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tv   [untitled]    June 28, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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one of the leaders of the french far-right national union party, headed by marine le pein, declared his readiness to provide military support to ukraine. jordan bordella said this in an interview with the financial times. according to him, if his political force wins early parliamentary elections, he and his colleagues will continue to provide assistance to ukraine, but at the same time, the far-right politician made a demand. military support for kyiv should not lead to escalation of tensions in relations with moscow. first. tour elections in france will take place this sunday. in the russian war in ukraine, hungary does not support any of the parties, but at the same time official budapest calls for a peaceful settlement as soon as possible. the head of the hungarian government, viktor orbán, said this after a meeting with french president emmanuel macron in paris. according to him, the leadership of hungary advocates peace and at the same time it does not work for ukraine or russia. it is also worth emphasizing that from july 1 , budapest will take over the chairmanship of the council. of the european union, thus
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the hungarian leadership will be able to influence decision-making in the eu to some extent. nato does not object to the financing by the european union of the construction of a defense line on the borders of european countries with russia and belarus. the secretary general of the alliance, jens stoltenberg, said this today. this is how he commented on the request from poland and the baltic countries to create such a protective redoubt. according to the secretary general of nato, the alliance has been investing in strengthening their defense capabilities for decades. countries, while they themselves have the right to decide in which directions will use the money received from brussels. his activities threatened the lives of americans and their allies. matthew miller, an official representative of the us state department, said this during the briefing. this is how he commented on the release from prison of wikileaks founder julian assange. according to the representative of the american diplomatic service, the actions for which mr. odious journalist was accused put his life at risk. american
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partners, allies and diplomats, especially those who have worked in dangerous places on such as afghanistan and iraq. the coup attempt in bolivia is south america, the night before, the military under the leadership of general juan jose zunigue tried to break into the territory in front of the presidential palace with the help of an armored personnel carrier. riots on lapas square lasted for about three hours. at that time, the president was inside the palace. he also addressed the nation, appointed a new army command, which called on the military to leave the square. the soldiers carried out the order of the rebellious general suniga and arrested him. now he could face up to 20 years behind bars. pre-election debates in the usa for the first time in the history of the country, during a verbal duel , the current president of the country, joe biden , and the 45th owner of the white house, donald trump, will meet. the debate will last 90 minutes. the participants will perform in che'. at the same time, during
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the performance of one of them, the microphone of the other will be turned off. after the lottery, biden got the right to choose a place on the site. donald trump got the right to speak last. the debate will begin at 4 a.m. kyiv time. espresso tv channel will broadcast them live. a crash on a russian railway killed at least two people and injured about 50 people of various degrees of severity. doctors assess the condition of at least ten victims as serious. this happened as a result of a passenger train derailment in the republic of komi in the north of the terrorist country. it is known that the accident occurred with a train traveling along the vorkuta novorossiysk route. at the moment, the exact cause of the accident is unknown, local emergency workers assume that it could have happened due to the washing of the track groundwater. ambassadors of friendship between the chinese and american peoples for the first time in the last 20 years, china sent two pandas to the united states.
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panda bears will be accepted by the zoo in san diego, california, as part of the so-called diplomacy. this was agreed back in february this year, according to experts, the sending of pandas to the united states of america indicates some improvement in sino-american diplomatic relations. during the first few months, the pochnastiks will be in quarantine and will be shown to the visitors of the zoo soon. since in san diego zoo pandas will not be shown soon, i think that it is possible that we will still be able to see them in san diego. of course, you always have to hope for the best and that you will see panda in san diego. well, for now we are watching what is happening and discussing these news with our guests. oleg pasternak, a political scientist with us. mr. oleg, i congratulate you. good day. well, today is the main news that should be explained and explained.
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because when it comes to the main news - it's a security agreement signed in brussels between ukraine and the european union, and you know, there are already many viewers and readers, when they hear the security agreement and... they start to laugh, who are you with, with trinidad and tobago or with the coral islands of the marshall islands, well, as if it doesn't matter, as if these are some countries that have little influence and there are already so many of these security forces, but the war continues, nothing changes, i can understand people too, because people want real actions and real consequences, if there are any agreements, this is this agreement , which was signed today, and why it should be expected, because this is an obligation not only of the european union, which... is important in this security agreement, it is bilateral, but also an obligation of ukraine, please, but look, yes, there really is such skepticism, during there is an analysis of such agreements, it’s true, but it seems that for the year 2022-24, ukrainians really got used
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to constant, stable, albeit with various interruptions and sinusoidal, military aid, but nevertheless all these agreements are formalized on... paper the fact that once there the usa, germany, and france helped ukraine in the 22nd and 23rd, they did it with review, as an act of good will, there was no document that would provide for this, so the formalization of these things for the future is probably absolutely justified from the point of view of logic and maintaining this stable framework, yes, i think that our viewers, who are a little understand the intricacies of legal mechanisms, they can criticize the ratification of some agreements, it would be desirable, it would be ideal to really ratify it by national parliaments, this would preserve one hundred percent confidence that this agreement will not be changed, adjusted, canceled, but
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nevertheless, this did not happen for various reasons, the second point, the mechanisms of the so-called security guarantees, which bankova told us about, have nothing to do with the essence of these agreements, these are agreements not about unconditional guarantees, but an agreement about security obligations , and you very correctly pointed out, including ukraine before the signatories, for example, that, for example, with regard to the rule of law, with regard to a stable anti-corruption policy, with regard to ensuring the selection of judges there, etc., etc., etc., etc., well, the fulfillment of ukrainian obligations will only speed up european integration. and now the most important point, returning to today's agreement with the european union. the european union is not a defensive, dangerous community, it is an economic community, and with such an agreement, the european union is subjectiveized not only as
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an economic union, there is a free market, a common market, it raises the question of a new geopolitics a little. the reality in which the european union sees itself from the point of view of common defense policy. look at the conversations that are currently being heard in the european environment, they really talk about joint, separate european troops. yes, that is, even in such conditions the european union wants to play an active role. well, let's be honest, it wouldn't have been possible without the personal will of ursula von. and charles michel, who in principle are, well, probably one of the most pro-ukrainian politicians in the modern world, this is without, you know, without excessive modesty, i will emphasize, this is a fact, and it is very nice and cool that ursula fonderlaijen has
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a chance to get second term, but this will be the decision of the european parliament, i hope it will pass it, quickly and confidently victoriously for myself, by the way, here's what i... now i'm afraid to make a mistake, but i'm that kaia kalas can be appointed prime minister of estonia can be appointed to the euro in the european union to the position of, well, chief diplomat, as far as i understand, it is about this, it shows that this is a politician, whose grandparents were deported to siberia when stalin, well, actually took over the baltic states. in particular estonia, well, you remember when the actual war began, the second world war, and this annexation, let's say, takeover, and kaio kalas happened is called, well, an absolutely anti-russian, anti-moscow, anti-post-soviet politician, and it is very important that she can
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get such an important position, if we generally talk about new new people in positions, we are now talking not only about the european union, let's say, but also about mark rutte in office, the fact that he... will head the north atlantic alliance, does this indicate that, well, plus this story with the fact that poland and the baltic countries will build such a huge wall, er... between their countries and what belarus is, russia now and for now, does this indicate that europe has finally decided what russia is, understood, and decided on its future policy, on russia, well, until something changes radically in russia, everything listed by you is good news , in fact, none of us have a position kalas. does not doubt its special role for the defense support of ukraine, this is also a good
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appointment, as well as mark rutte, although all these two candidates, by the way, had a difficult time passing through european institutions and the approval of some states, let's be honest, there are still among the european union states that doubt the need for such radicalization of anti-russian, well, one cannot say anti-russian. but russia's restraint and active opposition to the activities of the russian federation, by the way, russian influence operations in europe, and nuclear rhetoric, including from medvedev to other war criminals of the russian federation, played a big role here, and many other things. i would also focus on some other natures. antonio costa, who is being considered for the post of president of the european council, is a former. the portuguese prime minister is also a person with a high background, for
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one thing, there are no special reservations of a personal nature in relation to ukraine, he follows the general line, the same is very important for us, i think our viewers will understand, the position of the european commissioner for expansion, ukraine will work with this official immediately after june 25, when the intergovernmental conference was held, and well, we can congratulate you again. once again, we emphasize that the negotiation, the negotiation process on all 35 chapters will be open during the next six months, well, in january in particular, the main, main fundamental cluster will be open, regarding the basic principles of the european union, in particular the rule of law, but this does not mean that ukraine should not do its work, of course, you understand, you can appoint as many as you like on the heads of european... institutions like ukrainian people, but if ukraine will show, for example,
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a low pace of reforms, a low level of implementation of european legislation, these are all here, for example, like the law on the bureau economic security, it's just such a telling example very strongly, yes, if we show examples of this flexible, maneuverable policy, somewhere there we implement the european standard, and somewhere there super... we contradict, hide, some norms that can be used, that's it such a process will harm ukraine, and then neither kaya kalas nor mark ruete will be able to do the work for ukraine that we should do. you know, it's like mykola vasilievich gogol, after all, he is not genetically russian at all, he is a ukrainian author who simply lived in the empire, well, he wrote in russian, but there are very good words in his proofreader, well, only a ukrainian could ridicule and... point out these negative features of russia, which, unfortunately, are also in ukraine, now that this herodnychy says that and when i will ask
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the inspector why the church was not built, so you say that we started to build, but it burned down, and god forbid someone slaps so that it does not start, well, it is the same and it happens here that when the inspector comes, we say, well, say that we started to build something there, and it burned down, just don't say that we didn't start, well, it doesn't work, it works for a period of time, and then it stops working, and it's good that there are now some, well, processes, but again, there is a process. what about mykola tyshchenko , we now see, but this question is more, well, i think, there are many aspects, so far it is more just certain moral norms and criminal ones have already been passed by people from mykola tyshchenko's entourage, but on the other hand, we see a person who was called the curator of a large construction project, went abroad, the phones are cleaned, she is in austria, says i will return, how he left, where, well, it's more important, and he just sees it, and that, unfortunately, unfortunately, these things need to be changed, i don't know how much time we have. that's left, because i still have, well , at least two questions, two questions to be exact, the first is about the european union, one
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thing, then about donald trump and biden, they are planning a debate there, it will be very interesting to hear your opinion, but already and now hungary will soon preside over the european council in the second half of the 24th year, and as his slogan orbán chose the words that he pronounces only slightly differently, he paraphrased the words of his favorite donald trump, europe great again, well, donald trump says the same thing, make us great again, and let's make europe great again, and what opportunities and risks, on the contrary , are there for ukraine in the period. the presidency of hungary, because orban has clearly said that he is neither for ukraine nor for russia in this, as he says, conflict. please. well, let's remind you that orbán took a very critical pro-russian position in 22-23, here is a list, let's take a list of these statements of orbán in relation to ukraine, to the essence of the russian-ukrainian war, remember how much orban
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put sticks in the wheels and came personally at the ukraine-eu summit in december. scholz, yes, and other heads of european states, somehow reconcile this, and now, when orbán, literally today, himself at the eu summit, approaches the ukrainian president, shakes his hand, they are discussing something, that the ice has broken, in ukrainian-hungarian relations, the ice from the chair, the compromise that was reached during the appointment of ryuta is very important, by the way, hungary was also against it, and the compromise with regard to ukraine, but hungary did not... blocks european integration aspirations, euro-atlantic intentions of ukraine and further ukraine-nato cooperation, and for that reason it does not participate directly in nato actions in relation to ukraine. a compromise that would probably have been possible before has now happened, and i'm positive about it.
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actually, some rhetoric from the hungarian side has decreased, and well, first of all, orbán... looked at the results of the european elections, he lost two mandates in fidesz in the european elections, one way or another , he is now gaining an active leadership position there, kizza's party, this is a party, until things the former member of fidesz, peter magyar, who demonstrates a rather powerful opposition attitude and already has a rating of at least 30% among hungarian society, the opposition was born there and in... notice, orbán already has a little bit of his euro, euro honor in relation to brussels , in relation to the partner countries, it is decreasing, and actually we all understand that these 11 so-called demands to ukraine were made public today, you can be critical of them, but
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i treat them as a certain intermediate stage of agreement, i absolutely i'm sure i can to say that... according to some requirements, ukraine is not able to fulfill them due to the fact that the constitution needs to be changed, during martial law , a referendum, which is required to change some chapters of the constitution, is impossible, it is impossible to hold it, and there is a high probability that ukrainian society , well, he does not support it, the plus here is that after hungary poland will preside, and this, i know, listening to individual polish politicians, will nevertheless open up, give ukraine many... prospects, and i will very briefly, literally, but this night at 3:30 a.m., well there o the fourth will be, and by the way, on the espresso tv channel you can watch this live broadcast, there will be a debate between the current president of the united states of america, joseph biden, and the 45th president and ex-president donald trump, there are interesting
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conditions that during the speech , when trump speaks, biden's microphone will be turned off, there will not be... it will be possible, as it was organized by the team of volodymyr zelensky, the stadium, to interrupt, shout, vote, well, with all due respect to the current president, it was wrong, well, that is it was not fair yes, it was not fair to do so, but in the united states of america, this is a democracy, not a fair, and not and not and not a show, and there they elect a person who affects not only the fate of the united states, but the fate of the whole world, and therefore for some reason there we want everything to be fair with the election, here we want everything to be a show, well... i hope there will never be such a disgrace like this again, but there, when trump speaks, biden's microphone is turned off, when biden speaks, trump's microphone will be muted. people want to hear a person, not noisy accusations or just empty words. what is it worth waiting, or is it worth watching this debate? well, look, as a political technologist who has gone through more than one election campaign, i can say that i
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will definitely be watching and, because i am interested from a professional point of view, i am very interested as a citizen of ukraine. on the other hand, on the other hand, i would like to hear a certain declared position of trump on the ukrainian issue, because now in the context of these plans of trump, we are talking about the plan of the so-called kellogg, flyets, who made a little, you know, such differences in ukrainian environment, and biden is preparing for these debate, it will be more difficult for him. and trump will use it as much as possible to, you know, humiliate biden because of his age, then there will still be a psychological confrontation, absolutely, if you think that will stop trump there. rules, i want to tell you that you don't know donald trump very well, he will break these rules. i'll tell you this, i'm sorry, i saw biden
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up close in 2009, well, live, but i didn't see trump, so i don't know, you're right, i don't know, trump, please no, i've read trump's books, i read trump-style negotiations, but here eighth broadcast of the most important political event in the united states tonight, the debate between donald trump and joe ba'. with just 10 minutes to go before the start of the year's first presidential debate in the united states, this event is sure to attract a lot of attention in the us, with many calling it perhaps the most important event of this 2024 election campaign so far. the debate is organized and will be broadcast by cnn, and at 9 pm local time and 4 am kyiv time, the debate will last 90 minutes, we are on voice of america in ukrainian we will them broadcast live with ukrainian translation in this broadcast, so stay tuned. after the event at 1 am in washington, it will be eight in the morning ukrainian time, we will also
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broadcast the results of the debate, analyze the main statements, the opinions of experts, as well as the main things that came from the stage from donald trump and joe biden, we hope to hear from their position on supporting ukraine, and we will also talk about the opinion of ordinary americans who will be watching this evening with... behind american debates in bars over a glass of beer, a lot of attention is focused on this export for many americans, so we will cover it, i also invite you to this broadcast, i remind you, it is 1:00 a.m. in washington and 8:00 a.m. kyiv time, but before that, let's talk about the main things you need to know about this debate and why it is so important. the debate will take place in atlanta, georgia, where cnn is headquartered, but georgia is a very important state. also for other reasons, this traditionally a republican state, however in 2020 in the previous presidential election, the people of this state voted democrat and elected joe biden and also two
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democratic senators, this in many ways really determined the course of this election, the presidential election, also the election for the us congress, then joe biden won there by a relatively narrow margin, although now, if you look at the latest polls from this debate, we see that donald trump is now leading in georgia, with atlanta itself a fairly liberal city and consistently votes for democrats. voice of america reporters are on the ground today, and they had the opportunity to talk to the residents of atlanta, the residents of this city before the debate, and the people who will also be watching them with great attention, and asked them what their expectations are before this event. , and what issues...also concern them in this election cycle. let's hear their opinion. i would not like to see another
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war: people where i live are already talking about the approach of a world war, and i think, really, i i don't feel the need to think like that at all, i believe something good will happen, i hope people will understand what peace is. i don't want anyone to be... ported, if you want to come here and work, you should be able to do that, not just send everyone to the border because they don't have documents, i don't want to see that again, when children are moved without parents, no, it's not necessary, they should be together. in terms of foreign policy, i believe we cannot abandon our nato partners, i hope we will not, because we have to be one of those positive forces in the world, regarding domestic issues, i am an educator. i hope they will support education. i want to see an increase in the job market, i want to see what each
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candidate has to offer. we americans are suffering, especially the middle class, and i want to know what each candidate is willing to do for us. these are the thoughts of the people of atlanta, where today's debate, the first presidential debate of the year between donald trump and joe biden, is taking place. we have heard the opinions of the americans, however, we know what is happening in the hall this evening there will be no audience debate, this is one of the conditions and rules of the debate, biden’s staff insisted on this, as the audience wrote, due to the fact that donald trump in his speeches often interacts with the audience, often interacts with people, tries to cause them loud and sharp reaction, and that is why biden's headquarters decided to express such a condition, condition and demand that donald trump would not have such an opportunity. also, what are the other rules. it is important to understand, before we start this broadcast, what to expect? candidates will have their microphones turned off when it is their turn to speak their opponent so that they do not interrupt each
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other. observers say. that it may also deprive donald trump of one of his tricks that has helped him in past debates. candidates are also allowed to take notes, but they are not allowed to bring any pre-prepared notes with them to the debate hall. the debate will again last 90 minutes, there will be two commercial breaks, we will also pause our broadcast for that time, these will be short breaks of 3.5 minutes, after which we and cnn will also return before the debate, during these breaks, however, candidates will not be allowed to communicate with their assistants or with representatives of their teams, this is also prohibited. who will host the debate are cnn journalists, longtime journalists with experience, jake tapper and dana besh. candidates will have two minutes to answer their questions and one minute to make comments in response to their opponents. at the same time
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, we will not have one more candidate. opportunity to speak at this debate today, it's robert kennedy, jr., an independent candidate, cnn said that he did not meet the criteria for this debate, the criteria were actually two, at least 15% support in four national polls and also being on the ballot in enough states to win this election, kennedy jr. is not eligible for this moment, is not eligible none of those conditions, why is this debate important before we go to the broadcast of it, it 's going to start in four, less than four minutes, so this is the first opportunity of this election cycle for joe biden and donald trump to meet on the same stage, attack his opponent and also possibly win the favor of voters who will be watching, and will actually be watching a lot of people in anticipation across the country. we remember that in 2020, the debate between trump and biden was watched by 73 million people, so this is an opportunity for
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the candidates to... shake hands with the americans, demonstrate their strengths, and for the opponents, on the contrary, try to demonstrate the weaknesses of their opponent. presidential debates historically get a lot of attention, and sometimes they actually do can also determine the course of elections. we remember the first televised debate in 1960, when john f. kennedy and richard nixon competed, and many historians and observers believe that it was this televised debate that determined the winner of the 1960 election. then...richard nixon looked tired on tv, he sweated, he looked sick, while jfk was full of energy, he was fresh, and in the end most people who watched the televised debates at the time said what they thought , they had jfk winning, but interestingly, those who listened to them on the radio said the opposite nixon won, however, historically we see that tv debates still look like this, had an influence then, we know that it was
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john kennedy who won those elections, and we expect... also that among the questions that the moderators will ask will be questions foreign policy, we look forward to hearing more from joe biden and donald trump about their position on ukraine, we know that american voters are traditionally more concerned about domestic policy, after all, we heard it in the comments of atlanta residents, before however, foreign policy issues will also be important and the candidates will probably be able to clarify, use this platform to clarify their positions. and we've heard different, actually, very different statements from donald trump, from joe biden. donald trump says he can end russia's war against ukraine in 24 hours, or before he becomes president. he talks about the fact that the ukrainian authorities and the russian authorities need to come to an agreement, and we heard one of the proposals of his former advisers to tie military aid to ukraine to the condition of peace negotiations. we
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have heard such proposals, this is one of the proposals. and lounging around donald trump, joe biden insists on uniting european allies and has repeatedly said in his statements that it is necessary to confront russia, he also compared volodymyr putin to hitler. however, observers say and also criticize joe biden for the lateness of the decisions, for the lack of support, and by the way, some republicans also criticize him for the fact that support is actually not enough, we need more and we need to be more decisive. we hope to hear more from the candidates today, and i think we can now move on to the cnn broadcast, we expect it in minutes, our producers will tell us when it will start, i will remind you what we expect, the cnn broadcast will last 90 minutes, it is organized , this television network, there will be two commercial breaks, we will show and broadcast these broadcasts in ukrainian on the voice of america.


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