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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EEST

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oaks, most likely in beech trees, beech trees, well , the energy, which is very relevant to us now, is contained in one average discharge of lightning, it would be enough to supply electricity to a metropolis with a population of ten million for a year, incredible, that's what lightning is like, eh very interesting, we can talk about them for a very long time, but we will talk about whether they will be in ukraine later, and now, as always, we are talking about the behavior of the earth's magnetic... field, and now for your attention is a prognostic diagram, from which you will see that will be observed tomorrow, well you can already see the fluctuations, they are not bad, because especially at the beginning of the day, you can see that the geomagnetic activity will increase so much, so please, those who are not feeling well today, write it all off as magnetic pains, contact only specialists and we will wait for the end of tomorrow days, when it all subsides, well , actually, we will move on to the highlight of our
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column, the weather forecast, and now together with the maps we will look at the numbers and icons, so tomorrow in the western regions of ukraine, as i have already said, in the carpathians and in the carpathian region , rains and thunderstorms are expected in some places, albeit briefly and locally, but these rains can turn into heavy downpours. the air temperature is high, as you can see, 28-30, 28, 31°. in the north of ukraine tomorrow will be dry weather, temperature. the air will range from 26 to 29°. the weather is also expected to be dry in the east of ukraine, the ethno-cyclonic nature of the weather will be in kharkiv oblast, luhansk oblast and donetsk oblast. the air temperature is from 24 to 27°. well, now we are moving to the center, we missed the east a bit, yes, here is the east, well, we can do it right away go to the center. dry weather is expected in the central part of ukraine tomorrow.
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hot 26:30 26:31 in the southern part of ukraine, well, of course it's hot, where else can there be spices, if not in the south, there it is expected to be 29-33° above zero, maybe even higher, dry and hot, and there is a high fire hazard , don't forget, a high air temperature of 29:30 without precipitation is also expected in kyiv tomorrow, well, in one sentence i want to say that in the future, until the end of the week, the heat... will intensify and the air temperature will range from 29 to 34 degrees above zero please prepare for the heat and carefully follow the detailed weather forecasts on the espresso channel. thank you very much, goodbye until tomorrow, then serhii rudenko's verdict, be with espresso and take care of yourself. good evening, we are from ukraine. today in the program
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verdict with serhii rudenko: aid from europe will increase. ukraine signed a security agreement with the european union. the 27 member states will provide broad support despite any institutional changes. what does this mean for ukrainian security? north korea contingent, kimchenin sends its engineering units to the war in ukraine. how will the west react and should ukraine expect the troops of european countries on its territory? leader of public trust. zelensky retains the first place in the rating of ukrainian politicians, but trust in him continues to decrease. what mistakes did the president make and... how to correct
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the situation, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. during the next hour we will talk about ukraine, about the world, about the war and about our victory. let's talk about the meeting of the european council, which is taking place literally these days in brussels. today, president zelensky... wrote security agreements with the leaders of the european union, as well as with representatives of lithuania and estonia. let's recall the situation with the possible dispatch of a contingent of the north korean army to the russian-ukrainian front, and let's talk about the warrant issued by the international criminal court for two war criminals, serhii shaiga and valery gerasimov. we will talk about all this during the next hour with our guests. with
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people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on european integration, ivanna klympus tsintsadze, yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics and my colleague. roman tsimbalyuk. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching how the 33rd separate mechanized brigade brilliantly repelled a large-scale mechanized assault of the enemy in the area of ​​the village of peremoga. it is south of mariyanka, three tanks were destroyed and one bmp. let's watch this enchanting video.
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glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: is it appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war? in mind, to conduct public opinion polls and create ratings of trust in ukrainian politicians. everything is pretty much on youtube simple: yes, no, if you have your own opinion that goes beyond the unequivocal answer, please write in the comments under the video. if you watch us on tv, reach for your smartphone or phone and vote for
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the appropriate numbers, if you think it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, 0800-211-381, no 0800-211-380. all calls to these numbers are free, vote at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce today 's first guest, this is ivanna klympush tsensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on ukraine's integration into the european union and former deputy prime minister on european integration, euro-atlantic integration. mrs. ivana, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for well , first of all, i want to congratulate you, because the path that ukraine is starting today, and the foundation of these negotiations that the european union is starting with ukraine, started during your vice-premiership and during the term of office of the previous president of ukraine, so i
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congratulations and thank you for doing a great job so that we are already on the threshold of the european union itself, and... first of all, first of all, i would like to ask you if it means that the beginning of these negotiations with ukraine and moldova puts put an end to all these attempts by putin to drag ukraine into the post-soviet space or into the reanimation of the soviet union. can we say that these days ukraine and moldova are finally saying goodbye to the soviet union and russia. i thank. thank you for the recognition and our efforts, this is really a huge job number of people in different positions in different fields for many decades and obviously very focused work since the revolution of dignity and this is a new stage for us,
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a stage of such very serious thorough work, but with a clear light at the end of the tunnel, so with a clear possible result , which... unfortunately, we were not given the same association agreement, in which there was no european perspective, those who follow this file, and these, this direction, well understand how much struggle there was for this european perspective, how much struggle there was in investing any additional opportunities for ukraine, and the great war changed everything, everything changed, this is a desperate situation. of our ukrainian society and the armed forces of ukraine to russian aggression, because the settings of the european union itself have changed regarding the awareness of its geopolitical role and opportunities and the need to open its doors to those who are currently under attack by russia and its efforts
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to restore its empire in physical form, and not only to continue his imperial essence. for us, for sure, i am convinced that now it depends on us how quickly we will reach the desired goal formulated by many. for many, many ukrainians, which for us is an important element of our future in general and our opportunities for development, our opportunities for life in a civilized world, i think that this is the final point on the opportunities, well , to be held in its paws by the russian federation, well, these or other parts ukrainian citizens, to whom they... promised russian peace and obviously the face of russian peace already
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fully manifested, and i want to believe that it is clear to everyone how diabolical, diabolical it is. mrs. ivana, today the meeting of the european council started in brussels, and today, president zelenskyi has already signed an agreement with the heads of the institutions of the european union, charles michel and usuloi. fonden signed an agreement in the field of security, besides , security agreements were signed with lithuania and estonia, that this is a security agreement with the european union, what it gives to ukraine, is this a signal not only to ukraine, but also to the russian federation, that ukraine is part of of the european space, that ukraine is part of the future euro-atlantic space, or are these clear signals and... dots above and in order to explain to the whole world that now ukraine will be integrated, sooner or later
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integrated into the european union and the north atlantic alliance. well, all those promises about assistance, further assistance to ukraine in the military sphere, in the humanitarian, economic, financial sphere, which were included in this agreement on these joint security obligations between union and ukraine, they say that all this will happen to continue, and on the condition that ukraine continues to demonstrate its progress towards its european future, towards membership in the european union, through commitment to the rule of law, democracy, basic values ​​and freedoms, and this again... emphasizes that all this assistance that is provided today, and that
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is promised to be provided to us in various fields tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it will be directly tied to whether ukraine will remain in its struggle or in its transformation as a country itself, which corresponds to the critical copenhagen political criteria, which concerns, well , the basic principles, the balance of power, democracy and freedoms, i want to believe that our current leadership of ukraine understands this responsibility, that it is precisely about the irreversibility of our path and the dependence of this path on what is done inside the country, and not only from how and how aggressively the russian federation acts against the people of ukraine and against. of ukraine. mrs. ivano, literally from july 1, the presidency of the council of the european union is transferred to hungary for six months.
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and then information appeared that hungary is now demanding from ukraine to recognize all of transcarpathia as traditionally hungarian. ukrainian pravda published a list of 11 proposals from hungary regarding national minorities, which ukraine has publicly pledged to implement in order to start negotiations on accession to the eu. the publication calls the clause on the conditions for the realization of the language rights of national minorities as a key stumbling block, according to which everything from zakarpattia should actually be recognized as traditionally hungarian, you definitely know the situation in zakarpattia well and understand what it is about it is said, when hungary tries to put these 11 points on ukraine's path to the european union, what to expect during the presidency? head of hungary in the council of the european union. and how
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can ukraine find a common language with the hungarians, who have, well, let's say this, an ultimatum of 11 points that we must fulfill. well, first of all, with regard to hungary's presidency, we understand that the negotiation process is now underway, namely the part of it that concerns our assessment. legislation on the subject of compliance with the european, which will take place and be carried out by the european commission, he neglected. therefore, at this stage, hungary will not be able to use its head. in order to somehow limit our joint work with european institutions and, well, somehow hinder it, using the additional political leverage of its presidency, and that is why it was fundamentally important to hold this first intergovernmental conference during the belgian presidency, and that is why so many efforts were made to make it happen 25
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in june, and in no way did it go to july or later, because we understood that we would lose these six months. and hungary is not will make efforts to ensure that this intergovernmental conference takes place, and the start is given to these negotiations. and what about these 11 points? well, you are right about the fact that this is not really a constructive proposal and a real ultimatum, but today i managed to talk with quite a few diplomats from different countries of the european union, who are obviously similar. we perceive this document of hungary, these demands of hungary and understand that ukraine can conduct a constructive dialogue, is ready to conduct constructive dialogue where it is at all possible, and where there are some justified demands or expectations, or where there are demands or
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expectations that relate to practices operating in the european union, so our colleagues... will still focus on the extent to which ukraine has implemented all the recommendations of the same venice commission regarding the national rights of national minorities, and will focus on the practices and law of both the international union and international law, and not on any whims of hungary, when it decided that in all transcarpathia needs to put up hungarian signs, switch to the hungarian language, allow... er, civil servants or local self-government employees to speak exclusively in hungarian and not to know the state language of ukraine. i do not understand at all how it is possible to function in such a uh, in such a, well, with such limited knowledge in a state that is a unitary and b, in which there is one
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state language, how it is possible to be guided by some documents, submit some reports . control the processes that are in this territory, so i am convinced that we are there it is possible to find a compromise, we will have to have a conversation, and we will have this conversation and find some solutions, and where there are absolutely unacceptable demands, then we will have to seek full understanding, full, i emphasize the understanding of all the other 26 member countries of the european union, and then together. to put pressure on hungary regarding the inadmissibility of their ultimatum demands, it is also possible, and this has also been done many times, well , in fact, i generally believe that if hungary will not only take such measures in relation to ukraine, then it will continue to demonstrate such a special attachment to
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the dictatorial and terrorist russian federation and will violate internal rules. of the european union, then eventually the european union will come to what the belgian presidency called for recently, and will apply the seventh article of the treaty on the establishment of the european union regarding the deprivation or suspension of hungary's use of the right to vote within the union. another important event this year should take place, ms. ivano, sometime in late 2024 in saudi arabia. the second is to take place peace summit, and andriy yermak and volodymyr zelenskyi are already talking about it. volodymyr zelenskyy says that ukraine is forming teams and groups that will develop action plans based on the peace formula for the second global peace summit, and yermak says that he is currently preparing for a meeting with
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representatives of the russian federation. let's listen to what zelensky says. we need real steps, anything that can bring a just and lasting peace for ukrainians, and therefore reliable stability for everyone in the world, and it must be done truly honestly, not behind the scenes. peace with such an aggressor as moscow cannot be a subject of bargaining, like any other criminal, the kremlin will want more, but even russia can be forced to peace and recognition. is it possible to force russia to peace at the second peace summit and what? to be the subject of discussion with russia? you know, i still do not see any prerequisites for the introduction
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of a possible solution in dialogue with the russian federation, which the russian federation would be ready to adhere to. in this context, i am reminded of the words of kai kalas, which spoke about the tactics of the russian federation and the soviet union, which she adopted as her weapons. russia that russia first demands the impossible, then sits down with it at the negotiating table, demands something that never belonged to it, and as a result, sitting at the negotiating table, it bargains for something that is there for a third or for half , just achieves her goals, and as a result receives a part of what never belonged to her, but it seems to me that with a sober person in general under... to what russia is, what it is like and how it is behaves internationally, on the international arena, it is necessary to approach any general
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efforts to involve russia in the conversation. it seems to me that now is the time to look for opportunities to put additional pressure on russia, to look for opportunities for additional capabilities for ukraine in order to have a completely different situation than the one we are in today. and be able to pressure russia together with partners, instead of simply involving it in some negotiations and giving it what it wants. by the way, german federal chancellor olaf scholz spoke in the bundestag and said that that he is against negotiations with putin regarding the war in ukraine and any territorial concessions by russia. let's hear what scholz said. putin continues to be completely focused on war and rearmament, and no one can ignore that, most evidently in his
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supposed cease- fire proposal, because it is not just a cease-fire. no, it says that ukraine must hand over territories that have not yet been occupied by russia. in addition, it must demilitarize itself and renounce. from any military aid in the future anyone who believes this will lead to lasting peace in europe has watched too much rush today. ms. ivanna, what scholz said, and what putin said before, how it will affect the july nato summit, well, in october, the new nato chief, mark rutte, the former prime minister of the netherlands, with whom we have fairly good relations in... of the ukrainian leadership, by the way, he and trump, in my opinion, are quite good, they used to get along, i mean rutte, will there be, will these
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arguments, which scholes talks about, that it is impossible to negotiate with russia additional for participants of the july nato summit in washington in order to make concessions or give a signal to the world that ukraine will be a member of the north atlantic alliance? well, as far as i understand, we cannot count on inviting ukraine to the alliance at the washington summit today, but this does not mean that the partners are not currently thinking about how not to offer ukraine a clear path to membership in nato, and this does not mean that their intentions about our future membership have somehow changed, it is difficult for them, but they do not have... unity regarding this issue, and obviously, in an organization in which everything is decided by consensus, today there is no such consensus on this issue, for various reasons, and this is
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probably, well, a big and meaningful discussion, regarding whether there will somehow be an influence, well these statements now by scholz and the future new leader, the secretary general of nato, rutte, his role in the alliance on how the events at the washington summit will develop, i do not expect any serious additional changes, we roughly understand what is being prepared, but the fact that the west understands more and more clearly that it is impossible to negotiate with criminals and dictators, this realization must come to every leader and head of the civilized... world, and then it will be able to create this clear red line, which russia will be able to understand that no, ukraine will
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decide independently, will... decide together with the alliance, and it has no influence and will never have any influence on the future of ukraine and on its choice regarding security or economic unions or any other things that she wants to implement for herself in international politics, and this process is still, unfortunately, in the process of formation - sorry for the taftology, it is still the process of forming this. is a clear message for the russian federation, but it is obviously becoming more and more crystallized, and i hope that our partners will have the strength and courage and political will to clearly point this out to putin. thank you, ms. ivana, for including me, it was ivanna klypush tsensadze, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on integration of ukraine to the european union. friends, we
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continue to work live. tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live, there on these platforms. please subscribe to our pages, like this video, and take part in our survey. today we ask you the following question: is it appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you do not have a clear answer, but have some personal opinion, please write in the comments under this video, and if you watch us on tv, please take your smartphone or phone and vote if you think it is appropriate to rate ukrainian politicians during the war, that is, to conduct sociological surveys, to build ratings of ukrainian politicians , then 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free,
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vote at the end of the program, we will go... the results of this vote, well, actually, why are we talking about these ratings and why are we talking about about the rating, because just yesterday the razumkov center published the results of a sociological study, according to which volodymyr zelenskyy maintains the highest rating of trust in society among ukrainian politicians, and the leaders of the rating with a positive correlation to... distrust are the head of the mykolaiv regional military civil administration vitaly kim, head of the sbu vasyl malyuk and minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba. at the same time, what does sociology say. it shows that ukrainians' trust in zelensky has fallen to the lowest level since the beginning of the war. as early as february-march 2023, zelensky is trusted.
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almost 85% of the respondents, later trust in him gradually decreased, and now it is 53.8%, while 37.8% do not trust him. what andrii bychenko, the director of the sociological service of the razumkov center, says: zelenskyi as a politician is treated better than president zelenskyi with all his related ot... and services, that is , zelenskyi is treated better as a politician than the entire infrastructure. which he heads, that is, the president's office, well, and accordingly everyone executive services and executive power, that 's why, in fact, these are the results of this survey, and we are waiting for the inclusion of one more of our guests, yevhen magda, executive
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director of the world institute. a politician who, i hope, will tell us about what it means to rate and conduct such opinion polls during the war, because we know that there will be no elections in ukraine during the war, that is, neither presidential nor parliamentary, at least for today moment there is a consensus of all political forces that say that the elections during the war it cannot be held and... firstly, it limits the right of those who vote, and many people are in the armed forces of ukraine, including on the russian-ukrainian front, and the right of those who can run for president of ukraine or run for ukrainian parliament, so when we say whether this survey can be used in any way, i mean the trust rating or not...


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