tv [untitled] June 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EEST
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because of the mobilization in ukraine, no one can work in professions that are stereotypically male, the bet is on women, that is, their retraining and attracting them. how can such an approach solve the problems and ultimately can, because a large number of women left the country because of the war, this is morning freedom, my name is oleg galiv and today we will talk about the labor market. under the broadcast on youtube, there is a chat where you can share your thoughts and impressions, this is important, because then we will be in touch with you and, accordingly, we will see your reactions to what is heard on our air, in addition, subscribe to all radio liberty platforms. staff shortage is a key market trend. in ukraine and
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there are currently no sufficient prerequisites for overcoming it, such a conclusion is made by the analysts of workuua (one of the the largest portals for finding a job in ukraine). in may of this year, work ua posted the highest number of vacancies since the start of the full-scale invasion, more than 113,00. they say that this is the third month in a row that the number of job offers exceeds the 100,000 mark and the second month with a record number of vacancies since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. at the same time, the summer of 2024 will not become the so-called low season, as it traditionally happened before. that is, to sum up, before it was difficult for employees to find a job, now it is difficult for employers it is difficult to find employees. the ministry of economy of ukraine declares that the search for qualified employees is the biggest problem of business, as answered by 58% of respondents. the department received such data from an online survey of employers. employers call mobilization the main reason for the lack of workers. 67%. and emigration is
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54%. other reasons are low wages - this is 36% and internal migration - 21%. interestingly, according to workkua, the labor market lacks both men and women. the shortage of personnel is observed in stereotypically male and stereotypically female professions. at the same time, more and more women are replacing men at work. the french newspaper limond writes that ukrainian women have started working in industries where they usually dominate. men, such as in steel mills, security guards in supermarkets and drivers in public transport. so, for example, lemont tells the story of a nurse from donetsk region who, before moving to kyiv, started working as a supermarket security guard. and our journalist roksalana bychay also has for you the story of a woman who learned to drive a truck and started to work in a logistics company despite stereotypes, including from her colleagues, men. let's watch this... story
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together. maryana has been working as a driver for a logistics company for a little over a month. she is the only woman driving here. i am still involved in this work. and i'm glad that it turned out. she got her driver's license several dozen years ago, decided to learn to drive for a company with a friend, because she did not dare to go to a driving school by herself. i am a driver... a long time ago, 30 years ago, but i did not work much as a driver, i am a driver i paid a little earlier, i worked for a company that delivers cigarettes for six months, she says that driving a truck is not for everyone, maryana chose this profession because she always liked it, but you had to get used to life on flights, it is not for the faint of heart girls, because there are women who, well, before going to work, it is two hours... work is not for
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such people, here you have to do the same as boys, take a quick shower, wash and run away, generally at the company where she works maryana out of two hundred conscript workers, 60 already serve in says the director of the company. he says that they have a stipend of uah 1,500 per month for women. the money is paid during the period while the potential driver receives a category c or e driver's license. the company also has instructors who, if necessary, conduct additional practical classes. please tell me whether there is currently a shortage of male employees in your company, taking into account the war, mobilization and these circumstances. certainly. certainly. now, even. what to take our warehouse, we have 12 road trains standing without drivers, we don't previously thought about the need to target women, because there are in any case certain difficulties of the work, it is work for those whose children are adults or for those who do not have children, so we did not think about it before, but the shortage
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led to this. and one of the swedish non-profit organizations started a program for women in ukraine, it provides for their career support and retraining. participants programs can learn more about the work of a truck driver, among other things. about six groups have already visited us our company, we conduct a practical training course so that women future drivers get a clear impression of what a long-distance driver is. that's why we partially conduct training there on documentation, directly, what are the problems there with securing cargo and... so on and so on, well, it takes somewhere around three or four hours. as for the attitude towards the only female driver in the male team, maryana herself says that at first there were difficulties, because some men did not believe in her driving abilities and even mocked her.
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they said: you can't pull it, go home in a pot. well, the majority supported. strangers, i also drive up to other people's bases more than once, so ironic. but when i park, load, they immediately go to get to know each other, already with respect, the attitude changes before my eyes. while the driver travels across ukraine, the longest flight is more than 800 km, but in the future maryana plans to try foreign routes as well. while we continue to talk about this topic, write in the comments what you think about re-profiling, actually some specialists, others, do you have such acquaintances and did you go to work in those professions that... it is stereotypically considered there for a certain type of people that they can work there, well, greeks join our broadcast, these are the founders of seolobi, as well as anna dreevyanko, executive director of the european business association, i welcome you, we congratulate you, good, thank you for joining, vladyslav, we will start with you,
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what dynamics are you currently observing in the labor market, which professions really feel the greatest shortage of hands and whether women will be able to close this request good morning again i must say. to say that, of course, our agency does not specialize in absolutely all professions, all industries, we work more with the so-called white color jobs, intellectual work, separate lobbies known today for the fact that we are engaged in recruiting for the armed forces. i can say that the crisis , where we have expertise, is observed in almost all industries, except perhaps it, and it is still not bad. the situation with international public organizations, or those that have an international representative office, or open new ones in ukraine, here more or less, because there is an opportunity to take away the remaining good personnel on the labor market, i.e. high salary,
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work schedule, there are opportunities for business trips, these are all things that can stimulate people to go to work in this international organization, high salary, social packages, and actually according to... the new cabinet of ministers there, international technical assistance projects, including having the opportunity to book their employees, this is a significant factor, and it really affects in people's choices, we also observe an increase in the demand for women, this is certainly not a public story, because due to discrimination under the labor law, we cannot publicly announce such wishes of employers there, less, however, not publicly, they usually say... that it would be better , if, relatively speaking, there were no military service candidates, because this is a certain kind of planning for them, an opportunity to plan for the future, and of course, veterans are now a huge segment of employers who want to employ veterans, there are a number of special projects that we
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we deal with large employers, this is also such a specificity that we may see in the second quarter of this year, and in the first too, ms. anna, but how is the business? in general , it copes with the labor force in connection with the mobilization and not only that, and in which type of business is possible, the situation is the most difficult, because there is re-profiling and re-training, it takes a long time, it does not happen in a month or a month and a half. well, actually, good morning, and we are observing the same trends that have already been voiced in any the business segment is understaffed, moreover, companies try to solve this issue when they hire women, they try to hire young people, or, for example, older people in order to protect themselves from a potential shortage of personnel. moreover, most companies try to... the personnel they have, in order not to look for new ones on the market, accordingly, when
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they lose personnel, they need more time to train and need more money to to fill a vacancy. on today, we are observing salary inflation, because new candidates who come to the market on vacation in the company, as a rule, want more money compared to those who were in positions. moreover, i also observe a trend that international projects, which often pay large salaries in foreign currency, somehow attract many people to their side, moreover, we observe a lack of personnel who can speak english, but not less, again the trend is mixed, that's why for example, at the moment, i often meet companies that say that they do not have problems with... with people, why, because they pay high salaries, m, and actually they
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somehow manage like that, moreover, for example, yesterday i spoke with a company from the agricultural segment, they say, yes, there is indeed a shortage of tractor drivers, a shortage of combine harvesters, a lot of people are lacking, but here is a company that is engaged, for example, in the distribution of goods, she says that they have the situation is getting better this year, why? because many, for example, stayed in 22, 23. and companies could retain personnel and so on, in the 24th year, for example, the stock somehow ran out, and some companies simply fold, the one who holds out, accordingly, may be able to access more personnel, but again, while these trends are still emerging, i cannot say that this is a general trend, the general trend is that there is a huge shortage of personnel, anna, to move on to communication with vadyslav, i will clarify if this... shortage will be observed and for for example, a business that is small, medium, that is, it is small, not large companies, will not be able to find employees,
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can this lead to the fact that this business will simply be forced to close due to a lack of labor, or are companies somehow trying to to another , to re-purpose to get rid of this deficit, somehow, it is possible to automate work and so on, well, look at what i heard, well, i see, in fact, companies will try to survive in any mind. well, that is , they want to be preserved, so they will be to look for opportunities to continue operations, sometimes there are and have been situations where, for example, the mobilization law came into force, some companies suspended work because they simply had a situation where people refused to come to work, and accordingly the only option was close until you find new personnel, or until you reorient yourself somehow... re -adapt to new realities, respectively, i conclude from this that companies
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will find an opportunity in any case to survive, they will try their best, and as i said, they will find young, very young people, for example 20-22, as is often the case in the it sphere, or on the contrary they will take older people, or they will try to take women , or they will try to automate the processes as much as possible, that is, we will check. all possible options in order to continue to live as a business, but we will see further, will survive stronger, but in the context of women in particular, it will now be a matter of two, but let's start from vladyslav, in ukraine, are there so many women who can actually replace men in those professions that are stereotypically considered male, because not only mobilization affects the labor market, a large number of women, and these are often people of working age, they have gone abroad, despite the security situation in the country and does not return, someone has already found there... a job, someone has already adapted there and completely moved their life abroad there, how about
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now, are there really many women on the labor market who are ready to redefine themselves, who are ready to go and learn new things, who are generally looking for work on the terms that are offered to them, again, and again , to say there for the entire labor market, well, you know, you can say optimistically, that's enough and we'll handle everything, i i absolutely agree with my colleague, in fact, entrepreneurs, you know, work not only after a full-scale invasion, they also finish work against many factors that do not allow business to develop well, but nevertheless, in such conditions, we build the economy, develop enterprises, and it simply says a lot about ukrainian capacity, it is in any case a problem that our business community will cope with, what we see and observe today, well, for example, the sector of arms and defense technology manufacturers miltec,
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manufacturers there are a lot of new ones on the market, and they all need engineers, so on... designers, assemblers, i.e. people who know how to work directly with the so-called iron, assemble different designs, mechanisms and so on and so on and so on, that’s it tamely masculine, conventionally speaking profession, we are used to thinking like that, less so, there is a shortage of personnel precisely because of the lack of development of this field in principle, because the need for qualified specialists is just crazy, we work in this sector, we see the number of requests, we see the number people on the market and we understand that... not all manufacturers will be able to get the required number of specialists, what do entrepreneurs do in the end? they begin to organize training for women, for the youth there, who literally enter from scratch there the profession there at the lowest levels, including for veterans, they are starting to organize such different courses and gradually saturate the sector, if
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you can't find a specialist on the market, well, then prepare him, make him a different specialist from a conventionally relevant one. find the specialist you need. in short, i think we will manage, but of course, we need to approach these tasks creatively. ms. anna, i want to ask you about something else, and if you have something to complain about, please do so, i can add, yes, i can only add that women are not enough, there won't be enough of them, so you really have to come up with creative solutions somehow, because otherwise, and by the way, there will definitely be salary inflation, because if you pay good money, i think... you will find staff, it will be difficult , yes, you will close the vacancy for 3-6 months, often it can be more, but nevertheless you will find people, but if you want to pay there at all cheaply and do not want to pay at all, then of course there will be problems, and the business actually reacted painfully and on the law on mobilization, and generally reacts to what is happening in country, considering the war, and this is obvious, because
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these are additional obstacles, but regarding the state, are there already state projects, maybe, i don't know, state grants? government programs that help businesses retrain women, that encourage businesses to do this, so how do businesses and the government work together to address the labor market problems caused by the war? it seems to me that the state is also trying, and recently the reskill ukraine program was launched at urc at the ukraine recovery conference, and as far as i understand, the ministry of economic development and trade, they are trying to really support business in this direction. to somehow collaborate in order to really do the right reskill, so that both vets and other people can get the special skills that are needed now, but nevertheless, at this point in time, what we see is that the business is trying not to rely on the state, because it understands that we need to find a way to retrain people, to survive in
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the market, to create jobs and pay taxes to the state, and here... in fact , the expectation from the state is more reduced to creating the right conditions so that businesses are not targeted, which are transparent, to create conditions so that the candidate does not go to the shadow sector, like this is now observed, or did not want to receive a salary in envelopes, as it is now observed, on the contrary, wanted to go, as before, to a transparent business that pays taxes and is actually ready to compete in legally created conditions, and in this context. i think we can do more as a state, because here law enforcement agencies should work in unison to protect transparent business, and actually create such regulations that will allow transparent business to develop, i think this is the main thing that businesses expect, all the rest things that are aimed at creating respecialization,
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somehow, a transition to other things, may appear additionally, when the state will have... financial opportunities to provide these mechanisms, because at the moment, it seems to me, the state has to spend a lot of other things, well , in particular, weapons, defense, creating a system of, i don't know, proper infrastructure and so on, and we are ready, as a transparent business, to invest taxes, or pay taxes so that the state can do it, we just expect that the conditions for our existence will be good, i thank you for your involvement, that we have been able to understand at least a little about this topic, it is clear that there are still many questions, and everything will change in the direction of what is happening in the market labor, but at least an elementary understanding of how everything happens, economy booking is expected to be launched. this is the first, secondly, we hope that the e-booking will also be launched, we also as a business are asking to extend the process of updating the data and entering the reserve into the system, at a minimum, because there
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are power cuts and we see that people just don't have time and begin to simply hide from the system, so in this context it seems to me that the state can do a lot to create conditions, but i just have to note that according to the latest data, in particular from profile deputies from the committee on defense security, from the ministry, then sooner... the update of the data will not be continued, because they say that there is still time, so the state hopes that ukrainian conscript citizens will make it in time. i thank you for joining. let me remind you that our guests were vladyslav greziv, the founder of iseo lobby x, and anna drevyanko, executive director of the european business association. thank you. write in the comments what you generally think about the labor market in ukraine, whether you agree that high salaries will be able to keep specialists in those positions that are available today, for those vacancies. on those vacant places that are, and again, write what history you have in the company where you work, whether there are enough men, whether there are enough women in those professions that are considered stereotypically
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male or stereotypically female and what is happening with the market in general work, it 's important, it's interesting, because opinions and positions are different and you want to have a comprehensive picture of what is happening. meanwhile, in ukraine, they plan to develop a nationwide program for retraining women to drive a large car transport about this in an interview with the publication. deputy minister of infrastructure serhii derkach told forbes. he says that they plan to do it in the near future. however, at the moment , the ministry of infrastructure did not agree to tell us the details of this program, noting that it has not yet started. in the comments, you write a lot about what is actually happening in the country, and this is important, we read these comments and our editors, i am here in the studio, so it is important that we are in touch with you. and now oleg joins our broadcast. zapletniuk, this is a general director of tas agro. congratulations. congratulations. mr. leger, thank you for joining us. the all-ukrainian agrarian council stated that before the harvest, agricultural enterprises
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lack harvesters and drivers of grain trucks. tell us how critical you feel this lack is in your company and what it can ultimately lead to? well, the situation has always been difficult in the agricultural sector, there has always been a certain, uh, lack of precisely qualified, high-quality personnel. today , there is a big problem with drivers, specifically with production professions, with drivers, with machine operators, this is a question not only our company, this is probably a general problem of the market, many are mobilized, many are fighting from our company, our company is no exception, so these are critical people precisely for ensuring the production chain, production activity, and there is a minor problem with them today, but how did you start to deal with these difficulties, who are you? made a decision, did you start retraining, maybe there are other specialists in the specialties that are needed, that's how your company deals with this, because you know, the overall picture is the general picture, i would also like to understand with
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specific examples how companies cope with this, uh, in fact, there is no single simple solution, it should be a series of complex solutions of some kind, we started to closely cooperate with local universities in order to attract young specialists, graduates, er, to train them, and implement, well, to start production, it was also retraining of already existing employees, because there were various types of equipment that we stopped using, we are trying to retrain people, there the program exists, but unfortunately, it has not shown the effectiveness that we expected, it is women, the involvement of women in production specialties, i think the potential. there is, but everything depends on the region, because there are certain specifics, many are not ready, especially women, to relocate to the places where we
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conduct our production activities, so this element definitely has a perspective, but today in our company specifically, we could not get the result they hoped for, that is, to retrain women for those specialties that now require specialists have not succeeded due to the fact that they are not ready to move to those places. where the relocation meetings actually take place, because it is more flexible with men, it actually happens, a man can go there for a certain period of time to work on the same tractor or combine with women, it is a little more difficult, many of us had several female candidates, and we just faced the fact that they are not ready for relocation, and not ready for relocation there from a safe area to a front-line area, for example, or vice versa from frontline? it is safer, because the family, for example, stays at home and the like, that is precisely the issue of the family, the main factor, it is the family, if a woman is ready for relocation, then she
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is needed. but to create at least the same conditions that it has for children to receive a proper education there, some basic conditions, we are working on it, but if this issue is such a long-term one, it will not be resolved in one month, i am sure that we by the end of the year we will achieve certain results in this direction, but for today the situation is exactly like this, and this is actually an interesting moment, because before that the executive director of the european business association said that in order for the business to retain specialists... good specialists in the positions that are available , it is necessary to be competitive in terms of salary on the market and offer more like now in the agricultural sector, i.e. salaries from your position have increased, they have not increased, you are ready to offer more to those workers who come to you and who are specialists, i.e. this has caused an increase in wages, this has definitely caused an increase in wages, because the deficit personnel of a professional, qualified producer, all feel this tendency
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since the beginning of a full-scale invasion. salaries were raised every year, not only in our company, but also in companies on the market. at the beginning of this season, we raised the wages of machine operators, drivers, and production personnel quite significantly, from 20 to 40%, depending on the field of activity, and the same other companies are following the same path, i.e. today the deficit is actually huge and it is no longer enough simply... to pay high wages, you you still have to comprehensively solve certain issues there and the same relocation, some social packages, including. and please tell me, at the end of our conversation, is your company's booking an opportunity to book employees, if so, what is the percentage and is it enough? er , our production facilities are recognized as critical infrastructure, today, er, the system is also working, but 50% of the quota... which we have
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allowed, it is not enough in any case, because half of the people are not enough to complete the production chain, production products, so the government should definitely look towards increasing this quota, because there are scarce specialties that we cannot reserve, these people are very important in production, and the 50% quota itself is definitely not enough, we use all of them. methods, we understand that many are fighting and we can't, we have a war in our region in the country, we can't, if we refuse it, because it's the number one priority today, but on the other hand, we need people to carry out just the chain production sir olezhe, well, i think that maybe the women who watch us, our viewers, will also be interested in the offer of work there in the leading agricultural companies, agro-enterprises, maybe they will be ready
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for this relocation, this somehow... can help, if there are those who are willing, i think that it is not difficult to find the contacts of your company, it is not for the rights of advertising, it is just for the general understanding of what is happening. i thank you, mr. oleg, for joining in, telling me about the situation, oleg zapletniuk, ceo of tas agro, was a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the shortage workers and shortages in the agricultural sector. the ukrainian defense forces counterattacked and pushed out the russian military from one of the micro-districts on the outskirts of chasovoy yar in donetsk region. let's talk a little about the military situation, including, this was stated in particular by the analyst of the german newspaper bilt, military observer julian ryobkin. we are talking about the kanal microdistrict with apartment buildings in the eastern part, which is separated from the western part of the city by the siverskyi donets donbass canal. american institute for the study of war with reference to russian military bloggers also confirms that ukrainian troops are counterattacking on the outskirts of the chasvoy yar. instead, the russian ministry of defense reported in its summary the day before that the alleged
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forces. of the russian federation have improved their positions in the area of the time ravine. the ukrainian general staff declares that the russian army will not stop trying to capture the city, because it has an advantageous location on the heights from which it is convenient to attack. in an evening address , the general staff reported that all attempts by the army of the russian federation to advance in the area the temporary ravine failed, but the constant attacks of the russian forces sometimes disrupt the rotation of the ukrainian troops and the supply of units, say servicemen of the 43rd separate artillery brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. every day is different here, one day there is a kind of calm, so to speak, maybe this is a calm before the storm , the enemy prepares and gathers forces, the next day he goes on the attack, we have more work, we work, you can say without rest, so day by day you don't have to, you need to always be ready for work day or night, what happens in the time gap, let's talk further, ivan petrychak, this is a representative of the press service of the 24th
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