarpattia, he lobbied for the appointment of another candidate for servants of the people , arsen melkumyan, as secretary of the uzhgorod city council through pressure, threats, and blackmail searches of city elected officials, deputies and so on, i.e. after that he tried to press for the change of the head of the regional council there. that is, he had a good political influence at that time, and he
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was feared here, and local officials followed him meeting, you see, well, imagine a different situation when the head of the regional customs office, just a people's deputy communicates with him like that, the fact that you are the head of the regional organization of the pro-government party does not give you the right to communicate like that with the head of, for example, the customs office or the head another state. institution or mayor and so on, but mykola tyshchenko got rid of political influence, he was defeated in this regard by the head of zakarpattia ova, viktor mykyta, who became the head of the regional organization, but the contracts that he managed to tighten mykola tyshchenko, who has had political influence so far, gives him a good source of income, if you take the mukachevsky district, the village of kolchyno, then mykola tyshchenko lobbied. he won the tender for the restoration of the school in the village of kolchyno,
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his friend, a company very close to him, which even re-registered in transcarpathia, when they came, they came, mykola tyshchenko came and with him came this company that won the tender, and the cost of the reconstruction of this school since the 21st year was 76 million, and in the 23rd year it had already increased to more than 250 million. yes, we, we they mentioned this school, and what do you think... what do you think, vitaly, who or what allows mykola tyshchenko to feel so, well, free to feel himself and to increase his influence in transcarpathia, if you say that he no longer has political influence, it is done for the tacit consent of someone from above, or simply in transcarpathia out of habit they continue to fear him, look, he did not get anything new for himself here after he ceased to be a manager, but when the company won the tender in 21 or 22, when he still had a relationship with...
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er, this mykhailo bank, whom i was talking about, before things, please pay attention, he is no longer the head of the regional ecology department, yes, the ecological inspection, tyshchenko is no longer the curator of transcarpathia, remember the video from march of mykhailo tkach, where tyshchenko meets mykhailo bank in uzhgorod, where he is repairing, his, his close his company is renovating a school in the village of kolchyno. of this district and mykola tyshchenko meets with the head of the mukachevo district state
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military administration, he meets with him in uzhgorod, what do they talk about, what does tyshchenko agree with the head of mukachevo of the military district administration, he comes to uzhhorod constantly, his wife, with whom he is actually fictitiously divorced, this was recorded by many witnesses, they often live together in one of the apartments in... horod, they were fictitiously divorced, remember what about tyshchenko was the most against the opening of the declaration, and we remember that, yes, and even after the declarations were opened, he divorced fictitiously. his wife, so that even after that she gave him 5 million hryvnias. yes, this is already this is already known information, as well as what is obvious, they they live together in uzhhorod. vitaly, unfortunately, time has flown by, but you gave such a complete picture of mykola tyshchenko's interests in transcarpathia. thank you very much, vitaly glagol, a journalist, was in touch with us. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to
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radio liberty's internet pages until tomorrow. the main football event of the year will unfold before your eyes, get ready for epic matches, cheer for ours and watch all the matches of euro-2024 exclusively on megogogo there are discounts represent unbreakable discounts on пенистыел 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings vasyl zima's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big ether on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. my colleagues and i will talk about the most important things. two hours to learn about the war. about the military, front, component. serhiy zurets, and how
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the world lives. yuri fizer is already with me, and it's time to talk about what happened outside of ukraine. yuriy dobrovech. two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, in wartime. oleksandr morchavka field with me and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. about cultural news, alena chekchenina, our art watcher, is ready to tell, good evening. presenters who have become like relatives to many. already next to me, ready to talk about the weather for this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. mustafa jumiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us. mr. mustafa, i congratulate you. good day. events a day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people those who care, in the evening for espresso. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for the position of head of the state judicial administration. who used budget money irrationally? very often
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, ambitions prevail over common sense. but who appears in the bribery case? it is not certain. desire for development and formation of a successful, effective system. on thursday, june 27, at 5:45 p.m., watch the program "judicial control with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes that take place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. congratulations, i am asking you to help in the search for this girl, her name is tsviridova
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katya, she is 15 years old, the girl disappeared at the very beginning. of the russian invasion, nothing is known about her, actually since february 24, 2022 . katya lived in the kherson region in the city of gola prystan, which is now a temporary city occupied due to the fact that, for obvious reasons, communication with the occupied territories is complicated, and in some places completely absent, it is impossible to find out whether divchenko is still in kherson region. but maybe you can see this program on the internet. chat residents of the naked pier, so i ask you, if you know at least some information about katya sviridova, let us know on the hotline 116.30, you can also write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram, please do not remain indifferent. also in kherson region and also at the beginning of the full-scale invasion
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, this boy disappeared, his name is kyrylo selivanov, he is 17 years old and... he disappeared in the temporarily occupied village of gladkivka, this is actually not far from the bare pier, where katya sviridova, who i told about at the beginning, is from . i ask you to look carefully at the boy's face, maybe you will recognize him. unfortunately, there is no news about him since february 2022. of course, it is possible that kirill could be taken to russia, as, unfortunately, often happens with children in the occupied territories, but this is just an assumption and... in fact, the boy may still remain under occupation, so i am asking absolutely everyone, especially the residents of the occupied part of the kherson region, to look carefully at... the photo of the boy, if you recognize him, do not delay and please immediately notify us on the hotline of the child tracing service by short number 11630.
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calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, if it is not convenient or there is no possibility to call, you can write to us on the website or in the chatbot of the tracing service children in telegram. let's not be indifferent, and let's do everything possible together to find the missing person. a boy i really hope that everything is fine with kata sviridova and kirill selivanov, that they are alive and well, and with your help we will be able to find them. and, by the way, it may well be that a girl and a boy, for example, together with someone from their relatives, fleeing from the war, ended up in one of the european countries. so please remember this number 11630. it is the only european missing children hotline. which works in 28 european countries, and therefore, if you if you are in one of the european countries and suddenly see a girl and a boy who look like
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katya sviridova and kirill selivanov, immediately report to the short number 116/3. let's do everything possible together to find the missing katya and kirill. i have told only two of the many difficult stories of children who have disappeared. unknown you can find information about all the boys and girls we are trying to find on the children's search service website. here are photos of children who have disappeared and need our help. so please look into their faces. if you know any information about any of them, please contact us immediately. the hotline number of the child tracing service is 116 30. calls. free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any
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city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. congratulations, the voice of america is on the air in ukrainian and our program chasten. my name is ostap yarysh. military aid only in case of negotiations with russia. former advisers of former us president donald trump presented him with proposals for ending the russian war against ukraine. the plan envisages prompting the as... faster search for peace agreements, more details about these proposals and how they reacted to them in the usa, let's talk with tetyana voroshko, who researched this topic. tanya, i congratulate you. congratulations, zastap. tanya, tell me for
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a start, yes, what this one is all about the plan that everyone is talking about now, and that was presented by former advisers to president trump, what does it say? yes, actually, this plan was presented by keith claig and frank fleitzer, fred fleitz, who is a retired lieutenant general. held positions, high positions in the security council during the presidency of donald trump, now they hold high positions in the think tank, america first policy institute, it is independent, but he sympathizes with donald trump. so, this plan, it is public, it can be read. a large part consists in criticism of the administration, the policies of the pre-biden administration regarding ukraine. first of all, that the aid was not provided enough, but quite late, and... atakavs was provided in an untimely manner, hymars was provided in an untimely manner, and the biden administration is also criticized for not having a clear strategy, the authors of the plan believe that they have this strategy, it consists in the following that
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the united states will continue to provide ukraine with military aid, but on the condition that ukraine, the official kyiv, begins peace negotiations with russia, even if some certain peace agreements will be reached, however, this military aid must continue, so that before there is a second attack from russia, in order to involve russia... the negotiations offer a possible partial lifting of sanctions, there is such a proposal written vaguely , as well as for ukraine to agree to postpone joining nato for an indefinite period in exchange for a security guarantee, actually it also means that ukraine will not be required to officially give up the territories, but it must admit that it will return them diplomatically in the future way, and this diplomatic breakthrough can of course only happen after putin steps down from office, and the us allies and allies have to agree that sanctions on russia will be fully lifted only when russia signs an agreement, achieves.
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an agreement that will be acceptable, acceptable for ukraine, and also such a mechanism is proposed as when the sanctions from russia are lifted, that a certain tax will be imposed on the sale of russian energy resources in order to use these funds for reconstruction of ukraine. here is the plan. tanya, are these the official proposals, the official plan of the trump team, and is it known how he reacted, or did he react at all, yes, to these proposals? no, this is not the official trump team plan. and... raghers reports, which first reported this, that keith kellock and fred fleitzer presented the plan to donald trump, who fleitz said he responded favorably to, but there are also other plans, at least in the public domain there is another plan called the so-called heritage fund, it is not as detailed as this plan that we are talking about, but it specifically states that the united states should provide military aid, but not economic aid, that
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should be done by european couples. and the united states must act strategically to avoid endangering american lives by helping ukraine. well, actually , i asked the trump staff if this is the plan presented by keith kellock, and if there is, if it has become an official plan, if it is possible that they have adopted some positions as their plan, well, here it is this is the answer i got, let's see. president trump has repeatedly stated that the main priority of his second term. will agree on ending the russian-ukrainian war as soon as possible. president trump believes that european countries should pay a larger share of the costs of the conflict because the us has paid significantly more, which is unfair to our taxpayers. he will do whatever it takes to restore peace and restore american power and deterrence on the world stage. he is the only person who can do it. the war between russia and ukraine would never
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have happened if donald trump...was president, so sad. tania, do i comment in any way on these proposals of former trump advisers in the white house and the biden administration. today, white house communications advisor john kirby was asked to comment on this. he said that he will not comment on this in the framework of the election race itself. the administration does not do this, but he emphasized that president biden always strongly supported ukraine, that he was behind the creation of the coalition, the so-called ramstein defense group. of ukraine, and also recently signed a security agreement. regarding the peace talks, he said that president biden understands that it can happen when ukraine is in a strong position, and that when it happens, it can be determined by president zelensky, and the united states, their strategy is to give ukraine all the tools for it to be strong in order to be able to conduct these negotiations with russia from a position of strength, well, if we talk about the position of... president
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biden regarding ukraine, how many times it was emphasized, it is to help ukraine as much as it will be necessary, and in order to generally see the difference regarding the positions of the two main candidates in these elections, regarding ukraine, i talked to many experts and actually prepared this story, let's see. joe biden and donald trump agree on the need to end the war in ukraine, however, trump's foreign policy experts point out. provided few details on how he would be able to achieve a peace agreement between ukraine and russia. he only advocated necessity to begin some negotiations and agreements, saying that he might be willing to participate in those talks between putin and zelensky, but he never outlined what he thought the parameters of that future peace deal should look like. during this year's
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congressional battle over aid... trump said the aid should come in the form of a loan, not a grant. we're looking at it right now, and they're talking about it, and we 're thinking about doing it as a loan, not just a gift. we continue giving out gifts worth billions and billions of dollars. trump says that europe should give more aid to ukraine, but if re-elected, trump will not want to become a president who lost the war, says the former. usa in ukraine john herbst. we know that trump sees himself as a strong leader, and he would not want to be associated with a foreign policy failure, and a russian victory in ukraine, if trump is president, would look very much like a foreign policy defeat. trump's republican party is divided on the issue of ukraine. some of her i respect leaders...


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