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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EEST

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in general, if we receive attacks at 300 km, can be destroyed. next, we fired, fired well at the kerch crossing, there were strikes, that is, they are also capable of interrupting, and that is practically all, well, the russians are still building a railway, but the railway will also be located, even under strikes, the railway through the captured territories to the crimea, and there there are also bridges, and they will be under the blows of the hymars. you are absolutely right that only the boot of a soldier on the territory means that this territory is captured, but if you cut off communications and supplies to crimea, and the possibilities of the russians for the defense of the peninsula will be significantly reduced, reduced by orders of magnitude, and the situation may be the same as it was near kherson, when they realized that it was impossible to hold...
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bridgeheads on the shore, on our side of the dnieper, and the russian troops simply withdrew from that territory, this situation in general for the modern army will be possible to repeat with crimea, that is, to completely interrupt communication, but for this we will really need additional missiles and the capabilities of the f-16, which we will receive from long-range missile strikes, i hope that ... we will be given jasm rockets them, it would actually help a lot in cutting off any supplies to crimea, and cutting off supplies to crimea turns it from a peninsula into an island, which has to eat what is falling under its feet and use those production opportunities, which are actually on the peninsula, which are practically non-existent there in terms of weapons production, let's talk about the situation. in crimea, we will listen to
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the comments of ryfat chubarov, head of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people. to talk about some kind of, you know, explosion of departure, i can't do that right now, the only thing is that everyone experts note that russians who planned a vacation and bought already had a way. vky, some of them are actively returning, because they still understand, but because of such tragic situations, that crimea is already definitively a front-line territory, they understand that crimea is definitively a front-line territory, they understand that ordinary citizens who came, well, you know , when they arrive, the russians understand everything, you know, you know, i read. they understand kolak very well. i
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read a screenshot of the correspondence, it was posted somewhere on social networks, a russian woman writes that on the other hand, i will translate into ukrainian, because the russian language is limited in our information space, but we understand it perfectly. so, i am returning to russia, the interlocutor asks her, so where have you been? well, she was in the crimea, the crimea was annexed, this harbor is her home. she says, i don't know if crimea is russia? or after what i experienced in sevastopol, that is, somewhere begins to understand that, well , it is obvious, but are the russians here now using the place of people whom they invite to rest in crimea, but i know very well sevastopol, because i spent my childhood there, back in soviet times, all these beaches, where are the bases there, where are these bays, well, it is impossible to rest there without some military facilities nearby, and in general in the crimea, now i think that they have become much more, it is trying to hide behind their backs. where, or then cry out to the whole world,
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look, people are killed on the beach, what are you doing, let's hold an emergency meeting of the un security council, you know, there are beaches right under bilbek, under the bilbek airfield, yes, and we, the airport bilbek, well, our armed forces do not leave without attention, as a rule, because there are russian mift-31 fighters and other types of fighters, which in general try to actively counter... ours to act, actively fight with our aviation, yes, that is, the russians really they are just so far, well, yes, you can say, they are using the civilian population in crimea as hostages, because indeed i have also been to crimea many times, i know this area well, and there, if there is also cossack bay, other bays, there warships and beaches, they almost never washed away. and
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others are there, that means the bay, where there are beaches, where there are aircraft repair factories, helicopters were repaired, yes, and near bilbek. but everywhere there are interspersed such purely recreational areas with military facilities, because crimea is in general an unsinkable aircraft carrier, the russians, the russians treat it exactly like a vase of the fleet and an air force base. the appearance of the f-16 in ukraine, first of all, it was a statement by a people's deputy of ukraine, if i'm not mistaken, yes, and who spoke about the connection, she. in the united states of america, now, you know, it happens that it takes off in the last place moment off the top of my head, now i will remember, and who has been living in the united states of america for a long time, dear people's deputy of ukraine, she said that in the usa the training of ukrainian pilots is deliberately delayed, because there they reduce the number of those who have to study,
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and stretch it term, they say that ukrainians speak english very poorly, although again, what level should it be, so that you just sit down , get started, you won't... re -negotiate in eter as a passenger liners with these with dispatchers all over europe, well, but me i don’t know, will you tell me now if there is really any delay, and the second thing is that russia is preparing for the appearance of the f-16, they have their su-57 there, well, i’m not saying they are actively preparing, and plus, of course, these strikes we understand, it is not always called that, but we understand at which points in ukraine they arrive and sometimes, unfortunately, they arrive in large numbers. rockets, where, where is the enemy aiming, what is he afraid of, please, well, they pay attention to everyone, almost every time, and starokostyantinov and vasylkov, these are airfields of our armed forces, well-known airfields, all
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the coordinates are even in wikipedia, but relative to relative, so f-16, well, i wouldn’t say that... the american, let’s say, do not have a base under them, american claims, what you say that the negotiations of civilian aircraft, then it's a dime, compared to the number of talks, ah, aircraft, for example, f16 with flying radars that can transmit information to them on board, and they transmit that information, both in direct text and in prepared messages, directly to the tactical situation display. in english, you say in english, it's transmitted, that's all, there is no ukrainization there, you just know, it’s just that it’s been going on for years, well, it’s been more than a year that the pilot is being trained, i think that in a year, well, that’s right, they’ve recruited young people who want to fly the f-16, who
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can definitely, well, in a year, they can to learn, especially while in the environment at a sufficient level, is this not just some kind of excuse that they do not speak english well. well, they did not select people who are not able to learn a foreign language, well, yes, like azirov, but for sure, they did not select anyone, so see what the situation is, i have been in connects in the air units of the air forces of the united states and in general in the units, well , the army units of the united states, people there are extremely responsible for the tasks, for any tasks, and that is why i am 80% percent. i actually believe the american side that they really want to bring the level of our pilots to the highest possible level in the specified time, because you are right, the russians are diligently preparing for strikes on the f-16, and
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the americans need to work out a lot of tactical techniques with our pilots, such as to avoid damage and at the same time shoot down russian planes, because one of the main... tasks will be, well, first i think there will be a task of air defense, and then one of the main tasks is to destroy the russian cabbies who are simply pushing through, well, the russians are helping i'm sorry to the army, but the cabs are what kind of su-35, this is su-34, but they will be overlapped by su-35 fighters, that's for sure, and these fighters as an option carry long- range missiles with a range of up to 300 km, i'm not talking about. .. c400 and buki m2, which are also full of russian, let’s say, russian rear the line of battle, and the su-57 can appear in the nev against the f16, i understand that this is a 4++ generation aircraft, as far as i understand the su
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-57, but there were separate questions about the air intakes, they did not show themselves very well in syria , whether now they are really being prepared and modernized so that they can go out against in the sky, soar into the sky against. 16, what is the number of these 57, i think they are made one or two per year, no, no, no, they were issued there in 202. six pieces were released in the 23rd for a number of reasons only two pieces, this year two and in general i would these i did not take the planes into account, because the russians have as many as 12 of them, and they are based all the way in akhtubinsk, ugh, very far from the front line, the main danger is the su-35 now with their radars, which can see almost 300 km, according to long-range rockets that are not permanent, let's say. well, in any case, then i
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understand that you need to be ready, and there are no questions, of course, pilots, yes, train very hard, they will have seconds to make the right decisions of the battle, seconds, i thank you very much, mr. valery, thank you for professionals comments, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state museum. of aviation was in touch with us, and now i remind you of the survey, we asked today whether you have alternative sources of electricity for your home, yes or no, at the end of the hour we will sum up the interim results of this survey, well, now i will just, maybe for those who don't follow, i 'll just add from myself that everything is going to the point that ukraine can go home after the euro (0:0) in the match ukraine-belgium, 1:1 in the match slovakia-romania, two draws in these matches are sent home by equal numbers. all the points are for the national team of ukraine, the match against romania , the first failure can be, can be
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decisive, but we have so many injured people there, in any case, this is just me for those who may be interested in what is going on in the world on the german fields , but i am more interested in what is happening in ukrainian politics, and that is why i invite volodymyr tsibulka, a political analyst, writer and people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation, to the conversation, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and today the razomkov center made it public. research on ukraine's trust or lack of trust in ukrainians in the institutions of society, there is a lot, we just won't have time to discuss it all, and my trust in volodymyr zelenskyi has decreased, and there is a slight difference between trust in zelenskyi and trust in the institution of the president, but in any case it decreased by, if i'm not mistaken, 13%, which indicates fatigue. society is tired of zelensky's style, first of all, management is
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always some kind of innovation, especially public administration, unfortunately, zelenskyi is inert, three years of war, he governs absolutely inertly, not very effective in domestic politics, and here it seems to me that there are generally signs of attempts by the zelenskyi administration, well... let's say, to provoke the military or expose the military to in an unsightly light, zelensky himself, who, being the supreme commander, that is , the leader of all the military, never once behaved as a consistent leader, and he never once rushed to defend his military, at a time when the environment zelenskyi just sometimes destroys the reputation. military, and in this sense
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, the public behavior of the same maryana bezuglai was probably indicative, and now we also have attacks against general sodol, who was released, but we heard that, for example, a representative of the national guard attacked a representative of the armed forces, general, national guard officer, this, this, frankly, is very unpleasant. it is a symptom that the most surprising thing is that zelenskyi's team is taking full advantage of it. you understand the question here is that, again, i cannot give assessments, then for that there are, well, there are certain people from the top military and political leadership, who should have the facts on the table, if it is true that certain orders of the general are not justified in one or another situation, have led to large losses or some other things, well this should be investigated, on the other hand, we... perfectly understand that this general was appointed to the position of general nayev, well, the head of the defense forces,
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who was dismissed, how was he dismissed, well , there is also a person who was appointed to the defense of kharkiv , was released literally immediately, when the offensive on vovchansk began, because everything there began to fall apart and then another person was appointed in an emergency mode, the question is that these appointments, reassignments, i just have a question, why was this done, maybe it was really wanted better, with the other side whoever gave the resume to the president, i do not think that president volodymyr zelenskyi, and i am more than sure of this, clearly understands the possibilities, experience and prospects of working in such or other conditions. this or that general, they bring him and say, here is this one. well, we understand very well that volodymyr zelenskyy is well versed in show business, worse in politics, and even worse in military affairs. and when, all of a sudden, his entourage, which is not very oriented in military matters, demonstrates absolutely some gregarious behavior,
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i would like to remind you that general zaluzhnyi disappeared from the media orbit. but suddenly zelenskyi's entourage calculated that general zaluzhnyi liked the post of blogger myrosl myroslaw oleshko. what started here? people who are far from the war began to teach general zaluzhnyi put the right likes. who are they to teach the best ukrainian general who took responsibility for the country? that is, in essence, the ukrainians demonstrate with their... high trust that ukrainians believe that it was not zelenskyi who saved ukraine, but the general, and it is terribly maddening, well , this trinket technical entourage of zelenskyi, and they are starting to create all kinds of, well, i would say conflict situations,
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to put it mildly, although in the language of bloggers i call it differently. and these conflict situations actually drown zelensky himself, how much intelligent people said that if you cut off the umbilical cord from a wretched person, your reputation, your rating will go down the drain, everything, you, you cut off your political perspective, it’s just that zelenskyi’s entourage did not understand one thing, that legitimacy, military legitimacy ee... zelenskyi held on on the status and reputation of general zaluzhny, when they pushed general zaluzhny out of his entourage, they finally began to receive real critical spears, because the ukrainians did not speak out against zelenskyi, believing that in this way they were hitting for the good name of general zaluzhnyi, and
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now all the corners of the world are turning on zelenskyi, and by the way... well, let's see, very symptomatic publications of the last time from the western media, in particular, the election newspaper made a couple of publications about ukraine's purchase of weapons and displacement, the transit of weapons through poland, here is the last submission of the election newspaper about the famous company alfa polska. konya, which trades in arms and has a very good reputation on the arms market, so it turned out that at one time against alpha major investigative actions were conducted here, and now alpha well actually couldn't resist and reported that 20 thousand helmets, which were paid for in april
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22, are still sitting in warehouses. the alpha company had 20,000 nato-style helmets, it was a batch of 2,000 helmets and 2,000 bulletproof vests, 20,000 bulletproof vests were quickly taken away, and the helmets were left. against which very, well , active investigative actions were conducted about a year ago, then. the firm's counterparty appears lviv arsenal, a slovak company, and the representative of the slovak company declares that we have been asking the ministry of defense of ukraine for six months to remove the ammunition purchased by lviv arsenal for the ministry of defense from the warehouses of the campaign in slovakia, and they have been lying for six months, this
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information appeared in march, when those were the most difficult months , when there was not enough battle. passes, it means that someone organized a blockade of ammunition supplies, even from those that were reserved, so that the troops felt as bad as possible, was this not an element of the campaign to worsen the situation at the front in order to force to go to the ukrainian side for a cease-fire, that is, the impression is that the agencies of influence in zelenskyi's immediate circle work non -stop, on the other hand... counter-intelligence structures work like catching fleas or flies in my opinion, but here you know, we still have literally five minutes , but no... we can say about a person who, i don't know in whose interests, well , definitely in her own interests, definitely she worked in the interests, this is mykola tyshchenko, known to the people as kolya kotleta, well
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, there is nothing like that here, so his they are called, maybe to someone, judging by the presence of a safe, etc they say that it's not his safe, it's like he had money in his suitcases, you know, a man from the 90s, it's so much more convenient in suitcases, suddenly he grabbed it and ran, i'm joking, of course, but it's just that. a story that had to happen, there are simply people who understand, even during the war, when you do something illegal, where there is a limit, there are such people, they understand, here you can hype up here, somewhere there, even wear a little something a uniform, to portray yourself as a soldier, although you have never been to the front, but somewhere there is a line where society will no longer understand, so mykola tyshchenko, well, not mykola tyshchenko, certain people in balaclava who have, who are related to him, as far as i understand, have a court of law there. to establish, first detained, deprived of freedom, thanks to the kadenkas, and then they beat the military, the continuation of this story and whether, as they say, no one from
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the president's office will really help him, and now we will listen to mykola tyshchenko himself first, and then we will discuss briefly , i came for the president, i implemented and will implement his ideas, because i believe that it is ... until the end of the green term. nothing really does not destroy the trust in zelenskyi in the same way as the behavior of his closest entourage, and zelenskyi will not
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be able to jump off this wagon, because if he really wants to restore the trust of the west, and i will say that in the last two months, the trust in zelenskyi has simply crumbled, simply crumbled, no matter how much yarmak and zelensky talk about the fact that... or some fijians joined the peace formula, it looks very much like russian receivers, propagandists, if joseph biden was not present at the peace summit, this is the most telling moment that joseph biden did not wants to deal with these characters, but he loves ukraine very much and wants to support ukraine, well, after all, the same intentions are manifested on the part of trump. because trump has been kicking him lately just because of zelenskyi's last name, let's imagine that he wins the elections, how long will
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zelenskyi stay in office, well, it's up to the ukrainian people to decide, in any case, we have to elect our democratic state of the president, but the question is only when there will be an opportunity, when martial law will be lifted, well, in any case, i think that i would like this to be the last story, but understanding what kind of... people, there are wonderful people, by the way, in the service of the people, professionals who do many useful things, but there are many people who were brought into politics for which i don't know why, and now this is going to happen, and it is this that harms the image above all, it's not right there, i don't think that the president has any connections with tyshchenko, but it hurts the image of the state in general, because it shows the face of the face that we would like to see on television shows, but exactly. deputy yuras, the youngest deputy of the faction, because he is at the front, but the whole country sees mykola tyshchenko, even though he is not a faction, but he entered the council as
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a candidate for the servant of the people, he was the deputy head of the party, and now, no matter the party did not shy away from him, he will still defame, with every word, he will defame the reputation, if not of zelensky, then mr. volodymyr, we have to say goodbye, unfortunately, thank you very much for joining volodymyr. tsepulko, political analyst, writer, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation was in touch with you. the national team of ukraine goes home 0:0 with belgium, romania-slovakia 1:1, in fact, the first defeat against romania was fatal for us. well, actually, as they say, what was to be expected. well, now let's sum up the results of the survey. we asked you today if you have alternative sources of electricity for your home, and 87% do not, only 13% have alternative sources. electricity supply to the residence, well, i want to say that ukraine played decently, but again, having already lost mudryk, mykolenko, tsyankovo, obviously, it is better to go home,
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we wish them success. there are discounts that represent unbreakable discounts on stzin 20% in the pharmacies psylanskyk, bav and ochadnyk. vasyl winter's big broadcast. my name is vasyl zima, this is a big broadcast on the espresso tv channel. two hours of airtime, two hours yours. time to talk about what was happening outside of ukraine, yuriy dobrovechir, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka , come with me, and sports news, i invite yevhen pastukhov to the conversation, two hours in in the company of favorite presenters, about cultural news, alina chekchenina, our tv viewer
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is ready to tell. good evening, presenters, who have become like movridnirenko to many, is already next to me, i am ready to talk about the weather this weekend, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar people, is in touch with us, mr. mustafa, i congratulate you, have a good day , the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. see this week in the judicial control program. candidates for the post of chairman of the state judicial administration, who irrationally disposed of budget money? very often ambitions prevail over common sense. but who appears in the bribery case? this is an uncertain desire for development and formation of a successful, effective system. on thursday, june 27, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. summer. it's time to rest.
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and recovery, and i believe that this year we will be able to present a real fairy tale and a little peace for the children of the world, which was destroyed by the war. these are the children of fallen heroes, father or mother, who, protecting us and you, our country, died at the front, and they, like no one else, need our support, because they are the property of our country. our experience has shown that travel helps children recover more quickly after a loss. children feel better emotionally. i am asking you to support our project. we are planning to organize two trips for the children of fallen heroes this summer. children will experience bright emotions, they will get to know a new country, a new culture, and find new ones friends, and the most important thing is that they will receive
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qualified help. they are a psychologist, and perhaps now this video will be seen by entrepreneurs or owners of large businesses who will be ready to join and help. remember that your donations are the key, the key to the hope, dreams and support of those who lost a loved one, because their parents went to protect our country. i really enjoyed the trip to austria, i loved the museums we went to every day, it was amazing and i really enjoyed it. how did we go to restaurants? i visited the cities of salzburg, vienna and linz. this summons had a positive effect on me, i became more cheerful. thank you so much for such an incredible trip, it will never be forgotten in my heart. let's together give memories that will warm hearts and help to survive these difficult and scary moments.
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